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Old 06-07-2003, 03:40 PM   #1
Abe Sargent
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EU2 Dynasty - The Saga of Granada

"For behold, I have seen the glory of Allah. And his light shone forth from above, and he has revealed to me, his servant, his task for The People. That Al-Andulus shall be Allah's once more, and that the land of Cordoba be formed anew."

The first speech of Vizier Amir ibn Mitwa
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Old 06-07-2003, 03:49 PM   #2
Abe Sargent
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The following options will be used:

Difficulty - Very Hard. This is the hardest difficulty level.

A.I. Aggressiveness - Normal. Otherwise you get very funky results - Papal States conquering have of Europe, Scotland being a colonial power, Norway lauching a strike against the Ottomans, etc.

The following countries are the major powers of the computer. France, Castile, England, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, Muscowy and Poland.

The computer will run these countries a bit better than otherwise. This should increase the difficulty level of the game. I will need to beat these countries in order to officially "win" the scenario.

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Old 06-07-2003, 04:15 PM   #3
Abe Sargent
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January 1, 1419

Upon the confirmation of my post as Vizier of Granada, I have taken it upon myself to change a few things that we are doing here in Granada. First of all, I have faith in my vision from Allah. We will restablish the strongholds of old. His reach shall extend throughout Iberia. As such, I will use the instruments of the Europeans in order to classify these events, for it is only through their eyes can Allah's wisdom and strength be shown to them. For example, I will use their calandar when referring to events.

I have taken the liberty of looking at a map of Iberia. It can be found here:

(Make sure that you cut and paste the link, and not simply click on it or something. Dumb GeoCities)

There are several powers with us in Iberia:

Castile - Castile is probably the most powerful land in the area. We have been forced into serving Castile and sending annual tributes. We are their vassals.

Portugal - Portugal is a strong maritime power with a lot of merchants. Portugal also has the nearest Center of Trade in the province of Tago. Therefore, all of our trade shall be shipped through Tago.

Aragon - Aragon is also a strong naval power. Aragon has several island holdings as well, stretching out into the Great Sea. Aragon and Castile are often in alliance, and combined they porvide a mighty force.

Navarra - Little Navarra is like us. They are a small country in this area of strength. Navarra is very much like Aragon and Castile, however. Same culture, although with a Basque influence.

Foix - The last country in the region is the country of Foix. Blending French and Iberian culture with the harsh realities of living next to Castilian, Aragon, English and French holdings. It is unfortunate that Foix's fate is very uncertain, for she is our best chance for an ally against the powers in Iberia.

We have another ally nearby. Morocco is just across the Straight of Gilbraltar from us. As another Muslim nation, we might have enough in common to bond us together in Allah's name.
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Old 06-07-2003, 04:46 PM   #4
Abe Sargent
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As the Vizier of Granada, I have consulted the Seer and she had foretold that Granada will likely not survive 80 years. I have sworn to see the Seer's vision false.

Here then, are my goals for Granada, both near and far.

1). Survive in the short term against any Iberian incursions.

2). Establish economic independance from Castile.

3). Develop an acceptably strong military fighting force.

4). Look for opportunities to incrase our power base.

5). Look to develop relationships with nearby Muslim lands such as Morocco, Tlemcen, and Tunisia.

6). Take land in Iberia, preferably Toledo, Murcia, and our old capital of Cordoba, located in the province of Andalusia.

7). Gather power and land in Iberia steadily.

Those are the goals of Ghanata (Granada to Europeans). AS it has been written, so shall it be done.
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Old 06-07-2003, 05:01 PM   #5
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I further investigate our holdings and status.

Grenada - Our capital and cultural center. The Moors have come to Grenada to escape Catholic persecution in Iberia. As such, our city is one of the largest in the region. 35,000 people here are largely employed in the Copper Mines. Grenada sends 14 ducats to Tago annually in trade. Grenada is Sunni and of Berber culture.

As a point of clarification, our country is Granada, the province is Granada, but the city and capital is Grenada.

Gibraltar - 6000 people fish off the coast of this port town. Only sending 2 ducats annually in Trade to Tago, the people of Gibraltar are fairly hard working individuals. Our people here are Sunni and Berber as well.

Our army has 15000 infantry and 2000 calvary stationed in Granada. We can only support 11000 normally. However, due to our tenuous situation, I do not have any intention of slashing soldiers. Yet.

We have no navy, but we can support a fleet of up to 7 ships.

Our domestic policies are as follows:

As to Plutocracy or Aristocracy, we lean towards an Aristocracy.

We are very Decentralized. This is definately not a good thing. Although we will possibly suffer from less rebellions, we have a cost to our production and technology research.

We are more Narrowminded than Innovative. Again, this is definitely not a good thing.

We are exteremely Mercantile as opposed to Free Trade. I'd prefer to be a little less Mercantile.

We have struck a perfect balance between an Offensive and Defensive doctrine.

We are slightly more Naval than Land oriented. This is probably a good thing as we can focus on increasing our Naval reserves.

We favor Quantity of military over Quality. This is another area than needs serious adjustment. With a small amount of forces able to be supplied, we need them to be better trained and equiped.

Lastly, we currently lean towards Serfdom over Free Subject. This will need to change as well, but slowly.
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Old 06-07-2003, 05:05 PM   #6
Abe Sargent
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On my first day as the new Vizier of Granada, I institute the following changes:

Maintenance for the military is to be slahed in half.

Tolerance for the few Orthodox people that we have is to decrease tremendously. Instead, we will increase tolerance for Catholics and Shi'ites. And, of course, our own Sunni people shall not suffer.

I order a Tax Collector to be built in Grenada. It will take 50 of our 75 ducats, but I believe that it will be worth it in time.
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Old 06-07-2003, 05:51 PM   #7
Abe Sargent
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Because various heralds, merchants, and diplomats give us information from around the known world, we are inundated with information about the world. However, I shall only relay that information which is important to Granada.

January 3, 1419 - Portugal joined an Alliance with Castile. Castile has enjoined war against Morocco and Tlemcen with Portugal. Portugal has also had The Social Revolution of Joao I.

January 5, 1419 - Portugal has had Enrique the Crusader join them.

March 1, 1419 - Our stability increased. As such, I have decided to change our domestic policy and move us to be less Decentralized. By doing this, our technology cost is lessened, but our rebillion risk could increase. I believe that it is worth the cost.

March 11, 1419 - Portugal have chosen to fund Enrique in Enrique the Navigator.

April 4, 1419 - Aragon has joined an alliance with England, Burgundy, Kleves and Brabant and joined their war against France, Bourbonnais, Auvergne and Provence.

May 1, 1419 - Forced into a money crunch, I disband 6000 of our infantry in Granada.

June 8, 1419 - Foix has canceled their vassaliztion with France and are now a free country.

June 11, 1419 - I decide to maximize our relations with our Catholic neighbors by increasing our tolerance for Catholics and Sunnis to the maximum levels allowed. However, that means that Shi'its are persecuted in Granada. No matter, they are heretics anyway.

July 12, 1419 - I send our first Merchant to Tago.

August 12, 1419 - Our merchant has set up shop in Tago. We need more of these men.

September 1, 1419 - Our stability has maximized.

February 1, 1420 - I decide to hold on to our few diplomats for now. We need to have a supply ready.

June 26, 1420 - Castile had the Coup of Enrique of Aragon.

January 1, 1421 - I order a Tax Collector to be placed in Gibraltar. We have no money in the bank after this.

August 25, 1421 - We have an Uncooperative Philosopher. I decide to let him roam free. While that ostenibly hurts our stability in the short term, it moves us towards an Innovative domestic policy, which is where I want to go.

September 1, 1421 - Murcia has fallen to rebels. The Castilian province of Murcia, just east of Grenada and also Sunni, has fallen to rebels and there are 7,650 more troops there. I only hope that the rebels won't march into our territory but will instead move to the Aragon proivince of Valencia or Castile's Toledo.

November 1, 1421 - The rebels from Murcia have arrived in Toledo and lay siege there. Our stability also increases.

January 12, 1422 - A large Castilian army arrives in Toledo and attacks the rebels there.

January 27, 1422 - The rebels in Toledo have won and Castile forces are withdrawing.

March 1, 1422 - Our stability has maximized again.

June 30, 1422 - Castile forces again assult the rebels in the hills of Toledo.

July 7, 1422 - The rebels in Toledo have been defeated.

July 13, 1422 - Arago has selected "Aye, Let's Protect Our Own Goods" in No More Foreign Clothes!

August 1, 1422 - We have managed to get the highest level of merchants allowed in Tago. We own fully 25% of the Tago market!

August 29, 1422 - Foix has chosen to "Obey the King and Close the Mint" in the Mint in Pamiers.

December 30, 1422 - Castile has decided to Appoint Alvaro de Luna in The King's Constable.

January 1, 1423 - Four years have passed. Time to take an accounting of what has transpired.
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Old 06-07-2003, 06:02 PM   #8
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A four year Account:

Grenada has grown by 939 people. At 35,939 people, Grenada is barely the largest city in Iberia. Barcelona, in the province of Catalonia, is the second largest at 35,921 people.

Gibraltar has only grown by 161 people.

We have Tax Collectors in both of our provinces.

No military has been built since i took office. I am just trying to build up our infrastructure and economic power so far. There will be plenty of time for war later.

Portugal and Castile have captured three of Morocco's provinces in war, including the capital of Morocco in Fez.

Castile has about 34000 men in Andalusia. I feel so inadequate.

Murcia is still in rebel hands. Muslem rebels, hopefully, although we have no contact with them.

An accounting of our realm has been made.
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Old 06-07-2003, 09:26 PM   #9
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And so we continue:

February 2, 1423 - Aragon had the Death of Benedicto XIII

May 9, 1423 - Foix has made a most puzzling move that I hope has not damned her. She has joined the alliance with England, Burgundy, Kleves, Brabant and Aragon and goes to war against France, Auvergne and Provence.

May 19, 1423 - Tlemcen has come to peace with Portugal.

July 18, 1423 - Morocco has accepted peace with Castile and paid them money.

