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Old 12-14-2003, 08:32 AM   #1
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: The State of Insanity
Foz's Tournament Texas Hold Em WSOP dynasty

Since Tournament Texas Hold Em arrived in the mail yesterday, I figured the best way to test it out would be a dynasty

Basically, the story is, I have $2000, and have headed to Vegas to try to parlay that $2000 into a seat at the World Series Of Poker. I've arranged for a variety of Satellite events, where the goal is of course, to turn that into $10,000, which is the entry fee of the WSOP.

Winning any satellite will earn me entry to the big one, but if I don't there's always making enough cash from the tourney to buy my way in anyway.

Tournament 1: Pre-WSOP Tournament (Cost to Enter, $200 (Stake Left: $1800), Above Average Competition)

4 Table Tournament, No Rebuys, 30 Minute Levels (Starting at $10/$15), Top 5 get paid.

The inital Seating:

5:Big Momma
6: Bull
7: Sean
8: Jean
9: Sandi
10: Myself

6: Pocket Queens in the Small Blind, Seat 3 (Ralph), goes all in. I think he's bluffing, but I don't want to risk getting tossed out this early, so I fold. ($975)

7: AJx on the button, I call $90 to me. 3 players see the first Flop I've seen. 3 7 10 Rainbow, and it's checked to me. I raise to try a steal, betting $90. Instead, it comes back to me with a $680 raise attatched. I fold, and she grins. "I guess you didn't know they called me SandiBagg" She grins at me. I take it in good spirits, she certainly did sandbag me there. ($795)

13: Q9x Costs me the blind and a $15 raise to see the flop, and when it comes A-2-J, 2 diamonds, I get out to a $200 bet. Down to $750.

15: I'm down to $740, but I have a good chance, as I get the KQ of hearts on the button, and three calls to me. I think about raising, to try to knock some of the folks out. I call however, and get rewarded by 8-7-K, no Hearts, and two clubs.. Big Momma bets $100 to me, and I think I think I have a pretty good hand here, so I re-raise it to 250. She Calls. Turn is the 4 of spades, and she makes me decide if I want to play or not, with a $375 bet that would put me all in. The way she's played it makes me wonder if she has AK or KK or something that two pairs on the board, but I call it. The turn pairs up the board with an 8, and my KQ beats her KJ, but barely. So I'm alive, I'm the chip leader at the table, and Big Momma's in a world of hurt, as she's down to $470. ($1535)

(Blinds now $10/20, Level 2)

2: K10 of Hearts, 2 off the button, and it's folded to me, so I limp in. 4 see the flop of 3c-6h-Jd, and it's checked to me, I'll try for the free ride. The turn is the 10 of clubs, so I have 2nd pair on the board, again checked to me, and the river is the King of clubs, making a flush possible, but giving me two pair. Checked to me, and I'll try a small bet , and it comes back to me as everyone folds. $1595, (4th out of 37 players at the table)

7:Q4 hearts in the Big Blind, but when it's raised $100 to me, we all drop out.

A full round of nothing hole cards costs me the blinds, and as we hit the next level, I'm at $11545

(Level 3, 15/30)

2: AKx on the button, and folded to me, I'll certainly pay to play. Morty, who's short-stacked, goes all in, and I call the $70. Flop is Q69 of hearts, turn is Jc, and the river is the 3d. We end up splitting the pot, as we both have AK.

3:As7h one off the button, folded to me, and again, I'll pay to play. Morty and Lois call and check respectively. Flop is Ad-Js-Qc, and I'm going to make Morty make a decision. A $105 bet sends them running, and I take a small pot. ($1620)

4: Wow, three playable hands in a row. Ac QH to me, and one call in front of me. I reraise it to the mininum, and two join me at the flop, Momma and Sean: Flop is 5s jd 6d, and we all check. Turn pairs up the 5's with the 5c, and we all check again, and I river the As, and it's checked to me. I make the requisite bet, they fold, and it's another small win for me. Looking back at this, that was a bet I didn't have to make, as it was quite possible for someone to have spiked a flush on the backdoor ace. $1755 (7th Place out of 34)

8: Sandi tries to sand bag Jean, and she's out. Her seat temporarily is open

9: Big Blind A7x, but when the flop is QQ6, I get out to a rather big bet. ($1715)

10: Lois stomps out Morty, her A9 two pair stomping Morty's short stack attempt to make his pair of queens playable. Patti takes seat nine, and she'll be a player at this table, as she brings nearly $2000 to the table.

11: Sly moves into seat 2, but he won't last long, he comes in with only $180.

13:QJs gets limped in with, four see the flop of Kc-5d-6d, and we all check. the turn is the 2d, and again all checked. The river pairs the 5's on the board, and it's checked to me, and I make the mininum bet, hoping to steal a small pot, but Patti next to me raises it $200. With the possible flush draw etc etc, I fold and acknowledge the play.

15: A8 limps in, and four see the flop of Ah Jd 9h. Two checks to me, and I'm going to play this agressively.a Bet of $105 sends them running, and I'm back to $1770.

(Level 4: Blinds 20-40)

2: Two of the big guns at the table fight it out, as they both go all in. The board pairs 9s and threes.. sadly for Lois and her KQx, Bull has pocket Jacks, and Lois is gone, and Bull is a HUGE chip leader (he has $4260)

4: More fireworks, as Bull forces Momma and Sly all in. Momma Saves herself when her K5 pairs up with a 5 on the board, but Sly's J6 is no help, and Sly is toast. Don moves into seat 4, with a average stack of $1220 (I am 10th out of the 23 remaining players, and may need to make a move iun the near future)

8: Patti runs Ralph off, as she pairs up a King and beats Ralph's pocket 7's. They're dropping like flies.

