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Old 11-27-2009, 08:15 PM   #251
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
For the first few minutes of your descent you can see the red stone walls encircling the cradle. Then a jagged rim of rock marks the end of the shaft, and you are plunged into total blackness. You can make out no walls or floor and the shaft itself is now just a small circle of grey in the darkness above.

(Do I have Divination? Yup)

Deprived of your sight as you descend into the Stygian void, your Kai perception compensates by becoming more sensitive and more acute. An image forms in your mind of the events taking place around the Cauldron. You see the winch and the faces of the Senate guards, who are feeding the rope that supports your cradle. They are joined by another, who has come to help with their task. He takes his place at the lip of the shaft and grips the rope, but hidden in his hand is a razor-sharp blade! Your throat tightens with fear as you picture the gloating face of Senator Chil.

The rope shudders and instinctively you grab the rim of the cradle as it jerks violently to one side. Your knuckles whiten and cold sweat bathes your brow. The cradle swings and twists wildly, then a crack echoes in the darkness above as the rope snaps and you plunge headlong into the abyss.

You fall like a stone into the whirling blackness. In desperation you thrust out your arms, hoping to seize an outcrop or ledge, but there is nothing in the void for you to grasp. The freezing wind screams past your face and your senses are overwhelmed by the horror of your impending doom. Suddenly an icy shock engulfs you as you strike the surface of a lake and plunge into its lightless depths. Stunned by the sudden impact and numbed by the icy water, you sink several fathoms before you can muster your strength and strike out for the surface.

Alright, end of exposition until I near the Lorestone of Tahou. I have to pick a number, and add 4 if I have Nexus. I get an 8, lucky roll. Note that a 0, 1, 2, 3 is death, so you have a 40% chance of dying even though you did nothing wrong, which, in my opinion, is totally unfair.

I land in a lake and make my way to the shore. I finally heave myself onto the shore. Do I have Divination? Yup. Apparently, I can sense that the Senate believed I died in the fall and have ordered the plug covered and the Cauldron again sealed.
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Old 11-27-2009, 08:22 PM   #252
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
As I sit and gather my senses, I can sense the Lorestone down here. It’s not nearby, but I can feel it. I skirt the edge of this lake and arrive at some steps. There is a half-light down here. I find an empty hollow, and since it is well past midnight, I decide to grab a few hours of sleep in the hollow. I have to eat a meal, yay Huntmastery.

I awaken to find a grey-skinned nasty smelling man-thing crouched over me.

Due to the speed of this attack, I lose 3 CS unless I have Huntmastery.

Zaaryx Ghoul, CS 19, EP 27

I roll a 7. This is, by the way, the VERY FIRST BATTLE in the book for me. I used a bow on the Giaks in that village, and I skirted around the ambush. It takes 16. I roll a 1. It takes 7 and me 4. I follow with a 5 and it dies and I take another 2.

My killing blow knocks it over the steps and I can see more of these things. I choose to use a bow and kill another. They hesitate and I draw my Bronin Warhammer and they retreat. I find a token on the corpse of one of the dead ghouls. I choose to investigate. It is hexagonal in shape and reads 6. It catches fir as I hold it and burns away.
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Old 11-27-2009, 08:30 PM   #253
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Several hours pass along the wide tunnel and then I arrive at the entrance to Zaaryx.

This ancient city was once home to dragons, and it is the only city to survive the Age of Chaos. I follow a wide avenue, eat a meal, and spy a shadow off the left. Do I have the Circle of the Spirit? Nope. Follow the shadow or ignore it. I choose follow.

As I approach, it looks like one of the ghouls I fought against earlier, but it appears to be less human. Suddenly, it attacks me psychically. Do I have Psi-Screen? Nope. I take 3 EP loss.

It pounces at me and I must fight it:

Psi-Ghoul CS 20, EP 30

I am surprised that Mindblast and Psi-Surge work on it. I get a 1 and I lose 4, and it 7. Then a 4 and it loses 10 and me 2. A 9 follows and my Hammer crushes it for 18 damage and it dies exactly. I lost 6.

I finally kill and it and it leaves behind a shiny ring.

I choose to keep this Psychic Ring.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 11-27-2009 at 08:30 PM.
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Old 11-27-2009, 08:47 PM   #254
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
For countless hours I continue through the city, and I eat two meals. Some buildings still stand and others are almost completely destroyed. I even grab a nap before continuing. Finally I am in a great hall when I notice something odd. I come across a large number of lizard-like humanoids with their hands around this large leathery egg.

I choose to sneak up to them. Do I have Invisibility and Principalin? Yup. I manage to move from behind one pillar to the other until I am very close. They chatter incessantly and appear to be quite intelligent. Do I have Divination? Yup.


