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Old 04-12-2005, 03:51 PM   #351
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Lexington, KY
Originally Posted by Blackadar
Speaking of tanks, I'm loving my warrior (post-patch).

1. The new additional rage generation makes it easier to kill things.
2. My rogue's farming of SM has him outfitted with top-notch (green) gear.

Since the warrior is so gear-dependent, this is an awesome combo.

Weilding a two-handed sword, I can just destroy anything my level. And the nice thing about a warrior is that we're often better with some rage generation, even at the expense of health. So I'll kill one mob and go to the next with only 2/3rd health, but kill them so quickly I'll only be down to 1/2 health. Kill one more mob, bandage and I'm on my way!
I like my warrior for tanking and such, too. However, warriors seem to be horrible for PvP. Most of the time whoever I'm fighting/dueling with either stun me or slow my movement and hit me with ranged attack. I have a bow, but it isn't going to do any serious damage. Without being able to get close enough to execute my melee attacks I'm pretty much screwed.
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Old 04-13-2005, 11:05 PM   #352
Head Coach
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Hometown of Canada
Where do you people level at level 31+? I'm Horde, and trying to quest in Tarren Mill, but there's A LOT of ganking going on and questing is near impossible...

I've done almost every quest in 1K Needles, so I'm out of ideas on where to quest. :P Any possibilities?
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Old 04-17-2005, 05:40 AM   #353
Pro Rookie
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Kansas City, Mo
I need to make an alt for now.. 60 priest doing raids mostly for instances and some dire maul running.. Mc/Onyxia... outdoor raids.. etc

Trying to decide between paladin and warrior (please no more casters.. )

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Old 04-19-2005, 08:07 AM   #354
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Location: Kansas City, Mo

The new patch today is gonna be sweet.. pvp battlegrounds.. wee
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Old 04-19-2005, 08:09 AM   #355
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fantasyland
Originally Posted by Ragone

The new patch today is gonna be sweet.. pvp battlegrounds.. wee

The Battlegrounds don't get released today. The PvP honor system does. (I think)
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Old 04-19-2005, 08:10 AM   #356
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Location: Kansas City, Mo
Ah, i see they put in anti zerg tactics for azuegos
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Old 04-19-2005, 08:11 AM   #357
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Location: Kansas City, Mo
The /pvp flag has been changed to a toggle. Now once /pvp is turned on, you will be flagged for PvP until it is turned off. The /pvp flag will remain even after logging out, so please remember to turn off the /pvp flag if you do not wish to engage in PvP. This option is only available to players on Normal and Role Play realms.
Item effects that increase the chance of a critical hit with spells will now work properly with healing spells.
Fixed a bug with Cho'Rush the Observer where he wasn't properly contributing to the tribute loot mechanic in the North wing of Dire Maul.

World of Warcraft Client Patch Changes
PvP Honor System
The Player versus Player Honor System is now active. Players will be able to gain rankings based on their PvP performance, with lucrative rewards for those who distinguish themselves on the field of battle! Read more about the PvP Honor system.
Children's Week

Children's Week is celebrated in Orgrimmar and Stormwind City at the start of May and lasts for a week. It is a time to give back to the innocents of war: the orphans!
Gurubashi Arena event

There is now a regular event in Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale. Every three hours starting at midnight, a pirate with too much treasure on his hands will drop a chest in the center of the arena. Whoever can open the chest first gets the contents! Of course, the arena is a PvP Free for All area, so there might be other players who are trying to open it first...
Elemental invasions!

Invasions by elementals at different locations on Kalimdor have reportedly been occurring sporadically every few days. Concerned adventurers should investigate Silithus, Un'Goro Crater, Azshara, and Winterspring to counter these incursions.

Charm and Polymorph mechanics can now be reactively countered by spells and abilities (e.g. Druid Shapeshifting will now cancel Polymorph effects).
Mana regeneration is now disrupted when a spell has completed casting rather than at the start of casting. It will resume normally five seconds after the last spell cast. This change increases the total time spent regenerating mana and therefore increases the total contribution from Spirit for mana-based classes.
Level 60 mounts purchased at vendors now have a whole new look. Faster undead mounts already have a different look and so have not changed. The new mounts can be seen standing near the mount vendors. If you have one of the old fast mounts, you can exchange it for one with a new look at the mount vendor.
Healing-over-time spells should now be improved by "+Healing" items when cast on other players.
Mind Controlled characters will no longer receive a durability penalty when they die.
When a non-Hunter resurrects a pet, the pet will no longer receive resurrection sickness.

A handful of spells were added to the list of spells subject to diminishing returns in PvP. It is our goal to set as few spells as possible to be diminished. We've identified this short list of spells as having durations and cooldowns sufficient to almost permanently slow or immobilize targets but without adequate controls or other limiting factors. When a spell with diminishing returns is used against a target in PvP, the first effect has full duration. On the second use of the same category of spell (e.g. slowing), that spell's duration is reduced by 50%. On the third use, the duration is reduced by 75%. On the fourth attempt, the target becomes immune to the spell. Spells must be used on the same target within 15 seconds of the *end* of the duration in order to be diminished. In other words, if a target hasn't had a slowing spell active on them for more than 15 seconds, the next slowing spell will have full effect. The list of affected spells is:
Frost Shock
Entangling Roots
Frost Nova
Guard directions, signs and signposts have been added to point you toward the PvP Officer Lounges in Stormwind City (Champions' Hall) and Orgrimmar (Hall of Legends).
Racial Traits

Blood Fury - Now increases base melee attack power by 25% for 15 seconds. When it fades base melee attack power is reduced by 25% for 45 seconds.
Perception - Increased detection bonus.
Berserking - Is now usable after being the target of a critical hit. Increases melee, ranged and spell casting speed by 25% but increases all damage taken by 10% for the duration.