July 25, 1423 - I don't know why, but Castile has canceled their treaty of military access in Foix. However, I do know that any military access must be canceled prior to declaring war. Is Castile trying to start war with Foix?

August 1, 1423 - Castile has begun a siege of the rebel controlled Murcia led by Alvaro de Luna.

September 6, 1423 - Morocco has entered an alliance with Tunisia and Tlemcen creating an interesting combination of power in Western North Africa.

November 14, 1423 - Morocco has accepted peace with Portugal but has to give up Tangiers. Portugal now controls Islamic territory just across the Straight of Gilbraltar from us.

March 6, 1424 - Scotland has joined the Alliance of France and her several vassals against England, Aragon and Foix.

March 17, 1424 - A war erupts among the Italian states.

June 4, 1424 - A rebellion has erupted in Toledo.

July 2, 1424 - France and Aragon have come to peace.

July 13, 1424 - A small Castilian army was defted by the rebels in Toledo.

August 1, 1424 - More soldiers arrive in Toledo and destroy the rebels there.

January 1, 1425 - The Castilian troops can't seem to break their siege against the rebel forces holed up in Murcia.

January 4, 1425 - Aragon had Juan of Aragon Inherits Navarra. Navarra has entered the alliance wit Aragon, England, Burgundy, Kleves, Brabant, and Foix.

January 10, 1425 - Granada and Morocco have entered into a Royal Marriage. This is our first Royal Marriage in a while. Granada has always been looking inwards in the past. We must look outwards if we wish to survive.

January 16, 1425 - Navarra has become vassals of Aragon.

March 7, 1425 - England and France comes to terms of peace. England gets Guyenne and Ile de France. England getting Paris is a big thing, but France needs to consolidate her holdings after that war.

January 1, 1426 - The Castilian siege of Murcia is doing much better. Murcia could fall anytime. I decide to offer a Trade Agreement with Portugal. They agree.

January 3, 1426 - Scotland declared war upon Eire. Therefore, France and several of her vassals have declared war upon Eire as well.

January 5, 1426 - England, Aragon, Foix and their allies have also declared war upon Eire.

January 8, 1426 - Aragon has warned us not to go to war with any of their neighbors.
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Old 06-07-2003, 09:41 PM   #10
Abe Sargent
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Into the Fire

January 10, 1426 - Portugal declares war upon us. Castile, their allies, breaks their vassalage with us and also declares war.

February 1, 1426 - "Granada Against Iberia" happened to us. We gain all of the old Kaliphate of Cordoba lands as core provinces with the ability to wage war. The following provinces are now our cores in addition to Gibraltar and Granada: Murcia, Toledo, Andalusia, Castilla, Algarve, Tago and Estramadura.

February 28, 1426 - I send a peace offer to Castile but they refuse.

March 11, 1426 - We are attacked in Granada by Castilian and Portugese forces numbering 40,000.

March 26, 1426 - Our 11000 men lose and retreat to Gibraltar. Grenada is under siege.

April 23, 1426 - Our army arrives in Gibraltar only to be attacked by Portugese forces.

April 26, 1426 - Our army loses and retreats back to Granada.

May 23, 1426 - Our remaining 5500 soldiers arrive back in Granada to find 23500 Castilian soldiers layign siege to Grenada. I order a retreat to Andalusia.

May 28, 1426 - Portugal offers us peace for the 71 ducats in our treasury. I tell them to eat dirt and continue on. I order a Warship built in Gibraltar.

June 10, 1426 - Our army arrives in Andalusia. There are Portugese soldiers here: 1564 men here versus our remianing 3400.

August 2, 1426 - After retreating from several battles, our men arrive deep in Portugese territory in Oporto, the northernmost province of Portugal.

September 19, 1426 - Portugal offers us peace in exchange for 15 ducats - all that we have. I agree.

October 1, 1426 - Murcian rebels defect to Aragon.
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Old 06-07-2003, 09:57 PM   #11
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A Time of Peace

January 1, 1427 - Muhammad IX has suceeded his father and is now the ruler of our realm. He is a poor ruler, just like his father.

August 19, 1427 - Aragon has agreed to our request for a Free Trade Agreement.

June 1, 1428 - Granada and Tlemcen have entered into a Holy Marriage under the Guidance of Allah.

January 1, 1429 - Muhammad VIII is no longer ill and regains the throne.

Two years of peace have passed. Let us take another account of our realm.
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Old 06-07-2003, 10:03 PM   #12
Abe Sargent
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A Ten Year Accouting of Granada:

We have been at war once with Portugal and Castile. Portugal wanted all of our ducats, so I ordered a warship built so that we would pay them less.

Grenada, due to siege, is now second to size to Barcelona.

Our military has been reduced to 2385 infantry and 677 calvary. We need to increase that amount.

We are no longer the vassals of Castile.

We have gained claim to our ancient lands.

We have 36 ducats to our name.

We have survived, but we have not improved our position. That will need to change soon before we become so overwhelmed that we are unable to advance ourseves against the Iberians.
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Old 06-07-2003, 10:20 PM   #13
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Will Granada be best served by us joining an Alliance?

Here are the legitmate alliances that we have a hope of joining:

Portugal-Castile. However, as Portugal is the leader, I don't think they'll let us in.

Morocco-Tunisia-Tlemcen. Probably makes the most sense, and they all like us. We'd be the most powerful member economically immediately. Kind of a weak alliance, however. Besides, how will these powers assist us in a war? Morocco can attack Portugal's Tangiers, but that seems about it.

England-Aragon-Burgundy-Kleves-Foix-Brabant-Navarra. Here we have an alliance that has two heavies in Aragon and England. Definately a strong player, but I can't see England letting us in, and they are the leader. Too bad it's not Aragon.

France-Provence-Scotland-Bourbonnais-Orleans-Auvergne. A large alliance with only one heavy who is geographically far away and might go to war with the English-Aragon axis at any time. Deson't seem worth it. Plus, what incentive could France possibly have to let us in?

I think that wwe have to limit oursleves to the N. African powers, Portugal/Castile, or England/Aragon.

The only alliance that might offer us hope is The England/Aragon one.

I send an envoy to England.

They accept our alliance.

We are now at war wit their enemies - Eire, Holland, Bavaria, The Palatinat and The Papal States.

I am very comfortable being at war with the Papal States.
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Old 06-07-2003, 11:23 PM   #14
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European Entanglements

February 8, 1429 - France annexed Provence

March 1, 1429 - I decide to adjust our demestic policies again. Apparently we need more military power sooner than I had initially thought. As such, I move us towards Quality of our military.

March 29, 1429 - That which was feard by joining an alliance with England/Aragon has come to pass. France chose She is of God. Give Her Command of the French Army in Jeanne D'Arc. As such, France has declared war upon England. Now the entire French alliance is at war wit the entire English/Aragon alliance.

I chose to honor our alliance. England took a risk with accepting our nation of Allah into their fold. I will honor that.

April 1, 1429 - I order 2000 soldiers outfitted and trained in Grenada.

May 11, 1429 - Savoy has joined the side of France and her allies against us.

June 1, 1429 - Our stability that was lowered when we changed our domestic policies has risen again and we are maxed.

June 25, 1429 - France and England have come to peace terms. France paid England a few ducats.

July 11, 1429 - England and Holland come to peace terms with Holland paying England ducats. We are now only at war with Eire.

September 27, 1429 - We have entered into Trade Agreements with Morocco, Tunisia, Tlemcen and Mameluks.

December 2, 1429 - The second French vassal in two months has broke off their relationship with France.

January 1, 1430 - I order 3000 more troops commisioned in Grenada.

August 2, 1430 - Brabant chose "Let Us Be a Part of Great Burgundy" in The Succession in Brabant. Burgundy had the Succession in Brabant and annexed Brabant.

August 5, 1430 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with England.

August 7, 1430 - Burgundy has selected Found This Order in Our Honour in Golden Fleece.

August 24, 1430 - Burgundy has chosn to "Move to Brussels and Focus Expansion Throughout the Lowlands" in The Burgundian Capital.

December 1, 1430 - In another interesting front, Luxembourgh has annexed Lorraine in war.

January 1, 1431 - I order 1000 calvary equipped in Grenada.

August 1, 1431 - France annexes Orleans.

October 15, 1431 - I send a pair of diplomats to the Ottoman Empire. I offer both a Trade Agreement and a Royal Marriage. They accept both.

I offer Royal Marriage to the Mameluks. They also agree.

January 6, 1432 - France has chosen to Make a Secret Deal with England to Allow Her Capture in Jeanne, Savior or Nuisance?

England then chose to Burn Her at the Stake in the Trial of Jeanne D'Arc

England has The Death of Jeanne D'Arc

France has the French Response to Jeanne D'Arc

April 2, 1432 - We have a new monarch, Yusuf IV, who has wrested control of the government. As I serve Granada, I will serve any who holds the throne.
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Old 06-08-2003, 01:52 AM   #15
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Taking War to Castile and Portugal

Knowing that the longer we wait the harder conquest will be, I decide to take action. We shall grip destiny by the horns and place our trust in Allah. Our former lands will run red with the blood of the Catholic Infidels who took it from us.

This time, war shall be on our terms.

Knowing full well what the action means, and the likely damage to our country, I pump up military maintenance to full 100% and take out a loan of 200 ducats from the bank.

I order 6000 infantry and 1000 calvary equipped and trained in Grenada.

June 1, 1432 - I order 2000 infantry called to duty in Gibraltar.

August 1, 1432 - Muhammad VIII has reclaimed the throne.

August 18, 1432 - I order 2000 more troops in Grenada.

October 1, 1432 - 2000 calvary are called for from Gibraltar.

December 26, 1432 - Portugal selected to Explore the African Coast in Cape Bojador.

January 9, 1433 - I take out another loan of 200 ducats. 2000 more calvary are ordered in Gibraltar.

April 21, 1433 - 2000 more infantry are ordered for Gibraltar.

