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Old 01-07-2013, 02:46 PM   #1
Coffee Warlord
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Rommel? Guderian? Meet Coffee! (HOI3 - Germany)

I give to you...a Hearts of Iron 3 dynasty!

We will be taking the reigns of pretty much the most interesting country to play - Germany. I'm pretty much going to wing it, though I have no intention of trying to conquer the world. My goal is more to end the game with Germany as a leading superpower, and Russia in shambles. Wars with France and the UK are pretty much inevitable, but I intend to try and get the western war ended as soon as as amicably as possible - the Commies are the true enemy.

I've played up through about 1938/early 1939 right now, (starts at 1936), which usually advances fairly straightforward, though I'll recap some interesting tidbits (a couple events are rather interesting).

Posts are going to be a mix of 'news' headlines (with some commentary), and once war starts breaking out, I'll detail our battle plans and such. I am, however, experimenting with the AI in this game, and will leave all Army control to the AI. Basically you set them a territory objective, and let the AI attack as it sees fit. Little more realistic and interesting. Couple exceptions - amphibious & airborne assaults will be manually controlled, as the AI apparently just cannot do these. Also, the Navy & Air Force will be controlled by me as well.


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Old 01-07-2013, 02:49 PM   #2
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January 1, 1936
German Chancellor Announces Trade Agreement With Sweden!

Reich officials have announced a deal with Swedish officials to supply Germany with regular shipments of steel & iron, in exchange for an unspecified sums. British officials were noted as expressing some alarm over the possibility of a German re-armament, which were quickly dismissed by the German public relations office.

"Germany has the right to acquire the materials it needs to further our industrial goals. We will once again be a prosperous and advanced nation, and finely made German goods will be available throughout the world."

While initially some suspected that Norway, in a position to deny these shipments during the winter months (the normal Baltic passages being frozen over during this time), Norweigan officials chose to maintain warm relations with Germany, and allowed transit rights in exchange for small shipments of German grain & medical supplies.

February 8th, 1936
Versailles Treaty Broken - Wehrmacht Troops Occupy Rhineland!

A wave of shock swept across France today, as troops along the Maginot reported that German infantry divisions were deploying on the German side of the Rhine River, in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Though early reports indicate that these soldiers were merely deploying elsewhere within Reich territory, French officials dispatched letters of protest to both the German and British governments. Britain, for their own part, had little reaction to the event, and sources indicate that German diplomats were in the process of finalizing a treaty to allow the re-occupation of the Rhineland anyway. Other governments had little to say about the event, as many both publicly and privately believed that several parts of the Versailles treaty were long overdue for repeal.

This was actually just an error on my part. There's both an event and a decision to re-occupy the Rhineland. The decision is a negotiation event where Britain grants Germany permission to void that part of Versailles. However, as I was moving my initial troops to their position (Dutch Border), I wasn't paying attention and they actually crossed through the Rhine en route, triggering the event. Doesn't matter much, just generates an extra point or two of threat in France. Whoops. I'da preferred every edge to avoid looking threatening as possible.

At any rate, this event allows me to commence researching more modern naval technologies, which we immediately start researching aircraft carrier designs, as well as bigger guns & engines on our capital ships & cruisers.

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 01-07-2013 at 02:49 PM.
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Old 01-07-2013, 03:06 PM   #3
Coffee Warlord
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April 18th, 1936
Civil War Breaks Out In Spain!

For months, if not years, Republican Spain has had a tenous hold on power. In April, the situation exploded, with General Francisco Franco leading a rebellion against the Republic. Sensing an opportunity, the world reacts. Expeditionary forces were assembled and dispatched by both Germany and the Kingdom of Italy, throwing their support behind Franco's rebellion.

Not long after, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom intervened on behalf of the Republic, and all hell broke loose in Iberia.

May 12th, 1936
Ethiopia Surrenders to Italian Expeditionary Forces!

Despite protests from all across the globe, Italy has announced the annexation of Ethiopia, which will be integrated into the greater Italian East African Colonies. A military governor has been placed in control of the former provinces, to be under the direct control of Italy. German officials sent words of congratulations to Mussolini not long after, praising the Dictator's restoration of peace to Eastern Africa.

In other news, German officials have increased their funding for their embassies in the United States, Turkey, and Sweden, in the attempts to further improve relations in those countries.

In game terms, we are attempting to influence those countries towards the Axis. Since influencing nations takes a heckuva lot of time, effort, and diverts resources from research to diplomacy, we can only do it sparingly. I intend to leave influence on the US as long as I can, in the hopes they stay out of the war - it's almost impossible to get them to actually join the Axis. Best I can reasonably hope for is neutrality. Turkey & Sweden I want to get more closely aligned to us, and I flip my influence back and forth between those two for awhile. By 1938, Turkey is almost all the way aligned to the Axis, and Sweden is well on their way. Still going to be hard for either of them to actually JOIN us, but at least they're favorable to us.
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Old 01-07-2013, 03:24 PM   #4
Coffee Warlord
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June 13th, 1937
Far East Explodes Into War!