Ravage and Shred now properly increase the attack power contribution by the percent modifier.
Shapeshifting into an animal form will now remove Polymorph effects.
Feral Charge - Fixed a bug where the ability cost 10 rage instead of five as intended. Should now cost five rage.
Entangling Roots - Now subject to diminishing returns in PvP. This is considered an immobilizing effect.

A new Hunter epic quest series is now in the game and waiting to be found.
Scatter Shot (Talent) - Now usable while moving and no longer interrupts ranged combat. Now properly reduces the ranged attack power contribution by the percent modifier.
Highland Striders no longer have Cower (Rank 3) when tamed.
New Pet Ability: Dive - Increases movement speed for a short duration.
New Pet Ability: Dash - Increases movement speed for a short duration.
Freezing Trap - Visual changed.
Track Hidden - Increased stealth detection.
Scorpid Sting - Fixed a bug where it was not considered a poison. It can now be removed by poison curing effects.
Aspect of the Cheetah/Pack - These Aspects will now be canceled when mounted.
Viper Sting - This spell can no longer be used on warrior and rogue targets. In addition, while it can be used on a druid target at any time it will only drain mana when the druid is in caster form.

Amplify Magic and Dampen Magic effects should now replace each other properly.
Improved Scorch (Talent) - Redesign. Scorch spells have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to cause your target to be vulnerable to Fire damage. This vulnerability increases the Fire damage dealt to your target by 2% and can be stacked up to 5 times for a total of 10% increased Fire damage.
New Spell: Arcane Brilliance (available at level 56 - Loot) - Infuses the target's party with brilliance, increasing their Intellect.
Improved Mana Shield - Design changed. Instead of increasing the amount absorbed, it now decreases the mana lost per point of damage taken by 10/20%.
An error message is now displayed if you try to use Blink on boats and zeppelins.
Wand Specialization - Fixed a bug where the damage increase with this talent was higher than the listed amount.
Frost Nova - Now subject to diminishing returns in PvP. This is considered an immobilizing effect.
Pyroblast and Fireball damage over time will now stack together.

Seal of Wisdom and Seal of Light should now replace each other properly as well as stack properly when used by different paladins.
Paladin Epic Mount quest added. To begin, talk to the paladin trainers Duthroian Rall or Brandur Ironhammer.
Paladins who have completed their Epic Mount quest can repeat the final event in Scholomance for fun (and loot) by speaking with Lord Grayson Shadowbreaker.
Sanctity Aura - Fixed a bug where the spell/talent was unlearned after logging out if learned before level 40.
Resistance Auras - Paladins should now be able to switch from a resistance aura to any other resistance aura without canceling the current one first.
Improved Seal of Justice - Fixed a bug that caused the talent to have no effect. It will now increase the frequency that the stun effect will land.

A new Priest epic quest series is now in the game and waiting to be found.
Levitate - Duration and mana cost increased.
Touch of Weakness - Should now be affected by the Blackout, Darkness, Force of Will, Shadow Focus, Shadow Weaving and Silent Resolve talents.
Starshards - Should now be affected by the Focused Casting, Force of Will, and Silent Resolve talents.
Holy Fire - Should now be affected by the Focused Casting talent.
Mind Flay - Should now be affected by the Focused Casting talent.
Desperate Prayer - Should now be affected by the Holy Specialization talents.
Vampiric Embrace - Active icon tooltip rewritten to be more clear.
Holy Nova - Now causes an explosion of holy light around the caster, causing Holy damage to all enemy targets within 10 yards and healing all party members within 10 yards. These effects now cause no threat as opposed to reducing threat temporarily.
Holy Fire - Several changes were made to Holy Fire in an effort to make this a more usable and efficient damage spell. The cast time was reduced from five seconds to four seconds, which reduces the damage caused. Therefore, the damage was increased and more of the spell's potency was shifted into the damage-over-time portion. The duration was also increased and mana cost and cooldown were both decreased. While the direct damage portion was reduced slightly from the previous version, each tick of damage should be unchanged, and the spell now delivers one additional tick of damage. In total, the relative damage and efficiency of the spell has been increased.
Wand Specialization - Fixed a bug where the damage increase with this talent was too high.

Combo points will no longer be removed if the target is deselected. They will only be removed if a different target is selected.
Fixed a bug where combo points were not always being applied to the target when using Cheap Shot, Ambush and Garrote.
Vanish - Increased stealth bonus.
Ambush, Backstab, Ghostly Strike, and Riposte now properly increase the attack power contribution by the percent modifier. Our goal is to make the dagger-based Backstab/Ambush build a viable alternative to the sword/mace-based Sinister Strike build. As a side effect, fixing this bug also increased maximum critical Ambush damage beyond our intentions. After considering a variety of balance changes (including reducing the percent modifier or base damage of Ambush, or reducing the Improved Ambush talents) we decided to change the Lethality talent to no longer affect Ambush. This does not counteract the DPS increase from the bug fix as Backstab is the primary source of DPS while Ambush is a source of high, one-time damage and cannot be used as consistent DPS. After all balance changes are considered, here are some details:
(Using a Barman Shanker with 2.0 weapon speed and between 500 and 800 attack power)

Ambush without the Lethality bonus and attack power bug fix (patch 1.4.0) causes between 4-12% more damage than - - - * Ambush with the Lethality bonus and attack power bug (patch 1.3.1).
Backstab (patch 1.4.0) causes between 9-13% more damage than Backstab (1.3.1).
The Kick ability prevents the target from casting spells in the same school when channeled casting is interrupted.
If using Gouge triggers the Stormshroud Armor lightning effect, the Gouge effect will no longer be instantly interrupted.
The Rogue trainers will now point the player to an appropriate area with boxes to unlock depending on the lockpicking skill of the player.
Preparation - Will now clear the cooldown of the Blade Flurry ability.
Riposte - Fixed a bug that prevented the ability from being used when the target had no weapon or was already disarmed.