The Plan for War

The plan is to amass two legitmate armies - one each in Granada and Gibraltar. Eac harmy will then assult it's first target. The infantry in Granada will attack the hills of Toledo. The mixed forces of Gibraltar will attack the plains of Andalusia. Our Andalusian force will have all of our calvary plus some supporting infantry.

If Aragon joins the war on our side, then Castile will have to split their forces. And Aragon is a much more powerful enemy than us...

Portugal is the wold card. Their forces could expel us from Andalusia. Aragon could also take Toledo instead of us. As such, we need the two armies to support each other.

That is the plan. Of course, should Aragon not honor our mutual alliance with England, the war will be very short.

It is all up to Allah's will.

July 4, 1433. We have 13365 infantry in Granada poised to assult the 1464 Castilian troops in Toledo. Aragon has 4000 men in Murica, none in Valencia. As such, Aragon has few troops that can help us in the south. Aragon does have a lot of troops stationed in Foix's only province of Bearn. Next to 15500 trrops of Castile in Cantabria, in North east Iberia. These Castilian troops are led by Alvaro de Luna. I'd prefer that Aragon keep Castile and de Luna busy in the north.

My ship tells me that Portugal has 10000 men in Algarve, which could assist Castile in the battles of Andalusia. We have 8917 infantry and 6665 calvary in Gibraltar ready to pounce on the 5829 Castilian forces arrayed in Andalusia.

I pray to Allah. Then I send a diplomat to Portugal to inform them that we are now at war. Hopefully, all of the pieces will fall perfectly.

Allah's war has begun.
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Old 06-08-2003, 01:53 AM   #16
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The Castilian Phase

July 4, 1433 - Castile joins Portugal in their war against us. I call upon our allies to assist us in battle.

Navarra, Foix, Kleves, Burgundy and England all dishonored our alliance. But Aragon joined the war.

Portugal/Castile against Granada/Aragon

Iberia shall be awash with blood.

I order our armies to Andalusia and Toledo.

July 20, 1433 - Our Gibraltar army had entered Andalusia and battle has begun.

I order 2000 more troops built in Gibraltar

July 23, 1433 - Our army annihilates the Castilian forces in Andalusia and the Siege of Sevilla has begun!!!

August 1, 1433 - Forces from Castile have withdrawn from Toledo and there are no forces here when we arrive. The Sige of Toledo has begun!!!

Aragon forces, led by Alfonso V, are marching southward. I do not see de Luna's forces in the areas that I have spies. I have to guess that he is marching towards us as we fight. I expect that he will shore up defenses in Castilla.

August 5, 1433 - Aragon, now the leader of our alliance, has gotten their vassal, Navarra, to rejoin our alliance and decalre war upon Portugal and Castile. Truly, every Iberian power is now at war.

August 6, 1433 - The Papal States have chosen to Decide in Favor of Castile in Mediate on the Canary Islands.

Portugal chose We Don't Agree in We Have to Cede Our Claims.

Castile had The Pope Decided in Our Favor.

August 14, 1433 - Aragon has gotten Brittany to join our alliance and declare war upon the Portugal/Castile alliance.

August 16, 1433 - Aragon won a battle in Valencia with troops from Castile.

September 15, 1433 - Alvaro de Luna arrives in Castilla at thead of 19352 Castillian troops. Alfonso V has 20000 men in Valencia. I think he is marching to Toledo...

October 1, 1433 - We had to take out another loan because our monthly payment is too high.

October 13, 1433 - Alfonso V has arrived in Toledo pushing us up to 35000 men besieging Toledo. However, the attrition is very high. Many men will stave to death trying to breach the walls of Toledo.

January 21, 1434 - We have captured Andalusia!!! Our old home has been reclaimed, at least temporarily. Portugal offers us peace with ducats. I tell them no. Since Portugal was the maligned country, if we were to have peace with them, we would gain nothing from Castile.

January 22, 1434 - We enter into a trade agreement with Brittany.

What to do with the Andalusian army? Invade Portugal? Head into Estramadura, a Castilian province? Since Estramadura is adjacent to Tago, I figure that the Portugese will not try to outflank me, choosing instead to protect Estramadura. However, Estramadura is a mountainous region, not fit for calvary.

I order our 11,498 infantry from Andalusia to Estramadura.

February 18, 1434 - Our infantry arrives in Estramadura and begins a siege. I take a look around at Castilian territory. Alvaro de Luna is away in Navarra attacking Narravaran armies. There are few other Castilian forces in sight. Portugal has 12000 men in Tago. I could order my infantry into Castilla....

Fortune favors the brave. Into Castilla it is then....

I order 6000 more infantry equipped in Grenada.

February 20, 1434 - Castile offers us peace for 20 ducats. I laugh at their feeble attempts at peace.

February 25, 1434 - Navarra has accepted peace with Portugal. That means de Luna is free to run around and attack us again.

March 16, 1434 - The Siege of Madrid has begun.

April 7, 1434 - Portugal tries to outflank us by attacking or 6500 calvary in Andalusia with their whiel army of men - 8800 infantry and 3200 calvary.

April 20, 1434 - Although we hold Andalusia, we lost around 4000 calvary. I order the 6000 infantry newly out of the Grenada academny into Andalusia to shore up our defenses.

April 23, 1434 - Castile has decided to contest our presence in Castilla.

May 17, 1434 - We defeat the largely calvary army in Castilla. However, 22000 more Castillian troops are marching upon our beleagured army from Leon, just north of Castilla.

June 20, 1434 - Toledo falls, but into Aragon's hand as Alfonso V was present and able to claim the Siege as his. Alfonso V is on the move.

July 1, 1434 - We are forced to take out another loan as our debt skyrockets.

July 4, 1434 - Alvaro de Luna has arrived in Castilla to assult our forces there. I order my troops from Toledo into Andalusia to help us portect ourselves down there.

Tunisia declares war upon Tlemcen.

July 12, 1434 - We repel de Luna from Castilla. I order my Castillian troops to Estramadura. I know that Castilla is a lost cause.

July 17, 1434 - Our troops from Toledo arrive back in Andalusia.

July 25, 1434 - Our forces in Andalusia are under attack from Portugal.

August 2, 1434 - We force back the Portugese forces.

I send a peace envoy to Castile. Peace for Andalusia. They accept.

Now we just need to finish our little war with Portugal.
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Old 06-08-2003, 01:53 AM   #17
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The Portugese Phase

Can we take out Portugal? Take, say, Algarve and Tago and force another province into the Granadan kingdom?

We are about to go bankrupt, and when we do, I'd like to be at peace. I don't believe that we can take two provinces in that time.

August 2, 1434 - I order a Tax Collector built in Andalusia. I also order all of my troops to Andalusia.

September 1, 1434 - I have 27000 men in Andalusia. Portugal has only 17000 troops total, in Algarve. I decide to push on for now. We can't support that many troops anyway, and I'd have to disband them. Might as well kill Catholics.

Allah has been with us this far. I will continue to follow the path of truth.

October 3, 1434 - We arrive in Algarve and battle is enjoined.

Octoiber 15, 1434 - We decimate the Portugese, and they have few soldiers remaining. The Siege of Algarve has begun. I detach some men and send them to Tago.

November 8, 1434 - Our 11000 troops arrive in Tago right behind the fleeing 11000 Portugese troops. Battle continues.

November 12, 1434 - We lose to the Portugese and our army flees to Oporto - the northernmost Portugese province.

December 24, 1434 - Portugese forces arrive back in Algarve from Tago. I order my men in Oporto to Tago.

January 6, 1435 - Our troops from Oporto arrive in Tago.

January 10, 1435 - We defeat the Portugese in Algarve. The retreating forces are heading to Tago. I order my troops to follow. Alfonso V and 16000 Aragon forces are currently in Andalusia and headiong to Algarve. Hopefully, they'll siege Algarve while I take care of Tago.

January 21, 1435 - Tunisia has Abu Amr Uthman Comes to Rule. Tlemcen becomes a vassal of Tunisia.

January 30, 1435 - Alfonso V arrives in Algarve and continues The Siege of Algarve.

February 1, 1435 - The fleeting Portugese army runs into our troops in Tago.

February 4, 1435 - The disordered shambles of the Portguese army lost to our troops in Tago in record time.

February 13, 1435 - Our troops arrive in Tago from Algarve and the Siege of Lisbon has begun.

March 19, 1435 - Aragon has Ausias March. Therir troops appear to be leaving Algarve.

November 23, 1435 - Alfonso V has arrived back again, going thorugh tago into Oporto and beginning a siege there.

December 26, 1435 - Portugal has chosen to Explore African Coast in Henry's Captains.

January 24, 1436 - Foix has had the Acquisition of Bigorre, Marquefave, Villemor and Auterive.

March 13, 1436 - Aragon gives up on Oporto and the army marches past Tago.

April 29, 1436 - Aragon and Alfonso V appear to be marching past Algarve and leaving Portugal to me.

October 1, 1436 - We are forced to take out what will probably be known as our last loan before bankruptcy.

October 10, 1436 - The County of Holland has chosen that Philip of Burgundy Will Rule Holland in The Death of Jacoba. Burgundy had The Succession of Holland and annexes Holland.

February 7, 1437 - We have captured Tago!!!

April 21, 1437 - Portugal offers us peace for Algarve. I accept.
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Old 06-08-2003, 02:00 AM   #18
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Our new lands:

Andalusia - The former capital province of the Kaliphate of Cordoba, Andalusia is very valuable for several reasons. Firstly, it's people are Sunni, giving us fellow brothers to rule. Secondly, Andalusia is valuable to us politically and historically. We have recaptured Cordoba! Thirdly, Andalusia is a very valuable wine province. Fourthly, Andalusia was Castile's only port in the area, and we have cut them off. And fifthly, Andalusia has one of the largest populations in Iberia at 37275 people.

Algarve - Firstly, I order a Tax Collector in Algarve. Algarve is very valuabel for one major reason as well. Algarve has a Naval Equipment Manufactory. Since the people here fish, the Manufactory is worth more. It will give us regular ducats as well as increase the rate of our naval technology growth.

Because both provinces are among our core provinces, we do not have any revolt risk in them.

