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Old 07-28-2008, 12:49 PM   #1
Pro Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
ISiddiqui's Face The Board Answers

Where did you grow up?

I grew up in Toms River, New Jersey. Was born in Point Pleasant hospital and lived for the first five years of my life in Lakewood, New Jersey. But I don't remember all that much from Lakewood. My parents tell me that we lived in the same apartment complex as Mookie Wilson, though we moved in 1985 (interesting timing, eh?). Then we moved to Toms River.

The interesting thing about this is the two places I grew up in NJ, at some point won the Little League World Series, though Lakewood did it before I was born. I don't know what that means, but its a nice coincidence... if Decatur or Roswell, GA wins the LLWS at any point in the future, all credit goes to me. Seriously.

What brought you to the FOFC?

To be honest, FOF. I was gladly surfing my way through the internet. Chatting mostly on forums devoted to Civilization type games and reading up on sports, news, as well as doing... ahem... other things, when I saw an NFL sim. I believe it was FOF 2001. I saw a few screenshots, downloaded, played it for a while, but I was far more hooked on the forum and the personalities on the forums. That seems to be a recurring theme. I hardly play games anymore (I have a bunch that are unfinished). I keep coming back to the forum communities every day though. You peoples are addictive.

Have you ever played werewolf?

No. Next question.

Do you have any superpowers?

I... uh... know esoteric facts about history that really don't apply to anything else. Then again, on the interwebs... that's not exactly a superpower. I guess I could tell you that I can leap tall buildings in a single bound... but that would be lying. And I don't lie... unless I have to, or its a woman. Or when I feel like it.

What do you do for fun? What do you do for money?

You mean aside from posting here?

Well, I watch plenty of movies, and I think my DVR hates me with all the TV shows I record and watch, and on the weekends I tend to out to dinner with my friends quite a bit, but try not to get too drunk since I still live in Roswell, a suburb, and drive into the city to see my friends.

For money, I work as Pension Investigator for the United States Department of Labor. I make sure employers aren't stealing pension or health care money from participants. It pays decently enough.

How long do you expect to live?

Is "forever" not a proper answer here? I'd hope I'll live to my 90s. I don't smoke or anything and don't drink all that much. I'm relatively healthy, especially since I've been working out far more lately and dropped weight.

What do you look like?

I'm a 5'11'' male who is 3/4 Pakistani and 1/4 Turk (my maternal grandfather was Turkish). I have black hair, brown eyes (big shock being a Pakistani orgin, eh?) and look of average build.

How did you get your username?

It was really tough. It was the initial of my first name and my entire last name. Took me like 3 weeks to come up with it .

What sports do you follow?

Baseball, American football (college and pro), Soccer, sometimes Hockey (but much less now its on Versus).

And I'll watch a variety of sports when they are on the Olympics, but not really otherwise (well, unless its Curling... Curling freaking rules!)

I've even watched a bit of cricket a few times and found it wasn't all that bad (well, as long as you don't watch all day... this is why Twenty20 is a godsend for the casual fan).

As for American football. It's interesting. When I was younger, I liked the pro game MUCH more and liked the college game, but didn't care if I missed a Saturday of games. Now, it's the opposite. And its not really because I'm in the South, where they care about college football (they don't really in the North). I think I like the college game because of all the different styles they have. You even have teams playing the option. By contrast the pro game is stale and boring in its variety of play styles.

Which are your favorite teams?

New York Mets (MLB)
Atlanta Falcons (NFL)
Newcastle United (EPL)
New Jersey Devils (NHL)

I used to like the San Francisco 49ers way back when, but they lost me along the way and I had a bit of a gap (I kind of rooted for the NY Jets, but not really) when I moved to Atlanta, so I took the local team.

I also kind of liked the San Francisco Giants, and still root for them to do well. Since seeing a game in Tampa, I want the Rays to kick some ass as well (Tampa is a fun town, btw).

Why or how did they become your favorite teams?

Oops, I think I already expounded on the Falcons. As for the Mets and Devils, I'm from Jersey and don't really like to jump on the local bandwagon, so I couldn't root for the Yankees or NY Giants (though I did root for them against the Pats, because I freaking hate the Pats). Besides Yankee fans and Giants fans when I was a kid, in my school, were jerks.

Newcastle was because I really liked Alan Shearer and he played for that squad. If I got into the EPL in 1994, I may have been a Blackburn supporter... the world will never know .

