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Old 03-02-2004, 07:48 PM   #1
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(President FOFC Forever) SkydogPublican Debate:

We have the following candidates who have declared for the 2004 Presidential Election from the party of the patriotic pants, the SkyDogpublicans

JoninMiddleGA (Georgia)
SackAttack (California)
Dutch (California)
Sooner333 (Oklahoma)
samifan24 (Connecticut)
Wolfpack (North Carolina)

Would each of the candidates please submit their answers in this thread:

1) What do you think is the greatest problems facing America ahead of the 2004 election?

2) What do you have to say to those who say that the current campaign finance setup favors the two established parties, at the expense of people's choice

3) Do you think the American military should be downsized as the threat of the Cold War recedes?

4) How much if a role do you think cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion should come into play with regards to a presidential race?

5) What is the greatest feature you bring to the party, ie, why should the SkydogPublicans elect you to the nomination for President?

Feel free to answer as verbose or as succinct as you do.. just remember your fellow SkyDogpublicans are watching, and will vote!
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Old 03-02-2004, 08:58 PM   #2
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1) What do you think is the greatest problems facing America ahead of the 2004 election?

Financial ruin can come from many places, but the most important place is in the wallet of the American consumer. As the baby boomers reach retirement age, costs for things like Social Security are going to skyrocket. It's no secret that the way the system is devised, those currently earning a working wage are being asked to support the retirements of the elderly on their own backs. As the baby boomers retire, the retirement community is going to balloon in size, and the pool of workers able to support the system is going to shrink drastically. In effect, we're asking Americans today to not only support the retirements of those who came before, but we're acknowledging that the same system will not be there to support them in THEIR old age, and that they must plan for their own retirements, as well.

This needs to change, or it will destroy the economic foundation of our country, and that will be a devastation decades in the recovery.

2) What do you have to say to those who say that the current campaign finance setup favors the two established parties, at the expense of people's choice.

The American people have always had a choice - a vote with the wallet speaks just as loudly as a vote at a ballot booth. If the American people are disenchanted with SkyDogpublicans or Wigocrats, there are a multitude of smaller parties that would welcome their support, both physically and financially.

Of course, it goes without saying that I hope the American people see in my campaign a vision of a strong, prosperous future, led by a man of integrity. I would hope that my message is appealing enough to them that they will have no need for the third parties.

It would be foolish, however, to postulate that a government currently dominated by those two parties should be entrusted with the keys to reform - that would be like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. Any true, lasting change must come from the American people themselves.

That said, governments with more than two strong parties often face instability - shifting coalitions, or even the outright dissolution of their parliamentary body. Is that a future we want for America?

3) Do you think the American military should be downsized as the threat of the Cold War recedes?

The Cold War may have passed, but the threats still remain. The Cold War was never about the USA vs the USSR - it was always fought by proxy. Cuba, Vietnam, Korea...all of these are venues where the battle of ideals was fought, but also where the greatest danger to America and her way of life laid. Cuba, for example, just sixty miles off the American coast, at one point had missiles aimed at us. In an era where a nuclear weapon can be as small as a suitcase, and one individual can cause the kind of destruction it used to take an entire country's might to achieve, it is as imperative as ever to maintain a strong military presence.

Strong, however, doesn't necessarily mean LARGE. I believe that we can remake the American military, make it stronger, better trained, better equipped, and more efficient, and eliminate wasteful or irrelevant arms of it. Cutting military spending isn't the answer, necessarily, although if that can be achieved in coordination with the other goals to which the military must aspire, so much the better. The key, rather, is in proper, efficient stewardship of those resources.

4) How much if a role do you think cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion should come into play with regards to a presidential race?

The rights and freedoms of the entire American people must, of necessity, be put before the views of one man. I will never back down from my beliefs - that I strongly protest to abortion on both legal and moral grounds, and that I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman. I also strongly believe in the rule of law, however. Roe v Wade is the law of the land, and until such time as that changes, as President, I will uphold and defend that with the same tenacity with which I will uphold and defend the Constitution and the several laws of the United States. I would oppose the redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples, but I would be in support of legislation granting those couples the rights and privileges we accord to married couples.

5) What is the greatest feature you bring to the party, ie, why should the SkydogPublicans elect you to the nomination for President?

I bring a vision for a strong, prosperous, vibrant American future.

