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Old 03-16-2007, 01:44 AM   #1
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POL: February Console sales numbers

February Console Sales


Nintendo Wii: 371,000
Sony PS2: 295,000
Microsoft 360: 228,000
Sony PS3: 127,000

Hand helds
Nintendo DS: 485,000
Sony PSP: 176,000
Nintendo GB Advance: 137,000

According to
In the 77 month history of the PS2, the lowest amount of consoles sold in a month was 214,000, and the lowest amount of XBox 360 consoles sold in a single month in its 17 month history was 187,000. PS3 only sold 127,000 consoles in February.

Last edited by sabotai : 04-04-2007 at 03:20 PM.
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Old 03-16-2007, 01:48 AM   #2
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Well, if you want to play devils advocate you could say that sony is selling more consoles then anyone right now, its just divided between their two. And all of those PS2 sales will likely eventually tranlsate into PS3 sales as the prices comes down and some actual quality games come out(of which i havent seen yet, but am faily confident will occur in due time)
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Old 03-16-2007, 03:42 AM   #3
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Blade, the problem I see is that the people who are buying PS2's at this point in the game are generally part of three groups:

1) Getting while the getting's good. These are people who see the writing on the wall for the PS2 format with three 'next-gen' competitors for shelf space hitting their stride. They've waited out the PS2, and they know that there isn't going to be any better time than now to pick up the system and such games as they've been ogling while both are still reasonably available.

These people will be PS3 owners eventually, but we may be talking about five years from now before the market adjusts to the point that they're willing to dip a toe in. I mean, they waited the PS3 down from $299 to $129.

2) Young families with at least one child of video-gaming age who has finally, successfully nagged the parent(s) into getting something...but not one of the more expensive machines. Still, win's a win. These are likely not early adopters, or even mid-term adopters.

3) Folks who want a PS3, don't see anything immediately appealing about the system, but DO want to play particularly inviting PS2 new releases. God of War II, possibly. It's not that this group isn't willing to buy a PS3 and to do so with some immediacy, but they need a justification. "Better games will come out eventually" isn't a justification when there's a $129 machine that will play all the games that they're interested in right now. By the time the PS3 can justify itself to this group, the price may have come down, and they may save money in the long term - if they can wait the price down to $449, they win.

That's not the entire demographic. Some are folks replacing PS2's that have given out.

Some are purchases to supplement broken homes. It sounds callous as all hell to say this, but there are some parents who think that material goods are the way to win and/or maintain their children's affection when a divorce is in the picture. Johnny has a PS2 at Mommy's house, so Daddy has to buy one too so Johnny can still play games. Can't let Johnny think Daddy is a cheapskate.

Some are purchases because one specific game that REALLY interests John Doe finally came out. There are a thousand minor reasons why, but I think groups #1-3 are the most prevalent among current PS2 purchasers.

Will those sales numbers eventually translate over to PS3? Maybe so. I certainly won't rule it out completely, but what you have to remember is that the market is not static. The specific people buying PS2's right now may buy PS3's later for compatibility purposes, once the market outlook changes enough to suit them.

But the core demographic factors (such as the young-families-finally-buying bit) don't change, and as a rule, price is going to be important to them. I mean, look - they're buying a $129 PS2 over a $299 Xbox 360 Core. I'm not going to include the Wii in that calculation, because honestly, you have to be able to find one before it becomes a serious factor.

There might be a half-dozen reasons why, but they ultimately come down to one thing - cost. There are more games...which means there are more cheap games. The system is a minimum of $170 less expensive to begin with. Accessories are less expensive.

Cost doesn't mean nearly as much to the early-adopter demographic, but it will absolutely be important in the PS3's transition to the mass market, and that's where they're really in a hole.

They're facing down a $400 and a $249 competitor, and whatever you want to say about hidden costs - Blu-ray vs HD-DVD, say - the mass market is not going to be all that influenced by those arguments. Sony is going to get their sales, but I don't think it's at all a foregone conclusion that current PS2 sales are going to ultimately translate into future PS3 sold units. There's just too much distance between current price points and where they have to be to reach a mass market for that to be anywhere near a slam dunk.

I'm not predicting doom and gloom. I think the PS3 will ultimately do well. I just think that at $599, it is incredibly hard to accurately predict anything the platform's future holds. Microsoft and Nintendo are not lightweight competition. The former is very good at adaptation and assimilation, and the latter is practically synonymous with the industry.

