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Old 09-27-2014, 11:07 AM   #1
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Serbia: Glory of the Balkans (EUIV AAR)

Serbia: Glory of the Balkans
A Europa Universalis IV After Action Report

King Durad I rules at a time of great uncertainty for the people of Serbia. Still under a peace treaty with the rapidly expanding Ottoman Empire to the south and hated rivals to the west in east in Bosnia and Wallachia respectively, the Serbian people find themselves in a precarious position as the year 1445 approaches.

With the capital province of Serbia bordering Bosnia, Wallachia, Hungary and the Ottomans, defense of the Serbian people and capital will be paramount. The small country is also bordered by the trade province-nation of Ragusa and Albania, who are currently at war with the oppressive Ottomans.

As the world and Europe is ever-changing, this small Balkan nation will attempt to hold off the major powers that surround them, hoping to carve out their own place in history.

The Serbian nation is made up of four provinces, the capital of Serbia, Raska, Kosovo and Zeta. The latter being Serbia's lone outlet to the Adriatic Sea and ultimately into the Mediterranean. Serbia's major trade routes run through Ragusa and the Byzantine capital province of Constantinople, which will undoubtedly be under the Ottoman Caliphate's thumb before long.

In terms of trade, Serbia produces Grain (Serbia, Raska), Wool (Kosovo) and Fish (Zeta). As of now, the nation is not a strong trade power, especially with no navy to speak of. The trade in the area is dominated by the Ottomans and Venice. Economically, Serbia is not a strong nation, Serbia and Kosovo are the strongest income generating provinces, but the country will need more capital in order to sustain growth and production.

Militarily, Serbia has 4,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry. The forces are currently led by Prince Lazar Brankovic, son of Durad I.

The known world to Serbia, November 1444.

The Serbian nation. Bosnia and Ragusa to the west, Wallachia to the east, Ottomans and Albania to the south and Hungary to the north.

Current Mission: Conquer Travunia
We must recover the lands that are rightfully a part of our nation, or people will not take us seriously.

Objective is that the Bosnian province of Travunia becomes part of the Serbian nation. Bosnia , Wallachia and Ragusa have been set as Serbian rivals.
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Old 09-27-2014, 11:57 AM   #2
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Act I – The Serbian Conquest of Travunia
November 1444
King Durad declares war on Bosnia, with a claim on the province of Travunia. On the 27th 5,000 Serbian troops invade the province of Bosnia, easily dispatching of 3,000 Bosnian infantrymen.

December 1444
Byzantium requests an alliance with the Serbs, which is quickly denied. King Durad knows it is only a matter of time before Byzantium is the target of the Ottoman Caliphate and that is one war he knows to avoid.

By December 26, Bosnia, Travunia and Hum are all under siege. Only the Bosnian province of Donji Kraji remans free of Serbian occupation. Serbian forces are spread out thin, not gaining ground with their sieges, merely maintaining a military presence to thwart the Bosnians from producing any units which may complicate matters.

January 1445
Donji Kraji has been put under siege, but Serbian forces cannot make progress. Reinforcements are on the way from the homeland.

March 1445
Sieges in Bosnia and Donji Kraji are starting to yield tangible results.

Venice has asked for military access and has been denied. The Venetians have declared war on Albania, who is already well under siege by the Ottomans.

October 1445
After 317 days, the Serbian Army has won the Siege of Bosnia. Serbia now controls the province. The troops who led the siege will now travel to Travunia to reinforce the 1,000 troops there.

January 1446
Event: Italian Engineer Available
Serbia has hired an Italian Siege Engineer, gaining 40 military power and losing 4.23 ducats.

February 1446
After 398 days, the Serbian Army has won the Siege of Donji Kraji. The province is now under Serbian control. The 2,000 troops will head to Travunia, as Hum is nearly broken.

June 1446
The Siege of Hum has been completed after 524 days. Travunia is the lone Bosnian province and they are offering minor resistance. It is a matter of time.

After 546 days, Travunia has fallen to the Serbian Army.

July 1446
Peace Talks
In a negotiation of peace for the Bosnian and Serbian people, Bosnia have accepted the following:

Bosnia will pay 56 ducats.
Bosnia will cede Travunia to Serbia.
Bosnia will become a vassal of Serbia.
The peace will cost Serbia 50 diplomatic power.
With the conquest Casus Belli, Serbia gains 8 prestige and suffers 19.6 aggressive expansion relations penalty.
This peace will give Bosnia -6 prestige.

The mission to conquer Travunia has been completed successfully. Serbia gains 10 prestige and 15 administrative power.

Current Mission: Improve Relations with Bosnia
Relations with Serbia's new vassal have deteriorated badly after the war and this needs to be rectified. The objective is to get Bosnia's opinion of Serbia to a rating of 100.

With Bosnia no longer being a viable rival for Serbia, King Durad has named Hungary as his newest rival.
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Old 09-27-2014, 12:25 PM   #3
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ACT II – Diplomacy and Subterfuge
July 1446
King Durad has sent men to Travunia to begin integrating the province as a core of the Serbian kingdom. The process is expected to take one year.

A diplomat has been sent to the Wallachian province of Oltenia, bordering eastern Serbia. The diplomat will begin fabricating a claim on the province. Assuming the diplomat is not caught, the process will take a year.

Bosnia has offered a Royal Marriage. King Durad accepts the offer from his subject nation.

August 1446
A diplomat has been sent to Bosnia to improve relations with the country, pursuant to the current mission.

January 1447
News to the south of Serbia as Albania has finally fallen. The Ottoman Empire has annexed the Albanian kingdom, absorbing it into its own.

February 1447
It will take roughly 18 months, but work has begun in Zeta to construct three Barques. These ships will allow Serbia to begin to protect their trade power and earn more income through those routes.

April 1447
Force limits have been increased, Serbia is now able to support an army of 9,000. Another 1,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry has been ordered.

July 1447
Travunia is now considered a core province of Serbia.

The claim on Oltenia has gone through without incident. The diplomat has returned home safely, leading to the next step.

August 1447
Relations with Bosnia have hit 100. Serbia gains 10 diplomatic power for completing the mission.
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Old 09-27-2014, 12:44 PM   #4
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ACT III – The Serbian Conquest of Oltenia
August 1447
With the claim on Oltenia finalized, King Durad declares war on Wallachia. There is no time to waste when it comes to expansion. 9,000 Serbian troops move east into Oltenia.

Current Mission: Create a Proper Fleet
The Serbian navy is a shell of what King Durad expects. Ships need to be built or else the nation's shores will be vulnerable to pirates and enemy invasions.

The objective is to have a navy size that is at least 75% of the force limit.

September 1447
The siege of Muntenia, the Wallachian capital has begun after 5,000 Wallachian troops were beaten back into retreat. They headed toward Oltenia where the Bosnian army was advancing from the west.

Event: Quality Wool
Recent shipments of wool have been of unsurpassed quality, earning the nation extra money. Serbia gains 25 ducats.

October 1447
Bosnian and Serbian forces oust Wallachian troops from Oltenia and begin their siege.

To the south in Ottoman territory, Albania and Macedonia are under siege by patriots looking for freedom for their provinces. All while the Ottomans are at war with Qara Qoyunlu, Georgia, Golden Horde, Uzbek and the Timurids.

January 1448
King Durad has been informed that Naples has announced Serbia as their new rival. Naples has become an independent nation after breaking away from a Personal Union under Aragon.

Event: Unhappiness Among the Clergy
Conflict of opinion and interest over religious and secular matters between the government and religious authorities has upset the clergy.

King Durad ignores their demands, losing 10 Patriarch Authority and gaining 10 prestige.

June 1448
After 262 days the Wallachian province of Muntenia has fallen to the Serbian siege.

After 260 days the Wallachian province of Oltenia has fallen to Serbian siege.

July 1448
Peace Talks
In a negotiation of peace between the Serbian and Wallachian people, Wallachia have accepted the following:

Wallachia will pay 72 ducats.
Wallachia will cede Oltenia to Serbia.
Wallachia will become a vassal of Serbia.
This peace will cost Serbia 50 diplomatic power.
With the conquest Casus Belli, Serbia gains 4 prestige and 9.2 aggressive expansion relations.
The peace will give Wallachia -2 prestige.
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Old 09-27-2014, 02:02 PM   #5
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November 1448
King Durad has ordered Oltenia to be cored. The process is expected to take one year.

Serbia has entered a royal marriage with Austria, hoping to eschew a potential military alliance with the powerful kingdom.

The mission to create a proper fleet has been completed. The country gains 5 navy tradition and 5 prestige. The three new barques have been sent to protect trade in the Constantinople node.

Current Mission: Conquer Ragusa
Serbia must recover the lands that are rightfully hers!

December 1448
King Durad has declared war on Ragusa. 5,000 troops led by Prince Lazar move toward the coastal province.

January 1449
Serbia has entered a royal marriage with her vassal, Wallachia.

April 1449
Event: Liturgical Reform
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ our lord and his apostles. However, our family is large and diverse. Our patriarch is proposing some reforms to our liturgy that will bring our form closer to the other churches. The idea is bold and will strengthen the Church, but we know that the superstitious and backward will reject this change.

King Durad supports the reform, Serbia gains 5 Patriarchal Authority

August 1449
After 211 days the Siege of Ragusa has been won by Serbian forces.

Peace Talks
In a negotiation between Ragusa and Serbia, Ragusa have accepted the following:

Ragusa will be fully annexed by Serbia.
With the conquest Casus Belli, Serbia gains 2 prestige and suffers 4.6 aggressive expansion.

For completing the mission of conquering Ragusa, Serbia has earned 10 prestige and 15 administrative power.

King Durad has ordered Ragusa to be cored. The process is expected to take one year.

A diplomat has been sent to Austria to improve relations.

Current Mission: Improve Relations with Wallachia
After the war and vassalization of Wallachia, relations with the country have suffered. A diplomat will be sent there to bring relations up to 100.

Ragusa is an important capture for Serbia. Despite being a Catholic province in an otherwise Orthodox Serbia, it is a minor trade node on the Adriatic Sea that is now under King Durad's control. It is a small step in the line of creating a trade network, but it is a step nonetheless.

Here are the Serbian lands, just a shade under five years into the proceedings. Remember that the three remaining Bosnian provinces to the west and Wallachia to the east are all vassals under Serbian rule.
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Old 09-27-2014, 02:06 PM   #6
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Old 09-27-2014, 02:31 PM   #7
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September 1449
Force limits are now up to 12 from 9. As such, 2,000 infantry and 1,000 cavalry will be produced.

Naval force limits have been bumped from 3 to 9. Six barques will be constructed over three years in Zeta.

November 1449
Oltenia has become a core province of Serbia.

January 1450
Event: Non-enforcement of Ordinances
Monarchs ruled by issuing ordinances, but they were almost powerless to enforce them. Enforcement depended upon the local powers and they would not always be as vigilant as the monarchs would have desired.

King Durad lets the locals handle it and Oltenia gains 10 revolt risk.

September 1450
Ragusa is no considered part of the Serbian patrimony.

Culture Accepted!
King Durad's subjects who embrace Croatian Culture have been able to prove their loyalty. As such, Croatian language and culture has been accepted as part of Serbian national heritage.

December 1450
The Death of King Durad I!
Glorious King Durad has passed away! The throne has been passed down to his son, Lazar II (2/1/1).

As a result of the leadership change, the Serbian people have had a slight loss of confidence in the kingdom, causing a stability drop.

Wallachia has offered a royal marriage after ties were severed in Durad's death.

January 1451
Relations with Wallachia have been improved and the mission has been completed. Serbia gains 3 prestige.

A new royal marriage has been established with Austria under King Lazar II's rule.

Current Mission: Claim Hunyard
New King Lazar II has decided to forge a claim on the Hungarian province of Hunyad, which sits directly north of Oltenia.

February 1451
Serbia has forged a military alliance with mighty Austria.

A diplomat has begun to forge a claim on Hunyad.

March 1451
A diplomat has been sent to improve relations with Bosnia in preparation for a diplomatic annexation of their land.

January 1452
Event: Local Noble's Power Grows
Though intrigue at court, skillful alliances and exploitation of his local realm, one of Serbia's kingdom nobles has grown incredible wealthy and powerful. If he is not dealt with now, he may become a pretender to the Serbian throne, though reducing his power will prove difficult given his influence and private retainers that he maintains as part of his own small army.

The choice is to ignore him. Serbia loses 10 prestige and the province of Serbia gets 'Powerful Noble' until September 1452, causing the tax and manpower modifier to be reduced 50%.

Mission Complete: Hunyad has been claimed. Serbian gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Serbia has also gained a conquest Casus Belli against Hungary for the province. Unfortunately, Hungary is currently stronger than Serbia and is also flanked by the powerful kingdom of Burgundy.

