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Old 05-01-2004, 10:16 PM   #251
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Just to remind everyone where we left off...

Previously on X-COM II...

October 31

Less than 36 hours after we knock out three UFOs in a bloody day of fighting, the European night sky is alight with more UFOs. A small UFO touches down in Northern Africa. A medium-size Muton UFO lands near the British alien base. A large battleship dances over the continent. We launch the ASIA COM Skyranger for the African UFO, and the EU COM Skyranger for the Muton UFO that has landed in Britain.

We're racing the dark with the ASIA COM Skyranger, and it becomes apparent that we’re not going to make it. With Superman on route to knock down the UFO as soon as it takes off, we send the ASIA COM Skyranger back home. However, the EU COM Skyranger will have plenty of light, and makes it to its target in plenty of time. In we go again…

On board:
Kodos, Wolfpack, Swaggs, Vince, ShaefIlllini, Real Deal III, Tucker II, The Time, Revrew, and Chuck U Farley.

I lost the flash drive that had the photos for next couple of missions. Until I find it, we'll just have to go with the typed report. That drive is around here somewhere, so should be able to post them eventually.
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Old 05-01-2004, 10:21 PM   #252
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
Everyone: Glad to see that a lot of us are still around! Thanks for the welcome back.

Eric: Thanks. Right now I'd prefer not to talk about it, but I most likely will in a few months.

Gi: Welcome aboard. Sometime next week I'll post an updated roster list. We'll get you in line. I hope you'll be able to get in some action.

I should have our next mission up in an hour or so!
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Old 05-01-2004, 10:25 PM   #253
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Location: Iowa City, IA
Woot! The first mission for Tucker II! Bring on those Sectoids!
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Old 05-01-2004, 10:46 PM   #254
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
89th Mission: More Mutons in Britain

One day after suffering 50% casualties in a ferocious firefight with tenacious Sectoids, the men of EU COM are once again heading into battle aboard the EU COM Skyranger. The war goes on, and new men step up to fill the void of the fallen. We’ve got three scared rookies on board for their first mission, and you can tell that even our vets’ confidence is a bit shaken after losing six men in one day yesterday.

We can take some consolation that we’re up against a medium-size Muton UFO today. The Mutons do not have PSI powers, and that should make our job a bit easier. Still, Mutons are tough bastards; it usually takes a few hits to take them down.

Giving our confidence another boost is a shiny new Hovertank that replaces the Cannon Tank we lost yesterday. This $900,000 piece of machinery is much tougher than a regular tank, and fires a high explosive fusion bomb capable of doing extensive damage. New toys for the boys.

Kodos will lead our men today.

The Skyranger begins its gradual descent to the sunlit battlefield below. Into the mix again…

Our men:

Left Side:
1. Kodos (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
2. Vince (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
3. Real Deal III (Blaster Launcher, Power Suit)
4. Swaggs (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
5. Chuck U Farley (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)

Right Side:
1. Revrew (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
2. Wolfpack (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
3. The Time (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
4. Tucker II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
5. ShaefIllini (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)

The Skyranger drops through the unusually clear British skies to the battle field. We’re about 50 miles from the alien base, and the land below us is typical British countryside. We see no sign of the UFO, but we can see a two-story structure immediately to the left of where the Skyranger will touch down. Straight out from our exit, our view will be unimpeded right up to a large hedgewall, about 40 yards out. At the nose of the Skyranger there’ll be a small grove. We’re coming down on the east side of the battle zone, so the area to the right of our exit is clear. The bulk of our fighting should be to the left of the Skyranger.

The Skyranger touches gently down. The ramp falls away. Thump…


We send our Hovertank out and—doh! I just realized why they’re called “Hover” tanks: they can fly! Cool! Our tank glides out the exit, then up over our Skyranger to scout the landscape from above. It makes a quick scan of the area, but sees no aliens.

We shuffle our exit order to get our less experienced agents out the door first. After a moment, Tucker II and Vince are first out. The two rookies set up by the Skyranger landing gear and try to peer into the farmhouse that lies about 5 yards to our left. They see no movement, but we hear UFO doors opening in the distance. The enemy is out there.

Our tank begins to sweep a wide arc around our position, and spots our first Muton hiding towards the back of the small grove that lies at the nose of our Skyranger, about 35 yards away! Tucker II rolls away from the landing gear, comes up on one knee facing the nose of our craft, and has a perfect line of fire on this Muton. He takes quick aim, pulls the trigger. A plasma blast tears into the grove and disintegrates the alien’s skull. Wow! What a start for Tucker II! One shot: one kill! X-COM 1, Aliens 0.

Our tank continues its airborne sweep. Just as it clears the roof of the house on the left side of the structure, a plasma blast comes racing up at it, missing it by inches! Muton! Sneaking up alongside the left side of the house! We’ve got no one close enough to take a shot. Blaster Time. Back in the Skyranger bay, Kodos and Wolfpack jump out of the way as Real Deal III plots a quick firing course with the Blaster Launcher and pulls the trigger. The rocket tears out of the exit, goes up over the Skyranger, and drops down at a sharp angle behind the house. Kabooom! The left side of the house goes up in a huge explosion that kicks wood and brick 30 feet into the sky. Inside the roaring fireball, we can hear the Muton death wail! Sneak up on us, will you? Not with Hovertank over your head! Boo yaa! X-COM 2, Aliens 0.

We begin to deploy in force. Tucker II and Vince are joined by Chuck U Farley. The three of them start toward the left side of the house. They’ll start a sweep west of our position on that side of the structure. ShaefIllini, Wolfpack, and Kodos will go up the right side of the house and work this side of the structure. Swaggs, The Time, and Revrew will head straight out from out exit to clear the other side of the hedgewall that lies in front of our exit. Once they do that, they can break left and help our general westward sweep. Real Deal III will set up a firing position with the Blaster Launcher at the Skyranger. Our tank will sweep over the battle field and spot for us.

