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Old 09-22-2006, 03:54 PM   #1
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Werewolf XXXIII: To Crown a King 2 (Game Over)

For information you might want to look at the first game located, here

For those who played in the first game here's some differences between the games:
Assassins can now recieve points
Blackmailing has been replaced by random chance discovery of a Noble Leader's message
Players must be in jail in order to be executed
Players can cast vote to both jail and execute (or free) a player each day
Numerous other refinements

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 10-03-2006 at 10:03 PM.
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Old 09-22-2006, 03:54 PM   #2
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List of players:
1. ntndeacon Killed Night 5; Noble
2. Anxiety
3. Qwikshot Executed Day 3; Assassin
4. Lonestargirl
5. Bulletsponge
6. Schmidty
7. Hoopsguy Killed Night 3; Noble
8. Greyroofoo
9. st.cronin
10. RealDeal
11. Blade6119 Killed Night 3; Faction Leader
12. Fouts
13. King
14. Lathum
15. Chief Rum
16. SnDvls
17. BrianD
18. WVUFan
19. Mr. Wednesday Killed Night 4; Wise Noble

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 10-03-2006 at 06:36 AM.
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Old 09-22-2006, 03:54 PM   #3
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Important in-game Posts:

Night 0 Opening
Day 1 Beginning

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 09-26-2006 at 06:57 AM.
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Old 09-22-2006, 03:54 PM   #4
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Game Basics:

In this game there are two main sides, the Nobles and the Assassins. Within the Nobles there will be two or more (depending on the number of players) Factions. Each faction is attempting to have its own leader crowned King. This game rewards players for correct decision making giving them points based on how they vote.

Game Etiquette
Please do not post any PMs you might receive from me. Feel free to paraphrase but outright posting is not allowed. What happens in the game should be based on what has happened in the game. Please do not wager or let outside grudges affect the game. If you are concerned that a strategy might not be allowed by the rules please contact me before attempting the strategy. Please do not edit/delete posts. The exception for this is to correct spelling or add another quick point with-in a couple minutes of the original posting. Finally, dead players, are, well dead, and should avoid influencing the outcome of the game.

Victory Conditions:

Each side has its own set of victory conditions and can achieve various levels of success.

For the Assassins a normal victory is achieved when a 1-1 ratio of free Assassins and Nobles happens or if the Assassins cause a Revolt. A major victory is if an assassin is crowned king.

For the Nobles a minor victory is achieved if a non-assassin Noble, of a tolerated faction, is crowned king. A normal victory is achieved if a non-assassin Noble from one’s own faction is crowned king OR if all Assassins have been executed. A major victory is achieved if there are no free assassins and a noble from his faction is crowned king.

Dead players are assumed to have one less rank of victory than alive players (so a Normal Victory becomes a Minor Victory)


The game will start with a night 0 cycle. Votes are due by 9 PM Eastern and night actions are due by 7:30 AM Eastern.


There are four types of votes: Jail, Execute, No Execution, and Free.

Each day a player MUST vote to jail another player (jail will be explained more below). A player must also vote either to Execute or Free a player currently in the jail, or for there to be No Execution, which means all players currently in jail stay alive and in jail.

At the end of the day a the player with a plurality of jail votes will be sent to jail.

Additionally, whichever action has a majority vote between Execute, No Execution, and Free will be enacted.

If a noble is executed, all players who voted to execute that player must vote the next day to either Free a Player or for No Execution.

All votes must be placed at the bottom of the post and in bold.
Sample Vote
Execute 1234

In order to change your vote you must list what you had voted for and what you are changing it to, also in bold and at the bottom of the page
Sample Vote Change
Change Jail ABCD to Jail EFGH
Change Execute 1234 to Free 1234


While in jail a person may still speak, but cannot vote or use any special roles, including assassin abilities, they might have (except for the Rich Noble or Favored Noble/Assassin). Players in jail, however, are also safe from being killed by an assassin. Only players in jail by be executed or freed.

The jail is guarded either on even nights or odd nights. This is the opposite of the nights that the majority of the Noble Leaders choose to protect themselves (see Noble Leaders below). If there is no majority (for instance if there are 2 Noble Leaders as one chooses even nights and the other chooses odd nights) then it will be determined randomly by the GM.

When a player is executed his role, but not faction, is revealed and factions are awarded points. Any player executed is dead and out of the game.

Both Assassins and Nobles receive points. Points will not be revealed until after the first execution. Points will then be updated only after each execution.

Points for Nobles
Points are award to Factions based on how well its members vote.