February 1452
Current Mission: Integrate Wallachia
The mission is to annex Wallachia. This will not be possible for another six years, however a diplomat has been sent to improve relations with the vassal.
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Old 09-27-2014, 08:04 PM   #8
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May 1452
Event: The Non-Possessor Movement
The Church is a large landowner and this has brought a great deal of wealth to the Church. The non-possessers claim that the Church is being corrupted by this great wealth. Their opponents argue that the Church needs this wealth to carry out its holy mission. The key thing is the Church isn't really a big taxpayer, if it was forced to give its land it away it would move it into the hands of people Serbia can tax. The downside would be the Church would have less wealth to perform its mission.

King Lazar II decides to support movement. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

September 1452
A fleet of nine Serbian barques is now protecting trade interests in the Constantinople node.

April 1453
Serbia has gained a Trade Protection Casus Belli against Venice. It is unlikely that this will be exercised.

June 1453
Military Technology Advance: Pike Square (4)
Throughout the middle ages cavalry's dominance was being challenged by disciplined pikemen. In battles such as Bannockburn or the Golden Spurs, cavalry was defeated by pikes. A combination of improved training and discipline, and the addition of swordsmen to provide close combat support has raised this formation to the peak of its efficiency.

Bonus Effects:
Military Tactics +0.25
Land Morale Increased by 0.50
Can now build Armory.

An armory has been ordered for construction in the capital province. It will take 12 months.

July 1453
A Call to Arms!
The nation of Austria, Serbia's faithful ally, is requesting that they come to their aid in the Crimean Conquest of Genoa against Crimea and the Ottomans. This is a defensive war in which Serbia must help her ally. Crimea is allied with the Ottomans, Nogai and Aq Qoyunlu.

King Lazar II accepts the call to arms, if merely to keep an ally and placate Austria.

September 1453
The Serbian army is beaten back badly while trying to siege the Ottoman province of Tarnovo.

November 1453
An Heir to the Throne!
Stefan (4/4/6) is the new heir to Lazar II's throne. The succession is safe!

December 1453
A battle at sea is lost to the Ottoman navy and three of Serbia's barques were destroyed in the process.

January 1454
Event: Scandal at the Court
Sometimes a scandal would erupt in the royal court and would upset a monarch to the point where most diplomatic activity would come to a standstill until things quieted down a bit.

King Lazar II decides to bribe an advisor to take the blame at a cost of 18.54 ducats.
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Old 09-27-2014, 08:33 PM   #9
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February 1454
The Serbian army, while not complete, has begun a siege of the Ottoman province Macedonia.

April 1454
Poor timing. A group of 9,000 Ragusan Nationalists have risen up in Ragusa. The siege of Macedonia is abandoned to protect the nation's own interests.

July 1454
The nationalists are defeated.

September 1454
The Serbian army returns to Macedonia for another go at a siege.

The crown has had to take out a loan after the coffers have run dry to support the casualties in the military.

December 1454
The Bosnian army has won the siege of Ottoman capital province Edirne and has marched onto Thessaly.

May 1455
Event: State Appointed Lay Members
If Serbia were to promote and strengthen the powers of the lay members of the Church administration and bring in more state appointments, the nation would bring the Church under central control. The other side of this coin is that the Church's moral standing with the people will be damaged.

King Lazar II has decided to appoint lay members. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

June 1455
The Serbian army has won the Siege of Macedonia after 301 days.

August 1455
Ottomans have accepted peace with Austria.

Terms of the peace having the Ottomans concede defeat to Austria and her coalition. The Serbian army can march home victorious.

September 1455
Serbia has entered a royal marriage with Poland.

October 1455
Serbia has entered a military alliance with Poland after Poland extended the offer.

January 1456
Event: Monopoly Company Formed
Crowns often granted trading companies the exclusive rights to traffic goods in a region. These monopolies were granted in exchange for a lump-sum payment and continuing revenues from the traders.

King Lazar II demands payment in full, raking in 90.36 ducats.

This allows the crown to pay off her debt.

February 1456
Three new barques have been ordered for production in Zeta. King Lazar II is insistent on rebuilding that which was destroyed by the Ottomans. Trade must be protected!

March 1456
Administrative Technology Advance: National Ideas (4)
Choosing the direction a country is going to take is perhaps the toughest choice a ruler will ever face. National ideas are the concepts that will shape the nation for years to come.

Bonus Effect:
Allows another group of ideas.

Serbia has unlocked the Influence Ideas group.

Influence Ideas Advance: Tribute System
Strengthen the crown's income by establishing a formalized system of yearly tribute from her vassals.

Bonus Effect:
Income from Vassals +25%
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Old 09-27-2014, 09:01 PM   #10
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February 1457
Peace Settles In
Austria has accepted peace with Crimea, ending the Crimean Conquest of Genoa.

December 1457
King Lazar II has ordered a diplomat to fabricate a claim on the Venetian province of Dalmatia, which has Croatian culture and borders Ragusa to the west.

January 1458
Event: Unhappiness Among the Peasantry
Conflicts and protests over taxes, landlord cruelty, expropriation, serfdom and customs policies have become quite frequent. If the crown doesn't manage to solve the problem soon, the consequences could be dire.

King Lazar II, King of the People decides to try and improve their situation, costing 17.48 ducats.

September 1458
Construction of an Armory has begun in Ragusa.

December 1458
Serbia has earned a Diplomatic Casus Belli against Venice. The crown has a claim on the province of Dalmatia.

The mission to integrate Wallachia has been canceled for the time being. One of the perks of the Influence Ideas tree is a 25% reduction in cost to diplomatic annexation. The crown will wait until that becomes available before integrating Wallachia and Bosnia.

February 1459
Venice has requested military access. They have soundly been denied.

Declaration of War!
With Venice at war with the Mamluks, Tunisia, Algiers and Ethiopia, the time to take Dalmatia has come! King Lazar II has declared war against Venice and our faithful ally Austria has joined the fray!

March 7 1459
The entire Serbian navy has been destroyed in the Mediterranean by Venetian ships. A small setback.

The siege of Dalmatia has begun, with Austria also taking a siege to Traviso. Bosnia's army has begun a siege of Istra.

April 1459
Subsidies from Austria
In an effort to advance their own interests, Austria has requested Serbia's help in exchange for subsidies. The crow will receive 3.28 ducats per month for a duration of 20 years.

December 1459
A Call to Arms!
Austria is calling for Serbia's help against the Danish Conquest of Stade. This is a defensive war with Denmark being allied to Sweden, Bohemia and Muscovy. With the subsidies coming in thick, King Lazar II has agreed to join the battle.

After 273 days the Siege of Dalmatia has been won! The garrison has succumbed to hunger and disease. Serbia now controls the province.

January 1460
Current Mission: Claim the Rival Province of Slavonia!
Forge a claim on the province of rival nation Hungary so they may be attacked for it.
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Old 09-27-2014, 09:25 PM   #11
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February 1460
Event: Nobles Ally With Foreign Power
The nobility was not fully subjugated during this age and the nobles could and did strike independent alliances with foreign princes. The crowns of Europe might not have liked it, but they were normally hard pressed to prevent these kind of activities.

King Lazar II vows that they will pay for their treachery. Serbia gains a Diplomatic Insult Casus Belli against Venice.

April 1460
Venetian troops arrive from the Adriatic trying to lay siege to Ragusa, but the Serbian army meets them there and crushes them.

June 1460
Influence Ideas Advance: Claim Fabrications
Claiming something as yours is easy, persuading everyone else that you have a valid claim is much harder. By spreading the diplomatic net wide, the crown can ensure that the people who matter know that any claim Serbia makes is just.

Bonus Effect:
Time to fabricate claims -33%.

The Bosnian army has won the Siege of Istra.

Peace Talks
Serbia has entered peace talks with Venice. Terms of the peace are as follows:

Venice will cede the province of Dalmatia to Serbia.
Venice will pay 24 ducats.

King Lazar II has ordered that the province of Dalmata be cored. The process is expected to take 13 months.

The slowly growing Serbian kingdom pictured above. Dalmatia extends the shoreline and will increase the force limits for the navy, which will be rebuilt when the ducats are available. In the next 10 years Bosnia and Wallachia will be integrated.
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Last edited by Grover : 09-27-2014 at 09:25 PM.
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Old 09-27-2014, 09:51 PM   #12
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July 1460
A diplomat has been sent to Bavaria to improve relations.

A diplomat has also been sent to Castile to do the same.

Seven new barques have been ordered for production in Zeta. After the navy was wiped out by Venice, it must be rebuilt.

Event: Popular Noble
One of Serbia's most gregarious nobles has returned from a tour where he regaled foreign courts with stories of the kingdom's grandeur, not to mention spending handsomely out of his own pocket. Only a great land could create such a welcome guest.

Serbia gets 'Popular Noble' until July 1465 with the following effects: Diplomatic Reputation +5.

September 1460
Looking to the north, it appears as if Denmark has swallowed both Sweden and Norway whole, creating one massive Danish state.

November 1460
The thought of going after Hungary remains large in the minds of Serbian royalty, but Hungary's alliances with Burgundy and Naples make such a thought very difficult to follow through with.

May 1461
Event: The Non-Possessor Movement
The Church is a large landowner and this has brought a great deal of wealth to the Church. The non-possessors claim that the Church is being corrupted by this great wealth. Their opponents argue that the Church needs this wealth to carry out its holy mission. The key thing is the Church isn't really a big taxpayer, if it was forced to give its land it away it would move it into the hands of people Serbia can tax. The downside would be the Church would have less wealth to perform its mission.

King Lazar II decides to support movement. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

Sad news as Vlad II Draculesti of Wallachia has died. The royal marriage has ended.

July 1461
Three more barques have been ordered for production in Ragusa.

August 1461
The province of Dalmatia is now considered part of Serbian patrimony as it has become a core province.

October 1461
The Death of the King!
King Lazar II has sadly passed away! His heir, Stefan Brankovic is only 7 years old and is not quite ready to assume the role of monarch. A Regency Council from the upper nobility is now ruling Serbia until Stefan comes of age!

Stability has dropped to -2 with the death of King Lazar II.

Poland has offered a new royal marriage after Lazar II's untimely death.

November 1461
The crown has gained +1 stability, leaving it at -1.

December 1461
A new royal marriage with Austria has been arranged. As has one with Wallachia.

Serbia has also entered a royal marriage with Castile.

February 1462
Event: Corruption
Corruption is one of the most common and frequent factors of political and economic life. Never in history was this more prominent than in the times of the feudal regimes.

The Regency Council chooses to ignore the corruption, seeing a +3 rise in inflation.

September 1462
A Revolt! Romanian Patriots have risen in Oltenia!

October 1462
Serbian's army of 12,000 strong easily rebuffs the 7,000 troop uprising in Oltenia.

December 1462
As a show of faith and goodwill, a diplomat has been sent to the Ottomans to attempt and repair relations.

April 1463
Croatian Nationalists have risen in Dalmatia. 8,000 troops strong!

June 1463
The Croatian Nationalists have been destroyed by a Serbian and Bosnian attack.
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Old 09-28-2014, 09:18 AM   #13
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July 1463
Austria has informed the crown that Serbia is no longer relevant to their interests. The subsidies have been canceled.

October 1463
Denmark has accepted peace with Austria. Bremen will cede Stade to Denmark. Austria will end the vassalization of Salzburg.

February 1464
Event: Political Crisis
Political crises may occur from time to time. They often involved a conflict between the ruler and the parliament, unrest among the nobility or conflicts of interest between the nobility and the merchants or religious leaders.

The Regency Council decides that reputation isn't everything. The crown loses 25 Legitimacy.

July 1465
Event: Spy Ring Busted
Some Serbian diplomats have been implicated in a major espionage operation. Never ambassador or emissary sent is suspected of being a spy and is subject to the harshest examinations when they end their appointed missions. It will take some time to restore Serbia's reputation.

Serbia gets 'Suspected Diplomats' until July 1470 resulting in +25% envoy travel time.

February 1466
Event: Improvements in Trade Technology
Serbian merchants have picked up a few new concepts when it comes to handling trade, when they encountered foreign merchants. They think that with some investment to try it out, it will be very beneficial for Serbia in the long run.

Serbia gains .50 inflation and 50 diplomatic power.

June 1466
A Call to Arms!
Austria has requested Serbia join them in the Polish Conquest of Danzig against Poland and Lithuania. This is a defensive war where Serbia is requested to help her ally. Poland is allied with Riga and Mecklenberg.

The Regency Council declines the offer and takes a hit of 25 prestige. It would not be prudent to go to war in support of one ally against another. The military alliance with Austria will be broken.

December 1466
A diplomat has finally been sent to Hungary to claim the province of Slavonia

January 1467
As predicted, the Ottomans have finally declared war on Byzantium. The crown was right not to get into a marriage or alliance with them.

