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Old 04-11-2007, 10:18 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Ardent's FTB Answers

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
What is your favorite holiday? Describe your favorite holiday memory.
At the risk of sounding patriotic, the 4th of July. It really has more to do with my father in law blowing a large amount of fireworks up, though. He nearly blew his left hand apart two years ago (alcohol and fireworks really don’t mix). We ended up in the ER most of the night and into the early morning.

That was the same year that a drunk woman out there lit a roman candle for her 4 year old and sent her in my direction. I look up to see a four year old crying and watching one of the reports whiz by my head. I was glad that day ended, actually. Maybe it shouldn’t be my favorite.

Seriously, though, my father in law fries some turkeys, he has a bunch of people over, we fire a potato gun down the hill (no one has complained yet), and we have what has now become a Smith firework tradition. We get some wire mesh and some tomato stands and put the mesh on top. We then fill all the holes with various bottle rockets. When I say all the holes, I do mean all.

It originally started with one bottle rocket stand. It was awesome. We put it in the middle of the road and lit it off by placing newspaper underneath and lighting it on fire. Bottle rockets went everywhere. Really cool. Now it’s up to three or four stands (obviously, I missed last year’s while I was in Africa ). It’s so cool that when my father-in-law blew his hand up, he demanded that he get to watch the finale before we went to the ER. Sure, some of that was the alcohol talking, but we had to light it off before he’d consent to go.

My favorite memory comes from Thanksgiving in Cades Cove, Tennessee , in 1988. One of the reasons I love Tennessee so much is that it was the best time of my family’s life. My parents were church going and cut out the alcohol and drugs. My sister was too young to cause trouble yet. My brother still believed wrestling was real, and I played Strat-o-Matic solo every day. In 1988, I was 12 years old and life was grand.

Back to Cades Cove. Perfect environment. We cooked a turkey outside at a park. Just as it was ready, it began to lightly snow. We spent the night in a log cabin. I was still playing Strat-o-Matic (the world’s most perfect game back then) in the cabin. My family was in a good place, so to speak.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
How many siblings do you have and how close are you?
Hard to say. J

Truth is, I’m not entirely sure. I have one full blooded brother, Jimi (my parents had fun naming him). My parents divorced while I was at a young age and I have only one memory of them together. Enter my step dad, who was so close he “is” my dad. He and my mom had a daughter. So, I have a half sister, Tracy. My brother, who’s nickname has always been “Tubby”, was over for a few hours yesterday. We’re close. My sister is in Louisiana with her Russian husband. He’s a worthless piece of trash. We were at each other’s throats 10 years ago, buy my mom’s death actually led to her drawing close to the family again.

Then it gets weird. I “think” I have a half brother and a half sister on my dad’s side, but I’m not entirely sure. I don’t know if I have more through him or not.

Then, if you count the step brothers I have through my step dad, it gets really insane. My step dad has a lot of children, but he’s not close with any of the older ones. I couldn’t exactly give you a figure. He seriously does not talk to them. I do know his oldest died years ago of double pneumonia (which may or may not have been because of AIDS).

The only one of my step brothers I know is Donnie, and he’s also a worthless piece of trash, to put it nicely. He joined us in Tennessee . While he wasn’t the reason the family went downhill, he was certainly a contributing factor.

My mom was an assistant manager of a Hardee’s in Loudon , Tennessee at the time. She threw a party out at our house for her high school kid workers, and it was fun. I was 13, maybe 14, and playing Strat-o-Matic, of course. Donnie had too much to drink and decided that one of the kids was hitting on my mom too much. He starts fighting and beating up a lot of people. Eventually, I called the police.

In the end, my mom lost her job and we knew we couldn’t trust Donnie. He would later get caught stealing in town and fled after my dad posted his bond. He’s been in and out of jail ever since. I’m not sure why my dad feels so obligated to help this 30 something year old boy out when he can’t get right.

Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
Who was your biggest role model growing up?

Biggest role model was my Uncle James. James is 10 years older than me and lived with us until he graduated high school…and again briefly in Tennessee . Later, I moved in with him and his wife after a troubling time at home. My wife says she sees how James and I are alike. He’s more like a brother or a dad to me than an uncle. I go to Arkansas at least once a year to visit him and his family.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
What's the deal with your dad, anyway?

My biological father is a 50 year old carpenter and bass guitarist for an amateur band. By the accounts I heard from my Uncle James and my mother, he was an idiot that liked to beat up on his wife and children. My earliest memory, sad as it is, is being knocked on my butt as I tried to wake him.

He called me once in 1999 after my mom passed away. I didn’t hear from him again four years later when he found my e-mail address on the internet. Sadly enough, he sent me a birthday card where he spelled my name wrong. Finally, I heard from him again earlier this year through myspace. I wish he’d just realize I don’t want anything to do with him and get over it.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What is background of the family that you grew up in?

I’m one-half redneck and one-half trailertrash.

My real dad grew up in one of those homes out in the middle of nowhere on farmland. My mom grew up in the town of Manila , Arkansas . Hawglaw here at FOFC may know more about the Polston side of my family than I do. My mom’s side of the family is interesting. Way too interesting.

It starts with my grandmother having mother at the age of 18. She was pregnant at 17 with my grandpa who is called Snook by everyone, including kids, grand and great grand kids. This was not a good thing as my great grandparents didn’t like Snook. Snook was charged with statutory rape and was given the option to join the military or go to jail. He chose the military. While he chose the military, my grandmother met a man by the name of McGuire. I never met him. He married my grandmother and they had my uncle James, Teddy, Travis, and Tommy. He would later die, and Snook would step back into the picture. My grandma later married Snook and had my uncles Gary and Ricky, as well as my aunt Connie, who is just over 1 year older than me.

My mom had me when she was 17, and my grandma was pregnant again shortly after I was born. I almost had an uncle or aunt younger than me! She unfortunately had a miscarriage.

Snook and grandma are now divorced, but live next door to each other. After about a year of living next door to each other, they erected a 4 foot white picket fence between the properties to keep each other out of the other’s business. Most of my family has nothing to do with Snook because he’s kind of a town drunk.

James and my brother and sister have nothing do with grandma because she suggested my real dad send flowers to my mom’s funeral. The fight got worse as she tried to reintroduce Teddy and Ricky into the family. More on that in a second.

James, of course, is awesome.

Teddy is a worthless sack of crap that disowned the family in the 80s. He told everyone he never wanted to us again…but showed back up 2 years ago. I’m sure there’s more to it, but if I go with the equation of

Teddy = Sucks
Then I can’t go wrong.

Grandma actually brought Teddy out to James’s house two years ago the day before I went down for my visit. Teddy walked in, James said hi, and then punched Teddy and knocked him into the wall. I saw the imprint on the wall. Teddy hit the wall well. Teddy ran out the house and James followed. James had been drinking and decided it was a good idea to run him down with the pickup. Teddy jumped the ditch to try and get away and James tried to do that with the pickup. It didn’t quite work. James, just down the road from his home, walked back.

“Better to leave the scene of an accident than a DUI,” he told me the next day.

Grandma was nowhere to be found when he got back. I literally haven’t seen her since the funeral in 1999.

Back to uncles. Travis is serving a life sentence for the murders of 12 women, I believe. He had help. My brother heard from him a few years ago as he was asking if his girlfriend wouldn’t mind writing some love letters to the inmates in his prison. There was some money to be made in this, and my brother would be cut in, of course. After a few of these requests, my brother called the prison. He hasn’t heard from him since.

Tommy died in 1996 in a car accident. It was actually fairly gruesome as he was decapitated. He had problems with some early jail time and stole identities before it was in vogue. From what I heard, he did it just to try and get by…he wasn’t trying to run scams. He’s passed on, I’ll believe it.

Gary has married and divorced the same woman twice. I believe he’s married to her again. He lives in Kentucky . I last saw him in 2002.

Ricky assisted Travis in two of the murders, and actually stayed with my family while he was hiding out from the police. We, of course, didn’t know this at the time. He just disappeared one day and the next day the police were there. I guess he had heard they were on to him. That was about the time we found out about the murders that he and Travis committed and it got really ugly. The trial was in Albuquerque (guess I spelled that right), and my mom was nearly called out there as a character witness or something. We soon received a huge stack of newspapers detailing what happened and how…all from local papers that the victims were from. I remember the papers were from one of the paper’s local writers…but I don’t recall why the writer did it. My mom didn’t feel comfortable vouching for them at that point and didn’t go.

Ricky got 18 years but I believed he only spent 10 years in prison. He was reportedly caught in a homosexual act while in prison. When I say reportedly, I mean, it actually was in a paper out there. I’ve only seen him once since that time he skipped out of my life, and it was once too many. I believe he has/had a girlfriend.

Finally, there’s Connie, who will be 32 in September. She’s on marriage number 3 right now, and I believe she has two children from marriage number 2. She’s actually rather cool and was like a sister to me when we were younger. I never realized it was weird to call someone your age “aunt connie”. Now it’s really weird and I don’t say aunt around her. Connie is cool in the fact she understands why James and I don’t have anything to do with grandma, but she doesn’t hold anything against her.

I could tell stories about my family all day.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Did any other family member join the Armed Services?