Following a small incident over the Marco Polo Bridge, the Japanese Empire has declared war against the Republic of China. Soldiers from Korea and Manchuria have begun pouring into China, with reports of massive losses on both sides.

Not long after, a small set of incidents along the Japanese border with Russia escalated into a limited conflict between the two nations. However, after a series of battles, negotiators prevailed, with peace returning betwene Japan and the USSR. However, a long war between Japan and China seems inevitable.

In other Eastern news, following the treaty with Japan, the Soviets announced a non- aggression treaty with the Republic of China, allowing them to free up large numbers of troops to more closely monitor the Japanese front. The Communist-leaning People's Republic of China has also thrown their support behind their ideological adversaries, joining arms with the Kuomingtang to dispatch the Japanese invaders.

July 25th, 1937
Iberian Peace - Franco's Forces Surrender

Following the death of General Franco in the rout of Toledo, rebel forces have thrown down their arms and surrendered to the armies of the Spanish Republic. Despite support from Germany and Italy, the rebels were quite outmatched, quickly dispatched by the loyalist armies, with backing from British and Soviet forces. Despite the unfortunate ending, Major General von Richthofen of the German Expeditionary Force has noted several new innovations in air combat, and meetings with the Wehrmacht High Command have already been scheduled to implement sweeping changes to the Luftwaffe.
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Old 01-07-2013, 03:40 PM   #5
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October 4th, 1937
Germany Announces Anti-Comitern Pact!

In a formal show of unity against Soviet, and indeed any Communist aggression, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Japan, and the Republic of China have all announced the signing of the Anti-Comitern Pact. Though largely a paper tiger, and bearing little formal weight aside from a verbal agreement to slow communist expansion, officials in the Soviet Union were outraged, formally condemning such a treaty as "fearmongering propaganda".

February 2nd, 1938
Austria Annexed by Germany!

Wehrmacht troops marched side by side with the Austrian Army in Vienna today, as Austria formally was annexed by the German Reich, another direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles. While the action was met with no bloodshed, many Austrian officials complained to the United Kingdom's Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain. Though expressing some concern over the event, the Prime Minister stated that the world could not afford another Great War, treaty violation or not.

In honor of this event, Kriegsmarine Admiral Raedar held a formal ceremony announcing that construction has commenced on the German Navy's first Aircraft Carriers. Hulls were laid down on the three massive vessels at the shipyards in Wismar. The ships, named KMS Graf Zeppelin, KMS Peter Strasser, and KMS Barbarossa respectively, are expected to be formally comissioned and activated within 2 years.

It is interesting to note, that only 2 years ago, even the construction of such ships would have been in violation of prior treaties.
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Old 01-07-2013, 03:49 PM   #6
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Is Captain von Trapp going to be in command of one the carriers?
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Old 01-07-2013, 03:57 PM   #7
Coffee Warlord
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The Kriegsmarine would never allow such a lowly Austrian to command one of the prides of the fleet. Raedar'd happily assign him a nice command in the 10th Amphibious Group, captaining a troop transport.
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Old 01-07-2013, 04:23 PM   #8
Coffee Warlord
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1938 - 1939
The World In Summary

I'm running out of time before the end of work, and would like to get up to where I am in game, where things actually start to get interesting.

- A second incident between Japan and the USSR results in all-out war between the two countries. Attempts at mediation fail, with Japan now facing war between both China and the Soviets. Trouble for Japan, who have repeatedly asked to join the Axis pact, only to be ignored by Germany.

- Speaking of which, Italy and Germany formally announce an alliance, officially forming the Axis Pact.

- France goes into a brief civil war, though all out fighting is averted with the resignation of their Prime Minister.

- Spain somehow got into a war with Morocco and annexed it. I have no idea how it happened, but Republican Spain now controls Morocco.

- Germany continues their 'peaceful' expansion, annexing the Sudetenland at first, then dividing the remainder of Czechoslovakia between themselves, Italy, Hungary, and the newly formed Slovakia, a client state of the Reich. Days later, the British, fearful of further expansion, offer their support to Poland. The prideful Polish, however, refuse any such support, in the hopes of brokering a treaty with Germany to preserve the peace.

- Sensing weakness, but still wary of a two-front war, Germany reaches out to the Soviet Union and concludes a secret non-aggression treaty, dividing Poland between the two powers. Though hostilities have not broken out yet, Poland is now on borrowed time.

- Which brings us to current day. Germany has elected not to lay claim to Memel, considering it strategically unimportant. Our buildup continues, as we prepare for an invasion of Poland (who, not being backed by the Allies, will make it hopefully easy for us to invade and settle). The USSR and Japan are at war, though little progress has been made there. Japan has made some inroads into China, despite being at war with the Soviets as well. The US is still in the depths of the Great Depression, and our diplomats remain hard at work influencing them. Turkey is about as far aligned with the Axis as they are going to get, so our other diplomats are working on Sweden. We've also spent large amount of our spy budget in increasing the threat generated by the USSR, with the hopes that the West sees them as far more dangerous than us.

