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Old 06-29-2006, 07:27 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Werewolf XXIX: Spawn II Game Over! Post 2533

Fifty years ago, a the crew of the Peregrine faced one of the most harrowing experiences in mankind’s history. Having found a planet full of Crystlium the most valuable material known to mankind and the reason we have intergalactic travel, the crew harvested a full shipload of the substance. However, their harrowing journey, published here caused the planet to be made off limits to humans. The only known contact in this interim period has been by the Wig a ship of rogues which, is believed to have attempted to land on the planet two years ago and has never been heard from again.

Now, however, there is a shortage of Crystlium. Shortages have become more and more prevalent. This has thrown the galaxy’s economy into a deep recession causing widespread turmoil. Several schemes to increase the availability of Crystlium have been tried and failed, or simply abandoned as hugely expensive. In the end it was decided that the mysterious Spawn Planet is the only solution left to mankind. A government sponsored ship has been sent to the planet. You are a member of that crew. Your specially built ship is capable of holding enough Crystlium to meet all the needs of the galaxy for close to a year (a little Crystlium goes a long way, after all). If you succeed you will be heroes, not to mention fabulously wealthy. If you fail? Well only one cruel fate awaits you should you fail.

A Request
Spawn is a very demanding game and as such is not for everyone. The game changes as the day goes on and as such it can be hard for players who can only check in during the morning, for instance, to fully play the game. The last game had a bunch of people checking in throughout the day and was great. However, if your schedule does not permit you to do this, I would rather have a great game with 15 active players than have a pretty good game with 15 active players and 4 not so active players.

Starting Date
We will be starting July 11th. Signup will end July 9th and roles will be sent out July 10th. While this is a fair length away, with the 4th of July holidy thrown in there it isn't as far as it might seem.

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 07-23-2006 at 11:05 AM.
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Old 06-29-2006, 07:29 AM   #2
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Information Post
Public Roles Announced Post #57
Day 1 Post #104
Day 1 End of Day Post #315
Night 1 Results Post #328
Spawn Creature Attack Post #362
Day 2 End of Day Post #839
Night 2 results Post 948
Day 3 End of Day Post 1541
Night 3 results Post 1600
Attack on the Spawn Overlord Post 1730
Day 4 End of Day Post 1787
Night 4 Report Post 1838

Command Staff
Captain - KWhit
First Officer - sndvls
Second Officer - Talgian
Security Chief - Tyrith
Ensign - Schmidty


Medical Staff
Doctor - bulletsponge

Security Staff
Sergeant at Arms - dubb93
Warden - Chubby
Galley Master - Raiders Army
Slavemaster - Swaggs
Security Crewman - kingfc22

Coffee Warlord


20 slaves accounted for

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 07-16-2006 at 04:50 PM.
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Old 06-29-2006, 07:29 AM   #3
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Basic Game Concepts
There are two sides to this game, the spawn, and the survivors.

In order for the survivors to win, they must kill all of the spawn and have lifted off the planet.

The spawn may win in two ways. They may either they kill or successfully convert all of the survivors

I would like to thank Kakaris Maelstrom for coming up with this devious concept. While the game is evil I can only take credit for part of its insidious nature.

Game Etiquette
Please do not post any PMs you might receive from me, although you may paraphrase. Unless allowed by your role, please do not communicate with other players outside of the thread. If you are concerned that a strategy might not be allowed by the rules please contact me before attempting the strategy. Finally, dead players are not necessarily dead and so they should refrain from posting or contacting others; if you need to commiserate send it my way .

Day Cycles start at 10:30 AM (All times are Eastern). Away missions must be completed by 6 PM. All other actions may be performed throughout the day. Night cycles will begin at 10:30 PM.

During the day cycle the crew may execute one person per cycle. In order to execute someone more than 1/3 of the remaining players must vote for a player to be executed. If you do not wish to execute somebody you are requested to cast a vote of No Execute

The Captain may only be executed by a Mutiny. No person may vote for the Captain to be executed until an Officer has done so and the First Officer must vote in favor of the mutiny.

If the Captain performs the override execution action a vote will take place at night. If a majority of the crew votes in favor of the mutiny the Captain “disappears” during the night.