May 1467
Event: State Appointed Lay Members?
If Serbia were to promote and strengthen the powers of the lay members of the Church administration and bring in more state appointments, the nation would bring the Church under central control. The other side of this coin is that the Church's moral standing with the people will be damaged.

The Regency Council has decided to appoint the lay members and loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

June 1467
Military Technology Advance: Standardized Pikes (5)
A pike is a remarkably simple weapon to make, but to get the full benefit from the use of pikes, it's required for the whole formation to be wielding weapons of similar length and blade.

Bonus Effect:
Combat width increased by 2
Infantry Shock +0.15
Enables Eastern Militia.

As a result, all Eastern Medieval Infantry will now become Eastern Militia.
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Old 09-28-2014, 09:55 AM   #14
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August 1467
Mission Complete: Claim the province of Slavonia! Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Current Mission: Recover Negative Stability
Confidence in the government is low and the people are feeling rebellious. Let's restore this to bring peace at home.

January 1468
Mission Complete: Recovered negative stability. Serbia gains 5 prestige.

Current Mission: Incorporate Wallachia
Wallachia is a vassal of the country, but they must be integrated closer into Serbian society. A diplomatic annexation would be the best option.

February 1468
Event: National Institutions
As of late more and more people are requesting representative national institutions.

The Regency Council decides L'etat, c'est moi! Serbia loses 1 stability.

May 1468
Influence Ideas Advance: Integrated Elites
By bringing the ruling elite of subject nations into the government, the process of integrating their territories becomes significantly smoother.

Bonus Effect: Diplomatic Annexation Cost -25%

Serbian Ideas Advance: Code of Laws
A compendium of translations of Greek Byzantine books of lawa nd great works of ancient philosophy to Serbian language was issued by Stephen Dusan on 21st May 1349 in Skopje. It served as an inspiration for Serbia's very first Code of Laws

Bonus Effect: National Revolt Risk -1.00

A diplomat has been sent to Wallachia to incorporate the country into Serbia.

November 1468
A New King!
King Stefan III (4/4/6) has come of age and will now rule the glorious nation of Serbia!

Djuradj (5/0/5) is the new heir to the throne!

May 1469
Mission Complete! Incorporate Wallachia into Serbia. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 administrative power.

Event: Integrating Wallachia
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Serbia loses 10 legitimacy and gains 5 prestige.

Current Mission: Insult Venice
Serbia hates them and wants them to know it.

A look at Serbia with Muntenia integrated. Giving the country an eastern border with allies Poland.

A look at Europe and the Near East. Denmark and Muscovy are growing rapidly just 25 years into proceedings. Surprisingly enough, the Ottomans haven't grown that much... yet.
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Old 09-28-2014, 10:25 AM   #15
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May 1469
A diplomat has been sent to Venice to deliver an insult.

Mission Complete: Insult Venice, Serbia's rival. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Current Mission: Incorporate Bosnia
Bosnia is a vassal of Serbia, but must be integrated closer to Serbian society.

June 1469
A Culture Accepted!
Subjects who embrace Romanian language and culture have finally been able to prove their loyalty to the Serbian crown. Thus, Romanian is now a part of Serbian national heritage.

A diplomat has been sent to Bosnia to begin diplomatic annexation.

August 1469
Construction of an Armory has begun in Muntenia.

February 1470
Event: A Traveling Minstrel
A renowned minstrel recently crossed into Serbia's borders. His intention is to roam the country bringing joy to all who hear him, but some say only the King's ears are fit to hear such wonderful music.

King Stefan III allows the minstrel to go where he wishes and Serbia gains 1 stability.

Mission Complete: Incorporate Bosnia into Serbia. Gain 5 prestige and 25 administrative power.

Event: Integrating Bosnia
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Serbia loses 10 legitimacy and gains 5 prestige.

Serbia in her current state after annexing the Bosnian provinces of Bosnia, Hum and Donji Kraji. There will be no culture shock in the transition as all of Bosnian's provinces had Serbian as their culture. Serbia now fully borders Hungary to the north and Ottomans to the south. It was noticed that Ottomans are currently on the missions 'Conquer Serbia.' That could bode poorly in the near future.
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Old 09-28-2014, 10:47 AM   #16
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March 1470
A military alliance has been re-established with Austria.

Current Mission: Insult Naples, Serbia's Rival

Mission Complete: Insult Naples, Serbia's Rival. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Current Mission: Claim Serbia's Rival Province, Zagreb

Byzantium offers an alliance, which is quickly declined.

Serbia has entered a royal marriage with France.

April 1470
Serbia has entered a military alliance with France.

May 1470
A diplomat has been sent to the Hungarian province of Zagreb to begin fabricating a claim.

July 1470
Administrative Technology Advance: Constables & Temples (5)
Housing the machinery of the government is as important as the machinery itself and one should never forget the importance of religion when doing so.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Temple.
Can now build Constable.

Event: Hostile Rhetoric
One of Serbia's ambassadors has made some unwise statements at a recent party. His angry and warlike denunciations of Serbia's neighbors means that the country is seen as a greater threat than they actually are.

King Stefan III decides to let them cower, resulting in 'Hostile Rhetoric' until July 1475. Aggressive Expansion Impact is now +5% for the duration.

January 1471
Mission Complete: Claim Zagreb! Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Current Mission: Insult Hungary

February 1471
Mission Complete: Insult Hungary. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Current Mission: Claim Maros!
Serbia must claim the Hungarian province of Maros.

March 1471
A diplomat has been sent to Hungary to fabricate a claim on Maros.

November 1471
Mission Complete! Claim Maros. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.
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Old 09-28-2014, 11:18 AM   #17
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November 1471
Construction of Temples have begun in Serbia, Ragusa and Muntenia.

Serbia will hold off on taking a mission, they are all warlike and involve attacking Hungary or Ottomans, wars in which our allies will not involve themselves with currently.

February 1472
Event: Sickness of King
King Stefan III has fallen ill and cannot handle all aspects of ruling Serbia for the time being. How shall this be handled?

Serbia gets 'Powerful Nobles' until February 1482 unless Stefan III dies, giving a 5% boost to production efficiency.

November 1472
Current Mission: The Rival of Our Rival
The rival of Serbia's rival is Bohemia, so they should be Serbia's friend.

It just so happens that a diplomat had been in Bohemia improving relations. A mission of convenience.

February 1473
Military Technology Advance: Arquebus (6)
Although hand cannons had been developed in China in the 12th century and had spread to Europe by the 14th, the weakness of these weapons reduced their battlefield utility. Light and reliable Arquebus was able to displace bow due to three main factors. It had better armor penetration, it was easier to train men to use it, and it did not rely on the strength of the user.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics +.25
Combat Width increaded by 2
Infantry Shock +.30
Enables Stratioti Cavalry.

All Eastern Knights have been upgraded to Stratioti Cavalry.

April 1473
A Call to Arms!
The nation of Poland has requested that Serbia come to their aid in the Crimean Conquest of Lithuania against Crimea and Ryazan. This is a defensive war where Crimea is allied to Ottomans, Nogai and Aq Qoyunlu.

King Stefan III declines to aid Poland, fearing for his own land, which must be passed through by the Ottomans to get to Poland.

A temple has been ordered for construction in Dalmatia.

Poland has offered a military alliance even after Serbia declined to join them in war.

May 1473
Event: Liturgical Reform
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ our lord and his apostles. However, our family is large and diverse. Our patriarch is proposing some reforms to our liturgy that will bring our form closer to the other churches. The idea is bold and will strengthen the Church, but we know that the superstitious and backward will reject this change.

King Stefan III supports the reform and Serbia gains 5 Patriarchal Authority.

January 1474
Serbia enters a military alliance with Bohemia.

Mission Complete! The Rival of our Rival. Serbia earns 5 prestige and 25 diplomatic power.

Influence Ideas Advance: State Propaganda
As with a man, a nation's reputation is everything, and the establishment of an official propaganda service will ensure Serbia's good name is not smeared by the lies of her enemies.

Bonus Effect:
Aggressive Expansion Impact -10%

Current Mission: Claim Our Rival's Province, Torontal.

A diplomat has been dispatched to the Hungaran province of Torontal to fabricate a claim.
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Old 09-28-2014, 01:47 PM   #18
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February 1474
Event: Improvements in Production Technology
There are reports of farmers and miners being more productive than local bailiffs expect them to be. Serbia will investigate if there is something that the entire nation can benefit from.

Serbia gains .50 inflation and 50 administrative power.

July 1474
Serbia has entered a royal marriage with Bohemia.

August 1474
Naval force limit modifiers are up to 13, King Stefan III orders a barque to be built in Zeta to maximize the size of the navy.

September 1474
Mission Complete: Claim Our Rival's Province, Torontal. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Current Mission: Protect against Venice
Venice has a larger army that Serbia. This is a major danger as they are a rival.

January 1475
Mission Complete: Protect Against Venice. Serbia gains 5.0 army tradition.

Current Mission: Claim our rival's province, Temes.

February 1475
A diplomat has been sent to the Hungarian province of Temes to fabricate a claim.

May 1475
An Ottoman agent has been discovered fabricating a claim on the province of Zeta.

June 1475
A Call to Arms
Austria, Serbia's faithful ally is requesting that Serbia comes to their aid in the Arogonese Conquest of Modena against Aragon, France, Avergne and Venice.

King Stefan III agrees to join the fray.

August 1475
Event: Popular Noble
One of Serbia's most gregarious nobles has returned from a tour where he regaled foreign courts with stories of Serbia's grandeur, not to mention spending handsomely out of his own pocket. Only a great land could create such a welcome guest.

Serbia gets 'Popular Noble' until August 1480, giving the following effects: Diplomatic Reputation +5

October 1475
Mission Complete: Claim our rival's province, Temes. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

A diplomat has been sent to forge a claim on the Ottoman province of Silistria.

February 1476
Event: Diplomatic Move
Diplomacy between nations was often affected by random factors from both sides involved. Most of he time, these factors were beyond the control of the foreign ministers involved.

King Stefan III appoints new diplomats and Serbia gains 30 diplomatic power.

April 1476
A diplomat has been sent to Muscovy as they are one of the few other Orthodox nations.
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Old 09-28-2014, 07:33 PM   #19
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April 1476
Event: Improvements in Naval Technology
There are claims that local fisherman have improved ship design. If a careful study of their ships is performed and reproduced, the nation's best admirals believe that Serbia's naval technology will benefit in the future.

King Stefan III decides to spare no expenses. Inflation increases by .50, but Serbia gains 50 diplomatic power.

The Commander of the Guard has discovered the Ottomans fabricating a claim in Kosovo.

May 1476
Event: The Non-Possessor Movement
The Church is a large landowner and this has brought a great deal of wealth to the Church. The non-possessors claim that the Church is being corrupted by this great wealth. Their opponents argue that the Church needs this wealth to carry out its holy mission. The key thing is the Church isn't really a big taxpayer, if it was forced to give its land it away it would move it into the hands of people Serbia can tax. The downside would be the Church would have less wealth to perform its mission.

King Stefan III decides to support movement. Serbia gains 5 Patriarchal Authority.

July 1476
Serbia has gained the Conquest Casus Belli against Ottomans for the province of Silistria.

A diplomat has been sent to forge a claim on Tarnovo.

September 1476
A diplomat has been sent to improve relations with Denmark.

December 1476
A Temple has been ordered for construction in Bosnia.

March 1477
Event: Boundary Dispute
The lack of good maps or tools to create accurate maps would occasionally lead to overlapping claims of authority in border regions. These disputes were usually over very marginal areas, but could serve as a point of friction when monarchs decided to press the issue.

King Stefan III has decided to press the issue and Serbia gains a claim on the Ottoman province of Sofia.

The Serbian claim on Tarnovo has also been fabricated.

A diplomat has been sent to Macedonia to fabricate yet another claim on Ottoman territory.

September 1477
Influence Ideas Advance: Diplomatic Influence
By focusing on diplomacy, Serbian can increase the power they wield on the diplomatic stage. This power can gain them many friends.

Bonus Effect:
Diplomatic Reputation +5

February 1478
Event: Scandal at the Court
Sometimes a scandal would erupt in the royal court and wuld upset a monarch to the point where most diplomatic activity would come to a standstill until things quieted down a bit.

King Stefan III takes the blame and Serbia loses 1 stability.

March 1478
A diplomat has been dispatched to the new Ottoman province of Bessabaria, which was taken from Poland. Serbia will look to fabricate a claim.