Earth Shock - The visual for ranks two through seven has been changed to be consistent with rank one.
Windfury - Fixed a bug that caused an additional attack beyond what was intended. In addition, fixed a bug that caused the next normal melee attack to happen sooner than intended.
Level 58+ Shaman should talk to Sagorne Creststrider in Orgrimmar; there is a special quest for them involving a dreaded death knight who dwells in the depths of the Scholomance.
Frost Shock - Now subject to diminishing returns in PvP. This is considered a slowing effect.
Grounding Totem - Should no longer redirect area effect spells or be destroyed by area effects spells.

Warlock Epic Mount quest added. To begin, speak with a demon trainer in any of the capital cities: Kurgal, Martha Strain, Spackle Thornberry, or Jubahl Corpseeker.
The Warlock Infernal quest is now available and can be found in Felwood.
The Warlock Ritual of Doom quest is now available and can be found in the Tainted Scar.
The succubus model has been updated.
Paranoia (Felhunter) - Increased stealth detection.
Seduction (Succubus) - Is now considered a Fear effect for purposes of diminishing returns.

Thunder Clap - Visual and animation changed.

The following set items have had their art updated:
Devout Crown and Mantle, Magister's Crown, Circlet of Prophecy, all parts of the Warrior "Might" set, Lightforge Helm, Helm of Valor, Dreadmist Mask, Wildheart Cowl and Pauldrons, and Coif of Elements. Other class sets will receive updated art in future patches.
Random world items that had increased healing effects were mislabeled, and the amount of increased healing appeared to be half of what was actually occurring. The amount shown on the item is now an accurate representation of the healing increase.
The Celestial Orb and Robe of the Archmage will no longer trigger the cooldowns of a Mage's mana gems. Mana gems are now on their own unique cooldown category.
Tiny Black Whelping item changed to Dark Whelpling to reflect the name of the creature summoned.
Fixed a typo in the aura description for the Mighty Rage potion.
+Spell damage and +Healing effects have been increased in effectiveness to make them more attractive to players. Effects that increased damage and healing done by all magical spells received the largest increase, especially if the previous amount was small. We also fixed a couple bugs relating to these effects.
Pimgib's Collar is now unique.
Frayed Abomination Stichings are now considered to be uncommon items.
Fordring's Seal has been improved with additional Stamina and Intellect.
Ring of Protection's armor has been lowered, but the ring's Stamina has been increased.
Voodoo Band has been slightly improved.
Underworld Band is no longer unique.
Filling jars of ooze no longer puts you into combat.
The Rod of the Ogre Magi properly sheathes now.
Changed the tooltip of the Bloodfang Hood's effect to properly indicate the duration of the stun.
The Demon Forged Breastplate effect no longer requires channeling.
Tooltips for the Blazefury Medallion, Storm Gauntlets, Fiery Plate Gauntlets Blessed Sunfruit, Blessed Sunfruit Juice, and ragged John's Neverending Cup modified to more appropriately describe their effects.
The Amberseal Keeper's melee DPS has been reduced, but an additional +Spell Damage effect has been added instead.
Onyxia Hide Backpacks are now 18 slot containers.
Warstrike Shoulder Pads have been improved.
Living Leggings, Breastplate, and Shoulders now have Stamina, but had their Nature Resistance lowered.
Legplates and Legguards of the Chromatic Defier have been improved.
The drop rate of Essence of Undead has been lowered.
The drop rate for Gift of the Wild and Prayer of Fortitude has been considerably increased.
General Drakkisath will now drop 2-4 Blood of the Black Dragon Champion instead of 1.

A significant number of additional engineering devices have been added to the world both as new recipes on vendors and as drops on monsters in the higher level (50+) dungeons and in raids.
Seven new blacksmithing recipes are available to seasoned blacksmiths via a series of turn-in quests.
Three new armorsmithing recipes are available to master armorsmiths. All 3 recipes are gained via quest.
The Turtle Scale gloves recipe has been changed to have a white name rather than green since it can now be purchased at the store. Generally, recipes with white names are store-bought and ones with green or blue (or purple) names are drops from monsters.
Some Blasting Powder icons Changed.
Leatherworkers can now make throwing balls (as a toy).
Ghostweave Belt pattern is no longer bind on acquire.
Randal Worth in Stormwind now only teaches apprentice level leatherworking.
Expert Blacksmithing Trainers will now point you to the appropriate artisan smith when you get a high enough skill.
Bombs now cause a disorient effect when they go off, this was not working correctly previously.
Flame Deflector and Frost Deflector now do an elemental damage absorb rather than a resistance increase.
Minor Recombobulator now restores health and mana as well as removing polymorph effects.
Target Dummies now generate an initial taunt pulse so creatures will attack them for the first 5 seconds after they are dropped.
Gnomish Death Ray damage increased slightly and cooldown reduced to 5 minutes.
The level of the Mechanical Dragonlings, Battlechicken, and Bombs dropped by the Goblin Bomb Dropper now scale with your engineering skill, so they will be always useful against enemies. Their damage and health has remained the same.
Requirements to make the Helm of Fire were reduced.
Raids & Dungeons