My sister joined the Army, after I suggested she join a military branch, not necessarily the Navy. She took the easy way out by separating after getting pregnant. I’m not a fan of it, but she did what she thought was best, not what I thought was best.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
What is your dream job?
Dream job would be football coaching or scouting. I’ve loved every minute of the opportunities I’ve had to coach in the past, and I’m definitely going to pursue it more. Sadly, I just don’t believe the door will ever open for me to be just a coach or scout. There will be opportunities as an assistant, but I doubt I get a full time opportunity.

Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
What is your new job, now that you're out of the Navy?

I’m gong to be a controls technician at Johnson Controls. Right now, I’m just learning about the job. I’ve gone to a few sites, I’ve done some computer based training. I leave for Phoenix , Arizona on the 23rd of April through May 11th for, “boot camp” technical training. Just when I thought I left all the military stuff behind, they send me “welcome aboard” packages and to “boot camp.”

Essentially, I’ll be the electronic technician for HVAC (heating, ventilation, AC) for a number of corporate accounts through St. Louis . It looks like I’ll be taking over a few of the major hospitals. I’d love to get the account for the Dome, I know Johnson Controls has that one. The hardest part for me is getting to know this HVAC stuff, as that part is new to me. Troubleshooting circuits won’t be hard at all.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
When you worked at GNC, did you become well versed on the benefits of a lot of products in your store and did you find yourself starting to use some of those products?

You kind of had to be to sell the products…and it was imperative to sell. Some of the products had a commission tied into the sale. I did use some of the products and I liked the results. However, the only way I’d continue to buy through GNC is if I still had my employee discount. There are better deals for the same products online.

Overall, I enjoyed my experience at GNC, but I didn’t like the selling for commissions part. I knew some of our associates simply sold the products with the highest commission. There was no concern for what might be best for the customer. I’m not saying all GNC employees are like that, but some are.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Is there one job/career that you are heavily considering to dive into?

Well, I started my job at Johnson Controls this past week. It’s a pipe dream, but if I could get a coaching job, I’d jump at it. I know it won’t happen right now, and maybe never.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
What is your nickname?
At home it’s been Caesar. It has been since 1993, the start of my senior year in high school. I played football at a new school that year along with a new coaching staff. It turned out that the quarterback’s name resembled mine. Right down to the first three letters of our last name.

I ended up in a pile one day early in summer practice and my practice jersey was up along my shoulder pads. All coach could see was the Little Caesar’s logo on the back of my shirt. He said something along the lines of, “Way to go, Caesar!”

I didn’t think it would stick, but at our next water break the guys were calling me that. Being new to the scene, I didn’t mind too much. It has stuck, to the point where my brother and another friend that was over yesterday called me Caesar.

My wife hates the nickname for whatever reason, and rarely refers to me as Caesar. If someone asks if she’s married to Caesar, she’ll respond, “Yes, I’m married to Rodney.” Meh, so be it.

In the Navy, it’s Poli, and that’s thanks to friggin Will. It’s common in the military just to call each other by the last name, and Will shortened my last name to Poli. Now, I hated this. I didn’t like it. Just like Caesar, though, it stuck. I’m no longer in the Navy, but Will’s family will always call me Poli, and so will my Navy buddies I keep in contact with.
Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
Did you know that there is someone that drives around the Cupertino area with a personalized license plate that refers to Ardent Enthusiast?
Must be one cool person.


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
What are you most afraid of?
I’m afraid of being robbed. Definitely. I’ve been robbed/mugged/whatever in the past. I’m not a fan. I hate to be alone in the city. Absolutely hate it.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
Best quality? I’m a good friend. I’ll help you move, I’ll feed your fish. I’ll take you to the airport and pick you up.

Worst quality? I’m fairly stubborn at times.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
A shipwide search was conducted for me while I was sleeping behind the missile launcher onboard the USS Carr. I woke up to, “Onboard Carr, this is the TAO (Tactical Action Officer), we’re currently conducting a shipwide search for ET3 Polston…”

I thought, “Oh crap, that’s me and I’m done.”

It was a long time before I heard the end of that…and the guys weren’t afraid to rub it in. I could have been a serious amount of trouble had it gone to the next level. That would have meant the ship thought I was in the water, causing the ship and other Navy ships in the vicinity to change course and start searching for me. As bad of a day as I was already having, that would have made it worse. I got really lucky I woke up to the TAO.

Originally Posted by Karlifornia View Post
If you found a bag of cash..let's say $1,000..on the street, but it was covered in dog poo, how much would someone have to pay you to eat the entire bag?
Originally Posted by Karlifornia View Post

Let's say you're in a neighborhood Taco Bell. You're about to step to the counter and place your order, when suddenly none other than Eddie Van Halen walks through the door. He makes a proposition..a quid pro quo, if you will. He says: "If you buy me 2 burrito supremes and Mountain Dew Baja Blast, you can tour with us as our new singer." The caveat is that if the Taco Bell staff puts sour cream in the burritos, you pay with your life. Do you take the offer?

Does the carpet match the curtains?
1.At least 5 times the monetary amount. I’d continue negotiating until a fair price was arranged.
2.No. I don’t. I can’t sing, and I’m double screwed because I don’t know any of Mr. Van Halen’s music. I’d probably offer to buy him a Baja Blast out of courtesy, though.
3.The carpet does not match the curtains, but the curtains match the furniture. Wait, after watching Family Guy I now understand this question. Yes, my carpet and curtains match.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
Where were you born?
Fort Hood, Texas.

Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
How old are you?

30. 31 on May 18th.

Originally Posted by Barkeep49 View Post
Did you move around a lot as a kid?

A lot. The longest I’ve been anywhere in my entire life for one period of time was in Great Lakes from November 03 through May 06. Before that, the longest period of time for me was in Harrisburg , Arkansas . I spent part of my 2nd grade there, as well as all of 3rd and 4th grade. I spent all of 5th grade in Grand Bay , Alabama . The next time I spent an entire grade in one school was my senior year.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
What do you do when you're bored?
When I’m bored? I’m not sure what that’s like now that I’m home with my wife and not in the Navy. In the Navy over the last 3 months, I spent time playing games on my laptop, watching TV and episodes I missed on the web. Okay, not much has changed, except now I do the TV thing with my wife and not so much playing games.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
Link to your myspace space pls, thx.

Too easy.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
How did it feel when you became 30 years of age?

It wasn’t depressing. I wasn’t in a really great mood at the time. I was about to head to Africa . I can’t say I enjoyed it, but I can’t say I hated it, either.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What is your given birth name?

Rodney Allan Polston. My initials spell out RAP.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Are there any decisions that you made in your life that you are happy it didn't fall through?

Not sure I understand this question completely. Are you asking if there’s something I wanted that I’m glad didn’t happen? I’d say yes. We nearly bought a home here in Missouri in 2004 and actually signed a contract after numerous counter offers from both sides. Despite the signed contract, the owner wanted a new copy of the contract written for us to sign. We were due in to sign it that afternoon when someone talked some sense into us. The home owner was kind of holding us over the barrel at the time, and in hindsight, I’m happy it didn’t work out.

I also tried to join the Air Force at 18. It didn’t work out. Looking back, I’m glad it didn’t. I never would have met my wife.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
How long have you been married?
I’ve been married since Valentine’s Day, 1998.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Has being in the Navy been hard on the marriage and, if so, how close has it come to calling it quits?

Very hard. If it wasn’t hard on my marriage, I may have stayed in. My wife has asked me for a divorce three different times, twice getting the papers drawn. Fortunately, those times are now over.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Do you plan to have any children?
We’re trying right now. Virtually, not literally.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?

No. I nearly had one of the IXOYE variety before I joined the Navy. Danielle talked me out of it.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
What is your favorite Fast Food Restaurant and what do you order?
Culver’s. Jumbo Bacon Butter Burger Deluxe. Sub in cheese curds for their fries.

Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
What is your favorite seasoning?

I’m just a salt guy. I’ve never really messed with other seasonings. My wife has one of those spice rack things sitting in the kitchen, but we never use it. Decorative is my guess.

Originally Posted by hoopsguy View Post
Why Silos?

Every time I go there I ask myself the same question. It seems like every time I go there I get bad service. It continued when BYU came out…a waitress said she’d get me a refill, but it never showed up. I think it became a tradition in sort of an odd way. I met a SPFL (A Football Pro ’98 league that bearcat729, tonyr, and macroguru were all part of) owner there when I first got to Chicago . He recommended the place. Shortly thereafter, I met DataKing there as well as Raven Hawk. Oddly enough, I believe Data King recommended the place as well.

Blame him. J


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
Who are you favorite stand-up comedians?
I’m not much on the comedy scene. I only have one experience with live comedians, but it wasn’t remarkable. That said, I’d watch the Blue Collar Comedy Tour if it was on right now.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
What would you like to accomplish before you die?
I want to be successful enough that I can support whatever my child/children would like to do.
I’d like to be a successful coach or scout at some point.

Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
Now that you are out of the Navy what are you long term and short term goals

Short term goals: Figure out what the heck I’m doing at work. Get my wife pregnant. Make the playoffs in IHOF. Find a home closer to work (kind of mandated). Attend my first Tennessee game. Watch more college football.