Also, because we sacked Tago, we took the all of the Portugese maps in the world. We only have one colonist. But we could send them out to one of the places Potrugal has discovered. Many places have only a 1% of taking. Here are the places that have a better shot:

Senegal - This west african province has a lot of Ivory production. The natives have been killed, and there is a 34% chance of our colonists taking.

Cape Verde - A small group of islands where people can fish off the coast of West Africa. Poor, and colonization is at 24%.

Karoo - On the sourthern tip of Africa is a porvice of grain with 500 natives. Colonization ere is at 25%, but the natives are vary tolerent of others.

The easiest to settle os Senegal. Karoo might be the best to settle in terms of setting up a colony, but we probably won't have the money or inclination to set up house for a while. This is more of a happenstance attempt to claim some land for Allah.

As such, I send colonists to Senegal.
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Old 06-08-2003, 02:36 AM   #19
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Economic Toll and Hardship

May 5, 1437 - Navarra has canceled her vassalization with Aragon.

June 20, 1437 - Foix has joined our alliance

September 1, 1437 - We knew that we were going to enter Bankruptcy and it has come. Here are the consequences of our actions in following Allah's will and recapturing Andalusia and Algarve.

1). Our stability suffers a hefty drop.

2). The morale of our troops decreases significantly for five years.

3). Our loans are forgiven.

4). Any future loans taken will be at a higher interest rate.

5). Inflation increases.

6). Our tech research is elminated, setting us back technologically.

7). Revolt risk increases

This was a known result of taking out the first loan in order to finance an army that could take lands. Now we pay the price.

September 10, 1437 - I was looking at a map recently and I spied something very interesting. I don't know when it happened, but Aragon captured and took Connaught. As such, I think that we may be in war wit Eire again soon.

September 21, 1437 - Our colonization attempt to Senegal has proven fruitful. Unfortunately, we will be losing people instead of growth because of the harsh climate.

May 1, 1438 - Our stability has increased.

May 13, 1438 - We sign a Trade Agreement with Oman. We enter into a Royal Marriage with Tunisia.

May 22, 1438 - Foix have again become vassals of Aragon.

September 4, 1438 - Castile has selected Support Alvaro de Luna in Civil War in Castile.

January 4, 1439 - France has chosen Guilty in the Trial of Gilles de Rais.

January 25, 1439 - Byzantium has chosen Laetentur Coeli, We Accept! in The Council of Florence and the Union of the Churches. As a result, Byzantium has become Catholic.

Other countries receiving this event are The Ottoman Empire, Hungary and Serbia.

March 1, 1439 - Our stability has increased.

I take a look at our domestic policies. I decide to move us towards Free trade.

Now it's time for a summary of our Empire.
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Old 06-08-2003, 04:16 PM   #20
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A Twenty Year Accounting

Algarve - 8968 population, 24 ducats in taxes, 2 in trade to Tago

Andalusia - 37609 population, 21 ducats in taxes, 7 in trade to Tago

Gibraltar - 6824 population, 12 ducats in taxes, 2 in trade to Tago

Granada - 39609 population, 13 ducats iun taxees, 14 in trade to Tago

15,204 infantry
1,735 calvary stationed in Andalusia

1 Warship and 1 Galley in Gibraltar Harbor

We can support up to 20000 troops and 15 ships
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Old 06-08-2003, 04:54 PM   #21
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August 5, 1439 - After launching the Gibraltar fleet, I check the Portugese forces. They have 1000 men in Tangiers and none in either Tago or Oporto. Interesting.

January 1, 1440 - Our stability has increased. We wnter into a Trade Agreement with The Papal States, Venice and Naples.

April 11, 1440 - I order three galleys built in Andalusia.

April 15, 1440 - Navarra has again become the Vassals of Aragon.

June 7, 1440 - England has joined our Alliance. It's like the alliance of old now.

October 1, 1440 - Our stability is maximized.

January 4, 1440 - Portugal has chosen to Explore African Coast in Henry's Captains.

April 17, 1440 - Navarra selected John Occupies the Throne in the Death of Queen Blanche.

June 15, 1441 - We have had a Diplomatic Move. Our relations with Morocco have increased by 25 and we gain a diplomat.

September 1, 1441 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with Eire but Scotland rejects our overtures.

October 3, 1441 - Muhammad IX and Said Caqmaq happens to us. We choose to request aid from our brothers, which results in a -25 hit to our relations with Castile.

October 16, 1441 - The Mameluks have selected It's Too Far Away. Let's Send Some Presents Instead in Te Emir of Granada Asks For Help.

We have Sultan Sends Us Money. Mameluks has rejected our petition for military aid but has sent us some gifts. 100 ducats and 2 diplomats. Our relations increase.

I send the diplomats out immediately. We enter into a Royal Marriage with the Golden Horde. We enter into a Trade Agreement with Denmark.

January 1, 1442 - I send a Missionary to Algarve. I am told that we have a 46% chance of converting the Catholics to Sunni. That's pretty good odds, and the way Algarve is growing, we need to establish a Sunni people sooner rater than later.

January 21, 1442 - Naples chose Ruled as Vassal in The Aragon Inheritance of Napoli. Aragon chose to Rule It as an Independant Kingdom in The Aragon Inheritance of Napoli. As such, Naples is now the vassals of Aragon.

September 19, 1442 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with Crimea.

March 28, 1443 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with The Hedjaz.

November 7, 1443 - Exceptional Year happened to us. Our inflation decreased 5% and we gained 100 ducats.

Luxembourgh went with All Hope is Lost! in A Nightly Ambush. As such, Burgundy has officially annexed Luxembourgh.
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Old 06-08-2003, 06:09 PM   #22
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The Iberian Wars Continued

We have a good amount of money now, and the negative effects of the bankruptcy and mostly gone. As such, I jack up our military maintainance and start building troops. Foix has Gaston de Foix at the head of 15000 troops while Alfonso V is sitting in aragon ready to plunge into the heart of Castile. While Portugal has nothing.

However, Castile has 17000 men in Toledo. My targets are:

Toledo. I'd love to take the gold mines of Iberia.

Tago. Need to sack the capital of Portugal to force good terms of surrender.

Tangiers. It's time to relieve Portugal of their Islamic holdings.

We must liberate our fellow brothers.

I order 9000 men equipped in Gibraltar and 7000 in Grenada.

Unfortunately, Morocco refuses to grant us military access. I wanted to land troops in Fex and attack Tangiers from the ground but that will no longer hold up.

I will need three armies. A Tago Invasion force, a Tangeirs invasion fore and an army for defense or attacking Toledo.

That's if Castile goes to war with Portugal, of course, instead of violating their alliance.

March 17, 1444 - Our 16000 troops have been built.

March 22, 1444 - Aragon declared war upon Eire. They want me to declare war back. I agree.

April 27, 1444 - I declare war upon Portugal. Castile joines her allies. Foix and Navarra join the war on our side but the other allies, including Aragon, decide to reject our alliance.

May 1, 1444 - We take out a loan.

May 16, 1444 - Castrile appears to be withdrawing troops. I take the advantage and dispatch an army to Tago.

June 25, 1444 - Our army arrive in Tago and initiates a siege.

August 1, 1444 - Castilian forces are bogged down fighting Navarra and Foix. Excellent.

August 22, 1444 - More troops land in Tangeirs and our siege begins.

August 25, 1444 - Portugal demands peace from us and that we cede Algarve. Bluster will get them no where.

August 30, 1444 - I invite Morocco into our alliance and they accept. Excellent.

October 6, 1444 - Our army of infantry arrives in Toledo and begins a fight with some freshly built troops.

October 10, 1444 - The combined forces of Foix and Navarra in the north have defeated de Luna.

October 12, 1444 - We defeat the troops in Toledo.

November 23, 1444 - We defeat a Castillian warship in the Straights of Gibraltar.

January 1, 1444 - A new Monarch, Muhammad X will now rule our glorious nation. Muhammad X has very poor monarch skills, however.

March 6, 1445 - I flee from a naval battle against Portugal in the Straights.

April 21, 1445 - We have captured Tangiers! Portugal offers us peace for 50 ducats but I refuse them.

July 11, 1445 - We have captured Toledo from Castile! Portugal offers us 86 ducats for peace. Again, I refuse. I order my Tangiers troops who have arrived back in Iberia to Tago to support our siege there.

September 20, 1445 - Although still in war, I am forced to slash the maintenance costs for our military in half. I don't want to have to take out another loan and we are running low on ducats.

November 16, 1445 - I am forced to Raise War Taxes in our to stave off another loan.

January 14, 1446 - Portugal has chosen Every Man Makes His Own Fortune in The Afonsine Ordinances.

June 25, 1446 - I negotiate peace with Castile for Toledo.

July 27, 1446 - We capture Tago, the Portugese capital!

December 15, 1446 - Portugal offers us peace, Tangiers and 30 ducats. I accept.
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Old 06-08-2003, 06:27 PM   #23
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A look at our new provinces:

Tangiers. North African province Tangiers is in an interesting situation. Tangiers is a relatively low value province that is not one of our cores. As such, Tangiers is currently suffering from Nationalism and a 3% revolt risk despite being liberated from Catholic hands. The people of Tangiers are Sunni and Arabic. 6525 people work the fish trade here in the port on the Straights of Gibraltar.

Toledo - 38334 people work the gold mines here in Toledo. As Toledo was once in the realm of the Kaliphate of Cordoba, the people here accept our rule despite being Iberian Catholics. Toledo generates no trade but a lot of ducats in gold.

We currently have 34000 troops but only about 26000 are supportable. We may remove some troops soon.

August 1, 1447 - Our stability is maximized again. It went down from declaring war taxes.

November 1, 1447 - Aragon chooses Aye Let's Protect Our Merchants From Foreign Competetion in The Florentine Merchants in our Kingdom.

January 3, 1448 - We have 228 ducats in the treasury now. Good. In about 16 months our loan will come due, and I'll want to pay it off.

February 1, 1448 - Portugal selected King is Tricked in The Duke of Coimbra.

October 28, 1448 - We enter a Trade Agreement with Hungary.