Azuregos now has a new ability - Mark of Frost. A player who is hit with the Mark of Frost will be temporarily frozen in a block of ice should they attempt to re-engage Azuregos. Mark of Frost is extremely powerful and will persist through death and resurrection.
Bael'gar, Lord Incendius, and Golem Lord Argelmach are now slightly lower level than previously. This will provide a much better progression of creature and boss levels in Blackrock Depths.
The Baroness Anastari encounter has been changed. Players who become unpossessed will now have full health, and after the Baroness unpossesses a player there will be a much longer cooldown before she can cast possess again. These changes should make her a more balanced encounter for a 5 man group.
Lava Surgers no longer respawn once you kill Garr.
When Majordomo Executus submits, a chest is spawned next to him. This chest should only spawn the FIRST time he is defeated in a saved instance. If a guild tries him a second or third night, no chest should spawn.
Ragnaros now stays up 2 hours rather than 1 after being summoned.
The Golemagg and Shazzrah encounters in the Molten Core has undergone some changes.
Scholomance Itemization
20 new Rare items have been added to Scholomance.
Several Uncommon items have been upgraded to Rare quality.
Rattlegore, Jandice Barov, and Lord Alexei Barov will now always drop at least one Rare item.
Ras Frostwhisper will always drop at least two Rare items.
Stratholme Itemization
26 new Rare items have been added to Stratholme.
Several Uncommon items have been upgraded to Rare quality.
Archivist Galford, Baroness Anastasi, Nerub'enkan, and Maleki the Pallid will now always drop at least one Rare item.
Raid Itemization
Onyxia, Azuregos, Lord Kazzak, and all Molten Core boss creatures have all received some new items on their loot tables.
Onyxia will once again drop two upper tier class set helms.
Most of the non-class set items that dropped from Molten Core and Onyxia have had their effective levels increased, resulting in higher DPS weapons, and/or better stats and effects.
Players who defeat the Majordomo Executus encounter will now be rewarded with new epic items. This reward will only be granted the first time the encounter is defeated during the 6 day lifespan of a Molten Core instance.
The loot tables for some of the Molten Core bosses have been improved so they drop an additional epic item per kill.
World bosses such as Onyxia, Azuregos, and Lord Kazzak will no longer drop random blue items of a level lower than 50.
Prior to this patch, Molten Core boss creatures could drop items from one of two different tiered sets for every character class. The loot tables have been changed so Molten Core bosses will now only drop items from the lower tier class sets. However, some of the items from those sets were not previously dropping in Molten Core. These missing class set items will now drop in Molten Core, allowing players to complete their lower tier class sets. The higher tier class set pieces that once dropped in Molten Core will be found once again in Blackwing Lair, the next raiding zone scheduled for release in a future patch.
Future patches will include even more item rewards for these raid encounters, as well as improvements to the statistics, effects, and set bonuses for both tiers of the raid armor sets.

Party quest share information is now working. If you mouse over a quest that multiple party members have, it will display a mouseover tooltip indicating what nearby party member are on that quest. Also, to the left of the quest name in your quest log it will list a number in parenthesis indicating how many other players in your party have that quest.
Quest givers who have repeatable quests now display with a blue question mark over their head instead of the standard yellow exclamation point/question mark.
The Molten Core discovery quest has had its objective moved from inside the Molten Core to Blackrock Depths.
Lunaclaw's spirit should stay around longer before despawning, and the spirit should simply despawn as oppose to "die".
The description text for both the Horde and Alliance versions of the "Rabine Saturna" quest have been clarified.
The reward text for the "Hive in the Tower" quest has been clarified.
Fixed the Resonite Crystal not spawning in the Stonetalon Quest "Earthen Arise."
Kinelory in Arathi Highlands is now PvP-enabling, so Horde players who attack her will be flagged for PvP.
Quickened Ana'thek the Cruel's (quest target in Stranglethorn) respawn rate. He and his entourage now spawn every 5-8 minutes.
Removed Stormwind Faction reward from the Greenwarden quest line in the Wetlands.
The time Decrepit Guardians stay spawned (they're the mobs trapping the Annals of Darrowshire in Andorhal) increased from 1 minute to 2 minutes.
The elementals in the plaguelands no longer attack the Spectral Defenders.
The "haunting" radius of Pamela's doll pieces in Darrowshire was reduced. You must now be closer to a doll piece before ghosts appear.
Increased the respawn time of Mok'rash in Stranglethorn Vale from 9 hours to 2 hours on average.
Fixed a bug that caused Razzle in Dun Morogh to become non-interactable.
Added text to the Fresh Zhevra Carcass to clarify it's use in the Ishamuhale quest.
Typos in various quests have been corrected.
User Interface

Temporary weapon enchantments will now display as buff icons to the right of your normal buff icons.
Recipes you already know will not show up in the auction listing if "Usable Items" is checked.
The mouseover UI in the bottom right corner will no longer overlay the extra action bars if you have them up.
If the subject line is not filled in when you put an item in a piece of mail, it will automatically be filled in with the item being sent.
Mousing over the interface options menu will no longer count as a mouseover on objects underneath the interface window (Thus making it hard to set your chat windows to be fully transparent among other things).
World Environment