You detect that these creatures have the ability to communicate telepathically, although it is one of their less developed skills. Their leader appears to be a female, she is taller and lighter in colour than the rest. You take the risk of calling to her telepathically, and she responds by turning to face you. When her companions see what has attracted her attention, they shriek with fear and scurry down the stairs, carrying with them the egg, which they cradle protectively in their webbed hands. But she remains and speaks to you with her mind. 'You are unlike the other man-things that have ventured into our domain. What is it that you seek? Care you not what happens to those of your kind who trespass here?' The reptilian points to the far end of the hall, where a group of ghouls are huddled in the shadows. Your skin creeps as you realize they were once men like you.

'I seek the Lorestone,' you reply, boldly. 'I am the Kai Lord Lone Wolf and I quest for the wisdom of Nyxator that I may vanquish the spawn of his enemies and save my people from destruction.'

Her harsh gaze softens as your proud words fill her mind. You sense a sadness within her, but she replies with words of joy. 'Your quest will be fulfilled, as it was by your sire many centuries ago. We have waited long for your coming, Skarn, and we will fulfil our duty to He that gave us life.'

Without an outward sign she beckons you to follow her, and you comply without hesitation.

(If you do not have Invisibility + Divianation. Every other option involves you fighting the guardians of the Lorestone.)

You follow her along passages and sloping tunnels, down long flights of stairs and through magnificent chambers that no human eye has ever seen before. The alien splendour of this ancient city leaves you in awe of the race that once dwelt in these halls. For interminable hours you follow in her wake until you arrive at a circular chamber of rust-red stone. The floor descends in a series of wide steps that encircle the room, and in the middle of the tiers is a shallow pit with a stone dais at its centre.

At your approach, the dais glows with a crimson light that pulses like a living heart. Shimmering waves of silvery radiance sweep the steps and a chorus of voices, soft and sirenic, echo through the upper reaches of the chamber. You surrender yourself to instinct and step upon the dais, cupping your hands before you and raising your face to the roof. A golden light pours out of the darkness, soaking you in its brilliance and filling your senses with a glowing warmth. A gasp of awe arises from the tiers, now crowded with reptilians. They are the Crocaryx, the guardians of this city, the stewards of the Lorestone, who were placed here by the great God Kai. With joy and sorrow they have gathered to witness the fulfillment of their purpose, for your coming marks the end of their stewardship and the beginning of their demise.

High above you a shadow is taking form at the core of the golden light. It is dark and leathery and shaped like an egg. Slowly it breaks and peels open to reveal a sparkling crystal sphere: it is the Lorestone of Tahou, the object of your quest.

A warm tingling runs through your body as the Lorestone descends into your hands and, as you touch the crystal, your senses become charged with a new vitality that obliterates the fatigue of your ordeal and fills you with new-found wisdom and strength (restore your ENDURANCE score to its original total).

Then a swirl of colour engulfs your body and you feel yourself fall forward into the throat of a spinning vortex. The chamber dissolves and you begin to rise at an ever-increasing speed, as if you were falling upwards. A surge of light makes you close your eyes, but it passes in an instant and you find yourself staring down at an incredible and terrible sight.
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Old 11-27-2009, 08:59 PM   #255
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
You look upon the city of Tahou from the balcony of a tall tower, the spire of the Thalis Temple, situated at the heart of the Rainbow Park. It is noon, but there is no brightness in this day, for a grey blanket of smoke covers the sky. Below you lies a shattered city, its once proud buildings now seething infernos, its streets and squares choked with rubble. Hasty defenses have been constructed where the city wall is holed or fallen, and the battlements to the north and east are covered with unburied dead.

Beyond the wall, the flats lie shrouded in a mist that curls like the smoke of a thousand campfires. Its thickness is unnatural and you sense at once that it has been conjured to hide the enemy. You leave the tower and make your own way through the burning streets towards the West District, where the fighting at the wall is fiercest. You pass the smouldering ruins of the Anarium and take a fire-swept street that leads to the West Gate. A building at the end of this street is being used as a shelter for the wounded. The roof has caught fire and a handful of soldiers are trying desperately to evacuate the wounded before it collapses.

I can help the soldiers or keep going to the West Gate. I choose to help. I find a wounded soldier and help him out and he tells me the captain ran in there to help his brother. Do I have Nexus + Principalin(which allows you to put out fires with your mind). Nope. I start up the stairs but the inferno s too strong. I lose 2 EP and cannot help the captain.
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Old 11-27-2009, 09:07 PM   #256
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
I reach the west gate and climb the body strewn stairs. I can see regiments of Drakkarim soldiers attacking Tahou. Siege Towers assault the city’s walls.