Each day each member of the crew needs 1 units of water per day. If a crew member does not receive water for one day they become dehydrated (see Status below). If a survivor does not receive water for two days they die. Spawn do not need water to survive.

The Spawn may attack locations to damage them, while security officers may protect these locations.

Note: Man Cycles needed to repair might increase/decrease based on the number of players who sign up. Final numbers will be included when player sign-up is over

Engine Room The ship may not lift-off (see Lift-Off below) unless the engines are working. Once the ship has lifted-off the engines may not be damaged. A successful spawn attack adds 2-6 man cycles of repair time to the engines.

Water Plant The water plant contains the water replicator. No new water can be replicated while the replicator is broken, requiring the crew to use water from the Cargo Hold. A successful spawn attack adds 1-4 man cycles of repair time.

Security Headquarters The Security HQ houses the weapons locker, the brig, and the ships’ security system. The security system protects the Slave Pens and Sleeping Quarters and automatically guards those places. If the Security HQ is damaged neither place may be accessed and the security system might, or might not be, operational. Any weapons not in the security locker will stay with whoever had them when the Security HQ became damaged. A successful spawn attack requires 2-5 man cycles of repair time.

The Cargo Hold The Cargo Hold houses Crystlium and Water. The game begins with the Cargo Hold full of Water. If the Cargo Hold does not have enough room to house any harvested Crystlium water will be automatically dumped out. If the Cargo Hold is damaged nothing may be taken in or out. A successful spawn attack requires 1-3 man cycles of repair time.

The Slaves Pen The slaves are kept here. If the slave pens are damaged it might cause the slaves on the ship to riot until the pens are fixed. A successful spawn attack adds 2-4 man cycles of repair time.

Sleeping QuartersMembers of the crew sleep here. The game starts with enough berths to hold all crew members. Each cycle of repair time decreases by 1 the number of people who can sleep there. A successful spawn attack adds 3-10 man cycles of repair time.

After lift-off no new spawn may be planted (although Spawn may still evolve).

In order to lift-off the engines must not be damaged, the Cargo Hold must have the required amount of Crystlium and the Captain must order the lift-off by posting the order in the thread. Once all conditions are met lift-off takes place immediately.

Away Teams
Each day all officers and the Slave Master may lead an away team and there may be more than 1 away team each day (The Slave Master may only lead an away team made up completely of slaves). A crew member, if asked, must go on away team if they have the action points to do so.

An away team must be designated as an:
*Exploration mission (Gives a bonus to a future type of mission; Must always be a planned away team)
*Mining mission (Harvests Crystlium)
*Water mission (Finds water)
*Other type of mission (As offered by the GM)

The success of an away team is dependent on:
*Whether the mission was planned by the First Officer or was unplanned
*The number of survivor crew present (non scientists)
*The number of scientists
*The number of evolved spawn on an away team(more spawn equals less success)

There is a 10% chance that each member of an Away Team will become a Spawnling when on an Away Team. No more than 5 people may be on any 1 away team.

Public Roles and Actions

Each person based on their public roles has a certain number of action points (AP) each cycle to spend on actions available to their roles. AP expire at the end of each cycle if unused. Actions may be performed more than once, assuming a person has the AP to do so, unless specified otherwise. Actions from a public role are always revealed to the entire crew.

Actions available to all

Sleep: Night Only Prevents exhaustion. Requires all of a person’s action points.

Away Team: Day Only Causes a crew member to join an away team. 1 AP

Vote for Execution: Day Only Vote, or unvote, for a crew member to be executed. This does not need to be sent to GM and may just be posted in the thread. 0 AP

If an officer dies, the officer below him moves up in rank.