Andorhal has been overhauled to improve framerate, navigability, and monster spawns.
Repositioned quest spawns in light of new city layout (tower marker indicators, silos, etc.).
Doubled the number of small lockboxes present for the "Counting Out Time" quest.
Araj should now spawn as a result of destroying the crystals in the towers of Andorhal.
Kardris Dreamseeker is now being addressed properly as a female, rather than a male.
There are new load screens for the Stratholme, Scholomance and Blackrock Depths instances. Additionally, many of the previous load screens throughout the world have been replaced with new art. Enjoy!
Bloodvenom Post - Crossroads (Horde) no longer flies you through a tree. Sorry for the scrapes and bruises.
Shalzaru's Lair on the Isle of Dread off the coast of Feralas now properly displays its name when you enter the cave.
The dragon bones just to the southwest of The Swarming Pillar in Silithus have been named the Bones of Grakkarond.
The levels of the NPCs in Camp Mojache have been raised to be commensurate with their counterparts at Feathermoon Stronghold.
Patrolling scouts that can see through stealth and invisibility have been added to Darnassus, Stormwind City, Undercity and Thunder Bluff.
The range of restock time for Argent Dawn vendors has been widened.
Cairne Bloodhoof is now a little more talkative.
High Priest Rohan is now properly associated with the Ironforge faction.
Grimand Elmore in Stormwind is more talkative.
Town Criers in all the major cities now have basic gossip text.
More references to the fictitious locale of "Chillwind Point" have been squashed in favor of the very real "Chillwind Camp".
Players will no longer get stuck in a location in the Ruins of Eldarath in Azshara.
Fires in Thunder Axe Fortress in Desolace now have proper names.
No longer a tree floating off the ground in the Sishir Canyon area of the Stonetalon Mountains.
There is no longer a floating tree in Westfall above the defias tower.
There are no longer fish flying around above the water line in Silverpine Forest.
Female orcs no longer get stuck in scaffolding in Lost Rigger Cove.
Removed a crate that was clipping through a tent/hut in Coldridge Valley.
Removed the terrain that popped in and out of the crevice in the entrance to Foothold Citadel on Theramore Isle.
Properly named the intact watchtower near Southshore.
The Rainsticks sign in Thunderbluff is no longer floating.
Removed floating object from Nijel's Point in Desolace.
Removed an invisible collision wall located in the Barrens near the Bramblescar area.
Players can no longer kill creatures with ranged attacks while the mobs are unable to damage the player when standing atop the cauldrons in Eastern Plaguelands.
Closed a hole in the world in the Searing Gorge.
There is no longer a hole in the world at Dun Garok.
The minimum level requirement on the Dire Maul meeting stone has been properly assigned.
The minimum level requirement on the Temple of Atal'Hakkar Meeting Stone has been properly assigned.
The minimum level requirement on the Blackrock Spire Meeting Stone has been properly assigned.
There is no longer a hole in the world in Raven Hill, Duskwood.
A tree located too far above the ground in Feralas has been "replanted".
The dock on the Forgotten Coast in Feralas is no longer partially floating above the ground.
There is no longer water missing from the pool by the Grimtotems in the Lower Wilds of Feralas.
A rock that was sitting above the ground at the top of one of the falls in Nighthaven has landed.
Players no longer will get stuck in a location at Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale.
Major Mana potions buy/sell price slightly increased.
Aggro radius of Bears and Wolves in Silverpine have been reduced.
The Dry times in Ironforge have ended and the Stonefire Tavern in Ironforge now has alcohol again.
Fixed a grammatical error in one of Captain Kromcrush's yells in Dire Maul.
Mizzle the Crafty in Dire Maul shouldn't be so repetitive in proclaiming a new king if the player cycles through gossip too quickly.
Williden Marshal's gossip text has been polished.

The keyboard shortcut to quit the game has been changed to Command-Option-Q to work around an issue with PowerBooks.
Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug where weapon skills were inappropriately capped at 5 times level. Characters should now gain benefit from weapon skill bonuses beyond their normal cap.
Fixed portrait creation while alt-tabbed away from the game.
Fixed sorting items in the auction house by current bid.
Blessing of Sacrifice only transfers the damage dealt, up to the maximum listed in the tooltip.
The "created by" tags are visible again when you inspect someone.
Effects that indicated that they increased damage and healing by all magical spells were actually not improving healing. They now will properly increase healing by the listed the amount.
Extra attacks gained from spells and abilities are applied immediately and do not affect normal combat swing time.
Abilities which do an additional percentage of weapon damage now include attack power as part of the base weapon damage.
Fixed race condition where damage would sometimes be applied after Ice Block or Divine Shield are activated.
Ranged attacks use the target's defense skill instead of target's level to determine chance to hit.
Fixed bug where ranged attackers would run up and engage you in melee combat.
Pets and summons will now go with you if you use a hearthstone or other long range teleport.
Fixed mouse selection bug when opening bags while the auction interface is open.
There is no longer water missing on the shore of Jademir Lake in Oneiros in Feralas.
Fixed a typo in the tooltip for the Field Repair Bot 74A.
Fixed the geometry of the Branchclaw gloves.
Lost Souls will now drop their Wispy Cloaks and Tormented Spirits will drop their Ghostly Bracers every time they die now.
Whistle of the Mottled Red Raptor's buff icon now lists the mount as being a Mottled Red Raptor instead of a Crimson Raptor.
Ancona creature name changed to Ancona Chicken.
The wording of item resistance enchantments has been made more consistent.
Roast Raptor now has an more appropriate inventory sound.
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Old 04-19-2005, 04:06 PM   #358
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Lexington, KY
I've never played another game that made me despise patch days. I guess it's impossible for them to at least keep the website up let alone keep the game functional.
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Old 04-19-2005, 04:13 PM   #359
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Early, TX
Anyone know where to d/l the patch outside of the horrible Blizzard patcher?
Just beat the devil out of it!!! - Bob Ross
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Old 04-19-2005, 04:24 PM   #360
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Fantasyland
I got mine at's hella fast.
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Old 04-19-2005, 04:40 PM   #361
Join Date: Apr 2001
Location: Early, TX
Originally Posted by Blackadar
I got mine at's hella fast.