If a person who is executed is an assassin:
+3 points for the first vote cast
+5 points for the lynching votes (in other words if the final votes is 8-3, the 4th vote cast is considered the lynching vote)
+1 point for all other votes

If a person who is executed is a Noble:
-2 points for the first vote cast (-2.5 if the person was a member of your faction)
-3.5 points for the lynching vote (-4 if the person was a member of your faction)
-.5 points to each player of that faction who voted to execute

If a person is sent to Jail who is a Noble:
-1 points for the first person to vote to send a noble to jail
-1 points for the “lynching” vote to send a noble to jail
-.5 points for any player of that noble’s faction who voted to send the noble to jail

If a person is sent to Jail who is an Assassin:
+1.5 points for the first person to vote to send an assassin to jail
+1.5 points for the “lynching” vote to send an assassin to jail
+.5 points for all other players voting to send that assassin to jail

+.5 points for any person voting to Jail an opposing Noble Leader, whether or not they are sent to jail
+.5 points for any person voting to execute an assassin who is not executed
+.5 points for any person who votes to free a noble who is in jail, if that noble is freed
+.5 points for any person voting to free a member of his faction, or a tolerated faction, from jail, whether or not they receive the most votes (may be stacked with the above points)
+.5 points for casting the “lynching” vote for No Execution, if the player with the second most votes was a Noble
-.5 points for failing to cast for both Jail and Execute, No Execution, or Free each day

Points for Assassins
Assassins are attempting to earn negative points.

If a person who is executed is an assassin:
+3 points for the first vote cast
+5 points for the lynching votes (in other words if the final votes is 8-3, the 4th vote cast is considered the lynching vote)
+1 point for all other votes

If a person who is executed is a Noble:
-2 points for the first vote cast
-3.5 points for the lynching vote
-.5 points to each assassin who voted to execute

If a person is sent to Jail who is a Noble:
-.5 points for being the first person to vote to send a noble to jail
-.5 points for being the “lynching” vote to send a noble to jail

If a person is sent to Jail who is an Assassin:
+1 point for being the first person to vote to send an assassin to jail
+1 point for being the “lynching” vote to send an assassin to jail
+.5 points for all other players voting to send that assassin to jail

-.5 points to any assassin successfully voting to jail or execute a Warrior Noble, Sneaky Noble, or Wise Noble (is stacked with any other points earned)
-.5 points for any person voting to free an assassin from jail, whether or not they receive the most votes
+.5 points for casting the “lynching” vote for No Execution, if the player with the second most votes was an Assassin.
+.5 points for failing to cast for both Jail and Execute, No Execution, or Free each day

Crowning the King
After the first execution a point total will be revealed. Once a faction achieves that point total they automatically crown their Noble Leader king, if he is not in jail.

Causing a Revolt
After the first execution a point total will be revealed. If the assassins achieves that point total, they will have disrupted the gathering so much that the public will lose faith in the Nobles’ ability to crown a king and will start to Revolt, leading to an Assassin victory.

Noble Roles:

There will be 1 Noble Leader and at least 1 Fast Talking Noble for each faction in the game. There will also be 1 Wise Noble. All other roles may or may not be in the game and there may be more than 1 of each role.

Noble Leader
This is the person who the faction is trying to get crowned King. This person is known to all members of his faction, however he does not know who any of the members of his faction are. During the night cycle he may send a 15 word message to all members of his faction. The Noble Leader’s vote counts as double for all Jail and Free votes. Finally, the Noble Leader may designate either even or odd days and on those days will receive protection, preventing the Noble Leader from being killed. If the Noble Leader is killed or executed, a new member of the faction (based on a secret order determined before the start of the game by the GM) becomes Noble Leader after 1 cycle (either day or night).

Warrior Noble
Well trained in the martial arts, this Noble may designate one player to be protected during the night cycle, by his entourage. If the assassins attempt to kill that player the attack will fail. The same player may not be protected 2 nights in a row. The Warrior Noble may choose to protect himself.

Sleepless Noble
This poor Noble has trouble sleeping. Once during the game, the insomniac may choose to wander the castle at night. If there is a kill that night, he will learn the identity of one of the assassins. Likewise, that assassin will learn his identity. This power may not be used before Night 3.

Sneaky Noble:
During the night the Sneaky Noble may examine the correspondences of 1 noble to determine whether or not they are an assassin.

Fast Talking Noble
If targeted by the assassins to be killed, this smooth talker will convince the assassins that he is on their side and becomes an assassin. This Noble will still receive all messages from the Noble leader but will count as an assassin for all point purposes. If the known Noble Leader dies after the Fast Talking Noble has become an assassin, he will not learn the identity of the new Noble Leader. A Fast Talking Noble who is an Assassin, will remain in line to become the Noble Leader. Nobles won’t know if they are this role, until they targeted by the assassins and it is possible that the Assassins will only put up with so many "fast talkers" before they will start to ignore such people. This Noble may have an additional role, but will lose those role's powers if they become an assassin.