We move out.

We get only a few seconds into our deployment when our Hovertank spots another Muton, about 50 yards away, advancing on our position through a small grove on the back side of the now shattered farm house. Vince shuffles to the left of the remains of the farmhouse, drops to a knee, picks up the Muton on his HUD, and opens fire. His first two shots slam into intervening obstacles, but his third shot cracks into the Muton’s torso. It screams and topples to the ground! Nice shot, Vince! X-COM 3, Aliens 0.

Less than a minute later, our Hovertank spots the UFO, in the middle of a field about 60 yards west of our position. It’s a large, square two-story craft. There are two exits. One faces us; the other lies on the left side of the craft as we see it. Standing just in front of UFO is an unsuspecting Muton. Our lines of fire are completely blocked by intervening hedgewalls, trees, and stone walls, but these are no obstacles to a Blaster Launcher. Once again Real fires a missile out the back end of the Skyranger. Three seconds later, the Muton and a huge chunk of the field he was standing in go up in a massive fireball. X-COM 4, Aliens 0.

We continue moving out, but change plans a bit. Tucker, Vince, and Chuck continue up the left side of the farmhouse. Instead of sending a squad of men to search the backside of the hedgewall, we decide to send our Hovertank over to check it out. By doing that, we can send everyone straight for the UFO. As our tank cuts over, Wolfpack and ShaefIllini lead the way through a small grove to the right of the farmhouse. The Time and Swaggs are close behind. Real’s got two kills now, so we have him trade weapons with Revrew, who was still waiting in the Skyranger for the exit to clear, along with Kodos.

As our Hovertank slices through the air towards the far side of the hedgewall, it spots two more Mutons! One is in a field just in front and to the left of the UFO, about 40 yards away from our advancing troops; the other is in front of one of the two exits on the UFO, about 50 yards away from our men. Wolfpack has a shot at the left-most alien, and quickly uses his HUD to line up the target. He pulls the trigger on full-auto. Plasma streaks across the intervening fields. Two quick hits slam into the unsuspecting Muton. It twists and starts to run back towards the UFO, but Wolfpack catches it with a third hit that sends it sprawling to the ground, dead! The second Muton, now alerted, begins to advance on our position. A section of hedge blocks the line-of-sight to our men, so we let Revrew do the honors. He plots a course with the Blaster Launcher and pulls the trigger. The rocket screams out of the Skyranger. Seconds later, the front of the UFO goes up in a fireball that kills the Muton instantly. Revrew tosses the Blaster Launcher to Kodos. Let’s all get in on the fun. X-COM 6, Aliens 0.

Our Hovertank makes it past the far hedgewall: no aliens there. It begins to cut back towards the UFO. All our men continue advancing. Suddenly, we hear ferocious wailing near the UFO. Three Mutons are charging through the field toward us, all about 40 yards away! Two are in the field to the left of the UFO; one is coming through the field right in front of it. Everyone with a shot—Vince, Wolfpack, ShaefIllini, and Swaggs—prepares to fire. The Time—whose shot is blocked by a hedge—preps a grenade and throws it in the Mutons’ path. Chuck and Tucker scramble to get in position to fire.

When the aliens get to 30 yards out, Kodos orders, “Open fire!” and the men let her rip. A hail of plasma streaks towards the aliens as they close on us. ShaefIllini drills the alien on the right with two hits, and then Swaggs catches it in the head to drop it for the kill. Wolfpack nails the first alien on the left with three quick hits that sends it sprawling to the ground. Vince catches the other alien on the left with two hits that drops it to the ground. This last alien emits no telltale death wail, so we’re pretty sure he’s alive. A second later The Time’s grenade goes off and the question is moot: the blast obliterates the two bodies in the field. Wow! Impressive firing, men! X-COM 9, Aliens 0.

Things go quiet for a bit, except for the whirring of internal UFO doors. Our Hovertank keeps sweeping the area, and our men move forward to set up firing positions on the two UFO exits. After a few minutes, we get Vince, Tucker II, Chuck Farley, and The Time in a wide arc about 30 yards away from left exit, and Wolfpack, Swaggs, and ShaefIllini in similar arc facing the right exit. Real Deal and Revrew stay back in reserve. Kodos exits the Skyranger and sets up a firing position with the Blaster Launcher.

Then we wait.

And wait.

Muton! A Muton steps out of the right exit! ShaefIllini and Wolfpack open fire at the same time. Plasma screams towards the alien. One shot catches it in the groin. The Muton screams, crumbles to the ground, and dies! Nice going, men! X-COM 10, Aliens 0.

We wait some more, then decide to assault. The Time and ShaefIllini fall in behind our Hovertank and begin a cautious advance towards the left UFO door. Chuck follows a bit off to the left of this advance. We’ll send these three men inside the left door first.

As the men approach the craft, the left exit opens! A missile comes sailing out of the dark interior of the UFO and flies right for Vince! Aaargh! The missile…

Just goes over Vince’s head and sails off into the distance, where it explodes with a resounding boom, sending a massive fireball into the sky. Whew. Close call.

Our three men and our tank continue advancing. Suddenly, a Muton steps out of the left exit again! Chuck reacts instantly as the Muton turns to throw a grenade at our tank. Just as the Muton makes the throw, Chuck catches it with a plasma blast that twists the creature around. It falls screaming to the ground. And then another Muton comes out on this one’s heels! It gets off two quick shots at our tank, both of which miss by inches, then ducks back into the UFO interior. The Time and ShaefIllini drop to the ground behind our tank as the first Muton’s grenade goes off. Kaboom! Smoke and dirt fill the air around our tank. Shaef and The Time lose their hearing and get their senses rattled by the blast. The Time looks at his thigh, and notices a three-inch piece of shrapnel sticking out of his armor. He grabs the piece of metal, pulls it out, and winces as a trickle of blood starts oozing down his armor. He stands quickly though, and we resume our advance on the UFO. X-COM 11, Aliens 0.