What do you do for a living?

It's the same thing as what I do for money... I wonder, why the seperate generic questions? You trying to trick someone into telling you that they sell naked pictures of themselves on the internet for money (Pumpy, I think they are looking at you!!)?

Do you have any post-secondary education? if so, where?

Well, I went to Rutgers College, Rutgers University, in New Brunswick, NJ for undergrad from 1998 to 2002. There I double majored in Political Science and Economics and minored in History. Then went to Emory Law School from 2002-2005.

How did you stumble on FOFC?
See above.

Are you married? Have a common law partner? Have kids?

Not married... but sometimes it felt like it my on again, off again girlfriend of six years. Now I'm free!!! And its kind of nice.

What would you say is some of your favorite music?

I am actually branching out currently into more indie rock. I've liked classic rock for years and then went into a country phase (which I'm out of) and really got into the blues. So right now I'm enjoying indie rock, classic rock, and the blues (including blues rock). I also am looking for more eclectic stuff, such as stuff that mixes genres (especially indie rock and electronica)

So artists indicative of what I'm listening to these days are:

The White Stripes
The Black Keys
The Kills
Franz Ferdinand
Led Zeppelin
The Who

What would you say are some of your favorite movies?

Oh jeez... considering all the movie threads I've been involved in, this could be a combustable answer .

Let's see:

Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail
Monty Python and the Life of Brian
The Empire Strikes Back
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
Doctor Strangelove
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
A Clockwork Orange
The Royal Tennenbaums
Princess Bride
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle
The Big Lebowski
O'Brother Where Are Thou
There Will Be Blood
The Truman Show
Shakespeare in Love
Annie Hall
Bull Durham

and The Dark Knight is getting some consideration by me, but I'll have to see it again when it comes out on DVD.

Where were you born?

See above.

Where have you lived and where do you live now? Do you have any opinions on the places you have lived in?

I originally lived in Ocean County, New Jersey, not far from the shore. I really enjoyed it there. Though going back recently realized it doesn't really change all that much. Doesn't get all too many new stores or anything, at least in Toms River at any rate. Maybe I'm spoiled by the rapid growth in Georgia. The beach and boardwalk (at Seaside Heights) is still very nice though.

New Brunswick, NJ wasn't bad. But I lived in the nice collegy area with lots of young people having fun, booze, and restaurants to cater to them. So may have been somewhat rose colored glasses .

I've liked Decatur and Roswell in Georgia so far. Currently in Roswell, but I think I'm planning on moving back in the city area (or rather inside the perimeter) to be closer to the fun.

Do you play any sports? Have you played any sports in the past? Are there sports you want to try out?

Currently, no. I did play soccer for about 11 years or so in my childhood and enjoyed it greatly. I played Little League Baseball for like 2 seasons because my parents wanted me to play. I actually don't think I got a single hit. This was before I actually liked baseball too.

I'd like to try out Curling (it's the sport, people!!), but I'm not fond of ice... that could be an issue.

Happiest moment of your life?

I guess not really a "moment" (so what, I'm cheating... it's my thing): Sophomore and Junior years of college at Rutgers. Sophomore year I ended up Leupp Hall, which is somewhere I didn't want to be. For one, no high speed internet and small ass rooms (requiring bunked beds). But it actually ended up to be great since the floors were so small (like 10 rooms a floor) that I became pretty close with everyone on my floor during the year and became pretty good friends with a lot of them. Much different (and IMO, better) than being on a floor of 50 rooms. Then I decided to room with one of them (my best bud, Jon) for my Junior year. Jon was 21, which meant the alcohol was flowing in our room and we had a blast hanging out together. He was probably the best buddy I ever had and it was sad when we lost touch.

I was also the President of the Rutgers College Republicans and Vice President for the Rutgers Association for International Relations at the time and met some cool people through those groups.

Also towards the end of Junior year I started dating my other close friend and we were having a great time.

Saddest moment of your life?

My parents are both still alive (knock on wood), so its a breakup story. The same woman who was "my other close friend" in the vignette above, 6 years later, after breaking up and dating off and on, we finally got 'officially' back together, only to irrevocably break up 2 months later. That last week or two was utterly heartwrenching and painful for me.