Captain (Rank 1) (3 AP per cycle)

Give Order: Day Only The captain may give a simple one step order to any crew member to perform a certain action that is with-in their ability to perform and they have the available action points. The captain may also rescind, or modify, the orders of any other officer. The captain may not order anyone to vote in a particular way. 1 AP

Change Execution Day Only The Captain may change the person to be executed, regardless of the vote. This triggers a night vote for Mutiny. This order must be sent to the GM at least 30 minutes before the voting deadline and may be conditional. 1 AP

Execute Slaves Day or Night The Captain may order that all of the slaves be killed. 3 AP

First Officer (Rank 2) (2 AP per cycle)

Give Order: Day Only Same as Captain above EXCEPT that the First Officer may not modify the Captain’s orders. 1 AP

Plan Away Team Mission: Day or Night The First Officer may plan an away team mission. The First Officer must specify what kind of mission is being planned. This may be done in advance and saved for later. 1 AP

Lead Mutiny: Day Only The First Officer may lead a mutiny against the Captain. This does not need to be sent to the GM and may just be posted in the thread. (NOTE: This action may be rescinded by the First Officer any time prior to the end of voting, but he will not regain his AP) 0 AP the first time it is performed, 1 AP when performed at any time after that

Second Officer (Rank 3) (1 AP per cycle)

Give Order: Day OnlySame as Captain’s EXCEPT that he may not modify any other person’s order. 1 AP

Assign Personnel Day Only He may change the position of any member of the enlisted crew (so Private to Slave Master, Galley Master to Medic, etc). This goes into effect the next day cycle. There may not be more than 1 Galleymaster or Slave Master1 AP

Security Chief (Rank 4) (1 AP per cycle)

Interrogate Suspected Spawn Day OnlyThis allows the Security Chief to privately communicate with any other crew member for the remainder of that particular day’s cycle. 1 AP

Give Order to Security Personnel: Day Only Same as Captain above EXCEPT that the Security Chief may issue orders only to Galley Master, Security Crewmen, Sergeant at Arms, Slave Master, or Warden. 1 AP

Protect Night Only May choose to protect a person or location against attack. If there is an attack on that person/place the attack will occur between the Security Chief and the attacker(s). The Security Chief is armed with a three shot phaser, providing an additional bonus if the phaser has any shots left. Protect has a smaller positive effect against a Spawn Attack. 1 AP

Spy Night Only May designate a person to receive a report of that person’s actions. If the person launches an attack (but not a spawn attack) there is a chance that the Security Chief may perform the Protect action (with no AP cost). It will not be posted who the Security Chief spied upon, only that he spied upon someone 1 AP

Ensign (Rank 5) (1 AP per cycle
The ensign is there to learn from the other officers and to step into the line of duty should any officers be killed.


Doctor (2 AP per cycle)

Examination Day Only The doctor may choose to examine any crew member. If the crew member is a survivor, the doctor will learn this. If the crew member is infected, but has not yet become a spawn, the doctor will learn this, and will have a good chance to cure the crew member. If the crew member is a spawn both the doctor and the spawn will be killed. 2 AP

Cure Wound Day Only This will change a person’s status from Wounded to normal (see Status below). 1 AP

Scientist (1 AP per cycle)
If brought along on an Away Team, they are likely to have more success.

Engineer (1 AP per cycle)
Repair Day or Night The Engineer may choose a damaged room to repair reducing the damage on that system by one man cycle. 1 AP

Enlisted Crew

Medic (1 AP per cycle)

Cure Wound Day Only Same as Doctor’s above 1 AP

Galley master (1 AP per cycle)

Protect Supplies Night Only The Galley master may guard the Water Plant or Cargo Hold at night. If there is an attack he will receive a bonus, if armed (see Sergeant at Arms below). This is slightly less effective than regular Protect. 1 AP

Ration Water Day Only The Galley master may choose which members of the crew receive water if there is not enough water for all of the crew. This action should be submitted to the GM during each night cycle. 1 AP

Sergeant-at-Arms (1 AP per cycle)

Distribute Weapons Day Only He may hand out firearms to any player. These players are now "Armed" and get a pre-emptive attack when attacking or defending that night. Firearms are collected in the morning. If the Security room is damaged, those that are "Armed" hold onto their firearms. 1 AP

Protect Night Only May choose to protect a person or location against attack. If there is an attack on that person/place the attack will occur between the Sergeant-at-Arms and the attacker(s). If the Security Crewman is armed he will receive an additional bonus. Protect has a much smaller positive effect against a Spawn Attack. 1 AP

Spy Night Only May designate a person to follow around at night and receive a report of that person’s actions. It will not be posted who the Sergeant-at-Arms spied upon, only that he spied upon someone 1 AP