The men reach the UFO without incident. We pull our tank away, and get ready to enter. The Time will lead the way, followed by ShaefIllini and then Chuck. On three…


The Time stands, pops open the door, and comes face-to-face with a Muton! The Time jams his heavy plasma into the Muton’s stomach and pulls the trigger. The blast cuts the creature in two pieces with a fantastic splash of purple. The two chunks of Muton drop to the ground. Oh crap! There’s another Muton behind this one, about ten yards away, near a grav-lift shaft! It opens fire on full-auto! Plasma blasts slam into The Time. One shot catches him in the chest, putting a big dent in his armor and sending a stream of blood out of his mouth. His vision goes black and he starts to fall, but second shot catches him in the shoulder, rips a chuck of armor and flesh off, and sends a spray of blood back into the field. The last blast spins The Time around like a rag doll. He topples to the ground. ShaefIllini—right behind The Time—steps on The Time’s back, twists to see the alien inside the UFO, and opens fire. One blast nails the Muton in the forearm, wounding it slightly, but the rest fly wide. Suddenly, Kodos—still back at the Skyranger—yells, “Clear!” and opens fire with the Blaster Launcher. ShaefIllini jumps to the side of the entrance. Together Chuck and he yank The Time’s body away from doorway. A split second later Kodos’ missile disappears through the open door. A massive explosion shakes the UFO and sends a stream of raging fire out the exit. Inside we hear the death screams of at least one Muton. X-COM 13, Aliens 0.

That does it! Our threat sensors turn green! That was the last alien!

Chuck and Shaef look at The Time. His chest plate is caved in, he’s got blood dripping out of his thigh, there’s a chunk of his left shoulder missing, and the inside of his helmet is drenched with blood. Somehow, his heart is still beating. The two men stick on Medi-patches on the wounds, and then carefully carry The Time back to the Skyranger. He should make it, but we won’t be seeing him in action for a long while.

Kills: Kodos, 1; Revrew, 1; The Time, 1; Real Deal III, 2; Wolfpack, 2; Swaggs, 1; Chuck U. Farley, 2; Vince, 1; Tucker II, 1; ShaefIllini, 1.
KIA: None.
Wounded: The Time (22 days).
Attribute Improvements: Everyone!
Final score: 477. Solid score.
Mission Notes:
The Time got beat up bad. Ouch. Three wounds in one battle. Lucky to be alive.

This was a close to a perfect mission as we have come. Everyone had a kill and everyone got attribute improvements. Only blemish is the fact that The Time almost died. Overall, though, a solid mission. Nice to get all three of our rookies a kill on their first mission.

Hovertanks rock. They change the dynamic of the game completely. We can use these things as tough, armor-plated spotters, and then kill with our Blaster Launcher from distance. The aliens never even see us. I think we’ll add a second Blaster Launcher to each big mission now. We’ll need to crank up missile production, but we should be ok there, until we need to shift engineering over to the Ultimate Spacecraft. For the trip to Mars. Yeah, Mars. I love the sound of that word.
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Old 05-01-2004, 11:39 PM   #255
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So good to see this back. What a great return mission!
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Old 05-02-2004, 01:42 AM   #256
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Man I love a good X-Com report!
Fan of SF Giants, 49ers, Sharks, Arsenal
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Old 05-02-2004, 02:10 AM   #257
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Location: Sweden
Hovertanks really are the shizznit for advance recon! Nice shooting, it was just an overwhelming display of firepower...
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Old 05-02-2004, 02:21 AM   #258
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Very nice mission, GB. Welcome back.
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Old 05-02-2004, 02:48 AM   #259
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I love reading this, and I'm not even in it.

How do I get on board?
Check out The Unofficial FOFC Movie Guide Here
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Old 05-02-2004, 03:41 AM   #260
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Old 05-02-2004, 08:28 AM   #261
fantastic flying froggies
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Originally Posted by Godzilla Blitz
Chuck and Shaef look at The Time.

Can I get an X-Com watch too ?

Sorry, couldn't help myself...

I'm glad he pulled through though... Some serious alien butt-kicking took place in that mission !
Detroit Vampires (CFL) : Ve 're coming for your blood!
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Old 05-02-2004, 08:37 AM   #262
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GB, tell SI to give you a better report for your new toys.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 05-02-2004, 08:48 AM   #263
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Great start to the "rebirth" of the dynasty GB, way to go guys!
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Old 05-02-2004, 09:32 AM   #264
The Afoci
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Nice to see you back.
I had something.
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Old 05-03-2004, 12:26 AM   #265
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Rock on.
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Old 05-03-2004, 05:22 AM   #266
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Nice to have a mission without a fatality.
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Old 05-03-2004, 08:58 AM   #267
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Awesome job!!!
Just trying to get by unnoticed...

Loyal fan of the Edmonton Oilers and Philadelphia Eagles.
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Old 05-03-2004, 11:54 AM   #268
High School JV
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Oh Boy...Haven't read an X-Com report in some time!
BU Hockey WHAT!
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Old 05-03-2004, 12:27 PM   #269
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Two kills and a near-kill! I rule! *throws fist into the air*
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Old 05-03-2004, 12:55 PM   #270
Resident Alien
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Great return mission, and I finally got to play with the blaster launcher. Excellent!
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Old 05-03-2004, 08:18 PM   #271
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Old 05-03-2004, 08:29 PM   #272
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Hell yeah...a kill and a near-kill already. And a little bit of luck with a miss on that missile. It's good to be back in action, finally (referring, of course, to my soldier's extended absence from the field).
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.