I believe that your money is, in fact, your money. The job of the United States government is to provide for the defense of the country, as well as such vital needs as may arise - a national transportation infrastructure, for example. It is not the job of the government to provide a roof over every head, and a chicken in every pot. However, by allowing the American people to keep more of what they earn, two objectives will be accomplished.

First: they'll be able to set aside more for their own retirements, lessening the need for inherently flawed programs such as Medicare and Social Security.

Second: With more disposable income, Americans will spend that money. We are not a spartan nation, but a nation of people dedicated not just to hard work, but to entertainment and luxury, as well. As the money is spent, opportunities will arise for new businesses, or expansion of old businesses. With those opportunities come new jobs, and with those new jobs will come greater financial prosperity for every man, woman and child in the nation.

I believe that the government IS responsible for the education of its future citizenry, but I believe that the parents of those children are the best arbiters of what sort of education their child should receive. To that end, I believe that parents of ALL creeds, denominations, races, and financial backgrounds should be granted vouchers, to be redeemed at the school of their choice. Let the parents, not a bureaucracy, decide what's best for their children.

I believe that immigration has built this country into the great nation it is today, but I believe firmly in the rule of law, as well. I believe that if you come here in the manner set forth by law, and if you're willing to work to achieve your dreams, America can, will, and should welcome you with open arms. By the same token, I do not believe that those who break America's laws to come here should reap her benefits. I would be in favor of a Constitutional amendment restricting natural-born citizenship to the children of those here legally, whether they be alien residents, or foreign visitors who have followed the proper channels.

I believe in an open, fair and free market, but I believe in such for ALL markets, not just our own. To our trading partners around the world, I would say "Open your markets to us, and we will respond in kind. Keep them closed, and ours will remain closed to you." It is neither right, nor fair, to the American worker, that the goods of other countries should be sold here when American workers lose jobs because foreign markets will not buy American goods.

Most of all, I believe in the wisdom of the American people. I believe that those who vote do so with integrity, and in an informed manner, and I believe that the American people are best suited to determine the fate of our country. And I believe, in that wisdom, that the American people will see fit to elect me as their next President of the United States.
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Old 03-02-2004, 09:10 PM   #3
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1) What do you think is the greatest problems facing America ahead of the 2004 election?

The greatest problems will be trying to keep the family structure in tact, continuing to provide a great quality of life Americans enjoy, and the forces of corrupt nations and groups who enjoy their own freedoms while having to oppress the millions of people within their sphere of influence.

Everybody knows that social distortion and apathy towards others is not a new phenomena, but something that has always been created by poor enviroments in which a child grows up in.

Reducing these poor enviroments by promoting the family structure of "one father and one mother" instead of trivializing it is the best course of action and something we need to always respect. The enviroment of "one mother and one father" has never been written into a Constitution or any law book. That is because it has been a tradition that has always proved to cause more positive results than negative. I am a firm believer of, "It it's not broken, don't fix it."

9 out of 10 refugees still say America's #1. And so do I! Why is everybody trying to come to America? Because we have, by far, created the best, least-corrupt private industry structure in the history of the world. This is still the land of opportunity beyond any other. A recent survey of 1,500 random USA citizens showed that 67% of us consider ourselves "happy with their lives" compared to a random 1,500 sample of Europeans that showed an underwhelming 37% of it's citizens "happy with their lives". That was a USA Today poll taken in 2003. This is due in no small part to the benefits that "Big Business" has granted our society over "Big Government". And when I say, "Big Business", I mean quality and quantity, not just the big corporations such as Microsoft and IBM. I'm talking about everything from Microsoft down to Bob Hardware Store. Private Industry is the backbone of our nation. It is to be cherished and respected, not ripped apart for socialistic rationales that have never worked in large societies.

But all this happiness and wealth that Americans enjoy has to cause an alternate reaction somewhere on the planet. It does. Particularly in the Middle East where roughly 500 million people control some of the richest and most valuable assets in the world, and yet only a handful can claim a high quality of life. Why is that? Corrupt governments. Kings and Dictators who use the fear of Allah and the darkness of private torture chambers to keep themselves propped up. And their use of propoganda that has not been so deliberately misleading since the doomdays of Nazi Germany. In the poverty stricken, uncontrolled wastelands of these kingdoms and despotism fester propoganda blinded hate filled groups who have no idea how well they could live if they had a fair and balanced system of government such as the United States of America. They see nothing but our happiness, and it fills them with the hatred to cause death and destruction to our hard working men, women, and children, and our the proud monuments of our work. They will continue to act and behave like this until those who spread the anti-US propoganda continue to fill their minds with this garbage. We must fight these groups directly, but we must not lay the full responsability burden on their laps. We must confront oppression in government everywhere and help spread freedom and democracy whenever we can.