Though it served as the catalyst to really reconnect closely with some of my old college friends (thanks Facebook!), so silver linings... and she was bad for me, I realized later (at least my friends say so.. whether they are being nice... well... who knows).

If you had to re-live one moment in your life, what would it be?
Well, I think the person I am today is a result of everything that happened to me, so I think all the joys and pains are something I wouldn't want to change, but I will say the last time I talked to my friend Jon was over cell phone a year after he graduated and I was in my Senior year. I would have taken better care of his cell phone number and not have lost it right afterwards (maybe put it in my wallet or something). I probably could have used his counsel in the last few years. That's not really a moment, I guess.

What regrets do you have?

To preface, my parents are fairly religious and don't approve of me "dating". That's not how it works in Islam. So, I wasn't fully forthcoming with the fact that I dated, which was really quite a problem when I got involved in a serious relationship. They knew I was in one, and I kind of knew that they knew, but it was like an unspoken agreement not to talk about it. After I moved to Atlanta, I should have been forceful in making it clear and telling them they had to deal with it. Sure, the relationship ended sour, but it would have been healthier for me to do so (and would have forced me to grow some balls).

Then again, if the relationship still went sour over another reason, I may regretted having my parents not talk to me for a while as a result of stepping up. But perhaps that would have been the better route.

And sometimes I regret being so open with my life among others.... perhaps like now .

Do you consider yourself to be an introvert or an extrovert?

Most of my friends would call me an extrovert, but that's because they know me. I tend to be shy a bit among people I don't know that well. Once they get to know me, I open up and become my plesantly wierd self.

What is your favorite catch phrase?

"That's what she said"

What are your top 5 movies?

I have to rank some of those movies? Crap!!!

1) Empire Strikes Back
2) Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail
3) Bull Durham
4) There Will Be Blood
5) The Big Lebowski

What would you do with 1 million bucks? 10 million?

With 1 million bucks, I'd pay down my student loan debts and my car loans. I'd purchase a decent house in either Atlanta or Decatur (inside the permiter for the win!), buy a new 1080p flat screen TV and perhaps a few computers and save the rest.

With 10 mil... all of the above, and probably buy a bigger house in Atlanta (maybe worth a couple mil), get a Porsche 911, and travel around the world a bit (taking some of my friends to fun and exotic locales). Maybe get a second home on the coast of France. Also give a bit to my parents and perhaps my brother to get a house.

You're at a party and as it progresses, everyone strips naked and jumps in the pool, do you join?

Sure. Why not?

What's your beverage of choice?

A nice fairly dark beer or a martini (gin, of course, with 2 olives).

As for non-alcoholic: Coke Zero or Pomegranate juice.

Last edited by Antmeister : 07-28-2008 at 01:09 PM.
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Old 07-28-2008, 12:49 PM   #2
Pro Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
Do you have an abnormal fear?

Not that I know of.

What food do you never tire of?

Jersey Pizza. Or Southern style BBQ ribs. MMMMMMmmm.

What better: vanilla or chocolate?


What better: sweet or salty?


Favorite YouTube video?



If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Either reading minds or super speed. It depends on what day.

Which bad habits drive you crazy?

Tapping a pen against a desk.

Do you have any annoying habits?

Sometimes I tend to bounce my leg up and down, which gets on peoples' nerves especially if they are sitting at the same table as well.

List 1 thing you would change about yourself.

Appearance wise, I'd get rid of the belly that I still have left and stubbonly won't go away (bastard).

Personality wise, I'd make myself be more organized.
What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Go out to dinner at a new place (or place I haven't been in a while) with some friends and catch a flick afterwards.

Do you have any hidden talents?

Not really. Or at the very least, I haven't been able to find them .
What happens to us after we die?

I don't know. But I'm learning towards "nothing".

Would you break the law or lie to save a friend?

Lie? Absolutely. As for breaking the law... that depends on the law.
Did you ever have a realistic dream that truly scared you?

No. And I usually don't even remember my dreams when I wake up.
What are you not afraid of?

Strange question. Well... I'm not afraid of snakes.
Which is worse: rejection or failure?

Failure. Rejection is someone else's opinion of you. And that other person may be an idiot. Failure is something you know you messed up at and have to deal with yourself.
What are you hoping for in the future?

Not sure. I'm 28, so still young and the job ain't too taxing and pays decently. Probably marriage in the next 5-10 years, potentially kids afterwards. I don't need a super high paying job. As long as I'm comfortable and have leasure time, that'll work for me. I guess I'm not very goal oriented then .