I'll map out our planned military order of battle shortly. It's not even CLOSE to built, but our production goals are at least laid out.
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Old 01-07-2013, 04:52 PM   #9
Coffee Warlord
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Order of Battle Breakdown

- Division Breakdowns - Infantry: 3x Infantry, 1x Support - Lt Armor: 2x Light Armor, 1x Mechanized Infantry, 1x Mechanized Support - Md Armor 2x Medium Armor, 1x Motorized Infantry, 1x Support - Mechanized: 2x Mechanized Infantry, 1x Mechanized Support, 1x Tank Destroyer - Marines: 4x Marines - Airborne: 4x Paratroopers

Note, a few of our Infantry Divisions contain some Mountaineer brigades instead of general infantry, but they are rare, and the only reason I have them is because I inherited them when we annexed Austria. I don't expect to be doing a whole lot of mountain fighting, so I don't have many. Also as an FYI, a 'support' brigade is defined as a combination of artillery, engineers, anti-aircraft guns, etc, etc. And lastly, our planned breakdown of Armored Corps includes 2 Light Armor divisions and 3 Medium Armor divisions. Aside from that, everything else should be interpreted as a straight 5 Division Corps of whater the label says. AKA - an Infantry Corps would contain 5 Infantry divisions, a Mechanized Corps would contain 5 Mechanized divisions. etc.

- Fleet Breakdowns - Task Force: 2x Carriers, 2x Light Carriers, 2x Battlecruisers + 12 escort cruisers/destroyers. - Submarine Group: 3x Submarine Flotillas - Amphibious Group: 8x Transport Flotillas

The plan is to have a straight 4/4/4 breakdown of escort ships - 4 heavy cruisers, 4 light cruisers, 4 destroyers. If and when things get sunk, or we're crunched for production time (very likely), that will change.

- Air Force Breakdown - Fighter Wing (L): 4x Light Fighters (basically standard fighters) - Fighter Wing (H): 4x Heavy Fighters (longer range multi-role planes - can do air superiority or ground attacks) - Bomber Wing (L): 4x Light Bombers (single engine dive bombers) - Bomber Wing (M): 4x Medium Bombers (two engine bombers) - Airborne Wing: 6x Transport Planes

And when I say 4x fighters, that's not 4 planes, that's 4 combat wings (about 3-4 squadrons apiece).

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 01-07-2013 at 04:52 PM.
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Old 01-07-2013, 06:39 PM   #10
Coffee Warlord
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German Werhmacht (Proposed Order of Battle - Subject to Change)

Heer (Army) - Eastern Command - Army Group East (Northern Polish Front) - 1st Army - 11th Infantry - 12th Infantry - 13th Infantry - 14th Armored - 15th Mechanized - 2nd Army - 21st Infantry - 22nd Infantry - 23rd Infantry - 24th Armored - 25th Mechanized - Army Group South (Southern Polish/SE Europe Front) - 4th Army - 41st Infantry - 42nd Infantry - 43rd Infantry - 44th Armored - 45th Mechanized - 8th Army - 81st Infantry - 82nd Infantry - 83rd Armored - 84th Armored - 85th Mechanized - Western Command - Army Group North (Dutch/Belgian/Danish Fronts) - 3rd Army - 31st Infantry - 32nd Infantry - 33rd Infantry - 34th Armored - 35th Mechanized - 6th Army - 61st Infantry - 62nd Infantry - 63rd Armored - 64th Armored - 65th Mechanized - 9th Army - 91st Armored - 92nd Marines - 93rd Marines - 94th Airborne - 95th Mechanized - Army Group West (French Front) - 5th Army - 51st Infantry - 52nd Infantry - 53rd Infantry - 54th Armored - 55th Mechanized - 7th Army - 71st Infantry - 72nd Infantry - 73rd Armored - 74th Armored - 75th Mechanized Luftwaffe (Air Force) - 1st Air Group - 11th Fighter Wing (L) - 12th Fighter Wing (L) - 13th Fighter Wing (L) - 14th Fighter Wing (L) - 15th Fighter Wing (L) - 2nd Air Group - 21st Fighter Wing (L) - 22nd Fighter Wing (L) - 23rd Bomber Wing (L) - 24th Bomber Wing (L) - 25th Bomber Wing (M) - 26th Fighter Wing (H) - 3rd Air Group - 31st Fighter Wing (L) - 32nd Fighter Wing (L) - 33rd Bomber Wing (L) - 34th Bomber Wing (L) - 35th Bomber Wing (M) - 36th Fighter Wing (H) - 4th Air Group - 41st Fighter Wing (L) - 42nd Fighter Wing (L) - 43rd Bomber Wing (L) - 44th Bomber Wing (L) - 45th Bomber Wing (M) - 46th Fighter Wing (H) Kriegsmarine - 1st Fleet - 1st Task Force - 2nd Task Force - 5th Submarine Group - 6th Submarine Group - 9th Amphibious Group - 2nd Fleet - 3rd Task Force - 4th Task Force - 7th Submarine Group - 8th Submarine Group - 10th Amphibious Group

And yes. It's very, very ambitious. That would, in fact, be 8 aircraft carriers. It's gonna take awhile. You'll also note I'm fairly anal when it comes to my armies. I've found the 3 infantry corps / 1 armored corps / 1 mechanized corps is a good breakdown for an army, and its aesthetically pleasing. Most of those are front-line armies, with the more mechanized armies providing the extra punch where I need support. 9th Army is to be my wildcard, containing my marine and airborne corps. The armored/mechanized corps attached are intended to provide a breakout once the marines and airborne units secure a beachhead.