2) What do you have to say to those who say that the current campaign finance setup favors the two established parties, at the expense of people's choice.

I'd say they are right. But taxing people is not the people's choice either. But it's for a greater good that I think is overlooked. A two-party system provdes a great check and balance to our form of government that refuses to allow one party to swing to far to the right or to the left, while strongly favouring our ability to maintain long-term projects that last more than 4 years. Look at some governments out there, such as Turkey (where I lived for nearly 3 years). They have so many different styles of government pulling in different direction that you will see bridges half complete go up, roads that lead to nowhere, skeletons of building projects go unfinished, because each new government stops the work of the old government and starts from scratch. Every 4-6 years. Sometimes too many options provides no direction, and lack of direction is not what the USA needs now, or ever.

3) Do you think the American military should be downsized as the threat of the Cold War recedes?

Well, do I think it should be downsized from Cold War levels? Yes, but the military has already undergone a transformation to the tune of reducing 40% of it's size since 1992. I think the 2003 War in Iraq showed just how many lives are saved if you spend money on having the most advanced, most powerful military in the world. The Iraqi's have been burying their airplanes in the sand for 12 years now. Not only is that a great sign of respect to our armed forces, but it's a huge saver of life.

4) How much if a role do you think cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion should come into play with regards to a presidential race?

I think if the people want to make these things issues, they will decide how much of a role they play. It's not really up to me. I have my opinions on these matters and will discuss them if that's what people want to talk about.

5) What is the greatest feature you bring to the party, ie, why should the SkydogPublicans elect you to the nomination for President?

In the immortal words of Ronald "Dutch" Reagan, "If you thought America was going to be pacifist, you thought wrong." Thank you! Thank you! God Bless America! Thank you, all! Good night!

[wild applause]
35 minutes passes.....
[/wild applause dies down]

Last edited by Dutch : 03-02-2004 at 09:11 PM.
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Old 03-02-2004, 09:12 PM   #4
Lethargic Hooligan
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Jon and Dutch have the early lead in gaining the Hooligan endorsement, but there is some concerns over electability.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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Old 03-02-2004, 09:14 PM   #5
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Hooligans? I know "Bricks and Sniffer", will that hurt me or help me get those added under-table votes?
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Old 03-02-2004, 09:25 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Dutch
They see nothing but our happiness, and it fills them with the hatred to cause death and destruction to our hard working men, women, and children, and our the proud monuments of our work. They will continue to act and behave like this until those who spread the anti-US propoganda continue to fill their minds with this garbage. We must fight these groups directly, but we must not lay the full responsability burden on their laps. We must confront oppression in government everywhere and help spread freedom and democracy whenever we can.

I would disagree with my fellow Californian and esteemed colleague. Why should our happiness be the cause of their hatred, and our assets the target of their attacks? If they are truly unhappy under the sultans, kings, and dictators of the world, let them rise up! The United States will support them, but it is never certain that our intervention will direct their hatred elsewhere.

In Iraq, a country recently freed from the shackles of a brutal dictatorship, our men and women daily come under enemy fire. Why should this be? We have freed their country, and are working to establish a better quality of life for all who reside there.

No, Dutch, those who would spread fear, hatred, and anger will find a reason to do so no matter what the circumstances. We are, to a degree, obligated to help our fellow man in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, but what you propose is still an immortal Catch-22. Either they will hate us because of what we have that they cannot have, or they will hate us for "imposing" our way of life upon them. We must win the battle of hearts and minds, but to do so, we must ensure that those hearts and minds are free not just of hate and vitriol, but free of fear from reprisal.

Terrorist groups are, by their very nature, extreme. They do not listen to words, they respond only to one kind of action. If they were men of reason, they would not strap bombs to their chests and blow up innocent civilians in public restaurants. They would not fly airplanes into skyscrapers full of innocent lives, and they would not shoot down airliners in the name of whatever their pet cause is.

Over half a century ago, Germany initiated the most horrific war the world has ever seen. They did so ostensibly in a nationalistic upswing, a rising up against the shackles of the Treaty of Versailles. Elements of that were certainly a factor in the sweeping to power of Hitler and the Nazi Party, but it is impossible to overlook the lust for power to which such men must naturally aspire. Evil men do evil deeds, and all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to sit back and do nothing, or to do the wrong thing in the hopes of appeasing evil.

