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Old 03-28-2007, 12:29 PM   #251
Mizzou B-ball fan
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This doesn't appear to be going as planned.......
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Old 03-28-2007, 06:45 PM   #252
Abe Sargent
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The Ottoman-Italian War - Phase Two: Momentum

21 April, 1706 – My backup Wargalleon from the transports won in the Aegean.

23 April, 1706 – We won in Ragusa. I order my smash army to follow and break the remaining troops.

24 April, 1706 – Our siege army on the Greek front arrives in Janina and begins a siege.

29 April, 1706 – Our smash army from the west flank arrives in Sivas and is attacking forces there.

1 May, 1706 – Our East Flank forces defeat the enemy in Zeta. I order them deeper into enemy territory.

2 May, 1706 - Our ruler died (he was not a general). We are now ruled by the questionable competence of Lorenzo, Admin: 5, Diplomacy a disappointing 3, and military a 7. Ick.

Also, our siege force arrived at Ragusa

6 May, 1706 – Our Greek smash force chased down the remnants from their first battle in Albania and won again.

10 May, 1706 - Losing in Sivas, I order my smash force to retreat to Sinope. I order the Sinope defending force into Sivas to finish off these troops.

12 May, 1706 – We won a battle in Serbia with our West flank smash force.

16 May, 1706 – Kastamon is under attack from Crimean forces

20 May, 1706 – We won in Zeta again with that smash force.

27 May, 1706 – 6500 infantry from Italy arrived in Antalya and begin a siege.

29 May, 1706 – We won in Kastamon but it was costly. I order more troops built.

31 May, 1706 – Another victory for our smash army in Serbia. Our Sinope troops arrive in Sivas.

1 June, 1706 – Our land tech increases.

3 June, 1706 – The Greek smash army defeated troops in Macedonia. Seeing more Crimean forces abaout to attack Kastamon, I order our smash army rehabilitiating in Sinope to support the Katamon garrison. I also order our defensive army in Athens into Salonica. I need to end this war sooner rather than later, now that my naval strength is weakened.

12 June, 1706 – We won in Kastamon.

15 June, 1706 – We barely win in Sivas with our Sinope forces. I order them back to Sinope.

16 June, 1706 – Lampang converts but Palembang does not. I order another rmissionary to Palembang.

18 June, 1706 – Our Greek Smash army won in Edirne.

20 June, 1706 – Our Greek defensive force arrives in Salonica.

In Greek and the Balkans, our forces have them on the run. We are treading ground or losing in Turkey.

8 July, 1706 – I decline the first peace offer from the Turks, this for just them leaving their claim on Kastamon.

9 July, 1706 – We won a battle in Salonica

11 July, 1706 – Our western smash army keeps winning against these dregs. I am no longer going to even tell you. It’s not news.

13 July, 1706 – We won in the Aegean.

19 July, 1706 – Aleppo fell after an assault.

1 August, 1706 – My Cyprus reserve army is sailed into Thrace and begins a siege.

16 August, 1706 – A new Wargalleon was built in Venice.

20 August, 1706 – Crimean forces attack us in Sinope.

21 August, 1706 – Three frigates have been built.

25 August, 1706 – We send the Crimeans wandering in Sinope.
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Old 03-28-2007, 07:50 PM   #253
Abe Sargent
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How about a new map?

The hammers show where my siege armies currently are.
An S designates a siege underway.
The diagonal lines in Aleppo show that I’ve captured it
A catapult there shows where my siege army is there.
Arrows at armies show where defensive armies are.
The long arrow on the Smash army pointing towards the Turks shows where I am going with that army
Kastamon has two armies in it instead of one.
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Old 03-28-2007, 10:00 PM   #254
Abe Sargent
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The Ottoman-Italian War - Phase Three: Denouement

15 September, 1706 – My smash army defeats the Turks in the west of the Black Sea.

21 September, 1706 – Janina fell. I order my siege army on.

24 September, 1706 – The Ottomans offer me peace for Aleppo, Janina and they drop their claim on Kastamon. I order the war to continue.

30 September, 1706 – A group of reserve cavalry arrive in Smryna. I wan to force the Ottomans to attack me, so I use them to actually begin a siege here, merely as a trick.

4 October, 1706 – Another Crimean force attacks us in Sinope.

7 October, 1706 – We defeat the Crimean forces in Sinope.

14 October, 1706 – Our siege force arrives in Albania and begin s asiege.

20 October, 1706 – Our siege force from Aleppo arrived in Adana to begin a new siege.

1 November, 1706 _ I’d like to capture Bithynia, but wuth a large number of defenders here, I’m worred. I try something ballsy. I order my combined forces in Kastamon into Bithynia

4 November, 1706 – After two days, we again win in Sinope.

8 November, 1706 – We accept a white peace with Crimea.

26 November, 1706 – War begins for Bithynia

24 December, 1706 – We lost a ton of troops, but we won the Bithynia campaign

28 December, 1706 – We capture Ragusa. I order my siege army into Zeta to begin a siege there.

5 January, 1706 – We defeated some troops in Bithynia

10 January, 1707 – My smash army arrives in Bithynia and begins a siege.

27 January, 1707 – Losing more men, we won a battle in Bursa with our Kastamonian army. I order my troops back to Kastamon

1 February, 1707 – Our trade tech increases

13 February, 1707 – I decline another Ottoman peace offer

16 February, 1707 – A freshly built reserve army lands in Bursa to begin a siege

18 February, 1707 – Antalya fell. I order my two Wargalleons that lost early to support the sieges in Bithynia and Thrace by hanging out in the Sea of Marmara

9 March, 1707 – Edirne fell

10 March, 1707 – My Sinope army arrived at Trebizon to begin a siege.

14 March, 1707 – We set up a colony in Bourbon

20 March, 1707 – Salonica fell. I order my forces into Macedonia.

27 March, 1707 – We won a major naval battle but lost a frigate. Again.

1 April, 1707 – After a final assault, we capture Thrace. I order this army northwards.

12 April, 1707 – Albania fell. I order my troops onward

27 June, 1707 – Smyrna fell.

17 July, 1707 – Adana fell.

22 August, 1707 – Zeta fell

5 September, 1707 – After a quick assault, Bursa fell.

19 October, 1707 – Bithynia fell. I offer the Ottomans peace

They accept our offer of peace for Antalya, Bursa, Smyrna, Salonica and Bithynia.
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Old 03-28-2007, 11:30 PM   #255
Abe Sargent
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Antalya – This Turkish Sunni province has 802553 people working the cloth trade. We make 43.51 ducats. I order a Constable built here.

Smyrna – 176272 Turkish Sunni work the grape vines and wineries. 35.41 ductas are made here. I send orders to build a Constable here as well.

Bursa – Turkish Sunnis are also here. 40.57 ducats are made by the 169668 clothmakers. Like the others, a Constable is being built by me

Bithynia – Our final Turkish province, the 141548 Sunnis here make 43.18 ducats in the cloth trade. Constable being built, yadda, yadda.

Salonica – This Greek Orthodox province is the largest Greek province in the game by population. 224109 farmers harvest grain for 12.75 ducats. Another Constable is on its way here.
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Old 03-28-2007, 11:41 PM   #256
Abe Sargent
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Before I move on, I want to talk about that war and our spoils.

I don’t start wars unless I believe I can win them fairly easily. If it’s close or uncertain, don’t start it.

The Turks are now likely a forever enemy. By that I mean they will probably keep declaring war on us again and again now that we’ve crossed that threshold. You have seen it with the Mamluks and the Aragonians. Can’t recall if the Venetians did it too, but you get the idea.

If I have them as a forever enemy, then my taking sin the first war must cripple my opponent. The Turkish provinces that I have taken have cut deeply into the Ottoman economy. Antalya especially was a very valuable province.

The Mamluks were easy to tame. Take Alexandria and the rest fell. The Ottomans are not so easy. Thrace, their capital, is beter than Venice. They have another COT far away from my armies. They have other provinces of value giving them money, like Anatolia (large and cloth), Alania (a gold province), that COT in Astrakhan, and many very solid provinces like Bulgaria, Aleppo, Mus, Konya, Angora, and Eserum. I hit them, and hirt them economically, but they are not down yet.

The province si took were also good because they bisected the Ottoman territory. On the west side you have Thrace, isolated by land from its more wealthy eastern provinces and many poorer provinces it captured. On the east are the more valuable provinces that allow us to concentrate on them. There is no more land connection, although they can ship soldiers by sea if desired.

In the next war, we will need a greater strategy having increased our surface area significantly with our takings.

Also, because our monarach died and our new one had less diplomacy skill by far, it will take us much longer to dissolve our badboy.
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Old 03-29-2007, 11:28 PM   #257
Abe Sargent
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Quiet Reigns

7 December, 1707 – I send colonists to Ceara, a coastal sugar South American province.

1 January, 1708 – I send a missionary to Pahang and Johor and Okinawa

I order a Fine Arts Academy at Malacca.

11 July, 1708 – Ceara is now our newest colony. I send in more settlers.

14 November, 1708 – After the constables are built, I send missionaries to Bursa and Smyrna

13 February, 1709 – Ceara expanded and more colonists are dispatched.

25 March, 1709 – NLC: Crete

10 May, 1709 – NLC: Santana

2 June, 1709 – We set up a colomy in Blambangen. I order more pioneers to Java Isle to settle this part of it

1 July, 1709 – Our naval tech increased

11 July, 1709 – I get an event Expand Colonial Borders. I spent some ducats. Blambangan expands by 200 colonists. I get an extra colonist in the bank.

1 September, 1709 – Our land tech increased

18 September, 1709 – Ceara expanded, more colonists yadda

1 January, 1710 – I spend a whole bunch of money to send a missionary to Antalya.

5 March, 1710 – NLC: Judea

6 April, 1710 – Crimea declared war against Kazan and the Ottomans join them.

23 April, 1710 – Ceara, expansion, settlers

25 August, 1710 – RM: Austria

1 September, 1710 – RM: Portugal

26 November, 1710 – Ceara, expands, yep

4 December, 1710 – Successful convsion in Smyrna!

10 December, 1710 – And Bursa!

1 January, 1711 – Our gvnmt tech increases. I send missionaries to Bithynia.

I order a Weapons Manufactory built in iron province Navarra

1 February, 1711 – Blambangan expands and more colonists are on their way

12 April, 1711 – RM: Burgundy

1 June, 1711 – Our trade tech increased

16 June, 1711 – NLC: Butana

30 June, 1711 – Expansion, Ceara, more colonists, Ceara

26 July, 1711 – We fail to convert the Hindus in Vijaya

10 August, 1711 – The Ottomans took a Kazan province in peace negotiations.

1 January, 1712 – I order a missionary to Vijaya

I send a couple of spies into the Ottoman Emprie to foment rebellion in nearby provinces.

2 February, 1712 – Antalya converted!
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Old 03-30-2007, 02:16 AM   #258
Abe Sargent
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A Prelude to Aire

Also, Ceara expanded and more colonists wer dispatched

1 March, 1712 – All of our provinces in East Asia that we took from Malacca are now cores. Including Malacca

1 May, 1712 – Our land tech increased

6 September, 1712 – Ceara expand and more pioneers go

1 October, 1712 – The provinces that we acquired from Atjeh are now cores

4 October, 1712 – Blanbangan expanded and more colonists were sended

1 January, 1713 – Our Fine Art Academy is complete in Malacca. I order a higher level of fort here.

I order upgraded level 3 forts in several of my new Turkish provinces and a level 4 in Salonica

17 January, 1713 – We fail to convert the heretics in Thang Long and I order more in. We did, however, succeed in Palembang

21 February, 1713 – We fail to convert in Bithynia. More missionaries are ordered

11 April, 1713 – I send one more batch of colonists to Ceara

1 May, 1713 – Our trade tech increased

11 May, 1713 – I get an event – Revolt in Unnami. I chose to lower taxes there for several years to prevent an automatic revolt.