At the base, a group of enemy engineers are building a bridge and almost done spanning the moat. I can use a bow, and choose to do so. There are soldiers with shields helping them, so I await my chance, and then roll a die.

I roll a 1, and add 6 (Weapon master + Silver Bow) and its just enough to make it. My arrow pierces the engineer’s skull and he falls without a scream. The defenders get a few extra minutes. Suddenly, a new threat to the north approaches.

A group of determined Giak soldiers have managed to get siege ladders on the wall and the first creature on the wall is a large Gourgaz, a nasty reptilian foe, I first encountered when defending Prince Pelathar a long time ago. I charge it:

Gourgaz: CS 23, EP 34

Immune to Mindblast it is. I roll 7, 2, and 8. It takes 26 and I took 5. I roll a 5 and it dies, I took a total of 7. Plus the 2 lost in fire means I am currently at 28/37.
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Old 11-27-2009, 09:13 PM   #257
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
I focus my vision on various walls and towers until I find one and see Banedon fighting and still alive.


The iron door to the tower is unlocked and you enter unopposed. At the top of the steep stone steps you find a ladder to a trapdoor. Quickly you climb the ladder and emerge on to the roof. 'By the gods!' exclaims Banedon, when you appear. 'My prayers have been answered. You are alive, Lone Wolf. You are alive!' Tears of joy fill his eyes as he welcomes your return warmly.

He and his mentor Chiban have been viewing the siege from this vantage point for the last three days. From this position they control the movement of the few reserves allocated to the north and west city walls, using them to fill in the gaps where the enemy's attacks have weakened the defenses. Banedon recounts how the siege has progressed; how twice the enemy have broken into the city and been repelled by the determined defenders. Attacks from the air have set the city ablaze, but the enemy have lost great numbers of their flying Kraan, and now they are too weak to dare use the few that remain. The Anarium was destroyed in the first few hours of the siege and many senators lost their lives, including Senator Chil and President Toltuda.

Then he asks of your quest and is overjoyed to hear of its success. 'The gods smile on you, Lone Wolf. So long as you live there is hope for us all.'

Okay folks, time for the big nasty. Here we go
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Old 11-27-2009, 09:27 PM   #258
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD

Relentlessly the enemy pour their fire upon the north and west city walls, until the black sky above Tahou takes on a vivid scarlet glow. The defenders look to their weapons uneasily and pray that the gods are with them, at least until dawn. And when the first rays of dawn light show above the eastern hills, no mists enshroud the armies of Darklord Gnaag--they are massed in all their glory, awaiting the order to attack. You cast your eye across this sea of doom and mark the many regiments of evil that are ranged against the walls of Tahou.

The armoured legions of Vassagonia are the first to advance, moving in ordered columns towards the West Gate. At their head walks a figure sheathed in gold around whom a cold blue fire glows intensely. He strides within range of the city archers and they send a cloud of arrows to greet him, but these shatter and crackle when they encounter his impregnable glowing shield. He crosses the siege bridge and halts before the West Gate. In his hand is an orb of black metal. He holds it before him and mouths an incantation. Instantly a bolt of scarlet flame lances from the orb, destroying the great doors with a thunderous boom. Proudly he strides into the city and the defenders melt before him. One summons enough courage to attack him with a spear. There is a crackling flash and in an instant the soldier is transformed into a pile of glowing ash.

He advances unchecked and undaunted by all attacks, for they cannot penetrate his magical shield. Only when he comes face to face with you does he stop.

'I have come for you, Lone Wolf,' he says, a cruel smile on his lips. You gaze into the ice-cold eyes of Zakhan Kimah, ruler of Vassagonia. As he raises his orb of black metal, you steel yourself for the battle that is about to commence.

If you remember, Zakhan Kimah and Darklord Haakon were discussing my situation in Book 5 when I overheard them. The deal was Kimah got the Orb of Death and Haakon got me and the Book of the Magnakai. Kimah failed to deliver his half of the bargain, but since I banished Haakon to another dimension, Kimah got to keep it. You can see its power now. I took out Haakon then, I have a chance to take out Zakhan Kimah now. Vassagonia deserves better.

Do I have the Sommerswerd? Nope.


A surge of scarlet energy leaps from the orb and rips into your arm, hurling you backwards on to the ground (lose 5 ENDURANCE points). The Zakhan laughs mockingly as he raises the orb once more, this time to finish you for good. You are aware of the Zakhan's troops fighting a desperate battle at the West Gate, and you know you must defeat him or else the city will be lost.

Do I have a Psychic Ring? Do I have the Dagger of Vashna?

I draw the Dagger.