Evil cannot be reasoned with, evil cannot be bargained with, evil cannot be appeased, and evil must be rooted out and destroyed, whatever form it may take. We are men of reason, but above all else, we must also be men of action.
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Old 03-02-2004, 09:30 PM   #7
Lethargic Hooligan
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Location: hello kitty found my wallet at a big tent revival and returned it with all the cash missing
oh. the Hitler card comes out early
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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Old 03-02-2004, 09:33 PM   #8
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Perhaps. I mean simply that evil men in positions of power will use whatever they must to accomplish their aims, whether or not the grievances that sweep them to power are legitimate.

If the grievances really are against oppressive governments that restrain the quality of life overseas...why are we their targets? Evil will fan what flames it must to accomplish its objectives, whether it be the eradication of an entire people, or simply the fear and subjugation of a populace to evil's will.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:01 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by SackAttack
Terrorist groups are, by their very nature, extreme. They do not listen to words, they respond only to one kind of action. If they were men of reason, they would not strap bombs to their chests and blow up innocent civilians in public restaurants. They would not fly airplanes into skyscrapers full of innocent lives, and they would not shoot down airliners in the name of whatever their pet cause is.

Exactly, I would never suggest these folks are nuclear scientists. Those are the guys working for the corrupt dictators and kings and ex-generals. We must prove to the Middle East, for all our sakes, that freedom can be accepted, democracy can prevail, and strong government of the people, by the people can better police their own.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:23 PM   #10
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How do you propose to do that without first rooting out those who would like nothing better than to knock the underpinnings out of a democratic society in the Middle East?
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:25 PM   #11
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1) What do you think is the greatest problems facing America ahead of the 2004 election?

There are two issues that have come to the forefront of our nation since the past election cycle. Terrorism and the economy. We all remember the episode of September 11, 2001; it would be a hard event to forget. We have taken great steps to ensure that terrorism will someday be stopped, but our job is not yet done. Osama bin Laden and the rest of al Qaeda must be captured. Other cells of terrorism, must be located and contained. This is an issue that will face our nation for years to come. I am afraid that some people may not understand the utmost importance of this issue. Once Osama and his followers see our guard get let down, they will strike again, just as they did on September 11th.

Another issue is the economy. Everybody is worried about the economy. It is true that we have been off of our highs in the past couple of years. However, people are quick to point a finger at the most recent events. The truth of the matter is, President Clinton ended his tenure as president in an economy that was starting a roll downhill. Now it is back on track, and this is thanks to the long-term effects of tax-cuts. As people see the end of the recession, they will start spending and investing their savings that have been given to them in the tax-cuts. It is my goal to make sure each one of the tax cuts stays in effect and in fact get extended for many years to come. As our economy improves, I will work to lower government spending, cutting out the waste and making our government much more efficient. I hope to be able to work with Congress to get America's economy back to where it used to be.

2) What do you have to say to those who say that the current campaign finance setup favors the two established parties, at the expense of people's choice

I would say that these people are way off base. We have established a policy, through McCain-Feingold, that already greatly limits campaign funding and soft-money. I supported that issue, and consider that to be "the step" not "a step" to where we should be. The fact is that our party system is polarized right now, there are two distinctions between the left and the right. Yes, there are moderates, but even the moderates are to the left or right of their opponents. We do have multiple options. Furthermore, I see no reason why a third or fourth party could not enter the mix. If their view represent a large portion of American's views, there is no reason why they couldn't get the percentage of the vote needed to get public funding. As for now, I think we have two distinct sides, and that isn't a problem...Americans still have choice.

3) Do you think the American military should be downsized as the threat of the Cold War recedes?

Absolutely not. The military is not needed as a scare tactic anymore against Russia, but in real action against a threat that has proven it will act, terrorism. Furthermore, our efforts in Iraq could not have been done with a greatly reduced military. We have seen the toppling of Saddam Hussain, a better government given to the people of Iraq, and that will lead to better lives for Iraqi citizens. Without our military being strong, none of that would have happened. With the always imminent threat of terror, we must keep our military as strong as it is right now. Anything lower would be unacceptable.

4) How much if a role do you think cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion should come into play with regards to a presidential race?