1 Augist, 1713 – Essequibo is now a core

1 November, 1713 – Our land tech increases

15 November, 1713 – Ceara is now a full city.

Ceara – This coastal sugar province is almost at the tip of the South American continent on the north side. 2505 workers make us 39.93 ducats.

1 January, 1714 – I order a fort in Ceara

I order colonists to Rio Grande, adjacent to Ceara.

4 June, 1714 – Blambangan expands and more colonists are sent

1 August, 1714 – Our production tech increased

7 August, 1714 – Rio Grande is now our newest colony and more settlers are bound for her shores

22 October, 1714 – Rebels from Swahili arrive in Gojjam. We defeat them quickly.

18 December, 1714 – I settle a Boundarydispute in SE Asia. I don’t want more crappy provinces, I only want good ones.

1 January, 1715 – I order a marketplace in Ceara and a Naval Equipment Manufactory in Sinope, which has naval supplies.

10 March, 1715 – We failed to colonize in Rio Grande but the natives stay quiet. I send out more colonists to try again

18 April, 1715 – Bithynia converted!

20 April, 1715 – I get Revolt in Calabria and choose to lower taxes temporarily

1 May, 1715 – Our land tech increased-ech

1 August, 1715 – NLC: Sinope

8 September, 1715 – Revolt in Genoa, choose to lower taxes. In the future, I’m labeling this event R: Province Name.

19 October, 1715 – Rio Grande expands and more settlers are sent

1 November, 1715 – I order a level 3 fort in Bithynia

1 January, 1716 – Our government tech increased. Navarra now has a Weapons Manufactory all completed. I order a workshop in Ceara.

For fun, I send a missionary into my own capital

3 February, 1716 – NLC: Sinai

5 February, 1716 – Blambangan expanded

6 May, 1716 – Our leader dies. Excellent. If the new guy is better at diplomacy I’ll be very happy. Let’s take a look at Alessandro I. Admin: 7, military: 6, diplomacy: 3. Grr. Another 3 diplo guy.

27 May, 1716 – Rio Grande and expansion, oh my!

8 November, 1716 – I order a level four fort in Bithynia

29 November, 1716 – Palembang converted

29 December, 1716 – Rio Grande and its expansion, colonists and their trip abroad

1 January, 1717 – Our land tech increases. I order a Constable in Ceara. I order a Fine Arts Academy in Venezia.

5 January, 1717 – RM: France

1 February, 1717 – I get more naval tech. We can now build Heavy Frigates. Good. Maybe they won’t suck.

22 February, 1717 – I press the issue on a Boundary Dispute to get a core on Aleppo of the Ottomans.

20 July, 1717 – NLC: Korales

2 August, 1717 – Rio Grande gets more Settlers-ande

1 October, 1717 – A revolting Swahili province declares independance as Ethiopia.

7 October, 1717 – Blambangan expands more pioneers are on route

22 December, 1717 – Nasox is now Catholic and not Orthodox.

1 January, 1718 – Our land tech again increases. I order a customs house in Ceara. I order level four forts in our three remaining Turkish provinces without them.

In about a year, our badboy will be back down. Let’s get ready for Round Two.
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Old 03-30-2007, 12:21 PM   #259
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you had mentioned earlier that england had lots of troops abroad, how do your troop levels look around the world?
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Old 03-30-2007, 01:28 PM   #260
Abe Sargent
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Depends on the area. In SE Asia, I have vast forces. I had to, in case of rebellion. I have none in south Africa and virtually none in the Americas. I think I have a token 5k troops between Turks Islands and Rio de Janiero.
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Old 03-31-2007, 02:44 AM   #261
Abe Sargent
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A Fool and his Land are Soon Parted

8 January, 1718 – R: Malta

6 February, 1718 – Joher is now Catholic. Pahang is revolting.

7 March, 1718 – Rio Grand expands. More colonists are sent.

17 May, 1718 – NLC: Cape Verde

1 June, 1718 – Gvnt tech increased

9 October, 1718 – More Rio Grande expansion and more settlers

I declare war against the Ottomans

All allies are in. Let’s go.

16 October, 1718 – We establish sea dominance with a major victory.

21 October, 1718 – We arrive in Aleppo and initiate a siege.

28 October, 1718 – We defeat minor resisitance and sbegin a siege of Thrace.

Smash armies are hitting various minor pockets of resistance

30 October, 1718 – Several minor Turkish provinces are under siege.

2 November, 1718 – As is Janina

Our conversion attempt in Prey Nokor failed and I send in more missionaries.

6 November, 1718 – A major land battle began in Silestria. On the first day, each side lost over 1k calvary. We win this, and we head off the major Ottoman army before it breaks my siegers.

17 November, 1718 – We lost in Silistria.

1 December, 1718 – Our trade tech increased

6 December, 1718 – A smash army wins in Trebizon and begin s asiege

13 February, 1719 – Another smash army arrives at Silistria.

21 February, 1719 – I again lose in Silistria

2 March, 1719 – We grabbed Anatolia.

12 March, 1719 – I decline the first Ottoman peace offe.r

25 March, 1719 – We lost an assault against Aleppo

10 April, 1719 – Okinawa converted!!!

18 April, 1719 – Konya fell.

25 April, 1719 – Another attack on Silistria.

2 May, 1719 – Janina fell to us

7 May, 1719 – We lose in Silistria again.

13 May, 1719 – Rio Grande and all that

16 May, 1719 – 12000 cavalry, two smash armies combined, arrive in Silistria. I am NOT losing this time.

20 May, 1719 – We crush the Silistrian defense and I order my troops to pursue

28 May, 1719 – We grabbed Thrace. That will help in peace negotiations.

29 May, 1719 – Edirne fell

8 June, 1719 – The Ottomans send me a peace offer and they renege all of their claims on my territory and give me some ducats. I laugh at their envoy.

9 June, 1719 – Blambangan expanded and I shipped out more colonists.

27 June, 1719 – I win a major battle in Serbia.

10 July, 1719 – I accept a white peace with Crimea

25 July, 1719 -We captured Mus

1 September, 1719 – Our land tech increases.

14 September, 1719 – Aleppo fell.

1 October, 1719 – Angora fell

9 October, 1719 – Ancona fell

12 October, 1719 – We take a bunch of provinces in a peace deal.
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Old 03-31-2007, 01:52 PM   #262
Abe Sargent
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Janina – This Albanian Orthodox wool province was desired more for strategic reasons that anything else. The mighty 36566 people make 6.59 ducats. Since this province is adjacent to Corfu, Morea and Athens, taking it seales off those three provinces from Ottoman land strikes.

Aleppo – This was my #1 target for this war. A wealthy cloth province north of Beirut and Damascus, this reduced my reliance on two province sin that area for defense to one. 355098 Sunni make 46.54 ducats in their al Suryah Arabic selves. This province is already one of our cores.

Adana- This coastal province is adjacent to Aleppo on the coast. I needed this for strategic reasons, not for its value. 23358 fishermen make just 8.66 ducats. The people here are Turkish and Sunni.

Edirne – This was needed for several major reasons. Taking it gets me two of the three provinces adjacent to Thrace, and makes that an even more vulnerable province. Lastly, it gives us a land bridge with Turkey, and we’ll talk abou thtat value in a moment. This is also a Greek Orthodox province. 145509 grain farmers make us 9.44 ducats.

Anatolia – This interior Turkish province that has cloth as a major resource, the 184872 Sunnis here make us 43.49 ducats.

Konya – Another interior Turkish province, 118208 Sunnis work the salt trade making 35.14 ducats for us.

Ancona – This is the last province we captured, and also an interior province. It was taken for economic and strategic reasons, creating a land link. Copper is the trade good of choice here, our first such province. 91248 Turks generate 40.34 ducats for us. Yay Sunnis.

Why was this take so valuable?

Naxos is linked with Athens by a straight. Edirne is linked with Bursa via a straight. That means we can now march armies from Naxos or any of my Greek holdings to Turkey and all of my Turkish holdings including Sinope, through Aleppo and Ancona and Adana (the A Train) down through Damascus, Beirut, Judea, to Alexandria.

That’s a valuable land connection militarily. It also means that all of those provinces get some modest benefits from being land connected to my capital.

Therefore, this was a valuable take. In fact, Alexandria is now the only one of our four COTs so linked.
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Old 03-31-2007, 05:56 PM   #263
Abe Sargent
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Solitude in the Sun

30 October, 1719 – NLC: Calabria

1 November, 1719 - I got this event – Bosperous Sound Toll. From now on, I get +1% prestige annually and +15% trade income.

16 December, 1719 – Rio Grande expands. One more batch of colonists are released.

1 January, 1720 – Our Naval Equipment Manufactory is built in Sinope and now is ready.

I order some missionaries. All five of my new Sunni Turkish acquisitions get missionaries

16 April, 1720 – I get Native Raids in Blambangan. I choose to defend the settlement. That cause natives to get pissy, and we lose some men.

21 July, 1720 – Rio Grande is now a full province.

Rio Grande - 2516 people work the sugar trade here making us 39.16 ducats. I order a wall built here. This province is adjacent to the east to Ceara and almost on the tip of South America at Brazil.

17 August, 1720 – I dispatch pioneers to Itamaraca, another sugar province adjacent to Rio Grande on the tip.

15 September, 1720 – RM: Castille, RM: Saxony

16 November, 1720 -NLC: Binh Tri Thien

1 January, 1721 – Our government tech increased

I send a missionary to Frenche-Compte

8 February, 1721 – Blambangan expands and one last (hopefully) set of colonists are sent there.

31 March, 1721 – We fail to set up a colony in Itamaraca

23 July, 1721 – A Marketplace is the next item to be built in Rio Grande

1 August, 1721 – Another colonist group is sent to Itamaraca

1 December, 1721 – Grao Para is now a core province

1 January, 1722 – Our land tech increases. We are now the most advanced land tech nation in the world. Fine Arts Academy is complete in Venezia.

I order a Refinery in Morea and another in Abbruzzi.

25 January, 1722 – NLC: Palembang

16 February, 1722 – We fail to convert in Anatolia. I order in another missionary while our troops there try to fend off the rebels.

19 February, 1722 – Konya has converted

15 March, 1722 – We again failed to take in Itamaraca. We have a 72% chance of taking each time. I send in more colonists.

18 March, 1722 – Angora converted

11 April, 1722 – Adana converted

27 April, 1722 – Aleppo has a failed conversion and again, like always, the peasants are rebelling.

27 June, 1722 – RM: France

1 July, 1722 – Our naval tech increases.

I send another missionary to Aleppo

24 July, 1722 – I order a workshop in Rio Grande

26 August, 1722 – RM: Britain

10 October, 1722 – Blambangan expands.

Blambangan – On the island of Java’s easternmost point lies Blambangan. This is a cotton province with 4075 people. 30.92 ducats are made by the farmers here. I order a fort built here.
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Old 03-31-2007, 06:19 PM   #264
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I say take Sillistria in your next war, since it was such a pain in the ass to attack in the current war.
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Old 03-31-2007, 10:24 PM   #265
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I will never have to play this game now. It has been won.
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Old 03-31-2007, 11:30 PM   #266
Abe Sargent
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Both Man and Nation Need Cooling

27 October, 1722 – We finally put a colony in Itamaraca.

1 January, 1723 – I order colonists to Itamaraca and Bourbon. I order constables built in all fo the old Ottoman provinces that are not currently under missionaries.