November 1478
Administrative Technology Advance: Three Field Rotation (6)
Since the time of Charlemagne, people have been experimenting with switching from classic two field rotation systems to a three field system. It is time to promote this, as it will increase the amount of land devoted to growing food crops.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency Increased by 10%
Can now build Farm Estate
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Old 09-28-2014, 10:39 PM   #20
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Enjoying, keep up the good work.
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Old 09-29-2014, 09:12 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Cap Ologist View Post
Enjoying, keep up the good work.

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Old 09-29-2014, 09:48 AM   #22
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Very methodically growing the empire...
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Old 09-29-2014, 10:48 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by britrock88 View Post
Very methodically growing the empire...

The tortoise of eastern Europe. Ideally, I'm waiting for the Ottomans to get into a war with either the Mamluks or Timurids. Once their troops cross the Edirne/Byzantium strait, I can stranglehold their troops on the other side and siege my way to victory.

Same with Hungary, let them get into a major war. I'd like them to break their alliances with Naples and Burgundy. The Croatian and Bulgarian provinces are my biggest prize at the moment. Once I get a Military Idea, we will start moving forward.

It doesn't help that my allies in Austria and Poland are constantly at war and refuse to support my military designs and dreams.
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Old 09-29-2014, 11:42 AM   #24
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Good observations. This feels like the kind of game I need to run through repeatedly (rather than obsessing over details in each save) to experience the full gamut of successes, failures, frustrations, happy accidents, etc.
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Old 09-29-2014, 01:01 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by britrock88 View Post
Good observations. This feels like the kind of game I need to run through repeatedly (rather than obsessing over details in each save) to experience the full gamut of successes, failures, frustrations, happy accidents, etc.

Absolutely. For awhile, Ottomans had the mission 'Conquer Serbia' but they gave it up in favor of going after Byzantium. I feel as if there is a point in this dynasty where I will be losing a significant amount of land to one of my direct rivals.
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Old 09-29-2014, 09:14 PM   #26
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December 1478
A diplomat has been dispatched to Hungary to fabricate a claim on Lika.

February 1479
Event: National Epic
Serbia's subjects have taken up telling tales and legends about King Lazar II. The legend says that in Serbia's darkest hour, he will return to Serbia and deliver it from evil. Regardless of the truth in that statement it could be used in propaganda.

King Stefan III loves a good story. Serba earns +1 yearly prestige for 20 years and loses 10 administrative power and 10.17 ducats immediately.

March 1479
Military Technology Advance: The Limber (7)
Artillery had been documented in Europe since the 13th century, but due to its lack of mobility, it had very limited battlefield use. The development of the Limber in the 1470s allowed guns to become more mobile and thus useful.

Bonus Effect:
Military tactics +.25
Infantry fire +.10
Artillery fire +1
Enables Large Cast Bronze Mortar
Enables Houfnice

November 1479
Hungary has insulted Serbia! They have gained the Diplomatic Insult Casus Belli.

Aragon has finally accepted peace with Austria. Serbia is no longer at war.

February 1480
Event: Improve the Capital
The glory of Serbia's capital has long been neglected. There is now an opportunity to improve the city and make it a beacon of cultural pride. This may prove costly, but there is an alternative solution.

King Stefan III proposes to use the military as a workforce. Serbia gains 5 prestige but loses 2,226 manpower.

The military has disbanded 2,000 Eastern Militia and 1,000 Stratioti Cavalry in preparation for 3,000 Large Cast Bronze Mortar.

A diplomat is sent to Burgundy to improve relations.

August 1480
Current Mission: Recover Negative Stability.

Mission Complete: Recover Negative Stability. Serbia gains 5 prestige.

Event: Spy Ring Busted
Some Serbian diplomats have been implicated in a major espionage operation. Never ambassador or emissary sent is suspected of being a spy and is subject to the harshest examinations when they end their appointed missions. It will take some time to restore Serbia's reputation.

Serbia gets 'Suspected Diplomats' until July 1470 resulting in +25% envoy travel time.

Current Mission: Insult Naples, Our Rival

A diplomat is sent to insult Naples.

Mission Complete: Insult Naples, Our Rival. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Current Mission: Claim our rival's province, Hunyard.

A diplomat is sent to the Hungarian province of Hunyad to fabricate a claim.
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Old 09-29-2014, 09:37 PM   #27
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April 1481
Mission Complete: Claim our rival's province. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Current Mission: Insult our rival, Hungary

A diplomat is sent to insult Hungary.

Mission Complete: Insult our rival, Hungary. Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

A diplomat is sent to Bohemia to improve relations.

November 1481
Influence Ideas Advance: Postal Service
With communications being what they are, it is difficult to ensure that Serbian diplomatic dispatches arrive in a timely fashion. Creating a network of post offices and courier rest stops will make it easier for Serbian voices to be heard in distant territories.

Bonus Effect:
Envoy Travel Time -25%
Imperial Authority +10%

Serbian Ideas Advance: Bastion of Orthodoxy
With the Ottoman Empire looming on the southern horizon and most of the Balkans subdued before Baryaktar, Serbia shall serve as the last Balkanite bastion of Orthodoxy, the continuation of the Eastern Christian civilization.

Bonus Effect:
Stability Cost Modifer -10%

February 1482
Event: Improvements in Trade Technology
Serbian merchants have picked up a few new concepts when it comes to handling trade, when they encountered some foreign merchants. They think that with some investment to try it out, it will be very beneficial for the country in the long run.

King Stefan III decides to spare no expenses. Serbia gains 0.50 inflation and 50 diplomatic power.

October 1482
Current Mission: Conquer Zagreb.
Serbia must recover the lands that are rightfully hers, or the people will not take Serbia seriously.

December 1482
A Military Leader Has Died!
General Dusan Obilic is dead. He served Serbia faithfully and well.

General Petrija Drascovic takes over the Serbian army.

June 1483
A Call to Arms!
The nation of Austria, Serbia's faithful ally, is requesting their aid in the Danish Conquest of Luneburg against Denmark, Bavaria, Bohemia, France and Muscovy.

We decline and take the 25 prestige hit.

December 1483
Serbia has sent a diplomat to improve relations with Muscovy.

France has offered a military alliance. King Stefan III accepts graciously.

February 1484
Event: Non-enforcement of Ordinances
Monarchs ruled by issuing ordinances, but they were almost powerless to enforce them. Enforcement depended upon the local powers and they would not always be as vigilant as the monarchs would have desired.

King Stefan III lets the locals handle it and Bosnia gains 10 revolt risk.

June 1484
A diplomat has been sent to improve relations with Mamluks.
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Old 09-29-2014, 09:58 PM   #28
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June 1485
Event: Liturgical Reform
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ our lord and his apostles. However, our family is large and diverse. Our patriarch is proposing some reforms to our liturgy that will bring our form closer to the other churches. The idea is bold and will strengthen the Church, but we know that the superstitious and backward will reject this change.

King Stefan III supports the reform, Serbia gains 5 Patriarchal Authority.

July 1485
Influence Ideas Advance: Marcher Lords
By granting considerable autonomy to vassals in border regions, these 'Marcher Lords' will be able to raise large military armies to support us in our wars.

Bonus Effect: Subjects Forcelimits Contribution +33%

Influence Ideas has been finished.

August 1485
Construction of a Constable has begun in Dalmatia.

Event: Skilled Diplomat
One of Serbia's ambassadors has a preternatural ability for understanding the entangling alliances that surround us, and the implications of taking one wrong step or saying just the right words.

King Stefan III decides to keep him at court. Serbia gains 50 diplomatic power.

March 1486
Event: Build a Great Palace
Monarchs were often struggling with ways to subdue the nobility. The rise of firearms reduced the nobles' role as warriors but left them with, in the eyes of the monarchs, too much idle time. Some monarchs created great new palaces with elaborate court rituals to dazzle the nobles and keep them occupied. Versailles is the greatest expression of this movement.

King Stefan decides to build the palace. Serbia gains 10 prestige, 20 Legitimacy and loses 28.56 ducats.

April 1486
The crown has taken out a loan after falling into debt buying the palace.

May 1486
King Stefan III sends his heir to Poland to promote himself as the potential heir to the Polish throne.

August 1487
Ferrera requests military access. Serbia grants it to them.

January 1488
Crimea requests military access and is denied.

February 1488
Administrative Technology Advance: Noble Republic (7)
The notion of a noble oligarchy ruling the society has existed, since well, at leas the Roman times, and remained popular in some parts of the world. Now this ideas is once more gaining popularity amongst those who matter.

Bonus Effect:
Allows another Group of Ideas.
Allows Noble Republic.

Serbia has unlocked Aristocratic Ideas idea group.

Aristocratic Ideas Advance: Noble Knights
Supporting cavalry requires an economic system that produces a large number of surplus horses. If Serbia were to guarantee the privileges of their noble class not only would they be much happier, they would do much of the work to produce the needed horses. The court fool described it as service guarantees serfs.

Bonus Effect:
Cavalry Cost -15%
Cavalry Combat Ability +10%

Aristocratic Ideas Advance: Local Nobility
The nobility know they are simply better than normal people and will give their loyalty to those who are worthy. If Serbia confirm their privileges they will of course remember the crown's largess and be more resistant to the inducement of foreign powers.

Bonus Effect:
Hostile Core-Creation on Serbia +100%
Income from Vassals +10%

Serbian Ideas Advance: Home of the Hussars
Although light cavalry formations as a concept were an old Roman idea, the first Balkan hussars – or gusars (corsairs or pirates) as they were known, appeared as auxiliary units of the Byzantine empire, recruited mainly from Byzantine held Serbia in the 10th and 11th century. Even after the Byzantine power dwindled, this tradition remained, and was further refined in the following centuries.

Bonus Effect:
Cavalry Combat Ability +5%
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Old 09-30-2014, 05:59 PM   #29
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February 1488
Crimea again asks for permission to access Serbian lands militarily. They are denied.

March 1488
Event: Local fortifications expert discovered
It seems as if there is a great man in one of the provinces, who has some rather intriguing ideas on how to create better fortifications. However, he is reluctant to leave his hometown.

King Stefan III lets this expert stay home. The province of Kosovo gains Local Fortifications until 1821, providing a 25% boost to local defensiveness.

July 1488
A diplomat is sent to Austria to repair relations after King Stefan III refused their call to arms.

April 1489
The crown has paid off her debts.

January 1490
Crimea is once again denied military access through Serbia.

March 1490
Event: Non-enforcement of Ordinances
Monarchs ruled by issuing ordinances, but they were almost powerless to enforce them. Enforcement depended upon the local powers and they would not always be as vigilant as the monarchs would have desired.

King Stefan III lets them handle it and Travunia gains 10 revolt risk.

July 1490
A Temple is now under construction in Kosovo.

August 1490
Aristocratic Ideas Advance: Serfdom
A foot soldier in the army is not quite the career that anyone wanted, what with the poor food, low pay and virtually non-existent medical services. If Serbia were to tie their peasants to the land, they would know exactly where to look for recruits.

Bonus Effect:
National Manpower Modifier: +25%

Event: Hostile Rhetoric
One of Serbia's ambassadors has made some unwise statements at a recent party. His angry and warlike denunciations of Serbia's neighbors means that the country is seen as a greater threat than they actually are.

King Stefan III decides to let them cower, resulting in 'Hostile Rhetoric' until July 1475. Aggressive Expansion Impact is now +5% for the duration.

October 1490
King Stefan III grants Genoa military access.

January 1491
Diplomatic Technology Advance: Marketplace and Dock (4)
Creation of legal and regional infrastructure in order to promote trade will not only encourage commerce, but also allow the crown to better tax it.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range: 10
Can now build Dock.
Can now build Marketplace.

June 1491
Naples, Serbia's former rival is now in a Personal Union under Castile. This means they are no longer a top ally of Hungary.

Event: Reduce the Independence of the Church
The Church is a powerful institution, but more important a wealthy one. If Serbia were to reign in on the Church and make more a part of the state, the crown would also bring in more income for taxation.

King Stefan III decides to reign them in. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.
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Old 09-30-2014, 06:39 PM   #30
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The Serbian Conquest of Zagreb!

July 1491
A Declaration of War!
Hungary and Burgundy are embroiled in a war with a number of smaller Holy Roman Empire nations. Naples is no longer an ally to the Hungarians after a Personal Union with Castile. Poland and Bohemia are both willing to go to war.

King Stefan III declares war on Hungary. His Casus Belli is for the province of Zagreb.

August 1491
The Siege of Zagreb begins. A small detachment from the main army heads to the province of Lika to begin a siege.

Bohemia begins a siege of Pozsony. Poland in Maramaros, with a Lithuanian army on the way.

February 1492
Sadly Kazimierz Jagiellon of Poland has died, ending the royal marriage with the Serbian crown.

A new royal marriage is immediately agreed upon between the allies.

March 1492
Event: Unhappiness Among the Merchants
Conflict and protests over taxes, corporations, port duties, navy requisitions, trade and customs policies were quite frequent and often had counterproductive effects.