Yeah, I went back a few pages here and found that 3D Gamers hosted it before, so I got it from there. It d/led at 300kb or so a second, so that was nice.
Just beat the devil out of it!!! - Bob Ross
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Old 04-19-2005, 06:56 PM   #362
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Any leatherworking types figure out where the hell you get the leather ball pattern?

Checked IF's LW trainers and the master LW at Aerie Peak. Nada.
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Old 04-19-2005, 07:06 PM   #363
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So, can we somehow get someone else updating the FOFC list?
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Old 04-19-2005, 07:40 PM   #364
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I haven't been able to play much at all for a week. Log in tonight and the friggin' game is unplayable due to lag. I HATE PATCH DAY!
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Old 04-19-2005, 09:14 PM   #365
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My guild and I just killed Lucifron and Magmadar in Molten Core. My guild is Horde of Shadows btw. The other one became inactive.
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Old 04-19-2005, 10:39 PM   #366
Godzilla Blitz
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Guess what!


I'm sure I missed stuff. Let me know what we need to change.

Sorry about vanishing. FOFC has been running god awful slowly for me the past few months, but I went in and tried as best I could to update things tonight.

Danny: Was your undead rogue the one Beneva worked with the other night in Stranglethorne Vale? God, I hope not. I have two groupings that I'm really embarassed about--ones where I fought so stupidly and did so many dumb things that I'm sure the other player must think I'm a total idiot--and that was one of them.

MikeVic: I'm guessing that your server is PvP, right? If so, Tarren Mill/Hillsbrad is one of the most active places for PvP due to the proximity of the alliance/horde towns. Any place you could go is probably better than there.

Where to go is a tough question, though, because there are a huge number of quests in that area for a horde player. Stranglethorn Vale has a good series of quests starting around level 31, especially if go up to Hemet's hunting camp. However, that is a heavily contested zone, and there are lots of alliance around. Still, I would think it would be better than Hillsbrad.
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Old 04-19-2005, 10:44 PM   #367
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Its actually and Undead Mage named Glyce. I havent been on an alt in over a month thougn, so it wasnt me.
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Old 04-19-2005, 10:52 PM   #368
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Thanks Godzilla. Looks like I'm the George Steinbrenner of FOFC...

My rogue is level 32 now, and Priest is level 12.
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Old 04-19-2005, 11:28 PM   #369
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thanks for the update GB, nice work.

NoobRockne is up to 24 now, haven't updated his level in the thread for a while.
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Old 04-19-2005, 11:58 PM   #370
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BTW, a lot of people have complained about level 60 and what to do. I have to say that since I joined the Horde of Shadows, level 60 has beena blast. It helps that it is a very well run guild and the people involved are very cool. I think the honor system and battlegrounds (once the kinks are worked out) will enhance the level 60 experience quite a bit as well.
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Old 04-20-2005, 12:00 AM   #371
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Oh. Allaris is 44 now, and if anyone cares, 280 Elemental Leatherworking.

Whole bunch of alts, but none worth mentioning. If anyone who plays horde primarily wants an alliance server, come on over to Alleria. My guild needs some more people who 1) aren't morons, and 2) don't take the game all that seriously. Going down, down, downhill, the old guild has.

That, and more FOFC's to screw around with would be fun.
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Old 04-20-2005, 01:09 AM   #372
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Nonon is now level 32. Gerrymander is 14, but I don't use him anymore.
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Old 04-20-2005, 08:34 AM   #373
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Originally Posted by Danny Drickman
My guild and I just killed Lucifron and Magmadar in Molten Core. My guild is Horde of Shadows btw. The other one became inactive.

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Old 04-20-2005, 08:40 AM   #374
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Grilge is now a Level 30 Troll Mage and is now in a Guild called D Mons.

Actually, I've been in the guild for a while. I was only in Blood Crusade for a day or so. Just signed a charter to help a guy out.

Last night was weird. Managed to get on after the patch, and the raids were out in force. Luckily Shadow Council is a RP server, so you don't have to take part in PVP if you don't have to. Anyway, massive raids here and there as everyone's trying to get PVP honor points.

I managed to stroll up to Ashenvale and run into a lvl 25 Warlock who needed some help finding stuff. While helping him out we picked up a lvl 30 Warrior and with these two I was able to complete two annoyingly hard quests (King of the Foulweald & Ordanus) that I had more or less had given up on, due to not being able to find a good group in Ashenvale.

Very, very nice when that happens. In return I helped both gather some Satyr horns, and the lvl 25 got about 3 other quests completed under our tutelage (& nuking from me, & tanking from warrior). These two guys definitely went on my friends list.

During play I just hit 30, so the next time I log in I'm going to have to go and spend all my money at the Mage Trainer for my new spells.
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Old 04-20-2005, 10:22 AM   #375
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I tried to play last night for the first time in a week, but couldn't stay on...latency was over 2000ms.

I did get into a group to kill Morbent Fel in Darkshire. We wiped the first time and got him the 2nd, even with the lag. Then they wanted some help with Eliza...sure, no problem. I had already killed her, but what the hell.

So we went over to the grave and one guy asks to head on back to town to get the correct quest. Sure, no problem. So he starts to leave, the rest of us are standing around and the other guy who had the Eliza quests proceeds - with no notice - to click the grave. Of course, she spawns along with her minions and catches the rest of us totally unaware. I'm actually nailed by 2-3 mobs before I can even turn around (lag). We wiped...

"Why'd you click the grave?"

