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Old 11-26-2003, 09:20 PM   #1
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Survivor - I #@$!ing HATE JON!!!

Can you believe that he had the balls to lie to everyone just to get reward, how low is that. I think the women are going to take over power in the tribe and Burton and Jon are going to be going home.

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Old 11-26-2003, 09:21 PM   #2
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Yeah, everyone hates JonInMiddleGA here too/
Just beat the devil out of it!!! - Bob Ross
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Old 11-26-2003, 09:40 PM   #3
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Yeah, wow. Jon is a huge bastard. It's clever, but he's going to be treated a whole lot different in life from now on I think... and when the other people find out, they'll kill him in his house.
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Old 11-26-2003, 09:58 PM   #4
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Yeah, but Sandra went along with him in getting rid of Tia after making her the same promises. Right now she's no better than he is. I'm not so sure the women will kick him out any time soon.
-- Greg
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Old 11-26-2003, 10:03 PM   #5
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I thought for sure that Jon's lie was going to be revealed.
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Old 11-26-2003, 10:05 PM   #6
Maple Leafs
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The look on the host's face was classic. "WTF? I guess I have to go along with it... but what a dink."
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Old 11-26-2003, 10:07 PM   #7
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Originally posted by mrskippy
I thought for sure that Jon's lie was going to be revealed.

Did you see the look on his face when the host started talking about it? He looked like he was on the verge of shitting himself.
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Old 11-26-2003, 10:45 PM   #8
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He probably thought that Jeff was going to reveal the lie and setup Jon for an instant 6-1 vote (or if Burton stood by his man, 5-2).

I also thought from the previews that Jon was going to also win immunity and than have it taken away, because he "sort of" cheated (who wasn't going to NOT let him win) the reward challenge.

They screwed up by not dumping Burton tonight. His loss in the immunity challenge gave them the perfect chance to show him the door.
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Old 11-26-2003, 11:12 PM   #9
Raiders Army
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To quote Jon, or rather, Ric Flair: "To be the man, you've got to beat the man!" Jon is one of the best players of Survivor ever. In my mind, he deserves to win, for the conniving, ruthless strategies he is employing. This isn't a personality contest, it's a contest to see who can win $1 million. And don't tell me that you don't at least respect him for what he's done. Whereas I don't condone what he did, I do respect him for what he has accomplished...sacrificing Trish to save himself, riling up the Morgan and Drake Tribe before the merger, yet he still holds all the marbles, taking out Savage, taking out Rupert...the guy is a puppet master, and it's hard to believe that those others are so guilible.

Sandra seems the least guilible, but she has shown her true colors by not owning up to throwing the fish in the forest.

Lill is fucking pathetic, and a waste.

Burton, like Lill, should not even be in the game right now. They were voted out.

Darrah is hot, but what the hell has she done, other than win immunity tonight???? (although from the promos, it looks like she's going to become a player)

Christa is not too intelligent, as shown by the trivia challenge and the word challenge tonight...

Again, in my mind, Jon deserves to win...not because he's a good guy, but because he has outwitted everyone...

...I was pulling for poor Rupert though
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Old 11-26-2003, 11:15 PM   #10
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First of all, I hate Jon. I really do. He is the most EVIL person in the history of Survivor.

But you have to admit, after keeping his alliance intact tonight, he is probably one of the smartest survivors ever. Why on earth would Christa and Sandra ever DREAM of keeping Burton on the island? Somehow Jon convinced them that this was the right choice.

Now that Rupert is gone, this show is worth watching just to boo for Jon everytime he's on the screen.

And Mikevic is 100% right, this is NOT just a game, the next time he applies for a job, he'll realize that no employer would want to attach themselves to a low-life like him. And his grandmother will NOT be happy!
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Old 11-26-2003, 11:30 PM   #11
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How the F do Sandra and Christa trust Jon again and vote out T??

Are these the most gullible chicks ever???

I can't wait till some of Jons lies blow up in his face...i so wanted Probst to tell Jon they knew about his lie at tribal council.
Pumpy Tudors

Now that I've cracked and made that admission, I wonder if I'm only a couple of steps away from wanting to tongue-kiss Jaromir Jagr and give Bobby Clarke a blowjob.
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Old 11-26-2003, 11:33 PM   #12
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Survivor has jumped the shark.
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Old 11-26-2003, 11:51 PM   #13
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I imagine everyone in Jon's family will be delighted with this maneuver of his. How do you think he got to be this way?

Yes, he's a miserable person, but Fairplay's just exploiting the sympathy thing that has always been present on Survivor (see Jenna's win last season). Hopefully this will mean the end of the sympathy strategy once and for all, as I believe it's always been a cheap way to play the game.
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Old 11-27-2003, 12:11 AM   #14
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How they didn't take out Burton when they had a chance is beyond me. I was starting to respect Sandra until she decided to go along with Jon. Now it'll be her own damn fault when she gets voted out.
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Old 11-27-2003, 12:19 AM   #15
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The real sad part about this survivor is that none of the chicks are hot enough to be in playboy.
Pumpy Tudors

Now that I've cracked and made that admission, I wonder if I'm only a couple of steps away from wanting to tongue-kiss Jaromir Jagr and give Bobby Clarke a blowjob.
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Old 11-27-2003, 12:20 AM   #16
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Of course, Survivor could all be fixed just like the WWE. Even even they said it was, I'd probably still watch. It's edited well and presented in a way, that you want to root or boo for certain people (just like the WWE).

I still don't see Jon or Burton being the final two together. Maybe one, but certainly not both.

Perhaps Sandra and Lil. Perhaps Sandra and Jon. Perhaps Sandra and Burton.