The evil blade crackles and spits as you draw it from your belt. A flicker of fear in the Zakhan's eye tells you that he recognizes the weapon you wield and knows that it has the power to penetrate his energy shield.

(I throw the Dagger at him. Pick a number and add +3 for Weaponmastery with a Dagger and +1 for Circle of Fire. I roll a 4. Result: 8)

The Dagger strikes Zakhan Kimah in the heart.

At the very moment of his death, the shimmering web of energy that encases the Zakhan's body flares with a scarlet brilliance so intense that you are forced to avert your eyes for fear of it blinding you. The light surges and fades, leaving behind a mound of glowing fragments that crumble and dissolve noisily until all that remains of the Zakhan and the Orb of Death is a dark stain on the earth where they fell.

Spurred on by your triumph, the Anarian defenders rally themselves and counter-attack to secure the West Gate. The Vassagonians who gained entry are either killed or forced back into the moat as the gate is quickly retaken. A cheer resounds from the city wall, a cheer that becomes a chant carrying word of Kimah's demise to the enemy beyond the moat, and gradually the advancing legions slow to a halt as their hope of an easy victory dies. Officers ride to and fro, cursing and threatening their men with all manner of punishment, but their morale is severely shaken; the ranks of armoured warriors merely stand in shocked silence and refuse to advance. The sound of distant trumpets is heard and all eyes turn to the south to see wave upon wave of mounted warriors emerging from the hills around Varta. They pour from every valley and pass to fill the southern flats with regiments of horsemen resplendent in uniforms of blue, white and grey.

'Our prayers have been answered,' says Chiban, as he and Banedon rejoin you at the city wall. 'Behold, the allies of Anari have come to aid us in our darkest hour.' He points to the advancing cavalry and you recognize, fluttering from their lances, the battle standards of three countries: Firalond, Lourden, and Kakush. Then the thunder of their horses' hooves fills the air and a wave of joy surges through you as you witness their first charge devastate the enemy's ranks, throwing them into chaos and confusion. A great battle ensues as the enemy slowly gather themselves to resist this unexpected assault. By noon two of their armies have been smashed and routed, and the third fights a desperate rearguard action as it covers the chaotic retreat westwards.

At last the fighting around the city comes to an end, and the defenders give voice to their elation that their home has been saved from the hordes of Darklord Gnaag. Senator Zilaris proclaims you 'the saviour of Tahou', and the victorious cheers of the citizens echo through the burning streets and across the flats that lie strewn with enemy dead. You gaze at this grim panorama and your blood runs cold. But it is not the sight of the carnage that grips you with fear, it is your growing awareness of a powerful evil that is taking shape above the West Gate. A billowing black cloud forms in the sky, and from out of this cloud there comes a harsh and terrible voice.

'I will be avenged,' it booms, its resonance shaking the battlements on which you stand. You steel yourself, half expecting a bolt of lightning to leap from the cloud and hurtle towards you, but no such attack materializes. Instead, the chilling voice continues in a mocking tone. 'Know this: you will pay for your defiance with your life. I, Gnaag of Mozgôar, have the three remaining Lorestones that you seek, and I shall destroy them when I destroy you, Kai Lord.'

A gust of wind catches the cloud and it clears swiftly, but it leaves behind a numbing dread that fills your heart, for you sense that the words were no idle threat--the terrible voice of Darklord Gnaag spoke the truth.

Your quest has succeeded, for the wisdom and strength of the Lorestone of Tahou is now a part of your body and spirit, and your defeat of Zakhan Kimah has turned the tide of war decisively against the Darklord armies. But the shocking news that the Darklords now possess the remaining Lorestones of Nyxator heralds the start of a new and deadly perilous episode of the Magnakai quest.

If you have the courage of a true Kai Master, the challenge of recovering the last Lorestones from the clutches of your mortal enemies awaits you, beginning in Book 10 of the Lone Wolf series, entitled:

The Dungeons of Torgar
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Old 11-27-2009, 09:45 PM   #259
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Review of the Cauldron of Fear:

I like the story. The book has a couple of branches in Tahou. One gets you captured and you have to escape, then you either get the free pass to the Cauldron or find the criminal element for assistance. The skills used are not balanced. I was never asked about my Animal Control. Curing never mentioned. I actually made it through with just three fights, Ghoul, Psi-Ghoul and Gourgaz. The book has a ton of exposition and straight plotlines in several cases.

One of the “tricks“ Joe Dever uses is to either get you in a city when you have to do a major quest and don’t have time to look around, or in the evening when everything is closed. It would take forever to document all of the streets and shops that are of interest, so instead, nope. For example, you arrive in Holmgard in Flight from the Dark, but no time to shop. You arrive in Hammerdal in Fire on the Water, and yet no time to shop. You arrive in Tahou, Tharro or Varetta after dark, sorry (in Tharro’s case, it was a just an hour before the curfew bell rung).