Long term goals: Buy a home. Raise my child/children without any problems or issues. Get back into coaching. Be the best controls technician for Johnson Controls in St. Louis and at least the Midwest .

I know. I don’t have much. While in the Navy, I had more work type goals. I’m sure I’ll have more of those eventually, but right now this will have to do.


Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
If this is too personal, feel free to skip: how is your relationship with you wife and is everything okay?
Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
I wanetd to echo DC's question, how are things with your wife now (if you feel comfortable answering)?

I knew these questions would surface, and I’m not afraid to tackle it.

My life has been interesting, I guess you could say, especially over the past couple of years. I came home from that 2003 deployment expecting great things and I was simply devastated to find my home life was in shambles. My wife had gone from loving homemaker to college party-girl without the college part.

She’s come around, but over the years she’s revealed secrets she had that she didn’t want me to know. I found out she’s been out of the country (against my wishes). I found out about a year ago that she may have had sex in a drunken stupor in 2003 with a guy now in prison.

I found out about that just before I went to Africa , and it wasn’t something she admitted. I found a letter from him at her mother-in-law’s (not that I was snooping, it was seriously just kind of “there”.). It mentioned the act and I just didn’t know how to react.

I was actually glad to go to Africa at that point. It got me away from her, away from home, away from everything. I wasn’t sure how things would work out, and for the first time I didn’t care. I didn’t call or write her every day at first. I kind of separated myself from it, and I probably talked to my friends like terpkristin, tonyr, and the gang at FOFC more than I did her. I guess it my wife monitored FOFC while I was gone she would have known I was avoiding her. Heh.

Eventually, someone here at FOFC asked me in a PM how it was going. It was a common enough question, I heard it enough in that first month or two, but this was probably in…late August. I thought about writing the same thing I did to many of you who asked…”I don’t know, it’s just weird…”, but I thought about it more.

It kind of hit me that I was nearly there for 3 months time and I hadn’t made a decision yet. I guess I decided then that since I hadn’t gone the route of “wanting” the divorce that I was okay with her. I told the FOFCer PMing me as much.

Since I’ve been home, life is grand. I had a great 2 weeks or so with my wife before going back to Great Lakes , and I came home nearly every weekend until I separated from the Navy. This weekend has been awesome. I’ve actually been able to lounge around all weekend with my wife and not worry about driving to and from Great Lakes .

The only way it could be better? I guess she could wake up soon and tell me she’s pregnant. That would be about the only thing that could top what I have right now. Life sincerely is grand.

Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
If you could change one moment or situation that has happened in your life, what would it be?
I mishandled my wife’s eating disorder problem when it first came to light. I wish I could have that to do over. Many of the problems I’ve faced since then may stem from mishandling that.

Actually, I can go back further. I got in a fight with my wife years before that where I told her she needed to lose weight. I can barely recall the incident, but my wife has told me a few times that it hurt her. It didn’t directly lead to my wife’s problem, but it had a hand in it.

If I could go back and change that, there’s no doubt then. I club myself over the head before I say it. I hate myself for saying that.

Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
Who has a harder time making up their mind when shopping, your Wife or Mine?

I’ve shopped with your wife. You haven’t shopped with mine. Mine may be pickier. J

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Can I have 286 naked pictures of your wife? Its for a school project.
Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Sorry, I meant 286,000. Typo.

I only have three of her naked. Sorry. Let me know if that can help you.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Also will you bring her to New Mexico this summer.

I’m going to Arizona in two weeks, not New Mexico . Well, I’m not planning on going to New Mexico again.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Please post a pic of your wife in a toga.

Would a catwoman suit work?

Originally Posted by MrBug708 View Post
I believe your wife is rather young. Did you have much trouble early on with maturity levels? (If she isnt much younger did you have any early marriage struggles?)

Early on? No. There were a few times, but nothing terribly bad. She was actually more mature in many ways than I was.

Now, 2003 and 2004 was a totally different story, but she’s overcome that.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
Top 3 Vols players.
Players. Dang. Ones I’ve seen play: Peyton Manning, Al Wilson, Heath Shuler. All time: Reggie White, Doug Atkins, Peyton Manning.

Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
Rickey Bobby or Rickey Henderson?
Rickey Bobby yo. I’ve never been a Henderson fan.

Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
If you were on Joes vs Pros and had to do anyone of the football challenges, who would you NOT want to go up against?
Chuck Cecil if it required me to catch a ball and hang on to it.

Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
How often do you cheer for a walk on quarterback?
Every chance I get. In fact, I need a new walk on QB to cheer for at Tennessee . I’ve been spoiled the last few years with Josh Plemmons and Jim Bob Cooter. Both wore #15. That’s the reason I chose 15 as my number in the dynasty.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Pat Summitt, hot or not?

I’d hit it, just for the experience.

Originally Posted by SirFozzie View Post
Do you ever get tired of hearing Rocky Top?
I did when I first moved there. I was a “Razorback” fan at the time. I wasn’t really, though. I was more of a Hog fan by my association of living in the state of Arkansas than anything. Arkansas got beat by the Vols in the 1989 Cotton Bowl and I committed to the Vols after that. Life is grand and I love hearing Rocky Top.

Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
What is your favorite pro team? Not "well, favorite football team is blah and favorite baseball team is blah," number 1 team on your list.

Too easy. My stepdad played minor league ball for the Cardinals in the late 50s. As such, there was a period in time where I could quote you every starting position player the Cardinals by year from about 1959 to present. I kind of drifted away from baseball after the strike and it hasn’t been the same since, but for a pro team, they’re it.

Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
What was the best year for Tennessee sports?
1998 is way too easy of an answer for that, and not just because of the football team winning the championship.

The Lady Vols also won a championship that year, going undefeated for the year. That team featured Tamika Catchings and Chamique Holdsclaw.

The men’s basketball team enjoyed success as well for the first time since Allan Houston was around as I recall.

Jeff Pickler led the SEC in batting average and was drafted by the Brewers. The team itself didn’t do so great.

Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
Favorite Tennessee player of all time? All-star team of Tennessee players?

Favorite player of all time...hard to say because I really like some of the role players UT has had over the years. I’ll go with starters, though, and say Heath Shuler. He was fun to watch. I’d say Peyton, but he just wasn’t the running threat I felt Shuler was. Maybe Shuler really didn’t run that much, but he seemed more versatile.

All star team for football I’m assuming. I’m not much of a basketball person…I could name those players but not positions.
QB Peyton Manning, backup is Shuler.
RB Pre-injuries Chuck Webb and Reggie Cobb. I know Jamal Lewis would expect some attention here, but he wasn’t half the back Webb and Cobb were before their injuries. Johnny Majors, a college hall of famer gets a mention but probably wouldn’t survive in this day and age at running back.
FB Will Bartholemew (I’m not well versed on fullbacks at UT, unfortunately. Shaun Bryson played some fullback, and Corey Anderson was a disappointment this past year).
WR Peerless Price, Craig Faulkner, Alvin Harper. Willie Gault is tempting, as are Joey Kent, Cedrick Wilson, Jermaine Copeland, Carl Pickens, Tim McGee, Kelley Washington, and Marcus Nash. They all did more than Faulkner, but Faulkner did it with a bad ankle and never missed games. Robert Meachem doesn’t garner a mention except to explain why. He had a great year this past year, but he didn’t do much before that.
TE Jason Witten.
C: Bob Johnson. It’s hard not to argue with a college hall of famer.
G: Chip Kell, see Bob Johnson, and Harry Galbreath. Backups: Cosey Coleman, Eric Still.
T: Antone Davis and Chad Clifton . Backup by Michael Munoz and Arron Sears.

DE: Reggie White and Doug Atkins. Leonard Little and Will Overstreet garner backup duty. Todd Kelly gets a mention.
DT: John Henderson, Jesse Mahelona. Billy Ratliff and Darwin Walker backup.
LB: Al Wilson, Raynoch Thompson, Kevin Burnett without much thought. I’d add Darryl Hardy, Keith DeLong, and Eric Westmoreland for depth.
CB: Dale Carter, Jason Allen. Corner has never been a position I’ve been overly impressed with with Tennessee . I’d add Andre Lott and Terry Fair for depth.
S: Deon Grant and Bill Bates. I’ll add Roland James, Jonathan Hefney, and Chris White for depth.

K: Jeff Hall.

P: Dustin Colquitt.

I’m sure I could get a returner or five out of that group.

Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
If you could go back to any year in History, what year would you pick?

I might go back to 1927 and watch the Yankees.

Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
If Tennesee changed their colors to purple how much would a new wardrobe set you back?

The joke answer is about 1500 dollars for clothing and 3000 for all my memorabilia. If it were to happen, though, I’d just quit them cold turkey and find a school that doesn’t change their colors.

Originally Posted by Butter_of_69 View Post
what better, tee martin or peyton manning?

Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
Who better, Tee Martin or Peyton Manning?

Tough to say. Tee did something Peyton could never do, but Peyton’s done more for Tennessee since then. I’ll go with Manning.

