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Julius Jones Vs Marion Barber 
Posted on October 25, 2009 at 12:36 PM.
According to Pro football reference.
Barber has gotten his time to shine and in two years starting the most yards he has ever run for is....drum roll.....142 yards and 1 TD...Yet Most of the Media feels that He is the "better" back..I disagree 1oo% Not only is Barber Less productive than Julius Jones but he gets injured more often and with his style of running gets hit more and is less of a threat to take it to the house.He is what he is,a 4th quarter closer and nothing more.Choice and Felix should start and Barber should come in off the bench.that would preserve his career and give him the 5yards a carry and 10 pluss Tds like old times when he rode the pine till needed.
Julius on the other hand is an explosive ball carrier
going for a career highs of 198,194,150,149,140...Its not even close.Julius was averaging more than 100 yards a game as a rookie..barbers best...60 yards a game....So I stand by my claim and with a little research have confirmed.


P.S. One more thing.As far as injuries go i dont think I remember seeing Julius get hurt while running towards the Goal line without being hit...I could be wrong though.I say give me the guy that can take it to the house at any given moment.(Julius)....It would be great if felix stayed healthy enough to do this but he wont. The way this team is coached wil only hurt the productivity of the running game.
# 1 ANDROMADA 1 @ Oct 25
I'm glad you see every Dallas game.I see most of them too and have since 1989.I find it funny that you say that Barber has to "share" carries...hmmmm why is that?....Oh I remember because Barber cant carry the Load.Spare me the excuses. Julius Jones had (BARBER)backing him up ....hmmm you neglected to mention that fact.I figured most people dont have time to look up stats so thats why I highlighted the important ones for you.Fact.Jones has had 5 games over 140 yards in his career.Barber has had 1.You like Barber even though I have already shown that he is clearly not as productive when given the opportunities and doesnt stay on the field.I know what my eyes see as well.Speaking of which did you see how Barber "injured" himself in the first place?(I'll give you a hint, nobody touched him) Julius Jones gets more production while on the Football field.Again can you state where Barber is so much better that Julius?...I'll wait...*hears Crickets*

BTW: I dont mind you thinking Barber is better its just not a statisticly sound argument.You have no proof.
# 2 superstarshad @ Oct 25
The reason Barber's the starter is his pass protection. The guy is hands down the best running back in the league in regards to picking up blitzes. With that said, if you strictly looked at rushing, I would start choice, use felix as my situation back, and close out with Barber. But obviously there's a lot more to playing running back than simply rushing the football, and this is why Barber commands so many snaps per game.
# 3 elgreazy1 @ Oct 26
Jones just never had any sort of "spark" to ignite the team for whatever reason and his production was marginal, at best. As far as versatility, Barber wins, hands down. As stated above, his pass protection ability is head & shoulders above most HBs in the league (including FBs), he has good hands and can parlay chip blocks into peels that allow him to get out in the flats, and his presense alone on the field commands teams to stack the box. Julius simply doesn't do that, he's merely an average RB.

With that said, I agree 100% with superstarshad. Barber, IMO, is not a starting calibre RB but he is a RB who can start for long periods of time if a team needs him. Where he is best utilized as is a 3rd down RB and a closer. His great pass protection skills on 3rd, again, force teams to zero in on him because they don't know whether it's a run (draw), pass or screen/dump off. Give Choice the ball more in the 1st, Barber more in the 2nd and Felix some touches throughout and you can have a donwright unstoppable backfield.
# 4 ANDROMADA 1 @ Oct 26
My point is teach the other backs to block better and use Barber in 3rd and 4th qrt.He will not and has not lasted very long under the current system.Also Julius Jones was an every down running back.I dont see how you can say 106 yards rushing per game as a rookie is marginal either. If that is marginal then Barber is way below that standard as I have already shown statistically.
# 5 kingbrandon56 @ Oct 26
Of course your gonna have 106 yards a game when you get 25+ carries a game. I remeber watching the cowboys play a lot when he was there and he didn't have any spark to him. I'm from Minneapolis and saw Barber play a lot in college and in high school. I'm suprised he made any impact in the NFL because I never thought he was very good. Seeing him play for the Cowboys showed me how much he improved over the years. Also any runner can pull a hamstring, I guess your not a athlete because you would understand the dynnamics of pulling a hamstring.
# 6 ANDROMADA 1 @ Oct 26
To: kingbrandon56

Since 106 a game is so Easy why doesnt Barber do it?Also you know nothing of my athleticism so if I were you I would leave that part out my friend.Anbody that knows me would laugh at that statement. so I'm not even gonna go there with you.BTW Jones got the carries because he proved himself on the field.You're just proving my point further.The injury to Barber was in reference to his Tough guy image yet so fragile as the season continues.