"We were just standing there."

"The other guy was going into town to turn the quest in!"

"I didn't want to wait."

/quit group
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Old 04-20-2005, 10:32 AM   #376
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I've been pretty lucky about bad groups so far. But I am thinking of starting up a "don't group" list.
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Old 04-20-2005, 11:38 AM   #377
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Oh, also Noobrockne has joined the guild The Crimson Blade
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Old 04-20-2005, 03:00 PM   #378
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Originally Posted by flere-imsaho
I've been pretty lucky about bad groups so far. But I am thinking of starting up a "don't group" list.

I have about a dozen or so people on my ignore list because of this (bad groups). For the most part, I don't group outside my guild anymore.

Update: Sabotai is level 51
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Old 04-20-2005, 04:42 PM   #379
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My update:

Schizm is now lvl 14, in a guild of my friends called Hordenary (ick)

Playing around with some other potential classes as well. And trying very hard to get my wife to make the switch from EQ to WoW. If she does, then I will definitely be making a warrior to go with the priest she would create.
Some knots are better left untied.
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Old 04-20-2005, 04:46 PM   #380
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Well, I am finally joining the world of the new computer games, since I finally got a computer that will run them...World of Warcraft was recommended to me, but since it has been a while now since it came out, is there a point to getting it now when my piddly little level 1 character would be too overmatched by anyone else around?
Just trying to get by unnoticed...

Loyal fan of the Edmonton Oilers and Philadelphia Eagles.
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Old 04-20-2005, 07:53 PM   #381
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Originally Posted by Blade
Well, I am finally joining the world of the new computer games, since I finally got a computer that will run them...World of Warcraft was recommended to me, but since it has been a while now since it came out, is there a point to getting it now when my piddly little level 1 character would be too overmatched by anyone else around?

On a PvE server, you don't have to engage in PvP unless you want to. It's a flag you can turn on and off (with a cooldown period). So starting to play now is no problem...
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Old 04-21-2005, 12:27 PM   #382
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Had my first PVP experience last night (I'm on a RP server, so we don't get a ton of it).

Anyway, I was down in Ratchet (neutral town) to turn in a quest, and some Horde were holding the town against sporadic attacks from Alliance who were coming off the boat. As I was leaving town, during a "lull" in the attacks, I decided to buff some defenders with Arcane Intelligence on my way out.

Of course, buffing people who are PVP-enabled, flags you. I figured, however, that I wouldn't run into anyone in the 5 minutes I'd be PVP, especially as I was going cross-country towards Wailing Caverns, and The Barrens had been, in general, pretty quiet.

So, who should I see galloping towards me on a ram? A level ?? Dwarf Hunter. I tried to act nonchalant, hoping he wouldn't notice my flag, but mere seconds after running past him, I hear the gun go off.

I immediately figured my best bet was to make it to the Crossroads (I was too far from Ratchet at this point), so I angled in that direction and quickly blinked. The dwarf, who had dismounted and was now way behind me, had to remount, which he did, getting to within gun range of me before dismounting and firing again. At which point the cooldown on blink expired and I blinked again.

This continued the entire way to Crossroads. He got me a few times with a stun from his gun, but for no more than 3 seconds. It seems that he couldn't figure out how to get within range, shoot me, and then get his pet to engage, and my blink was really confusing him.

As I ran between the guards at Crossroads at half-health I breathed a sigh of relief. I turned around, looking back, and he had given up, defeated. Yay me!
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Old 04-21-2005, 12:36 PM   #383
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Originally Posted by Blade
Well, I am finally joining the world of the new computer games, since I finally got a computer that will run them...World of Warcraft was recommended to me, but since it has been a while now since it came out, is there a point to getting it now when my piddly little level 1 character would be too overmatched by anyone else around?
Even on PvP servers you start out in controlled territory with well defended starting zones. You don't see much PvP action until level 15+ when you move on to contested territory and start seeing members of the opposing faction.
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Old 04-21-2005, 12:48 PM   #384
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Originally Posted by TargetPractice6
Even on PvP servers you start out in controlled territory with well defended starting zones. You don't see much PvP action until level 15+ when you move on to contested territory and start seeing members of the opposing faction.

True, but given the way the PvP servers have become a nightmare gankfest, I'd strongly suggest a PvE server unless PvP is the main goal of playing for him. If not...stay clear of PvP.
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Old 04-21-2005, 12:59 PM   #385
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Originally Posted by Blackadar
True, but given the way the PvP servers have become a nightmare gankfest, I'd strongly suggest a PvE server unless PvP is the main goal of playing for him. If not...stay clear of PvP.
Maybe it's different on high population servers, but I'm on a low pop server. Ganking is annoying and all and I hate when it happens to me, but it isn't really a game breaker on my server. In fact now that I'm over level 30 it's kind of fun roaming contested territory looking for fights (I don't gank though).
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Old 04-22-2005, 03:44 AM   #386
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funny wow movie

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Old 04-22-2005, 09:54 AM   #387
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I think the Undead has the best dance, overall, but in general the female alliance dances are also good.
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Old 04-22-2005, 11:05 AM   #388
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Well, I picked it up yesterday, but only have 2 hours under my belt so far...

I have a level 5 undead mage named Mordent on the Shadow Council server.
Just trying to get by unnoticed...

Loyal fan of the Edmonton Oilers and Philadelphia Eagles.
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Old 04-24-2005, 09:26 PM   #389
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Well, this is going to be a shock to some, but...

I quit WoW today. Done. Finished. Got rid of my account. Kaput.