The PS3 will sell its units, but predicting domination for the platform based on the combined sales of PS2 and PS3 probably needs some foundational work.
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Old 03-16-2007, 05:35 AM   #4
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I think that replacement of a previous broken ps2 is a higher factor than some of those others.
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Old 03-16-2007, 07:16 AM   #5
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I like Bill and talk to him pretty frequently. He's a very bright guy, but I generally disagree with most of his assertions regarding the consoles. One thing to note would be that those numbers are North American numbers. There's a couple of games in Japan and a launch in Europe that are going to dramatically shift the overall sales numbers for the consoles. While it's fine to argue in the short term that the PS3 is selling slowly in North America alone, the PS3 worldwide is selling faster than the PS2 or 360 did at the same period in time overall.

Also, I don't buy his assertion that the Wii is going to win 'the next gen war'. It's a good console and has a innovative control system, but it's not a next-gen system. That's not a comment to downplay the impact that the system has had. Also, I'd rather be Nintendo's CEO than Sony's PS3 or MS's 360 CEO. Nintendo is making an unbelievable amount of profit. But for the most part, it's a slightly upgraded last-gen system with a new control scheme. Also, the third-party developers on the system have been voicing concerns that the Wii users aren't buying Wii software that isn't a Nintendo brand. That's going to hinder the flow of innovative third party games to the Wii. We're seeing that already in a lot of third party titles. They're just porting PS2 games over and tacking on what is often a badly created Wii control scheme to make it look like something different.

Last edited by Mizzou B-ball fan : 03-16-2007 at 07:16 AM.
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Old 03-16-2007, 07:44 AM   #6
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While I agree that the Japanese sales are probably what's going to keep PS3 in the market, I wouldn't be so sure that European sales will be any higher percentage-wise than the US-sales.

The Euro-pricetag will be about $100 more expensive than the US price and $250 more than the Japanese price. The "cheapest" PS3 you can pre-order in Sweden is at about $825 (60Gb HD version). No games, no HDMI-cable etc

There's a bundle available with 3 games from priced at €813, which is almost $1100.

Sony are pricing themselves out of the market where 360 and Wii are dominating.
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Old 03-16-2007, 07:44 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
1) Getting while the getting's good. These are people who see the writing on the wall for the PS2 format with three 'next-gen' competitors for shelf space hitting their stride. They've waited out the PS2, and they know that there isn't going to be any better time than now to pick up the system and such games as they've been ogling while both are still reasonably available.

These people will be PS3 owners eventually, but we may be talking about five years from now before the market adjusts to the point that they're willing to dip a toe in. I mean, they waited the PS3 down from $299 to $129.

that's me, right there. we just got a PS2 this Christmas. PS3 isn't even on our radar right now. As of today, or next purchase would probably be a Wii, and that's not likely to happen soon either. Maybe all this will change as our 5-year old starts seeing other consoles at friends' houses, but, for now, console envy has not hit anyone in the household.
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Old 03-16-2007, 07:49 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Coder View Post
While I agree that the Japanese sales are probably what's going to keep PS3 in the market, I wouldn't be so sure that European sales will be any higher percentage-wise than the US-sales.

The Euro-pricetag will be about $100 more expensive than the US price and $250 more than the Japanese price. The "cheapest" PS3 you can pre-order in Sweden is at about $825 (60Gb HD version). No games, no HDMI-cable etc

There's a bundle available with 3 games from priced at €813, which is almost $1100.

Sony are pricing themselves out of the market where 360 and Wii are dominating.

Agree but at least in Spain the PS3 is higly expected, i frecuent Spanish console forums and you can't believe all the hype there, plus all the major consoles shops have sold all their PS3, being impossible right now to preoder a PS3. Some freaks have even bought them from Japan as the games are region free in the PS3 so they will have only problems with the Blue-Ray movies (that are region encoded). In the other hand, it's not hard to find a 360 or Wii here in any store.

The Ps3 is so expensive, and the PS2 will keep overselling it in Spain, but the Ps3 is going to be a top seller here soon.

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Old 03-16-2007, 07:52 AM   #9
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After seeing the Tiger Woods Wii commercials I am almost completely sold on that being our first console purchase...
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Old 03-16-2007, 07:52 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Icy View Post
all the major consoles shops have sold all their PS3, being impossible right now to preoder a PS3. Some freaks have even bought them from Japan as the games are region free in the PS3 so they will have only problems with the Blue-Ray movies (that are region encoded). In the other hand, it's not hard to find a 360 or Wii here in any store.

Interesting.. here you can't find a Wii, but if you pre-order a PS3 you're guaranteed one at release (according to
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:09 AM   #11
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1) The Wii will have a bigger base of installed hardware than the 360 or the PS3 by the middle of next year at the latest. They may catch the 360 by the end of the year. There is no question at this point that the Wii will have the largest base of the three next gen systems.