Last edited by Vince : 05-03-2004 at 08:30 PM.
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Old 05-04-2004, 09:20 AM   #273
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Because I was unable to read the first couple parts of this dynasty, was there a high number of deaths for X-Com during the begining of the Alien assault?
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Old 05-04-2004, 01:30 PM   #274
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Originally Posted by gi
Because I was unable to read the first couple parts of this dynasty, was there a high number of deaths for X-Com during the begining of the Alien assault?

Well, first, there is a reason why this is X-COM II...X-COM I ended with all agents dead.

As for the this current thread...when an agent dies, his child usually joins up. My grandson is currently in training and I got in late. There are some here who are on their fifth or sixth generation

We'd have even more deaths, but a bug about a quarter way in caused GB to have to back up a few months, which is why Kodos is still alive...he survived by a technicality. Unfortunately for those of us in training (on the waiting list), GB has gotten really good at this game, so people don't die so much.

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Old 05-04-2004, 02:18 PM   #275
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After reading all the remaining AAR's, Kodos is my favorite, if only because he has lasted this long

I just started playing this again and noticed that without armor, you see a ton of deaths early game.

I need to brush up my skills...
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Old 05-04-2004, 03:02 PM   #276
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Yes! A kill in my first mission!
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Old 05-05-2004, 12:41 AM   #277
Godzilla Blitz
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Glad to see that so many people are back! It feels good to get this going again.

I hope to put up our next mission this weekend, and will most likely write a lead-in for it in a couple of days.

Unfortunately, I was trying to change a stuck light bulb in a desk lamp tonight and the bulb shattered in my hand. Overall I was pretty lucky, but I did slice the tip of my left pinky pretty badly, and I'm having trouble typing now. I'm not sure getting blood in your keyboard is a good idea either. I'm going to have to let this heal before I'll be back. I imagine it'll only take a day or two at the most.

Gi: Yeah, we got beat up pretty badly in our first base assault. At some point I'll try to post the threads from the old board. I've got some webspace I can dump it on.

thealmighty: Consider yourself on the waiting list. I'll add your name at the next update. Welcome. If you come close to living up to your name, we'll be grateful.

Oh yeah, I found the flash drive with the photos on it, so I'll probably add those sometime soon as well.
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Old 05-05-2004, 12:55 AM   #278
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Purple Heart for GB!
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Old 05-05-2004, 11:08 AM   #279
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Blood in the keyboard? Dang it, GB, your write-ups of the missions are getting WAY to realistic... no need to resort to cheap special effects!

Just kidding, of course. Take care of that finger.
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Indiana: A TCY VC - year 2044 - the longest running dynasty ever on FOFC!

Last edited by 3ric : 05-05-2004 at 11:09 AM.
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Old 05-07-2004, 03:22 PM   #280
Godzilla Blitz
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Join Date: Oct 2000

November 1

The eleventh month of our war begins just as the tenth ended, with UFOs dancing across our radar screens. Before the month sees its first dawn, the USA Interceptor has knocked out a small, Snakeman UFO over Siberia, and the EU COM Interceptor forces an Ethereal UFO down in Ohio. ASIA COM launches for the Siberian UFO. USA COM prepares to launch for the Ohio UFO, but will wait for dawn to work its way west.

Sometime during the day on the 1st, we’ll get our monthly evaluation from the UN, and more importantly, we’ll see the results of our first month of PSI-training! That’s right, men, the fortunate dozen or so of you that were in PSI-training and survived October will finally get to see how you rate psychologically. Needless to say, this will be a big day for many of you, and it could make the difference between watching the Martian attack on tv or being in the actual attack.

However, before that happens, ASIA COM will fight Snakemen, so we’ll have a combat first, report cards later.

On board the ASIA COM Skyranger:
Glengoyne, Fat Football II, Qwikshot II, Calis, Sir Fozzie II, Thomkal II, 3ric IV, Illinifan V, PsychoCop II, Hoops Guy

Yikes. Quite a few rookies here.

Also, one more unimportant detail…

Um, you don’t have a tank. We lost it on the last ASIA COM mission; the new one’s not in yet.

Who needs tanks anyway, right? Tanks are for the wimps over in EU COM, right? Right?

Go get ‘em, men! Rookies out the door first!

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 05-18-2004 at 12:33 AM.
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Old 05-07-2004, 03:27 PM   #281
Godzilla Blitz
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Klayman: Actually, I was fixing the light so I could read a map, so it wasn't in the line of duty. I don't think I get a Purple Heart, right?

Eric: All better, now. Except for a bandaid on my pinky and a sticky red "A" key, that is.
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Old 05-07-2004, 08:15 PM   #282
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Somehow your prelude into the next mission is not making me feel very comfortable.

Hopefully I don't have to wax any teammates this go round.
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Old 05-08-2004, 12:02 AM   #283
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I'm hoping the same thing, Calis.
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Old 05-08-2004, 01:00 AM   #284
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Location: Whitman, MA
Snakemen...pfft. No worries about anyone being taken over, just have to watch out for getting ate.


P.S. Oh can sign me up too, maybe I'll get in before the end mission. If not, life goes on. I've been reading this since the first one that ended in disaster, excellent writing GB. I also liked your report on MOHAA, had me rolling in that one.
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Old 05-08-2004, 01:26 AM   #285
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Originally Posted by Godzilla Blitz
Klayman: Actually, I was fixing the light so I could read a map, so it wasn't in the line of duty. I don't think I get a Purple Heart, right?