18 January, 1723 – We failed to convert in Vijaya and now there is a revolt here.

7 February, 1723 – I get Revolt on Antalya, and I chose to lower our taxes there for a few years. Whoops, I was supposed to write that as R: Antalya. Sorry.

27 March, 1723 – R: Cumana.

1 May, 1723 – I send a newly minted missionary to Vijaya

20 May, 1723 – Provence got a Colonial Expansion event. That made me scratch my head. When did Provence become a colonial power. I take a look around the world and discover six colonies (all still at the colonial stage) in the western coast of the US.

23 May, 1723 – NLC: Banjarmasin

1 July, 1723 – Okinawa is now a core

3 July, 1723 – RM: Burgundy

20 July, 1723 – NLC: Bern

25 July, 1723 – I order a constable in Rio Grande

1 August, 1723 – Our production tech increases.

5 August, 1723 – Itamaraca expandaca. Colonistaca are sendaca.

2 September, 1723 – Frenche-Compte converted.

1 October, 1723 – Our land tech increased

10 October, 1723 – I order a marketplace in Blambangan

30 October, 1723 – I settle a boundary dispute in the colonies with Britain.

1 November, 1723 – Our trade tech advisor died. Until I can find someone better, I hire a level one colonist maker (+0.2 colonists per year per level)

1 February, 1724 – Our government tech increased. We can get a new national idea.

Most of the remaining ideas are about money. We don’t need money. I take Engineer Corps which will give all of our army leaders +1 siege.

3 February, 1724 – We failed to convert Thang Long

9 March, 1724 – Itamaraca expanded and more settlers were snet

16 March, 1724 – NLC: The Baleares. I now order a customs house built here.

3 April, 1724 – Anatolia converted. I order a constable here now

14 April, 1724 – Bourbon grew

1 May, 1724 – I send more colonists to the isle of Bourbon.

7 June, 1724 – RM: Lithuania

1 July, 1724 – I send another newly minted missionary to Thang Long

31 July, 1724 – R: Cyprus

5 October, 1724 – Lithuania declared war upon Crimea. The Ottomans joined Crimea

11 October, 1724 – Itamaraca expanded and more are sent.

13 November, 1724 – Aleppo converted and a Constable was ordered

1 January, 1725 – I order a missionary to Croatia

31 January, 1725 – NLC: Barcelona

1 February, 1725 – Our trade tech increased

16 May, 1725 – Itamaraca expanded and more colonists are sent

1 August, 1725 – Our naval tech increased

14 August, 1725 – Bourbon expanded

24 November, 1725 – I order a level 3 fort in Aleppo

19 December, 1725 – Itamaraca expanded and moré colonists are sent.

1 January, 1726 – I order a missionary to Dalmatia.

1 March, 1726 – Our land tech increases

16 May, 1726 – NLC: Sinope – I order a Constable in Sinope

2 July, 1726 – Lithuania got a province from Crimea in peace accords

I send in a few spies to incite rebellion in the Ottoman Empire

23 July, 1726 – Itamaraca expanded and more colonists were sended

1 August, 1726 – Gvnmt tech increased

1 September, 1726 – Our second great governmental tech advisor died. I Hire a level one production tech advisor.

1 January, 1727 - Our two refineries are completed. I order a Weapons Manufactory in Angora, our copper province.

24 February, 1727 – Itamaraca expanded. I send pioneers both there and to Bourbon

1 April, 1727 – Our naval tech increased

8 May, 1727 – Croatia converted to the one true faith

29 September, 1727 – I send a final batch of colonists to Itamaraca after they grew

1 October, 1727 – One of our level 1 colonist makers died

1 January, 1728 – NLC: Edirne

I decide to order a Textile Manufactory in Antalya

8 March, 1728 – Lithuania took three provinces from the Ottomans in a peace agreement

1 April, 1728 – Our land tech increases

22 April, 1728 – Dalmatia converted

I max my religious tolerance with Muslims again

3 May, 1728 – Itamaraca expanded

Itamaraca – This sugar province is the tip of Brazil. 2516 people work the fields here, making us 38.31 ducats. I order a fort built here.
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Old 04-01-2007, 01:05 AM   #267
Abe Sargent
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Expecting Nothing Different

I send colonists to Alpercatas. This is probably the last expansion I do in South America

8 June, 1728 – Bourbon expands

1 July, 1728 – I send more colonists to Bourbon

22 September, 1728 – R: Gaza

27 October, 1728 – Crimea declared war on Kazan. The Ottomans join Crimea.

1 December, 1728 – Our naval tech increases

9 December, 1728 – RM: Portugal

19 December, 1728 – Colonization to Alpercatas failed.

1 January, 1729 – I send colonists to Alpercatas again

1 March, 1729 – A trade tech increase happened

4 May, 1729 – I order a marketplace in Itamaraca

13 May, 1729 – We have finally managed to convert the heathens in Prey Nokor.

17 May, 1729 – After establishing a colony at Alpercatas, I send more settlers there

15 October, 1729 – Bourbon expanded

8 January, 1730 – NLC: Messina

9 January, 1730 – R: Frenche-Compte

I order a Fine Arts Academy at Okinawa

1 March, 1730 – Both our naval and government techs increased. We can now built tripledecker warships

2 April, 1730 – Alpercatas expanded and more colonists were dispatched

5 May, 1730 – I order a constable in Itamaraca

1 June, 1730 – Our production tech increased

16 June, 1730 – RM: Austria

1 November, 7- 1730 Our naval tech increased after only a few months

17 November, 17, 1730 – Alpercatas grew, more pioneers send

8 January, 1731 – NLC: Cumana

24 January, 1731 – I settle a Boundary Dispute with Castille over crappy N Africa provinces

1 July, 1731 – Once again our naval tech increases

4 July, 1731 – Alpercatas expanded

RM: France

1 January, 1732 – the Weapons Manufactory that we ordered constructed in Angora has been built

I order a Textile Manufactory built in Bursa

1 February, 1732 – Our land tech increased

18 February, 1732 – Alpercatas expands again and I send in more pioneers

6 June, 1732 – NLC: Janina

23 June, 1732 – I offer an alliance with the Mamluks and they accept.

1 July, 1732 – Another naval tech increase

24 July, 1732 – I ask for and receive military access from Mamluks.

1 October, 1732 – Our trade tech increased

4 October, 1732 – Alpercatas expanded and more colonists were dispatched

15 October, 1732 – Bourbon expanded as well

1 November, 1732 – The first five provinces we took from the Ottomans have become cores.

1 December, 1732 – Our government tech increased

I declare war on the Ottomans.

All of our allies are in, as are theirs
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Old 04-01-2007, 03:25 AM   #268
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Battles of Boredom

This time, I want to go deep into their territory and hit their mines

1 January, 1733 – I won some naval battles and began some sieges

6 February, 1733 – We barely won a battle in Imereti

1 March, 1733 – Our naval tech increased

19 March, 1733 – A large army of mine arrives in Thrace to challenge the defenders here

20 March, 1733 – One of my arimies arrives in COT Astrakhan and begins a siege.

30 March, 1733 – We drove the defeding Ottomans out of their captical province and begin a siege of Thrace. I order my backup reserve forces into Silistria, where the defenders are retreating to.

4 May, 1733 – We defeated the retreating troops in Silistria and I order my forces to give chase to Bulgaria

19 May, 1733 – Mus falls to us

20 May, 1733 – Alpercatas and all that.

12 June, 1733 – Trebizon fell to us.

11 July, 1733 – Imereti fell to us

12 July, 1733 – Ereseum fell to us as well

1 August, 1733 – I only win at Van because of Mamluk assistance.

Ceara is now a core province

10 August, 1733 – I accept white peace with Crimea

10 September, 1733 – We captured Sivas and Macedonia today

14 September, 1733 – Zeta fell

14 October, 1733 – I reject a peace offer

27 October, 1733 – We grabbed Thrace

10 November, 1733 – Ragusa fell

1 January, 1734 – Our production tech increased

3 January, 1734 – Alpercatas expanded and more pioneers were dispatched

8 January, 1734 – Astrakhan fell to us

1 February, 1734 – Naval tech increase. Our colonist making advisor died

7 February, 1734 – Both Albania and Kartli fell. I need to capture one more province before I negotiate for peace

10 February, 1734 – Vijaya finally converted

6 March, 1734 – I deny another Turk offer of peace

30 March, 1734 – Alania fell

1 April, 1734 – The Ottomans rejected my peace offer. Let’s take more of their land

12 May, 1734 – We captured Bulgaria

15 June, 1734 – Banat and Sharizor both fell

20 June, 1734 - They again reject our kindly peace offer. Let’s continue

28 June, 1734 – Armenia fell.

1 July, 1734 – Blambangan is now a core

19 August, 1734 – Alpercatas expands and I send one last group of travelers to dock at her shores

29 August, 1734 – We captured Silistria

1 October, 1734 – Our naval tech increases

20 November, 1734 – Bogjutar fell to us

1 December, 1734 – Trade tech increase

5 December, 1734 – Sarai fell to us

8 January, 1735 – Bessarabia fell to us

7 February, 1735 – The Ottomans reject another peace offer

12 March, 1735 – Transylvania fell to us

4 April, 1735 – Alpercatas is now a full city.

16 April, 1735 – Despite a 99% chance of taking, our colonization attempt to Bourbon failed. I order more in

18 April, 1735 – Oltenia fell to us

2 May, 1735 – We failed to convert the heatherns in Thang Long. I order another missionary to the province

26 May, 1735 – We took Wallachia

4 June, 1735 – The Ottomans and I have reached peace for six provinces.

I order four missionaries to the three new Sunni provinces plus Imereti.
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Old 04-01-2007, 05:26 AM   #269
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Our new Provinces:

Astrakhan – This is the gem of the conquest, and our major target. It sits on the NW of the Caspian Sea. This COT feather 522568 Sunni Tartars making 16.78 ducats in the wool trade. This place is a core of the Timurids as well as the Ottomans. Everything I captured was designed to get to this province.

Alania – This GOLD mine province sits in the mountains between the Black and Caspian Seas, adjacent to Astrakhan. 58.53 ducats are made by the 59181 Orthodox Georgians. I order a constable built here. This province was important to take because of its value as a gold province, its connection to Astrakhan and its Orthodox nature.

Imereti – Orthodox Georgians number 44833 here making 9.82 in the wool trade. This province is the connection between the Alania gold mines and the rest of our territory

Trebizon – This Greek Orthodox province is adjacent to Sinope and Imereti on the Black Sea. 15.74 ducats are made in the naval supplies industry by the 147418 people here. I order a constable built here.

Erserum – These copper mines here are worked by 240083 Sunni Turks. 52.47 ducats are made here. This is adjacent to Trebizon and Imereti and Mus.

Mus – This province provides a quicker land connection through Erserum to Imereti, Alania and Astrakhan from the Mid-East provinces, going through Aleppo. Just 25647 people make and sell cloth here. 26.66 ducats are made by the Sunni Turks.

Alpercatas – This coffee plantation province is not a coastal province. However, as an inland province, it connects Ceara with Grao Para. The coastal province which does so is a poor grain province and not worth settling. With this province under our wings, we can now march from the tip of Brazil west through our territory all the way to the British territory at the cusp of Central America. 2018 farmers make 33.39 ducats. A fort is being built here.

Let’s take a bit more about our new acquisitions. With Astrakhan, we now have five Centers of Trade and control of the entire land route from Alexandria to Astrakhan. In real life, this would have been a great desire of any mediterranean power such as Venice or Florence. You’ll note that our acquisitions in this deep area never veer outside of a straight line to the COT.