The 1st Air Group is intended to be our aerial wall. Groups of interceptors stationed across Germany to intercept any invading planes. The other 3 air groups will be where the action is, providing both air superiority and bombing runs.

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 01-07-2013 at 06:55 PM.
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Old 01-07-2013, 07:08 PM   #11
Join Date: Nov 2010
Love the Hearts of Iron games. Are you using any of the DLC?
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Old 01-07-2013, 07:23 PM   #12
Coffee Warlord
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Unless you count the expansions. I have Semper Fi and For the Motherland, and am using Historical Plausibility Project mod with a couple of alterations of my own - some of the hardcoded AI decisions I changed to a 50/50 random chance. That's how, for instance, Poland decided to quite kindly reject the UK's offer of protection. Gave Germany a little more starting industry & resources (HPP mod eats them by quite a bit, and I jack it back up for fun factor).

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Old 01-07-2013, 07:28 PM   #13
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Europe, October 1939

Asia, October 1939

Note China-Nanjing, a Japanese puppet state. I actually hadn't been paying attention to the East as much. Japan is doing much better than expected, especially since they are still at war with the USSR.

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Old 01-07-2013, 08:00 PM   #14
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I am disappointed to not have seen this, considering the title:

"Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?"

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

Janos: "Only America could produce an imbecile of your caliber!"
Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

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Old 01-07-2013, 08:54 PM   #15
Coffee Warlord
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Originally Posted by sterlingice View Post
I am disappointed to not have seen this, considering the title:

"Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?"


Even better, we'll get into a land war in Asia soon enough.
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Old 01-07-2013, 08:55 PM   #16
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April 3rd, 1940
German High Command - Department of Planning

Operation Sterling Ice
The invasion of Poland has been green-lit, and will commence on or about June of 1940. It will consist of Army Group East (1st Army & 2nd Army), and Army Group South (4th Army & 8th Army). 1st & 4th Armies are fully operational, while 2nd & 8th Armies are lacking several mechanized divisions. We are fully confident they will not be necessary, and full rollout of those divisions will not be complete before winter. Therefore, we move now.

Army Group East will be tasked with the invasions of Danzig, Warsaw, Lodz and some hellhole with a B and an L in the name. We cannot pronounce it, much less spell it.

Army Group South will be assigned Krakow and Lwow, with an element to swing north to link with Army Group East in Lodz.

Air support will be unfortunately limited. Our production run of aircraft is yet unfinished. Elements of several different groups will be assigned to the area, basically whatever we have available. Luckily, this is Poland. Air superiority should be easy enough to acquire.

Mobilization will start immediately, we expect it to take about 2 months to fully mobilize our forces.
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Old 01-07-2013, 09:00 PM   #17
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An excellently named campaign that is doomed to succeed!

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

Janos: "Only America could produce an imbecile of your caliber!"
Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

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Old 01-07-2013, 09:39 PM   #18
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May 4th, 1940
War Breaks Out In Europe!

At precisely 7am on May 4th, guns rang out, signaling the start of war returning to Europe. A formal declaration of war was delivered at 6:59am by the German ambassador in Warsaw, with the tanks already rolling into position, and aircraft already en route.
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Old 01-07-2013, 10:00 PM   #19
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May 19th, 1940
Russian Bear Extends Its Claws

In a shocking development, even as German troops steamroll their way across Poland, the Soviet Union has declared war on Poland. Massed infantry plods into Poland from the east, enveloping Poland in a two front war from which it is unlikely to escape.

May 26th, 1940
Poland Surrenders!

At 1am, mere hours after the fall of Warsaw to the German Wehrmacht, Poland troops officially surrendered to the forces of the Reich. The world remains in uproar over this unprovoked invasion, with nations condemning both German and Soviet actions. However, in less than a month, peace has returned to Europe. How long will it last?
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Old 01-07-2013, 10:26 PM   #20
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May 26th, 1940
German High Command, Department of Planning

Operation Sterling Ice - Review

With our forces fully mobilized a month earlier than planned, the Operation is launched May 4. Advances are, in line with our theories on lightning war, fast and victorious. The Polish military was completely unprepared, and resistance was swept quickly away.

Within 10 days, Danzig was secure, and Army Group East was on the outskirts of Warsaw, preparing for siege.

The city would not be directly attacked for almost 2 weeks, as Army Group East spread out to envelop the north and east sections, while waiting for Army Group South to link up and strike from the south.