It was a map of the battlefield so that's in the line of duty. Being a man and all, you couldn't possibly be reading a map for any other purpose, right?
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Old 05-09-2004, 07:18 PM   #286
wade moore
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Wow... I have been so busy I haven't been in the dynasty thread in months.. Had no idea this was still going and that I was still truckin'... good work men! I will start keeping up and try to play catch up!
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Old 05-09-2004, 10:52 PM   #287
Godzilla Blitz
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Join Date: Oct 2000
90th Mission: Snakemen in Siberia

The ASIA COM Skyranger is northbound for the forests of Siberia. This will be the base’s first mission since losing four men in a rough fight at the end of October. The mood inside the craft is tense. We’ve got a handful of rookies on board, we’re without a tank (knocked out last mission), and we’re going up against Snakemen—always a tough fight.

To our advantage, we’ll be touching down in mid-afternoon on a bright, sunny day. Also, CapnMorgan’s Interceptor report said the UFO was a small scout, so we shouldn’t have a lot of opposition on the ground.

Qwikshot II will command our attack.

After a short while, the green light goes on and the Skyranger begins its descent towards the forests below.

Our troops today:

Left Side:
1. Glengoyne (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
2. Fat Football II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
3. Qwikshot II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
4. Calis (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
5. Sir Fozzie II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)

Right Side:
1. Thomkal II (Blaster Launcher, Power Suit)
2. 3ric IV (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
3. Illinifan V (Blaster Launcher, Power Suit)
4. PsychoCop II (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)
5. Hoops Guy (Heavy Plasma, Power Suit)

The Skyranger drops to the sunlit forests below. The men scan the landscape. We can see rolling forests spreading out in all directions. To the right of our where we’ll exit, we can see a thin stream of grey smoke floating up out of the woods: our UFO. It looks like it will lie on the other side of a patch of thick woods, about 40 yards to the right of our UFO exit bay. We’re coming down on the west side of the active zone today. Just in front of the exit of our Skyranger is a small clearing. To its right is a large hill. The area to the left of the Skyranger is secure ground. Elsewhere, we can only see woods.

The Skyranger touches down with a soft thump. The ramp falls away. Cool fall air rolls into the Skyranger bay.


Glengoyne takes a deep breath and exits the Skyranger…

Nothing. He scrambles down the ramp, scans in all directions…

Nothing. 3ric IV is out next. The two men take up firing positions at the landing gear as the men inside the Skyranger shuffle around. PsychoCop II exits next. Slowly the three men work their way away from the Skyranger. Glengoyne heads towards the nose of the Skyranger. PsychoCop heads straight right. 3ric IV heads towards into the clearing in front of our exit, then breaks slightly right to head up the large hill.

Suddenly, we hear a plasma rifle go off! Huh? We see nothing. Crap. Something must be nearby. There! Glengoyne picks up a flash of gold, about 25 yards away, in the thick woods that lie beside our Skyranger: Snakeman! Just as quickly Glengoyne loses sight of the thing. Glen and PsychoCop advance into the woods…

There! Behind a tree, about 20 yards away! Glen and Psycho both have shots. The two men drop to a knee and open up. Plasma blasts slam into intervening trees, but Glengoyne slips one shot through the dense foliage and catches the Snakemen in the chest. The thing screams and drops to the ground! Nice shot! X-COM 1, Aliens 0.

Things go quiet again. We take advantage and deploy in force. Since this will most likely be a short mission and Glen has a kill, he turns and heads back to the Skyranger. Calis exits and joins 3ric. Together the two men head up the hill off to the right of our exit. PsychoCop—whose shots at the first alien missed horribly wide—heads into the woods towards the UFO. Sir Fozzie II and Hoops Guy exit the Skyranger and head up towards the nose of the craft. Once there, they break into the woods to the right of our Skyranger. They’ll advance to where we think the UFO is and try to set up a firing position on the door.

Things stay distressingly quiet for the next ten minutes or so. 3ric and Calis sweep up over the hill. PsychoCop waits for Thomkal to join him, and then the two of them advance to the UFO. It’s a tiny scout that usually holds 3-5 aliens. The door lies on the far side of the craft. The two men sweep the left side of the UFO. Hoops Guy and Sir Fozzie arrive at the UFO soon thereafter, and set up a firing position about 15 yards from the exit. Qwikshot exits the Skyranger and jogs to join these two men in case they need help. Illinifan V exits the Skyranger and sets up a firing position with the Blaster Launcher. Fat Football and Glengoyne start a game “paper-rock-scissors” in the back of the Skyranger.

The men complete their sweeps without incident. There is only one place left: the inside of the UFO. Time to go in. We’ll hit the door with a Blaster missile, follow it with another, and then bust in to the inside to clean up whatever is left. We bring PsychoCop and Thomkal to one side of the tiny craft, and pull Qwikshot, Sir Fozzie, and Hoops Guy to the opposite side. Once they are in position, Illinifan lets rip with the Blaster Launcher. The missile arcs over the woods, comes down, then twists into the alien door. A massive explosion blows the door apart and tears up the ground for 30 yards in front of the door.

Hoops Guy and Sir Fozzie start for the edge of the door as Illinifan stuffs another missile in the Blaster Launcher and fires. The second missile flies over the battle field, twists down, and disappears inside the UFO. A massive explosion inside sends a rush of flame and debris out of the UFO. Inside we can hear the death wails of Snakemen dying! Hoops Guy and Sir Fozzie are inside the UFO right on the tails of the explosion: three mutilated Snakemen corpses litter the floor of the ravaged craft.

Mission over.

