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Old 06-09-2010, 08:56 AM   #1
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Feb 2007
Forging Heroes - A 3E D&D Dynasty

4 Adventurers
Phaeduello Human Cleric of Pelor
Alrael High Elven Enchanter
Lisim Human Rogue
Kjolir Shield Dwarf Fighter

Using 3E rules with slight mods (the last set of books I played with so while I have both AD&D and 4E I know the 3E rules best.)

I made the characters using the Heroforge and Spellforge Excel programs, the 3E Core Books and the Pathfinder Core Rulebook along with the Forgotten Realms books (mostly for additional feats/skills/spells/items.) Many thanks to Pen, Paper and Pixel for their excellent online CR tools, die rollers etc. See their links off the SRD page.

That said most/all of the adventures I own and will be running are either Greyhawk classics or non-specific. When I refer to places I will refer to Greyhawk. The time period is bit nebulous but certainly around the time of the Greyhawk Wars/From the Ashes/Gord the Rogue books.

This is very much an homage to Abe Sargent's really excellent D&D Dynasty: The Path of Alzar the Mighty. I hope only that I can keep my own interest for as long as Abe, Alzar and crew have kept mine (the adventures of Alzar are a must read for me every day.)

In the very earliest days of playing Basic D&D I fell in love with the game and the whole idea of RPGs. I stopped playing during and directly after college but was lucky enough to fall in with a crowd of vets who welcomed me into numerous adventures with them in my late twenties and early thirties. Sadly I have now all but stopped playing again (but keep buying books...guess I'm hopeful that way.)

My plan is to pull together a series of adventures and run the four iconic character classes through them.

I will start with N4 Treasure Hunt a 0 Level adventure from TSR/UK that helps introduce the characters and reminds me of the system nuances. My plan is for that to lead to W1 The Crucible of Freya a 1-3 adventure from Sword and Sorcery Games. From there I will play it a bit more by ear, I have T1 and A2-A4 as well but may keep away from them because Abe has played through them so comprehensively. Of course with 4 first level characters I might not have to worry about these issues as all of them might be dead by then…

So with that happy thought onto the backgrounds of the group members…

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Old 06-09-2010, 08:59 AM   #2
H.S. Freshman Team
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Meeting the Characters-Phaeduello


Phaeduello was born in Willip a third son to an accountant and his wife who happened to be devoted followers of Pelor. His eldest brother was apprenticed early to learn his father’s trade and his middle brother joined the marines with an officer’s billet, while Phaeduello was presented at the Temple of Pelor and taken under the clergy’s wing. He rose steadily through the ranks of the adepts showing aptitude in his religious studies, academic studies and his martial exercises while never truly excelling in any one area. Eventually he was tasked with spreading the word of Pelor. He was presented with a chance to travel on behalf of the church courtesy of his wealthy family’s donation to the church and he headed south on “The Ambrosia” a ship travelling the Nyr Dyv, down the Selintan to Wooly Bay and the Azure Sea.
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:01 AM   #3
H.S. Freshman Team
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Meeting the Characters-Alrael


Alrael is 110 years old and travelled as a member of a delegation from Celene to Greyhawk about 10 years ago. In that time he has lived and studied in the city while never formally becoming a part of any of the guilds. He has spent much time in the great library digging for knowledge both common and in some cases forgotten. He did not spend much time honing his spellcraft but did use it on occasion as a money making venture (always outside of the city limits so as not to fall afoul of guild regulations.) Recently he has been spending time researching the geography, nobility and history of the Ulek states and has decided to travel to the area to seek out some local information. He has booked passage on “The Ambrosia” from Willip through Greyhawk and down to the Principality of Ulek.
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:04 AM   #4
H.S. Freshman Team
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Meeting the Characters-Lisim


Lisim has grown up in the port town of Willip but has not been blessed with wealth and has had far from the cloistered existence that Phaeduello has had to date. Lisim one of the many refugees from the Shield Lands has spent the last six years of his life running with a gang of youths that got into trouble on the docks. Never really seen as a threat to the thieves guild the gang was allowed to remain in place. Lisim was tasked with being the “face” of the group and did a good job reading his marks to see which approach would work best. All seemed to be going well until a week ago when after strong-arming a merchant members of the gang started to disappear. It turns out the “merchant” was a wizard and this wizard did not take kindly to the treatment he received at the hands of the gang. Lisim ran when he found the scorched corpses of the other two leaders of the gang. He jumped ship literally and stowed away on “The Ambrosia” bound for the south. He was found out after the ship had passed Greyhawk and was put to work keeping the ship clean while the captain decided what to do with him.
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:18 AM   #5
H.S. Freshman Team
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Meeting the Characters-Kjoril