A couple of days ago, I was leveling my warrior and realized that there's no point. I hate the endgame. I have two characters there already. There's no "purpose" to level 60 - just huge raids and endless zergs. I'm not really having fun anymore. It was like having cold water thrown in my face. I simply shut the game off, got up and haven't played since.

Bye bye WoW. But I'm outta here.
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Old 04-25-2005, 01:12 AM   #390
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I'm glad I've been pacing myself then.
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Old 04-25-2005, 01:19 AM   #391
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Blackadar, I'm amazed at how fast you can get to level 60. It takes me 2 nights to gain 1 level.. and I'm on the blue bar... Do you do A LOT of instances or something?
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Old 04-25-2005, 01:21 AM   #392
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Originally Posted by MikeVic
Blackadar, I'm amazed at how fast you can get to level 60. It takes me 2 nights to gain 1 level.. and I'm on the blue bar... Do you do A LOT of instances or something?

He's an uber, power gamer
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Old 04-25-2005, 02:32 AM   #393
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I'm thinking Blackadar burned himself out.. everything he is looking for in a mmorpg is in wow.. its just gonna take them some time to get it all figured out (blizzard that is)
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Old 04-25-2005, 05:23 AM   #394
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Originally Posted by Danny Drickman
He's an uber, power gamer

Not in the least. My /played time on my characters was very low. Kinda hard to be an uber power gamer with a job, wife, kid, house, etc.

To answer your questions Mike, I did very, very few instances. It's so much easier to grab 5-6 quests in STV, run them all, get exp for the kills, turn them in and *poof* there's 1/2 a level. I'd already been through every instance many times, so I tend to avoid them now and I level much faster because of it. To give you an example, my last level was 34 to 35. It took me a touch over two hours to do it.

Rag, it's possible I burned out, but I really don't think that's it. I just hate the way the game goes at level 60. For 59 levels, the game is solo and small-group friendly. It totally changes character for me at level 60 to a huge group, uber-loot mentality with a huge time committment to do anything worthwhile. WoW is a good game - a great one - until the endgame. Then - at least for me - it blows donkey dick.

As far as "everything else", WoW has the potential for everything I want in a MMORPG. But it's not there - it's not even close yet. The crafting system is unrewarding and the endgame tedious. That's just my opinion...
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Old 04-25-2005, 08:01 AM   #395
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The uber power gamer quote was just me poking fun. I probably have as much /played as you do even though I don’t have much time in anyone besides Pondura.

I am still playing Pondura and enjoying myself. For example, this week on Tue, Wed, and Thursday night, my guild ran molten core. It took about 3 hours each night, so a little long for some, but not too bad. This was very fun. The guild uses teamspeak and is a fun bunch, so that probably contributes to the enjoyment. Late Thursday night I had a very fun pvp session for a few hours. I didn't play at all Friday-Sunday except to check in real quick and see how the guild members were doing. Still, I played 15 hours or so this week. I realize a lot of people cant play that much.

I still find instances fun with the right group and I do enjoy pvp when the groups are 10 or less. I have no interest in zerg pvp, but small battles are fun. Admittedly, before I joined my current guild, I was in a guild with two active people and had some feelings similar to you Blackadar.

There are still some issues that I have about the game. There are Imbalances between horde and alliance on many realms. My realm is 3:1 in favor of the alliance. Many realms have similar or even worse numbers.

I also have some concerns about the honor system. A lot of people are complaining that people get points for zerging and repeated killings. These people don't really understand the system. You gain points much, much faster by participating in smaller pvp battles. So, the points system isn’t nearly as flawed as some think. The real problem lies in player’s perception of the system. I am hopeful that once these people who zerg Tauren Mill all day long realize their ranking isn’t very good, that the zerging will die down and more tactful pvp will take place. The other issue is related to #1, the alliance outnumbering the horde makes the zerg problems even worse. IMO, if #1 can be improved, and battlegrounds is good, then this issue will take care of itself.

It would also be nice if there was more Level 60, casual friendly instances and content. They should really try and get a few smaller instances in there. I don’t expect solo instances, but if you get a few smaller ones which only take an hour or so, then the casual gamer will have more to do at level 60. And of course they need to fix the remaining and newly introduced class bugs.

I am really looking forward to battlegrounds. In my opinion, the battlegrounds combined with the honor system will make or break this games long term success. If battlegrounds is not very good, I may not renew after that. Blizzard recently stated that there will be multiple battlegrounds and not just one which was originally thought to be the case. It seems like server stability has been very good lately on all realms. There has been lag problems in certain zones created by huge zergs since the honor system when it to place, but as I posted, I am hopeful that will work itself out. Its already gotten better since Tuesday. Still, Blizzard has done a nice job improving this a ton. Hopefully it keeps getting better.
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Old 04-25-2005, 09:15 AM   #396
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Originally Posted by sabotai
I'm glad I've been pacing myself then.

my sentiments exactly. when i played i wasn't about *trying* to get to lvl 60, Blackadar and i started relatively at the same time and when i cancelled roughly a month ago i was only at lvl 30-something and he was already at lvl 60 on his first character.

i think i might look a little more into Matrix Online, i'm kinda not into this sword and goblin theme, i think maybe something a little more "modern" and in a contemporary setting might interest me more.

although when LOTR Online comes out i'm on THAT. can't wait for that one.

Last edited by Anthony : 04-25-2005 at 09:16 AM.
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Old 04-26-2005, 07:22 PM   #397
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I ranked 66th for the Horde in Honor Points. This was a surprise Iseeing as how only pvped for about 4-5 hours last week. Those people zerging TM spend dozens of hours to get the points you can get in a few hours, but with a smaller group. Hopefully this will lead to the zerging dying down.
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