10yard-Fight's Blog
That's how much I paid for it with a $15 off coupon and a $15 gift card. Me and my son are really enjoying the game. He likes it more than he likes 2k15. Me, I'm undecided on which game I like more but I know I like the fun we're experiencing together. Some animations are a bit strange to me but I really enjoy the core gameplay and my son loves it! Love the amount of fouls called and really love the look & atmosphere of the game. Ultimate team is cool and I prefer Rising Star mode over 2k's My Career. Haven't played online yet and probably won't because I always seem to run into quitters while playing online games, which I consider being a waste of time if I don't get to complete my son my win... This is q good basketball game that any fan of NBA basketball can enjoy if they're not expecting it to play like 2k. It's different. Enjoy the season players.
# 2
10yard-Fight @ Nov 2
Also, I'm curious to know what happened to the halftime and post game shows... As well as top replays. None of them have worked on my game. Enough of this though, about to go give my lil man some work on the sticks. Just wanted to hip some of yall to game.
# 3
tb24ster @ Nov 5
whats up with the jordan player at the end of the game highlights at the end of the game? on 12 minute quarters. some of us are simulated gamers and play real b -ball.
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