Security Crewman (1 AP per cycle)
Protect Night Only May choose to protect a person or location against attack. If there is an attack on that person/place the attack will occur between the Security Crewman and the attacker(s). If the Security Crewman is armed with a phaser he will receive an additional bonus. Protect has a much smaller positive effect against a Spawn Attack. 1 AP

Spy Night Only May designate a person to follow around at night and receive a report of that person’s actions. It will not be posted who the Security Crewman spied upon, only that he spied upon someone 1 AP

Warden (1 AP per cycle)

Place in Protective Custody Day Only May compile a list of up to four people to place in the Brig during the night. The Security Headquarters must be undamaged during the day in order to do this. 1 AP

Protect Security Room Night Only The Warden may guard the Security Headquarters at night. If there is an attack he will receive a bonus, if armed. This is slightly less effective than regular Protect. 1 AP

Slave Master (1 AP per cycle)

Protect Slave Pens Night Only The Slave Master may guard the Slave Pens at night. If there is an attack he will receive a bonus, if armed. This is slightly less effective than regular protect.1 AP

Execute Slave Day or Night The Slave Master may choose a specific slave to be executed. That slave is immediately killed. 1 AP

Privates (1 AP per cycle)
Privates hope that one day their good work will be noticed by the Second Officer and that they will receive a promotion.

Normally used as soldiers these genetically modified from human beings. These modifications make them strong, dumb, and filled with anger. The slave pens emit chemicals which make them more docile, which is a good thing, as having to deal with rioting slaves is not something the ship wants to experience. (No player will be assigned the role of slave)

Performing Actions
Except where noted, in order to perform an Action you must PM the GM. Actions will be processed in the order they are received and then posted by the GM.

Faking Duties
A person may pretend to perform one of their actions but not actually complete the task. For instance, a spawn engineer may pretend to be repairing the Security Room but really do nothing. This is undetectable to anyone else.

Secret Roles
There are three ways a crewmember will learn their secret role:
*They will be told at the start
*It’ll be revealed when triggered
*It will be revealed after a predetermined time

Survivor Secret Roles
Except when noted below if a person becomes a Spawn they lose their Secret Role.

Avenger Causes anyone who has voted for the Avenger in eith of the previous 2 days to have an extra vote against them (limit 1). There is a chance that a person will keep this ability if they become Spawn.

Absolute Trust If anyone in an Absolute Trust group has left the group (by becoming Spawnling or Spawn), the other group members will be informed of it.

Duplicant May take on the duties of any public role, except Officers, once per game for a single Day or Night cycle. This person will gain the additional AP associated with that role, but the AP may only be spent on the abilities associated with that role. Unless it is necessary to mention publicly, no one will know who the Duplicant is or what they did.

Empathic May PM the GM to verify truth of one complete sentence said by another person in the public thread, as understood by the person who made the statement. The GM will respond with either "True, False, or Unknown" based on the GM's understanding of the statement. This may be used twice per game. There is a chance that a person will keep this ability if they become Spawn.

Gut Feeling If you received 2-4 (predetermined before the start of the game) votes throughout the day, the GM will inform you of the secret role of one of those players, however, you won't know which player it belongs to. It will not work if part of a premeditated plan. There is a chance it will work a second time, though the number of votes recieved will be higher. There is a chance that a person will keep this ability if they become Spawn.

Incorruptible Cannot become a Spawnling on an Away Team. Receives the status Resistant if attacked and three instances if Spawn Attacked (See Status Resistant below).

Light Sleeper If attacked by Spawn, the character gains the status "Resistant". If used, may cause exhaustion. (See Status Resistant below).

Miracle Worker Once per game may activate for one of the following:
* May protect all members of an Away Team from becoming Spawnlings.
* May replenish spontaneously generate an amount of Water or Crystlium

Mystic Once per game may communicate, via PM, for one cycle, with any player who has been dead for at least one day.

SlayerMay protect any person, overnight, including himself, during the night cycle. He gains the status "Resistant" and "Brutal" when protecting and is considered the Attacker. He will not become exhausted using this ability.

Vigilante May attack one player during the night cycle once per game (see Attack below). The chance of success is increased if the Vigilante has a phaser.

Spawn Secret Roles

Spawn Overlord
This player will not have a public role. This spawn over mind has harnessed the force on the planet that gives the survivors and spawn their power. Can not be executed. The exact nature of his powers are not known.