Originally Posted by hoopsguy View Post
How do you root for a basketball program that would hire scum-of-the-earth Bruce Pearl? Seriously, have you considered dropping support for the football team in order to send a message to the AD on this point?

I wasn’t overly excited about hiring some nobody out of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Then again, I don’t know much about basketball. Pearl has been a refreshing breath of fresh air for our program. While dropping my support of the football team would obviously send a message to the Athletic Director, I’d hate to do something that drastic.

Originally Posted by hoopsguy View Post
Could you take the Schwab?

If it was just a game of football and baseball knowledge, I could make a game of it. I could wing some of the other sports, but not on the Schwab’s level.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Name your 3 most favorite sports?

Football, baseball, and basketball, in that order. Football by a large margin over baseball. Baseball by a wider margin over basketball.

Originally Posted by Alan T View Post
I know that you are a big Vols fan, but I do not know the origin of that. Since a good majority of my immediate family was born and raised in Tennessee , and both of my parents are UT graduates, my questions are:
Originally Posted by Alan T View Post

1) Did you grow up/live in Tennessee ? If so, which part? If not, then what caused you to become such a huge Vols fan.

One of my fondest sports memories was when I actually went to a game in Knoxville, even though I'm not a Vols fan, I loved the constant stream of cars on I-40 with orange flying from them, and the 100,000+ fans in one stadium for a sport.

2) Have you ever gotten to enjoy a home game in Knoxville , if so what were your favorite parts of that experience?
I spent just about 2 years there, parts of 7th, all of 8th, and part of 9th grade there. Perfect timing, as I was just getting interested in football then. Actually, if I had never moved to Tennessee , I may never had developed that interest in football. Football wasn’t that serious in Northeast Arkansas .

I haven’t been to a game, but I am planning on going to a game this year. I think it’ll finally happen this year.

Being a Civilian
Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
Civilian life, all that's it's cracked up to be?
And more.

Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
What was your first official act as a Civilian?

I didn’t curse anyone out. I didn’t flip anyone off. I went and told my former students/sailors goodbye, and hugged my buddy Valerie. I drove that 6 hour drive home for the last time, had some champagne, and went to bed.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What skills have you gained that you believe will transfer well in cilivian life?

6 years ago, I was scared that the skills would not translate well. I remember reading about jobs online and being scared. The jobs didn’t ask for the skills that I specifically was trained for. I wasn’t confident I could build off what I already learned.

This year, I was much more confident that my general electronic skills could translate into a good job, I just wasn’t sure where that job would be. Much of that comes from being more confident in my skills as an electronic technician. Some of it is from a confidence that I can make my basic electronic skills translate into another job.

Essentially, it’s not only the electronic skills I learned in the Navy. I gained confidence and experience as well.

Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
3 people you would like to meet (dead, alive or fictional) and have a drink with.
Maybe more of a lunch thing, but Phil Fulmer, Peyton Manning, and the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy. Fulmer for coaching, Manning because he’s Manning, and the MCPON to tell him what’s messed up with the Navy and how to fix it.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
Have you met anyone on the board... who and how did that go?

Every meeting I’ve had with someone on the board has gone great. I’ve met DataKing, Raven Hawk, Coffee Warlord, Hawglaw (though we were technically classmates in 1st grade), Brxnivy, Passacaglia, lurker, hoopsguy, barkeep, Mizzourah, and BYU14. I’ve actually spent the night at the Warlord’s and Mizzourah’s.

Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
1 thing you miss about the Navy.
My friends.

Originally Posted by SirFozzie View Post
So, what would it take to get you back in the Navy?
I’d have to be an officer, a good divorce attorney, and a large signing bonus.

Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
If you could do it all over again, would you have enlisted in the Navy?
Absolutely. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the Navy’s help. Now I don’t like some of the things the Navy’s done, and they really screwed with me at times. Still, every job has its good and bad points.

Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
Out of everywhere you have visited in the world/country, what is your favorite place?
I really enjoyed my times in Hawaii . Other countries? I’d say that’s UAE. It’s a really impressive place. I wouldn’t mind taking my wife out there.

Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
What better.....3 months at Sea with a ship full of Men or JB Magic's grammar?

I’ll take the grammar every day.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Why do navy people have their names on their butt?

Simple answer, so you can identify sailors when they’re not facing you. Realistic answer, I don’t know, it’s retarded and it costs sailors money to have those nametapes made and then sewn on.
Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
On which of these would you find the most porn - aircraft carrier, submarine, destroyer, or battleship?
Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post

What the heck were you thinking when you joined the navy?
I haven’t been on the latter three, but there’s enough porn on a carrier to keep a magazine in business.

As for what was I thinking…I was thinking it was a great opportunity to make something of myself, and it was. I wanted to learn what I could about electronics (I never thought I was smart enough to complete the schooling the Navy had in mind for me), get out, go to college, and get married. Instead, I started electronics school, got married, went to some school, went to Africa , and got out. Pretty good story.

Originally Posted by Barkeep49 View Post
What's the best thing been about being out of the navy?

Right now, it’s just not having to make that trip to home and back on the weekends, but that’s not Navy. One thing I’m happy to see since I’ve been out of the Navy is that I’m more taken care of at my job. For example, let’s say I have to do training like I did this week at Johnson Controls. Someone brought me the tapes, reserved a room for me to view them in, and made sure I had a television to watch them on. The Navy would have said, “Get this training done.”

Another example would be ordering supplies. I was told to order supplies on Friday. Pull out the Grainger book and order. Write down what you want, make the call, give them this code, and go pick it up. Nothing about, make sure you order this, don’t spend more than this, fill out this and that form, get it approved by so and so. Make a list, make a call, pick it up. Too easy.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
When you're on an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean , what do you read when you have down time?

I read football coaching manuals. I’m not kidding.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
My girlfriend's dad was in the navy, and somewhere in the South Pacific he adopted a monkey. There are pictures of him with his monkey on various ships and at different ports. Do they still let sailors adopt monkeys? And if not, why not?

I’m not familiar with a monkey instruction, so I’d assume you can adopt a monkey. However, I do know we’re not allowed to have pets onboard ships. Why? I don’t know. It’s like name tags. If it doesn’t make sense, the Navy probably does it.

Originally Posted by JAG View Post
What's the stupidest thing that happened while you were in the military? (that you are allowed to tell)

There are many to choose from, and an incident in Rhode Island comes to mind, but that wasn’t the necessarily the Navy’s fault. However, Navy-wise I can say it happened in November 2001. We sailed around South America shortly after 9/11 and due to the that day we had all our port visits in South America cancelled. That could have put us in our new homeport of San Diego about 2 weeks early. We were told we couldn’t pull into San Diego . The port in San Diego could only support two carriers and both the USS Constellation and the USS John Stennis were inport. The Stennis was due to deploy soon, so we could pull into port as soon as it departed.

I thought, that’s a really sucky deal.

Fast forward to about a month after being in San Diego . We were meeting on the flight deck for our morning meeting when I looked along the pier and commented our commanding officer was full of crap. Besides having the Nimitz in port, San Diego had both the Constellation and the USS Abraham Lincoln. It took a second for everyone else to realize what happened.

We were detoured to Hawaii instead of pulling in early. While normally I wouldn’t complain about going to Hawaii , I could have been home two weeks earlier. I also stepped on a sea urchin while I was there. I am not a fan of sea urchins now.

Originally Posted by JAG View Post
Favorite (if any) thing about military life?
They did a good job getting my dental work taken care of.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What reasons led you to join the Navy?

How to answer this…I mean I answered earlier it was to help me go to school and eventually get married and that’s true. You might ask why I didn’t go to college. That’s kind of an easier question to answer. My step dad didn’t pay taxes, probably still doesn’t. Not paying taxes may be cool for him, but it sucked balls when I tried to apply for loans and grants for school. FAFSA wasn’t any help. I tried like crazy to get around the tax thing, but they’d send back responses to the tune of “Does Not Compute”. I tried putting zero, I tried putting general numbers, I tried putting my Uncle James’s income. I tried putting my own income. Unfortunately, none of it worked. I didn’t qualify as one of those exceptions they had…born before such and such date, former military, ward of the court, stuff like that. I was kind of in a rock and a hard place.

It was a long process (and there’s a story behind that I may never share) but I actually worked very hard to join the Navy so that I could better myself.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What was the most stressful situation while you were serving in the Navy?

When I stationed in Norfolk as a young sailor my wife and I had a tough time making ends meet. Going to sea often didn’t make it any better. Pure Navy wise, I’d say the most stressful time last year when the Navy not only wanted me to go to Africa, but wanted me to arrange just about all of my travel in the process. That was a little ridiculous.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Now that you are out, what is your opinion on the state of the conflict/war?

I really don’t have much of an opinion of it. I’d guess I’ll say I think Bush has been stubborn and we shouldn’t be in Iraq . That said, I’m happy for the work we’re doing in Africa and I wish we had done that type of work in Iraq and Afghanistan as well/instead. If we would have did this pro-USA type work where we helped people in need 20-40 years ago, who knows what may or may not have happened.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
How did it feel working on a DRB knowing that you had a direct impact on the future other people in the Navy?