I think cultural issues will play a role in this election, because the issue is in the news. People want to know what we, as candidates, think. The issues can lead to who a President will appoint to Federal judgeships, so it isn't a moot issue. Most moral issues are state's rights, but some may need to be looked into further as national policy for the unity of our nation. I will make my opinions known on these issues, however, I think terrorism and our economy are bigger issues right now, and my campaign will focus on those, rather than moral issues.

5) What is the greatest feature you bring to the party, ie, why should the SkydogPublicans elect you to the nomination for President?

I think my experience and leadership can get me to the White House. The goal is to get a SkyDogpublican to the White House, and I think I have the best shot to get there. As the governor of Oklahoma, I have helped pass initiatives to help education and help move our state's economy back to where it was in the early 80s. I have had to deal with terrorism and rebuilding the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. I also have a platform which is mostly to the right-center. I think by having clearly defined issues that both SkyDogpublicans and some Wigocrats can agree on, I have the best shot to get to the White House. I have shown the leadership skills necessary to help my state, and the next level is my country.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:45 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by SackAttack
How do you propose to do that without first rooting out those who would like nothing better than to knock the underpinnings out of a democratic society in the Middle East?

When the USS Cole was bombed, the sailors spent a better portion of their time patching the hole under the water line vs. pailing water over the side of the boat. But I would like to note that they accomplished both feats simultaneously, just to save time and money.

Last edited by Dutch : 03-02-2004 at 10:46 PM.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:49 PM   #13
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1) What do you think is the greatest problem facing America ahead of the 2004 election?

I believe the greatest problem facing America in the years ahead is the deterioration of our society. I believe that evil will always be present in our great country, but there are steps we as a nation can take to prevent its spread. In the days since 9/11 we have proven that we have the greatest military in the world and can sleep easier knowing that we are well-protected against terrorist hoodlums. I believe that our military combats evil on a global level by preventing the spread of terror networks, such as Al-Qaeda, and brutal regimes, such as that of Saddam Hussein. I believe that our military combats the breakdown of society on a global level.

On a national level, I believe that the cultural issues of abortion and gay marriage are important as well. I believe that abortion and gay marriage threaten the sanctity of our society. Although abortion is the more important issue, both issues remain key in our effort to maintain our society. Abortion and gay marriage threaten what our society has always triumphed and I believe that they, combined with our military efforts, remain key players in our fight to combat the deteriotation of our modern society.

2) What do you have to say to those who say that the current campaign finance setup favors the two established parties, at the expense of people's choice?

I believe that the two major parties represent the majority of Americans. While there will always be those who feel as though neither party reflects their own views accurately, I encourage those voters to take a look at some of the third and even fourth party candidates who may represent their beliefs better than Republicans or Democrats might.

That said, I do not believe that the current campaign finance setup favors the two most established parties, but rather grants credence to the two most viable parties as they vie for the White House. The third and fourth party candidates often want to bring certain issues to light, and I respect that, but I believe that the 2004 race will be a two party race and the campaign finance setup is an acceptable format for delivering these two parties to the American public.

3) Do you think the American military should be downsized as the threat of the Cold War recedes?

One of the greatest things about living in this great nation of ours is the knowledge that we are well-protected by the men & women of our armed forces. In times of turmoil and in times of peace, Americans sleep easier knowing they are always protected by these dedicated individuals. In this spirit, I believe that our nation's military forces should benefit from the same funding and support that have always enjoyed in the past and, conversely, should not be downsized despite the receding threat of the Cold War.
As we have seen in the years following the 9/11 attacks, we need our military to be the best in the world so that we may remain protected and live our lives without fear of terrorist thugs in our nation or any other. Our nation may only enjoy the benefits of the greatest military force in the world through a continual, sustained financial support of our military. It is imperative that our military remain sharp to send a message to the world: that the United States will not tolerate thuggery and bullish behavior for any foe, great or small. For these reasons, we must maintain our military funding and support.

4) How much if a role do you think cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion should come into play with regards to a presidential race?

I believe that cultural issues may rise to prominence during the 2004 election, but that really depends on the issues the public and the media address. That said, if I were a betting man I would bet that abortion and gay marriage will become key issues at some point along the campaign trail and I eagerly await that time when I can elaborate on my prior comments on the two issues and why I believe they hinder the progression of our great society.

5) What is the greatest feature you bring to the party, ie, why should the SkydogPublicans elect you to the nomination for President?