King Stefan III gets rid of the troublemakers and Serbia loses 5 Mercantilism.

The Siege of Zagreb is Over! After 233 days Serbia has taken control of the province from Hungary.

The main army heads to the province of Slavonia to continue their sieges of provinces Serbia has a rightful claim to.

A Marketplace is under construction in the trade port of Ragusa.

The Siege of Lika is Over! After 233 days Serbia has taken control of the province from Hungary. The army will now march to Torontal.

January 1493
The Siege of Torontal is Over! After 262 days Serbia has gained control of the province. The army marches to Temes.

April 1493
The Siege of Slavonia is Over! After 378 days Serbia has gained control of the province! The army marches to Varasd.

A Dock is now under construction in Ragusa.

June 1493
The army in Varasd has been split. Half of the troops head to Somogy. Bohemia now occupies Pozsony and Szepes. Poland/Lithuania now control Zemplen, Szabolcs, Hunyard, Maramaros and Maros.

January 1494
The Siege of Temes is Over! After 349 days Serbia now controls the province!

February 1494
The Siege of Varasd is Over! After 291 days Serbia controls the province!

March 1494
The Siege of Somogy is Over! After 262 days Serbia controls the province!

Event: Promising Trader
Serbia's free trade policies are forcing merchants to become more innovative. One in particular looks like he could become a great man.

Serbia gains a Trader.

Peace Talks
Serbia has entered peace talks with Hungary in the hopes of ending the conflict.

Hungary will cede Lika, Zagreb, Slavonia and Varasd to Serbia.
Hungary will pay 6 ducats
The peace will cost Serbia 33 diplomatic power.
With the conquest Casus Belli, Serbia gains 8 prestige and suffers 19.1 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

Hungary has accepted King Stefan III's generous offer.

Mission Complete: Conquer Zagreb. Serbia gains 10 prestige and 15 administrative power.

King Stefan III has ordered all new provinces to be turned into cores of Serbia. Work has begun immediately.

Europe in 1494, nearly 50 years after beginning. Poland is close to being able to integrate Lithuania through a Personal Union. Denmark and Muscovy are the big players in the north. France and Castile are still dominant in western Europe. However, Serbia is taking chunks, slowly but surely and is rising in the east.

Serbia has come a long way from the four provinces of Serbia, Raska, Kosovo and Zeta in 50 short years. Serbia's new western border, all Croatian cultured provinces taken from Hungary, meets them with Austria. Lika provides another important port province, while the military will be able to further expand.
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Old 09-30-2014, 07:22 PM   #31
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March 1494
A Barque is ordered an Zeta, while two Large Cast Bronze Mortars are ordered in the capital province.

Current Mission: Improve Relations With Austria
Once a strong ally of Serbia, times have changed after a refusal to go to war. It is time to rebuild a friendship with Austria by extending an olive branch.

October 1494
Aristocratic Ideas Advance: Noble Officers
Who leads Serbian troops is an important choice. The nobility is seeking to ensure that preference is given to them. It will give them a chance to show their valor by giving the enemy cold steel and Serbia shall allow them to do this.

Bonus Effect:
Land Leader Shock +1

January 1495
It appears as if Lithuania is no longer under a Personal Union with Poland. King Stefan III enters a royal marriage with the country.

February 1495
Serbia has entered a military alliance with Lithuania.

March 1495
Zagreb, Slavonia and Lika have all become cored provinces of Serbia and will be defended to the last drop of peasant blood.

April 1495
Varasd is now considered part of Serbian patrimony.

In a shift of strategy, Serbian barques will now protect trade in Venice.

June 1495
A missionary has been sent to Lika to change the province from Catholic to Orthodox. It is expected to take 55 months.

August 1495
Event: Serfs Properly Exploited
Serbia's Policy of Serfdom has yielded results, as Land Owners have recently made extra special efforts to exploit their serfs.

Serbia gains +.03 Goods Produced Nationally until 1500.

October 1495
Event: Influenza!
Rumors say that sailors came back from a trip sick like hell, and the ones who didn't die on board infested the whole city with their disease. It is time to act before the whole country dies from coughing and cold sweat.

King Stefan III decides to quarantine the port and let them die.

Dalmatia gets Quarantined Influenza for one year, with the following effects: local trade power -100%, goods produced -50%, local tax modifier -50% and local manpower modifier -50%

November 1495
Administrative Technology Advance: Workshop & Courthouse (8)
The problem with hereditary local nobility is that they tend to value their local interests over those of the rest of the nation. Serbia needs to steadily expand the reach of government, which beings with two of the most important areas of the administration: justice and taxation.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Courthouse
Can bow build Workshop.

National Decision Passed
The Act of Uniformity: Serbian missionaries have +1% strength.

February 1496
A Revolt!
8,000 Croatian Nationalists have risen up in Varasd. They want freedom for their people.

March 1496
The revolt is put to a quick end.

Event: Visit from some shady people
A few slightly shady looking characters have appeared at King Stefan III's court, offering their service. They claim to be willing and able to do things that any proper would never deign to do – publicly.

King Stefan III refuses their offer and Serbia gains 5 prestige.
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Old 09-30-2014, 08:27 PM   #32
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September 1496
Serbia has entered a military alliance with Castile.

The mission to improve relations with Austria has been ended.

June 1497
Work on a Constable has begun in the capital province.

Event: The Non-possessor Movement
The Church is a large landowner and this has brought a great deal of wealth to the Church. The non-possessors claim that the Church is being corrupted by this great wealth. Their opponents argue that the Church needs this wealth to carry out its holy mission. The key thing is the Church isn't really a big taxpayer, if it was forced to give its land it away it would move it into the hands of people Serbia can tax. The downside would be the Church would have less wealth to perform its mission.

King Stefan III decides to support the movement. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

November 1497
8,000 Croatian Nationalists have risen in Zagreb. 8,000 Catholic Zealots have risen in Lika!

December 1497
The Catholic Zealots in Lika have been put down.

January 1498
The Croatian Nationalists have been put down.

March 1498
Event: Monopoly Company Formed
Crowns often granted trading companies the exclusive rights to traffic goods in a region. These monopolies were granted in exchange for a lump-sum payment and continuing revenues from the traders.

King Stefan demands payment in full. Serbia gains 188.03 ducats.

Temples are under construction in Oltenia, Raska and Zeta.

May 1498
A Temple is under construction in Travunia.

September 1498
Diplomatic Technology Advance: Basic Financial Instruments (5)
Overseas trade is very risky, but also highly profitable. The development of financial instruments like letters of credit will help reduce the risk, increasing profits.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range 20
Trade Efficiency Increased by 10%

A diplomat has been sent to Hungary to forge a claim on Sopron.

The heretics of Lika have been converted to the one and only true faith!

The missionary now heads to Varasd to convert the Catholics to Orthodoxy. It will take roughly 44 months.

December 1498
Aristocratic Ideas Advance: International Nobility
International relations are a tricky business. Some say that he merchant class who are used to dealing with foreigners are best for this. Those who say this ignore the kindred ties that Serbian noble families have established through the years, these ties should be taken advantage of to help the crown's cause diplomatically.

Bonus Effect:
Diplomats +1

Serbian Ideas Advance: Alemannic Guard
Re-establish the Alemmanic Guard – the tradition of a standing army comprised mainly of German nobles and knights, secnd or third sons with little hope of inheritance and nothing but a military career as their prospect in life.

Bonus Effect:
Cavalry Cost -10%

May 1499
With a claim fabricated on Sopron, the diplomat heads to Somogy to do the same.

October 1499
Event: Plague!
Epidemics in the early-modern era were far deadlier than wars or even famine. Diseases that with modern medicine are relatively harmless, like smallpox or flu, took a heavy toll whenever they struck, especially among infants.

King Stefan III decides there is nothing to be done. Zeta will produce 10% less goods until 1502.

January 1500
A Constable is in production in Bosnia.
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Old 10-01-2014, 05:07 PM   #33
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March 1500
Event: Land Technology Research Useless
Several prominent men in Serbia are pointing out that the path taken with army research is utterly foolish and will amount to nothing. They demand that current approach is stopped and stick with what was good enough for their fathers.

King Stefan III ignores the fools. Serbia loses 10 prestige.

April 1500
The claim on Somogy is complete. A diplomat will head to Bekes to forge a claim.

August 1500
Event: Popular Noble
One of Serbia's most gregarious nobles has returned from a tour where he regaled foreign courts with stories of Serbia's grandeur, not to mention spending handsomely out of his own pocket. Only a great land could create such a welcome guest.

Serbia gets 'Popular Noble' until August 1480, giving the following effects: Diplomatic Reputation +5

February 1501
7,000 Catholic Zealots have risen in Varasd!

March 1501
The Zealots have been expelled.

June 1501
A Constable is under construction in Kosovo.

July 1501
Event: Family Secret?
The first time King Stefan III brushes it off, but when it happens a second and third time, he does begint o wonder. Why are people laughing at him when they think he can't hear them? After asking around, for more than a bit, he finally manages to get an answer out of a chambermaid. It appears that the heir has been running about town in a most unchristian fashion and the family is becoming the laughingstock of Europe.

King Stefan III scolds him publicly. Serbia loses 5 prestige.

September 1501
Current Mission: Protect our Brethren in Macedonia

Though now part of a Personal Union, Serbia sends a diplomat to improve relations with Naples.

December 1501
Event: Revolt in Ragusa
High taxes and cultural and religious differences have caused unhappiness among Serbia's citizens. If this continues, it will drastically affect the stability of the nation.

King Stefan III decides to lower taxes in Ragusa. Ragusa gets -10% local tax modifier for two years. Serbia loses 1 prestige.

January 1502
The Commander of the Guard discovers an Ottoman agent fabricating a claim on Kosovo.

March 1502
Event: Peasants Getting Uppity
At times when peasants experiences harsh subjugation, some of them would turn against their landlords demanding better treatment and conditions.

King Stefan III shrugs his shoulders. These things happen. Serbia loses 10 Legitimacy.

April 1502
Event: Quality Wool
Recent shipments of wool have been of unsurpassed quality, earning the nation extra money.

Serbia gains 25 ducats.

A Revolt!
8,000 Cartholic Zealots have risen in Varasd to fight the conversion to Orthodoxy.

A Constable is under construction in Oltenia.

September 1502
Conversion Successful!
After putting down the Zealots, the missionary was able to finish his work. The heretics of Varasd have been converted to the one and only true faith!

The missionary has now been sent to Zagreb to perform the same duties. His work will take just under 5 years.
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Old 10-01-2014, 05:29 PM   #34
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September 1502
The mission to protect the religious brethren in Macedonia has been abandoned.

February 1503
A Revolt!
Ever the challenging province, Croatian Nationalists have risen in Varasd.

Aristocratic Ideas Advance: Noble Resilience
Prolonged war can bring great hardships to the Serbian people and the remoteness of government makes it hard for the crown to explain the justness of their cause. The lowest ranks of the nobility are those closest to the peasants, if they are ensured their status and position they will in turn act as a key prop to the regime when things get tough.

Bonus Effect:
Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion -20%

March 1503
The Varasd rebellion has been put down.

June 1503
Serbia's truce with Hungary as ended, so have the crown's claims on the provinces of Torontal, Temes and Maros. A diplomat has been sent to Temes.

Event: State Appointed Lay Members?
If Serbia were to promote and strengthen the powers of the lay members of the Church administration and bring in more state appointments, the nation would bring the Church under central control. The other side of this coin is that the Church's moral standing with the people will be damaged.

King Stefan III has decided to appoint lay members. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

September 1503
Current Mission: Protect Against Ottomans
Ottomans have a larger army than Serbia. This is a major danger as they are a direct rival. Serbia must make a larger army.

October 1503
A Call to Arms!
Serbia's faithful ally Bohemia is requesting their aid in the Bohemian Conquest of Pozsony against Hungary. This is a war the Bohemians have started. Hungary is allied with Burgundy and Milan.

King Stefan III greatly accepts.

Bohemia, Bavaria, Denmark, Salzburg, Saxony and the Palatinate join Serbia in this war.

December 1503
The Serbian Army has begun sieges of Hunyad and Temes.

February 1504
Administrative Technology Advance: The Scythe (9)
Although it has been in existence for a long time, the scythe somehow still isn't the most popular tool for harvesting crops. By encouraging peasants to use a scythe instead of a sickle, Serbia will improve the efficiency of their harvests.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency Increased by 10%.

March 1504
Event: Naïve Relative
A close member of the family of King Stefan III has been proven utterly naïve, and keeps telling foreigners vital information publicly. This is technically treason, but executing a member of royalty might cause unrest.