# 7 kingbrandon56 @ Oct 26
The cowboys aren't as focused on running with this offense, which likes to pass as they were under Bill Parcells. It's not hard to get 3.5 yards a carry when your getting 30 tries a lot time, which is something Barber isn't getting. I would think your not a fast person or someone who runs if don't know anything about a hamstring injury. It could happen anytime from personal experience. I have never heard JJ be mentioned as an top back in the league. when he does get over 100 yards its the least exciting 100 yards ever. Also a hamstring has nothing to do with strength because if the muscle makes that pop sound there is no way your gonna be able to run the same way you were before. Have you ever had a charlie horse where your muscles get tight and you have to strecth them out or cramp up severly, its similar to that but its a nagging pain.
# 8 ANDROMADA 1 @ Oct 26

Did you not see the Title of my blog?I am not doing a break down of the current Dallas offense.I think it is clear the point that I am making.As previously posted I am not the subject of this Blog, you may want to read the title again.I never said JJ was a top back in the League I said he was/is better than Barber.You still havent provided any statistical information to refute my claims.Why is that?BTW being that I work in healthcare I think I may know a tad about injuries(sports related or otherwise)being that I have to get Continuing Education credits for it and the fact that I worked with some of the most respected Orthopaedic Surgeons in Texas.At any rate a pulled hammy isnt what Barber had.He had a slight tear.Strength does have something to do with that as well but I don't want to take up a whole page explaining that.and No I dont get Charlie horses because I take care of my body properly.
# 9 kingbrandon56 @ Oct 26
All athletes cramp up excpet for you for you bench warmers. The title says JJ Vs. MB and you never clarified anything else but that JJ was a better back than Marion and you never showed proof. Just because you worked with someone does not make you credible in knowing anything about injuries. You could have just been sweeping the floor and over hearing the doctors talk, which is totally different and since you didn't mention your title it must be something your embarassed about (hospital flunkie). You want stats here is some for you: This season JJ 74 carries 290 yards 1 td, MB 72 carries 344 yards 3 tds, also for their career averages: JJ 4.0 yards per carry and 21 tds, MB 4.3 yards per carry and 39 tds. This is with JJ playing one more year than MB. Also he is a better pass blocker as previously stated.
# 10 raidersbball20 @ Oct 27
I still think Barber is a better back
# 11 ANDROMADA 1 @ Oct 27

A couple of things.
I am reporting you for your repeated insults.
2.The reason I dont put personal info on the
3.You are disrespectful and your personal attacks are crude and unessesary.
4.How dare you make fun of Environmental services workers.That is a well respected and needed field.Without those people disease and germs would run rampant...Shame on you have some class.Nobody is better than anybody no matter what profession they are in.I didnt know discussing football players would lead to this nonesense that you are spewing....I never showed proof...very funny the links posted are all the proof I or anyone that bothers to read it needs so stay out of my blog and keep you personal insults to yourself.
# 12 kingbrandon56 @ Oct 27
Crybaby Janitor. LOL....
# 13 kingbrandon56 @ Oct 27
Don't post anymore if your gonna get so offended.
# 14 ScoobySnax @ Oct 27
Those comments were a little harsh, but to be on topic, MB is flat out a better back. They shipped Jones for a reason.
# 15 ANDROMADA 1 @ Oct 27
I feel ya.Jones left and signed a big contract with Seattle.I think it was bad move personally but that is just my point of view.I believe he signed for 16 mill or something like that.I felt that Jones was improperly used with all the subs the Cowboys would do during games.It can mess up a runners rhythm.Julius has break away speed and you never know when he is gonna take it to the house.
Thanks for you comment

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