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Old 08-18-2008, 11:36 AM   #1
Pro Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
sabotai's Face The Board Answers

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in the town I currently live in, National Park. It's a pretty quiet town, a bit "white trashy" though.

What brought you to the FOFC?

I was a regular on the Football Pro forum. Someone mentioned the game, I did a search, found The Sideline and have been a regular visitor ever since. I started off as a lurker, occasionally posting here and there. After the move from The Sideline to FOFC, I became more active.

Have you ever played werewolf?


Do you have any superpowers?

My ability to procrastinate is pretty super.

What do you do for fun? What do you do for money?

For fun, I play video games of course. I like to read science-fiction, fantasy and non-fiction. Mostly history books. I've also started reading a lot of books that were mentioned in the literature draft and the Life Syllabus thread. I try to play keyboard and guitar, but I still suck at both. I also enjoy learning foreign languages. Still working on my German and I have started memorizing the Japanese Kana (got about half of it down). Most of my language time goes towards German.

For money, I work.

How long do you expect to live?

I don't know. I always had a feeling I'd die young. I'm not really sure I care how long I live, just as long as I have enough time to do some of the things I want to do. So far, I've got about zero things done on my "bucket list".

I still feel young, though. In a lot of ways, I feel like a 30 year old teenager. So maybe I'll die when I'm mentally old, which should take a really, really long time.

What do you look like?

I've never been told I look like a celebrity. I'm just your average, somewhat overweight, caucasian male. I am pretty muscular thanks to my job, though, and if I could lose the layer of fat on top of it, I'd be in pretty good shape.

What do you prefer physically in a woman?

The first thing I notice are eyes. Not in the "omg, what pretty eyes" way, but I notice right away if a woman has eyes that are too close together or too close apart. A person just looks wrong if they are.

I don't really have a "type". The whole package just needs to work. You could take two nearly identical women, and I might find one hot and the other not if one has a detail that just throws the whole system off. That's not to mean that I need a perfect 10, it's just all of the parts need to work together. I can find a chick that's average looking pretty attractive, and I can find a big breasted, typical Hollywood beauty to be not attractive. It's a case by case thing, and there's no specific thing that will cause me to be attracted to someone.

How did you get your username?

Back in the day of BBSs up to about '97 or '98, I used the name Miguel. That was the name of the main character in a bunch of stories I wrote, including Final Fantasy 3 stories I wrote for something called FF3RPG. I used that name for everything, but after FF3RPG died and always finding the name taken for websites and such, I decided to change it.

I tried to find something that I didn't think would be used by anyone. I've been into Mongol history ever since I played the game Genghis Khan on the NES, and I didn't think anyone would use the name of one of Genghis Khan's generals, so I chose Sabotai (usually spelled Subodai ot Subotai). Ever since 1998, more people have known me as Sabotai than my real name since I use it for everything. My WoW character is a night elf druid named Sabotai, I played TFC with the name, etc.

If you find a webiste with old TFC results, you may be able to find me on them (I also used the name Densetsu in TFC).

What sports do you follow?

Football. I live and breath it. I also try to keep up with boxing and hockey.

Which are your favorite teams?

The New York Football Giants!

For hockey, I've become a Flyers fan for the most part. Being able to see every game, and hardly being able to see other games, has pushed me towards cheering them on.

Why or how did they become your favorite teams?

The Giants became my favorite team when I watched them win Super Bowl 21. Yes, I was a front runner as a kid, but I stuck with them through some really terrible times so I think that makes up for it. Plus, I do remember wanting them to beat the Broncos, so technically I liked them before they won.

The Flyers because I can watch their games.

What do you do for a living?

I currently work for my dad's company. I spend my days inspecting fire extinguishers, testing and filling CO2 tanks, SCUBA and SCBA cylinders, and also being the "computer guy". The work is as boring as it sounds. Overall, I don't like the job, but working for my parents comes with some perks. I get to take off when my work is done for the day giving me a few extra hours I normally wouldn't have that I use to work on my projects that will someday lead me to world domination.

Do you have any post-secondary education? if so, where?

