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Acedeck's Chalkboard
ASB37 is offline
# 3
ASB37 @ Feb 21, 2009
It was more of a goodbye from NYC thing. I'm not sure how he'll be on the tonight show, but what he did on Late Night may not carry over to the tonight show. Who knows, just wanted to acknowledge him leaving NYC for LA.
ASB37 is offline
# 2
ASB37 @ Jan 5, 2009
I know exactly what you mean. I recently bought Lost Via Domus and have felt almost guilty playing it instead of trying to get trophies in GTA. I was really leaning on picking up NHL 09 because i've heard great things but no trophy support is killing me lol. Even games sitting around that I haven't played in awhile i stare at thinking 'i was this had trophy support' not necessarily to play the games but just to get more trophies. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog.
vaughn99 is offline
# 1
vaughn99 @ Dec 22, 2008
on December 20, 2008 at 12:39 AM.
I have nothing against the Browns, but I like Braylon and I see where he's coming from.
I wonder what you thought about the M. Muhammad's "WRs go there to die" comment and it's effect on da Bears not being a player in the FA market for big name Wide Outs. And the "Quarterbacks" have never really been loved in the media or in the public for the last, oh, decade. Sex Cannon anyone?

That aside -- the huge difference is Chicago has an economic structure that thrives, with little to no dependence on their Professional Sports Teams and players (plus has 4 more franchises than C-Town) -- so one player deciding to blacklist the city that employs him from all charitable contributions, and at the Holidays nonetheless, is more than Scrooge-esque here than there -- and I say now that he gets what he deserves: the treatment of a major disappointment for a First Round Pick.
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