The Ottomans are in an awkward position. Sivas in in the middle of our Turkish provinces, just sitting there, completely cut off. A few southern Ottoman provinces are also cut off in the Armenian area. We took the last eastern port the Ottomans had on the Black Sea, so they can no longer send troops to their Russian Steppes provinces. That means there are several islands of Ottomans.

The next time we war with them, I doubt I’ll take much territory. I have taken most of the good provinces. The next time I war with them, I make them my vassal
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Old 04-01-2007, 02:17 PM   #270
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Mastering All Three Phases of Leadership

5 July, 1735 – Saxony declared war against Austria.

I decline and lose Austria as an ally. I have no desire for another war right now, and I have no desire for the stability loss that war with my royally married Saxony would give me.

10 September, 1735 – NLC: Imereti

20 November, 1735 – R: Vijaya

1 December, 1735 – I sent colonists to Banten, on the south-west point of Java isle in the Indies.

1 March, 1736 – Our land tech increased

7 July, 1736 – I order a Naval Equipment Manufactory in Trebizon and a level 4 fort in Venezia.

11 July, 1736 – R: Bursa

20 July, 1736 – Bourbon expands. More colonists are sent

1 September, 1736 – Our naval tech increased

1 November, 1736 – I order colonists to Priangen, another Java Isle province

1 January, 1737 – Our Textile Manufactory in Bursa is now finished. Our trade tech increased. I order:

Refinery in Cyprus
Customs House in Crete, Delta, Malta, Abbruzzi, Ancona, Mantua, Modena, Romagna, Nice, Piedmont, Croatia, Aragon
Constable in Naxos, Tripolitania, Messina, Calabria, Morea, Dalmatia, Corfu, Kastamon, Berber, Dongola, Butana, Gojjam, Delagoa Bay, Roggeveld, Damaraland, and virtually every colony from Caracas to Grao Para

1 March, 1737 – Our production tech increased

20 May, 1737 – NLC: Delagoa Bay

19 July, 1737 – We fail in Banten but I send in more colonists

23 October, 1737 - Mus converted

7 November, 1737 – Erserum also saw the light and converted to Catholicism

30 November, 1737 – Imereti also converted

Bourbon expanded. More colonists are sent

1 January, 1738 – I order about 25 structures in former colonies.

16 February, 1738 – We fail to convert those at Astrakhan and I order another missionary

14 March, 1738 – I get an event. Vatican Infiltration. I chose to go ahead and get 2 spies

25 June, 1738 – We establish a colony at Priangen. More colonists are sent

26 June, 1738 – I chose to go with Colonial Expansion adding 200 people to Priangen and a free colonist.

I order a colonist to Demak, a province on Java

1 October, 1738 – Our gvnt tech increased

1 January, 1739 – Our naval tech increased

6 March, 1739 – Banten fails again. More pioneers go there

13 March, 1739 – Bourbon expanded.

Bourbon – 1003 people work the sugar fields in this Indian Ocean island right near Mauritius. I order a fort here, since it makes me 42.78 ducats.

15 March, 1739 – Our old ruler died. Filiberto I is now our ruler. Admin 4, military 4, diplo 5.

The diplo is better than before, speeding us up by a full badboy bpint every five years over our previous. However, the drop in the other two is problematic.

1 April, 1739 – Bourbon is now a core

8 July, 1739 – I order three missionaries to nearby Orthodox areas – Morea, Athens, and Alania

1 August, 1739 – Trade and production techs increased

1 September, 1739 – Rio Grande is now a core

1 November, 1739 – Land tech increases

1 January, 1740 - RM: France

1 February, 1740 – After sending in several spies to foment rebellion, we finally got some people to rebel in Sivas
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Old 04-01-2007, 03:59 PM   #271
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a) if you get stuck with a relly bad ruler, can you have him whacked?

b) is there a time limit to when the game lets you play until?
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Old 04-01-2007, 05:03 PM   #272
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Heya. I don;t want my ruler to die too early. If his heir is too young, I'll go into a regency council, or a personal union with another countruy directing me, or worse, we get inherited by another country.

Yes, there is a time limit.

Hope that helps!
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Old 04-01-2007, 06:33 PM   #273
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Land Without Blood

25 February, 1740 – We expand Priangen and more colonists are sent

27 February, 1740 – Demak is a new colony and I send more settlers to expand it

1 April, 1740 - A level four government advisor has appeared in Mauritius and I hire him.

1 August, 1740 – Rebels captured Sivas. They march to Sinope where I will kill them

8 September, 1740 – The rebels are defeated

7 October, 1740 – RM: Lithuania

24 October, 1740 – Another failed attempt at Banten (have a 70% chance of this one taking. ) I send in more colonists.

We also failed to convert Astrakhan again. Another missionary is en route.

1 November, 1740 – Our production tech increased

1 December, 1740 – Our trade tech increased

1 January, 1741 – Our naval tech increased

1 Febuary, 1741 – I order a Textile Manufactory in Aleppo

8 May, 1741 – RM: Austria

7 July, 1741 – Our Naval Equipmnent Manufactory in Trebizon is complete

24 July, 1741 – Athens converts. Morea does not.

27 October, 1741 – Priangen expanded and more colonists are sent

28 October, 1741 – R: Rhodes

31 October, 1741 – Demak expanded and more settlers were sent

18 November, 1741 – NLC: Sinai

1 January, 1742 – Our Refinery ordered in Cyprus is finished

11 January, 1742 – RM: France

26 January, 1742 – Alania does not convert

1 February, 1742 – Our production tech increased

5 March, 1742 – Our Astrakhan army has finished wiping out the rebels in Alania. I order another missionary here.

1 April, 1742 – Trade tech increases this time

1 June, 1742 – Our gvnt tech increases

12 June, 1742 – And we again fail to colonize freakin Banten. I send more freakin colonists to freakin Banten

23 June, 1742 – R: Lampang

1 January, 1743 – I order a Textile Manufactory in Bithynia

27 June, 1743 – Again we fail to convert Astrakhan. Again I sent missionaries

29 June, 1743 – Priangen expands and more colonists are sent with alacrity

3 July, 1743 – Demak expands. I order more colonists

1 August, 1743 – Sivas defected to us, proving my strategy!

Sivas – 104910 Sunni Turks work the wool trade here making 4.54 ducats. I send a missionary
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Old 04-01-2007, 08:13 PM   #274
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Your territory must be gigantic now that you're bitchslapping the Ottomans. Could you show some pics?
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Old 04-01-2007, 09:29 PM   #275
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So now that you've played awhile, would you say EU3 is better than EU2? I've recently gotten back into Crusader Kings and am thinking about exporting my current game into EU2 to continue.
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Old 04-01-2007, 11:52 PM   #276
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CK is better than EU3 in many ways. EU3 is better than EU2 in a few.
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Old 04-01-2007, 11:52 PM   #277
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Originally Posted by Lithium View Post
Your territory must be gigantic now that you're bitchslapping the Ottomans. Could you show some pics?

I will show pics, but not as soon as you might like.
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Old 04-02-2007, 01:09 AM   #278
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1 January, 1744 – Our land tech increased

29 January, 1744 – Banten again fails

1 March, 1744 – Production and naval techs increase

I’m ready to take out the Ottomans for good. I declare war against them.

The Mamluks join me, Crimea joins them

I move my armies intot he normal provinces and will attack the normal defenders.

1 April, 1744 – Our trade tech increases

22 September, 1744 – Alania converted

1 November, 1744 – The provinces taken in our second war have become cores

1 April, 1745 – We’ve taken some province, won some battles, but I want my final peace offers to be a surprise to you, so I’m not telling you where I am or anything.

And our government tech increased

1 December, 1745 – Trade and production both increase

11 February, 1746 – We failed to convert Thang Long and I send more missionaries

16 February, 1746 – I accept peace with Crimea for Koffa and Georgia.

18 February, 1746 – The Ottomans reject vassalization. I order the war to continue

3 March, 1746 – Another failed conversion in Astrakhan

13 June, 1746 – After taking three more provinces, the Ottomans agree to be my vassal.

Koffa – The Tartar Sunnis here are on the edge of the Black Sea. His province was once held by Genoa for centuries before the Crimeans took it. Wine is the object of trade for the 50411 making 27.12 ducats. Catholic missionaries are on their way.

Georgia – This province is a coastal Black Sea province adjacent to Koffa and Imereti. 65429 Sunni Georgians also work the wine trade, making 26.61 ducats. I order a missionary here.
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Old 04-02-2007, 02:36 AM   #279
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Years of Inertia

7 October, 1746 – NLC: Mato Grosso

30 October, 1746 – Pringan expanded and I send in more colonists

4 November, 1746 – Demak expanded and more colonists are dispatched

6 December, 1746 – Kazan declared war against the Ottomans. They ask for aid. I agree.

1 January, 1747 – I order a Refinery in Smyrna, Weapons Manufactory in Gaza.

13 January, 1747 – We finally set up a colony at Banten and oreder more colonists in

11 April, 1747 – NLC: Siena

1 August, 1747 – Production tech increases

20 August, 1747 – After assaulting their capital, Kazan accepts our white peace offer

1 September, 1747 – Trade tech increases

1 November, 1747 – Itamaraca is now a core

1 January, 1748 – Our Textile Manufactory in Bithynia is not built. Our land tech increases. I order a Fine Arts Academy in Bali-Lombok

16 May, 1748 – For the first time ever, I control all seven Cardinals in the college.

28 May, 1748 – We fail to convert Sivas

1 June, 1748 – Naval tech increases

1 July, 1748 – Priangen expands and I send more colonists

7 July, 1748 – Demak expands and more colonsits are sent here too

16 September, 1748 – Banten even expands. More colonists, yadda

25 September, 1748 – Carlo V is nour new ruler. Admin: 3, Military: 5, Diplomacy: 5

I haven’t had a good ruler in ages

16 October, 1748 – Kaffa converted

23 October, 1748 – RM: Lithuania

1 November, 1748 – Production tech increases

30 November, 1748 – Georgia converted as well

1 January, 1749 – Trade and gvnt techs increased.

16 January, 1749 – Astrakhan again fails to convert. We put down the rebellion and send another missionary

I send colonists to Sunda, a province on Java Isle – the last one

20 August, 1749 – RM: Britain

1 January, 1750 – I order a University in Messina

2 February, 1750 – Priangan expands and one last group of settlers set sail

7 March, 1750 – Demark expands and more pioneers embark

22 May, 1750 – Banten expanded too. More colonists leave our harbors

10 June, 1750 – RM: Portugal

25 August, 1750 – NLC: Navarra

29 September, 1750 – We fail to set up a colony in Sunda

1 December, 1750 – A revolting Ottoman province declared independence as Hungary. A level 5 production tech advisor appeared and I hire him.