I have a B.S. in Computer Science from Richard Stockton College of NJ. I went there from 1996 to 2000. The fact that the degree has done nothing for me is completely my fault and perhaps the semi-details will be said in later answers.

I have thought about going back to school. I'd like to go for History or Linguistics, but then I'd want to go to Graduate school after undergrad for those two, and I'm not sure I want to start the journey from undergrad to Ph.D. now that I'm in my 30s.

I've also looked at going to the Art Institute in Philadelphia for Video Production. It's only a 2 year course, but it's also pretty expensive. I'm nearly out of student loan debt now (a few years ahead of schedule, w00t!), and I am in no hurry to rush right back into it.

Are you married? Have a common law partner? Have kids?

No marriage, no partner, no kids. No plans to have any of them either.

What would you say is some of your favorite music?

Metal, industrial and aggrotech are the genres I listen to most. I also enjoy listening to jazz/swing, classic rock, grunge, and classical.

I'm not a genre-snob, so take these as very general categories

Metal: Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin, Old Metallica, System of a Down, Tool, Rammstein
Industrial: Front Line Assembly, Skinny Puppy
Aggrotech: Tactical Sekt, Psyclon Nine
Jazz/Swing: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
Classic Rock: The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, The Who
Grunge: (The standard four bands) Alice In Chains, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam
Classical: Mozart and Tchaikovsky

I've always liked classical, but I never really got into it. I've been wanting to listen to more of it, including opera. Right now, I've only really listened to Mozart and Tchaikovsky, but I'm slowly listening to more and more.

What would you say are some of your favorite movies?

Again, no genre-snobbery please.

Comedies: Wayne's World, Naked Gun, BASEketball, Anchorman, Harold and Kumar Go TO White Castle, Clerks
Horror: Audition, El Orfanato, Saw, The Oman
War: Black Hawk Down, Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan
Silent: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Metropolis, The Gold Rush
Martial Arts: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, House of a Thousand Daggers, Hero
Action: Battle Royale, Oldboy, Kill Bill, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Indiana Jones (Lost Arc and Last Crusade)
Mafia/Yakuza: The Godfather parts 1 and 2, Ichi The Killer, Fudoh: The New Generation, Goodfellas
Sci-Fi: Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Serenity, The Matrix
Fantasy: Lord of the Rings
Documentary: The Aristocrats
Everything else: There Will be Blood, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Where were you born?

Stratford, NJ. One of the many hospitals named after Kennedy (couldn't tell you which one). I was born at 7:06 am...yes, 66 minutes past the 6th hour....dun dun DUN!

Where have you lived and where do you live now? Do you have any opinions on the places you have lived in?

I've lived in National Park, NJ, and I've lived in the dorms at Stockton (which is near Atlantic City). Stockton was great. It's located two miles off a main road in the middle of the forest. It's practically its own little world. I loved it there.

National Park is a bit "white trash". There was someone renting the house across the street from me who was complete white trash. There were times where she would be yelling up and down the street at 2 in the morning. She's gone now, thankfully. And aside from fire crackers being set off by people occasionally, it's pretty quiet here.

Do you play any sports? Have you played any sports in the past? Are there sports you want to try out?

I do not currently play any sports. I played baseball from when I was about 10 to my freshman year in high school. I wasn't really that good. I was a pretty good fielder, though. I also played football in high school, as well as basketball and tennis.

I can't think of any sports I'd like to try, but I would like to get back into play tennis.

Happiest moment of your life?

First day of college. I still remember it like it was yesterday, and my whole college experience for that matter. On my first day away from home, I just got this total sense of freedom. Most people were probably a bit scared or overwhelmed to be away from their parents like that, but not me. I was on my own and I loved it.

Saddest moment of your life?

Not sure I ever really had a "moment" that was really sad for me, but when me and my ex broke up the first time, I had a serious "What now?" reaction. The relationship had soured a bit in the final month, but for the several months leading up to the break up, I had made several decisions that were, or at least I thought they were, right for "us". After we broke up, those same decisions that were right for "us" were very, very wrong for "me". So...I felt a bit "lost" after that. I was making all these decisions based on the belief I was heading in one direction, and then suddenly I wasn't and..."What now?"