Kjoril is a mountain dwarf who lives in the Principality of Ulek. Kjoril spent the early part of his life learning to be an engineer and architect especially for underground construction. He scouted out good locations for forts, mines and homes in the Lortmill Mountains, however, his family fastness did not survive the coming of the Orc hordes to the Pomarj. When the Orcs came he was forced to flee to Ulek and swore an oath to return to the Lortmills and reclaim his piece of it for family and clan. He came to realize that to aid his return he would have to turn to other pursuits and began working as an apprentice smith and part time militiaman in the town. Over the course of a number of years (10) he became an accomplished smith working with both weapons and armor and while he was not far famed he was offered the opportunity to leave Havenhill and open his own smithy in the coastal town of Dawdon Ness. He jumped at the chance to strike out on his own and travelled to the community. It was while travelling alone on the coast near to Dawdon Ness that he was ambushed, knocked out and dragged off.
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:23 AM   #6
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Feb 2007
The Fearful Eel

The pirate galley “The Fearful Eel” attacked “The Ambrosia” as the ship from Willip attempted to navigate through the Straits of Gearnat just south of the Pomarj. “The Ambrosia” was swiftly overcome and those crew and passengers on “The Ambrosia” that were still alive were brought over to “The Eel” in chains. It was here, chained to the bunks in the large hold that Kjoril was introduced to Phaeduello, Alrael and Lisim. As well as the cruelty of their Half-orc jailor Hafkris who seemed to think beating the prisoners for any reason was a good idea. Two days from the site of the attack as “The Eel” moved into the Storm Isles the winds came up suddenly and a storm began to batter the ship. After about half a day of little seeming progress, Halfkris took all the able bodied sailors from the Ambrosia to man the oars and replace sailors that had been swept overboard. Eventually all sounds topside ceased and it soon became apparent to those prisoners still locked in the hold that nothing could save the ship. With a shudder the ship ran aground, a rending crash ripped followed by a booming sound over their heads was clearly the mast coming down and then the bow split in front of them torn open by rocks as icy storm driven spray drenched them.

As they picked themselves up they realized that Lisim and Phaeduello had been freed in the crash. They spent some time helping the Kjoril, Alrael and a girl who Kjoril had introduced as Melisana (they had both been snatched by the raiding party near Dawdon Ness) free as well before they heard some drunken ranting from outside of the remains of the ship. Peeking out they saw Hafkris lurching about with a bottle in one hand and waving a longsword about in the other.
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:35 AM   #7
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Feb 2007
Escaping the Ship

Hafkris 1st Lvl ½ Orc Fighter Drunk CR Rating ½ HP: 8 AC: 13Studded Leather (-3 to hit) Longsword 1d8 Dagger 1d4

P +0 17
H +0 16
A +4 8
K +2 6
L +2 3

Clubs 1d6 -4 to hit

Hafkris won initiative thus guaranteeing that he could not be crept up on and that despite being drunk -3 to hit he had his longsword out and was brandishing it while the characters only had makeshift clubs made from the broken bunks in the slave quarters of the ship.

As the four come to the hole ripped in the side of the beached galley Hafkris sees them, roars “Get back in there meat!” and charges towards the ship. He’s running full out and will arrive without being able to attack at the end of this round.

Alrael sees Hafkris wild charge and moves back into the quarters away from the wild charge and especially the sword.

Kjoril steps right into the gap yelling insults and brandishing his “club”

Lisim side steps to the left of the tear in the ship hoping to attack from cover and with surprise. (Hide 18)

Phaeduello moves a pace behind and to the right of Kjoril just as Hafkris arrives where he can reach over the dwarf.

Hafkris (Spot 10) is taken a bit aback Kjoril’s aggressive stance and misses Lisim hidden just to his right.

Lisim attacks in the surprise round while Hafkris is flatfooted (14-4=`0) and misses.