Did some research, huh? J Those disciplinary review boards were rough. I’d like to think sailors would know better and not get in the trouble they do. Most of our problems were for underage drinking. Not exactly a show stopper in the civilian world, but most definitely for the Navy.

We usually hammered the sailors at the DRB. Sailors that had good records beside the issue that had them there that day I usually gave a pep talk to afterward.

I actually felt I made more of an impact as a mentor in the barracks these past three months than through the countless DRBs I held.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What benefits are you going to miss from the Navy that you won't have in your civilian life?
Eh, boy. Outside of medical and dental, nothing. I never really saw that as a benefit. I’d rather pay a chunk of money to get answers in a reasonable time.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What can be taken away from the places that you served your time in?

To another military member, I’d stress not all commands are the same. I absolutely hated my first command. I absolutely loved the second. The last one was so-so. Many first term members just think that wherever they are, that it sucks. That might not be the case. The member may not have anything else to compare the experience to.

Personally, I have taken friends away from every place I served. I will stay in touch with them through the years, and that in itself made it worthwhile.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What is your most favorite location that you were stationed at?

USS Nimitz. It was an incredible experience and opportunity for me. I’m really glad I went there.

Originally Posted by Airhog View Post
Funniest thing you ever saw in the navy?

In boot camp, I watched a recruit who couldn’t get right by the name of Bean dance around the main entrance to our barracks while singing
I asked my momma for 50 cents
To watch the elephant jump the fence
Jumped so high
He touched the sky
And didn’t come down till the fourth of July.

Originally Posted by Airhog View Post
Your best navy story?

It wasn’t so much a ship, but I was in the Navy.

Keith and I worked together as student coordinators. Part of our job included having student request chits and leave chits signed. Sometime around February 2005 we had a student by the name of Vail ask to take leave to go to Indiana and get married. I said no, but Keith fought for it and actually got the kid on leave. The kid went on leave and missed a day of school in the process, which is a rare occurrence for that school.

Monday rolled around and Vail didn’t return. He didn’t call, either. We called the next day, and he claimed he called the main building to let us know that he had car problems. He was getting the car repaired right now and would be back as soon as possible.

The next day, nothing. No Vail. We called the next day. The bill was too high, he didn’t have the money to pay it off right now, but would on payday and would return as soon as he paid the bill. Keith tried to arrange for him to get a grant from the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society…and then Vail dropped off the face of the earth. We went weeks without hearing from him.

Finally, I took a call about 15 minutes before I was about to leave one night. It was Vail’s wife. She was calling to inform me they were in downtown Chicago and on their way up. She “understood” he was now a deserter and that it would probably be “a day or two” before he was processed and separated. She was calling to ask if we could provide her lodging while her husband was being separated.

I almost broke out laughing. Earlier that day, Keith and I had discussed what might happen when Vail crossed into the deserter time frame, in three days. We didn’t start his Unauthorized Absence until after his leave was set to expire. Vail and his wife had not thought about that.

Instead, I composed myself and told her, “Sure, this kind of thing actually happens all the time,” rather convincingly. I then gave her directions on how and where to bring her husband in. After I got off the phone, I nearly died laughing. The other staff member in the office at the time couldn’t believe I pulled it off. I called the main building and let them know they were on their way, and then I called Keith.

Keith had a good laugh but asked why I just didn’t send them back on their way to Indiana .

“At least this way,” I said, “we get a few days of work out of him before he runs off again.”

Originally Posted by Airhog View Post
Greatest accomplishment so far in your life?

I think assisting in building the water well in Raya, the village outside of Garissa , Kenya . It was an amazing experience to help that village’s quality of life.

Originally Posted by Airhog View Post
Best Practical joke you have performed?

I was about to transfer from NAS Oceana, a shore station where Navy squadrons are stationed while on the ground, and had to do a qualification for my transfer evaluation. It was a garbage qualification, but I had to get it done. Part of the qualification was to be on the other side of the air field to learn the equipment over there. I rarely went over to that side…there was no real reason for me to be over there, honestly.

Well, this morning I was over there, and I ran into a smartmouth kid by the name of Bamber. Bamber had been in the Navy longer than most of us, but was the same pay grade. He had made it clear he didn’t like our senior enlisted, and made it clear he didn’t many of us at all. Bamber worked on this side of the airfield, fortunately.

Bamber greeted me as I left his building and he was entering with, “What do you think you’re doing over here?”

I answered, “You didn’t hear? Chief is making us switch jobs. It kind of sucks, but I think it’ll all work out.”

I turned away quickly and walked to the van. Bamber’s boss was already in the van and about to take me to another site. Bamber called out to me and asked if I was serious.

“Yeah, man” I said without turning around. I usually can’t keep a lie going for long, so I didn’t want him to see my face.

Once inside the van, I told his boss. His boss then agreed to go along with it. We called over to my shop and told my boss as well, in case Bamber called her. When we got back, Bamber was all flustered. His boss did an insane job of playing it out.

“Bamber, I’m doing everything I can to get this straightened out…” and such. Bamber even started showing me the equipment anticipating that I’d be taking over there, with bits of “This really sucks” sprinkled in.

It went on for hours. He even went back to my side of the airfield with me to address my boss about it. She blew up on him. It was awesome.

“I don’t want you working for me! You’ve got a bad attitude!”

Finally, Bamber went to the Chief’s office and asked for them to reconsider this change in jobs. By the time he went in, the rest of us gathered around the office door. It took about 30 seconds, but Bamber came out red faced and ready to kill. He didn’t hit me, but he probably wanted to. J

Originally Posted by bsak16 View Post
How safe do you feel knowing that someone like me designed and analyzed pieces of the nuclear reactor that was the main fuel source for your ship?

That’s actually pretty scary. What’s worse? Thinking about the young sailors in charge of maintaining those reactors.

Originally Posted by JediKooter View Post
Favorite TV show/movie as a child and favorite TV show/movie now.
The Cosby Show as a child. My family sat down to watch that together when I was younger. By 1989, though, that was a pipe dream. Movie? Ghostbusters.

Now? Lost and Memento. I still don’t have a copy of Memento, as mine was stolen in the mail on it’s way to Africa .

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
When they make a movie of your life, who will play you? Who will play me? Who will play my girlfriend? And who will provide the voice of your dog?

Luke Wilson plays me. He’ll need a haircut, but most of America does. He’ll make enough money to grow his hair back out.
I don’t know who would play you…just to be a dork, Danny DeVito.
Angelina Jolie is my wife (by the way, my wife said Jolie is “hot!” yesterday, I wonder what all is going on there… J), but I’ll give you Natalie Portman.
Jennifer Aniston will do the voice for Snuggle Girl.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
That Mr. Bean movie back in 1997 I believe. Danielle and I got up after five minutes.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
What character in Lost do you most closely resemble?

I’d say Jin, but it’s a loose resemblance. I can appreciate his past and his willingness to do anything for the woman that he loves.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
What's the craziest shit you've ever seen? I once saw a woman make change with her snatch. Can you top that?

DataKing and I saw some crazy twins that could bend their bodies in all sorts of ways, but they were a Vegas act, I’m sure many people have seen it. You’re right. I can’t top that.

Originally Posted by SirFozzie View Post
Did you shake Djibouti ?
Not at all. I never went outside the camp on liberty. After seeing the outside while on missions or to the French hospital, there’s no way I wanted to be a part of it. I don’t believe I missed out on much, aside from missing out on a huge fight.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
What is the capital of Djibouti ?


Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
how much did the FOFC care package brighten your day when it arrived? And how many questions did you get about who it was sent from by your buddies?

I was thinking about that the other day. FOFC really made my day, my week, my month, and rest of tour with that. Other people got stuff, probably got more stuff in the long run, but no one got one I did one one shot like I did that day. I did get a lot of questions about who they were from, and I tried to explain it. I got weird looks, but nothing incredibly horrible.

Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
do you have any beautiful pictures of djibouti ?

Sorry, the only pictures I have from Djibouti , and Kenya for that matter, are of the work we did, the orphanage, and stuff like that. I do have photos of me petting a cheetah and a rhino, but they are neither beautiful or from Djibouti .

Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
what are the odds someone after me will parody this question?

I’m horrible with odds, but pretty good.

Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post
coolest djiboutian story/most amazing thing you saw there? did you get to snorkel? Apparently the snorkeling is amazing

The only stories I have from Djibouti are of the people I met while I were there, they weren’t Djiboutians, so I doubt it qualifies as cool or amazing. I didn’t snorkel or go to the island that others went to. Sorry to disappoint.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
How much booty did you get at Djibouti ?

Zero. Unless you mean monetary wise. In that case, a bunch.

Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
I read on your MySpace a while back that you listen to Christian music. What are some of your favorite groups/singers?
Originally Posted by JAG View Post
Three favorite music groups / performers?
(Jag, the top 3 are my top 3.)

Toby Mac
Steven Curtis Chapman
Third Day


Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What kind of music are you into?

Schmidty hit it on the head. If it’s Christian, I could care less what kind it is. Kind of weird I continue to listen to the music despite living the way I have.

Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
Do you currently attend church?
I am now that I’m home. Fellowship Free Will Baptist, Park Hills , MO.

Originally Posted by SackAttack View Post
so of what are you an ardent enthusiast, exactly?