2) The PS3 is nearing the point of disaster RIGHT NOW. The 360 outsold it by 100k units last month. The base is already high and is only getting higher. You can't find a Wii anywhere. It looks like it's going to be another two or three months before the Wii has any noticeable slowdown at all.

3) Lets face it, the issues impacting Sony right now aren't changing. The Wii is the console the kiddies and families want. It's the console of the semi serious gamer who wants to hae some fun.

Meanwhile, the two biggest factors destroying Sony vs. the Xbox 360 aren't going away. The price point and the quality games. The 360 pounds Sony on both fronts and it's not going to suddenly stop over the coming months. As Bill said in his post, just look at the A+ titles headed for the 360 in the next few months.

Now look at the PS3 titles. Forza, Guitar Hero 2 (wiping out another key Sony exclusive) and Mass Effect vs. MLB: The Show in the next few months. I love The Show, but are you telling me that's going to be a system seller like any of the other three up there?

The worst thing for Sony to do right now is pretend this is going to go away or start thinking worldwide right now. The launch has been a disaster. They have a ton of expensive systems on the shelf and there is little positive buzz for the system. (outside of a handfull of people on this site it seems)

As for the price point, everyone saying it wasn't that big of a deal looks foolish now. Clearly, the price point is having an impact and a big one. It's also not going away. Microsoft has to be thrilled that they haven't had to lower the price point to compete with the PS3. When Sony does, MS can follow suit and still keep the pressure on.

This console "war" is pretty much over for this generation IMHO. Sony is behind in every front and you have to realize these things aren't just impacting this launch. MS now has a year+ head start on them for the next war. While Sony was figuring out PS3 issues in their delay the pas year, the 360 team has a jump on development.

I predicted early Sony was going to be in trouble with the price point and lack of A+ titles coming out right away. Yet I didn't even think the carnage would be this bad. They are getting destroyed in every phase of the game.
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:25 AM   #12
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I agree with all of Troy's points. I think the 800 dollar price point launch in Europe is going to hurt Sony quite a bit and isn't going to bolster that front. Japan is the only market that I can see Sony winning, but I don't think that will be enough to win them the overall market.

I also agree with Sackattack's points. I know a lot of families that are in a lower socioeconomic bracket who are just finally getting a PS2 but have no intention of getting a PS3 ever (unless it somehow drops down to that under 200 dollar price point at some point in the distant future.)

Also, with God of War 2 and a few other games out that I eventually want to play when I have time, I would replace my PS2 with a new one today if it broke. I think the replacement contingent is also a significant portion of sales.
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:27 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Subby View Post
After seeing the Tiger Woods Wii commercials I am almost completely sold on that being our first console purchase...

That is a great commercial and we might pull the trigger on a Wii soon, particularly if that game gets good reviews.
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:44 AM   #14
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Still playing the PS2 here.

Hell, the thing is that there's GOW II coming out, and on top of the games I have, there are 10-12 PS2 games that have been out for some time that I just haven't picked up. (Xenosaga 3, for instance) Assuming the system doesn't break (or I replace it) I could probably wring another 3 or 4 years out of it, especially since my video game time has decreased in the last couple years.
The only thing I'm losing out on is the most recent sports games, but that's not worth $400 or $600 to me at this point in time. Sony did such a good job with the PS2 and it's library that I haven't had an urge to upgrade yet, more then a year into the next generation.
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:45 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Coder View Post
While I agree that the Japanese sales are probably what's going to keep PS3 in the market, I wouldn't be so sure that European sales will be any higher percentage-wise than the US-sales.

The Euro-pricetag will be about $100 more expensive than the US price and $250 more than the Japanese price. The "cheapest" PS3 you can pre-order in Sweden is at about $825 (60Gb HD version). No games, no HDMI-cable etc

There's a bundle available with 3 games from priced at €813, which is almost $1100.

Sony are pricing themselves out of the market where 360 and Wii are dominating.

Despite that, nearly all of the 1M PS3's are already sold in Europe for the launch. The only caviat is that there will be some that aren't sold because of ridiculous bundle deals, but that happens everywhere. Europe is a big market for Sony because of the region-free software. While Japan and the US get most of the software, Europe is left out of a lot of titles. European players can now get those games that they've been missing out on and that's a big selling point.
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Old 03-16-2007, 08:47 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 View Post
That is a great commercial and we might pull the trigger on a Wii soon, particularly if that game gets good reviews.

How quickly the tribulations of buying an EA game are forgotten......
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:06 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 View Post
. Japan is the only market that I can see Sony winning, but I don't think that will be enough to win them the overall market.

Actually, it's the same story here as it is back home. The Wii can't be had for love or money. But there are PS3s available in every store. The only real difference is the prejudice against Microsoft.
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:17 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan View Post
Europe is a big market for Sony because of the region-free software. While Japan and the US get most of the software, Europe is left out of a lot of titles.