He takes a huge swing at Kjoril (rolls a 12-3=9) he needed a 12 to hit the unarmored dwarf so his swing is wild.

Alrael keeps back feeling naked without his magic.

Kjoril steps back inviting Hafkris further into the ship and takes an uppercut (9) and misses.

Lisim attacks from the side again swinging down toward H’s head (16-4=12) miss and steps back so that he is right beside Kjoril.

Phaeduello readies a swing for when Hafkris steps forward into the cabin.

Hafkris obliges by stepping up to swing at Kjoril who seems to present the most potential difficulty.

Phaeduello swings(1) and drops his board.

Hafkris swings at Kjoril (13-3=10) and misses.

Alrael thinks about running in and attempting to grapple the sword away from Hafkris but decides that the time is not right. He does maneuver around so that he is behind Phaeduello and hands the cleric his club indicating he will reach to get the dropped on and keeping Phaeduello from potentially missing a round.
Kjoril , Lisim and Phaeduello all miss (7 , 6 and 10 after the modifier and flanking for Phaeduello). Both Lisim and Phaeduello have now moved to a flanking position on either side of Hafkris.

Hafkris is oblivious to the danger in his inebriated state roars and swings again at Kjoril. (Miss 3)

Kjoril swings his bedpost in a sweeping uppercut that connects (18) and does 9 points of damage braining the Half Orc.

Everyone gains 38 XP and they share out the weapons and armor.

Lisim takes the dagger, Kjoril the Long Sword and Studded Leather Armor making his AC 15 and he is back to a full +4 to hit.

Alrael and Phaeduello keep their makeshift clubs for now and get one for Melisana.

XP 38 per
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:38 AM   #8
H.S. Freshman Team
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Searching the "Eel"

Lisim leads the party up onto the galley by scrambling up over the railing and see that the hold that they were in was blocked closed from above because the mast fell on the door. He continues to the smaller hold and opens it up finding broken ale barrels, torn grain sacks a heavy crossbow with 50 bolts and a chest which is undamaged and contains what seems to be the ships log (encoded), navigational charts showing a heretofore unknown pirate haven and a book with script he cannot decipher. He calls for help getting the chest and Kjolir who has made his way up grabs the chest and hoists it over the side and down to Phaeduello and Alrael.

Alrael looks at the book with the unknown script and immediately realizes the book is a spellbook with two spells in it (Magic Missile and Sleep). He takes the book for himself. Phaeduello takes the Heavy Crossbow (+0 to hit 1d10 damage) along with a quiver of 10 bolts leaving the other 40 in the chest.

The group wants to move away from the shipwreck especially in case there are any other slavers that have survived, not to mention they are cold and wet and the broken ship does not give them much protection from the elements. If they could get to shelter and rest Alrael could study and learn the spells while Phaeduello could pray for his spells.

Melisana talks to Phaeduello and tells him that she is the only daughter of a wealthy merchant guildmaster from Gryax. If the group can get her back to her father in one piece she assures him that they will be rewarded. She seems to trust Phaeduello implicitly but asks him to keep this information to himself for now until she is more certain about the rest of the party, he agrees.

Kjoril hefts the chest and heads for the low cliffs west of the bay. This looks to be the easiest way to move inland. Melisana holds her club doubtfully but is thankful when Lisim offers her Hafkris’ Cloak and Boots to help ward off the chill.

As they get to the top of the cliff and see the island spread out before them Melisana, who claims to have done plenty of sailing notes that the wind is predominantly from the Northwest making either the South (where they are now) or the East of the island the best place for a sheltered harbor and thus shelter from the storm. To the west is a line of rugged hills that the group is not interested in trying out. The group decides to head North to the next big hill (200’ elevation) and then east keeping the South coast as much in view as possible, all the while searching for shelter.
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Old 06-09-2010, 09:40 AM   #9
H.S. Freshman Team
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Looking for Shelter

Having picked a direction the group moves out Lisim in the lead followed by Kjoril and Phaeduello and then Alrael and Melisana. The cold wind and sleeting rain are ever present companions making conversations impossible beyond a shouted query or command. As they climb the next hill Lisim hears just barely a very faint noise, like grunting voices and steel clanging on steel, barely audible over the noise of the wind and the rain. Lisim holds up his hand to stop the party and then motions for them to come forward quietly.