14 December, 1750 – Anotehr failed attempt to convert Sivas

18 January, 1751 – R: Imereti

1 March, 1751 – The savages of Banten burned down our entire colony.

8 July, 1751 – Hungary accepts being our vassal in peace negotiations

14 August, 1751 – A large army arrives in Banten and begins to fight the natives here.

10 September, 1751 – I kill all of the natives. I dispatch colonists now.

21 September, 1751 – Astrakhan still is under Sunni influence as our missionaries fail. More are sent

1 October, 1751 – Priangan expands. Let’s take a look

Priangan – This spice province is on Java Isle. 3067 make 33.15 ducats. I have ordered a fort built here forthwith

9 November, 1751 – Demak expands – more colonists go

12 December, 1751 – NLC: Kaffa

1 January, 1752 – The Refinery in Smyrna and Weapons Manufactory in Gaza are finished. I order another University, this time at Makassar

1 February, 1752 – Two provinces adjacent to me declare independence from the Ottomans and Crimeans as Ak Koyunlu

1 May, 1752 – Our production tech increased

30 May, 1752 – Sunda is now a colony. I order more colonists there

1 December, 1752 – Land tech increases

1 January, 1753 – Our naval, trade AND government techs increase. We now have our Fine Arts Academy in Bali-Lombok.

I order another Fine Arts Academy at Mataram

30 March, 1753 – And again we fail to convert the heretics in Sivas

8 April, 1753 – RM: Portugal

28 April, 1753 - We set up a colony in Banten and I order more colonists to follow

30 May, 1753 – 300 Year Retrospective
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Old 04-02-2007, 10:48 AM   #280
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We have no badboy and could launch another war any time

130/110/16 is the breakdown of my troops (infantry, cavalry, artillery).

13/13/3/28 is my naval breakdown (Heavy war, light war, light escort, transport)

We have a six star governmental advisor. How many 6 star advisors are there in the world? Seven, including ours. We have a five star production advisor. There are 11 such advisors in the world.

Huron leads the world with 36% inflation. Oirat Horde is next at 25%. The highest European country is Hungary at 10%. We have 0% inflation.

We have the highest prestige and highest income, almost twice Ming’s.

At 42, we have the most advanced armies in the world, although France and Portugal are right behind at 41.

At 42 we have the most advanced navies in the world, although France, Castille and Great Britain are right behind at 41.

At 37, our production is four behind the leader, Austria, at 41.

At 37, our trade is four behind the leaders, Ming, Castille and Burgundy.

At 41, our government tech is tied with seven other nations for highest

We have the most provinces

These provinces are the top twenty at giving us taxes:

Venezia *
Liguria *
Alexandria *
Malacca * #
Mataram @ #
Cape @
Bithynia #
Astrakhan * #
Korales #

An asterisk designates a COT. A number sign designates an Asian province. An @ sign designates a former colony.

As you can see, Italian provinces continue to dominate this list. 7 of the top 8 are Italian provinces, with only a COT breaking that. Four more Italian provinces chart after that. After I achieved land connection with my capital to our Turkish, Balkan and Mamluk territories, I expected some of them to leapfrog the list, but except for Bithynia, none charted.

By the way, the next two provinces are also Italian (Palermo and Pisa) so that trend continues. Then Makassar is next.

Our top twenty provinces by production

Malacca *
Korales *
Bithynia * %
Bursa %
Antalya %
Aleppo %
Lombardia *
Angora %
Alania G %
Erserum %
Siena *
Smyrna %

As asterisk designates a province good enough to make both lists. That’s a valuable province. A G designates a gold province. A percent sign indicates a province that we took from the Ottomans. See how good they were? Remove the Asian provinces from the list, and you have just 5 provinces from Europe. However, the Ottomans had 8 such provinces all in a condensed area. All of those provinces are Turkish. It’s a very valuable area, and it’s no wonder that the Ottomans were powerful with that economic core. 6 provinces were Asian and one African.

Only one COT, Malacca, charts on this list, and only one colony does as well (Taiwan). Malacca makes 86.12 ducats annually, more than many multiple province nations make.

Our biggest provinces by total income (Must have at least 70 ducats to chart):


I fought one province wars for three of those four provinces.


Our biggest religion is obviously Catholic, with what looks to be around 85% of my provinces. The remainder is Sunni, Orthodox or Buddhist.


Our main culture is still Lombard. Here are the next five biggest:

al Misr Arabic


Here are my biggest exports


Everything Else

The more valuable provinces have moved up the list, which is exciting.

The previous trade good list appears to still be accurate.

We now have five COTs. Ming? They have seven.
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:21 PM   #281
Abe Sargent
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Another Foe - Another Victory

16 June, 1753 – R: Aragon

11 July, 1753 – Demak expands and I send more colonists

1 August, 1753 – I send colonists to try and set up a new colony in Tahiti

26 September, 1753 – R: Smyrna

15 January, 1754 – R: Palermo

3 March, 1754 – We expand in Sund and more pioneers are bound for her spice fields

26 May, 1754 – We finally managed to convert Astrakhan

1 June, 1754 – Production tech increased

17 August, 1754 – I revoke military access with Swahili

1 September, 1754 – Alpercatas is now a core

4 October, 1754 – One of our advisors has discovered 777 fixed stars and made other major asronomical observations. We get a Scientific Revolution for several years with increased production tehc output. This is similar to that governmental tech even we got ages ago.

5 November, 1754 – I accept a RM with Portugal

23 November, 1754 – R: Crete

7 December, 1754 – I declare against Swahili

Mamluks joined us, Mali joined them

29 December, 1754 – Banten expanded and more colonists are dispatched

1 January, 1755 – University in Messina is completed

9 January, 1755 – Tahiti is now our newest colony. I send in more settlers

13 March, 1755 – Demak expanded

23 May, 1755 – We capture Kefa

1 July, 1755 – Our trade tech increased

3 July, 1755 – We capture Sofala

13 July, 1755 – Another failed attempt to convert Sivas.

6 August, 1755 – I accept peace with Mali.

3 October, 1755 - Sunda expanded, Demak expands, I send colonists to both

30 November, 1755 – Shoa fell to us

24 December, 1755 – I decline a Swahili peace offer

27 February, 1756 – We captured Zanzibar

1 March, 1756 – Our producton tech increased

19 June, 1756 – Tahiti expands and I send in more colonists

9 September, 1756 – We took Kilwa

23 November, 1756 – We fail to convert Thang Long. I send more colonists

1 December, 1756 – Natives rise up and attack Sunda blasting it heavily

6 December, 1756 – We captured Tanga

1 January, 1757 – The university I ordered in Makassar is finished

17 January, 1757 – I reject another peace offer

21 February, 1757 – NLC: Astrakhan

22 March, 1757 – We grabbed Lamu

29 March, 1757 – I finally took Quelimane (a province I want in peace negotiations)

1 May, 1757 – Our naval and trade tech increased

19 May 1757 - Mombasa fell to us. I have now captured every province I want in peace negotiations. Let’s take their capital and then head into peace talks

12 June, 1757 – I capture Mozambique, the capital of Swahili

14 June, 1757 – They decline my offer. I push on

5 July, 1757 – Demak expanded and is now a full province. Sunda failed

28 July, 1757 – I get Brazilian Quest for Independance event. In case some rebellions begin occurring here, I order troops built

1 August, 1757 – Gvnt tech increases We can choose a new national idea. I choose Bureaucracy

4 August, 1757 – After another rprovince falls before our might, Swahili cedes 6 provinces to us for peace
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Old 04-02-2007, 08:51 PM   #282
Abe Sargent
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Our new provinces:

Zanzibar – Our newest Center of Trade! This island is just off the East Africa coast. 35630 people work the slave trade here. 9.19 ducats are currently being made here. I order a Missionary to convert the Sunni Swahili people.

Kefa – This province is directly south of our current hold in Gojjam. I took it for two reasons. First of all, it’s a lucrative gold mine, with 41066 Ethiopians making 52.75 ducats. Secondly, it’s Catholic already! I order a constable built here.

Sofala – This gold province is along the coast, two provinces above Delagoa Bay. The Bantu people here practice Animism. 56.344 ducats are made in the mines by the 75129 people. I have absolutely ordered a missionary here posthaste

Quelimane – Ivory is the trade game in this Catholic province adjacent to Sofala and along the coast. 30819 Bantu make 38.21 ducats. I order a constable built here

Kilwa – 145553 Swahili Sunnis work the gold mines here. This province is adjacent to the Swahili capital in Mozambique and is coastal. It is very close to Zanzibar. 72.13 ducats are made here, making this instantly one of our top five most valuable provinces based on total gold output. I order a missionary here.

Mombasa – This coastal province also has Ivory as a major trade. The 103110 Sunni Swahili people here have a decent tax value. They make 49.77 ducats. I have sent a mission here as well.

With weathly provinces like these, what was Swahili doing languishing at the back? They should have been moving over Africa like a green wave (the color of their flag is green).

We also got this new colony into a city:

Demak – 5062 people work the sugar trade here in Demak and generate 48.08 ducats for us. We are currently in the middle of building a fort here.
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Old 04-02-2007, 09:30 PM   #283
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Originally Posted by Anxiety View Post
With weathly provinces like these, what was Swahili doing languishing at the back? They should have been moving over Africa like a green wave (the color of their flag is green).

Their leadership was corrupt -- wasting all the money on material pleasures, unlike the wise leader of Italy -- er Naxos, who is using his wealth to build a world-spanning empire.

Last edited by SFL Cat : 04-02-2007 at 10:49 PM.
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Old 04-02-2007, 11:04 PM   #284
Abe Sargent
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Allies Gained

8 September, 1757 – I leave behind a decent sized fleet of three Wargalleons, three frigates, and six transports to support my new provinces and order the rest back to the Mediterranean by way of Cape Verde.

27 October, 1757 – We finally manage to convert Sivas.

1 November, 1757 – Our land tech increased

27 November, 1757 – Tahiti expands

1 January, 1758 – Our production tech increased. Also, our Fine Arts Academy is built in Mataram.

I order a University in Astrakhan and a Textile Manufactory in Anatolia

10 January, 1758 – I decline an alliance with Novgorod.

26 February, 1758 - RM: Portgual

10 April, 1758 – I get Nobles Demands Increased Pensions. I can choose to accept it and lower our stability or decline and our tax gets hits -10% for around 20 years. I take the second option.

18 April, 1758 – I get Buddhist Influence. Solfala will turn Buddhist or I get +1 influnece. I shoulda chosen the other option now, eh?

6 July, 1758 – I order a marketplace for Demak

7 August, 1758 – Banten expands and more colonists are sent

9 August, 1758 – NLC: Calabria

7 September, 1758 – I order marketplaces for my two Catholic provinces newly acquired

22 Novemberm 1758 – NLC: Judea

21 February, 1759 – I get Colonial Expansion in Banten

26 February, 1759 – RM: Lithuania

6 March, 1759 – Sunda expanded and more colonists were dispatched

25 April, 1759 – NLC: Abbruzzi

18 June, 1759 – Tahiti expanded and more pioneers were sent

1 July, 1759 – Another small province rebelled against the Ottomans and declared independence calling itself Qara Koyunlu. I join the Turks in their war against them.