It was too expensive to include backwards compatibility on the European version, so they're using cheaper hardware and abandoning backwards compatibility (i.e. no PS2 games on your PS3).. Games are already being announced as only working with PAL, so I'm worrying that not only did they drop the backwards-stuff, they're also dropping the region-free ability.
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:20 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by oykib View Post
Actually, it's the same story here as it is back home. The Wii can't be had for love or money. But there are PS3s available in every store. The only real difference is the prejudice against Microsoft.

Japan is a society that waits for the big games to make a console purchase. They had a PS3 sales boost recently when a mech game came out. They'll likely see the bigger boost when games like FF, KH and MGS come out late this year and early next year. Until then, those sales numbers will likely remain static.
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:23 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Coder View Post
It was too expensive to include backwards compatibility on the European version, so they're using cheaper hardware and abandoning backwards compatibility (i.e. no PS2 games on your PS3).. Games are already being announced as only working with PAL, so I'm worrying that not only did they drop the backwards-stuff, they're also dropping the region-free ability.

That's totally inaccurate. All PS1 games are playable on the European PS3. Over 1,000 PS2 games are playable on the European PS3 and more will be added as time moves along via firmware updates. The early reports that the European PS3 didn't play PS2 games was based on feedback from people that were given pre-release European PS3's to try out. No backwards compatibility firmware was on those systems, hence the reason they wouldn't play PS2 games. The firmware update will be available on launch.

All PS3's are region-free. Nothing has changed with the European version of the PS3.

Last edited by Mizzou B-ball fan : 03-16-2007 at 09:27 AM.
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:31 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan View Post
That's totally inaccurate. All PS1 games are playable on the PS3. Over 1,000 PS2 games are playable on the PS2 and more will be added as time moves along via firmware updates. The early reports that the European PS3 didn't play PS2 games was based on feedback from people that were given pre-release European PS3's to try out. No backwards compatibility firmware was on those systems, hence the reason they wouldn't play PS2 games. The firmware update will be available on launch.

In a statement released today, Sony said that the European systems will utilize "a new hardware specification," and Sony won't "concentrate on PS2 backwards compatibility." Rather, they are "increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment features exclusively for PS3, truly taking advantage of this exciting technology." What does this mean in plain English? Sony is looking to decrease the production cost of the Playstation 3, and they have opted to replace dedicated hardware with software that will replace its functionality. The hardware had been providing full backwards compatibility of PS2 games, but Sony makes it clear that the new configuration will not offer the same level of support. "Certain PlayStation 2 format software titles may not perform properly on this system," the statement reads.

The electronics firm said that PS3 consoles built for the European market are slightly different to those in other regions because they use software to carry out some of the functions of the dedicated chips.
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:42 AM   #22
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As I mentioned, totally inaccurate. Those were reactionary articles after the rumors flew. Also, note that the PS3's in North America and Japan will have the same setup (i.e. no Emotion chip) starting in April. Here's the info straight from Harrison's mouth in response to the above rumors that you cited.

PS3 Backwards compatibility: 1,000 reasons not to worry
Posted Mar 01, 2007 at 04:38AM by Glen D.

Sony's president for worldwide studios, has some good news for the Sony gaming community to ease the tension regarding the PlayStation 3's backwards compatibility.

The president says that come the March 23 release of the PS3 in Europe, Australia, Africa and the Middle East, the console will be able to host a thousand games from the PS2.

"The situation is changing everyday," says Harrison. "But on March 23, we expect the list to include over 1000 PS2 titles."

News broke out earlier that the PS2's emotion engine would be taken out of PS3 Euro in lieu of more formidable hardware which will beef up the next-generation experience that the console delivers.

Sony has also announced that a software solution to the hardware issue is forthcoming, saying that software emulation will be the means by which PS2 classics can bridge the gap between the old and the new systems.

Harrison promised the game community that the company is exerting effort to provide better means to preserve backwards compatibility. he says "We're working to introduce a resource to the Web to detail which titles will have backwards compatibility. and as we make firmware upgrades, we will be able to add to that list."

Here's hoping that more titles will be supported by the plan.

Last edited by Mizzou B-ball fan : 03-16-2007 at 09:44 AM.
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Old 03-16-2007, 09:48 AM   #23
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I'm willing to concede, but the information I've quoted has reached European consumers and despite the interview you cite, potential buyers are increasing a negative opinion of Sony.. one bad news item can harm more than ten positive ones can "fix".
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Old 03-16-2007, 10:02 AM   #24
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Before you read the last rights to Sony, remember that Sony's Blu-Ray format is dominating the HD market right now. If Microsoft takes a hard line by not upgrading it's HD player to Blu-Ray, I wonder what will happen.