You are on a flight from California to Texas and the back of the airplane catches fire. You have
enough time to make ONE phone call, who would you call?

My parents.
You are at the doctor's office and she has informed you that you have one month to live.. what do you do?

I'd most likely travel, particularly in Europe. And live it up while there. Try new things (ie, drugs) and jump out planes and stuff like that. I'd have to spend at least the last week or two at my parents' house and be with family (I'd be sure my cousins would fly in) for the end.

Why are SpongeBob SquarePants' parents round like sea sponges while he is square like a kitchen sponge?

Check the milksponge.

Do you still play any online sim leagues?

Currently I do not. I think that one league of OOTP was the only one I've ever done. Sad that it died out, but at least I made the Dodgers not totally suck in it .

Do you think Marta is Smarta?

Um... trick question? MARTA has, amazingly, gotten better (watch, its going to break down the next time I go to work and I'll be 3 hours late) recently. It still can be hit or miss with how long the next train is going to come, but that's gotten more rare. And Hell, it saves me a lot of money since I use it to go to work and I'm planning on moving somewhere where I can walk to MARTA, making it even more convenient.

How does it feel to be one of two people on my FOFC friendlist? (that I haven't used in like 6 years)

It is an honor and it's frightening. My mommy always told me about stalkers like you . As long as I was important enough for someone to wonder when I was online, its ok with me .
Suburban Rhythm:
Kellogg's just created ISiddiqui the Cereal. What's the box look like? How's the cereal taste? What is the prize inside?

The box has abstract act on it, full of wonderful bright colors, and me in the middle, sitting in a cereal bowl with both thumbs up. The cereal is your basic oats with blueberries & (if possible) pomegranate seeds, slivered almonds, and walnuts. No sugar added at all. The prize is a decoder ring of some sort .

Any good stories about being a Mets fan in Atlanta (I think)?

Perhaps not "good", but "decent". The last time I went to a Braves-Mets game was earlier this year when both the Mets and Braves weren't doing so hot. Unfortunately the Mets lost BIG time, but I sat there and took it with my Mets hat on. On the shuttle to the train station afterwards with my friend (who is a Braves fan... at least for is NL team) a bunch of drunk Braves fans got on and started heckling Mets fans, including me standing right in front of them. We are all standing right behind the back door of the bus. Talking about the collapse last year and about the payroll. My friend whispered to me to try to avoid eye contact because these were the type of fans who seemed like would try to take a swing if you tried to argue with them too much. So we get to the train station and before the bus driver even opens the doors, my friend shoots out of the door and before I even know it is 30 feet away, right in front of the stairs to the train station (no one else is even off the bus at this point). I soon follow him out, but I had to keep myself from busting out laughing as he explained that he did it so we wouldn't get into a fight and thought I knew that I was supposed to do the same.

That was also the game where the Braves fan next to us in our seats explained how Franceour would swing at both pitches REGARDLESS of where they were and the first three times up at bat... swing, swing, like clockwork. The fourth time, he actually took the first pitch and my section gave him an ovation .

Do you feel personally responsible for Rutgers' rise from the worst team in D1 football to (eventual) National Champion? You might've started the trend here.

Personally responsible? Nah... I was all for striping money away from the football team (still am a bit)... so I think they won in spite of me. Not that I won't cheer for them every step of the way. The one game I did go my Frosh year was one of the few games we actually won during my years there (against Army... we stormed the field after we beat them... yes... that's right.. we stormed the field against... Army)

Who is your FOFC nemesis?

I dunno if I really have a "nemesis" per se. I think they just rotate. I tended to get into some heated discussions with JonInMiddleGA and during the Devils-Ducks Stanley Cup, me and Chief Rum really went at it. Right now, I think I'm mostly mellow with everyone. The way I usually like it (even if my posting style may not show it ).

Knowing that you grew up in Toms River, and like many of us, are now long gone--is there anything you miss about it? Anything you don't? How often do you go back?

I go back every year or so to visit my parents who still live in Toms River. I miss the beach being so close. It's really nice to hop in a car and drive 10 minutes and have the sand at your toes. Also the boardwalk at Seaside Heights. I always, always miss Jersey pizza and bagels whenever I try to get those types of food down in Atlanta. I don't miss the winters or the snow .