I figured this would come up. I’m an ardent enthusiast of Christ. At least, I used to be…things have changed a ton since I returned in 2003. I’m not the man I was in April 2002 when I joined FOFC. Back then, I referred to myself as a Jesus Freak, but I found a lot of people doing that. In the last 90s, it wasn’t uncommon to go to a site requiring a login and have 5 or more jesusfreaks listed (JezuzFrk12, Jesus Freak18, stuff like that). One day I did a web search of DC Talk, who reintroduced the term “Jesus Freak” with their album, and found’s site (now defunct). I liked it. I liked referring to myself as an ardent enthusiast rather than a Jesus Freak. It was becoming way to common to say “I’m a Jesus Freak” and not have anything to back it up. Way too popular. I didn’t like it.

Am I a hypocrite now? Yes. I’ve thought about changing my screen name. I see it instead as a challenge to get back to where I was before. Caedmon’s Call has a song I used to listen to.

Looking back at the road so far
The journey's left its share of scars
mostly from leaving the narrow and straight

Looking back it is clear to me
That a man is more than the sum of his deeds
and how you've made good of this mess I've made
is a profound mystery

Looking back you know you had to bring me through
All that I was so afraid of
Though I questioned the sky, now I see why
Had to walk the rocks to see the mountain view

I saw my life before I joined the Navy as walking the rocks…but I have an all new appreciation. I want to be the Christian I used to be, and now that I’m home…home for good…I think I might be someday.

Phone Calls
Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
Did you know that your message to me from like last week finally showed up yesterday? How crazy is that? (I'm switching to Verizon soon)
Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
I do now. I hate Verizon. My work cell is through them. No signal inside the hospitals whatsoever.

Originally Posted by MIJB#19 View Post
How awkward is it to, not just once but twice, switch from rooting for one MP FOF team to rooting for a division rival?
Kind of weird, to be honest. I felt a little dirty switching over to the Broncos, but they’re essentially revrew’s team now. Rev keeps me informed, and bounces questions and thoughts of me. I like the arrangement.

With IHOF, I was just a fan of the Ospreys, I read their game logs, I saw the stats and rosters, but I didn’t know much more than that. I knew very little about the league itself. I never saw myself joining the league, so it was never a big deal for me. I hate that I’ll have to play WSU twice a season, because it seems a little weird, but I’m absolutely loving IHOF.

Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
Who is your toughest opponent in IHOF and why?

Toughest opponent in IHOF....I only have 13 games under my belt, and I have never played him, but I’d say it will be Quiksand. We’ve had some FOF discussions via PMs, and he knows more about this game than I do. Honorable mentions would go to SkyDog and Solecismic. I haven’t faced SkyDog yet, but he’s going to hammer me next week or so. I’ve never played Solecismic, either.

Originally Posted by Lathum View Post
If you could have beers with any 2 people on the board who?

Quiksand for one. I’m thoroughly impressed with him. The 2nd is harder because I have to exclude everyone else. I’d say st.cronin. He owes me a hat and may never repay me if I don’t have the beer with him.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Give me your Mount Rushmore of hats.

I’ve never figured out what the Mount Rushmore game is. My favorite hats are my UT beanie cap in the winter and my fitted UT hat during the summer. I am going to need a new one when my hair grows out.

You owe me a hat. Actually, you owe me about 3 of them now.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Why haven't you joined the fofc-bbcf yet?

I never saw enough in BBCF’s demo to make me want it. I thought hard about buying it, but I recall reading some sort of interview with the creator/developer and not finding myself overly impressed with the answers.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Did you know my school colors are black and ... wait for it ... orange? I should get you one of my school ties. You'd look sharp.

You can send it with the hat. One of my former schools was orange and black as well. I agree. It looks sharp.

Originally Posted by Toddzilla View Post
I don't have a good question quite yet, but I do want to say "Thank You" for serving your country and keeping me and my family safe.

I’m the one who should be saying thank you. You, sir, are awesome.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Dodgerchick, hot or not?

I haven’t seen her, but I’ll give her a courtesy thumbs up.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Also is she hotter when she's yelling at you or not.

Depends on my alcohol level.

Originally Posted by Bearcat729 View Post
Do you still fear Kordell Stewart and the mighty Jaguars?

Maybe time has made you forget how bad you were. J

Originally Posted by JAG View Post
Are you offended by St. Cronin's lack of dola etiquette?

If I was, it wouldn’t stop him. In fact, he’d be happy.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
So how did you come to know of FOFC?

It was a draft game held by Solecismic. Along with the game, there was a IRC chat held. Jim helped me figure out how to get there (which was really cool of him now that I think of it). While I was there I mentioned his site needed a message board. I liked OOTP because it had a good message board. I really liked TCY, but I felt like I was the only one in the world playing the game. I mean, I knew others had to play it, but I didn’t know how to get in touch with them. Yeah, I know, it’s called a search engine. I never really used them then. Today I use google almost on an hourly basis.

Anyhow, someone in the chat sent me the link to FOFC, and the rest is history. I was overcome with joy that there were so many other people who liked the game as much as me. Seriously.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What would you do with your spare time if the FOFC ceased to exist?

I spend half my spare time on FOFC or IHOF. I’d just migrate to IHOF full time. No IHOF? I don’t know, I could probably make world peace happen. Scary. Seriously, I’d probably just play a text sim more.


Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Why does your cat keep ignoring me?

What concerns me isn’t that he’s ignoring you, he ignores everyone. What concerns me is he has the ability to ignore you. Charmin is currently laying in the spare bedroom near the vent. I assume that’s because there is heat involved.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Do you currently own any pets?

Two awesome pets, Snuggle Dog and Charmin. Charmin is a Persian-Himalayan and is passed out between the kitchen and living room. I pet him earlier today. I should say he let me pet him earlier today. Snuggle Dog is a small pug who is currently chowing down on her Easter bone. I have two beta fish, named Red and Blue. Red lives in the living room, Blue lives in the bedroom. Blue wanted to fight a diet dr. pepper can earlier today. Red hasn’t moved much. Maybe he died. I think I’ll feed them now. Nope, Red’s good to go.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Describe the perfect high school football offense.
Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post

" " " college football offense.

" " " pro football offense.

A perfect high school offense allows the kids to go out and play without a lot of thinking. Personally, I like the double wing for that purpose. There aren’t many blocking rules for linemen. There’s no real reading coverages or defenses. You don’t have to worry about flankers and split ends being on or off the ball. If they can do what little you’re asking of them almost on instinct, then you’re probably doing pretty good. I’m not much of an option guy because of this, I don’t want the quarterback to have to worry about reading a tackle, end, or linebacker.

A perfect college offense actually uses the option. Colleges have a lot more practice and preparation time than high schools, so it’s easier to implement. You can force the defense to be ready for it every play, even if you’re not running it constantly. I’d prefer a spread option look, using the bunch principles. Andrew Coverdale has written a few books about bunch concepts and set me his playbook a few years back. It’s a versatile setup and is something I’d definitely use if I were a college coach.

Pro football? I’m not a pro football guy. I hate the speed of the game. That said, I’m not overly aware of what NFL offenses run these days. I’d probably pattern my offense around what the Colts do.

Of course, I’d have a lot of fun defending that kind of offense, but sadly you didn’t ask about that.

Originally Posted by bsak16 View Post
I remember you expressed interest in maybe being a football referee.
Originally Posted by bsak16 View Post

What position would you like to be?

What made you have this interest to be a ref?

Do you realize no matter what call you make there will be a lot of pissed off people?
I’m not sure what position I’d want to be. My interest in being a ref would be to continue to be close to the game. I do realize that a lot of people would be angry no matter what, but if I were refereeing, I’d be happy just to be part of it. I think I wouldn’t be worried about how angry everyone else was.

Originally Posted by Barkeep49 View Post
What's your favorite WW role?

The Wolf, though I’m plagued with guilt while I play it. The last time I was a bad guy I had nightmares about leading people astray. I love trying to manipulate the villagers for my own gain. For that reason, I hate being a villager. I feel powerless and that I don’t have enough information to play the game. Still, I play the game because it’s fun.

Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
So what exactly happened in the Survivor game?

I was exploited and I exploded. Good move on the wolves part, bad move on my own. I think the wolves knew I’d blow up and worked me for that very reason.

Originally Posted by Dodgerchick View Post
What prompted you to play WW?

Blade6119 suggested it to me. Thought I’d be good at it. He was probably wrong. J

Originally Posted by hoopsguy View Post
I know very little about Hattrick. Is this something jumping into as a new player at this point in time? If so, who would be a good person to talk to in order to jump-start my learning curve?
Stay away. Stay very far away. I hate saying that.

Hattrick in 2002 was great and I made a lot of good friends here and in Hattrick. Unfortunately, things and Hattrick changed. Hattrick’s changes are probably for the worse and many FOFCers have quit playing the game. If it changes for the better in the future, I’ll be sure to let you know. I’ll even help you along, I think I’d be a great person to help improve your learning curve.

Think about how many questions I’ve been asked about hattrick so far.

Originally Posted by JAG View Post
How's Barbados ?