Kind King Stefan III decides that he is family after all. Serbia gets 'Compromised Spy Defense' until March 1514 with the following effect: national spy defense -25%

November 1504
The Siege of Temes is Over! After 343 days Serbia now controls the province.

The Siege of Hunyad is Over! After 353 days Serbia now controls the province.

February 1505
Serbia begins its siege of Bekes.
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Old 10-01-2014, 06:11 PM   #35
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April 1505
The army is split and begins to siege Torontal as well.

September 1505
Event: Aristocrats Grateful for Serbian Favor
A delegation of Aristocrats came to the throne today to thank the King for favoring them in government. In fact, they are so grateful that a small voluntary contribution was made to the treasury.

King Stefan III thanks them for their gift. Serbia gains 100.5 ducats.

Bohemia calls for peace, taking the province of Pozsony.

A Courthouse is under construction in Serbia.

A Workshop is under construction in Dalmatia.

A diplomat has been sent to fabricate a claim on the Ottoman province of Bessarabia.

November 1505
A diplomat has been sent to Torontal to fabricate a claim on the Hungarian province.

December 1505
Diplomatic Technology Advance: Embassies (6)
Serbia can develop better relations with neighboring countries by establishing embassies in their capitals, allowing Serbian ambassadors to maintain permanent presence in their courts.

Bonus Effect:
Can now build Embassy.

March 1506
Event: Improvements in Land Technology
Serbian generals are discussing the impact of some new weapons a local gunsmith has been making. They believe they can be used effectively in the armies, if a few more people can be made to work on it.

King Stefan III decides to spare no expenses. Serbia gains .50 inflation and 50 military power.

May 1506
A diplomat has been sent to Silistria to continue fabricating claims on Ottoman provinces.

June 1506
Event: The Non-Possessor Movement
The Church is a large landowner and this has brought a great deal of wealth to the Church. The non-possessors claim that the Church is being corrupted by this great wealth. Their opponents argue that the Church needs this wealth to carry out its holy mission. The key thing is the Church isn't really a big taxpayer, if it was forced to give its land it away it would move it into the hands of people Serbia can tax. The downside would be the Church would have less wealth to perform its mission.

King Stefan III decides to support movement. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

July 1506
A diplomat has been sent to the Hungarian province of Maros to fabricate a claim.

January 1507
A Temple is under construction in Donji Kraji.

A diplomat has been sent to fabricate a claim on Tarnovo.

April 1507
Aristocratic Ideas Advance: Military Traditions
Military thought is constantly evolving and Serbia ensures that their military thought evolves with it. By encouraging a tradition of service amongst the nobility, to be a man of status is to be a man who has won glory on the battlefield. Although bravery and such is useful, there is nothing quite like outclassing the enemy to make it easy.

Bonus Effect:
Military Technology Cost -10%

Serbia has completed the Aristocratic Idea Group.
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Old 10-01-2014, 06:54 PM   #36
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June 1507
Event: Religious Tensions
The situation in Zagreb is getting close to unbearable. The citizens are refusing to accept the preaching of the missionary sent their and now he fears for his life. A revolt seems imminent.

King Stefan III decides to take his chances. There is a 50% chance to gain 10 revolt risk in Zagreb.

September 1507
A diplomat has been sent to fabricate a claim on Sofia.

November 1507
Conversion Successful!
The heretics of Zagreb have been converted to Orthodoxy!

A missionary has been sent to Slavonia to convert the heretics. It is expected to take just over 5 years.

March 1508
Event: Bourgeoisie Request Privileges
The Bourgeoisie class has grown increasingly resentful of the power of the noble families and particularly their lack of opportunities in the higher ranks of government. Their only route into power is to marry into poor but well titled noble families or pry open positions in government circles.

King Stefan III grants them privileges. Serbia loses 50 diplomatic power.

June 1508
A diplomat has been sent to Macedonia to fabricate a claim.

March 1509
A diplomat has been sent to Monastir to fabricate a claim.

June 1509
Work on a Temple has begun in Zagreb.

November 1509
A diplomat has been sent to Albania to fabricate a claim.

March 1510
Event: Bourgeoisie Request Privileges
The Bourgeoisie class has grown increasingly resentful of the power of the noble families and particularly their lack of opportunities in the higher ranks of government. Their only route into power is to marry into poor but well titled noble families or pry open positions in government circles.

King Stefan III grants them privileges. Serbia loses 50 diplomatic power.

August 1510
Serbia has gained a Trade Dispute Casus Belli against Venice. They are threatening he crown's trade!

September 1510
Event: Merchants Complain
Merchants of the better sort are complaining how the government's insistence on favoring the aristocracy is hurting their interests.

King Stefan III says “no pain, no gain.” Serbia gets 'Unhappy Merchants” for 5 years. Trade efficiency -10% and Serbia gains 10 prestige.

Event: Spread of Protestantism
The increased secularization of the Papacy and their accentuation on rituals has gradually evoked concern across Europe. The preaching of new ideas is becoming more common and appealing to several segments of society, dignity and respect for the peasants and salvation without loss of fortune for the wealthy. A majority of the citizens of Slavonia have begun to question the authority and actions of their religious leaders.

The religion in Slavonia changes to Protestant. Slavonia gets 'Religious Zeal' until 1535 giving local missionary strength -8% effectiveness.

October 1510
A diplomat has been sent to Epirus to fabricate a claim.

A Constable is under construction in Donji Kraji.
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Old 10-02-2014, 05:26 PM   #37
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October 1511
Current Mission: Insult Venice
A diplomat has been sent to insult Venice.

Mission Complete: Insult Venice
Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

January 1512
A Constable is under construction in Muntenia.

March 1512
Event: Improvements in Land Technology
Serbian generals are discussing the impact of some new weapons a local gunsmith has been making. They believe they can be used effectively in the armies, if a few more people can be made to work on it.

King Stefan III decides to spare no expenses. Serbia gains .50 inflation and 50 military power.

June 1512
Venice asks for military access. King Stefan III heartily laughs in their faces and tells them to go sail a boat.

Event: State Appointed Lay Members?
If Serbia were to promote and strengthen the powers of the lay members of the Church administration and bring in more state appointments, the nation would bring the Church under central control. The other side of this coin is that the Church's moral standing with the people will be damaged.

King Stefan III has decided to appoint lay members. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

July 1512
Crimea asks for military access and is denied.

August 1512
Aragon has been asked and denied military access.

Algiers, too.

November 1512
Military Technology Advance: Pike and Shot (8)
The Arquebus was easy to use as a weapon, but was also inaccurate and slow to fire, leaving its user vulnerable to cavalry charges. Blending with Pikemen allowed Arquebusiers to fire and then fall back to be shielded by Pikemen when enemy cavalry or infantry approached.

Bonus Effect:
Military Tactics +0.25
Combat width increased by 1
Infanty Fire +.25
Cavalry Shock +1
Can now build Training Fields
Can now build March.

December 1512
With the claim on Hunyad expiring, a diplomat is sent back to Hungary to fabricate a claim on the province.
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Old 10-02-2014, 06:05 PM   #38
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January 1513

The Peace Treaty has expired. King Stefan III looks to the north of Serbia's great borders and sees a weak Hungary, trapped between Serbian allies and lands ripe for the taking. He knows his diplomats have served him well, fabricating claims on all border provinces shared between Hungary and Serbia.

The time has come to put the sword to Hungary. Hopefully once and for all.

Lithuania, France, Bohemia and Castile are all eager to aid their great Serbian ally. Let the games begin.

Armies march on Sopron and Torontal. The sieges have begun.

May 1513
The carpet sieges have begun. Sopron, Somogy, Torontal, Temes, Maros and the capital of Pest are all under siege by Serbia. Bohemia is working on Hunyad and Szepes. Lithuania is in Bihar.

June 1513
A Revolt!
Seeking the right time to rise up and take seek freedom for their people, 8,000 Croatian Nationalists have risen in Zagreb.

Lithuania begins a siege of Bekes.

July 1513
The province of Szalbocs is now under siege.

August 1513
Event: Importing Iron
Serbia strives to keep her military strong, modern and domestically supported, but sometimes priorities end up in conflict with each other. Lacking the rich iron mines of their neighbors, some of the grander plans for future military development will not be possible as soon as King Stefan III might wish. Increasing imports is a tempting option, but relying on foreign support might compromise his trade policies... although a knife in the back of Serbia's neighbor would be all the more brilliantly insidious if made from their own steel.

King Stefan III decides to import the iron. Serbia gains 40 military power and Ottoman's opinion of Serbia changes by +20.

September 1513
The Siege of Somogy is Over after just 169 days.

November 1513
The Castilian army takes care of the Croatian Nationalists in Zagreb.

After 309 days the Siege of Sopron is Over.

December 1513
The Siege of Torontal is Over after 337 days.

February 1514
The Siege of Temes is Over after 309 days.

Bohemia now controls Szepes and Hunyad. Lithuania controls Bekes.

March 1514
The Siege of Szabolcs is now Over after 225 days!

The Siege of Pest is now Over after 393 days!

Event: Political Crisis
Political crises may occur from time to time. They often involved a conflict between the ruler and parliament, unrest among the nobility or conflicts of interest between the nobility and the merchants or religious leaders.

King Stefan III decides that reputation isn't everything. Serbia loses 25 legitimacy.

April 1514
Milan has appealed for peace. They will pay 28 ducats. Serbia gains 3 prestige. Milan ends all treaties with Hungary.

King Stefan III accepts their offer.

May 1514
The Siege of Maros is Over after 365 days!

September 1514
The Siege of Maramaros is over after 314 days!

The White Flag of Peace!
King Stefan III has entered peace talks with Hungarian King Karoly III.

King Karoly III has agreed to cede the provinces of Maros, Torontal, Sopron, Somogy and Temes to Serbia. He will cede Szepes to Bohemia. Hungary will renounce their claims on Slavonia and Lika. Hungary will pay Serbia 28 ducats.

The peace will cost Serbia 50 diplomatic power. With the Conquest Casus Belli, Serbia gains 16 prestige and suffers 19.8 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

King Stefan III orders the provinces to be cored immediately. The process for all five will take roughly two years.

Current Mission: Reduce Overextension!
Serbia has expanded far too rapidly, and there is a significant amount of overextension. The country must consolidate and work to reduce this or there could be dire consequences.

October 1514
Administrative Technology Advance: Modern Theocracy (10)
The development of the social structure is not exclusive to the aristocracy. The clergy too have to improve their internal governance. This will assist in the development of modern thought in Serbia.

Bonus Effect:
Allows another idea group
Allows Theocracy.

Diplomatic Technology Advance: Naval Ambitions (7)
With an extra boost to naval morale, Serbian sailors will conquer the waves and rule the seas. While colonists will be able to brave the dark corners of the world, founding new settlements farther from home than ever before.

Bonus Effect:
Max Colonial Range 115
Naval Morale increased by .30

King Stefan III has decided to go down the path of the Religious Ideas idea group.

National Decisions
King Stefan III enacts a Declaration of Indulgence, giving the following effects:
Stability Cost modifier +5%
Tolerance of Heretics +1

King Stefan III enacts the Conventicle Act, giving the following effects:
Missionary Strength +1%
Tolerance of Heretics -1

A 1514 map of Europe. England has devoured Scotland and the Irish provinces, well on their way to forming Great Britain. While Denmark still has the lion's share of Scandanavia, an earlier war with Muscovy forced them to release Finland as a nation. Muscovy currently find themselves locked in a war with the hordes of Crimea and Timurids. Serbia continues to grow her sphere of influence in eastern Europe.

The Glory of Serbia becoming realized. Stretching borders to longstanding ally Bohemia, fully fortifying a border with Austria. The time for peace is at hand. Serbia will need to reduce overextension before another conflict can take place. It will be another 15 years before Serbia can go after Hungary once again, if they are still in existence. The time has finally come to turn Serbian eyes to the south and the Ottoman Empire...
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Old 10-02-2014, 07:12 PM   #39
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October 1514
A missionary has been sent to Ragusa to convert the province to Orthodoxy. This is expected to take around 5 years.

November 1514
A Constable is under construction in Hum.

July 1515
Event: The Non-Possessor Movement
The Church is a large landowner and this has brought a great deal of wealth to the Church. The non-possessors claim that the Church is being corrupted by this great wealth. Their opponents argue that the Church needs this wealth to carry out its holy mission. The key thing is the Church isn't really a big taxpayer, if it was forced to give its land it away it would move it into the hands of people Serbia can tax. The downside would be the Church would have less wealth to perform its mission.

King Stefan III decides to support movement. Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

Septembr 1515
Event: Welcome Home!
Serbia's wayward brothers in Dalmatia have seen the errors of their ways and come back to the one and only true faith. They have been saved.

November 1515
A Revolt!
12,000 Hungarian Patriots have risen in Sopron!

December 1515
The Patriots have been put down with ease.