The hill top is just ahead with three routes readily apparent to the top Right, Straight and Left. Lisim decided to go straight to the top so he could see (rolled to choose) what was happening while everyone else waited. Lisim works his way up and finds a number of large boulders at the top of the hill that allow him to remain concealed while he looks down into a ravine below and sees about a dozen goblins with bows and spears fighting about half a dozen orcs with axes and polearms. Behind the orcs is a human man with white hair he seems to be incapacitated in some way. He was not on the slave ship that brought the party. Lisim gestures and the rest of the group heads up to him in the boulders as the orcs and goblins clash below them.

The party gets in behind the rocks and are able to hide with ease (18, 12, 20 and 9) but Melisana stumbles a bit (6) and knocks a fist size rock down the wall of the ravine from their location. One of the goblin archers looks up and sees her but decides to loose his arrow at the orcs this round while pointing the group out to the other archer on his side of the ravine.

The set up is as follows with 5 Goblins with spears fighting HTH with 3 Orcs with Battle Axes. Behind the front line of Goblins are 3 more with spears ready to step up if any of their comrades in the front line fall and then on either side of the Ravine are two Goblin Archers putting the Orcs in a crossfire. The two on the side with the party have seen Melisana but are currently concentrating on firing at the Orcs. Behind and Flanking the Orc Line (one on each side) are two orcs throwing daggers at the goblin archers. Finally directly behind the Orc line is the Orc leader in Padded Armor with a Bardiche who seems to be directing the Orc effort.

The Orcs and Goblins come together with a roar and as the party watches one of the front line goblins is cut down by a battle axe and one of the goblin archers on the far side of the ravine takes a dagger in the throat. A waiting goblin steps into the gap in their battle line while the orc on the right flank catches two arrows and goes down. The goblin that saw Melisana draws another arrow and turns up the hill looking to fire up at the party.

Last edited by thehitcat : 06-09-2010 at 09:40 AM.
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Old 06-09-2010, 10:00 AM   #10
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Feb 2007
Battle of the Ravine

G Archers 18+1=19
O Battle Axe 19+0=19
O Leader 19+0=19
G Archer 18+1=16
P 15+0=15
G Spears 11+1=12
A 7+4=11
K 8+2=10
L 7+2=9
O T Dagger 4+0=4

Two of the remaining three archers fire arrows at the remaining Dagger Throwing Orc hitting and killing him while the third holds his action waiting for one of the party to show themselves. All three Orcs with battle Axes swing and miss the goblins in front of them while the Leader cuts the crowing of the remaining archer on the far side of the ravine short charging in with his Bardiche and driving it home.

Phaeduello pops up with the Crossbow and he and the goblin waiting for movement fire at the same time at each other - Goblin 17+3=20 hits Phaeduello for 3 points of damage. The Bolt heading back down the hill hits with a 20 threatening a critical but failing needs a 12 gets an 11 but he still does 5 HP killing the goblin.

The goblins with the spears poke at the Orcs but while a couple of them hit and wound none of the Axe wielding Orcs fall.

Alrael grabs Melisana and pulls her back over the crest of the hill that they are on in an attempt to get out of range of any other Goblin archers.

Kjoril a gleam in his eye at the sight of Battle Axes charges down the hill towards the remaining Archer and the combat behind. He reaches the archer with his charge and swings (5+4=9) and misses.

Lisim starts to move down the hill angling to get behind the Orcs to where the man is tied up behind them.

The remaining Archer drops his bow and draws his dagger and stabs at Kjoril (6+1=7) and misses.

The Orcs in the line hit and kill two of the goblins with spears and the last two goblins step into the line.

The Orc Leader sees Kjoril and the Goblin dueling and moves toward them. He can use the Bardiche to reach the Goblin and misses his attack.

Phaeduello sees the potential threat of the Orc Leader and fires at him with the crossbow (16) and hits for 8 points of damage killing the large orc.

The Goblins add to the Orcs misery as two of the Spear troops gut the middle Battle Axe wielding Orc.

Alrael keeps Melisana moving and into the rocks above and behind the Goblins.

Kjoril swings at the Goblin with the dagger (18+4=22) hitting and nearly chopping the goblin in half with 9 points of damage.