Could their be an XBOX360 with a built in Blu-ray player?
High-Def Digest has already updated their release page which is shows that Blu-ray has more titles with dates for February than HD DVD has for all of 2007.
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Old 03-16-2007, 10:08 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Coder View Post
I'm willing to concede, but the information I've quoted has reached European consumers and despite the interview you cite, potential buyers are increasing a negative opinion of Sony.. one bad news item can harm more than ten positive ones can "fix".

This seems to be the biggest beef against the PS3........rumors that end up being 'fact'. I would say that Sony has not handled some of these rumors very well, but the only real beef against the PS3 is that it costs too much (game supply was a problem, but a big batch of games is now coming over the next few months). The quality of the system itself has never been an issue.
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Old 03-16-2007, 10:13 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by 14ers View Post
Before you read the last rights to Sony, remember that Sony's Blu-Ray format is dominating the HD market right now. If Microsoft takes a hard line by not upgrading it's HD player to Blu-Ray, I wonder what will happen.

Could their be an XBOX360 with a built in Blu-ray player?

It's a valid point. Blu-ray movies are now outselling HD-DVD movies. A couple of articles yesterday suggested that Microsoft may abandon the HD-DVD format by early next year and use it strictly for game on the 360. Also, BR players are supposed to be at a $300 price point by the holiday season, which would actually make next-gen DVD's an affordable option to the market.

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Old 03-16-2007, 10:31 AM   #27
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I'll end buying a PS3 mainly because i want ot play USA games, but i must admit i like the 360 way more. What i hate from Sony PS3's politics is that they not only want you to buy their console but also their Blue-Ray thing and an HDMI TV. I want a console to play games, exclusively, so i hate to overpay because it can be used as media center and to play Blue-Ray movies that i have zero interest on. Also you can play your 360 in any computer monitor on high resolution, while Sony is not releasing an VGA cable with it, so you need to also buy an HD TV or a third party hardware converter to enjoy the high resolution games.

Will i buy a PS3? yes
Only reason? to play USA sports games
Do I care about blue-ray? No, i would like it removed and the console to be half price.
Will i buy it in launch? doubt it

Microsoft screwed themselves with the region code lock, else i wouldn't find any reason to buy a PS3 over it.

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Old 03-16-2007, 10:34 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Icy View Post
I'll end buying a PS3 mainly because i want ot play USA games, but i must admit i like the 360 way more. What i hate from Sony PS3's politics is that they not only want you to buy their console but also their Blue-Ray thing and an HDMI TV. I want a console to play games, exclusively, so i hate to overpay because it can be used as media center and to play Blue-Ray movies that i have zero interest on. Also you can play your 360 in any computer monitor on high resolution, while Sony is not releasing an VGA cable with it, so you need to also buy an HD TV or a third party hardware converter to enjoy the high resolution games.

Will i buy a PS3? yes
Only reason? to play USA sports games
Do I care about blue-ray? No, i would like it removed and the console to be half price.
Will i buy it in launch? doubt it

Microsoft screwed themselves with the region code lock, else i wouldn't find any reason to buy a PS3 over it.

Just a thought, but I think you can run an hdmi->DVI cable into a monitor. And then run an rca or fiber optic sound cable into your receiver/surround sound.
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Old 03-16-2007, 10:37 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan View Post
How quickly the tribulations of buying an EA game are forgotten......

I've always liked their golf game, and having been a weekend golfer in my younger days, the Wii remote with a real golf type swing is very appealing. Heck, I've said I'll probably buy the College Football game this year on the 360 as well. I just won't buy Madden without tons of reviews that list a major improvement. Nor will I buy Live or the College game as I haven't for several years and I see the 2k versions being much better.
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Old 03-16-2007, 10:38 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by stevew View Post
Just a thought, but I think you can run an hdmi->DVI cable into a monitor. And then run an rca or fiber optic sound cable into your receiver/surround sound.

For what i have been reading, only if the monitor's DVI imput supports HDCP that only new ones do.

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Old 03-16-2007, 10:58 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Icy View Post
What i hate from Sony PS3's politics is that they not only want you to buy their console but also their Blue-Ray thing and an HDMI TV.

I have both a HDMI and component hook-up on my PS3. You'd be hard pressed to see the difference unless you have a very sharp picture over 60". I actually have a 65" TV and see very little difference between the two inputs. It's like the difference between great and excellent. I wouldn't bother with HDMI unless you're just one of those people that HAS to have nothing but the best, no matter how small the increase in quality.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:02 AM   #32
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[quote=Eaglesfan27;1420317]I've always liked their golf game, and having been a weekend golfer in my younger days, the Wii remote with a real golf type swing is very appealing.QUOTE]

Herein lies the problem. If they truly go with a swing that uses a realistic motion, there's going to be a lot of very frustrated gamers that look just like you and I on a real golf course. They won't do that. So you'll end up with a dumbed-down version of the swing that really doesn't affect the ball flight all that much. You know that it's going to be the same game as what you got on the PS2/Xbox, so that swing addition better be awfully good and improve the game significantly.