17 September, 1759 – R: St Lucia

6 October, 1759 – I decline a military access request from Swahili.

1 December, 1759 – Trade and production techs increased

9 April, 1760 – Banten expanded and more colonists were sent.

24 April, 1760 – I send colonists to Inhambane, the coastal province between Delagoa Bay and Sofala.

15 June, 1760 – Forces from Sofala arrive to attack the natives here.

21 June, 1760 – All of the natives here are complete eradicated

1 July, 1760 – The provinces that we gained in the third Ottoman-Italian conflict are now cores.

6 November, 1760 – Sunda expanded and more colonists were dispatched

29 November, 1760 – We fail to take at Tahiti and the natives rise up and damage our colony. I send in more colonists

1 January, 1761 – I build a Fine Arts Academy in Salonica

1 April, 1761 – Savages in Sunda again attacked the colony and damaged it.

30 May, 1761 – I have finished eradicating the naives in Sunda from my Mataram forces

8 June, 1761 – NLC: Halmahera

17 August, 1761 – We failed to expand in Inhambae and I send more colonists.

9 December, 1761 – Banten expands. More settlers leave our harbors

1 January, 1762 – Production and naval techs increase

1 March, 1762 – Land tech increased

29 March, 1762 – RM: Burgundy

30 March, 1762 – R: Palembang

1 April, 1762 Government tehc increases

8 May, 1762 – I order spies to lead rebellions in the two European settled islands in the Spice Isles by Halmahera – Lithuania’s Ternate and Portugals Tidore

9 May, 1762 – Tahiti expands and more colon ists are sent

1 June, 1762 – RM: Portugal

1 July, 1762 – Trade tech increases

12 July, 1762 – Sunda expands

1 August, 1762 – Inhambane is our newest colony and I send my newly minted colonists to Sunda

1 January, 1763 – Our university in Astrakhan and Textile Manufactory in Anatolia are completed

A university is ordered in Calabria

1 July, 1763 – Priangan is now a core

11 August, 1763 – Banten expands and one last group of colonists (definitely) is sent.

18 October, 1763 – Tahiti expanded and more colonists were dispatched

25 December, 1763 – We have entered into a Personal Union with Saxony. Apparently their monarch died, and now we will help rule their realm. This will have the effect of me being their ally among other things.
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:50 AM   #285
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And Allies Strengthened

1 April, 1764 – Our tech level increased

2 April, 1764 – Sunda expanded and more colonists are en route

1 May, 1764 – I send colonists to Inhambane

22 May, 1764 – I reject another Swahili request for military access

2 September, 1764 – RM: Lithuania

1 January, 1765 – Our trade tech increased. I build a Fine Arts Academy in Taiwan

1 March, 1765 – Demak is now a core

29 March, 1765 – Tahiti expanded and more colonists are sended

1 April, 1765 – The heathens in Sofala have converted!

10 April, 1765 – Banten expanded and is now a full city

Banten – 1020 people work the spice fields here in this Java Isle province. They make 38.92 ducats. I order a fort built here.

13 May, 1765 – Several major thigns happened today.

Our monarch died. We are now ruled by Alfonso I. Admin: 4, Military: 5, Dip: 3. Ick.

We also inherited Saxony. Now, here’s the deal. I don’t want Saxony that much.

13 German provinces? Ick. And the badboy? Icker.

So I create Saxony as a vassal state, using all 13 of those provinces. Now they are my vassals, all of the badboy goes away, and we are good to go.
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Old 04-03-2007, 08:21 PM   #286
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Fealty Earned

29 May, 1765 – RM: Burgundy

22 June, 1765 – Inhambae expands. I order in more settlers.

8 September, 1765 – Kilwa converted

9 October, 1765 – Zanzibar converted

19 October, 1765 – R: Damascus

12 November, 1765 – We failed to convert in Mombasa

Our badboy is complete gone. Time to make enemies

17 November, 1765 – I offer the Ottomans annexation and they refuse.

1 January, 1766 – The Fine Arts Academy we ordered in Salonica is complete.

26 May, 1766 – We offer the Ottomans annexation. They accept

That’s 23 provinces. Our badboy takes a major, major hit. I release some vassals.

3 provinces are released as The Golden Horde immediately.

1 June, 1766 – With a new diplomat, I release Moldavia as a new vassal.

29 July, 1766 – Inhambane expands. I order more colonists.

1 August, 1766 – With a new diplomat, I release Poland as a vassal

7 September, 1766 – Tahiti expands and more colonists are sent. Oh yeah, and RM: France

1 October, 1766 – I free Wallachia as a vassal with our new diplomat

9 October, 1766 – Crimea decalred war with us. Must be pissed that we took her ally’s territory

22 November, 1766 – Not only did we fail to defeat Crimea at their capital, but they totally annilihated one of our armies

1 January, 1767 – Land, naval and gvnt techs all increases

16 January, 1767 – We cracked their capital’s defense and are now laying siege

1 March, 1767 – Production tech increases

10 March, 1767 – After a quick assault, the Crimean capital (Crimea) fell to us.

17 June, 1767 – Cherson fell to the same army that took Crimean after an assault

23 June, 1767 – Kouban fell

1 July, 1767 – Our trade tech increased

26 July, 1767 – Lugansk fell

4 August, 1767 – Sunda grew and more colonists were sent.

3 September, 1767 – Inhambane expands. More settelers are dispatched

5 September, 1767 – After decades, Thang Long has converted

30 September, 1767 – Crimea has agreed to become our vassal for peace

1 October, 1767 – I create Transylvania and Serbia as vassal states.

Let’s now take a look at my new Ottoman provinces:

Thrace – Ah yes, the jewel. 999999 Sunni Turks farm grain in this COT making 20.53 ducats annually. It is currently building a level 3 fort, and when that is complete, I’ll send a missionary

Kartli – 172042 Orthodox Georgians work the copper mines here. This province is back in the mines area that I already had. 57.01 ducats are made here. I ordered a Constable.

Ragusa – This minor province is the land bridge between our Croatian holdings and everything else. The Catholic 118019 Croats fish the Adriatic Sea. 13.2 ductas are made here. I ordered a constable built here as well

Zeta - 55557 Orthodox Serbian fishermen make just 8.18 ducats. I order nothing for here, it’s pretty poor.

Albania – 99820 Albanian Orthodox shepherds make 7.51 ducats in the wool trade. I order nothing here either.

I could release Zeta as Montenegro and Albania as herself. However, I would sever the land link between my Croatian provinces and my Greek ones.

Macedonia – The final Greek province. When I annexed the Ottomans, I wanted three provinces, this, Kartli and Thrace. 155836 Orthodox grain farmers generate 10.33 ducats. I order a constable here.

Bulgaria – Having this province is more chance than anything else. I could release it and Silistria as Bulgaria. I have no serious attachment to Silistria, but this is a solid province. The iron mines here make 41.54 ducats by the 160338 Orthodox Bulgarians. I ordered a Constable here

Silistria – This coastal Black Sea province is north of Thrace. 57514 Orthodox Bulgarian Fishers make 9.44 ducats. This province holds no value for me.

Then I have four provinces that I don’t want. They are isolated by themselves and I can’t make a vassal with them.

Pecs – This is the eastern European one (the other three are Russian ones). Pecs is 13.14 grain farming Catholic Hungarian ducats of happy. 59165 live here. It is a core of Austria and Hungary. I do not want it, deep into land as it is.

These are the three deep Russian provinces. I will pretend they do not exist.

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Old 04-03-2007, 09:40 PM   #287
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20 September, 1767 – RM: Portugal

1 November, 1767 – Four advisors arrive in my realm. I check them out to see if I want to hire any.

Level 3 Naval, level 2 Land, level 4 trade and level 3 production tech. Unfortunately, I really don’t need tech advsiors anymore. A level 5 colonist or spy maker would be more advantageous to me.

I send another missionary to Mombasa

5 Decemeber, 1767 – NLC: Bourbon

1 January, 1768 – The University building in Calabria is now complete.

I order a Refinery in Georgia

I send a missisonary to Salonica

17 February, 1768 – Tahiti expands and more colonists are sent

10 June, 1768 – Rebels arrive in Mordvar from a neighboring province under the Timurids. I’ll allow them to take the province, I won’t build defenses or anything

1 September, 1768 – Sivas is now a core

12 October, 1768 – Inhambane expands and more colonists are sent

15 November, 1768 – NLC: Panduranga

6 April, 1769 – Sunda expands and more settlers are sent

13 May, 1769 – The Mordvar rebels killed themselves assaulting the town and are gone. Useless rabble.

28 July, 1769 – Tahiti expands. Barring some unfortunate native uprising, this should be the last batch of colonists sent

3 August, 1769 – After a level four fort is built in Thrace, I try to convert the province to Catholicism. It’s a lot of dough to do that.

11 October, 1769 – RM: Castille

18 November, 1769 – Inhambane expands. More colonists are dispatched

1 January, 1770 – The Fine Arts Acadamy in Taiwan is finished. Our trade tech increased

8 February, 1770 – Salonica converts

12 April, 1770 – I press the issue in a Boundary Dispute. I gain about seven cores in SE Asia, almost all from Atjeh, just in case I care to continue a war in the future.

19 September, 1770 – NLC: St. Lucia

3 October, 1770 – I choose to settle a boundary dispute with Qara Koyunlu

1 November, 1770 – I send missionaries to Bulgaria and Macedonia and Sinope.

7 December, 1770 – Sunda expands. I sent off more colonists.

20 December, 1770 – R: Thang Long

24 December, 1770 – Inhambane expands, more colonists are off

1 January, 1771 – Our production tech increased

7 January, 1771 – Tahiti expands and is now a full city:

Tahiti – This south Pacific island is home to 2004 farmers making 36.13 ducats in the spice trade. I order a fort built here. This will be an important port in our Pacific crossings.
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Old 04-03-2007, 09:40 PM   #288
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It is my intent to grind out the end of the game tonight, btw.
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:31 PM   #289
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18 January, 1771 – NLC: Johor

1 March, 1771 – Kaffa and Georgia are now cores

1 April, 1771 – Our land tech increases

16 June, 1771 – RM: Austria

18 June, 1771 – RM: Tyrone

1 July, 1771 – Naval tech increased this time

20 August, 1771 – R: Okinawa

1 September, 1771 – Government tech increase

19 September, 1771 – We failed to convert the Sunnis of Thrace. I send in more missioanires while an army I stationed here wipes up the rebels.

23 December, 1771 – Portgual has American Quest for Indepedance.

Before this resolves and the USA may form, allow me to give you a picture of North America as it currently stands. You will be intimidated by Portugal here.
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Old 04-03-2007, 10:31 PM   #290
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This is the East US.

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Old 04-03-2007, 10:32 PM   #291
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Here is the West US. Note the presence of Maya, Provence and Castille.

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Old 04-03-2007, 10:59 PM   #292
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Time of Hesitation

31 January, 1772 – Inhambane increases in siz and more pioneers are en route

16 February, 1772 – Questing for a new place to settle a colony, I decide on Trinidad

7 March, 1772 – RM: Lithuania

19 June, 1772 – NLC: Turks Islands

1 July, 1772 – My 5 star production tech advisor died at a fairly early age. I hire a one star colonist maker until I can get someone better

11 July, 1772 – R: Gaza

9 August, 1772 – Sunda expands. More colonists are sent

22 August, 1772 – I press the issue on a Boundary Dispute getting a core on Crimea just in case I need it later.

18 September, 1772 – Britain chooses The Days are Over in Colonial Assembly

10 October, 1772 – We fail to establish a colony in Trinidad

18 December, 1772 – We fail to convert Macedonia

1 January, 1773 – We converted Bulgaria. A Refinery was built in Georgia. Our trade tech increased.

1 March, 1773 – More pioneers leave our harbors bound for the island of Trinidad

9 March, 1773 – Inhambane expands and one last batch of colonists are sent

20 March, 1773 – Sinope converts

23 March, 1773 – RM: Great Britain

26 October, 1773 – We establish a colony in Trinidad and I send in more colonists.

6 November, 1773 – Thrace converts!

I order a Naval Equipment Manufactory to Thrace. I also send missionaries to Cyprus, Sinai and Gaza.