Lucky Noble
This Noble has remarkably good luck when it counts. One time during the game, if targeted by the assassins, this Noble will not be assassinated. He will know that he was the target of a killing, but will not learn the identities of any of the assassins. Nobles won’t know how lucky they are until they survive an assassination attempt. This Noble may have an additional role.

Rich Noble
With a lot of money to burn, once per game this Noble may bribe the guards to release all people currently in the jail, during the night cycle. This may be used even if the Rich Noble is in jail.

Cocky Noble
This Noble isn’t afraid to take matters into his own hands. Once per game he may kill another player during the night phase. If prevented by bodyguards/Warrior Noble he may try again.

Wise Noble
This Noble is able to pick up on little clues to make correct deductions. He may send in two roles per night and learn if that role is currently present in the game, and how many there are, if present. Upon his death, a list with all the roles he’s found for each day will be found.

Favored Noble
Things have always gone this Noble’s way. If this Noble ends up in jail they may still send or receive their faction’s messages thanks to the kindness of the guards. This player may have an additional role.

Assassins Powers and Roles

The Assassins may freely communicate with each other. Each night the assassins may choose to kill someone or to free all those in jail, if the jail is not being guarded. If choosing to kill, one of the assassins should be designated as the killer. Unless there is only one assassin, the same assassin may not kill two times (note that this does not say nights) in a row.

Each night the Assassins have a 1 in 10 chance (1/10) of discovering a Noble Leader’s message. Once they discover a Noble Leader’s message they will receive all of that Leader’s messages. If the faction gains a new noble leader, the Assassins will no longer receive the Noble Leader’s messages. The assassins may only be receiving two factions messages at one time.

Sly Assassin
This assassin is not what he appears to be. If viewed by the Sneaky Noble, this Assassin will show up as a normal Noble. If he is killed, however, his true identity as Sly Assassin will be revealed.

Vengeful Assassin
If sent to be executed, this assassin will shoot a poison dart into one of the Nobles, causing him to die during the next night cycle. A search of this assassin’s corpse will only reveal him to be a regular Assassin, without special powers.

Clever Assassin
Once per game this Assassin, instead of killing a target, may instead plant evidence on the victim, so if that victim is later killed he will appear to have been an assassin. Point totals will act as though the Noble was an assassin for one day, before being reflected properly the next day.

Efficient Assassin
Able to kill quickly and easily, once per game this assassin may select two targets for the night kill.

Tricky Assassin
Once per game the tricky assassin may choose to have his victim die during the following night cycle, instead of the current night cycle. A search of this assassin’s corpse will only reveal him to be a regular Assassin, without special powers. If the Sleepless Noble power is used, the Sleepless Noble will not learn the Trick Assassin's identity.

Favored Assassin
Things have always gone this Assassin’s way. If this Assassin ends up in jail they may still send or receive messages thanks to the kindness of the guards. This player may have an additional role.

Order Roles are Performed

During the Night Cycle, orders are performed in the following order:
1. Warrior Noble and Noble Leader’s protect
2. Sleepless Noble
3. Assassin’s action
4. Cocky Noble
5. Sneaky Noble
6. Rich Noble
7. Wise Noble
8. Noble Leader’s message is sent

Last edited by Barkeep49 : 09-27-2006 at 08:05 PM.
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Old 09-22-2006, 04:44 PM   #5
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Sign me up.
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Old 09-22-2006, 04:52 PM   #6
Abe Sargent
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Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent
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Old 09-22-2006, 05:03 PM   #7
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I'm in
"General Woundwort's body was never found. It could be that he still lives his fierce life somewhere else, but from that day on, mother rabbits would tell their kittens that if they did not do as they were told, the General would get them. Such was Woundwort's monument, and perhaps it would not have displeased him." Watership Down, Richard Adams
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Old 09-22-2006, 05:30 PM   #8
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Pick me pick me.
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Old 09-22-2006, 05:32 PM   #9
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a playboy ghost?! sounds kinky. im in
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Old 09-22-2006, 06:34 PM   #10
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im in...always wanted to be rich...damn...tricked again
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Old 09-22-2006, 06:39 PM   #11
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I liked the Treasure Hunter game, in.
"Teams don't want to make the trip anymore," says Hawaii coach June Jones. "They come here, we kick their ass, they go home."