Kills: GlenGoyne, 1; Illinifan, 3.
KIA: None.
Wounded: None.
Attribute Improvements: GlenGoyne, Illinifan.
Final score: 77
Mission Notes:
On second thought, I might have waited a bit for aliens to exit the UFO, but we had been there so long and nothing happened that I thought they were never going to come out. Would have been nice to spread those kills and experience out a bit, but a mission with no casualties is always a good mission.

Another day, more dead aliens. Gotta love it.
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Old 05-10-2004, 05:50 AM   #288
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Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 05-10-2004, 06:34 AM   #289
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whew glad to have survived another one, especially when psi ratings were about to be revealed. Way to go squad!
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Old 05-10-2004, 09:09 PM   #290
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
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Should have a new stat update out this week, with psi ratings for those that made it through. Aiming for another mission this weekend. We've got those Ethereals for USA COM to handle.

Wade: Welcome back! It's good to hear from you! Your leadership has been missed, but it'll be good to have you back for the push towards the final mission.

Tellistto: Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it. Welcome, and I'll add you to the on-call list.

Klayman: Hey, that's right! It was a map of Earth, and Earth is where our game takes place, so sure, that was in the line of duty! I get a Purple Heart! Yipee!
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Old 05-13-2004, 11:05 AM   #291
Join Date: Mar 2002
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when I come for you?
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Old 05-17-2004, 01:39 AM   #292
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Old 05-17-2004, 09:35 PM   #293
Godzilla Blitz
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Report Cards!

A dozen or so men made it through a month of grueling PSI-training, and the results are in! A word of explanation for those who don't know the game that well. PSI Defense is your ability to withstand PSI attacks without suffering adverse effects. It cannot change. PSI Strength is your PSI attack ability. It increases with training.

Big winners on the PSI report cards are Revrew and Jeff Nights II, who score at the top of the chart in the all important PSI defense rating. Unfortunately, Condors II has the PSI strength of 2-year-old. Dont' stand in front of him if you're up against Ethereals.

Without further ado...

X-COM II Troop Master List (After Mission 90)

ID Name Status Rank Miss. Kills 14. Wade Moore Active Colonel 24 22 43. Achilles Active Sergeant 18 14 46. Patman II Active Captain 20 11 55. Sublime II Active Squaddie 16 10 61. Rawisdan Active Squaddie 15 7 73. CTHomer Active Squaddie 11 6 74. AStott Active Captain 14 18 75. Alf III Active Squaddie 7 4 92. Jeeber D Active Squaddie 8 5 98. MrBug IV Active Squaddie 8 3 112. Airhog II Active Squaddie 2 1 113. Anxiety II Active Squaddie 2 1 114. Blade6119 IV Active Squaddie 2 0 115. Klayman III Active Squaddie 2 2

ID Name Status Rank Miss. Kills 2. jfbbis Active Colonel 21 20 10. Kodos Active Commander 25 24 19. Revrew Active Captain 23 19 37. The Time WND (22) Sergeant 21 10 70. Naiwf WND (6) Sergeant 14 10 89. RealDeal III Active Squaddie 11 6 90. Coffee Warlord II Active Sergeant 11 9 101. Wolfpack Active Squaddie 7 7 102. Japherwaki II WND (16) Squaddie 9 7 105. Swaggs Active Sergeant 9 7 110. Breeze Active Squaddie 3 7 116. Chuck U Farley Active Squaddie 3 4 119. Tucker II Active Squaddie 1 1 120. Sachmo III WND (16) Squaddie 3 1 123. Vince Active Squaddie 1 1 128. ShaefIllini Active Squaddie 1 1

ID Name Status Rank Miss. Kills 35. Jeff Nights II Active Captain 23 11 39. Thomkal II Active Sergeant 18 15 41. Fat Football II Active Sergeant 16 8 45. Danny VanHalen Active Sergeant 18 13 52. Qwikshot II Active Captain 18 11 76. Fonzie II Active Squaddie 11 11 84. Split Pers III Active Squaddie 7 8 93. Afoci Active Squaddie 7 4 96. Illinifan V Active Squaddie 7 6 103. Condors II Active Sergeant 7 9 109. Glengoyne Active Squaddie 4 3 111. 3ric IV Active Squaddie 4 1 117. Psycho Cop II Active Rookie 1 0 118. Calis Active Squaddie 3 1 124. Sir Fozzie II Active Rookie 1 0 127. Hoops Guy Active Rookie 1 0

ID Name Status Rank Miss. Kills 71. Wignasty Active Squaddie 7 3 121. Katon II Active Rookie 0 0 122. Mike Vic To EU Rookie 0 0

ID Name Status Rank Miss. Kills 59. Daimyo II Active Squaddie 9 5 94. Data King III Active Squaddie 5 2 125. Chief Rum IV Active Rookie 0 0 126. The Herd To ??? Rookie 0 0