Spawn Council
The Spawn Council determined by the Spawn Overlord. These Spawn may freely PM each other.

Spawn Queen
May launch or join a regular or Spawn attack (see Attack below) once per night cycle. If the Spawn Queen dies, the Spawn Council may designate a new Spawn Queen by forgoing all attacks and secret role actions for one night. The new Spawn Queen may not keep any previous role they had.

Other Spawn
May launch a regular attack (see Attack below). These Spawn know the identity only of the Spawn Queen.

Unevloved Spawn
Has no powers but has a chance to mutate into one of the Spawn below that increases over time.

Lurker Instead of an attack, he may spy on other players overnight and gain a synopsis of what that player did.

Mind Leech Instead of an attack, if the Mind Leech is not exhausted (see Status Exhausted below) at night, he may rob a player of their ability to use abilities and actions. Passive abilities (like Resistant) are automatically negated. If the player tries to use an Active ability there is a 40% chance that the ability will be negated. Both involved players become "Exhausted" in any case.

Psionic Connection May one time trigger a power which allows all spawns to know the identities of all other spawns.

Shellback Has the status "Unwoundable".

Swarm Lord If a Swarm Lord is in play and is not exhausted or wounded, the Swarm Lord, along with one other Spawn, may release a Swarm Attack. A Swarm is released against a living target. Swarm attacks are unlike regular attacks. If sent against someone who is healthy, they will be made Wounded. If sent against someone who is wounded or exhausted, they will be killed.

Unaware Spawn During the day, is unaware of being a Spawn (and may not communicate with other Spawn), but will not seem to be a Spawn when tested by other players. At night, assumes normal Spawn powers.

These are crew members who are not quite Spawn. If they are not cured in time they will become Spawn and be randomly assigned a role from the Other Spawn list (see above). Crew members might or might not know they are spawnlings, but the Hive Mind knows the identities of all spawnlings.

Regular Attacks

An attack starts with a 75% chance of success. For each additional person who joins in the attack there is an additional 35% chance of success. There is a maximum of three people in one attack. If two (or more) Spawn (or Spawn groups) both attack the same target the additional chance of success is increased, but at a lesser rate, unless instructions have been given that person A will attack followed by person B (see Multiple Attacks below). The chance of success may be further changed by a person’s status (e.g. Exhausted or Resistant)

Modifiers which increase the chance of the Attack succeeding
*More than one person attacking
*Target is exhausted or wounded
*Attack of a room and not a person

Modifiers which decrease the chance of the Attack succeeding
*Security personnel is defending
*Security personnel has a phaser
*The person being attacked is resistant

The level of damage done to either a person or a room is based on how successful the attack is. An attack where the number rolled is above the chance of success is a failure, and there is a small chance that the attacker will be wounded. An attack where the number rolled is from 0-19 of the chance of success then a person is wounded. Any other result causes the person to die. If the target of an attack is a room, is protected, and the only protector dies, there is a chance damage will be done to the room.

If Spawn attack each other there is a 60% possibility that nothing will happen (Spawn will simply know the attack was unsuccessful), a 10% chance that the attacking Spawn will recognize the defender as a Spawn and a 30% chance the attack will be rolled.

Multiple Attacks and Protectors
Spawn may decide instead of combining an attack to launch more than one attack (but many only attack a person or room twice in one night). When PM’ing the GM with the attack information it should also include the order of attack. The first attack will be resolved followed by the second.

If there is more than one protector, the protector with the most bonuses will fight the attack EXCEPT if the target is a person while the protector is protecting a room (Example: Joe and Sam are guarding the engine room. Sam has more bonuses. If the Spawn attack Joe, Joe will be the one attacked, not Sam)

Spawnling Attack

A successful spawnling attack causes a person to become infected and (surprise) become a spawnling. A spawnling attack starts with a 70% chance of success. For each person who joins the attack, up to three, there is an additional 25% chance of success. A spawnling attack increases the chance that all spawns will become exhausted, especially those spawns who participate in a Spawnling Attack. Otherwise Spawnling attacks follow the rules for General Attacks.

Status (aka Traits)

Status – Brutal

If a character has the status "Brutal", he ignores the status "Resistant" in his target.