11 December, 1773 – R: Malta

11 April, 1774 – Sunda expands. More settlers go

15 April, 1774 – Inhambane is now a full city

Inhambane: This coastal East African province is the link between Delegoa Bay and Sofala. Ivory is harvested here and shipped to Zanzibar. 1015 people make 36.0 ducats here. I have ordered a fort built and will likely order it raised to at least level 2 before it is all said and done.
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Old 04-03-2007, 11:24 PM   #293
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Increase by Minutia

15 June, 1774 – RM: France

20 June, 1774 – Trinidad expanded and more colonists are sent

9 August, 1774 – RM: Castille

29 September, 1774 – NLC: Navarra

14 October, 1774 – RM: Austria

11 February, 1775 – Colonization at Trinidad failed and more are dispatched

1 July, 1775 – Our production tech increasd

1 September, 1775 – I send a missionary to Tripolitania.

4 September, 1775 – NLC: Diamientia

5 October, 1775 – Trinidad expanded and more colonists were sent

1 December, 1775 – I decline another Swahili request for military access.

14 December, 1775 – Despite a projected 99% chance of taking and no natives to stop them, my blisteringly stupid colonists fail to take in Sunda. I order more into the breach.

1 January, 1776 – Our land tech increases

23 January, 1776 – We fail to convert in Cyprus. R: Tripolitania

15 February, 1776 – Gaza failed to convert

25 February, 1776 – We failed to convert in both Mombasa and Sinai. I order more missionaries to Mombasa.

1 March, 1776 – Our production tech increased

6 May, 1776 – All rebels are killed from our four failures. The Mamluks sent troops into Sinai to kill my rebels there.

16 May, 1776 – NLC: Sofala

4 June, 1776 – Trinidad expands and more pioneers are away

1 September, 1776 – Gvnt tech increased

1 October, 1776 – Our production tech increased

26 January, 1777 – We fail to expand in Trinidad

1 April, 1777 – I send colonists to Cape Verde

17 April, 1777 – NLC: Thrace

2 July, 1777 – RM: Lithuania

16 August, 1777 – Sunda expands. I send another group out to it. This should be the last group, but considering the history of this province, I doubt it.

12 September, 1777 – Cape Verde expanded

19 September, 1777 – Trinidad expanded. I ship out more settlers

13 October, 1777 – RM: Burgundy

1 November, 1777 – Our land tech increases. I send missionaries to Gaza and Diamientia

1 December, 1777 – Our naval tech increases

8 December, 1777 – R: Antalya

28 January, 1778 – I settle the issue with Mamluks

21 March, 1778 – Portugal has Quebec’s Quest for Independence

1 May, 1778 – Tripolitania converted. Banten is now a core.

13 May, 1778 – Trinidad expanded and more colonists are sent

1 June, 1778 – A level 6 spymaster appeared in Delaware!

5 October, 1778 – NLC: Vestbygen

9 October, 1778 – I get a Boundary Dispute and press it to gain two cores on Ivory provinces of Swahili.

7 November, 1778 – The Naval Equipment Manufactory is complete in Thrace

1 December, 1778 – I ship colonists to Cape Verde

4 January, 1779 – I send more settlers to Trinidad after it expands.

14 March, 1779 – I send missionaries to Bulgaria and Edirne

29 March, 1779 – Sunda expands and is now a full city.

Sunda – The final province on Java Isle to become a full city under our jurisdiction, 1020 people send spices to Malacca and generate 36.12 ducats. I order a fort here.
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Old 04-03-2007, 11:57 PM   #294
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Land Abroad

1 May, 1779 – Our trade tech increased. Sunda is now part of our patrimony

17 May, 1779 – Cape Verde expands and is now a full city.

Cape Verde – This island of the west coast of Northwest Africa was our first colony. We used it merely as a naval base for centuries. Over the year, it has grown, and now I sent two more groups to make it a full city. It’s very poor, but I wanted it to be uncapturable by opponents in any war, in order to keep our base permanently. I ordered a fort built here. 1021 people here fish and make 5.21 ducats.

1 June, 1779 – Our naval tech increased and Cape Verde is now a core.

3 July, 1779 – RM: Munster

12 July, 1779 – NLC: Napoli

28 August, 1779 – We send more colonists to Trinidad after it again expanded.

17 December, 1779 – R: Khorat

1 January, 1780 – I order missionaries to Kartli and Libya

I order a Univeristy in Turks Islands. Let’s celebrate our first colony ever with our first factory building in the Americas.

29 January, 1780 – We convert Diamientia

1 February, 1780 – Tahiti is now a core

12 February, 1780 – We fail to convert Gaza

17 February, 1780 – NLC: Venezia

19 March, 1780 – This will get confusing, but I send colonists to Diamentina, a gold province in South America behind the UK presence and sorta adjacent to my lower holdings.

25 March, 1780 – R: Girona

21 April, 1780- If we are lucky, this is the last group of settlers to head for Trinidad

1 August, 1780 – Production tech increased

3 August, 1780 – RM: France

13 October, 1780 – RM : Castille

3 November, 1780- We fail in Diamentina and I send in more settlers

13 December 1780 – Trinidad expanded. Ladies and gentlemen, I just quick settled a territory with maximum aggressive natives with relatively little problem!

Trinidad – This sugar island at the base of the Windward Islands. 3506 people work the sugar cane here, making us 52 ducats. I order a fort built here.
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:39 AM   #295
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Years of Dwindling Energy

1 January, 1781 – Our trade tech increased

23 April, 1781 – We failed to convert at Edirne…

30 April, 1781 - ….And we failed at Macedonia as well.

20 June, 1781 – Another failure in Diamentina and more colonists are shipped out

1 August, 1781 – Our Government tech increased

3 February, 1782 – We set up a colony in Diamentina. I order more colonists to follow.

1 April, 1782 – Libya rejects the Word of God and is rebelling. Mamluk forces in the area are responding.

6 April, 1782 – NLC: Vijaya

1 June, 1782 – Production tech increases

3 July, 1782 – I send missionaries to Macedonia and Edirne again.

16 July, 1782 – Kartli refuses to convert. I order my Astrakahan troops to the area to pacify the rebels.

1 August, 1782 – Our land and naval techs increase to level 50. I believe that is the max they go, but I can’t be sure. Our trade tech increases.

1 September, 1782 – The provinces we took from Swahili are now cores.

19 September, 1782 – We fail in Diamentina but more colonists are sent.

3 March, 1783 – I order the University of South America commissioned at Rio de Janeiro.

4 May, 1783 – Diamentina expands and more settlers are dispatched

1 July, 1783 – Government tech increases

16 August, 1783 – NLC: Corfu

28 September, 1783 – NLC: Nice

25 December, 1783 – Diamentina expands and is anticipating more colonists.

1 January, 1784 – Production tech increases

1 February, 1784 – Trade tech also increases

13 February, 1784 – NLC: Napoli

5 June, 1784 – Mombasa does not convert. Sad, because that was my last chance to do so.

10 August, 1784 – We failed in Diamentina so I send in even more colonists.

14 August, 1784 – Edirne converts

21 August, 1784 – Macedonia converted

11 September, 1784 - NLC: Dongola

20 November, 1784 – RM: Lithuania

1 January, 1785 – Our Univeristy at Turks Islands is complete.

1 February, 1785 – Our government tech increases

26 March, 1785 – We fail to colonize Diamentina. I order more settlers to the region.

14 August, 1785 – R: Sinai

1 September, 1785 – Our naval tech increased, so apparently we can keep getting higher.

1 November, 1785 – Our land tech increased as well.

16 November, 1785 – Diamentina expands and I ship out more settlers to her mines.

6 May, 1786 – R: Mordvar

2 July, 1786 – Diamentina expands again. More colonists are dispatched

24 November, 1786 – I settle a Boundary Dispute with Mamluks.

11 December, 1786 – NLC: Konya

1 January, 1787 – Trade and production upped one

19 January, 1787 – I again reject a request for military access from Swahili

19 February, 1787 – Diamentina expands. More colonists are sent

5 March, 1787 – NLC: Unami

1 July, 1787 – Our old monarch died. Alfonso II is our new ruler. Admin: 8, Military: 6, Diplomacy: 4. I’d prefer a higher diplomacy, but he’s better than we had before. Too bad we won’t get much chance to take him out for a spin.
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Old 04-04-2007, 01:24 AM   #296
Abe Sargent
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1 September, 1787 – Inhambane is now a core

4 October, 1787 – Diamentina expands. More colonists are sent

15 October, 1787 – NLC: Malacca. As if it needed it.

1 January, 1788 – Our government tech increases

8 February, 1788 – The University of South America is now built in Rio de Janeiro.

23 May, 1788 – Diamentina expands and more colonists, yadda yadda.

1 August, 1788 – As or today, our badboy is completely gone. If we had time, I’d declare mighty war. I do not have that time.

1 October, 1788 – Our naval tech increases

1 January, 1789 - Our land tech increases

6 January, 1789 – Diamentina expands. I order one last group to the province.

2 February, 1789 – R: Binh Tri Thien

1 April, 1789 – I decline what may be our last request from Swahili for military access.

23 April, 1789 – NLC: Tunis

22 August, 1789 – With a 99% chance of success my colonists fail to take in Diamentina. I am very tempted to quit and reload, because now Diamentina will not be a full province at the end of the game. Sigh. I send more colonists.

1 January, 1790 – Our trade and production techs increase. I thought the game ended in 1790. Need to look this up.

Apparently, I have three years left, this goes until the end of December 1792. I could declare a war, but I’d hat eto be in the middle of a war when the game ends. Therefore, I’m going to take a different tack.

2 February, 1790 – Karaman accepted our annexation offer. This will give us the entire Turkish peninsula.

Karaman – 75986 Turks live and work here in Karaman. It’s not a wealthy province, making us just 9 ducats. I send a missionary to convert the Sunnis to Catholicism. Wool is the trade good here. I took this province because it was continguous with our current land and made sense.

14 February, 1790 – RM: Burgundy

25 March, 1790 – I am told that the following would accept if offered annexation – Lan Na, Lan Xang, Pattani, Sulu, Maldive, The Mamluks, Taungu and Shan. Others might accept – like, say, Hungary or Modavia or Saxony.

I choose to stay where I am. I could annex Mamluks and that would give me Cairo, which is a great province and their captial. Problem is that it would give me a ton of crap provinces.

8 April, 1790 – Diamentina expanded and is now a full city. I order a fort built here:

Diamentina – This gold province produces 41.4 ducats annually. 2016 people call this place home. This interior South American province is adjacent to our land Porto Seguro, Goias and Minas Gerais. It’s also mostly behind the British possessions here.

1 January, 1791 – Our gvnt tech increased

9 April, 1791 – I now order a wroskhop in Diamentina

23 May, 1791 – RM: Tyrone

1 June, 1791 – All of the provinces we took from the Ottomans in the annexation are now cores, including wonders like Thrace and Kartli.

3 June, 1791 – RM: Munster

12 June, 1791 – Now I decline what will likely be the last request from Swahili for military access 

4 Septemner, 1791 – R: Smyrna

30 November, 1791 – R: Gojjam

1 January, 1792 – Last Year. Our land tech increases

8 January, 1792 – NLC: Palermo

1 March, 1792 – Our naval tech increased

7 April, 1792 – Disappointingly, the peasants in Karaman did not convert. If they had, then I would have ended the game with all Turks Catholic

17 April, 1792 – Now here’s an irony. Our leader died and we got a new one. Francisco IX. We had a string of lousy rules, but the Franciscos were our best. What does this scion of that line look like? Admin: 7, military: 7, diplomacy: 7. Ah, the things I could have done with him….