April 1516
Event: National Institutions
As of late, more and more people are requesting representative institutions.

King Stefan III gives the people what they want. Serbia loses 35 administrative, diplomatic and military power.

September 1516
Temes, Maros, Somogy and Torontal have become part and parcel of the Serbian patrimony.

November 1516
Sopron has become part of Serbian patrimony.

Mission Complete: Reduce Overextension!
Serbia gets the skill 3 Diplomat '?' in Serbia.

December 1516
A Culture Accepted!
Hungarian subjects have finally been able to prove their loyalty. Hungarian culture and language are now part of Serbian national heritage!

January 1517
A diplomat has been sent to the Austrian province of Istria to fabricate a claim. Istria is a Croatian cultured province.

February 1517
Another revolt has been put down in Sopron. The army never left.

Tragedy strikes! Djuradj, the heir to the throne of King Stefan III has died!

Alexa (4/3/3) is the new heir to the throne! The succession is safe!

September 1517
Event: Good Harvest
1517 was considered a particularly good year for Serbia due to good harvests generating higher incomes than ever before.

Serbia puts 25 ducats into the teasury.

October 1517
Military Technology Advance: Star Fort (9)
In 1509, a monk and engineer tore down the medieval walls of Padua and replaced them with a rampart and a ditch which could be swept by flanking fire from the walls, adding an additional level of protection.

Bonus Effect:
Enables Pike Infantry
Can now build Star Fort

All Eastern Militia units have been re-trained into Pike Infantry.

Current Mission: Improve defenses in Serbia.
The people of Serbia are concerned that their defenses are inadequate in the face of a possible invasion. They are begging that the fortifications be improved.

January 1518
A Star Fort is under construction in Serbia.
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Old 10-02-2014, 07:30 PM   #40
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Absolutely hilarious.
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Old 10-03-2014, 05:57 PM   #41
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A good ol' -151.
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Old 10-03-2014, 07:46 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by britrock88 View Post
A good ol' -151.

My favorite part is that they wouldn't trust me to die properly.
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Old 10-04-2014, 10:18 AM   #43
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No kidding! How wry.
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Old 10-04-2014, 02:10 PM   #44
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April 1518
A Revolt!
12,000 Catholic Zealots have risen up in Ragusa! They seek to spread their faith and smite all unbelievers.

Event: Unhappiness Among the Peasantry
Conflicts and protests over taxes, landlord cruelty, expropriation, serfdom and customs policies have become quite frequent. If we don't manage to solve the problems soon, the consequences could be dire.

King Stefan III tries to improve their situation.

Serbia loses 37.62 ducats, going into debt.

The crown has taken out a loan of 49 ducats.

July 1518
Event: Liturgical Reform
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ our lord and his apostles. However, our family is large and diverse. Our patriarch is proposing some reforms to our liturgy that will bring our form closer to the other churches. The idea is bold and will strengthen the Church, but we know that the superstitious and backward will reject this chance.

King Stefan III decides to support the reform.

Serbia gains 5 Patriarch Authority.

The revolt in Ragusa has been subdued.

November 1518
A Revolt!
9,000 Croatian Nationalists have risen in Zagreb! Nationalist rebels want freedom for their people.

Religious Ideas Advance: Deus Vult
Join the battle cry of the crusades, 'God wills it' and crush the infidels.

Bonus Effect:
Permanent Casus Belli against neighboring heathens and heretics.

Serbian Ideas Advance: Gold Mines
Invite the second wave of Saxon miners all the way from the Holy Roman Empire to settle in Serbia. The government can re-open the ancient gold mines that had once made the small Serbian Despotate the richest country in Europe.

Bonus Effect:
Production Efficiency +10%

January 1519
Mission Complete: Improve defenses in Serbia!

Serbia gains 5 army tradition.

One of the armies has LOST the battle in Zagreb! However, the second army, helping the missionary in Ragusa makes the trip to the besieged province and rightly wins it back.

March 1519
In an effort to improve relations across central Europe, diplomats have been to Bavaria, Savoy and Denmark in recent times. Another is in Muscovy.

April 1519
Current Mission: Take Macedonia
It is time to take Macedonia from the rival Ottomans!

August 1519
12,000 Hungarian Patriots have risen up in Sopron! These patriots dream of unification with their cultural kin under a free banner.

10,000 Hungarian Patriots have risen up in Temes!

October 1519
The battle of Sopron has been won, the patriots disbanded.

December 1519
The battle of Temes has been won, the patriots scattered.
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Old 10-04-2014, 02:45 PM   #45
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February 1520
Conversion Successful!
The heretics of Ragusa have finally been converted to the one and only true faith.

A missionary has now been sent to Temes to convert the heretics there. It is expected to take 31 months.

March 1520
The War for Macedonia!
King Stefan III, who has not lost any lust for warfare and taking land for his own has declared war on the Ottomans for the province of Macedonia. Lithuania, Poland, Bohemia and Castile have all joined the war to support Serbia!

A pair of Serbian armies march on. One for Macedonia, the other for Monastir.

April 1520
Event: Naval Research Wrong!
It seems as if a leading shipwright in Serbia has written a very convincing document detailing how the new ship technology, that his rival has been trying to get funding for, will never work, and may even cause the ships to sink before they leave the harbor.

King Stefan III ignores these protests.

Serbia loses 10 prestige.

The armies of Serbia have begun their sieges of Monastir and Macedonia.

August 1520
The armies have split again, with two more sets moving to Albania and Sofia. Bohemia has begun to siege Tarnova. Poland is in Burgas while Lithuania sieges the Ottoman capital of Edirne and Bessarabia.

September 1520
Event: Our Cause is Just
The hard work of the Serbian diplomatic team has convinced the world that Serbian claims are fair, their actions are justified and their neighbors have little to fear. Anything Serbia does, it is argued, is in the best interests of all.

Serbia receives 'Just Causes' for five years, giving the following effects:
Aggressive Expansion Impact: -20%

March 1521
The Siege of Albania is over! After 289 days, the garrison finally succumbed to hunger and disease.

That particular army will now march to Epirus.

The Siege of Monastir is over! After 345 days, the garrison finally succumbed to Serbia's might.

That army will now march to Thessaly.

May 1521
The crown has repaid the 48 ducat loan and is no longer in debt.

The Siege of Macedonia is over! After 417 days the Ottoman defenders have surrendered.

June 1521
The Siege of Sofia is over! After 385 days the Ottoman troops have marched out of the garrison with their hands behind their heads.

July 1521
Event: State Appointed Lay Members?
If Serbia were to promote and strengthen the powers of lay members of the Church administration and bring in more state appointments, the Church could be brought under central control. The other side of the coin is that the Church's moral standing with the people will be damaged.

King Stefan III decides to appoint the lay members.

Serbia loses 5 Patriarchal Authority.

September 1521
The Siege of Epirus is over! After only 191 days the garrison gave in to hunger and disease.

November 1521
The Siege of Thessaly is over! After 222 days Serbia has taken control of the province!

January 1522
The Siege of Silistria is over! After holding out for 380 days, Serbia now controls the province.

The Ottomans Accept Peace!
The Ottomans have accepted King Stefan III's generous peace offer!

Terms: Ottomans will cede Macedonia and Monastir to Serbia. Ottomans will release Albania as a sovereign state. Ottomans will pay 18 ducats. Serbia will lose claims on Albania. The peace will cost Serbia 25 diplomatic power. With the Conquest Casus Belli, Serbia gains 4 prestige and suffers 4.9 aggressive expansion relations penalty.

King Stefan III has demanded that Serbia's two new provinces be cored and tied to the patrimony. This is expected to take 24 months at a cost of 120 administrative power.

Mission Complete: Take Macedonia!!

Serbia gains 10 prestige and 25 administrative power.

The fruits of Serbia's wartime labor. Albania is once again a fully functioning country on its own after nearly 80 years of Ottoman oppression. Monastir and Macedonia are directly east of Albania as Serbia now has direct access to the Aegean Sea.
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Old 10-04-2014, 03:38 PM   #46
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January 1522
Serbia has entered a royal marriage with Albania.

Current Mission: Improve Defense in Muntenia
The people of Muntenia are concerned that their defenses are inadequate in the face of a potential invasion. They are begging that the fortifications are improved.

February 1522
A Revolt!
12,000 Greek Patriots have risen up in Macedonia. (Some thanks for being freed from the Ottomans!)

Hungary is no longer a valid rival for Serbia, so King Stefan III has declared Pomerania a rival.

March 1522
The Greek Patriots have been put down for now.

The Mamluks, who are currently at war with the Ottomans, and were when we declared war on them, have asked for military access. It has gladly been granted.

April 1522
A Revolt!
9,000 Hungarian Patriots have risen in Somogy!

Event: Merchants Harassed
Disputes over the treatment of local merchants were not uncommon. All governments faced minor reports of unfair treatment and harassment of their merchants. At the higher levels there were complaints about banditry and privateering occurring within or at the direction of a certain state. These issues could be resolved, but saber rattling was always an option.

King Stefan III decides to escalate the complaint and gains a Diplomatic Insult Casus Belli on Ottomans.

May 1522
Serbia has entered a military alliance with Albania.

June 1522
The rebellion in Somogy has been defeated.

Albania has accepted the once in a lifetime opportunity to become Serbia's vassal. Serbia now receives half of their monthly tax income.

September 1522
9,000 Hungarian Patriots have risen in Maros!

October 1522
Conversion Successful!
The heretics of Temes have been converted to the one and only true faith!

A missionary has been sent to Somogy to convert the province to Orthodoxy.

November 1522
8,000 more Hungarian Patriots have risen in Somogy. The Serbian force of 13,000 that had gone stands no chance!

January 1523
Construction has begun on a Star Fort in Muntenia.

June 1523
12,000 Greek Patriots have risen in Macedonia!

Religious Ideas Advance: Missionary Schools
Although there is no shortage of people ready to go out and spread the true faith, most of these people simply do more harm than good. However, specialist schools to train the missionaries will ensure Serbia has more people who can not only spread the faith, but succeed as well.

Bonus Effect:
Missionaries +1

With a second missionary under Serbia's wing, he is sent to Torontal to convert the heretics.

July 1523
Diplomatic Technology Advance: Trade Depot & Drydock (8)
Trade depots will offer central locations for trade goods to be accumulated and distrubuted from for higher trade efficiency. Dry docks will allow Serbia to maintain a fleet able to protect trade.

Bonus Effect:
Trade Range 10
Can now build Drydock
Can now build Trade Depot.

Rebels Successful!
Hungarian Patriots have taken control of Maros! Maros gains 10 years of Nationalism.

The 17,000 Hungarian Patriots have now moved into Temes!

November 1523
The Rebels have been expelled from Temes.

An Albanian army works to take back Maros.

January 1524
Mission Complete: Improve defenses in Muntenia!

Serbia gains 5 army tradition.

Serbia Gains a Core
The province of Monastir is now considered part of Serbian patrimony.

March 1524
Military Technology Advance: Reiter (10)
Pike and shot formations proved a major threat to medieval knights. The initial response was heavier armor to counter the power of gunpowder weapons, but this slowed down cavalry, reducing their shock power. Reiters were usually armed with two pistols and a sword, allowing them to either shoot or charge, depending on the opposition they faced.

Bonus Effect:
The maneuver value on units is increased by 25%
Enables Eastern Hussar
Enables Culverin
Enables Pedrero

All cavalry units have been re-trained as Eastern Hussars.

All artillery units have been re-trained as Pedreros.

Current Mission: Claim a Rival's Province, Thessaly
Forge a claim on the province of Thessaly, the Serbian's rival Ottomans, so they may be attacked for it.
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Old 10-04-2014, 05:25 PM   #47
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April 1524
Event: National Institutions
As of late more and more people are requesting representative national institutions.

King Stefan III gives the people what they want.

Serbia loses 35 administrative, diplomatic and military technology.

July 1524
Event: Liturgical Reform
The Eastern Orthodox Church is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ our lord and his apostles. However, our family is large and diverse. Our patriarch is proposing some reforms to our liturgy that will bring our form closer to the other churches. The idea is bold and will strengthen the Church, but we know that the superstitious and backward will reject this chance.

King Stefan III supports the reform.

Serbia gains 5.00 Patriarch Authority.

August 1524
The King is Dead!
After 54 years of reigning the Serbian throne, the great King Stefan III has passed away of old age. The death of Serbia's greatest leader to date has lead to the people losing confidence in the throne.

Serbia loses 1 stability.

King Alexa I (4/3/3) is 44 years old and assumes the throne. His son, Stefan IV (3/3/2) is the new heir.

Royal Marriages
Serbia enters royal marriages with Lithuania, Bohemia, Albania, Poland, France and Spain.

All royal ties with Austria have been severed with Stefan's death.