Status – Exhausted

Exhaustion places a person at a disadvantage for all attacks. Further some actions may have a slight chance of failure if you are exhausted. You may only have one status Exhausted at a time. If you continue to push yourself, you simply remain exhausted.

Anytime you take an action at night, you become exhausted.

A player may choose to "Stay Awake" by PM’ing the GM. That night he will also gain a trait of "Resistant" since he'll see any Spawn coming. Someone who is already exhausted may not take advantage of "Stay Awake".

Exhaustion can be healed after one night of undisturbed rest. Undisturbed rest is defined as not taking an action. Spawn who attack have a small chance of becoming exhausted (which is increased any time there is a Spawnling attack, especially for those who performed the attack).

Status – Resistant

For each instance of "Resistant" a character has, he has an additional resistance to defeat in an attack.

Status – Unwoundable

A character bearing this trait ignores results making him "Wounded". He may be killed normally, however.

Status – Wounded

When an attack occurs, you never really know for sure who is going to win. Either party involved in an attack may end up WOUNDED.

It is impossible to tell with certainty if a wound was caused by Human or Spawn.

Someone who is wounded will have only a minor chance to know what attacked them.

A WOUNDED player is at a severe disadvantage against future attacks.

A player may choose to injure himself by PM’ing the GM. All wounds and healing of wounds will be announced publicly by the GM. A wound can be healed after two nights of undisturbed rest or by the doctor or medic. Undisturbed rest is defined as not taking an action (aside from the Spawn’s regular attack).

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 07-11-2006 at 12:01 PM.
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Old 06-29-2006, 07:37 AM   #4
General Manager
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Location: Chicago
Sign me up.
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Old 06-29-2006, 07:42 AM   #5
Head Coach
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Morgan Hill, CA
Oh yea. I want more spawn action.
Fan of SF Giants, 49ers, Sharks, Arsenal
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Old 06-29-2006, 08:01 AM   #6
Join Date: Oct 2000
I missed the first Spawn game, but I'll give this one a try.
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 06-29-2006, 08:32 AM   #7
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knives out
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Old 06-29-2006, 09:24 AM   #8
Pro Starter
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Old 06-29-2006, 09:27 AM   #9
Coffee Warlord
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Let's see if I can continue my streak of sucktitude. In.
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Old 06-29-2006, 09:49 AM   #10
Grizzled Veteran
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Location: Syracuse, NY
As long as the wolves can talk to each other Im in (tho I'm sure that assured me a vanilla good guy role)
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Old 06-29-2006, 10:38 AM   #11
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Seattle, WA
I missed the first one, looking forward to this.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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Old 06-29-2006, 10:40 AM   #12
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Big Ten Country
As much as I'd like to be murdered by Coffee again, I'm too busy to do this one.
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Old 06-29-2006, 10:41 AM   #13
Raiders Army
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Black Hole
I'll do this one.
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Old 06-29-2006, 10:45 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Raiders Army
I'll do this one.
I have to warn you: There isn't a cute nurses outfit for you this time
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Old 06-29-2006, 10:46 AM   #15
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ill sign up
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Old 06-29-2006, 12:13 PM   #16
Favored Bitch #1
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Location: homeless in NJ
sorry to everyone who wants to lynch me the first day but I'll have to sit this one out.
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Old 06-29-2006, 12:15 PM   #17
Alan T
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Originally Posted by Lathum
sorry to everyone who wants to lynch me the first day but I'll have to sit this one out.

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Old 06-29-2006, 12:37 PM   #18
Abe Sargent
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Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent
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Old 06-29-2006, 12:40 PM   #19
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Old 06-29-2006, 01:33 PM   #20
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join up Lathum, we need to hang someone the first day! take one for the team so one of us dont get it day 1
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Old 06-29-2006, 06:43 PM   #21
Join Date: Oct 2000
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 06-29-2006, 06:44 PM   #22
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Nov 2004
I'll play, was fun while it lasted last time.
Originally Posted by McSweeny
Because you know it takes sound strategy to get killed repeatedly on day one right?
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Old 06-29-2006, 07:02 PM   #23
Raiders Army
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: The Black Hole
Originally Posted by Barkeep49
I have to warn you: There isn't a cute nurses outfit for you this time
bah. I can still wear white stockings right?
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Old 06-29-2006, 07:10 PM   #24
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: California
I'll play this one again. I got a backpack full of water bottles.