The book is notorious for having the hardest fight if you have the Sommerswerd up until now (but just wait until Book 11). Here is Zakhan Kimah with the Sommerswerd.

CS 44, EP 50. Now, imagine I has the 7 extra CS. That’s 34 CS vs. his 44, and he is immune to MB so it’s 32 vs. 44. That’s a battle that is virtually impossible to win. If you roll a 1 or 2, you automatically die. If you roll a 3 or 4, the enemy doesn’t even take damage. Only at 8 will you each lose the same life, and so just 9 and 0 result in you dealing more than you lose, while 7 and smaller results in you dying quickly. Since he starts with 50 EP to my 37 - damage I had taken, it’s not fair.

Now, if I just attack with the Dagger of Vashna, or use the Psychic Ring, here is Kimah

CS 34, EP 40. If you started with this book, and had the Psychic Ring, you would still have a virtually impossible time. Even if you rolled a 19 CS, and has Psi-Surge AND Weaponmastery, you would have -8 CS and lose 2 EP every turn for Psi-Surge. The liklihood of winning would be very, very low, and that assumes you rolled the best possible roll. A 16 or lowers gives you the same ratio as me with the Sommerswerd. (Remember I rolled a15 initially, so the Sommerswerd builds off my 15).

When I left behind the Sommerswerd, I knew I would have a harder time in some battles, but the death dealing capacity of Zakhan Kimah convinced me to do it, because then I could get through this. Note that it you use the Psychic Ring against him, you can hit him with MB. If I had just done that, I would have had -7 CS against him with my Warhammer. It still would have been deathly hard to win. Throwing the Dagger, which has an auto lose if you miss, was the best option by far, although with my bonuses I would only fail on a 0.

Anyway, tough battle any way you slice it.

The book is fun, but as a game, it has many limitations. I like the story, but there are issues game wise. How often did I use Huntmastery and Pathsmanship?

Next up is my 2nd favorite Magnakai book.

End of The Cauldron of Fear
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Old 11-27-2009, 09:48 PM   #260
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
The Dungeons of Torgar

You are the warrior, Lone Wolf, last of the Kai masters of Sommerlund and sole survivor of the massacre that destroyed your kinsmen during a bitter war with your age-old enemies--the Darklords of Helgedad.

Many centuries have passed since Sun Eagle, the first of your kind, established the Order of the Kai. Aided by the magicians of Dessi, he completed a perilous quest to find seven crystals of power known as the Lorestones of Nyxator, and upon their discovery he unlocked a wisdom and strength that lay within both the Lorestones and himself. He recorded the nature of his discoveries and his experiences in a great tome entitled The Book of the Magnakai. You have discovered this lost Kai treasure and have given a solemn pledge to restore the Kai to their former glory, thereby ensuring the security of your land in the years to come. However, your diligent study of this ancient book has enabled you to master only three of the ten Magnakai Disciplines. To fulfil your pledge, you must complete the quest first undertaken by Sun Eagle over a thousand years ago. By doing so successfully, you, too, will acquire the power and wisdom of the Magnakai, which is held within the Lorestones' crystal forms.

Already your quest has taken you far from your northern homeland. Following in the footsteps of the first Kai Grand Master, you journeyed to Dessi and sought the help of the Elder Magi, the magicians who aided Sun Eagle on his quest long ago. There you learned that for centuries the Elder Magi had awaited your coming. An ancient Dessi legend tells of the birth and rise to greatness of two koura-tas-kai, which means 'sons of the sun'. One was named Ikar, which means 'eagle', and the other was named Skarn, which means 'wolf'. A prophecy foretold that the koura-tas-kai would each come from the north to seek the counsel of the Elder Magi in order that they might fulfil a great quest. Although separated by several centuries, they would share one spirit, one purpose and one destiny--to triumph over the champions of darkness in an age of great peril. The Elder Magi knew that you were Skarn--the wolf of Dessi legend--and in keeping with their ancient vows they promised to help you complete the Magnakai quest.