By the afternoon of May 25th, Warsaw fell, and Polish soldiers everywhere began surrendering. It was formalized the following day.

2 days later, the Soviets demanded their section of Poland, in honor of treaties. Germany agreed, and Poland was divided between the two beligerents. German troops demobilized, and will quickly establish a defensive line with the far more terrifying Russians.

Army Group East will, for the time being, be spread across the entire eastern front. 1st, 2nd, and 8th Armies have been placed under the command of Field Marshal Hauser. Field Marshal Guderian will transfer to Army Group South for the time being, which will contain only 1 Army (the 4th), to be stationed near Yugoslavia.

Field Marshal Manstein, the heroic commander of Army Group South (Guderian had the East Group) will be transfered to Army Group West, which faced down France. To the North, his college Rommell commands 3 Armies along the Benelux border.
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Old 01-08-2013, 08:21 AM   #21
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June 28th, 1940
USSR Continues Aggressive Expansion - Baltic States Annexed

Following a deeply troubling invasion of Poland, the USSR has continued its campaign of expansion, declaring the independent nations of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia to be part of the USSR. Backed by the seemingly infinite Red Army, these small nations had little choice in the matter. Lithuania and Latvia immediately capitulated, surrendering their lands to the Soviet Union. Only tiny Estonia defied the will of the Comitern, and they paid the price. 26 days after the ultimatum was sent, Russian troops held the capital, and, according to many reports, had the entire ruling body of Estonia executed on the spot.

Many nations expressed outrage at such blind power grabs. Prime Minister Chamberlain went on record to say the USSR's actions stand in far worse light than even the recent German expansions. Even French diplomats noted they feel the biggest threat to peace in the world right now is the USSR, not Germany.

German officials were quick to condemn the USSR as well, noting that Germany's own expansions were of territory that historically belonged to Germany. "The Soviets have neither right nor claim to the free Baltic states. This terrible act of aggression will not be forgotten." Rumors have it that provisions of the still-secret treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union did in fact contain explicit permission for the USSR to claim the Baltic region, a point which has been vehemently denied by German sources.

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Old 01-08-2013, 08:49 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by finketr View Post
Is Captain von Trapp going to be in command of one the carriers?

How about the KMS Dirk Nowitzki? Or the laundry ship David Hasselhoff?

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

Janos: "Only America could produce an imbecile of your caliber!"
Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

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Old 01-08-2013, 09:34 AM   #23
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Laundry ship? LAUNDRY SHIP!?!?

In Germany, ve do not do laundry. Ve hav clothes zat patriotically clean zemzelves, for ze glory of ze Fatherland.
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Old 01-08-2013, 10:10 AM   #24
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August 2, 1940
Soviet Juggernaut Advances Into China

Japanese positions in Korea and China have been greatly comprimised, as Russian forces overwhelm key strongholds in Manchuria and the Korean penninsula. By early August, Japanese forces in both areas unconditionally surrendered, with the Soviets formally annexing Manchukuo into the USSR, and setting up a puppet regime in Korea known as the People's Republic of Korea.

Japanese forces continue to gain ground in southern China, but while they wage war against the hapless Chinese, their northern armies suffer defeat after defeat at the hands of the Red Army.

September 6th, 1940
Soviets Advance As Japanese Emperor's Sanity Questioned

More trouble for the Japanese Empire as the Soviets formally annexed the puppet state of Mengjiang, near the Mongolian border. This places almost all of northern China under the direct authority of the Soviet Union, which also includes the satellite state of Korea. In a move that has been described by several western leaders as "absolutely insane", Japan has taken the news of the loss by...declaring war on Tibet, opening yet another front in their Asian war.

Many have publicly questioned the sanity of the Japanese Emperor after this move, though some express doubts as to how much information the head of the Empire is actually given. Many privately believe the Emperor's ministers and generals are feeding the leader false information of victory, even while his Chinese holdings crumble.

In other news, political turmoil in Romania has caused a shift in ideology towards one more friendly to the German Reich. As a direct result, German and Italian diplomats gathered in the Romanian capital to sign a series of treaties, expanding the Axis Pact to now number Germany, Italy, and Romania.

I have no idea what the fuck the Japanese are doing. They are crushing China in the south, but every step south they make, the Russians just take from them. Tibet's not exactly a challenge, but they're already losing badly in China - they don't need MORE enemies. I'm not particularly fond of the idea of Russia having all the resources of China at their disposal, but that's how things are shaping up. Not good.

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Old 01-08-2013, 10:37 AM   #25
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loving this dynasty. keep it up, CW.
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Old 01-08-2013, 10:43 AM   #26
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Fair warning - it could be paused for a couple of days. Wheel of Time should be delivered to my house tonight. Guess what I'll be doing in the evening.
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Old 01-08-2013, 10:56 AM   #27
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November 22nd, 1940
Axis Powers Expand To Counter Increased Russian Threat

Berlin hosted ambassadors from Italy, Romania, and Hungary as the latter country formally joined the Axis pact today. Citing increased threat from the ever-aggressive Soviet Union, the Hungarians publicly condemned the belligerent regime, and stated that the Hungarian people were proud to stand with their new allies against the Communist threat.