I am on vacation July 2-8 (Disneyland), without internet, but I will be back before this starts. If you start early, please remove me.
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Old 06-29-2006, 08:51 PM   #25
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Location: Bethlehem, Pa
i unfortunately cant play this one because of vacation plans starting the 15th, so someone else will have to vote for dubb on the first day.
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Old 06-29-2006, 08:56 PM   #26
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona
BK, you know
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 06-29-2006, 10:01 PM   #27
Alan T
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Yep Im out this month too. have fun! I'll read when I have time
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Old 07-03-2006, 12:06 AM   #28
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Alan lies..he must be trying to prep us for a quiet game
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 07-03-2006, 12:08 AM   #29
Alan T
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Originally Posted by Blade6119
Alan lies..he must be trying to prep us for a quiet game

lol wish I could play. Going to montreal this week, New york next week, California the following week. Too much out of the loop during the day times so wouldnt be able to
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Old 07-03-2006, 01:05 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Alan T
lol wish I could play. Going to montreal this week, New york next week, California the following week. Too much out of the loop during the day times so wouldnt be able to

I'm going to the Fleamarket in Fairhaven on Thursday!!! I am a County Travelor.
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Old 07-03-2006, 01:20 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Schmidty
I'm going to the Fleamarket in Fairhaven on Thursday!!! I am a County Travelor.

And a County Traveler as well.
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Old 07-03-2006, 08:48 AM   #32
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I've posted the full rules, here is the Cliff Note’s version (aka the Schmidty version ) of how to play Werewolf: Spawn. I will be posting a list of major differences between the first game and this game later today or tomorrow.

Good guys=survivors; Bad guys=Spawn

Voting works normally, except that at least 1/3 of the remaining players must vote for somebody for their to be an execution. Otherwise no one is executed.

Goal for the survivors is to kill all the Spawn and lift off the planet. Goal for the Spawn are to kill or convert all the good guys.

In order to lift off the planet, the survivors will need a certain amount of something called Cyrstilium. They can get Cyrstilium, by going on away team missions. The First Officer decides who goes on an away mission. If he asks you to go, you have to go. Away team missions can also get water and explore the planet.

Everyone has a public and private role. Not all players know their own private roles. There are survivor private roles and Spawn private roles. Different public roles can do different things on the ship. Officers can order people around. Doctor can scan examine people for spawn. Engineers can repair things. Scientists are good on away missions. Security personnel can guard stuff. Privates hope to be promoted to something more useful. Medics cure people. Slaves perform menial labor. The slavemaster has control over the slaves. The galley master has control over water.

Every day people need water. If they don’t get water they become dehydrated and then after a second day, die.

At night people need to sleep. If they don’t sleep they become exhausted. Exhaustion means that if you are attacked you are more likely to die.

Spawn can attack rooms and/or people at night. It’s possible for there to be one than one attack each night. Spawn can also try and convert people into spawn at night.

Rooms do different things. Engines, help the ship leave the planet. Security Headquarters houses the weapons locker, brig (where people can be kept safe at night), and the security system (which protects the Slave Pens and Sleeping Quarters from attack, though not people in them). The Sleeping Quarters are where people sleep. The Slave Pens are where the slaves are housed; if this is damaged the slaves might riot. The Cargo Hold is where cyrsitlium and water is kept. The water plant is where the water replicator is stored (which can make water).

The rules, obviously, go into more details on exactly how all these things work.

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 07-03-2006 at 08:50 AM.
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Old 07-03-2006, 08:54 AM   #33
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Location: ...down the gravity well
I'm in.
"General Woundwort's body was never found. It could be that he still lives his fierce life somewhere else, but from that day on, mother rabbits would tell their kittens that if they did not do as they were told, the General would get them. Such was Woundwort's monument, and perhaps it would not have displeased him." Watership Down, Richard Adams
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Old 07-03-2006, 10:48 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Barkeep49
I've posted the full rules, here is the Cliff Note’s version (aka the Schmidty version ) of how to play Werewolf: Spawn.