Hmmm. You get my drift. So far, Sandra has went through this thing like she could win it. She is off the hook (for now) on the fish incident.

Weighing in on the final six ... here's how I see the order of elimination:

1 - Burton: I think that next week the girl's will protect their interests. If they lose Christa you cut it to a 3-2 majority (Lil, Darrah and Sandra vs Jon and Burton). Given that Lil is potentially a wild card (she's the one most likely to vote with the guys), I think you will see Christa, Darrah and Sandra vote for Burton. This would force a three way tie. My guess is that Burton would go automatically in any tie, given his previous vote count and elimination.

This leaves us with Christa, Darrah, Sandra, Lil and Jon.

2 - Christa: 4-1 vote and she's outta here. Christa will vote for Jon, unless of course she can create an alliance with him. If so and Jon can use swing voter Lil ... than you would see either Darrah or Sandra booted (most likely Darrah).

Assuming Christa is ousted, we now are left with Darrah, Sandra, Lil and Jon in the Final Four and this is where it gets tricky.

The rule of thumb on Survivor is to try to get yourself into a final two with the least popular Survivor and win the vote. But now we have an interesting situation here.

Lil is unpopular because she was voted out of the game and came back. We really don't know where she stands in the game, though it seems evident she's got the alliance with the men and at this point the last man would be Jon.

Jon on the other hand hasn't been popular with most of the castaways. However, they also don't know everything he's done and said. That said, he's proven very unpopular. Of course, his excellent gameplay may actually win him some votes.

Who do you keep? Who do you eliminate? At this point neither one. Honestly, I think this is the point where Jon and Lil may attempt an alliance to go F2 together. Both are unpopular, but being against each other is probably the best chance at a $1 million.

3 - Darrah: She's slipped under the radar for the most part, despite a few votes. I don't think she's done anything that would put her on the hated list and going up against her in a F2 situation could be risky (unless you're Jon or Lil).

Final Three: Sandra, Lil, and Jon

2 - Jon: Sandra wins immunity, casts her vote, and in turn, finally eliminates Jon from the game, taking Lil with her to the final Tribal Council. She will go in with the assumption that the jury wouldn't award the million to somebody who had been eliminated from the game.

Runner-up - Lil: While the jury may find it in their hearts to give the victory to a much older woman, I think Lil's previous ousting seals her fate. Had she not been eliminated and just happened to make it this far, I think she is a good candidate to win. Of course, the jury may look past the ousting. If they do, Lil pulls off the upset.

Winner - Sandra: I'll stick with the oddsmakers on this one. I think if she plays her cards right and wins the immunity in the right places, she could pull it off.
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Old 11-27-2003, 12:41 AM   #17
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I heart Jon. Like he said, it's his one chance for a million bucks. No holds barred, let's rumble!
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Old 11-27-2003, 01:19 AM   #18
The Afoci
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What is his lie?
I had something.
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Old 11-27-2003, 01:21 AM   #19
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Jon's lie was that his best friend came to the island instead of his grandma for the family n friends challenge. Jon asked where his grandma was. The friend said she died. Jon made it look like his grandma was supposed to be the one coming to the island. When Jon and his friend are enjoying their reward together they laugh how the pulled it off. Jon said his grandma was alive and well. The two had planned it before Jon even left to be on the show.
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Old 11-27-2003, 01:23 AM   #20
The Afoci
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But no one else knows right? This man isn't going to be well liked once that gets out.
I had something.
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Old 11-27-2003, 02:09 AM   #21
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Nobody else knows. For all they know, his grandmother is dead. They basically gave him the reward. He's not going to be well liked if they find out. The lie probably cost another person from spending time alone with a loved one.

What's funny is Jon didn't show much emotion. The other thing was that he said he'd put his grandma at the top of the list. Given that this was something like the 28th day, his grandma would have had to have gone downhill fairly fast. Also, the way he asked made it sound like his grandma wasn't healthy. Yet why would he have requested her to be his visitor. Lastly, she'd had to have died right after he left. My understanding is that the friends/family aren't far behind the Survivor cast.

He fooled everyone. I had him pegged from the start that the lie would be part of the friends/family deal.
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Old 11-27-2003, 02:27 AM   #22
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I've disliked Jon from the beginning of the game. The guy has done nothing but whine. I was rooting hard for Rupert ever since he stole Morgan's shoes in the first episode. If I was there, I would definately want to be in the final 2 with Jon because nobody would vote for him. I thing Sandra has a good chance to win this if she plays it right and doesn't tell anyone about the fish.
Fan of SF Giants, 49ers, Sharks, Arsenal
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Old 11-27-2003, 08:07 AM   #23
Flame Eater
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As I have said in several past Survivor threads: "I would have smashed and eatten Jon during the first episode."

Tribal Council would have been fun. Jeff asks, "Hey, where's Jon?"

"I don't know," mumbles Dave with a shoe lace hanging out of his mouth.

Last edited by Flame Eater : 11-27-2003 at 08:09 AM.
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Old 11-27-2003, 08:16 AM   #24
High School Varsity
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This should make for an interesting reuninion at the end, when they all get back together and reveal the winner. Fifteen angry people beating the crap out of Jon.
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Old 11-27-2003, 09:59 AM   #25
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The funniest part was the friend's first reaction to the question, but it must not have been loud enough for the others to hear. "Dude, wheres grandma?" "Huh?" "Grandma?" "Oh..."

I am wondering about the Sandra and Jon alliance theory. I wonder if it is more of Sandra just playing the game now to hope to be in the final two with Jon, hoping that the jury would hate Jon so much that they would not vote for him to win.
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