In Elzian, the capital of Dessi, you were tutored in the histories of Magnamund and received lessons in lore that you would have learned from the Kai masters if only they, like you, had survived the murderous Darklord attack on the Kai monastery twelve years ago. You were eager to learn all that your tutor, Lord Rimoah, could teach you in preparation for the next stage of your quest, but grim news from the Darklands cut short your tuition. In the Darklord city of Helgedad a civil war had erupted, following your defeat of Haakon, Archlord of the Black City. After five years, the battle for the throne of Helgedad had finally been won by a Darklord called Gnaag. The other Darklords, now united behind this new leader, were ordered to amass huge armies in preparation for the conquest of Magnamund. Swiftly their Giak legions grew in number, enabling Gnaag to launch a sweeping invasion that was to catch the freelands unprepared. Several countries, after brief but futile resistance, were completely overrun by Darklord armies; others surrendered without fighting in the face of their determined might. And sadly there were others who chose to betray former friends and allies by joining the Darklord cause, in the misguided hope that they would share in the spoils of victory, following the triumph of Darklord Gnaag. One such land was Vassagonia, a powerful desert realm to the north of Dessi. Her armies mobilized and invaded the neighbouring states of Casiorn and Cloeasia, then marched west through the republic of Anari in order to join with Gnaag's horde as it steamrollered across central Magnamund. The Elder Magi urged you to begin the quest for the fourth Lorestone at once. The enemy armies were converging on the Anarian capital of Tahou, and beneath that ancient city the Lorestone lay hidden.

Aided by Magemaster Banedon, an old friend and fellow countryman, you set off in haste for Tahou and arrived barely hours ahead of the enemy. Successfully you made your descent and discovered the object of your quest, but on returning to the surface you found Tahou transformed into a blazing inferno. Darklord Gnaag and Zakhan Kimah, the ruler of Vassagonia, had learnt of your presence and were determined to destroy you at all costs. For days their engines of war had hurled fire and rock across the walls of Tahou with devastating effect. Then a massive assault, led by the Zakhan himself, breached the west gate and gained entry to the burning city. Armed with a weapon of awesome power, the evil Zakhan sought you out and challenged you to a fight to the death. The struggle was desperate but you emerged victorious and led the Anarians in a counter-attack that cleared the city of the invading foe. The allies of Anari arrived to raise the siege and in the ensuing battle the demoralized armies of Gnaag and Kimah were smashed and routed.

Your defeat of Zakhan Kimah turned the tide of war decisively against the Darklord armies and paved the way for the liberation of the lands they had taken by force. But the sweet taste of victory turned sour when you discovered that Darklord Gnaag had captured the last three remaining Lorestones of Nyxator. Lord Rimoah and other members of the High Council of the Elder Magi joined you in Tahou to help formulate a plan of action. They had already received word from Prince Graygor, the ruler of Eru, that one of his patrols had found a man near the borders of the Hellswamp. He was a Talestrian soldier who had escaped from the dread city-fortress of Torgar where he had been imprisoned after being captured in battle. He had suffered terribly at the hands of the Drakkarim--evil humans in the service of the Darklords--and when found he was so badly injured that he was almost unrecognizable. Before he died he spoke of three radiant gems filled with golden light that had been brought to Torgar from the Darklord city of Mozgôar.

'We are now sure that what he saw was the arrival of the stolen Lorestones,' said Rimoah, speaking on behalf of the High Council. 'They radiate a goodness so strong that Gnaag could not hold them in the Darklands but had to move them to Torgar. There his sorcerers--the Nadziranim--are searching for the means to destroy them. The black art of the Nadziranim has grown powerful of late and we fear they may achieve the task set them by Gnaag. Therefore we must act quickly and with utmost secrecy if the Lorestones and the Magnakai quest are to be saved.'

The Elder Magi had already made preparations for your secret journey to Eru where, upon your arrival, Prince Graygor will help you reach the grim city of Torgar. The thought of having to enter the terrible Drakkarim stronghold fills you with dread, but your pledge to destroy the Darklords and restore the Kai strengthens your resolve and helps you suppress your fear.

On the eve of your journey to Eru, the Elder Magi convene a special meeting of the High Council to pray for the success of your mission. For several hours they kneel in prayer until finally they arise and intone the blessing that has sustained you in the past: 'May the gods Ishir and Kai protect you on your journey into darkness, Kor-Skarn.'

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Old 11-27-2009, 09:49 PM   #261
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The Map of Ghatan:

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Old 11-28-2009, 12:23 AM   #262
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Here are the Improved Disciplines:


Mentoras skilled in Weaponmastery are more accurate when using all missile weapons, whether fired (e.g., a bow) or thrown (e.g., a dagger). When using a bow or thrown weapon and instructed to pick a number from the Random Number Table, add 2 to the number picked if you are a Mentora with the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery.

Mentoras with this skill are able to neutralize the effects of any poisons, venoms or toxins with which they come into contact.

Mentoras who possess this Magnakai Discipline are able to cross any kind of terrain on foot without leaving any tracks, even if the ground is covered in snow.

Mentoras with this ability can protect themselves from evil spirits and other non-corporeal beings that attack with psychic energy. The effectiveness of this ability increases as a Kai Master rises in rank.