While I am not the most experienced candidate, I am a good communicator: simply put I am concise and articule my arguments well. If my party chooses to nominate me, they may rest assured I will fight the other nominees with everything I've got. They will know that I will outprepare and outwork my opponents in my quest for the Presidency. Thank you.

edit-- for Fritz
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Last edited by samifan24 : 03-03-2004 at 09:22 AM.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:53 PM   #14
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Dutch or Sami so far for me.
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Old 03-02-2004, 10:57 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by SackAttack
I would disagree with my fellow Californian and esteemed colleague. Why should our happiness be the cause of their hatred, and our assets the target of their attacks? If they are truly unhappy under the sultans, kings, and dictators of the world, let them rise up! The United States will support them, but it is never certain that our intervention will direct their hatred elsewhere.

In Iraq, a country recently freed from the shackles of a brutal dictatorship, our men and women daily come under enemy fire. Why should this be? We have freed their country, and are working to establish a better quality of life for all who reside there.

No, Dutch, those who would spread fear, hatred, and anger will find a reason to do so no matter what the circumstances. We are, to a degree, obligated to help our fellow man in the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness, but what you propose is still an immortal Catch-22. Either they will hate us because of what we have that they cannot have, or they will hate us for "imposing" our way of life upon them. We must win the battle of hearts and minds, but to do so, we must ensure that those hearts and minds are free not just of hate and vitriol, but free of fear from reprisal.

Terrorist groups are, by their very nature, extreme. They do not listen to words, they respond only to one kind of action. If they were men of reason, they would not strap bombs to their chests and blow up innocent civilians in public restaurants. They would not fly airplanes into skyscrapers full of innocent lives, and they would not shoot down airliners in the name of whatever their pet cause is.

Over half a century ago, Germany initiated the most horrific war the world has ever seen. They did so ostensibly in a nationalistic upswing, a rising up against the shackles of the Treaty of Versailles. Elements of that were certainly a factor in the sweeping to power of Hitler and the Nazi Party, but it is impossible to overlook the lust for power to which such men must naturally aspire. Evil men do evil deeds, and all that is needed for evil to triumph is for good men to sit back and do nothing, or to do the wrong thing in the hopes of appeasing evil.

Evil cannot be reasoned with, evil cannot be bargained with, evil cannot be appeased, and evil must be rooted out and destroyed, whatever form it may take. We are men of reason, but above all else, we must also be men of action.

You got my vote!
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Old 03-03-2004, 05:47 AM   #16
Lethargic Hooligan
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Originally Posted by samifan24
1) What do you think is the greatest problems facing America ahead of the 2004 election?

While I am not the most experienced candidate, I am a good communicator: simply put I am concise and articule my arguments well.

This has inadvertantly funny running mate written all over it.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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Old 03-03-2004, 08:51 AM   #17
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Check out Foz's New Video Game Site, An 8-bit Mind in an 8GB world!
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Old 03-03-2004, 09:21 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Fritz
This has inadvertantly funny running mate written all over it.

Hey Fritz, that was exactly how the question was given to me. I'm just answering the question.

edit- I fixed it. Happy now, ya hooligan?
"You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball...and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time." -Jim Bouton

Last edited by samifan24 : 03-03-2004 at 09:23 AM.
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Old 03-03-2004, 10:38 AM   #19
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1) What do you think is the greatest problems facing America ahead of the 2004 election?
Simply put, the greatest challenge is our War on Terror. Above all things a President must do is to defend the citizens from enemies foreign and domestic. All our freedoms, all our rights, and all our prosperity are owed to a strong defense of the country. Without it, everything else is moot.

Secondarily, the economy is also a challenge. I understand that while every economic indicator is booming, that means little to a man or woman who has lost his job during the recent downturn. However, jobs are typically the last thing to pick up during an improving economy so it is hard to say what, if anything, the government should do to help these people other than to keep doing what has been done, like tax cuts for people and businesses, and seeing where it leads us into the next couple of years. I do oppose, in any case, any immediate cancellation of the tax cuts put in place by the current administration.

2) What do you have to say to those who say that the current campaign finance setup favors the two established parties, at the expense of people's choice
To that, I say, it is what it is. Because of the nature of the electoral system, it forces the two dominant parties to have to be as inclusive in their positions as possible. Even if we were to have some sort of multi-party type system, what are the odds of a candidate from a fringe party doing anything of significance anyway other than perhaps winning a House seat. And what's more, who is defining "the people's choice"? Is it necessarily the guy just grabbing all the headlines because the media's looking for a story? Just because someone can fill a room with supporters doesn't mean those supporters are going to end up voting for him. Plenty of "people's choice" candidates have imploded during the primaries for one reason or another. In the end, you still have to get more eligible votes than the other guy.