X-COM II Troop Attributes
Name TUs Sta Hlt Brv Rea Fir Thw Str PsD PsS 2. jfbbis 76 82 61 30 35 84 58 58 10. Kodos 80 90 58 50 62 81 73 61 75 20 14. Wade Moore 79 81 56 30 59 91 72 67 19. Revrew 77 71 55 30 37 66 60 62 91 24 35. Jeff Nights II 69 76 55 60 32 65 61 54 97 17 37. The Time 76 84 57 50 63 55 59 54 39. Thomkal II 70 92 60 30 56 50 61 49 60 20 41. Fat Football II 71 72 43 50 38 69 73 52 43. Achilles 73 74 57 10 46 79 79 53 45. Danny VanHalen 77 82 50 10 42 63 79 51 28 21 46. Patman II 76 69 53 60 47 52 79 55 52. Qwikshot II 73 81 45 10 58 77 65 52 75 22 55. Sublime II 74 76 44 10 40 73 77 58 59. Daimyo II 65 60 48 30 47 70 64 43 61. RawisDan 68 50 37 60 37 67 74 48 70. Naiwf 76 72 53 50 40 63 69 49 26 16 71. Wignasty 64 45 37 20 38 61 72 44 73. CTHomer 68 67 38 10 58 45 62 46 74. AStott 76 60 54 50 55 73 62 58 75. Alf III 62 57 36 40 52 50 55 46 76. Fonzie II 71 76 53 20 46 65 79 48 37 17 84. Split Pers III 69 71 45 30 41 64 67 42 89. RealDeal III 74 74 39 60 47 68 68 56 48 24 90. Coffee Warlord II 75 82 48 60 38 72 69 46 25 24 92. Jeeber D 61 58 41 20 30 60 77 37 93. Afoci 62 59 37 30 40 45 54 47 94. Data King III 63 52 31 50 36 52 58 35 96. Illinifan V 57 54 47 50 56 54 66 45 98. Mr. Bug IV 61 64 45 10 34 69 66 34 101. Wolfpack 67 73 37 40 36 65 59 40 102. Japherwaki II 67 78 43 20 32 52 53 49 103. Condors II 65 70 41 60 51 68 66 54 13 20 105. Swaggs 69 75 45 60 51 74 69 48 83 24 109. Glengoyne 67 68 45 30 34 68 53 45 110. Breeze 64 49 37 60 31 71 54 42 111. 3ric IV 52 61 31 30 45 50 56 25 112. Airhog II 56 67 30 60 56 44 54 29 113. Anxiety II 55 66 37 30 57 64 67 40 114. Blade6119 IV 55 47 41 10 37 72 60 27 115. Klaymn III 62 75 41 30 34 70 58 32 116. Chuck U Farley 57 67 35 40 54 67 76 37 117. Psycho Cop II 50 61 28 10 60 67 50 37 118. Calis 58 57 26 50 39 55 73 35 119. Tucker II 60 64 27 60 53 55 64 29 120. Sachmo III 56 57 36 50 47 57 57 38 121. Katon II 50 49 28 40 55 67 54 37 122. Mike Vic 59 41 38 10 32 44 52 34 123. Vince 56 65 27 10 45 65 57 43 124. Sir Fozzie II 60 65 27 10 31 67 50 25 125. Chief Rum IV 55 46 25 30 50 52 63 38 126. The Herd 51 66 37 40 58 50 77 40 127. Hoops Guy 52 49 36 40 41 59 65 24 128. ShaefIllini 58 49 40 10 60 59 64 33 Key: TUs = Time Units; Sta = Stamina; Hlt = Health; Brv = Bravery; Rea = Reactions Fir = Firing; Thw = Throwing; Str = Strength; PsD = PSI Defense; PsS = PSI Skill
Support Personnel
Head of Research: Craptacular (Current researching focus: Ultimate Space Craft, Fusion Missile) Head of Engineering: Sterling Ice II (Current manufacturing focus: Power Suits, Fusion Ball Bombs, Hover Tank, Firestorm Fighter) US Interceptor Pilot: CapnMorgan (10 Kills) EU Interceptor Pilot: Superman (11 Kills) AS Interceptor Pilot: Toddiec IV ( 9 Kills)

Attribute Leaders (After Mission 90)
Time Units: (80) Kodos Stamina: (92) Thomkal II Health: (61) Jfbbis Bravery: (60) (Ten tied) Reactions: (63) The Time Firing: (91) Wade Moore Throwing: (79) (Four tied) Strength: (67) Wade Moore PSI Defense: (97) Jeff Nights II PSI Strength: (24) (Four tied)

Attribute Doggies (After Mission 90)
Time Units: (50) PsychoCop II, Katon II Stamina: (41) Mike Vic Health: (25) Chief Rum IV Bravery: (10) (Eleven tied) Reactions: (30) Jeeber D Firing: (44) Airhog II, Mike Vic Throwing: (50) Sir Fozzie II, Psycho Cop II Strength: (24) Hoops Guy PSI Defense: (13) Condors II PSI Strength: (16) Naiwf

Top Ten Kills Leaders
1. Kodos 24 2. Wade Moore 22 3. Jfbbis 20 4. Revrew 19 5. Klayman (KIA) 18 5. Astott 18 7. Shorty (KIA) 16 8. Thomkal II 15 9. Achilles 14 9. Rich (KIA) 14

Waiting List
ID Name Base Status Rank LBrvOK? OptUp? 129. Ardent Enthusiast - In Transit Rookie Yes Yes 130. Peregrine - In Transit Rookie Yes No 131. Raven Hawk II - In Transit Rookie Yes No 132. Northwood DK - In Transit Rookie Yes No 133. Lokugh III - In Transit Rookie Yes No 134. BYU II - In Transit Rookie Yes No 135. Kingfc - In Transit Rookie Yes No 136. Barkeep - In Transit Rookie Yes No 137. Shorty II - AWOL Rookie Yes No 138. Fantastic Froggies - On Call Rookie Yes Yes 139. Blade IV - On Call Rookie Yes No 140. Tasan II - On Call Rookie Yes No 141. Rich II - On Call Rookie Yes No 142. Travis IV - On Call Rookie Yes No 143. Render III - On Call Rookie Yes No 144. Zippy III - On Call Rookie Yes Yes 145. Gi - On Call Rookie Yes Yes 146. The Almighty - On Call Rookie Yes Yes 147. Tellistto - On Call Rookie Yes Yes