Mentoras who possess this skill are able to detect psychic residues lingering in a place where a dramatic event, such as a battle, a murder, a ritual sacrifice or a ritual ceremony, has taken place. By meditating at the scene of the incident, a Kai Mentora is able to visualize the event, even though it may have occurred in the distant past.
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Old 11-28-2009, 12:29 AM   #263
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I now add 8 to all numbers rolled with the Bow, which is auto success constantly. I have to choose from these Disciplines: Curing, Psi-Surge, Nexus, Psi-Screen. Curing completes my Circle of the Light and I get 3 more EP permanently. I already get some of its benefits from healing, same with Psi-Surge. Let’s take Nexus. I add Mace to my Weaponmastery list.
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Old 11-28-2009, 12:30 AM   #264
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I get a Map of Ghatan, a full quiver of arrows, some gold crowns, Pot of Laumspur, their Mace, and that’s all I take.
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Old 11-28-2009, 12:34 AM   #265
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Golden Key
Prince Pelethar’s Sword
Kai Axe
Burrowcrawler Dagger
Warhammer from Farmhouse
Red Pass
Coach Ticket
Black Sword of Parsion
Map of Sommerlund, Kalte, Southlands, Vassagonia, Stornlands, Tekaro, The Danarg, Anari
Fur Blanket
93 Gold Crowns
1 Meal
2 Potion of Laumspur - +5 EP
3 Potion of Laumspur - +4 EP
Fur Backpack
Bone Sword
Concentrated Graveweed
Kalte Diamond
Ragadorn Dagger
Magic Spear
Holy Water
Brass Key
Iron Key
Sommlending Cavalry Spear (Normal)
Quarterstaff, Royal Guard (Normal)
Scroll of Prophecy
Jeweled Mace
Bottle of Kourshah - +4 EP
Copper Key
Gold Key
Black Sash
Barrakeesh Public Bath Towel
Jakan - Vassagonian Coastal Hunting Bow
Zakhan’s Quarterstaff (Normal)
3 Brass Whistle
Pink and Orange Waistcoast
Bottle of Wine
Silver Key
Ticket to Eula
Quivers w/ 11 arrows
Power Key
Red Robe
Gold Key (Kazan-Oud)
Glowing Dagger
Kazan-Oud Diamond
Labyrinth Sword (Normal)
Kazan-Oud Fine Spear (Normal)
4 Sack of Silver
Silver Box
Helghast’s Sword (Normal)
Giak Scroll
Lord Adamas’s Pass
Vial of Gnadurn Poison
2 Flasks of Boza
Invitation to Chiban’s
Receipt for Horse, Tahou
Crystal Decanter
Silk Jacket
Silver Goblet
Silver Candlestick
Scroll of Honour
Jadin Anklets
Magi Dagger (Normal)
Sen. Chil’s Mace (Normal)
Dagger of Vashna


30 Gold Crowns
Crystal Star Pendant
Platinum Amulet
Blue Stone Triangle
Grey Crystal Ring
Psychic Ring
Bronin Warhammer
Silver Bow of Duadon
Map of Ghatan
Silver Helmet
Chainmail Waistcoat
Padded Leather Waistcoat
Wrist and Finger Guards
Quiver w/ 6 arrows
2 Potion of Laumspur: 4 EP
Distilled Alether +4 CS
9 Fireseeds
Magi Mace (Normal)

Count as special items is still 9. Since I am going to an uber-bad place right next to the Darklands, should I take the Dagger of Vashna? Hmm. I’m not sure. Let’s say no. I leave it behind. It did prove useful, but I want to make sure I have space, and if I die or get captured, and the Dagger of Vashna falls into Darklord hands, they’ve captured Ruanon and thus the ruins, so right now, it doesn’t make sense to get this close with the Dagger, just like the Sommerswerd stays for now. I am tossing the Alether in my backpack from Kalte way back in Book 3. It could come in handy in the big bad dark.
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Old 11-28-2009, 12:41 AM   #266
Abe Sargent
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Lone Wolf, Kai Mentora, Kor-Skarn, Fryearl, Warmartial of Sommerlund, Savior of Tahou

CS 27
EP 37

Animal Control

Okay, here we go.
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Old 11-28-2009, 12:45 AM   #267
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It is dawn on midsummer's day when you ride out of Tahou. Since your victory over Zakhan Kimah, your appearance in a public place has been enough to provoke spontaneous cheering from the Tahouese, who regard you as their saviour. But on this warm, sunny morning you leave the city unnoticed, for on this occasion you appear to be just another messenger.