Took me awhile to get things back together in my life. And of course when she asked me to take her back, I did because I was a moron. Then we broke up again...then we got back together...then we broke up again, this time for good.

Yeah, I know. Lesson learned. In some ways I still feel like I'm recovering from that whole relationship. Not in regards to dating, but in regards to the decisions I made. I could be in a much better spot right now if I didn't put her first.

If you had to re-live one moment in your life, what would it be?

First day of college? I don't know, I'm not sure I'd like to relive any moment of my life. You just got to keep on keepin' on. Life's a ride, dig it.

What regrets do you have?

When I was a kid, I was very smart. All of my friends told me so, all of my teachers told me. I did very well in school, and I was told how smart I was so often that I eventually just stopped trying. I bought into the hype. I stopped doing homework, I stopped studying for tests, I just simply stopped trying. My grades didn't suffer, but I did get detention quite a bit for not doing my homework.

When i got to high school, things got a bit tougher for me, but being a total slacker, I was fine with the Bs and Cs I was getting without trying. I had very average grades, a pretty average SAT score (1110 - first try, didn't study, didn't take it again). Went off to college, kept getting my Bs and Cs, except....a lot more Cs than Bs. When I got a D in Calc II at the end of my sophomore year (along with three other Cs), that dragged my GPA down to 2.1.

I still didn't care. I didn't think anything of it.

Then I started going out with someone who cared a lot about her grades. She studied all the time. So if I wanted to hang out with her, I would need to study too. Instantly, I was getting As in most of my classes. I made the Dean's List 4 of my last 5 semesters (I went to Stockton for 9 semesters due to changing my major at one point). I brought my GPA from 2.1 to a 2.9 during that time.

I was also barely in any clubs or organizations in high school and college.

I think back at what I could have done. If I tried as hard in high school and the first half of college as I did during the second half (which I wasn't even really trying that hard, I was just doing the work and studying while my girlfriend was), who knows what kinds of grades I would have had. My transcript is very....average. I graduated in the middle of my high school class (59 out of 110). I looked like a totally average person on paper, and I am certain I missed out on some jobs after college due to my average-ness.

That's my biggest regret, not trying in school.

My two other regrets are taking back my ex those two times I did.

Do you consider yourself to be an introvert or an extrovert?

I make your average introvert seem like a party going extrovert. I am very reserved in real life. I keep to myself and people in general just annoy me.

What is your favorite catch phrase?

"I love it when a plan comes together"

The A-Team was one of my favorite shows as a kid.

What are your top 5 movies?

Today, there are in no particular order:

The Godfather (1 and 2)
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
The Matrix
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless

The list could be different tomorrow

What would you do with 1 million bucks? 10 million?

1 million? I don't know. A new car would be nice. I've driven old, used cars since I started driving. A new car would be good. The rest would probably go into several retirement, savings and investment accounts. Boring stuff that will let me live comfortably (plus what I make now) for a good long time

10 million? First, I'd do the above with about 2 million of it, and then I'd just travel the world until the 8 remaining million ran out. When that happened, I'd head home and live off the 2 million + the interest that build up during my travels.

You're at a party and as it progresses, everyone strips naked and jumps in the pool, do you join?

Hell no.

What's your beverage of choice?

Arizona Ice Tea. As for alcohol, I haven't really drank alcohol is a very long time. I like whisky and goldschläger.

Do you have an abnormal fear?

Carnies. Circus folk.

What food do you never tire of?

Fettuccine Alfredo

What better: vanilla or chocolate?

Ice Cream and Milkshakes: Vanilla. Everything else: Chocolate

What better: sweet or salty?


Favorite YouTube video?

Not sure I really have a favorite. I like to watch people do covers on their piano or guitar, I like to watch live performances, compilations of really stupid people, and movie trailers.

This one is always impressive. I'm sure everyone has seen it. I watch it from time to time.

YouTube - guitar

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I was thinking the ability to teleport would be cool, but then what if I materialized in a wall or something.

The ability to stop time would be cool, but then if you are still able to move around, that means your cells are still working. Meaning, they are still dividing and dieing. So you'd still be aging. And yeah, it's a total cop out to say you wouldn't age. So what would be the point? You'd die of old at before anything you did while stopping time could really pay off.