Fire Ron Lee.
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Old 09-22-2006, 07:14 PM   #12
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i'll give it a go
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Old 09-22-2006, 07:21 PM   #13
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knives out
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Old 09-22-2006, 07:37 PM   #14
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Old 09-22-2006, 07:48 PM   #15
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ya bk, lets hope these rules are more wolf friendly..that first TH game was a nightmare for ardent and I, and we basically decided to sacrifice 2 just to clear hoops.

Im in,
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Old 09-22-2006, 08:15 PM   #16
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This is a completely different set of rules. I used Treasure Hunt as a comparison of complexity.
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Old 09-22-2006, 08:17 PM   #17
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I'll play.
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Old 09-22-2006, 08:57 PM   #18
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I'm gonna pass on this one... don't want WW burnout.
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Old 09-22-2006, 08:59 PM   #19
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I really want to, but I'm just not sure I should yet. I fucked up the past few WW games I played in, and I'm still feeling pretty bad about it.

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Old 09-22-2006, 09:11 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
I really want to, but I'm just not sure I should yet. I fucked up the past few WW games I played in, and I'm still feeling pretty bad about it.


Kinda sounds like me. I've played on 2 of these and both times I helped the other side.

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Old 09-22-2006, 09:38 PM   #21
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you anticipate this starting then on 28th and running about how long?
I don't to sign up if I'll be gone.
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Old 09-22-2006, 09:45 PM   #22
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A Barkeep WW game??? Count me in!!!
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Old 09-22-2006, 10:30 PM   #23
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bk, due to circumstances at work, i have to pass, but lathum would like to be in...he has no computer access until probably monday, but i talked to him on the phone and he asked me to sign him up,

Lathum in.
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Old 09-22-2006, 10:38 PM   #24
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Depending on time for day and night actions...I'm tentatively in. I'm out if lynch votes are required before 11pm CST.
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Old 09-23-2006, 06:03 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast View Post
Depending on time for day and night actions...I'm tentatively in. I'm out if lynch votes are required before 11pm CST.

hope you will be able to join us....bump
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Old 09-23-2006, 06:25 PM   #26
Alan T
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Wish I could play. Going to miss most of this game while out of the country. I'll read for fun when I get back though Good luck, I'm sure it will be an outstanding game, Barkeep's games are usually alot of fun.
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Old 09-23-2006, 06:36 PM   #27
Chief Rum
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I will tentatively put myself in, but I do hope we push up the start times a bit. Next Wednesday seems to be a long time to wait for signups and then considering how things would be pushed back even further after that for the start. One reason for this is I am off this upcoming week, so a game of WW would be perfectly timed.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 09-23-2006, 06:39 PM   #28
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I will be sitting this one out but I will be following along.
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Old 09-23-2006, 07:10 PM   #29
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If it would help people I am completely open to starting this sooner, like Monday Night, as I'd like to give at least some time for the weekday work people to see the thread.

I worked some today on the rules for Demon House and frankly while the rules are good, I simply don't have time to run the game the way it would require, as it would require a fair amount of writing and I simply didn't have the time to plan ahead. And so I have decided, we are going to shift things a little and I am going to go back to my previous well, again, and run To Crown a King 2. If anyone wants to drop out, I'd understand. I am updating the rules now, as I've actually run the game another time since I ran it here. Expect to see the rules up, however, before the end of the night, or else early tomorrow morning. My apologies again to anyone who was looking forward to Demon House.
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Old 09-23-2006, 07:12 PM   #30
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Actions, as dictated by my sleep/work schedule are:

Night Lynch 9 PM Eastern.

Morning Actions due by 7:30 AM Eastern.

I hope that isn't a problem for anyone.
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Old 09-23-2006, 08:06 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by SnDvls View Post
you anticipate this starting then on 28th and running about how long?
I don't to sign up if I'll be gone.

Based on Feedback we're starting now on the 26th. Based on the nature of the game I would anticipate between 6-8 game days which should work out to just over a week worth of game time. I hope you can make it since this game works great with more people.
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Old 09-23-2006, 08:20 PM   #32
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Rules have been posted. First post now offers a cliff note's version of changes between two games.
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Old 09-23-2006, 09:34 PM   #33
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I didn't play the first version, so I have a question -

If points are assigned and revealed, won't it be a bit too easy to know if an assassin or noble are jailed (after the first execution)?
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Old 09-23-2006, 09:34 PM   #34
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Do I need like a WhD to play this thing?

Screw it... in (for better or worse)
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Old 09-23-2006, 10:17 PM   #35
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I'm going to have to sit this one out
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Old 09-23-2006, 11:01 PM   #36
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If there is room yet, I'm in.

