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BallinVol's Chalkboard
# 8
connorthickey @ Dec 3, 2015
hey man im starting a ps3 big 10 v pac 12 dynasty must have group me want in? need 2 more
# 7
NotoriousRPP @ Dec 16, 2013
Were you ever successful in porting over the new NCAA 14 rosters onto a NCAA 12 roster save?
# 4
badbamaman334 @ Sep 23, 2013
hey ballinvol i needd help badly, I'm new to the roster editing thing but i have figured out how to use bruteforce and the other dynasty editor to open my dynasty, roster etc files. ok here is the problem i'm having i have a ncaa 13 roster and dynasty file all i want to do is take the ncaa14 player data .csv or any .csv for 14 and convert it to my 13 file is this possible because when i hit import record i either get a PRG1 is missing or .net error i know this is long but im totally lost sometimes i get other things like BSAA is missing etc
# 2
NotoriousRPP @ Sep 11, 2013
Can you help a fellow VOL fan out with some advice on the dynasty editor?
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