I think telekinesis would be awesome. I could move stuff around, including the air so I could be almost like a Jedi.

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Old 08-18-2008, 11:37 AM   #2
Pro Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
Which bad habits drive you crazy?

Question talkers. Yes, it's a bad habit because it makes you sound like a jackass.

Do you have any annoying habits?

Dunno about any habits I have that annoy others.

One habit I have that annoys me is I bite my lower lip. Sometimes just one side, sometimes just the inside of it. I don't do it on purpose, it just sorta happens. The annoying part to me is when I break the skin and then it hurts for a week.

List 1 thing you would change about yourself.

Weight, which I am working on.

What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Nothing particular. My friends don't really work M-F, 9-5 jobs. Most of them usually work on the weekends, so when I got out, it's usually during the week. I usually spend Saturday nights watching movies rented from Netflix, playing games, or working on my programming projects. The weekends are the time I take to just relax in solitude.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I amazed my friends when I was a kid by pulling my thumb back to my wrist. In the direction that a thumb is not supposed to bend. My fingers are double jointed.......ladies.

What happens to us after we die?

Having never died, I couldn't tell you. I have no idea.

My personal theory is that we are reincarnated as space cows inside the Orion nebula.

Would you break the law or lie to save a friend?

Sure would.

Did you ever have a realistic dream that truly scared you?

I have all kinds of dreams that totally mess with my head. I always remember my dreams, and I have had some pretty fucked up ones. I used to have this recurring dream where I'm driving with a friend of mine in the passenger seat. I would look up at the rear-view mirror, see a face staring at me, and my friend would say "Look out, he's trying to kill you." I would wake up after that.

Another dream I used to have a lot wasn't a specific event, but I would feel like I couldn't move. Like I'd be at school, or in my house, at the mall, anywhere. But I'd be on the floor trying to get someplace, but I wouldn't have the energy to get up and walk. It was like gravity was 10 times stronger in my dream and I didn't have the strength to get up.

I haven't had either of those dreams in some time, though.

What are you not afraid of?

Jumping out of a plane. At least, I think so. I'd like to try skydiving, but I have not yet.

Which is worse: rejection or failure?

It depends. On one hand, being rejected sucks, but you can completely put it on the other person. Failure is all you.

On the other hand, you learn far more through failure than you do through rejection.

Short term, failure sucks more. In the long run, you'll learn from failure and your success will be that much more successful.

What are you hoping for in the future?

The ability to travel a lot. I figure if I can't change the world, I might as well get out there and see it. And I have not seen much yet.

You are on a flight from California to Texas and the back of the airplane catches fire. You have enough time to make ONE phone call, who would you call?

I don't know. If I am ever on a plane to Texas and it catches fire, I'm the one who probably started it. I'd probably just jump out of the plane to extend my life. Falling to my death from that height seems more fun than burning alive.

You are at the doctor's office and she has informed you that you have one month to live.. what do you do?

What can you do in a month? I'd love to travel to a lot of places, but if I tried to squeeze some traveling in that one month time period, I'd probably just end up bitter over not being able to go everywhere else I wanted.

I think I'd sell all of my possessions, and take the money I made (plus all the money I have) and start giving it all to charity. And I would be a total publicity whore about it so that people would remember me and love me for doing it. Plus I could probably bang a few really smoking hotties that totally fall for the "I'm dying" sympathy angle. Haha, I win.

Why are SpongeBob SquarePants' parents round like sea sponges while he is square like a kitchen sponge?


Do you play FOF? If yes, MP, SP, TCY? If no, why not?

I currently don't play FOF SP right now. I am in 1 MP league, MarcoGuru's FLFL. I haven't played TCY in awhile. I did play TCY off and on for many years.

Will we have sab's pickem this season?


Suburban Rhythm
Kellogg's just created sabotai cereal. What is on the box? What's the cereal like? What is the cool prize?

On the box is a mongol warrior. After you pour the cereal, it starts to move away from you. When you start chasing it, the cereal doubles back, surrounds you, and shoots tiny marshmallow arrows until you submit.

The cool prize is you get to be a vassal of the Mongol Empire.