November 1524
Mission Complete: Claim our Rival's Province, Thessaly.
Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 military power.

Current Mission: Incorporate Albania
It will be another 8 years before this is available, but Serbia must annex her vassal, Albania.

Serbia Gains a Core
The province of Macedonia is now considered part of Serbian patrimony.

April 1525
King Alexa spends administrative power to balance stability.

May 1525
Venice asks for military access and is denied.

June 1525
Moldavian Nationalists have crossed Serbian borders from Poland and begun a siege of Muntenia!

August 1525
The Moldavian Nationalists have been defeated handily.

September 1525
Event: A Holy Man Has Arrived
A monk arrived at court today, impressed with Serbia's harsh, but just and Godly punishment of heretics and unbelievers. He has asked for an advisory position, stating that a nation that prays together will stay together.

Serbia gains a Theologian.

October 1525
Trebizond and Qara Qoyunlu have asked for military access. Both countries have been denied.

November 1525
Candar has asked for military access. They have been denied.

It seems as if Ottomans are in another major war, this time with Candar and Qara Qoyunlu. Trebizond, Algiers and Nogai are backing up Ottomans in this fight.

A diplomat has been sent to the Hungarian provinces of Bihar to forge a claim.

December 1525
Conversion Successful!
The heretics of Somogy have finally been converted to the one true faith!

A missionary has been sent to Sopron to convert the heathens to Orthodoxy.

April 1526
Event: King's Reputation Tarnished!
Some sort of propaganda text is circulating in the court about how King Alexa I is a ruthless powermonger. This might impact relations with other countries.

King Alexa I embraces his reputation.

Serbia loses 100 diplomatic power.
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Old 10-04-2014, 06:00 PM   #48
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October 1526
A diplomat has been sent to the Hungarian province of Maramaros to fabricate a claim.

February 1527
A Revolt!
Greek Patriots have risen up in Macedonia! 12,000 troops looking to defect to Byzantium.

March 1527
Conversion Successful!
The heretics of Torontal have finally been converted to the one and only true faith!

April 1527
The Patriot revolt in Macedonia has been quelled.

July 1527
Event: The Non-Possessor Movement
The Church is a large landowner and this has brought a great deal of wealth to the Church. The non-possessors claim that the Church is being corrupted by this great wealth. Their opponents argue that the Church needs this wealth to carry out its holy mission. The key thing is the Church isn't really a big taxpayer, if it was forced give its land away it would move it into the hands of people the state could tax. The downside would be the Church would have less wealth to perform its mission.

King Alexa I decides to support the movement.

Serbia loses 5 Patriarch Authority.

September 1527
The loans keep coming in as the army struggles to get back to full strength with minor uprising after minor uprising throughout the country.

March 1528
After the death of Lithuania's monarch, Serbia has entered a new royal marriage with them.

April 1528
Event: Alexa I Embarrasses the Court
The King committed an absolute faux pas today in front of the court and a few foreign dignities. The repercussions of this will take years to repair.

Serbia loses 1 stability.

May 1528
The monarch of France has died, leaving them under a personal union with Denmark.

July 1528
Religious Ideas Advance: Church Attendance Duty
By adopting a mandatory church attendance policy, the emphasis on religious values and beliefs will unquestionably minimize the costs of maintaining law and order.

Bonus Effect:
Stability Cost Modifier -25%

October 1529
A diplomat has been sent to Hungary to fabricate a claim on Bekes.

April 1530
Event: Local Pretender Rises
In order to ensure the glory of Serbia, local privileges have had to be restricted. The problem with privileges is that people get very attached to them for sentimental reasons. Now, some power hungry idiot has declared himself the true ruler of Serbia and many hopefuls flock to his banner because he has promised to restore local privileges.

9,000 Pretender regiments rise up in Donji Kraji, led by the pretender King Nikola Bojovic.

May 1530
The Pretender has fallen. All is right with King Alexa's kingdom.

July 1530
Serbia's stability has been stabalized.

September 1530
Event: The Love of the Devoted
Serbia's love of the true faith knows no bounds, and her people feel secure and safe knowing this. Their fate after death is Serbia's number one concern.

Serbia gets 'Love of the Devoted' for 5 years, giving the following effect:
Tolerance of the True Faith +3%

November 1530
A Constable is under construction in Torontal.

January 1531
Conversion Successful!
The heretics of Sopron have been converted to the one and only true faith!
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Old 10-04-2014, 08:56 PM   #49
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June 1531
A diplomat has been sent to Bessarabia to renew the claim on the Ottoman province.

Serbia has entered a royal marriage with Denmark.

Event: Family Secret?
The first time it's brushed off, but when it happens a second and a third time, one begins to wonder. Why are people laughing at him when they think he can't hear them? After he's asked around, for more than a bit, he finally manages to get an answer out of a chamber maid. It appears that King Alexa's heir has been running about town in a most unchristian fashion, and that his family is becoming the laughingstock of Europe.

King Alexa I scolds Stefan publicly. Serbia loses 5 prestige.

October 1531
King Alexa I has declared Austria one of Serbia's rivals. (Austria, Ottoman and now Prussia (formerly Pomerania)

February 1532
Our royal marriage with Denmark has now become a royal marriage with Scandinavia.

April 1532
Event: Monopoly Company Formed
Crowns often granted trading companies the exclusive rights to traffic goods in a region. These monopolies were granted in exchange for a lump-sum payment and continuing revenues from the traders.

King Alexa I demands payment in full.

Serbia gains 300.67 ducats.

King Alexa uses the funds to pay off 5 of the crown's outstanding 7 loans.

Event: The League of Schmalkalden
After Emperor Charles V had rejected the Protestants confessional positions at the Imperial Parliament of Augsburg (1529-1530), the North German Protestant Imperial estates formed the League of Schmalkalden, with a joint army and treasury and seeking ties abroad (France). The League enjoyed early successes in the years 1532-1540 as the Emperor was threatened by Turkish danger and forced to conclude Religious peace settlements in Nuremberg (1532) and Kaaden (1534).

King Alexa I gives it his support.

Serbia gains 5 prestige.

The relations with Scandinavia, Ottomans, Burgundy, Bohemia, Switzerland, Tirol, Ulm, Castile, Venice and The Hansa increase by +50.

Austria's opinion of Serbia changes by -50.

May 1532
Serbia enters a military alliance with Scandinavia.

August 1532
The process to annex Albania has begun.

September 1532
Event: Integrating Albania
When a smaller country gives up its independence to join a greater realm, there is a lot of adapting, and while some parts are easy, the administration of the realm will still need to expand to accommodate all possibilities.

Serbia loses 10 Legitimacy and gains 5 prestige.

Mission Complete: Incorporate Albania
Serbia gains 5 prestige and 25 administrative power.

Religious Ideas Advance: Divine Supremacy
It is of the utmost importance that Serbia rids the nation and its surrounding borders from the infidels pestering the lands.

Bonus Effect:
Missionary Strength +3%

There are three further 'perks' in the Religious Ideas group, but Serbia will not be expanding any further than this idea.

Serbian Ideas Advance: Mercenary Armies
Adopt the concept of a standing army comprised mostly of foreign mercenaries. This is quite unlike the age-old tradition of levied peasants, reducing the impact of war on the Serbian economy, especially agriculture.

Bonus Effect: Mercenary Cost -20%

Serbia up close, no major changes in the last ten years, except Albania has come into the fold. Increasing our Mediterranean coast.

The big changes in Europe are obviously the change of Denmark to Scandinavia and Pomerania into Prussia. England has moved to take land from Brittany, just west of France. Trier has been expanding a bit in German/HRE lands.
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Old 10-04-2014, 09:40 PM   #50
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September 1532
Current Mission: Improve Defenses in Monastir
The people of Monastir are concerned that their defenses are inadequate in the face of an attack. They are begging that the fortifications be improved.

October 1532
Byzantium has asked for military access after Ottomans declared war on them. We agree to give it to them.

January 1533
Construction of a Star Fort has begun in Monastir.

June 1533
A diplomat has been sent to Silistria to reforge a claim on the province.

July 1533
Event: Reduce the Independence of the Church
The Church is a powerful institution, but more important a wealthy one. If Serbia were to reign in on the Church and make more a part of the state, they would also bring in more income for taxation.

King Alexa I decides to reign them in.

Serbia loses 5 Patriarch Authority.

October 1533
Diplomatic Technology Advance: Carracks & Caravel (9)
Development of the lateen sail allowed Carracks to sail much closer to the wind than earlier vessels. Enhanced maneuverability made them to superior to other ships.

Bonus Effect:
Max. Colonial Range 50
Naval Morale increased by .20
Naval Maintenance increased by 20%
Enables Carrack
Enables Caravel

January 1534
Mission Complete: Improve Defenses in Monastir!
Serbia gains 5.0 army tradition.

Current Mission: Protect Against Austria
Austria has a larger army than Serbia and this is a major danger as they are a rival. Serbia must make a larger army to contend with any Austrian threat.

A missionary has been sent to Maros to convert the Protestant heretics to Orthodoxy.

March 1534
Mission Complete: Protect Against Austria
Serbia gains 5.0 army tradition.

Current Mission: Improve Defenses in Macedonia
The people of Macedonia are concerned that their defenses are inadequate in the face of an attack from the Ottomans. They are begging that the fortifications be improved.

April 1534
Event: Grand Ball in Serbia
Although rather costly, the court has expressed its desire for glamorous balls, state-dinners or other extravagances to entertain themselves.

King Alexa I decides to arrange a ball.

Serbia gains 10 prestige and loses 20.18 ducats.

June 1534
Military Technology Advance: Matchlock Musket (11)
The Arquebus proved to be a very effective weapon for armor penetration, the result was that armor began to get heavier to resist its fire. A larger musket could deliver a heavier round offering better armor penetration.

Bonus Effect:
Combat width increased by 2
Cavalry Fire +.50
Infantry Shock +.20
Can now build Barracks
Can now build Weapons Manufactory

June 1535
Conversion Successful!
The heretics of Maros have been converted to the one and only true faith!

A missionary has been sent to Slavonia, the last Serbian province not under Orthodox rule.

September 1535
A Star Fort is under construction in Macedonia.

Declaration of War!
One of Hungary's allies, Milan is at war in central Europe. King Alexa I has decided to take this chance to strike on Hungary. Bohemia and Lithuania are joining the battle.

October 1535
Event: Church Mobilizes Population
For many years Serbia's policies have motivated a large majority of its population to dutifully attend church every week. The church establishment has shown its thanks for the supportive policy by making supportive comments.

Serbia gains 1 stability.

November 1535
Serbia begins to siege the Hungarian capital of Pest.

April 1536
Event: Sickness of King
Alexa I has fallen ill, and cannot handle all aspects of ruling Serbia for the time being.

Serbia gets 'Powerful Nobles' until 1546 unless Alexa I dies beforehand, giving the following effects:
Production Efficiency +5%

June 1536
Serbia has won the siege of Pest! The army marches toward Bekes.

July 1536
A constable is under construction in Monastir.

Event: The Non-Possessor Movement
The Church is a large landowner and this has brought a great deal of wealth to the Church. The non-possessors claim that the Church is being corrupted by this great wealth. Their opponents argue that the Church needs this wealth to carry out its holy mission. The key thing is the Church isn't really a big taxpayer, if it was forced give its land away it would move it into the hands of people the state could tax. The downside would be the Church would have less wealth to perform its mission.

King Alexa I decides to support the movement. Serbia loses 5 Patriarch Authority.

September 1536
Mission Complete: Improve Defenses in Macedonia!
Serbia gains 5 army tradition.

October 1536
The armies have split and 14,000 troops begin to siege Szabolcs.

November 1536
Conversion Successful!
The heathens of Slavonia have been converted to Orthodoxy. Serbia now has 100% religious unity.

Serbia has won the Siege of Bekes!

December 1536
Zemplen, Hunyad and Bihar are now under siege with Szabolcs.

March 1537
Peace with Prussia!
Prussia has accepted peace with Serbia and will pay 60 ducats.

August 1537
Serbia has won the Siege of Szabolcs!

A Trade Depot is under construction in Ragusa.

A Constable is under construction in Macedonia.

October 1537
Serbia has won the Siege of Bihar!

Serbia has won the Siege of Hunyad!

December 1537
Serbia has renewed its military alliance with Scandinavia.

March 1538
A Temple is under construction in Somogy.

April 1538
Serbia has won the Siege of Zemplen!

Peace With Hungary!
Hungary has accepted Serbia's extremely generous and benevolent offer for peace!

Hungary will pay Serbia 50 ducats
Hungary will become a vassal of Serbia.
This peace will cost Serbia 50 diplomatic power.
With the Conquest Casus Belli, Serbia gains 14 prestige and 27.5 aggressive expansion relations.
Come On You Irons!
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