You also seem to remember much of your IR theory from college. What did you study in school?

One of my majors was Political Science and I really enjoyed the International Relations aspects of it. At Rutgers for Poly Sci majors, I think they ideally want you to split your studies in thirds between Political Philosophy, American Politics, and International Relations (though that really never happens, after the intro courses, people generally focus on one or the other). I took, after the intro courses, more IR classes I think that the others, but Political Philosophy was a close second. I didn't really take many American politics classes, except a couple dealing with the law.

What made you decide to become a lawyer?

I think I always (after the every boy's "I want to be an astronaut, fireman, etc." stage) wanted to be a lawyer. I just like the idea of shaping the legal system of the country. Of course when I was young I always thought law was in the courtroom. Later on, I realized most of it was in the boardroom, and then I realized a bunch of lawyers don't even practice law. I'm one of the later. I work for the government, in law, but not practicing it.

What is the worst part of your job?

I work with the US DOL handing pension investigation cases. The worst part is dealing with participants who don't think you are doing your best at the job or who don't think you really care about their issues. Sometimes you can spend half an hour on a call calming down someone.

What is the best part of your job?

The travel. We go visit companies "on site", so we have to go to them. I've been to Charlotte, Raleigh, Wilmington, Jacksonville, etc. as a part of my job. While I can't really do the touristy things, I can go to eat at nice restaurants and visit the fun areas in the evening.

Oh... that and the free MARTA train pass they give us .

What is the biggest difference between ISiddiqui now and the ISiddiqui who started this thread:

Oh... where to begin.

First, I'm no longer a Niner fan. I root for them when I can, but they aren't my #1 team. Looking back, I can admit that when I was a kid I was a frontrunner and that's why I picked them. My dad wasn't a big football fan. In the 70s, when he came over from Pakistan, he backed the Bills but never really sat down and watched the games and explained it to me. All of my sporting loves are self taught, which may be a reason I'm willing to accept new thinking because I haven't had the old ways ingrained into me. That's kind of small though.

Secondly, I'm far more moderate. Back when I joined, I was still firmly in the Republican camp. Granted, I was a Libertarian Republican, who wanted to legalize some drugs and was against the Christian Right, but I liked the idea of smaller government and was in the Wall Street camp. I liked the idea of "compassionate conservatism". Now, I'm what you may call "radical center", a third way type of person. After all my reading and studying, I have a different view on the role of government and of society in general. I am now something of a moral/ethical relativist and believe the rights we have are given to us by our societies and governments and not any natural reasons. I used to be a theist back then as well (I had rejected Islam on some levels, but still didn't eat pork and all that at the time), but now I'm far closer to atheism and follow no Muslim dietary laws at all.

So "biggest" is hard to ascertain .

So have you gone back to El Pollo Loco and did you finally order beans and RICE as side orders? Also, did you try the "spoon" method I recommended?

Yes, I did! It was a bit more difficult, but worth it. It made the tortillas last longer. It's why I made the thread in the first place. To find out these sort of in depth tips!

You rated 2 of my alltime favorite movies a 2, so why the hate for LOTR The Two Towers and The Shawshank Redemption? I think you're the only person in the world that didn't like Shawshank.

I just found it dull. By the end, I was exorting the screen to end the movie. It didn't grab me at all. LOTR: The Two Towers I found to be dull as well. One battle took up, like, what a 3rd of a film? Its sad because The Two Towers was my favorite book of the series, but I hated the movie version. Though I was sure to as I really, really liked the whole two seperate stories mode of doing it that Tolkien did.

How big is your movie collection? Out of all those movies, which movies will you never part with?

It actually isn't that big. I think its because I tend not to watch movies over and over again aside from a few. I like the element of newness with a new movie (same with books... I think I may have reread all of 2 books while I have 200 or so books in my bookshelf). My movie collection is around 50, I think (I have about the same number of disks in TV show). Of all those movies, I'd never part with my "Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail", "Monty Python's Life of Brian", "Monty Python's Meaning of Life", "The Big Lebowski". I find comedies last longer (although "Master and Commander" almost made the list).

Why didn't Noah swat those 2 mosquitos?

I'm guessing this is about the Arc guy. I just googled it and figured it was. I think it's because he liked to scratch his bites. He was into some (minor) S&M.

What do you think of when you hear "Texas"? How about "California"?