3) Do you think the American military should be downsized as the threat of the Cold War recedes?
No. As a matter of fact, it should be expanded and made stronger. As seen in our deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq and even perhaps Haiti, we are stretched very thin right now. Should a rogue nation such as North Korea instigate a conventional war that would require large numbers of armed forces, I'm not sure whether we could meet the challenge at the moment. Just because the Soviet Union has been dead for a decade does not mean the US should shirk its responsibility to defend itself and its allies, conventionally and unconventionally.

4) How much if a role do you think cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion should come into play with regards to a presidential race?
Normally, these issues should not be part of any such debate for Presidency, since these kinds of issues should be settled by the elected representatives of the people, namely Congress and the state legislatures. However, as the judiciary has become more aggressive in enforcing its will on the nation regardless of national opinion, it has unfortunately become something that probably should be debated, since the President is ultimately responsible for appointing the judges to Federal benches. As a result, we have all sorts of ugliness attached to judicial confirmations. Litmus tests on abortion, civil rights, and a host of other issues have effectively stymied the appointments of many judges because the party opposing them does not want those appointments to pass because they know full well once the judge is seated, it's nearly impossible to get that judge out of there. As a result, everyone looks to who the President appoints as a gauge of his beliefs and since gay marriage and abortion are very visible issues right now, people are going to want to know what the President believes in because it may show up in who he appoints to these important positions.

Personally, I am opposed to abortion and gay marriage, but I will do my best to try to appoint individuals capable of their jobs of acting as impartial jurists who will interpret law as it is written and not as they think it should be written, regardless of what their stance on any one issue is.

5) What is the greatest feature you bring to the party, ie, why should the SkydogPublicans elect you to the nomination for President?
A strong dedication to the core beliefs of the party: a reduced tax burden which in turn leads to a less intrusive Federal government, a strong defense to ensure "the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity", an emphasis on the family as the true cornerstone of American life, an unrestricted right to keep and bear arms, and a willingness to have people judged "not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character".

Last edited by Wolfpack : 03-03-2004 at 10:38 AM.
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Old 03-03-2004, 10:42 AM   #20
Lethargic Hooligan
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Originally Posted by samifan24
Hey Fritz, that was exactly how the question was given to me. I'm just answering the question.

edit- I fixed it. Happy now, ya hooligan?

Your thoughts on the deterioration of society has the interest of the Hooligan block.
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Old 03-03-2004, 11:09 AM   #21
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I am somewhat frightened that two candidates mentioned gay marriage in their answer to the question about what are the greatest problems facing America today.

Whether you're for it or against it, to even list it in the same breath as terrorism and the economy is ludicrous.
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Old 03-03-2004, 11:10 AM   #22
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Dola -

And smacks of jumping on the coattails of the hot-button issue of the day to try to win votes.
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Old 03-03-2004, 11:31 AM   #23
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The Miscreant endorsement will go to the candidate least likely to take himself seriously.
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Old 03-03-2004, 11:45 AM   #24
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Where is Kodos when you need him? I want my tiny American flag.
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Old 03-03-2004, 12:39 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by KWhit
Dola -

And smacks of jumping on the coattails of the hot-button issue of the day to try to win votes.

Well you might feel that way, but I urge you to look at the larger issue here. I did not identify gay marriage alone as one of the greatest problems facing America, but as a part of the larger problem, the breakdown of society which I believe is the greatest problem facing America in the years to come.

Gay marriage and abortion are two hot-button issues, yes, but they are important issues because I believe they contribute to the breakdown of society which I believe is the biggest issue facing America in the coming years.
"You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball...and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time." -Jim Bouton
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:08 PM   #26
Ryan S
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1) What do you think is the greatest problems facing America ahead of the 2004 election?


United Nations.



And crazy foreigners who want to kill us all.

2) What do you have to say to those who say that the current campaign finance setup favors the two established parties, at the expense of people's choice

The two established parties are the peoples choice. If you can find the supporters you can find the money. If the inependents or others were the choice of the people, surely they would get more than the tiny amount of votes they usually get. (I have no idea what the current campaign finance setup is, I don't follow the really boring parts of US politics)

3) Do you think the American military should be downsized as the threat of the Cold War recedes?