March 1, 1449 - I move our domestic policies further towards Free Trade. Time to take a look at our empire.
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Old 06-08-2003, 06:27 PM   #24
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Once again Anxiety gets me playing EU2 again.
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Old 06-08-2003, 06:34 PM   #25
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A Thirty Year Account of Our Empire:

Please note that the following numbers are without full stability since we have some unrest in our realm as a result of changing our domestic policies towards more Free Trade.

Algarve - 9971 people giving us 25 ducats in taxes. 2 to Tago in trade.

Andalusia - 40177 people working wine giving us 23 ducats and creating 8 in trade in tago

Gibraltar - 7290 people fishing and yielding us 12 ducats while shipping 2 to Tago.

Granada - 42314 people working copper mines and creating 14 ducats for us while sending 16 to Tago.

Tangiers - 6625 people fishing and giving us 10 ducats annually while sending 2 to tago.

Toledo - 38920 people mining golg and sending us 81 ducats.

We have 263 ducats. Our loan of 200 is due on May 1 of this year, so we really have 63.

24000 infantry
1066 calvary

Our army is stationed in Andalusia. It is the only province beside every one of our Iberian holdings.

We have aMinnionary currently working in Algarve. We should know whether or not he's been successful in a year.

Both Toledo and Tangiers are in need of a Tax Collector.
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Old 06-08-2003, 08:14 PM   #26
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Restablishing the Might of Al-Andalus

May 1, 1449 - I pay off our loan.

September 11, 1449 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with Poland but Sweden refuses our offer.

January 1, 1450 - We have the following event occur:

Recapture of Andalusia. "A Granada that recaptured the province of Andalusia would have to decide whether it wanted to make its own destiny or relocate their capital to the old city of Cordoba and re-establish Cordoban rule.

We are faced with two options.

Option #1: Keep Grenada as our capital. If we choose this, our stability will increase by one, Granada tax value will increase by one, the population of Granada will increase by 4000 and Andalusia will decrease by 5000.

Option #2: Relocate our capital to Cordoba in Andalusia. Stability +1. Andalusia would convert to Sunni, but she already is. Andalusia would gain 4000 people while Granada would lose 5000. Granada would also lose a tax value while Andalusia would gain two tax value.

After reflection, I decide to move our capital to Cordoba and Andalusia.
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Old 06-09-2003, 01:10 AM   #27
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January 3, 1450 - I send a group of colonists to Senegal

January 5, 1450 - Our Royal Marriage with Morocco has expired. We renew our vows.

February 1, 1450 - A rebellion stikes in Tangiers. I dispatch our fleet to carry soldiers. Hopefully we can land in Morocco and gather forces before launchign a strike into Tangiers.

March 30, 1450 - Our colony in Senegal expands.

March 31, 1450 - Aragon has Revolta Dels Forans

April 2, 1450 - We have successfully converted the heretics in Algarve!!! Allah smiles upon his children.

April 20, 1450 - Morocco grants us military access. I send our first sent of troops to Fez.

More colonists are dispatched to Senegal.

July 21, 1450 - Senegal expands.

September 8, 1450 - For some bizarre reason, Castile has declared war upon Tlemcen. Tunisia joins war with Tlemcen.

October 2, 1450 - We launch an attack on the rebels in Tangiers.

October 27, 1450 - We lose to he rebels in Tangiers.

December 26, 1450 - Portugal has again chosen Explore African Coast in Henry's Captains.

February 4, 1451 - With more troops solidifying them from Iberia, I have launched another attck on the rebels in Tangiers. The city is about the fall and I need to win this one. Or at least destory enough of the rebels that they are no longer able to seige the city.

February 15, 1451 - The rebels in Tangiers have been defeated.

August 1, 1451 - I order Tax Collectors built in Toledo and Tangiers.

September 8, 1451 - Navarra had Conflict Between Beaumont and Gramont.

January 1, 1452 - More colonists are sent to Senegal.

January 9, 1452 - Portugal had Sugar in the Azores.

February 5, 1452 - Aragon and Naples are now at war with France and her allies.

March 30, 1452 - Senegal expands.

August 16, 1452 - We have entered into a Trade Agreement with Milan and Genoa.

September 6, 1452 - Rebels have broken the government of Navarra.

September 7, 1452 - Tunisia has accepted peace with Morocco.

March 6, 1453 - Tlemcen and Morocco have come to peace.

April 29, 1453 - Aragon has selected Aye Let's Give the Power to 'La Busca' in La Busca i la Biga.

May 10, 1453 - We have received an Excellent Minister. Now, do we want a Dove or a Hawk? I choose Dove.

June 23, 1453 - Castile has The Fall of Alvaro de Luna.

November 13, 1453 - Castile has The Divorce of Prince Enrique.

Is Castile ripe for another assault? Withour their precious de Luna, and with their country in a state of instability right now, maybe it's time again for a move to claim more land. Estramadura is not a wealthy land, but she's one of our old lands nevertheless.

Yet, I remain unsure. It is time to consult with Allah and his priests.
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Old 06-09-2003, 02:45 AM   #28
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The Iberian Wars Continue

I have received good news from my meditations and prayers. Allah will be with us.

As such, I order my 21500 infantry to Toledo and order more troops built in Andalusia and Algarve. We will need a two pronged attack this time - One into each of Castillian and Portugese territory.

January 1, 1454 - We are now led by Saad B. Ali. He is a better diplomat then his predecessor, but Gharnata continues to be cursed with these poor monarchs.

April 23, 1454 - I have sent my fleet northward scouting Portugal's shores. There are no Portugese soldiers to be seen, but 8000 Castillians lie waiting in Oporto. I have enough soldiers to strike Tago, but I might want to concentrate on Castile first. I could attack both Castilla and Estramadura simultaneously.

No, I think I prefer to stike Portugal and wait with my infantry posied in Toledo to either repel Castillian invasion or strike into Castilla or Estramadura. I want Foix to draw the Castillians in the north.

May 19, 1454 - I declare war upon Portugal. All of our allies are in. Castile, Morocco, Foix and Navarra. Let blood run most gloriously!

I order my forces in Algarve into Tago. I will hold in Toledo.

June 9, 1454 - Aragon chose Let's Abolish the Peasant Servitudes in The Interlocutory Sentence.

June 11, 1454 - We arrive in Tago and initiate the siege. I split off 4000 infantry from our Toledo force and orer them to Tago, I feel a battle brewing.

June 27, 1454 - Castile has withdrawn their forces from Castilla. I'll wait for a bit before launching a strike from Toledo into Estramadura.

July 30, 1454 - Additional troops arrive in Tago. I now order my Toledo army into Estramadura.

August 14, 1454 - Morocco is marching on the Portugese Colony of Tassaret and the Trading Post of Nouadibuh.

August 27, 1454 - The Siege of Estramadura begins.

September 2, 1454 - Gaston de Foix loses in a battle north in Cantabria.

February 8, 1455 - Aragon annexes Auvergne.

March 16, 1455 - Aragon and France come to peace terms.

July 11, 1455 - We capture Tago. Again. Portugal offers us over 200 ducats for peace. but not yet. I order the army in Tago into Oporto to engage the forces there and lay siege.

July 27, 1455 - Battle has been enjoined in Oporto.

August 2, 1455 - We have fully crushed the combined Portugese and Castillian forces in Oporto and lay siege.

October 12, 1455 - We have captured Estramadura. I march to Castilla, not to siege, for I do not have enough men. But to defeat the troops being marshalled there.

November 9, 1455 - Our 11000 infantry arrive in Castilla to battle with the 6000 calvary in the hills. However, another 18000 Castillian troops are marching to Castilla from Leon. I fear they shall reach Castilla before the battle's end.

November 19, 1455 - We defeat the calvary in Castilla. The main Castillian army is getting closer, however.

December 1, 1455 - Castilla offers us a white peace. I decline. Although the Siege of Oporto goes poorly, I can march the army deep into unprotected Castillian territory when it does fall. As such, I have no intention of quitting, even if we lose the upcoming battle. I order more troops built to replace the dead on the field.

December 4, 1455 - The Castillian army has arrived in Castilla to challenge our presence in their capital.

December 24, 1455 - We lost the battle in Castilla.

February 28, 1456 - Castillian forces arrive in Estramadura to liberate their fellow Catholics. Meanwhile, I am building up my forces in Toledo to march back into Castilla for good.

March 3, 1456 - We have captured Oporto. Portugal is offering peace. They'll give us Oporto, which I don't really want that much yet. Tassaret to Morocco. And 54 ducats to me. However, that would end the war with Castille, which is something that I definatey don't want to do. I hold out for more. I order the Oporto forces into Leon.

March 19, 1456 - We arrive in Leon and initiate combat with the 4000 highly green infantry.

March 28, 1456 - The green infantry were completely destroyed and the Siege of Leon will be put on hold as I decide to march to Castilla with the Portugese flank of my army, keeping that reserve in Toledo just in case.

May 1, 1456 - The Siege of Castilla has begun.

May 19, 1456 - Foix has moved troops into Cantabria and begun their own Siege.

May 25, 1456 - We have entered into a Trade Agreement with Burgundy and Tuscany.

December 5, 1456 - Estramadura is abouit to fall to Castile. Castilla is about to fall to us. And Cantabria is about to fall to Foix. Who shall win out?

December 25, 1456 - Estramadura falls.

February 17, 1456 - Our forces in Toledo arrive in Estramadura and the cycle begins and.

February 22, 1457 - Castile's major army arrive in Castilla to break th esiege. If they win, they'll probably win the war, becuse I won't be able to retake Castilla in time.

March 12, 1457 - We defeat the Castillian army and send them home. However, a new army that has been built is now marching to Castilla.

March 15, 1457 - Foix has captured Cantabria.

March 25, 1457 - Castilla falls to us! We have captured the capital of Castile and get their maps. Nifty!

Now we need to hold long enough for Estramadura to fall. Again.

April 23, 1457 - We repel the Castillian from their capital again!

June 4, 1457 - Bohemia elects to enter a Trade Agreement with us.

August 8, 1457 - Castile again assults our position in Castilla.