What do you do for a living? What is your dream job?

Working for the parents right now as described above.

I guess my dream job would be to start my own indie game company. I've sporadically worked towards that since I graduated from college. About 2 years ago, I scrapped everything I was working on. I went back to working on the basics. I started designing and coding my own basic game engine (graphics engine, AI engine, physics engine, etc.). Redid my DX code, designed a DX GUI library. I was basically working on a lot of reusable code that I would use to build my projects.

I read a lot about various topics, experimented with ideas and designs. I also decided to make a few small projects that I would try to sell to get things started, instead of trying to tackle a large, ambitious project out of the gate, which I think was the main reason for my previous failures.

A few months ago, I started working on a German vocabulary program to help me learn German. That's almost done and I'm hoping there are people out there willing to give me money for it. After the German program is done, I plan to do something similar for Japanese Kana and Kanji. After I get those couple of small projects done, I'll start thinking about the next step from there.

Someday I'll finally get this going. The German program is a month or two away from being done. I'm not really looking for commercial success with it since it and the Japanese one are programs I'm making for myself anyway. They're just something to get my name out there, get things officially started and hopefully give me a few extra bucks each month.

Favorite Pantera, GnR, Metallica, and System of a Down songs.

Pantera: Can't go wrong with "Walk"
GnR: It's So Easy, You're Crazy
Metallica: Damage Inc., Master of Puppets
System of a Down: Sugar, War?, Psycho

If you were homeless and had to stand on a street corner with a cardboard sign, what would you write?

"Will fix your computer for money"

What is something that it NOT very fun to do naked?

Not that I have tried it, but I would imagine riding a bike while naked would not be fun. At least for a guy.

If you came with instructions, what would they say?

"Keep out of reach of children."

If love was a flavor, what would it taste like?

Bitter....very bitter.

If I remember correctly, you've lived in Jersey your whole life, what would it take for you to leave and move to another state?

It wouldn't take much for me to leave Jersey, but it would depend on the state I was moving to. I hate summer with a passion, so I could not move to a state that's hotter than Jersey unless I was being offered an awesome job. That eliminates most of them. I think Maine or New Hampshire would be nice. But if I moved to New Hampshire, I might have to hire a guard to protect my garage door.

If you were shoeless, what surface would you prefer to stand on?

Grass, I suppose. Sand can get really hot.

3 People alive, dead or fictional you would have dinner with?

Nikola Tesla, Edgar Allen Poe and F.W. Murnau

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

No, and I can assure you that I have never associated with anyone involved with the Communist Party, Senator McCarthy.

Should the NFL expand its playoffs?

No. It's good the way it is. You need a few wildcard teams since some divisions will be overpowered and some underpowered. But if you add too many wildcard teams, you run the risk of making the regular season meaningless. We sometimes get 9-7 and 8-8 wildcard teams making the playoffs. We don't need teams with losing records getting in, unless they win their division.

Have you seen Jimmy Hoffa?

*looks around*

I've never met Mr. Hoffa. I have never met anyone who knew him.

*looks very nervous*

You're the coach of one of the Super Bowl teams, fourth quarter, 45 seconds left, your team is down by 2 and the ball is on the 3 yard line, no time outs for either team, it's 3rd down. You kick the field goal or try and punch it in for 6?

I'd try to run it up the middle. If he didn't make it, let the clock run down and kick the FG on 4th down.

If I felt like being aggressive, I might try a play action pass on 3rd down.

Chuck Norris or Bruce Lee?

Chuck Norris has another fist under his beard, but it wouldn't be enough. Bruce Lee would win.

Dark Cloud
So wait, you're from North Plainfield?

Sure, why not.

Are you comfortable singing in front of other people? Like if you're in the car with your in laws, and a song you knew came on the radio, would you start singing it?

Absolutely not.

Shaving: Electric or non-electric?

non-electric. I tried using an electric razor, but it felt more like it was ripping the hair from my skin. It probably had more to do with the cheapo electric razor I had, though.

Who would win in a staring contest..Forrest Whitaker or Thom Yorke?

Tough one, but I gotta go with Forest Whitaker.

How do you REALLY pronounce your username?

I pronounce it say-bo-tie.