I do agree that the commercial is very well done.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:12 AM   #33
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Two quick points:

1) God of War II is a perfect example of complete and utter Sony failure. it would have been a system seller had it been a PS3 exclusive. Hell, I'd likely have eventually purchased a PS3 strictly for that game. Instead I spent 50 bucks. The complete lack of planning and forethought is what is slaughtering them.

2) The Blu-Ray issue. Sony is banking on me spending a ton of money for Blu-Ray. A GAMING systems success is being driven by a DVD platform. I mean, that's nice and all, but ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?

I'm happy with my current DVD player. It's going to be awhile before I decide to upgrade. When I do upgrade, I'll probably buy a stand alone Blu-Ray player. I know, I know. . . I can't buy a stand alone Blu Ray player right now for the same price Sony does, right? I wonder if that's going to be true in a year or two when I actually decide to upgrade?

I realize I'm speaking for myself here, but it's my opinion that the #1 reason people buy gaming consoles is to play games. I know, shocking, huh? By the time the GAMES catch up to the 360 or Wii (and I'm not conceding that'll ever happen), stand alone Blu-Ray players will be a lot cheaper and people will still be buying the Ps3 because of the GAMES they want to play on it, not the ability to watch RV in Blu-Ray.

Maybe I'm wrong there, I dunno. Maybe Bill Harris is too. But I think there is a lot more evidence to support our side now than the people who think Sony is going to be able to save themselves from this disaster.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:23 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
1) God of War II is a perfect example of complete and utter Sony failure. it would have been a system seller had it been a PS3 exclusive. Hell, I'd likely have eventually purchased a PS3 strictly for that game. Instead I spent 50 bucks. The complete lack of planning and forethought is what is slaughtering them.

2) The Blu-Ray issue. Sony is banking on me spending a ton of money for Blu-Ray. A GAMING systems success is being driven by a DVD platform. I mean, that's nice and all, but ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?

I'm happy with my current DVD player. It's going to be awhile before I decide to upgrade. When I do upgrade, I'll probably buy a stand alone Blu-Ray player. I know, I know. . . I can't buy a stand alone Blu Ray player right now for the same price Sony does, right? I wonder if that's going to be true in a year or two when I actually decide to upgrade?

Couple of points related to your comments......

1) Games like GOW II (and most other backwards compatible PS2 games) will be upconverted on PS3 in 720p/1080i in the next few months (this will be in a firmware update and is made possible by the change to software emulation). Certainly that's not a selling point necessarily if you don't have a PS3, but for owners of the system, that makes games like GOW II a good purchase because you're going to have better quality visuals than you would have on a PS2 and a brand new game to play.

2) You will be able to get a BR player in the next few months pretty cheap. It's been reported in numerous places that stand-alone Blu-ray players will be at a $300 price point by summer and even a bit lower than that by the holiday season. Also, if you're patient, there's plenty of ways to get Blu-ray releases for $20 on the internet. just had a big half-off sale on a bunch of BR titles. I snagged a few at that price.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:27 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
I'm happy with my current DVD player. It's going to be awhile before I decide to upgrade. When I do upgrade, I'll probably buy a stand alone Blu-Ray player. I know, I know. . . I can't buy a stand alone Blu Ray player right now for the same price Sony does, right? I wonder if that's going to be true in a year or two when I actually decide to upgrade?

Are you saying that you do not currently own a High Definition TV?

Sorry, but one of the main reasons I bought my PS3 was so I could watch High Definition DVDs. I sold myself on the PS3, because it was a Blu-ray Player with a free gaming system already built in. I would not of purchased the PS3 if it did not include the Blu-ray.

Blu-ray Rocky Balboa for $28.98
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:29 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by TroyF View Post

2) The Blu-Ray issue. Sony is banking on me spending a ton of money for Blu-Ray. A GAMING systems success is being driven by a DVD platform. I mean, that's nice and all, but ARE YOU FREAKIN KIDDING ME?

I'm happy with my current DVD player. It's going to be awhile before I decide to upgrade. When I do upgrade, I'll probably buy a stand alone Blu-Ray player. I know, I know. . . I can't buy a stand alone Blu Ray player right now for the same price Sony does, right? I wonder if that's going to be true in a year or two when I actually decide to upgrade?