The Hall of Heroes

ID Name Status Rank Miss. Kills 1. Cam Edwards KIA Rookie 1 0 3. Patman KIA Captain 5 1 4. Fat Football KIA Sergeant 3 3 5. Sublime KIA Sergeant 6 3 6. Blade 6119 KIA Rookie 1 1 7. Jeff Nights KIA Rookie 1 0 8. Render KIA Sergeant 12 9 9. Kerillini KIA Sergeant 6 5 11. Toddiec KIA Squaddie 3 1 12. Illinifan KIA Squaddie 4 2 13. MrBug KIA Rookie 1 0 15. Rich 1033 KIA Squaddie 20 14 16. Thomkal KIA Squaddie 2 5 17. Shorty KIA Captain 16 16 18. Klayman KIA Captain 13 18 20. Travis KIA Squaddie 10 6 21. Schmidty KIA Rookie 3 1 22. Al Hill KIA Squaddie 7 3 23. Sachmo KIA Squaddie 3 3 24. Data King KIA Sergeant 6 4 25. Alf KIA Rookie 1 2 26. Mr. Bug II KIA Squaddie 5 1 27. Daimyo KIA Squaddie 3 0 28. 3ric KIA Squaddie 2 1 29. Raven Hawk KIA Captain 15 11 30. Sterling Ice KIA Rookie 1 0 31. BYU 14 KIA Captain 20 12 32. Chief Rum KIA Squaddie 4 3 33. Qwikshot KIA Rookie 1 0 34. Cam Edwards II KIA Squaddie 7 7 36. Blade 6119 II KIA Rookie 1 0 38. Split Personality KIA Rookie 1 0 40. Toddiec II KIA Squaddie 4 3 42. Blade KIA Sergeant 5 4 44. Airhog KIA Squaddie 11 7 47. Illinifan II KIA Squaddie 4 2 48. Fonzie KIA Squaddie 4 5 49. Lokugh KIA Sergeant 9 8 50. Sachmo II KIA Sergeant 19 12 51. Kerillini II KIA Squaddie 8 3 53. Alf II KIA Rookie 1 2 54. Blade 6119 III KIA Squaddie 11 13 56. Schmidty II KIA Rookie 1 0 57. Split Pers. II KIA Sergeant 4 4 58. 3ric II KIA Squaddie 5 1 60. Illinifan III MIA Squaddie 2 0 62. Data King II KIA Squaddie 3 2 63. Mr. Bug III KIA Squaddie 5 3 64. Japherwaki KIA Rookie 3 0 65. Al Hill II KIA Sergeant 3 2 66. Tasan KIA Squaddie 15 7 67. Chief Rum II KIA Sergeant 13 9 68. Toddiec III KIA Rookie 3 0 69. Zippy KIA Squaddie 9 5 72. Coffee Warlord KIA Rookie 1 1 77. PsychoCop KIA Rookie 2 0 78. Render II KIA Sergeant 12 8 79. Blade II KIA Rookie 3 0 80. Illinifan IV KIA Rookie 3 0 81. Andone KIA Rookie 3 1 82. Condors KIA Squaddie 6 3 83. Travis II KIA Squaddie 4 3 85. Cam Edwards III KIA Squaddie 2 4 86. Klayman II KIA Squaddie 6 3 87. 3ric III KIA Squaddie 5 6 88. Anxiety KIA Squaddie 2 2 91. Tucker KIA Squaddie 3 1 95. Katon KIA Squaddie 2 2 97. Blade III KIA Squaddie 6 6 99. Lokugh II KIA Squaddie 5 3 100. Sir Fozzie KIA Squaddie 4 5 104. Marmel KIA Squaddie 3 4 106. Travis III KIA Squaddie 7 4 107. Chief Rum III KIA Squaddie 3 1 108. Zippy II KIA Squaddie 5 3

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 05-17-2004 at 10:07 PM.
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Old 05-17-2004, 09:39 PM   #294
Coffee Warlord
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What I lack in psi power, I make up for in insanity!
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Old 05-17-2004, 09:40 PM   #295
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When am I ever going to get off this blasted waiting list???
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 05-17-2004, 09:45 PM   #296
Coffee Warlord
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Heh. Since my Psionic Defense pretty much sucks...I volunteer to be part of the experimental psionic attacker committee! I understand the weakness of the mind better than almost anyone, and must develop my gift to attack weak minded aliens!

Must...find...way to get on ship to Mars.
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Old 05-17-2004, 09:48 PM   #297
Godzilla Blitz
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000

November 1

At dawn Central Standard Time, the USA COM Skyranger launches to investigate the remains of a large, Ethereal UFO that was downed over eastern Ohio.

Inside are the following ten men:
CTHomer, Sublime II, Rawisdan, AStott, Blade6119 IV, Patman II, Anxiety II, Jeeber D, Mr. Bug IV, Klayman III.

Good luck. Ethereals are always so much fun at parties.

(Should be posting this mission sometime during this week. Got a bit busy over the weekend.)

Also coming up: This month's PSI trainees.

Ardent: We've had a lot of missions in a short time span (game-wise). It takes about four days to get into base, so it shouldn't be long now. Maybe after this next mission we should be able to see what all of our new recruits will look like.

Coffee: All may not be lost. I have a couple of weird ideas I may try on the final mission, should we ever get there.

Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 05-18-2004 at 12:29 AM.
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Old 05-17-2004, 09:58 PM   #298
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Originally Posted by Godzilla Blitz

Coffee: All may not be lost. I have a couple of weird ideas...

Warlord, don't fall for the Okee Doke! Don't do it!
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 05-17-2004, 10:21 PM   #299
Coffee Warlord
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Originally Posted by Godzilla Blitz
Coffee: All may not be lost. I have a couple of weird ideas I may try on the final mission, should we ever get there.

Don't worry, weird ideas are the only things that work on the final mission anyway.
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Old 05-17-2004, 10:39 PM   #300
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Woohoo! Glad to see that I'm getting in on a mission...
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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