August 30, 1457 - We again repel the evil Catholics. The glory of Allah shines upon our troops.

September 6, 1457 - Foix is laying siege to Asturia.

October 22, 1457 - Castile is now trying a different tactic. They have moved their forces to Oporto and are laying siege there. I move my army from Castilla to Leon.

November 14, 1457 - Our troops arrive in Leon and begin a siege there. There are now no less that four sieges occuring - all in East Iberia.

My goal is to get Foix Cantabria and us Estramadura. I'd take Leon and give Foix Asturia as well, though, if I could.

February 16, 1458 - Estramadura falls into our hands. Now, to continue to war? I'm not sure. I decide to wait it out. Asturia is about to fall into Foix's hands any month now. Leon's siege is just beginning but still, this is very interesting to me.

February 23, 1458 - England has joined the Aragon/Naples alliance. That's a scary alliance.

April 20, 1458 - Asturia falls to Foix. Excellent. I contact Castile. I offer them peace for Estramadura for me and Cantabria for Foix.

I don't know how long Foix will be our ally or even exist as a country, but I want them to be better for as long as they are loyal to me.

Castile rejects us.

May 19, 1458 - Foix negiotiates peace seperately with portugal for ducats. As a result, they are now at peace and their holdings over Castile have been returned. I am now essentially alone vs. Castile.

June 28, 1458 - Aragon has The Two Crowns. Aragon choses Accept the King's Last Will in The Will of King Alfons. Aragon has The Execution fo the Will.

Naples has The Will of King Alfons. The vassalization between Aragon and Naples is broken.

August 1, 1458 - I offer peace to Castile for Estramadura but they stubbornly refuse. Oh well, then, the war continues.

April 18, 1459 - We capture Leon. Now, maybe, Castile will talk.

May 25, 1459 - Castile offers us ducats and Estramadura. I decline. I've become greedy. I want Leon as well.

February 27, 1460 - After nine months of moving my army around, engaging the Castillian forces, and winning battles, Castile finally agrees to let us have Leon and Estramadura.

January 1, 1461 - Portugal accepts our peace offer of Oporto and Tassaret to us.

The war is over. Now let us take an account of the events.
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Old 06-09-2003, 04:13 PM   #29
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If you have time, would you mind terribly posting a map? I know the area well (Castille is a great starting country for newbies!) but I'm drawing a blank on Portugal's provinces.
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Old 06-09-2003, 07:25 PM   #30
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Originally posted by sachmo71

If you have time, would you mind terribly posting a map? I know the area well (Castille is a great starting country for newbies!) but I'm drawing a blank on Portugal's provinces.

Can you not read them on the map that I posted earlier in the third or fourth post on this thread? I don't think that I could do better...

Since Portugal only starts with three Iberian Provinces, it's pretty easy to ASCII. There are four provinces on the west coast of Iberia. The northernmost is Castile's

|Galicia (Castile)
|Oporto (port)
|Tago (capital, port, CoT)

And now Oporto and Algarve are mine, so Porugal just has Tago remaining in Iberia.

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Old 06-10-2003, 12:25 AM   #31
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Geez.. your BadBoy rating has to be pretty high
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Old 06-10-2003, 02:59 AM   #32
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Nope. Of my new provinces, only Tangiers, Oporto and Leon are not core provinces. Thus, they give a higher BB rating to take But the other provinces are all territory that Granada has a historical claim to (As the only successor to the Kaliphate). As such, they give very little in the way of BB.

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Old 06-10-2003, 09:12 AM   #33
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Thanks for the info. I found the map you were talking about, duh! But where is Tasseret?

Last edited by sachmo71 : 06-10-2003 at 09:26 AM.
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Old 06-10-2003, 10:10 AM   #34
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Colony in North Africa just south of Morocco.

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Old 06-10-2003, 02:05 PM   #35
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January 1, 1461 - An Accounting of the Realm - Forty-Two Years

Algarve - 11340 people work the fishing industry in this quiet, formerally Portugese province. Having recently converted to Sunni, the people here have fully accepted our rule and are flourishing. They give us 29 ducats in taxes and send 3 to Tago

Andalusia - After our capital moved here, the area was enriched by the influx of people. Andalusia has both the old provincial capital of Sevilla as well as the new capital of Cordoba. The 47898 wine workers here send us 26 ducats in taxes and send 8 to Tago.

Estramadura - Recently captured Estramadura is a fairly poor province. It may the poorest Iberian province, period. 12476 people raise sheep and sheer wool in this quiet area. As one of the lands we have a claim on, Estramadura is not currently experiencing revolt risk. The people here are Catholic. We get 6 ducats from them and they create 1 in Tago in trade. A Tax Collector is being built here.

Gibraltar - 7907 people fish in this quiet port that is important strategically. As one of our original provinces, Gibraltar houses the Granadan Fleet. 12 ducats are placed in our treasury annually while they create 2 in Tago in trade.

Granada - Our original home, we have grown past the country. Although Grenada is still one of our largest cities, our culture has moved to Andalusia. 39239 people work the Copper Mine here sending us 13 ducats and 14 to Tago.

Leon - Recently captured Leon represents the first captured province in Iberia beyond the original borders of Cordoba. 15933 people harvest grain here. A Tax Collector is building in the province. The Catholics here are experienceing a 4% revolt risk due mainly to Nationalism. Our army is currently in Leon.

Oporto - The other Iberian capture that extands past Cordoba's borders, the port of Oporto has 7099 people working the wine industry here. The Catholics here are also under a 4% revolt risk. They send 15 ducats to us annually and 6 to Tago. I order a Tax Collector built here.

Tangiers - North African province that remains relatively quiet except for one rebellion a while ago. It's possible that more rebellions could occur still. The 7032 people fish in the Straights of Gibraltar sending us 13 ducats whilse creating 2 in Tago.

Toledo - 42217 people work the gold mines here in Toledo. Since gold is not a trade good, they do not create any trade in Tago. However, they do send us 92 ducats annually. They also increase our inflation significantly.

We can now have a standing army of up to 33000 and a fleet up to 27 ships before problems arise.

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Old 06-11-2003, 04:07 PM   #36
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My plans for the future:

Firstly, we need to accept that, despite our recent military victories, that we are in a most precarious position. Leon and Oporto are subject to rebellions, as is Tangiers. Yet we can only have 33000 soldiers fixing those problems. If we have more soldiers, then we will pay a lot more in maintenaince as the land can't support more.

As such, it is probbaly time that we consolidate for a while. We want to lower our revolt risks in these areas, while also building our economy.

Secondly, our tech development is hampered. We are behind the other European countries. This is due to continued issues with stability plus the bankruptcy we went through.

Thirdly, we do not have a strong navy, although we could support one. With our country split by water, it will only be a matter of time before we need a strong navy in a war with a naval power.

As such, I think that it is time to bide ourselves for the future. To plan our next move. And to firmly control what we have before we reach for more....
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Old 06-11-2003, 07:28 PM   #37
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A Historical Choice

January 10, 1461 -

My monarch has come to me today and asked a simple question: "What does changing our capital to Cordoba mean?"

We have the following event:

Restablish Cordoba "A Granada that moved their capital to Cordoba would be very tempted to claim the title of Kaliphate of Cordoa despite having no lineage to Mohommad the Prohpet. Doing so would gain great favor in the eyes of some individual Moslems, and would also further improve Andalusia, but would greatly aggravte relations with nearby Sunni nations as well as its own people. Taking the title of Sultanate would endear Granada to those same Sunni nations and show diplomatic wisdon. Or, Granada could decide o keep their own identity, despite reclaiming Cordoba as their home. That path would show the world that Granada was not interest in conquest and would be a good diplomatic with Europe."

Our choices are the following:

We Shall Become the Sultanate of Cordoba:

Stability +1, popultion in Andalusia +2000, realtions with nearby Sunni nations increase in direct proportion with their distance."

We Shall Become the Kaliphate of Cordoba:

Stability -1, population in Andalusia +5000, Taxvalue in Andalusia +2, Revoltrisk increased by +5 for two years, relations in Sunni nations decreased by twice the amount they would have been increased by in the first option.

We Shall Keep Our Own Identity:

Stability +3, Badboy -5

Each poses interesting possibilities. Sultanate is the diplomatically preferred route, but by becoming the Kaliphate we shall fully embrace our history! Surely Allah's glory would be seen then!

We shall officially be hencefort known as the Kaliphate of Cordoba. However, calling us Granada, Gharnata, Al-Andalus, or Cordoba will also suffice in non-official communications.

The Kaliphate has been reborn!
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Old 06-12-2003, 08:40 PM   #38
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February 1, 1461 - I order the building of more troops.

March 1, 1461 - A revolt occurs in Algarve!

April 15, 1461 - Our army arrives in Algarve to put down the rebellion.

April 29, 1461 - We defeat the rebels in Algarve

May 1, 1461 - A rebellion strikes in Gibraltar.

June 13, 1461 - We are defeated in Gibraltar.

July 1, 1461 - A rebellion strikes in Leon.

September 4, 1461 - We are again defeated in Gibraltar.

November 1, 1461 - Our army arrives in Leon to try our luck there.

November 6, 1461 - After a short battle, the rebels of Leon have been defeated.

January 1, 1462 - I order more troops to shore up our army.

April 20, 1462 - We again suffer defeat at the hands of the Gibraltar rebels, but they are too few and can't siege the city anymore.

June 4, 1462 - We try to defeat the Gibraltar rebels again, but fail. Again.

September 23, 1462 - After making one last attempt, we finally scourge the traitorous rebels from the stones of Gibraltar.
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Old 06-12-2003, 10:01 PM   #39
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January 1, 1463 - A rebellion starts in Leon

March 21, 1463 - We defeat the rebels in Leon.

April 11, 1463 - Senegal is now a full province having another colonization attempt succeed:

Senegal is on the easternmost tip of Africa. The 781 people here continue to decline in population due to the strenuous area settled. They work the Ivory trade here, sending us 5 ducats annually and 10 to Tago in trade.

I decide to send colonists to Transkei. They have a 30% chance of taking there, which is the best of the areas that we got on the maps from Castile and Portugal.