I realize I'm speaking for myself here, but it's my opinion that the #1 reason people buy gaming consoles is to play games. I know, shocking, huh? By the time the GAMES catch up to the 360 or Wii (and I'm not conceding that'll ever happen), stand alone Blu-Ray players will be a lot cheaper and people will still be buying the Ps3 because of the GAMES they want to play on it, not the ability to watch RV in Blu-Ray.

That is what i said, i don't f**ing care about the Blue Ray in a console. It's like if they charge me $200 extra because it has a built in professional hairdresser. It should be extra as it is in the 360 (the HD-DVD), not the biggest sales point when in fact it's their worst sales point.

Last edited by Icy : 03-16-2007 at 11:31 AM.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:31 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by 14ers View Post
Are you saying that you do not currently own a High Definition TV?

Sorry, but one of the main reasons I bought my PS3 was so I could watch High Definition DVDs. I sold myself on the PS3, because it was a Blu-ray Player with a free gaming system already built in. I would not of purchased the PS3 if it did not include the Blu-ray.

Blu-ray Rocky Balboa for $28.98

Umm i guess i'll need to eat my words then, you are the first person that bought it because the blue-ray so it probably means there are more like you.

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Old 03-16-2007, 11:35 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Icy View Post
Umm i guess i'll need to eat my words then, you are the first person that bought it because the blue-ray so it probably means there are more like you.
For me, without the Blu-ray player it would not have made since to upgrade from my PS2.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:38 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by 14ers View Post
For me, without the Blu-ray player it would not have made since to upgrade from my PS2.

I agree with that. No Blu-ray would have left me waiting to upgrade instead of buying on launch day. I used the PS2 as my primary DVD player as well. Also, Blu-ray DVD's are available for rental, so you certainly don't have to buy every one you watch.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:39 AM   #40
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Nice of them to upgrade God of War to the new format. I'm good with the one it is currently on. They COULD have sold a ton of PS3 systems if that was the only way to play the game. Instead it's like a perk for those with a PS3. Not a selling point and stupid.


Yes, I have a 51 inch HD TV. But it took me a couple of years to upgrade to HD. It's not a system seller for me at all. The movies I see on my current HD player are fine. I'll upgrade at some point.

I think you are the oddball here. (usually a role I fill to perfection) You bought the PS3 because of the Blu Ray. I think a majority of people buy a console because they want to game on it and ALL other factors are secondary to that singular goal. Have fun while playing games.

If the games gap between the PS3, 360 and Wii are close, then the Blu Ray becomes a factor. Instead what you have is the Wii with an innovative way to play games and the 360 with a solid, deep lineup of games and a lineup of A titles hitting the shelves every month for the rest of the year, many of which are exclusives.

When it comes to games, the PS3 gets its ass kicked here. And I believe games are what sell gaming systems. I know I've made the point, but you asked a direct question, and I wanted to answer it.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:45 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
I think you are the oddball here. (usually a role I fill to perfection) You bought the PS3 because of the Blu Ray. I think a majority of people buy a console because they want to game on it and ALL other factors are secondary to that singular goal. Have fun while playing games.
I wouldn't say exactly that. I would say, That I bought the PS3 EARLIER because of the Blu-ray.

It also helps me that Net Flix carries Blu-ray movies.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:48 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan View Post
2) You will be able to get a BR player in the next few months pretty cheap. It's been reported in numerous places that stand-alone Blu-ray players will be at a $300 price point by summer and even a bit lower than that by the holiday season. Also, if you're patient, there's plenty of ways to get Blu-ray releases for $20 on the internet. just had a big half-off sale on a bunch of BR titles. I snagged a few at that price.

The cheapest name brand type one out right now is the Samsung, I think, and it's like 800 bucks. The sony one sells for 999 still. They may drop that quickly, but it needs to start right now. I guess the samsung is available for 699 now, on sale(and probably just a permanent price cut anyways).

Is that 300 for a decent one, or 300 for an AKAI-type Funai POS? And it is that supposed to be 300 at the retail level or 300 at the internets deep discounts.
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Old 03-16-2007, 11:57 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
If the games gap between the PS3, 360 and Wii are close, then the Blu Ray becomes a factor. Instead what you have is the Wii with an innovative way to play games and the 360 with a solid, deep lineup of games and a lineup of A titles hitting the shelves every month for the rest of the year, many of which are exclusives.

When it comes to games, the PS3 gets its ass kicked here. And I believe games are what sell gaming systems. I know I've made the point, but you asked a direct question, and I wanted to answer it.

There are good PS3 games as well and the list of exclusives improves quite a bit over the next couple of months. A brief list of coming soon or already here (there's more obviously, but I'm pulling off the top of my head).......