It would be crazy to downsize the military now, when rogue nations all over the world want a piece of us. I would spend more on the military, and tell the rogue leaders to bring it on if they think they are hard enough. Then I would sit back in my chair, switch on the tv, and watch as their capital is shocked and awed into oblivion.

4) How much if a role do you think cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion should come into play with regards to a presidential race?

Unless you are directly affected, and unless the candidates choose to make it an issue, I don't really think it is worth worrying about. There are more important things to worry about. Like the candidate's appearance.

5) What is the greatest feature you bring to the party, ie, why should the SkydogPublicans elect you to the nomination for President?

I bring myself.

I am a sworn enemy of Nomyths.

I won't bore anyone to tears with long political rants.

I will ban you all from FOFC if you don't nominate me.

Last edited by Ryan S : 03-03-2004 at 01:18 PM.
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Old 03-03-2004, 01:10 PM   #27
Lethargic Hooligan
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Ryan - You need an American Birth Certificate.... and more Cowbell.
donkey, donkey, walk a little faster
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Old 03-03-2004, 10:56 PM   #28
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Now that almost all candidates (but one) have entered their responses to the first set of questions, what can we look forward to in the next step of the process?
"You spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball...and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time." -Jim Bouton
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Old 03-04-2004, 04:52 AM   #29
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The Primaries will be posted over the weekend, and will run for approximately 48-72 hours. Then we'll have the convention with the presidential candidate announcing his VP candidate (and the parties setting up their candidates stats if they haven't already) and segue into the President Forever portion
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Old 03-06-2004, 07:27 PM   #30
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One of the front-runners in the SkyDogpublican primary held a weekend photo-op/press conference, addressing several questions he described as posed frequently by reporters & voters alike.

Q1) What do you think is the greatest problems facing America ahead of the 2004 election?

A: Securing the future of America in the face of enemies both foreign & domestic. Not every threat, not every terrorist, uses guns, explosives or weapons of mass destruction to destroy lives.

Q2) What do you have to say to those who say that the current campaign finance setup favors the two established parties, at the expense of people's choice?

A: To that I'd say that people have a clear choice -- who do they contribute their support to? To my knowledge, there are no "enforcers" working for the two established roaming the nation to prevent citizens from offering financial contributions to candidates aligned with other parties. The less-established parties in the U.S. are most often the victims of their own misguided policy decisions and platforms, something they seem reluctant to admit.

Q3) Do you think the American military should be downsized as the threat of the Cold War recedes?

A: No. How's that for a straight answer {chuckles}? The American military is a vital component of securing our interests. While the Cold War may have ended, there are still other threats & concerns that make a strong military not only desirable but crucial as well. Our military must always be composed of adequate numbers, shoud always be supplied with the best equipment available for their tasks, and be afforded the honor & respect it so richly deserves.

Q4) How much if a role do you think cultural issues such as gay marriage and abortion should come into play with regards to a presidential race?

A: I believe I'll have to address these subjects individually.

With regards to so called "gay marriages" -- I believe that marriage is an institution that involves one man and one woman. Period. It's a sad commentary about the decline of society overall that that it appears necessary to have this matter defined by law, but sadly, I believe that to be the case. I'll do everything within my power, and use every amount of influence I have to make that the law of the land.

With regard to access to abortion, it is no secret that my feelings on this differ from some within the party. But if the choice I face is trust the voters to accept that difference & consider it within the context of my overall candidacy or to lie to them, to myself, and to my God when the subject is broached ... well, I'll take my chances with the ability of the voters to make their decision based upon the full range of issues & abilities.

I believe that abortion should remain an unfortunate, but legal, option to every woman in the United States. In simplest terms, there are already far too many unwanted & uncared for children in this country & I will not support any measure that adds to that number.

Q5) What is the greatest feature you bring to the party, ie, why should the SkydogPublicans elect you to the nomination for President?

A: I believe there is nothing so valuable that I bring to this race, and to the office of President of the United States, as my unwavering honesty. Courage is a necessary quality in these troubled times and I believe the courage required to speak sometimes unpopular truths is a demonstration of that trait.

Thank you for your time & attention.
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Old 03-06-2004, 10:21 PM   #31
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Good work, Jon. Better late than never. Now, you have forced me not to get you on not being part of this thread. Damn!
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