What is irregardlessproductions?

A name I used for some of my creations. Programs, videos, etc. I haven't used it in awhile.

Your profile says you're a student, what are you studying?

In Oct 2000 when I created this profile, I was still at Stockton. I studied Comp. Sci.

But I do spend a lot of my free time studying German, and I plan to keep learning languages until I die so I guess I'm studying so that I can be a polyglot, or even a hyperpolyglot. I also spend time learning to play keyboard/piano and the guitar. And I listen to lectures from The Teaching Company on a lot of different topics.

So the short answer with regards to what I study in my free time is "everything".






What made you to start the A Journey Through Cinema History dynasty? It's fascinating that you started from the very beginning and you seem to know quite a bit about the history of movie making.

I didn't know anything about the history of movie making before starting that. It all started with a question on Millionaire, probably during "movie week". The question was about a character in a movie that did nothing but quote lines from an Oscar winning movie. It got me thinking about how many of the movies nominated for Oscars that I never watched.

So I started going back and writing out a list of all of the Oscar nominees for Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress and the other "big" awards. But then I started thinking about how a lot of movies don't get nominated, like comedies, horror movies, etc. But THEN I thought about how the Oscars are only American movies, so I started looking into foreign movies through the years.

AND THEN I noticed that movies went back to the 1890s, so that is when I loaded up my Netflix queue with silent movies. I found a set of Edison DVDs, and a few others. About a week or two into watching these collections of early silent shorts is when I got the idea to turn it into a dynasty and do short write-ups for the movies I watch.

It just grew from there. As I went, I started making rules and standards for the movies I pick. At first, I was just trying to add everything from a year I could find on Netflix (I missed quite a few, though), but now I'm just trying to cover as many genres, movie stars, directors, award winners, etc. that I can. One rule that stays from when I got the idea is that any move that was nominated for one of the major Oscar awards is going to be included.

I've been reading a bit on the history of movies, the technology, etc. as I go.

Suburban Rhythm
Biggest pet peeve? Biggest FOFC pet peeve?

Driving: People who put their high beams on during the day. WTF people!?

General/FOFC: People who are too prideful, stubborn, or whatever to admit when they don't understand something or don't know enough about a topic.

Has your libertarian beliefs solidified?

I would say so. I started off as a socialist before I ever actually read anything about politics, and the more I read, the more I drifted from commie to libertarian. I don't see myself doing a 180. If anything, I'll become a total anarcho-capitalist loony.

Who is your FOFC nemesis?

I don't have a specific nemesis. It's me vs. the world.

Last edited by Antmeister : 08-18-2008 at 12:30 PM.
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Old 08-18-2008, 01:36 PM   #3
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Chicagoland
Good read. Thanks!
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Old 08-18-2008, 01:45 PM   #4
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: NYC
Awesome read, thanks. BTW, this...

The first thing I notice are eyes. Not in the "omg, what pretty eyes" way, but I notice right away if a woman has eyes that are too close together or too close apart. A person just looks wrong if they are.

...cracked me up.
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Old 08-20-2008, 10:01 AM   #5
Join Date: May 2004
Originally Posted by sabotai View Post
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I think telekinesis would be awesome. I could move stuff around, including the air so I could be almost like a Jedi.

Yes, agreed.

Originally Posted by sabotai View Post

How do you REALLY pronounce your username?

I pronounce it say-bo-tie.

Ahh ok, I pronounced it sa-boe-tie.

I enjoyed your honest answers, good stuff sab
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Old 08-20-2008, 10:43 AM   #6
High School JV
Join Date: May 2001
I amazed my friends when I was a kid by pulling my thumb back to my wrist. In the direction that a thumb is not supposed to bend. My fingers are double jointed.......ladies.

So was this you?
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Old 08-20-2008, 02:09 PM   #7
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Location: The Satellite of Love
Originally Posted by lurker View Post
So was this you?

Haha, that's hilarious.
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:11 AM   #8
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Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
"I'm ready to bury the hatchet, but don't fuck with me" - Schmidty
"Box me once, shame on Skydog. Box me twice. Shame on me. Box me 3 times, just fucking ban my ass...." - stevew
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