Edit: Assuming that having not played the first game isn't too much of a disadvantage.

Last edited by BrianD : 09-23-2006 at 11:02 PM.
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Old 09-23-2006, 11:02 PM   #37
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Looks like I wouldn't be able to compete.
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Old 09-24-2006, 12:17 AM   #38
Mr. Wednesday
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Thanks to my FOFC Hattrick supporters - Blackout, Brillig, kingfc22, RPI-fan, Rich1033, antbacker, One_to7, ur_land, KevinNU7, and TonyR (PM me if you support me and I've missed you)
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Old 09-24-2006, 12:19 AM   #39
Mr. Wednesday
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Originally Posted by Fouts View Post
I didn't play the first version, so I have a question -

If points are assigned and revealed, won't it be a bit too easy to know if an assassin or noble are jailed (after the first execution)?
The way that the points get handed out, I don't remember it being all that easy to figure out, at least early on.
Hattrick - Brays Bayou FC (70854) / USA III.4
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Thanks to my FOFC Hattrick supporters - Blackout, Brillig, kingfc22, RPI-fan, Rich1033, antbacker, One_to7, ur_land, KevinNU7, and TonyR (PM me if you support me and I've missed you)
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Old 09-24-2006, 12:30 AM   #40
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I'm in for this one. Sounds very interesting.

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Old 09-24-2006, 12:48 AM   #41
Mr. Wednesday
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Oh, so now the assassins are earning points as well... that's helpful, there won't be missing points the way there were in the last game.
Hattrick - Brays Bayou FC (70854) / USA III.4
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Thanks to my FOFC Hattrick supporters - Blackout, Brillig, kingfc22, RPI-fan, Rich1033, antbacker, One_to7, ur_land, KevinNU7, and TonyR (PM me if you support me and I've missed you)
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Old 09-24-2006, 07:07 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Fouts View Post
I didn't play the first version, so I have a question -

If points are assigned and revealed, won't it be a bit too easy to know if an assassin or noble are jailed (after the first execution)?
The premise of the game is that players who make good decisions, which in this case means voting, should be rewarded. I created the game after I grew frustrated with a couple games where I was killed essentially for having made a tough decision, which proved correct, but was "suspicious" (for instance late vote switch away from someone who turned out to be a villager).

With-in that premise, you are correct that the weakness of the game has been that it's been possible to reduce the game to a math exercise. When I ran the game a second time, I introduced the assassins recieving points as well which made it harder, but in the end the code was still cracked.

That is why in this game Players must be jailed before being executed and there are various ways to earn/lose half points. I am hoping that this will make it still possible to throw out scenarios using the points, but also provide the assassins with enough wiggle room to survive.

Another mechanism that should complicate matters is the Fast Talking Noble. As this person would secretly have changed their faction it would be harder to figure where everyone belongs. Of course in the two games I've run, the assassins have had incredibly bad luck in getting fast talking nobles so I haven't seen how that plays out.

There are a couple of other mechanisms I have created to also address this point, but I don't want to talk about them and risk influencing the game in that way.
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Old 09-24-2006, 07:10 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by BrianD View Post
If there is room yet, I'm in.

Edit: Assuming that having not played the first game isn't too much of a disadvantage.

First of all many of the players didn't play in the first game and second I think things are different enough that you will not be at a disadvantage.
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Old 09-24-2006, 08:28 AM   #44
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I would like to play, but need to see on Monday just how daunting the work schedule will be. I'm in if you are OK with there being a slight chance that I would have to drop early and put you in the "find replacement player" mode.

Originally planned on posting on Monday when I knew for sure, but looks like the start time has been moved up ...
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Old 09-24-2006, 03:26 PM   #45
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Honolulu, HI
I'm going to have to drop out.
"Teams don't want to make the trip anymore," says Hawaii coach June Jones. "They come here, we kick their ass, they go home."

Fire Ron Lee.
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Old 09-24-2006, 03:46 PM   #46
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Location: Not too far away
Originally Posted by TazFTW View Post
I'm going to have to drop out.

Sorry to hear that.
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Old 09-24-2006, 09:06 PM   #47
Pro Starter
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Location: Alabama
if there is still room I will play.
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Old 09-24-2006, 11:14 PM   #48
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Big Ten Country
I'd better bow out. Sorry, guys.
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Old 09-25-2006, 06:25 AM   #49
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Final bump. I plan on sending out roles around 6 PM. Sign-ups are welcome until then.
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Old 09-25-2006, 11:21 AM   #50
High School Varsity
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Location: here
I love the concept of points for voting.
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