And this is about where I left off last night. Europe is quiet, though nations are starting to line up and take sides. Asia is a clusterfuck, and I'm not sure what to do about Russia right now. With all those Chinese resources available, they're gonna be an absolute bitch to invade. They'd be tough right now, especially since I'm fairly convinced the Allies would attack me were I to mobilize and invade Russia - my threat with them is still under the danger zone, but mobilizing my armies would probably put me over the limit.

I think what's going to have to happen is an all-out invasion of Western Europe first, including an invasion of Britain. Our navy is actually getting pretty strong, to where I think we could hold the North Sea for long enough to land troops into the isles. France and the Low Countries are, of course, no problem, but there won't be peace in the west until Britain offers terms, which will require an invasion.

We've got 4 Armies + our Special Forces Army in the West, which should be enough (though I may transfer 1 more Army over). Russia, however, is going to require a LOT more troops, and until the west is settled, we can't divert enough troops to make a serious dent.
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Old 01-08-2013, 11:41 AM   #28
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This is a fun read, I hope you keep it up. makes me want to bust out HoI2 which I have and have never really tackled.
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Old 01-08-2013, 12:03 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord View Post
Fair warning - it could be paused for a couple of days. Wheel of Time should be delivered to my house tonight. Guess what I'll be doing in the evening.

You were just supposed to have some posts in the can so you could post them when there was a lull, duh. Geez: Dynasty Writing 101. For penance, you will be forced to post more to the dynasty today or tomorrow.

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

Janos: "Only America could produce an imbecile of your caliber!"
Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

Last edited by sterlingice : 01-08-2013 at 12:04 PM.
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Old 01-08-2013, 12:07 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord View Post
November 22nd, 1940
Axis Powers Expand To Counter Increased Russian Threat

Berlin hosted ambassadors from Italy, Romania, and Hungary as the latter country formally joined the Axis pact today. Citing increased threat from the ever-aggressive Soviet Union, the Hungarians publicly condemned the belligerent regime, and stated that the Hungarian people were proud to stand with their new allies against the Communist threat.

And this is about where I left off last night. Europe is quiet, though nations are starting to line up and take sides. Asia is a clusterfuck, and I'm not sure what to do about Russia right now. With all those Chinese resources available, they're gonna be an absolute bitch to invade. They'd be tough right now, especially since I'm fairly convinced the Allies would attack me were I to mobilize and invade Russia - my threat with them is still under the danger zone, but mobilizing my armies would probably put me over the limit.

I think what's going to have to happen is an all-out invasion of Western Europe first, including an invasion of Britain. Our navy is actually getting pretty strong, to where I think we could hold the North Sea for long enough to land troops into the isles. France and the Low Countries are, of course, no problem, but there won't be peace in the west until Britain offers terms, which will require an invasion.

We've got 4 Armies + our Special Forces Army in the West, which should be enough (though I may transfer 1 more Army over). Russia, however, is going to require a LOT more troops, and until the west is settled, we can't divert enough troops to make a serious dent.

Whatever you say, Hitler. How'd that turn out? I forget.

I say you ally with Japan and then you can see just how crazy their Emperor is when he bombs the United States and you get to replay pretty much the whole of WW2

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

Janos: "Only America could produce an imbecile of your caliber!"
Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

Last edited by sterlingice : 01-08-2013 at 12:08 PM.
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Old 01-08-2013, 01:25 PM   #31
Coffee Warlord
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Originally Posted by sterlingice View Post
Whatever you say, Hitler. How'd that turn out? I forget.

I say you ally with Japan and then you can see just how crazy their Emperor is when he bombs the United States and you get to replay pretty much the whole of WW2

This is a smarter, kinder, gentler Germany, Mein Herr! We go to war on OUR terms!

And besides. Hitler didn't have aircraft carriers.

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 01-08-2013 at 01:25 PM.
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Old 01-08-2013, 01:48 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by sterlingice View Post
You were just supposed to have some posts in the can so you could post them when there was a lull, duh. Geez: Dynasty Writing 101. For penance, you will be forced to post more to the dynasty today or tomorrow.


So sue me for writing the news while they were still fresh in my mind!

You know, we got names for people like you, who question the Grand Plan. Traitors. We got things for traitors. They're called bullets.

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 01-08-2013 at 01:49 PM.
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Old 01-08-2013, 02:51 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord View Post
So sue me for writing the news while they were still fresh in my mind!

You know, we got names for people like you, who question the Grand Plan. Traitors. We got things for traitors. They're called bullets.

Well, I know I'm safe for at least 2 days

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

Janos: "Only America could produce an imbecile of your caliber!"
Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

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Old 01-08-2013, 04:47 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord View Post
July 25th, 1937
Iberian Peace - Franco's Forces Surrender

Following the death of General Franco in the rout of Toledo, rebel forces have thrown down their arms and surrendered to the armies of the Spanish Republic. Despite support from Germany and Italy, the rebels were quite outmatched, quickly dispatched by the loyalist armies, with backing from British and Soviet forces. Despite the unfortunate ending, Major General von Richthofen of the German Expeditionary Force has noted several new innovations in air combat, and meetings with the Wehrmacht High Command have already been scheduled to implement sweeping changes to the Luftwaffe.

