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Will Madden 10 possibly get the big 10 this year? 
Posted on July 25, 2009 at 02:43 PM.

The main question that lingers on every one's mind; "will Madden 10 possibly get the big 10 this year?" For years we've seen Madden battle in the trenches over visual concepts NFL2K series. We can finally say the battle could be won by EA and its Madden franchise. How much criticism does EA need to take from its devoted and loyal NFL fan's about how Madden can't step up to the plate against the Baron NFL2K5? Enter Ian Cummings; lead designer for Madden 10. The people have spoken; and Ian has delivered. With all the visuals and animations we see from videos and promises Ian made; is Madden 10 really different from its previous 09 disaster?

As I sit here and watch videos about authenticity, blocking and layer animations; I begin to wonder that Madden 10 could be the sports game of the year. Only time tells when the demo hit's the PS3 network and 360 market; then we can officially praise our savior and hail him as the guiding light of the Madden franchise.

The video "NFC North Players Trailer" has shown me animations I've never seen in Madden. The Authenticity video will silence the perfectionist as Madden throws every detail that you would normally see on Sunday. What concerns me is the blocking scheme. How well are the "Mike Vick's" of Madden going to react to real life blocking? Not being able to roll out and scramble could seriously cause distress to players who are not used to working the pocket. The overall blocking scheme will bring a more lifelike situation as now players can work the pocket and not worry about the quarterback getting sacked before the routes are done. What really impressed me was the rumble feature. Never fear arm chair quarterbacks; the rumble warning is here. I'm mostly excited about this new feature that will warn the quarterback if he's in danger. This feature will allow players with bad quarterback awareness to throw the ball away when in danger. Could this rumble feature be a discussion of issues vs. human players? We'll soon find out August 14th, 2009.

I commend you Ian and thank you for listening to the people. We hope that this year is the year of the Madden. Maybe and just maybe everyone will put NFL2K5 behind them and move on to the future of football that is, "EA Sports NFL Madden 2010."

# 1 jdareal21 @ Jul 25
People should've moved on about 5 years ago. 2k5's gameplay wasn't vastly superior to Madden 2005 for Pete's sake. We remember 2K5 for it's presentation & price, everything else was nowhere near the revolution some of you guys prop it up to be.

Bottomline is no one is entitled to a Football game every year, no one has a gun to your head making you spend money & nobody is taking your 2K5 away from you. Madden has nothing to prove, it's been a good game since it was created and is the reason for sports games of this magnitude in the first place. Anybody nitpicking it for glitches shouldn't be trying to play that way regardless. And if Madden truly is the devil, then play your 2K5 and stay away from Madden forever, it's quite simple
# 2 Manbearpig @ Jul 25
jdareal21 is so right it isn't even funny
# 3 Ankido @ Jul 25
I believe a lot of sports gamers have moved on from 2k5. The presentation in Madden might not win every gamers heart, but they've worked really hard for M10 and made great stride. albeit there are some flaws with M10 as we've all seen on the demo; but that's not enough to push gamers away from purchasing M10 this year.

2k5 had a great run but the game has run it's course. For the type of graphics they used back in 2005 was probably the most amazing we've all seen. We have to move on and face the facts that Madden is our franchise. In order to have a successful title; we must all stick behind Ian and EA Sports to ensure that every year is a year of leaps and bounds.
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