I should be mad, but I can't argue with the truth. I'll just say thanks for saving my poor, little braincells from blowing up.
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Old 07-03-2006, 10:57 AM   #35
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Yep, the full list of rules is daunting, even though I didn't see a huge number of changes from the last Spawn game.

For those playing their first spawn game, ask a lot of questions early and it is easy enough to get the hang of the rule set as play starts.

Barkeep, why are you waiting until Tuesday of next week to start instead of Monday? Just curious ...
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Old 07-03-2006, 11:29 AM   #36
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I am going to have to withdraw, with regrets. Real life intervenes.

knives out
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Old 07-03-2006, 12:11 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by hoopsguy
Yep, the full list of rules is daunting, even though I didn't see a huge number of changes from the last Spawn game.

For those playing their first spawn game, ask a lot of questions early and it is easy enough to get the hang of the rule set as play starts.

Barkeep, why are you waiting until Tuesday of next week to start instead of Monday? Just curious ...
Because I will be around all day starting Tuesday where as Monday, I would be around in the morning and evening but not afternoon.
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Old 07-04-2006, 12:35 AM   #38
High School JV
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alrighty, maybe this time i wont be sick *cough* *cough*....count me in
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Old 07-04-2006, 10:27 AM   #39
High School JV
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Originally Posted by st.cronin
I am going to have to withdraw, with regrets. Real life intervenes.

you will be missed
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Old 07-04-2006, 10:33 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by st.cronin
I am going to have to withdraw, with regrets. Real life intervenes.
Aw, don't let people who are jealous of your post count dissuade you!

In all seriousness, I hope everything's ok.
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Old 07-05-2006, 01:29 PM   #41
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Everyone has to start somewhere.

I'm in.

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Old 07-05-2006, 01:29 PM   #42
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In an effort to get a real life acquantiance of mine to play, I have moved back cycle times by a half hour (so day starts at 10:30 Eastern and ends at 10:30 Eastern).

Also, if players wish to request specific public roles, I do my best to honor those requests.

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 07-05-2006 at 01:31 PM.
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Old 07-05-2006, 04:00 PM   #43
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I request Blade gets assigned Warden again so we can boss him around, much to his chagrin, in the end game.
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Old 07-05-2006, 05:13 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by hoopsguy
I request Blade gets assigned Warden again so we can boss him around, much to his chagrin, in the end game.

is there a janitor role we can give him....

- You are the janitor. You have no ability to anything except provide manual suction for the zero-g toilets (i.e. suck on the other end of the tube)
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Old 07-05-2006, 05:21 PM   #45
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You nerfed the Doctor

I'd love to play, but I won't be able to participate fully (last game I was absent the majority of days for the last couple of hours before the lynch), so I'll pass. Bummer, because I wanted to excorsise my spawn demons from last game
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 07-05-2006, 05:49 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Vince
You nerfed the Doctor

I'd love to play, but I won't be able to participate fully (last game I was absent the majority of days for the last couple of hours before the lynch), so I'll pass. Bummer, because I wanted to excorsise my spawn demons from last game
Damn you, who can i attack day and night with no one believing me this game? Oh well, guess whoever gets the doctor will be my new foe...until next time my nemesis
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 07-05-2006, 09:07 PM   #47
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Damn you WW for sucking me back in!

Yep - I'll play.
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Old 07-06-2006, 04:09 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Blade6119
Damn you, who can i attack day and night with no one believing me this game? Oh well, guess whoever gets the doctor will be my new foe...until next time my nemesis

I really don't think I have had more fun playing Werewolf than I did those frantic three days at the end of the Spawn game. Trying to keep everyone convinced that I was good while orchestrating their downfall at the same time was exhilirating, especially since there was only me and Schmidty. In the end, we really didn't get anything done...but it was fun.

I wonder what would have happened if I had scanned Schmidty, and then claimed him to be a Spawn, rather than clearing him? At the very least, his reaction on the board would have been amazing
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 07-06-2006, 05:16 PM   #49
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In. And I'd like to at least have some role this game; I've gotten one PM ever since blade died in 27 :P
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Old 07-10-2006, 08:59 AM   #50
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One last bump before I send out roles this afternoon.
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