7 September, 1792 – NLC: Tahiti

1 January, 1793 – On the final day of the game, our trade and production techs increased

One final retrospective and a general review of our activities will follow
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Old 04-04-2007, 07:47 AM   #297
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"General Woundwort's body was never found. It could be that he still lives his fierce life somewhere else, but from that day on, mother rabbits would tell their kittens that if they did not do as they were told, the General would get them. Such was Woundwort's monument, and perhaps it would not have displeased him." Watership Down, Richard Adams
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Old 04-04-2007, 12:36 PM   #298
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Old 04-04-2007, 02:11 PM   #299
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Old 04-04-2007, 02:21 PM   #300
Abe Sargent
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Thanks folks! After ther view, I'll do the last retrospective

Review of the Game:

All in all, I feel that this particular game was a fairly realistic what if scenario. Sometimes I’ve seen widely unrealistic scenarios in EU2, such as the Uzbeks in Germany, Sweden in Arabia, and so forth. That was not the case here.

Whenever something unhistorical happened, it seems like what followed made sense. Spain is the classic example. Without the financial backing of Aragon, after Castille takes out Grenada, their gaze arguably would not move from North Africa. Once they took out North Africa, they headed overseas, but never with the zeal of Spain. They left the natives alone, instead of absorbing massive tracts of land by militarily annexing the Aztecs and Incas, they chose to colonize in areas of the Caribbean, the Atlantic East Coast of North America, and much later, the west coast region heading into the southwest US to great plains areas in the US. That’s a very realistic portrayal of what might have happened had Spain never formed.

Aragon sent a few colonies to the Americas before they were absorbed. That they went to Greenland is odd, but having a presence in the very cosmopolitan Carribean is not odd, nor are the Jerseys odd either.

Portgual, in this game, was fairly a-historic. They did ultimately have a colony in the Spice Isles, and they had a minor African presence on the northwest coast. However, Portugal in this game still had a major, major presence overseas, this time in North America. This makes sense, actually. In real life, Portugal hopped everywhere, and to be frank, none of those areas would have allowed a sustained colonization expansion over centuries. Brazil was a largely coastal endeavor, as was Africa and obviously the Indies and the Carribean. However, if they began setting up the USA area, they would never have stopped. They could have kept colonizaing more and more, concentrating their efforts on one area instead of dozens. That makes sense, once you take the what if as to where they settle first.

France never annexed her vassals. As a result, Provence grew into a power. Prevence took much of Brittany while she fell, and then carved themselves a nice state later in the game in the west US. Their land now goes all the way up the coast to upper Canada, as well as the land you saw in that map a few years ago. Someone had to step into the gap that Spain left open, and a French minor that has grown into a major and is looking to streath past herself doers make sense.

France’s colonizations in the Bayou area are very realistic. Obviosuly, in real life, they continued up that area, and here they are stopped by Portugal’s advancement. Therefore, the only thing keeping France’s American colonies from boring highly realistic was Portguals reasonable actions. France did colonize Cuba, which is reminiscent of their presence in Haiti and Tortuga in real life.

Britain was the big loser here. With us filling the role of Portugal in most areas, and Portugal filling the role of the UK, there wasn;t much else for them to do. A few Carribean islands and a small presence in two areas in South America. It’s not much.

Lithuania’s presence in colonziations was a surprise, but they never had more than two provinces, so it wasn’t that unusal.

Austria began colonizing South South America, below us, in the Plate region. If the land lies uncolonized for that long, it wouldn’t take much to entice a major power like Austria had grown into to take a stab.

Russia never formed, so there was never any Russian colonization. As a result, they left clean areas like Alaska and Siberia.

Sweden never apparanetly did any colonizing.

Venice did colonize that one province that we took from them, and that’s it.

Natives are still around in the Mayas, Incas and Cherokee and the Aztecs barely. As a result, this is a much different New World. There are also tons of untaken provinces. In real life, it was a dogfight over the Carribean. The islands there could produce more wealth than a much larger mainland priovince would. In this game, many islands, including a bunch of sugar islands, were never settled. I grabbed Trinidad late, and there were many more quality provinces in the area. Flordia was never colonizaed and the natives there were not that bad. At least in the Carribean, on some of those islands left over, the natives were at a high aggressiveness, but in Florida they weren’t, and no one ever went there.

Canadian provinces that are unsettled abound, and there are many African and South American provinces available. There were also a ton of great colonies available in the Indies. The only colonization I ever did in the Indies was Halmahera, Taiwan if you count it, and Java Isle. There were tons of other spots left with high value.

In this game, the Netherlands never developed, because Burgundy never fell. Burgundy never cared about oversea expansion.

I felt our expansions were very realistic except in one way which I will mention later.

Imagine if the powers of Italy were unted during the height of their power as individuals during the Renaissance. Combine Florence with Venice and Naples and Genoa and Rome andyou have a very powerful nation. Now, imagine how a united Italy might have changed things.

Consider this. Venice controlled the Spice Trade in Europe through Alexandria and their control of the Mediterranean. It was to break this monopoly that countries like Portugal and Spain began to sail and discover new lands and try to find now trade routes. Portugal chose to go around Africa and Spain chose to sail west to find an oversea route.

Now, a Venice with vision would have foreseen the end of their power and, after a few decades, would have tried to establish their own trade routes. Therefore, a Venice establishing overseas colonies, sending fleets to explore the Indies, and grabbing Alexandria, or establishing a land route to Astrakhan is not out of the question, especially if that Venice is, in fact, all of Italy.

Remember that The Duchy of Naxos (sometimes referred to as the Duchy of the Archipelago) was a crusader state created by Venice. We were a Venetian state. That makes us very much an inheritor of Venice and Italy. Although I did not set out to become the early Italy, I feel that my actions were almost always realistic within the confines of the game.

For example, my New World holdings were the following – a few Carribean isles but nothing major (Trinidad, Jamaica, Turks Islands, Bahamas and a captured St. Lucia.) We had just captured colonies in North America, and our South American holdings were large and largely connected. We didn’t relegate ourselves to just the best pieces and colonze everywhere but in an unrealistic pattern.

In Africa, we took Cape Verde as a launching post, which makes perfect sense. We then grabbed a South African province, again making sense, and grew our holdings there. We colonized a pair of Indian Ocean islands in Mauritius and Bourbon, and then colonized a few islands in the Indies and just one in the Pacific with Tahiti.

We also waged war against valuable small nations and captured them, which was a very European way to settle things. Portugal took Malacca, and so did we. Portugal took Ceylon, and so did we. We took Okinawa, Bali, and Makassar. The Dutch tried to take Bali, so this was not new to us, but there was no Dutch in this game. The Dutch captured Makassar in 1667 in real life. As such, our military “colonizations” were very realistic. Even Swahili fell to Portugese military expeditions to East Africa, and was realistic (although in real life, it happened earlier and were replaced by Oman).

I never took mainland provinces, although in real life that was common. The Portugese were running Goa and Bombay and Muscat. We never were, outside of SE Asia, which we largely inherited in our attempts to take Malacca.

In the European theater, we never ventured outside of areas that would have been tradionally thought of as Italian except for Frenche-Compte, and our Iberian holdings. Dalmatia and Croatia were at times under Venetian control, as were Naxos, Crete and Corfu. Malta and Sicily and Corsica and Sardinia would have been thought as a traditional Italian province, The Baleares, Cyprus, Rhodes made sense as Med islands, and Athens and Morea might have barely been outside the jurisdiction but not by much.

Obviously, our Iberian holdings came directly as a result of the absorption of Aragon. I could, therefore, legitimately blame Aragon for that state 

Someone had to take out the Mamluks. That they are still around is very ahistoric. In real life, the Ottomans bitch slapped them and gained a lot of power and land that way. With them ignoring the Mamluks except for long wars where no land was changing hands, someone else had to snatch that puppy. That it was a reformed Italy would no be a surprise, because as a major Med power, they would have wanted land. That it was a Papal Controller and HRE was even less of a surprise.

The un-historical-ness was my taking the Ottomans out. I doubt even a full Italy would have been a match for the Ottomans in real life. I feel that the Turkish provinces are wealthy enough in the game, but that Thrace is vastly undervalued. You’ll see why when I go over provinces in a bit and show you their values.

Even a max population, converted, connected to capital by land route and with a factory Thrace doesn’t make much money. In real life, Malacca was a disappointment to the Europeans and was much poorer than they expected. In this game, Malacca was a money maker, and Thrace, freakin’ Byzantium itself, was a disappointment. Can you imagine being disappointed by taking Byzantium?

Comments on the game engine itself.

1). At first you might appreciate the diversity of trade goods, but after a while, the same 20 goods over and over again gets boring, especially when some, like tea or chinaware, only have a few provinces in the game. When one of those goods isn’t even tradeable (gold) , it just feels like the same game fighting over the same provinces as before. I’d like to see more trade goods, like dyes, wax (Which could be used to represent both the tallow candles made and sold in whaling communities and beeswax in Black Sea regions), rubber, diamonds, marble, cocoa and pearls.

I’d also like to see “grain” broken up. The game says that grain is used for all foodstuffs, but there is a serious difference in the value between wheat and rice on one hand and the value in a trade good like tomatoes and maize on the other hand. Yet, all are chump provinces.

Also, some things are always valuable, and always in the same order, I’d like to see a bit more market change as random events occur in game to change the market.

One more thing on this subject. Slaves were worthless in this game. In EU2, and supposedly here too, according to the in-game text, slaves as an export and trade good rise in value as the number of sugar and cotton provinces worldwide increases. That makes sense. Yet we never had slaves above 0.1 ducats.

In any game that explores the trade and economic simulation of this era, you are going to have slave trading. However, I feel that they made slaves so worthless, that it really forces you away from ever having a slave provinces, and Zanzibar held much less value than it did in real life because it had this janky trade good.

Do it right.

2). Ummm. I respect that the game overall had more provinces than the first game, but areas that were missing were very noticeable. In the previous game, you could send settlers up the Amazon on both sides and colonize deep into that area. No doing here.

Is it time to get rid of perma terra incognito? I’d rather the game mechanics kept me out of realitively uninhabitable areas instead of having the map force me out. For example, you could have a massive attrition to troops wandering the Sahara, and have a colony established there have no trade goods, massively low chance of taking, and a huge rate of diminished growth annually.

I’d rather know that I could try to colonize an area if I really want to try, then not knowing anything about it.

3). The map issue mentioned earlier in the dynasty was almost a game ending issue. Seriously, if enemy troops are fleeing my province, and I cant chase them with my troops, that’s just silly. I should have other options to get maps.

4). What happened to trading posts? Instead of giving us more colonial options, like, say, establishing missions, or setting up forts, they took away the ability to set up trading posts. Don’t know why, because they made historical sense.

5). The COT engine is poor. CK did a much better job of economy.

6). I don’t like the events engine, which felt unrealistic at times and too a-historical. Give me the old events from EU2. They may have felt deterministic, but you always had the option to choose at least one un-historical option if you wanted. Plus, you need to go through what people actually went through.

Even if there weren’t set events, I felt that the random events in this game were lacking. I should not have Indies possessions without the possibility of a volcano or earthquake event. What about plague events? How about revolts that I can’t stop by lowering taxes? How about random gains or losses in techs? How about events that don’t have an obvious choice, like they do for the revolts event?

7). In real life, the HRE was often dynastic, passing from one Hapsburg to the next. I don’t mind that, but the AI played as if hey had no need to up their relations with each other. Therefore, as a player, all I had to do was sweet-talk some electors and I was HRE for centuries with little upkeep. The other countries should have been vying for favor as well.

The same is true of the papacy and the papal controllers, although, to be fair, we got and lost it several times before we got it for good.

8). Some things weren’t realistic. In the previous game, if I formed Italy, I could a moved my capital to Rome with a set event. Real life events would trigger. If you are Oman, and you take Zanzibar, you can move your capital there, as an example. They could have countered the lack of historical events by an in game way of moving your capital, but nope. At the very least I should have had Rome as capital once I formed Italy.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 04-04-2007 at 02:26 PM.
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