Invigorating. Hattrick’s not all consuming anymore, but I have a lot more interest in it thanks to moving my club there.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Can you please explain what Hattrick is all about? Well maybe not everything, but what is its appeal to you?
It’s appeal early on was being a cool little online multiplayer sports game. That appeal has kind of worn off and the main reason I’m there are for the friendships I’ve forged both here and there. Like I told hoopsguy, it’s not something I’d recommend to someone new.

William Barrett Kerchee
Originally Posted by st.cronin View Post
Also I have seen oblique references to Will, enough that I sort of get what happened, but I don't remember ever seeing the whole story. So tell us about Will.

Aside from my wife, Will was my best friend.

When I reported to Great Lakes in 2003, I was hurting financially and emotionally. Will took care of me by making sure I was eating right and had stuff to do. Will got me back into softball and was a great counselor for our sailors. I could spend all day talking about Will. I owe a lot of who I am now, both good and bad, to Will.

He was killed in a car accident in Italy in January. The world was a better place with him.

Will was full Comanchee and his funeral was sobering. The best thing about the funeral was meeting his family again. I’ve been told multiple times that I’m family now, and I honestly feel that way.

Will’s family is hosting a memorial softball tournament over the 8th and 9th of June. I’ll be there playing with his family. You’re all more than welcome to come out and play.

Mining/other games
Originally Posted by JAG View Post
What draws you to the mining profession (other than where you started originally) (also blatant plug for /
Boils down to being a friend. You asked, I delivered.

Originally Posted by JAG View Post
Favorite gem?

Diasapore. I don’t pay much attention to the gems, but diasapore sounds cool. I think I spelled that right.

Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
What are all the text sims that you currently play?

FOF2007, TCB. No 3rd game right now. I play a few online games, Syrnia, Movoda, and There’s also hattrick. I’d like to get back into OOTP, but I don’t see it happening right now.

Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
Will you be able to answer all of Antmeister's questions before the next election?
Originally Posted by BYU 14 View Post
I’m hoping so.

By the way, I had a supervisor by the name of Meister. I’ve tried to not hold that against antmeister.

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Old 04-11-2007, 10:47 AM   #2
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Thanks for answering all those questions, AE! Even the ones that came in AFTER the deadline. I've known you personally for awhile, but this opened up new parts of your life, especially about your siblings, that I never knew, and that was really cool to me.

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Old 04-11-2007, 10:50 AM   #3
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Great read. That part on your extended family?
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:53 AM   #4
wade moore
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Informative, good read - still a great feature!
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:09 AM   #5
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Great answers Rodney. Thanks for sharing quite a bit I didn't know about you. Hope we'll have a chance to get together sometime when we're in the same general location.
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:29 AM   #6
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Great read.
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:53 AM   #7
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I realize now that I forgot to comment more on my more immediate family, that being my stepdad, mom, brother, and sister.

My mom passed away April 29th, 1999, of a heart attack. She was 40, going on 41. She was a great mom in my younger days, doing all the mom things. She played with us, taught us math, mom stuff.

When we moved my at the end of my freshman year to Bonne Terre, MO, we moved to a rather seedy part of town. In fact, I kind of pin the blame on the downfall of my family on that location. If you were from my town, and I told you I lived on the corner of C and Long Street, you'd have a different opinion of me and probably think lesser of me. The names of the families in that area are kind of infamous for our area with horrible things...Marler, Reagan, Gowen, Sansoucie, Hawkins, Rulo, Franklin. Many of the kids I grew up with in that area have seen some sort of jail time. One of them is now a registered sex offender.

My mom had cleaned up her act before we moved to Missouri, but our move into Bonne Terre led her and my family astray. The move, by the way, was made because my dad was friends with the owner of the home. If I'm not mistaken, the owner was friends with my grandpa when grandpa was alive.

My mom soon met Dorothy, her drug dealer, who shares one of the last names I shared above. Dorothy began to hook my mom on just about anything she could get her hands on.

By my senior year, my mom was having more bad days than good. By bad days, I mean, there's someone moving around downstairs, but it surely can't be my mom. My mom went in and out of drug rehab over the years, but as soon as it was an option for her, she was right back out of rehab and back on the drugs.

I used to think it was because my mom had a thyroid condition. She had a seizure in 1988 and that's when they found out about her thyroid problem. She complained often about being in pain, and I believed her. 10 years later, she passed away. I was naturally concerned when I found out at age 30, I had a thyroid problem. That was the same age my mom found out about hers.

Looking back, it was likely just a crock so my mom could get more drugs. It's really a shame.

When I was living at home, mom used to tell everyone that would listen that I beat her. It certainly wasn't true, and most people knew that...but of course, her drug dealer sided with her. It drove me nuts.

I actually took my mom to my senior year's athletic awards banquet...and she disappointed me by going into that shell of herself. The night was highlighted by her trying to stuff a helium balloon in her purse.

After I joined the Navy, my mom had to change her storyline, and my sister took my place as who beat her. Now with my sister, I wouldn't actually have put it past her.

My last conversation with my mom was that my sister was beating her. I remember that conversation like it was yesterday. I had a Navy friend over at the house at the time and really played the conversation off well so my Navy friend could see how bad my mom could get.

My mom soon after had another seizure and went to ICU. I requested leave to go see her, but the Navy told me no. It wasn't life threatening, so there was no reason to go.

My mom passed away about 3 days after being released from ICU. The Navy did their apologizing and sent me on leave, but I was angry about that for a long time. I was also bent on killing Dorothy.

Fortunately, my mom's autopsy came out relatively clean, a little weed, but that was it. I was actually impressed.

There's a story about my mom's death, and I mentioned that it changed my sister's life, and I'll comment more on that in a bit.

My stepdad is a soon to be 67 year old man currently living somewhere in my area, though I have never been to his home. It will saturated with cigarette smoke. Since I no longer have to tolerate that environment, I choose to stay away. He's more than welcome at my home. He's been over a few times.

At 67, he's about 6 months younger than my grandmother, placing him about 17 years and 361 days older than my mom. Kind of crazy isn't it?

He's inherently proud of me for all I've done, though I still remember those days when he said I'd be nothing, that I wouldn't make it in the Navy, and how worthless I am.

He remarried after mom passed away...just over a year later. What's really freaky is that he married someone who looks like my mom's twin, with maybe a few more pounds. Height, face, hair and length, stature, all the same. I heard about this before I came home on leave 6 months later only to be utterly shocked at the resemblance.

I know next to nothing about her other than her name and the name of one of her sons...and I only know that because we were in that blasted neighborhood.

My dad has caught flak from the three of us since he hasn't paid the bill for the funeral. Two years ago, the three of us pitched in and bought her a headstone.

My, he shared a doozy of a story this morning with me.

He's 14 months younger than me...and his birthday is sandwiched in between my mom's and dad's. It literally goes July 6th (mom), 8th (Tubby), and 10th (dad). Tubby was tubby as a baby and though he's a relatively skinny guy now, that's what we've always called him.

That friggin neighborhood ate him up, too. When we were kids, my brother and I swore we'd never touch alcohol, drugs, or smoke. I have a good feeling my brother's done all three, although I'd guess he hasn't much of the drugs.

I never got along with the kids in the neighborhood (after all, none of them played Strat-o-Matic), but my brother did. He eventually joined their little "ABC" gang, which was named after A, B, and C streets. Original.

He ended up being a bit of a man-whore through high school, while I chose to be the exact opposite. Our worlds clashed. We grew kinda apart.

He's had two kids with two different mothers, which I suppose isn't that unusual in today's world, but here's the kicker...his last girlfriend, Amanda, has three kids, and the oldest is his. What's unusual about that? Well, sure they've broke up now and then, but never for more than a few months. She sure got busy during those months.

My brother would just go with it, and act as if the other two were his very own. I never understood it. I try not to. After my own marriage, it's hard to cast judgement.

Anyhow, he says he's finally kicked her to the curb. I hope he's right, but with him, I'll never know.

Why should I say that? Well, I asked him this morning where he was on Sunday. He was supposed to come over. Instead, he had spent all night with the mother of his first child, Holly.

That child is probably 9 years old and my brother hasn't had anything to do with her at all in years. Like 8 of them. He pays his child support and that's it. Somehow, he ends up sleeping with her Saturday night. How, why? I don't know. I chewed him out for being stupid.

Ah, I love my family.

Finally, my sister. She really went off the deep end after we moved to that place. She was into anything and everything by the time she got to high school. It was actually rather disgusting. At 14, she had no problem cursing anyone and everyone out. She stole money from my mom and dad and then demanded more. She stole drugs from my mom and drank any alcohol that was left by itself in the house.

She absolutely hated me, and I'm not quite sure why. My clothes would disappear. My CDs would disappear. Books would be gone or torn in shreds. If I went to my parents, they'd say I couldn't prove it was my sister. What a worthless argument. I mean, it had to have been SOMEONE in the house...but because I accused her without concrete "here's a picture of her doing it" evidence, I was clearly wrong and they would not listen to further arguments.

As I believe I mentioned, she refused to come to the wedding, and did the immature bit about how she just might show up to object.

What got her to change so much is that she cursed my mom out the day that mom died. When she returned, she found mom laying face down in the living room. That actually had been somewhat of a recurring theme for my sister...who often would find my mom in the floor after a seizure.