F1 Championship Racing
MLB 07 - The Show
FF series
MGS series
Kingdom Hearts series

I'm guessing you didn't go out to actually put together the lists and compare them before coming to the conclusion 'the PS3 gets its ass kicked here'. There's plenty of fun games to go around on both systems. Just because you don't like the PS3 exclusives and are a big 360 fan doesn't mean there aren't good games to be played on the system.
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:08 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by stevew View Post
The cheapest name brand type one out right now is the Samsung, I think, and it's like 800 bucks. The sony one sells for 999 still. They may drop that quickly, but it needs to start right now. I guess the samsung is available for 699 now, on sale(and probably just a permanent price cut anyways).

Is that 300 for a decent one, or 300 for an AKAI-type Funai POS? And it is that supposed to be 300 at the retail level or 300 at the internets deep discounts.

I found one of the article where a Sony rep made the price comment (2nd page of the article). I misquoted it and need to correct myself. This one says $300 retail at the end of the year and $600 retail by this summer. My previous post was about 6 months premature. But still, a Blu-ray stand-alone should be affordable by the end of the year for those not wanting a PS3 for their BR player.
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:15 PM   #45
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[quote=Mizzou B-ball fan;1420345]
Originally Posted by Eaglesfan27 View Post
I've always liked their golf game, and having been a weekend golfer in my younger days, the Wii remote with a real golf type swing is very appealing.QUOTE]

Herein lies the problem. If they truly go with a swing that uses a realistic motion, there's going to be a lot of very frustrated gamers that look just like you and I on a real golf course. They won't do that. So you'll end up with a dumbed-down version of the swing that really doesn't affect the ball flight all that much. You know that it's going to be the same game as what you got on the PS2/Xbox, so that swing addition better be awfully good and improve the game significantly.

I do agree that the commercial is very well done.

Probably true and if the case, it won't be a deciding factor for me on the Wii. However, we are already leaning towards a Wii due to my wife's desire to have one for when we have friends over or are hosting casual parties.
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:19 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan View Post
Alison Casey, who analyzes consumer trends for London-based Understanding & Solutions, predicts that retailers will pull the plug on HD DVD sometime next year.

Does a 360 need a HD Player for its games? I know it is available as an option now, so will microsoft be able to change fromats by next year? Are there currently any games that require the HD-DVD player?
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:25 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Mizzou B-ball fan View Post
There are good PS3 games as well and the list of exclusives improves quite a bit over the next couple of months. A brief list of coming soon or already here (there's more obviously, but I'm pulling off the top of my head).......

F1 Championship Racing
MLB 07 - The Show
FF series
MGS series
Kingdom Hearts series

I'm guessing you didn't go out to actually put together the lists and compare them before coming to the conclusion 'the PS3 gets its ass kicked here'. There's plenty of fun games to go around on both systems. Just because you don't like the PS3 exclusives and are a big 360 fan doesn't mean there aren't good games to be played on the system.

I also didn't list a lot of games for the 360. I listed the biggies. Resistance is a nice effort, but it's been out from the beginning and is obviously not selling the system. Motorstorm is out and is getting decent reviews, but isn't a system seller either. Ditto for F1. (though that may be a bigger hit overseas)

I'm not aware of a new Kingdom Hearts coming out anytimes soon and I thought the first FF for the PS3 was delayed from a June release date. Lair looks interesting, but is it going to be a system seller? And is that lineup of games even in the ballpark with what the 360 already has out there?

Pretty obvious answer IMHO. It isn't close. They are getting their asses handed to them when it comes to the games now. A game like God of war II as an exclusive on the PS3 could have been a major advantage. They blew it.
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:25 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by 14ers View Post
Does a 360 need a HD Player for its games? I know it is available as an option now, so will microsoft be able to change fromats by next year? Are there currently any games that require the HD-DVD player?

No, the HD-DVD movie part is a totally different piece of the system. The games will still use the HD-DVD discs, but the HD-DVD player is not needed to play those games, just the system itself.
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:28 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by 14ers View Post
Does a 360 need a HD Player for its games? I know it is available as an option now, so will microsoft be able to change fromats by next year? Are there currently any games that require the HD-DVD player?

No, the HD drive is purely optional and isn't even sold with the core system.
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Old 03-16-2007, 12:29 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by TroyF View Post
Pretty obvious answer IMHO. It isn't close. They are getting their asses handed to them when it comes to the games now. A game like God of war II as an exclusive on the PS3 could have been a major advantage. They blew it.

Like I said, you're relatively bias towards your system. Personally, not many of the 360 exclusive titles excite me, but I'm not oblivious to the fact that people like you may like them. It's far from as cut and dried as you'd like to portray it, but I'm glad you're enjoying your system.
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