Transkei is on the southern part of Africa, so it should take a while to find out whether our colonists took root.

August 1, 1463 - Another revolt in Leon occurs, but since our army is there, we engage and defeat them quickly.

May 1, 1464 - After a long, quiet period of time, Oporto is rebelling. I order my army there

May 15, 1464 - Mameluks rejects our Royal marriage proposal.

June 10, 1464 - We defeat the Oporto rebels.

June 22, 1464 - Venice becomes the vassal of Aragon again.

October 20, 1464 - Morocco declares war upon Tlemcen. They ask us for help. I agree, since Morocco has been one of tour stronger allies. Foix and Navarra refuse, thus causing them to leave the alliance. It's just Morocco and me from here on out.

December 6, 1464 - Morocco shoce Silence Him in Muhammad Al-Jazuli.

December 8, 1464 - Aragon chose We'll Fight Their New "Kings" in A Collection of Kings.
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Old 06-13-2003, 01:54 AM   #40
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January 1, 1465 - A new monarch, Abu-L Hasan now rules Granada. Just as average or poor as the rest of the lot.

January 8, 1465 - Castile had Anarchy in Castile.

April 6, 1465 - Navarra entered an alliance with Aragon, Naples and England. Pretty powerful alliance there.

May 12, 1465 - Our colonization attempt to Transkei failed. I send in more colonists.

June 12, 1465 - Foix has now joined the Aragon-England axis.

June 25, 1465 - Mameluks and Granada officially join in marriage. Good thing too, because now we can get information on teh rumored collapse of the Mameluks government. And it's true. Several provinces have fallen to rebellion, including the capital of Egypt. Alexandria is under siege from rebels, and it's just a nasty situation.

November 21, 1465 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with Norway but Sweden refuses us.

March 1, 1466 - The Mameluks government has fallen.

August 16, 1466 - Our colonization attempt to Transkei has failed again. I dispatch more settlers.

August 26, 1466 - England canceled their vassalization of Scotland and declared war upon them. The rest of the alliance joined in.

October 5, 1466 - Tlemcen has accepted peace with Morocco and as such, we are now at peace as well.

October 17, 1466 - Our Royal Marriage with teh Golden Horde has expired. We enter into both a new marriage and a Trade Agreement.

November 3, 1466 - Scotland has entered into an alliance with France and her vassals. That could cause a war between Aragon/England and France.

March 24, 1467 - The anticipated war between the French alliance and the Aragon/England axis has come to fruition. Complicating matters is Eire which just declared war upon Scotland. The Eire alliance of Burgundy, Friesland, Mainz, and Helvetia is now at war with the French alliance.

Would not want to be France. Fighting Aragon and England simultaneuously is tough enough. Armies coming from two directions. But to also have them coming fromt he Holy Roman Empire. Not a good time to be a Frenchman.

August 1, 1467 - Leon is revolting! Our army is stationed here, however. In four days the rebellion is put down like wheat before a scythe.

September 20, 1467 - Our royal marriage with Crimea has expired.

October 1, 1467 - Tangiers is rebelling. How annoying it will be to load my army and attack the rebels.

Octrober 8, 1467 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with Muscowy.

November 28, 1467 - We have successfully colonized Transkei!!! Excellent.

May 21, 1468 - Our army enters Tangiers.

June 1, 1468 - Our army leaves Tangiers victorious.

I also order more colonists to Transkei.

August 2, 1468 - Dissidents from Tlemcen have come to our court to plead for support. If we give it to them, then our relations with Tlemcen will take a hit, as well as our treasury. However, with dissident supporters among the noble families, to not give them support would cause a -1 stability hit. So i give them some ducats and suck it up with Tlemcen.

September 25, 1468 - Castile has selected Proclaim Isabel as Heir in The Pact of Guisando.

January 4, 1469 - Portugal selected Explore African Coast in Royal Charters.

March 3, 1469 - Transkei expands.

April 1, 1469 - The peasants in Oporto are revolting.

April 27, 1469 - We have defeated another rebellion.

August 10, 1469 - Castile selected "Isabel Flees and Marries Fernando, Heir to the Cown of Aragon" in Princess Isabel Marries. Castile has the Cancellation of the Pact of Guisando.

August 14, 1469 - We enter into Trade Agreements with Helvetia, Modena, and Mantua.

April 13, 1470 - Foix negotiates a peace with France. And gets both Lyonnais and Roussillon. Wow. Lyonnais is a Center of Trade.

June 25, 1470 - An Internal Trade Ordinace has increased the tax value of both Andalusia and Toledo.

December 1, 1470 - Our trade technology has advanced. We can now build Trading Posts.

January 1, 1471 - I send a Missionary to Oporto. I'm told that we have a 45% chance of success.
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Old 06-15-2003, 07:58 PM   #41
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bump, please.
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Old 06-17-2003, 07:25 PM   #42
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February 7, 1471 - Castile has entered an alliance with Aragon/England and Naples, Navarra and Foix. That's a nasty alliance.

Anyway, Castile joins the war against France and her vassals.

In case you hadn't noticed - Portugal is now alliance-less. Their alliance with Castile has expired and Castile went elsewhere.

I order my soldiers to Oporto.

March 1, 1471 - Although I initially wanted to wait a while before going to war again, I cannot ignore the opportunity that Allah has granted us. The longer we wait, the more likely Portugal will join an alliance with other powers. We must strike now.

We declare war upon Portugal. Morocco dishonors our alliance.

So it's just us and Portugal.

I order 20,000 men from Oporto into Tago.
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Old 06-17-2003, 08:04 PM   #43
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The Granada-Portugese War of 1471-73

I don't expect this war to take long. Portugal has one undefended Iberian provence remaining with their capital Tago. And no soldiers in Tago. They may have soldiers quartered elsewhere and bring them in, but it will take time.

March 20, 1471 - Our army arrives in Tago to lay siege.

October 16, 1471 - We capture Tago. Portugal has gained more maps and we take them.

October 17, 1471 - Portugal offers us 38 ducats but I laugh their envoy away.

Now, we just sit in Tago until Portugal decides to be reasonable and make us a genuine offer.

January 3, 1472 - Morocco has chosen to Support the Wattasid Dynasty in The Fate of Morocco.

I dispatch a group of colonists to the newly discovered province of Table in the southern tip of Africa to set up a Trading Post. My people tell me that we have a 73% chance of taking.

January 5, 1472 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with Kilwa, Malindi, and Adal.

January 30, 1472 - Morocco has The Infirmity of the Wattasid Dynasty.

May 15, 1472 - Portugal offers us 70 ducats - which I decline.

June 16, 1472 - Now Portugal offers 74 ducats. Again, I laugh them away.

July 1, 1472 - I order 2000 troops built in Gibraltar.

September 10, 1472 - Our fleet sets sail from Gibraltar after the army boards it. It is going to East Africa.

November 3, 1472 - Our fleet arrives off the coast of Senegal where 27 Portugese ships await it. Battle begins, but before they have a chance to set sail I throw up the white flag of surrender and retreat to the ports of Senegal.

November 8, 1472 - Our army of 2000 arrives in Senegal. I order them south to the Portugese Trading Post of Dakar.

December 8, 1472 - An economist has offered his services to our court. His fees are steep, but I like the reduction in inflation and increase in our admin skills. I hire him for 100 ducats.

December 19, 1472 - We capture the undefended colony of Dakar. I order our troops southward into Gambia.

January 23, 1472 - We capture the undefended colony of Gambia.

February 1, 1472 - I order more colonists to Transkei.

June 1, 1473 - Portugal offers us peace for 114 ducats, Dakar and Gambia. I want the Azores, the richest colony of Portugal, but I'll take what I can get. I accept.

July 1, 1473 - With our war over, I decide to change our domestic policies. I move us another step towards Quality.

With our Portugese funds, I order a Missionary to Leon, where we have a 60% chance of sucess.

And that ends the war with Portugal.
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Old 06-17-2003, 09:25 PM   #44
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Death to Portugal!!!
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Old 06-18-2003, 08:23 PM   #45
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July 1, 1473 - We enter into Trade Agreements with Mombasa and Mogadishu.

August 1, 1473 - England and France are at peace. England gets the provinces of Orleanais, Guyenne, Picardie and Maine.

August 5, 1473 - Aragon annexes Foix. That means that Aragon gets the Foix provinces that they captured from France, including Lyonnais - the Center of Trade in southern France.

August 19, 1473 - Tunisia invites us into an alliance with them and Tlemcen. This is a very weak group of powers to join. I refuse their offer. Granada is worthy of something better.

October 28, 1473 - Transkei expands.

November 23, 1473 - We set up a Trading Post in Table.

May 1, 1473 - Our infrastructure increases and we can now build Fine Arts Academies.

July 28, 1474 - Castile had The Reconcilation of Isabel and Enrique.

Portugal chose Support Juana in The Succession in Castile.

November 29, 1474 - Another economist becomes available. I send him away but we lose some victory points for my decision.

January 1, 1475 - Our stability increase to maximum again.

January 14, 1475 - Our Royal Marriage with Morocco has expired.

September 18, 1475 - Portugal joins the Castille/Aragon/England/Naples/Navarra alliance.

February 2, 1476 - We have an Excellent Minister for the next year our Monarch's skills improve dramatically.

June 4, 1476 - This is a major event in Europe.

Burgundy selects Marry Maximilian of Hapsburg in the Marriage of Mary of Burgundy.

Austria has The Hapsburg Inheritance of Burgundy.

Burgundy becomes the vassals of Austria.

The people of Lorraine decalre their independance from Burgundy.

France selects Claim Artois, Flanders, and Franche Comte in Austria Inherits Burgundy.

Burgundy is currently one of the major powers in Europe. To become vassalized to Austria gives the Hapsburgs a lot of power.

July 1, 1476 - Another major event occurs. Castile has Viva Espana.

Castile is now Spain.

August 16, 1476 - Spain has Santa Hermandad.

September 12, 1476 - Colonization attempts to Transkei, despite heavy odds in our favor, have failed.