And so ends a great SNL bit in the future, some 40 years later. So sad.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 01-08-2013, 07:47 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Autumn View Post
This is a fun read, I hope you keep it up. makes me want to bust out HoI2 which I have and have never really tackled.

He's just like if Snow White was competitive, horny, and capable of beating the shit out of anyone that called her Pops.

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Old 01-09-2013, 06:10 AM   #36
Simbo Klice
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Agreed, a good read and I look forward to seeing how you crush the Untermensch.
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Old 01-09-2013, 07:55 PM   #37
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December 18th, 1940
Axis Pact Called To Arms In Yugoslavian Betrayal

The ink was not even dry on the treaty formally bringing Yugoslavia into the Axis powers before armed soldiers entered the capitol, deposing the Yugoslavian monarch and executing him. Two days later, after announcing the Axis treaty null and void, Germany intervened, vowing to liberate the Kingdom. At Germany's request, the Kingdom of Italy dispatched troops to assist, and Europe is once again at war.

Though the Yugoslavian provisional government requested aid from the Allies in what they called another aggressive war of conquest by Germany, neither France nor Britain responded. In something of a surprise, there were no condemnations by any of the Great Powers. It seems Yugoslavia has erred - badly.

The German 4th Army, led by Heinz Gudarian, has been called into action.
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Old 01-09-2013, 08:07 PM   #38
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February 18th, 1941
Balkan Conflict Concluded - Yugoslavia Partitioned

In another stunning victory for the German Wehrmacht, and supported by their new allies, Bulgaria, who joined the Axis powers in January, the German 4th Army steamrolled their way through the rebellious Yugoslavian countryside, capturing nearly every major city in less than two months. Faced with no escape, as the might of the combined Axis armies surrounded them on all sides, the provisional Yugoslavian government was forced to surrender.

German forces 2 weeks after firing began.

German advance by Feb 4.

Witnessed by Field Marshal Guderian, along with Italian & Bulgarian officials, the Yugoslavian regime signed the Balkan Accords, formally disbanding the nation of Yugoslavia. Pieces of the land would be divided between Italy and Bulgaria, with the bulk of the terroritory being partitioned into two new states, Croatia and Serbia. Both were immediately folded into the Axis Pact, bringing every eastern european country into the Axis Powers, save Albania and Greece.

Political Map after the Balkan Accords, Feb 18, 1941
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Old 01-10-2013, 08:26 AM   #39
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May 20, 1941
Japanese Losses Mount as USSR Advances

With Europe quiet, the war in the far east still rages, as Japan continues to lose territory to the Russian Bear. In May, the Japanese client state, China-Nanjing, formally surrendered its remaining territory. Claiming the right of conquest, the USSR annexed pieces of the northern territory, with the Republic of China reclaiming much of their lost territory.

December 8th, 1941
Treaty of Beijing Signed - Republic of China Joins Axis Powers

With Japan being almost entirely driven out of mainland Asia, save for a tiny speck of land along the Chinese east coast, a deal was struck today between Chinese and German diplomats. Citing an increased threat from Russia, as well as a desire to deter any other invasion attempts into their homeland, Chinese officials struck a deal with German-led Axis powers.

Reich military leaders assured the public that this would not mark an entry into the Sino-Japanese war, as both sides felt it would be an unnecessary expense at this point. Both European and Chinese officials believed the defeat of the Japanese Expeditionary Force would be achieved within a few months, and no German force could be moved east in time to aid.

Regardless, the Axis pact now has a major presence in the Far East, opening another front with Russia, should war come.
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Old 01-10-2013, 08:40 AM   #40
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End of 1941
German High Command - Department of Planning

1941 was very, very quiet in Europe. Save for the conclusion of the brief Yugoslavian conflict, nothing much happened. Germany continued its rapid expansion of their military, and several of our capital ships have been completed. We are still very behind on escort vessels for our carriers, but 2 of the 4 proposed task forces have their full allotment of aircraft carriers. Our production queues are mostly booked up with light and heavy cruisers right now, though we're still also behind in expanding the Luftwaffe.

The biggest problem right now is our supply of steel. We simply don't have enough of it, and our supply of rare materials is also right on the brink of being unable to support our military & economy. That's a bit of a problem, and, well, war seems the only way to solve it.

It looks like our attempts to generate threat in the USSR are not going to be enough to sway the Allies to declare outright on them - they are still the most threatening country to France, but it's not high enough to matter. Speaking of the USSR, they're a scary, scary place. They've moved their defensive lines to Poland, and there are several hundred thousand troops on each side just staring at each other.