As my sister later told me, she actually cursed mom for having a seizure and went to help her. When she tried to help her up, she realized mom was gone.

Tracy has since quit the drugs, quit smoking, and I think given up on alcohol as well. Now if she'd just kick that Russian to the curb, I'd be happy.

Tracy married a Russian going to college here in St. Louis so he wouldn't be deported. A marriage of convenience, it wasn't supposed to be more than that. I told her not to do it, but she did it anyhow.

Well, they eventually "fall in love", and she goes off to boot camp. After training, she went to Korea. He couldn't go because of his nationality or something. That didn't stop him from spending nearly every dime she made. It actually kind of reminds me of what my wife did in 2003, now that I think of it.

Now that they're together, he's verbally and physically abusive. My brother and I both owe him a beating.

But at least I have my sister back. The one good thing about mom's passing is that it brought the three of us closer together.
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:56 AM   #8
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Excellent as usual. I almost always think you're a wolf, BTW.
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:03 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by flere-imsaho View Post
Great read. That part on your extended family?
I could talk all day about my family. They're amusing from a distance.
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:09 PM   #10
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I swear never to say my family is screwed up again. ( no offense meant)

Great read.
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:15 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by path12 View Post
Excellent as usual. I almost always think you're a wolf, BTW.
I'll add this about werewolf. I feel woefully out of touch with the game as of late. There are number of new players that I don't feel I have a good read on.

That's a good thing because it makes it challenging, but I wonder if it just hasn't changed me from a good WWer to a horrible one.

There are some really good players (no offense to the vets) these days.
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Old 04-11-2007, 12:26 PM   #12
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Wow, an "extended edition," no less.

I agree with I think Lathum, I'll never be able to say my family is crazy again (and like Lathum, no offense meant).

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Old 04-11-2007, 12:39 PM   #13
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Great read, Rodney. Thanks!
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Old 04-11-2007, 01:11 PM   #14
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Awesome AE, thanks for sharing and answering my questions. Good thing you are working with HVAC, 'cause those St. Louis summers can be a beast.
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Old 04-11-2007, 02:54 PM   #15
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AE, thank you for your brutal honesty. With you family's background, I would have understood if you only gave a few details, but your honesty made it a very fascinating read and also gave a great view of how you developed your current personality.

Too bad we don't live in Phoenix anymore, because it would have been nice to meet you for lunch or something. I wish you the best with you and your wife as well as hoping that you accidently land a job coaching a football team.

Great job.
"I'm ready to bury the hatchet, but don't fuck with me" - Schmidty
"Box me once, shame on Skydog. Box me twice. Shame on me. Box me 3 times, just fucking ban my ass...." - stevew
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Old 04-11-2007, 05:23 PM   #16
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That was amazing, AE. I don't think I could ever be that in-depth or maybe not even that honest.
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Old 04-11-2007, 07:58 PM   #17
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Lordscarlet, FYI, I officially don't know my hat size. It's larger that 7 1/4. I'd go with 7 1/2 to 7 3/8 or 7 5/8.
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:04 PM   #18
BYU 14
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Really great stuff Rodney.....After meeting you in person I would have never guessed you had gone through some of the things you have on the family front.....It's a great testament to your character that you have done so well for yourself in many facets....I have a lot of respect for you.
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:21 PM   #19
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You didn't mention that you used to steal other kids' toys. I am disappointed...
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:40 PM   #20
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Still waiting for those pics.

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Old 04-12-2007, 05:33 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Hawglaw View Post
You didn't mention that you used to steal other kids' toys. I am disappointed...
You never asked.
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Old 04-12-2007, 09:31 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast View Post
Lordscarlet, FYI, I officially don't know my hat size. It's larger that 7 1/4. I'd go with 7 1/2 to 7 3/8 or 7 5/8.

How tight is the 7 1/4? I have trouble that I'm between 7 1/4 and 7 3/8. Some 7 1/4's fit perfectly, some are too tight.
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Old 04-12-2007, 05:18 PM   #23
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Way too tight. I wonder now if my head's grown with my weight or if the hat has simply shrunk.

I'd likely have to go 7 3/8.
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Old 04-13-2007, 10:44 PM   #24
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these are very long
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Old 04-14-2007, 10:59 PM   #25
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"I'm ready to bury the hatchet, but don't fuck with me" - Schmidty
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Last edited by Antmeister : 04-14-2007 at 11:01 PM.
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Old 04-14-2007, 11:01 PM   #26
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Old 04-15-2007, 08:37 AM   #27
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Let me guess, Antmeister's questions were here.
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Old 04-15-2007, 09:18 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast View Post
Let me guess, Antmeister's questions were here.

Hahaha, how'd you guess? As soon as I'm done with ww I'll read your ftb Ardent, it's some crazy stuff over there.
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Old 04-15-2007, 10:04 AM   #29
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Good stuff, AE. Well done and I appreciate your honesty. I'm glad the Navy got you where you want to be (wife and good job). Sometimes it does take sacrifice to get what you want. But despite that, I sense you enjoyed the journey a bit as well. Despite all the damned forms.
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Old 04-20-2007, 08:23 AM   #30
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UTEP Miners!!!

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Old 06-18-2007, 05:55 PM   #31
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For those of you interested, my biological father passed away last night. He was 48.
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Old 06-18-2007, 07:13 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast View Post
For those of you interested, my biological father passed away last night. He was 48.

I know you didn't get along with him, but... sorry to hear of his passing
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Old 06-19-2007, 09:02 AM   #33
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Sorry to hear that, AE.
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Old 06-19-2007, 09:08 AM   #34
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Eh, it gets worse. Turns out he took his own life and left a 16 and 15 year old behind without immediate family.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 06-19-2007, 10:58 AM   #35
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Sorry for your loss, AE.
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 06-19-2007, 11:04 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast View Post
Eh, it gets worse. Turns out he took his own life and left a 16 and 15 year old behind without immediate family.


I know you didn't care for him at all, as he seemed to be a bit of a SOB, but it's still awful news. It sounds like he had a lot of problems, and it's sad when that happens.

I hope that things turn out OK for you, and that your family (however estranged they might be) can stay strong...

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Old 06-19-2007, 11:05 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by ardent enthusiast View Post
Eh, it gets worse. Turns out he took his own life and left a 16 and 15 year old behind without immediate family.

Boy, that sucks. Sorry to hear about this.
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Old 06-19-2007, 11:23 AM   #38
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Aaah. I see now.

I remember as everyone else has said that you didn't really care about him, but still, that's a tough thing to swallow.

And leaving 2 kids behind without immediate family...not to speak ill of the dead, but I guess that really...validates your opinion of him. So, with those kids being...half-siblings I guess...and not to get too weighty or whatever, much do you know them? Do you get along with them? Is helping them something you are exploring?

My thoughts are with you.
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Old 06-19-2007, 11:31 AM   #39
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I don't know them at all. I've given it a cursory thought about having them stay here if they had no other option, but I'm sure someone in the clan down in Arkansas actually knows them and would be a better fit.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 06-19-2007, 11:43 PM   #40
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sorry Rodney
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Old 06-20-2007, 12:01 AM   #41
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Tough situation and I hope everything work out for you.
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Old 07-05-2010, 11:58 PM   #42
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Kind of weird reading my responses from back then.

I'd definitely respond a little differently if asked today.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 07-06-2010, 12:22 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Poli View Post
Kind of weird reading my responses from back then.

I'd definitely respond a little differently if asked today.

Yeah, totally. I mean myspace?? Sheesh, I had to check the date on this these post to verify they came after 1995.
Politics, n. Strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles.
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Old 07-06-2010, 07:01 AM   #44
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So, *did* you get any good pictures of Djibouti? *snerk*
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Old 07-06-2010, 07:14 AM   #45
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LOL. Nope, I am what I am. I was loyal to a fault with me ex-wife. I will say this, that divorce was the best thing to ever happen to me...and Will Kerchee was constantly telling me to go through with the divorce.

He was right.

My ex has since asked me to come back twice...predictably on her good mood cycles. She swore to me in February she had made a change for the good "for good". I heard last week she had to be picked up by her mom at a party. A shame.

No other weird family updates to my knowledge. My brother was married two weeks ago...surprisingly. He found a woman that was just as wild as he was...and they kind of canceled each other out. They decided to get married last month and did it with a quickness. He's had some health issues, so I'm assuming that had something to do with it. He got married in and orange Tennessee shirt and has been holding it over my head ever since. No way I can ever top that.

My little girl, Snuggles, passed away in January from cancer in her leg and finally her liver. That was pretty hard on me. I miss her quite a bit. My ex still has Charmin, though I never get to see him.

I'm dating a wonderful neonatal nurse from the area who seemingly "gets" me. She understands my funny side, my weird side, my serious side, my football coaching side...and she's still I must be doing something right.

As for the "Ardent Enthusiast" in me...I feel that since the divorce I've been able to finally return to that guy. I'm not where or who I was...but I'm much closer today than I was in 2007 and I'm closer every day.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.

Last edited by Poli : 07-06-2010 at 07:22 AM.
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