January 1, 1477 - A new age has begun with Spain here.

We shall see where it leads us.
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Old 06-21-2003, 10:51 PM   #46
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May 1, 1477 - I send forth some of our diplomats. We enter into Trade Agreements with Ethiopia, Benin, and Brittany although France denies us.

May 24, 1477 - Spain has declared war upon Tlemcen. Their new allies Morocco have dishonored their pact.

May 30, 1477 - Tunisia and Tlemcen enter into an alliance.

August 6, 1477 - Aragon has annexed Navarra.

August 29, 1477 - Tunisia invites us into an alliance with them and Tlemcen. However, i do not want war with Spain at this time. I decline.

September 19, 1477 - Another colonization attempt to Transkei has failed.

October 1, 1477 - The province of Leon has converted to Islam and our sattempts ther have been successful!!!

December 1, 1477 - A major turns of events occured today. The people of Navarra, fearing Aragon rule, have declared their independance from Aragon and gone to war with them. Aragon called upon her allies. However, England, Portugal, Naples and Spain all dishonored their alliance with Aragon. The alliance is broken.

I order soldiers equipped and trained in Leon. It may be time for us to divide and conquer after all.

December 10, 1477 - Portugal and Naples have rejoined their alliance with Aragon and declared war upon Navarra. However, England has joined an alliance with Brittany. As such, English power has been seperated from Aragon power. However, there is one country left without an ally - Spain.

Although I did not want war previously, and I would still like time to prepare, I will not shirk from my duties anymore.
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Old 06-21-2003, 11:15 PM   #47
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December 21, 1477 - Spain and Navarra have entered into an alliace. Navarra has declared war upon Tlemcen.

January `1, 1478 - I repay the loan that we took earlier to hire that economist.

February 26, 1478 - Tunisia has again invited us into their alliance with Tlemcen. This time, I accept.

May 1, 1478 - I slash military spending to 50% of what it currently is. Althoguh we certainyl can afford 100% percent, tere is simply no need, and with our rather high inflation, I feel better with it under control.

August 21, 1478 - Transkei finally expands.

February 12, 1479 - Navarra has chosen "Francois Febus of Foix is Heir" in Death of John II of Aragon and Navarra.

April 2, 1479 - Navarra have become the vassals of Aragon.

May 1, 1479 - Our Inquisition has been successful in Oporto and the people there have converted to the one true faith. Oh, marvelous day when we are joined with others in our worship!

June 16, 1479 - Spain has joined the English/Brittany alliance.

August 18, 1479 - THe nobility demand that I Grant them Export Licenses. To do so will cost us 50 ducats. Failure would cause instability. I pay.

September 10, 1479 - Transkei again expands.

February 5, 1480 - We have the "Contrareconquista of Toledo"

"As Toledo was vital to the Reconquista of Iberia, so would it have been had the moslems taken the gold mines on the region fro the reverse purpose. Spain would request reparations to mend relations with Granada. Granada could make nice witht he Spainards and send reparations, or laugh in their faces and prepare the defenses. Each choice would have diplomatic consequences."

Our choices are:

"Laugh at those Spainards"

Relations with Spain -150
Morocco, Ottomans +50
Portugal -50
Fortress in Toledo +1

"Make Reparations"

Relations with Spain +150
Morocco, Ottomans -50
-100 ducats
Stability -1
Revoltrisk incresed +5 for 12 months

Although this is an easy way to make nice with the Iberians, I prefer to fortify Toledo and make nice with Morocco.

I Laugh at those Spaniards.
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Old 06-21-2003, 11:36 PM   #48
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July 2, 1480 - Naples canceled their vassalization with Aragon.

September 9, 1480 - Transkei expands.

September 11, 1480 - We enter into Trade Agreements with Scotland, Siena, and Savoy.

November 20, 1480 - Spain has captured Orania, the capital of Tlemcen.

May 20, 1481 - An anonymous Gift to the State has occured, bequeathing us with 100 ducats.

July 1, 1481 - Guyenne has declared her independance from England and declared war upon her as well. While Brittany has joined her ally, Spain has dishonored their alliance.

This would be an excellent time for Tlemcen to call upon her allies Tunisia and Granada to join war against Spain....

September 1, 1481 - Our land technology has advanced. We can now build Level 2 Fortresses.

October 24, 1481 - Transkei has expanded. The 1500 natives have joined us, and we now have a full province:

Transkei: On the eatern side of Southern Africa lies the province of Transkei. 2191 people work the fields here harvesting grain. The pople of Transkei tarde via the Center of Trade in Zanzibar. They create 6 ducats in taxes for us annually.

I order a Tax Collector built here. Transkei is the first major colony in the southern half of Africa by any power.

December 28, 1481 - Spain had Conflict with Granada.

January 1, 1482 - I order troops built in Leon.

January 23, 1483 - We have the following event:

Muhammad XII the Foolish

"Isabel de Solis was the daughter of a rich Christian nobleman who was captured by the Moors. The then ruler of Granada, Muley Hacen, fell in love with her beuaty and charm. Isabel de Solis coverted to Islam, changed her name to Soraya and would later become the favorite of Muley Hacen. This would be to the detriment of Ayesha, mother of the rightful heir Muhammad XII, who feared that any children by Soraya would usurp power from Muhammad XII. In a grab for control of the kingdom, Muhammad XII fought his father Mulay Hacen and uncle Muhammad al-Zagal. Muhammad XII enlisted the support of the powerful noble family of the Abencerrajes, forcing his father to enlist the support of powerful and rival noble family the Zegries, which plunged Granada into civil war."

Our revolt risk is chnaged by +3 for the next 12 months
Our stability drops massively by -4
Revolt in Gibraltar
Monarch's admin, military, and diplomatic skills are neutered for the next 6 months.
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Old 06-22-2003, 02:02 AM   #49
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
Civil War

I order the troops currently stationed in Leon to Gibraltar to put down the rebels there.

Luckily, Tangiers is no longer suffering from nationalism. However, Leon and Oporto are major hot spots right now.

February 1, 1482 - Provence declared independance from France.

February 6, 1482 - Spain rejoined the alliance with Brittany and England

March 1, 1482 - We have a new monarch Abu Abd'Allah

April 1, 1482 - The peasants in Granada are revolting!

April 7, 1482 - Our forces arrive in Gibraltar.

April 23, 1482 - We lose in Gibraltar. I move our maintanence on troops to 100%.

June 1, 1482 - We have another monarch - Muhammad Al-Zagal. Damn this civil war.

June 10, 1482 - Provence was annexed by France.

July 24, 1482 - Our troops arrive back in Gibraltar.

August 4, 1482 - Although we lose in Gibraltar, the rebels have lost enough men, and they can now no longer besiege the city itself. We'll regroup in Andalusia and move into Granada. I order more troops.

October 21, 1482 - We arrive in Granada 22,000 strong.

October 30, 1482 - We again lose in the mountain passes to rebels. Our troops are retreating to Toledo.

December 27, 1482 - We arrive back in Granada to contest the rebels.

January 4, 1483 - Again, we lose but defeat enough of the rebels to no longer worry about losing the city.

I order more troops built in Toledo.

February 15, 1483 - Aragon is very busy setting up Trading Posts in the Caribbean.

April 3, 1483 - We arrive to wipe the rebels from Granada.

April 5, 1483 - We defea the rebels. On to Gibraltar!

April 6, 1483 - Tlemcen accepts peace with Spain and gives Spain Al Djazair.

May 3, 1483 - Our troops arrive in Gibraltar.

May 12, 1483 - The remaining rebels are crushed.

October 16, 1483 - A Military Advisor comes by, I can hire him for 100 ducats, which we don't have, and have various benefits. I turn him away, however.

January 1, 1484 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with Morocco and Tunisia.

March 5, 1484 - Our naval techlology has advanced.

March 16, 1484 - Portugal went with I know where India is! in Enterprise of the Indies.

March 17, 1484 - Morocco declares war upon Songhai.

August 2, 1484 - Spain had Torquemada.

August 4, 1484 - Spain has declared war upon Tunisia. Tunisia and Tlemcen are asking for our help as their ally. I relent.
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Old 06-22-2003, 02:31 AM   #50
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Catonsville, MD
The Spanish-Granada War of 1484-1486

I dispatch 10000 soldiers to Galicia, the north-western tip of Iberia. I order 3000 troops equipped in Leon.

August 9, 1484 - Spain has "Granada and Los Reyes Catolicos."
Their troops are now lead by "Los Reyes Catolicos," The Catholic Kings. More specifically, Ferdinand.

August 15, 1484 - I spy Ferdinand marching his troops towards Leon. I order my 14000 men in Leon to Oporto.

September 1, 1484 - My troops from Leon arrive in Oporto.

September 5, 1484 - Ferdinand arrives in Leon with 22000 men. 7000 more Spanish troops are marching from the north.

I order 3000 more troops in Oporto.

September 16, 1484 - My 10000 troops arrive in Galicia and initiate a siege.

My troops in Oporto are stuck there. I cannot get into the rest of my territory without going through Ferdinand and his army or crossing the river into the hills of Estramadura, thus stranding my Galician army. I'd like to strike at Castilla while Ferdinand is elsewhere engaged, maybe I can go through Estramadura.

September 19, 1484 - 7000 Spanish troops arrive in Oporto from the northern province of Asturias.

Although they are outnumbered, they have more calvary and morale.

September 15, 1484 - I order my troops in Oporto to retreat across the river to Estramadura.

November 1, 1484 - Our stability increases! We are now offically out of civil unrest.

December 22, 1484 - Spain keeps moving troops into Leon in support of the siege while attrition is killing more troops than I ever could.

January 1, 1485 - I order 4000 more troops in Andalusia. I also launch the Gibraltar fleet.

February 15, 1485 - We defeat Spanish ships in the Straight of Gibraltar.

April 3, 1485 - 12000 Spanish troops have landed, in of all places, Tangiers.

August 2, 1485 - Spain captures Leon.

August 6, 1485 - We capture Galicia.

August 7, 1485 - Spain offers us peace and demands our 3 ducats. I accept.
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