When I hear Texas, I think of Mexican Americans partying in San Antonio and long, dry land of West Texas. When I hear California, I think of fertile wine country, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Disneyland.

How about "Canadians"?

When I hear Canadians, I think of Toronto and Ottawa (where I've been), hockey, mounties, and snow.

If your pet suddenly talked and asked for a beer, what would you say?

I'd be totally freaked out because I don't own a pet. I'd have imagined I'd had a hallucinogen... and I'd put down my beer.

How do you think you'll do in the Keeper League?

Same as always. Near the top, in contention until the end, but always falling short somehow, by a game or a point.

What soccer related question should I be asking you?

How did I come to be a Newcastle United fan?

What would be the answer to that?

Easily enough, my favorite player was Alan Shearer. I loved watching his style during international matches. I found out he played for Newcastle and I became a Magpie supporter.

What is favorite opening Civ4 strategy - i.e., type of world, leader traits, early UU, opening moves with those three.

Hmmm... it's been so long since I've played Civ4 (if you listen to Polycast, you'll note its a recurring joke). But I like a Continent world with one of the pre created civs. I don't tend to customize leader traits or UU's. I prefer to take what I've been given. My opening moves is try to pop every goody hut I can find, and usually go Settler-Warrior-Worker .

What is your favorite wonder?

I always liked the Great Library and Hanging Gardens... and of course, The Oracle is nice to help get ahead in the tech race.

What is your favorite offensive unit?

Pretorians .

What's your take on Freddy Adu's move (on loan) to AS Monaco?

I think it'll be really good for him. Adu, while not the "American Ronaldo", has been very, very good of late. He's coming into his own and has become one of the US's greatest players. The loan will get him regular playing time in Europe and that will only help him develop and learn to deal with the greatest talent in the world. France isn't Spain or Italy, but its far better than the MLS in terms of competition. Hopefully this can help develop him into force in international football.
Who takes the MLS title this season?

New England is looking incredibly impressive, and perhaps this is the year they can break out. But I'm not going to count out a LA Galaxy team if they have a healthy Donovan and Beckham.
Attacking football and out in the semifinals, or defensive football and winning the final?

Depends on the team. For the US, even if its is defensive football, winning the final would change the view of US football overnight. It'd be huge. If I backed a team like, say, Italy, I'd prefer attacking football and out in the semis. Hard to keep watching negative football from your home squad.. I don't know how Italy supporters do it.
And if nobody else asked already,a must ask for FTB:
Do you play FOF? If yes, how? If no, why not?

Not anymore. Haven't in years. I haven't played many text sims in general. Hardly any OOTP and hardly any FM. I don't know why it doesn't appear to grasp me anymore. Then again, I haven't played many computer/video games recently either. I haven't finished Bioshock or GTAIV, even though I originally was excited for both them. Not sure why I don't have the jonesing for gaming anymore. Maybe I'm too addicted to my forums .

Last edited by Antmeister : 07-28-2008 at 12:50 PM.
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Old 07-28-2008, 12:57 PM   #3
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Genuinely one of my favorite posters, this was a good read.

knives out
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Old 07-28-2008, 01:12 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2004
Hey, the youtube video was removed! Booo

I loled at "The Arc Guy" hahahaha Thanks for answering my questions Isiddiqui. Oh, one more thing, how do you pronounce your last name?

Edit: The way I read it is See-dee-kee am I way off?

Last edited by Lorena : 07-28-2008 at 01:16 PM.
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Old 07-28-2008, 01:33 PM   #5
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Location: Decatur, GA
Sid-dhee-kee, but Sid-dee-kee is fine. So, no not way off, and I'd wouldn't object if someone called me See-dee-kee.
"A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages"
-Tennessee Williams
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Old 07-28-2008, 01:35 PM   #6
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Old 07-28-2008, 01:38 PM   #7
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For a second I was wondering why you were explaining how to pronounce sudoku. That was actually a good question, that I never wondered before, allways read the entire screennamen as something like Easy Dicky. But right after I wrote it, uhm, I just realize that would probably be your porn actor alternate.
* 2005 Golden Scribe winner for best FOF Dynasty about IHOF's Maassluis Merchantmen
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Old 07-28-2008, 01:49 PM   #8
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Location: Decatur, GA
Hey, the youtube video was removed! Booo


Though to explain, it was the scene in "The Big Lebowski" where we are introduced to the Jesus. You know the one.
"A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages"
-Tennessee Williams
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Old 07-28-2008, 02:01 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by ISiddiqui View Post

Though to explain, it was the scene in "The Big Lebowski" where we are introduced to the Jesus. You know the one.


omg the best scene ever No one fucks with The Jesus!!