Lisim has now reached the man behind the orcs and is using his dagger to saw at the man’s bonds while gesturing for him to remain quiet. The man who is bold with a matted white beard just nods.

The Orcs with the battle axes swing at the goblins before starting to back away from the combat. One more Goblin spearman falls.

Phaeduello seeing the orcs beginning to move back towards Lisim takes a bead on the Orc nearest him and fires (20 Crit? 16) Hits for 18 points of damage knocking the orc off of his feet and into his companion who is rushed and overwhelmed by the remaining Goblins.

Kjoril slides down into the ravine and charges into the Goblin spearmen who are intent on finishing the Orc (14+4=18) hits the nearest to him and does 6 points killing the goblin.

Alrael and Melisana stay out of the way and Lisim finishes cutting rope and helps the old man to his feet brandishing his dagger at the goblins.

Phaeduello yells in common for the goblins to “Flee for their lives!” And holds his shot to see if they will run or stay and fight.

The goblins realizing that they are outmanned turn and run. Kjoril swings as they head past him (6+4=10) and misses.

Phaeduello holds his shot and alerts Alrael and Melisana that they should meet the rest of the group in the ravine. The Party strips the corpses and they come up with a cloak for everyone, another pair of boots which Phaeduello will wear for now, 3 battle axes (Kjoril immediately swaps the sword for one), 3 Bardiches, 8 Short Spears, Phaeduello will also wear the padded armor moving his AC to 11. Kjoril, Alrael and Melisana each take 1 dagger and Lisim takes 3 more (6 of the 18 they found) and finally Lisim and Kjoril take Shortbows along with quivers they fill to twenty arrows from the 73 left after the fight.

The group decides to leave the bardiches, short spears, 2 of the battle axes, the long sword, 6 of the daggers, the two remaining clubs and the remaining two shortbows (which they unstring). They put the remaining 33 arrows in two quivers into the chest along with 6 additional daggers. Phaeduello reloads his bolt quiver leaving 37 bolts in the chest and his full quiver of 10.

XP Gained per person 75
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Old 06-09-2010, 10:06 AM   #11
H.S. Freshman Team
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Post Battle

Lisim grabbed a cloak as soon as the fight was over and gave it to the old man who looks like a scarecrow thin, sallow with wide eyes and the dirty matted beard. Lisim learns that the man’s name is Keestake when he thanks the group for saving him. Once everyone gathers Phaeduello asks him what he is doing on the island and whether he knows of any place that they can rest in shelter.

Keestake says “Thank you for saving me and welcome to the island of Viledel, the Sea King. Viledel who lead his people in peace until a pirate army came and overwhelmed the island, killing the king and his family and destroying the city built in his name. I managed to survive that day and escape the pirates and I have lived in the Hall of the Sea King ever since, almost 60 years, privy to its secrets and treasures. Oh yes the pirates never found the true treasure of the Sea King. But when the Orcs came with the Goblins right behind them both groups had heard the rumor that treasure still was to be found on the island. Both groups believe the treasure is hidden in the manor and so the Orcs have holed up in the old Barracks building on one side of the manner with the Goblins on the other side in the Stables. If we want to get to the treasure and get out we’ll need to sneak past both of them. But first let’s get to shelter before you freeze. I can take you to the temple of Osprem and we can get out of the storm and rest.”

Lisim’s eyes flash at the mention of treasure and he asks Keestake to tell them more about it. Keestake agrees but only on the condition that he gets a fair share and when they leave the island they teak him with them. Kjoril agrees to this without consulting anyone and as they continue making their way East Keestake says “Viledel came from people who like to bury their dead with gifts and useful items for the afterlife. Viledel had a son who died before the pirates came and he buried him with weapons and armor, sacks of gold and a galley to sail about the seas. There was a secret exit from below the catacombs in the manor that lead out to the sea. We can get the boat to the ocean there.” At that point Keestake focused on the route he was taking and said no more until they came within site of the Temple of Osprem.
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Old 06-10-2010, 12:20 PM   #12
H.S. Freshman Team
Join Date: Feb 2007
The party post-Ravine

The party and their equipment at this point. From now on I will only add the information at the beginning of an adventure or for a major level up.
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