The USSR is clearly the biggest threat, and who I WANT to invade first, but I'm just not sure I have the forces to break through, and I'm still worried about being nailed by the Allies while my attention is east. Two front wars are bad, mmkay? Of course, if we go the other way, it'll be a fairly drawn out war - we can anhiliate the continent fast, but our Navy is not ready to take on the Brits. Russia will just get stronger while we have to wait on that buildup.

I'm leaning towards breaking a certain Sicilian's rule, and getting involved in a land war in Asia. USSR certainly ain't gonna get EASIER, and at the very least, we can hold down France for a good long while if shit really hits the fan. We'll have to transfer a couple additional armies east to do it, but I think it's possible.
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Old 01-10-2013, 10:47 AM   #41
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Do you suppose annually in a while you could who's on what side currently?

Somehow I missed Yugoslavia joining the Axis powers and that's my fault.. but thanks if you can.

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Old 01-10-2013, 11:13 AM   #42
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They literally joined and had a coup in the same day. (12/18/1940). It's actually an automatic event that pretty much always happens when Yugoslavia accepts an invite into the Axis.


Axis: Germany, Italy, Republic of China, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, plus the puppet states of Croatia, Slovakia, and Serbia. I can invite Turkey, Iran, and Afghanistan right now. Of those, I only really care about Turkey, but thus far they keep rejecting my offers.

Allies: UK & their puppets + France. Nobody new has joined. Basically UK and France.

As a note, if you look at the political map, the countries in the fancy font are Axis. The courier-style font are Allies, and the rest of them are in the plain font.

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 01-10-2013 at 11:16 AM.
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Old 01-10-2013, 11:22 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Coffee Warlord View Post
They literally joined and had a coup in the same day. (12/18/1940). It's actually an automatic event that pretty much always happens when Yugoslavia accepts an invite into the Axis.
Aha, that explains that.

As a note, if you look at the political map, the countries in the fancy font are Axis. The courier-style font are Allies, and the rest of them are in the plain font.

Now that you mention it, I see it. Enjoying this thus far. Keep it up.

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Old 01-10-2013, 01:47 PM   #44
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This is an interesting twist, with China now playing the part of Japan. It seems if you sit still though Russia's only going to continue to expand and soon be unstoppable. Tough situation you're in.
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Old 01-10-2013, 01:57 PM   #45
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Yeah, I think there's gonna be a lot of troops from Army Groups North and West being transferred to the Russian Front soon, and we're just gonna have to roll the dice and hope the Allies don't come for our ass.

Japan in the Axis at this point would have done absolutely nothing for me. They're badly, badly losing, and even if they do a complete 180 and join the Allies (highly unlikely), they're zero threat. China, on the other hand, while not strong, can at least soak up SOME Russian manpower away from our front.

Last edited by Coffee Warlord : 01-10-2013 at 01:59 PM.
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Old 01-10-2013, 06:40 PM   #46
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Yeah, that seems like a smart move.
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Old 01-10-2013, 07:24 PM   #47
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January 1, 1942
German High Command - Office of the General Staff

Attention: All Commanders

Effective immediately, 6th Army and 7th Army to be transferred to Eastern Command, Army Group Center (C/O Field Marshal Manstein).

Effective immediately, Army Group East new C/O Field Marshal Rommel.

Effective immediately, Army Group South new C/O Field Marshal Guderian.

End Message.
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Old 01-10-2013, 09:01 PM   #48
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April 14th, 1942
War! Germany Invades Soviet Union

Citing illegal occupations of the Baltic states, along with illegal conquests in Chinese territory, the German Reich formally declared war against the Soviet Union and her allies today. Hundreds of thousand, if not millions of troops have already opened fire on key Soviet strongholds along the border, known as the Molotov Line. While not as well constructed as the infamous French Maginot, it is still a large set of fortifications, constructed after the German-Soviet partition of Poland.

There has yet to be an official response from London, Washington, or Paris on these events.
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Old 01-10-2013, 09:15 PM   #49
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April 14th, 1942
German High Command - Department of Planning

The initial invasion of the Soviet Union will consist of two major operations.

Operation Autumn Thunder

To be conducted by Army Group East, under the command of none other than Field Marshal Rommel. This group will be positioned north, and break through the Soviet fortifications throughout the old Balkan states. Their goal will be to link up with a massive amphibious landing from several marine divisions, which will land near Riga. Should the marines establish a beachhead, several armored and mechanized divisions will follow behind, and push southward to link the forces. Supplies will be dropped in by our transport planes.

Operation Rum and Vodka

To be conducted by Army Groups Center and South, under Manstein and Guderian, respectively, this will be a broad push east, to capture Minsk and Kyiv. It is expected that these armies will turn further northeast upon reaching their goals, bypassing the southern portions of the USSR and placing priority on reaching Moscow itself, while Army Group East advances into Estonia and beyond.

(And sorry to some people in advance - you've got too weird of handles for me to come up with something fitting to name an operation after you. )
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Old 01-10-2013, 10:45 PM   #50
Coffee Warlord
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Writeups and war pics tomorrow.

Advice for anyone playing. Make sure your theatres are correctly set if you're gonna let the AI run your armies.
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