Last edited by Lorena : 07-28-2008 at 02:03 PM.
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Old 07-28-2008, 02:02 PM   #10
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Old 07-28-2008, 02:35 PM   #11
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Do you feel personally responsible for Rutgers' rise from the worst team in D1 football to (eventual) National Champion? You might've started the trend here.

Personally responsible? Nah... I was all for striping money away from the football team (still am a bit)... so I think they won in spite of me. Not that I won't cheer for them every step of the way. The one game I did go my Frosh year was one of the few games we actually won during my years there (against Army... we stormed the field after we beat them... yes... that's right.. we stormed the field against... Army)

Just an question was in reference to your dynasty thread that used to be in your signature. Was that you or am I thinking of someone else?

Awesome read pal, thanks.

Last edited by Logan : 07-28-2008 at 02:35 PM.
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Old 07-28-2008, 03:01 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Logan View Post
Just an question was in reference to your dynasty thread that used to be in your signature. Was that you or am I thinking of someone else?

Perhaps it was someone else... I had a link to a Deford article, I think.

Oh, and I'm glad that y'all liked it (at least those of you who said they did!)
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Old 07-28-2008, 03:04 PM   #13
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cthomer had a pretty long Rutgers dynasty awhile back. Dunno if it was in his sig.
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Old 07-28-2008, 03:46 PM   #14
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Well shit, I fucked up .
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Old 07-28-2008, 08:19 PM   #15
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It's funny how you and I both support the same EPL team due to the same basic reason. Alan Shearer.

Good read!
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Old 07-28-2008, 09:29 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Neuqua View Post
It's funny how you and I both support the same EPL team due to the same basic reason. Alan Shearer.

Let's take a moment to remember the brilliance that is Shearer (I think I heard CR throw up back there ).
"A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages"
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Old 07-29-2008, 08:42 AM   #17
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He always struck me as a consummate goal-poacher, but not someone who could create his own opportunities. He did excel in putting away those opportunities, though.
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Old 07-31-2008, 11:12 AM   #18
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Good read. I do sell naked pictures of myself online, and I think my uncle stole a great deal of money from his company's pension plan, but he got caught.
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Old 07-31-2008, 12:00 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by ISiddiqui View Post
Sid-dhee-kee, but Sid-dee-kee is fine. So, no not way off, and I'd wouldn't object if someone called me See-dee-kee.

Good read...though I never saw your name as being pronounced that way. In my mind it rhymes..."eye - sid - i - quai" (couldn't figure out how to spell the last syllable, but it has a long i at the end
Originally Posted by mccollins View Post
haha - duck and cover! Here comes the OlieRage!
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Old 07-31-2008, 12:12 PM   #20
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I thought it was sid-eh-kwee
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Old 07-31-2008, 06:42 PM   #21
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Good stuff. Glad I picked you and that you finally got to go. Great answers.
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Old 07-31-2008, 10:01 PM   #22
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I always pronounced it "sid".

knives out
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Old 07-31-2008, 10:03 PM   #23
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"A prayer for the wild at heart, kept in cages"
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:25 PM   #24
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Has your Turkish side ever eaten at Cafe Istanbul in Decatur?
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:36 PM   #25
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No... but I am intrigued. I think I've ever heard of it once or twice.
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:43 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by ISiddiqui View Post
No... but I am intrigued. I think I've ever heard of it once or twice.

Yeah, a friend of mine owns it (he's from Turkey, obviously) and it's pretty awesome food. It gets very loud in there some nights, and crowded on weekends as they have a fun pillow room with hookahs and dancers. I used to play on their soccer teams and they are really nice guys, but once again, the food is awesome.

If you ever care to visit, it's on Lawrenceville Highway near the North Dekalb Mall.
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Old 08-06-2008, 12:58 PM   #27
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Oh cool.. that's going to be very close to my new apartment (which is on North Arcadia, about a half mile from the Avondale Station). I'll have to check it out .
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Old 08-18-2008, 11:38 AM   #28
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