One again, the cards go cold, And I don't play a hand this round.

Level 5 (30-60)

1: Pocket J's in the Big Blind, and even better, 3 come in. Knowing I'm falling behind in the chip race, I'm going to raise this to $210, and incredibly, all three of em call. The flop isn't great for me, Ac-7d-4s, and Momma tries to run us all with a bet of $100. But with Momma only having $100 after her bet, I think she's trying to run me, and hasn't paired up that ace. I raise her to make her go all in. She jumps at it, and I know I screwed up. Her AJ gets two nines that don't help either of us, and she's made a big score, and I'm down to $1180.

6: I grab the Pocket Rockets, problem is I can';t bet it agressively, as the only person between me and the blinds folds, so I'll try a slow play and call, see if I can pull some folks in with me.I only pull 2, and worse yet, the flop comes Kh-Kc-7c! We all check, and the turn is the 2d. When Jean checks to me, I decide that time to play agressively, putting 510 in (just over half the remaining chips for me). Jean Calls. A bit surprising. Especially since he checks the river of the 5c to me. I go all in. He calls it.. but he only has 10s 7c, and my two pair of the A and K, is good for $2390... which brings me all the way back to 6th of the 20 players remianing.

8: Missy ($1290) and Jack ($5880) take seats at the table. Worse luck,. Jack will be to my left.

9: Don busts out Sean, as his AK covered Sean's All-In AQ. Rosey takes his seat, but she won't stay long with $220.

14: Rosey MIGHT stick around, she triples her stack with a LOT of luck, going in with A7 of clubs vs Pocket Kings, she gets the runner runner 10 9 of cvlubs to take a nice pot.

15: Pocket Kings, and it's raised to me by Jean, who is still short stacked, and I decide that I'm going to play this aggresively, hopefully making up in one or two calls rather then trying to pull several folks into a pot. Jean goes all in, but his Q8 of clubs can't pull more help, and my two pair of K's and board 6's put him out and put me at $2660. (18 players left, I'm in 8th)

(Level 6: Blinds 50-100)

3: Jack gets moved out, much to my happiness. Bull is the new big dog at the table, with $5625

7: Pocket Rockets, again! and again, I can't wait to see what others do as it's folded to me, and I call the $100 in an attempt to get SOMEBODY to bet against me. I do pull three along, and the flop is Kd 5s Qh. A bet of $100 only gets Don, and the turn is the Js. I bet aggressively, putting $500 in just in case he has two spades, and he folds it to me. $2975.

9: Momma Gets moved out, to the other table. We are down to 12 players, as several players have apparently busted out, and we're close to that final table. I have the 5th best stack of chips at the moment.

15: A6s in the Big Blind, and Rosey is still around, calling it to me.I decide to force her to decide, as I put a cool grand in, which his her entire stack. She calls it, and we are watching the board. Her hole cards are Qh-JC Flop is Kd-3h-10S. Not good, as even though I'm leading, there are WAY too many outs for her, as she's got a open ended straight, and a pair would beat me. The turn is only slightly reassuring as it pairs up my 6 (6d), but she still has the same amount of outs. The turn, however, is the 6c, and my trips knock her out, and move me to around the $4000 mark.As that turns out, that puts me at the FINAL TABLE in my first tournament

Here is the Final Table:

3: Missy ($525)
4: Big Momma ($3750)
5: Doc ($8650)
6: Bull ($5575)
7: Don ($925)
8: Lottie ($15,050)
9: Patti ($550)
10: me ($3975)

Level 7 ($75-150)

2: Patti is the first to go, as, she bets with pocket 8's, but Doc's KQ pairs up with a Queen on the board. And then there were seven.

3: 3 Players go all in pre flop, first Momma, with Bull covering, and then Don re-raisees all in himself! It's a big pot, and there's a lot of interest as everyone turns over their hole cards and reveals pocket pairs. Momma has JJ, Bull QQ, and Don seems to be in the cat bird seat with the rockets. Momma grimaced, she knew she was in trouble. Don's face grinned, as the flop came down: Kh-2d-As. That made Don a prohibitive favorite, as both Momma and Bull need a lot of help. The turn of the 10d makes it quite obvious to all that both Momma and Bull were on two-outers. Momma needed a Q, and Bull needed a J. The dealer tapped his hand, burned the card, turned over.. THE JACK OF SPADES!!! Somehow, improbably, Bull runner-runnered a straight and Don and Momma are OUT! That means the five remaining players are in the money.

6: Pocket Kings on the button, and one limper in front of me. Right now, I want to see if I can put Missy, who's in the big blind, away, because at this point, I'm a distant cousin to the leaders, but each player I knock out means more money for me. So I bet $300, and put her all in. She calls, as does Doc. Flop comes, Jh-10d-8d. Knowing that winning the pot currently would put me at nearly $5K, and I'd have more of a chance to play it, but looking for a BIG score, I go all in.

And run in to a buzzsaw. Doc had Q9 hidden for the straight. Missy's 86 only makes it two pair on the board

Since Missy had less then me when I started the hand, she finishes 5th, and I finish 4th.

4th Place pays $780, so I'm at $2580, with the sattelites about to start.

(Next: $415 Super-Satellite)

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