The army uniform you wear and the white horse you ride are part of an elaborate deception conceived by the Elder Magi. In order to make Darklord Gnaag believe that you are returning to Sommerlund, you have given your Kai cloak and tunic to your friend Banedon. Disguised as you, he will leave for Sommerlund aboard his flying ship Skyrider this afternoon. A formal ceremony is planned to mark his departure and another awaits his arrival at the King's Citadel in Holmgard. Gnaag has vowed to kill you: it is a vow which has become an obsession that torments him like a poisoned wound. It is hoped that Banedon's much-publicized flight home will lure Gnaag's vengeful eyes away to the north and raise your chances of success at Torgar considerably.

Your ride ends in Firma, where you catch a barge down-river to the port of Talon. There you hear news of a rebellion in Barrakeesh, the Vassagonian capital, and reports of the sudden withdrawal of all Vassagonia's troops from the lands she invaded early in the war. It bodes well for the continuing struggle against the Darklords, for Vassagonia was their only major ally. You spend one night in Talon before buying passage aboard a merchantman on its way along the Tentarias, and five days later you disembark at Garthen, the capital of Talestria.

Talestria was overrun in the early days of the war but the neighbouring country of Palmyrion came quickly to her aid. The armies of Talestria and Palmyrion united and fought the invading horde, led by Warlord Zegron of Ogia, on the battle-plains to the north of Garthen. For three days and three nights a bitter struggle raged and the allies were sorely pressed to withstand the overwhelming numbers of the enemy ranged against them. But on the morning of the fourth day, the unexpected arrival of the dwarven army of Bor was to seal Zegron's doom. His mighty force crumbled and the survivors, fleeing northwards in chaos, were pursued relentlessly. The latest news tells of the allies' capture of Xanar, a major Ogian stronghold, and their continued advance westward along the Blackshroud Trail.

The Royal Court of Queen Evaine would be honoured to assist you, but secrecy is paramount to the success of your quest and so you shun the Royal Palace and take lodgings instead at a humble dockside tavern. There you arrange transportation to Eru aboard a brigantine bound for Humbold, the Eruan capital, and leave next day on the noon tide. Upon your arrival, you make your way to the city's ancient quarter where the Elder Magi have arranged a clandestine meeting with Prince Graygor. In the cellar of a disused warehouse, the young Prince waits patiently for your coming. Like you, he is dressed in the clothes of a messenger in order that he can walk the streets of his city incognito. He welcomes you with a salute, bringing his hand diagonally across his chest, and assures you that your true identity is known only to him. For over an hour you discuss your plans and listen to the Prince recount some of the events that have disturbed the peace of Eru. Two years ago, Drakkarim renegades from the Hammerlands attacked and overran his northern city of Luomi. The inhabitants were slaughtered and the holy temple of Luomi, around which the city was founded, was looted and burnt to the ground. Only recently did he learn from the Elder Magi that the ancient temple held the Lorestone of Luomi, one of the three Lorestones now locked in Torgar. At the time of the attack the Prince's army was too small to repel the invaders and he was forced to abandon the city, as well as the border town of Cetza. But in the past month he has joined forces with King Sarnac of Lencia, and together they have recaptured Luomi and driven Baron Shinzar and his Hammerland rebels all the way back to Cetza, within thirty miles of the border.

The Prince invites you to accompany him to Luomi where he is to resume command of his army and lead them to battle. He provides you with a fine Eruan steed and a new disguise that will enable you to travel through Eru without drawing undue attention to yourself.

Dressed as an Eruan Pathfinder, one of an élite unit of woodsmen who operate in the harsh territories bordering the Hellswamp, you ride north with the Prince's entourage and arrive at the city five days later. Every house, stable, tavern and municipal building is filled to overflowing with knights and men at arms. But, despite their cramped billets and meagre rations, the soldiers of Eru and Lencia are in good spirits, for tomorrow they march against a foe they have already beaten in battle, and most are eager to finish the job once and for all. You are given lodgings within the main citadel of Luomi and later that evening, after the Prince has attended a war conference with King Sarnac, you meet in private to discuss the next stage of your quest.

'There are two ways to reach Torgar,' says the Prince, as you study the map given to you by the Senate of Tahou. 'You can cross the River Brol and make your way northwards through the Moggador Forest, or you can go to Pirsi and seek out Sebb Jarel. He is the leader of a brave band of partisans who have ambushed and resisted the Drakkarim ever since they invaded. If there is a path to Torgar between the Hellswamp and the Isle of Ghosts, he will know it.'

You ponder the choices and wonder why the Prince has not suggested the simplest route of all: north across the Isle of Ghosts. When you mention this he shakes his head ominously. 'The isle is cursed,' he says, pointing at the map with an accusing finger. 'Few have ever come out of that dreadful place alive. And of those poor wretches who have survived, only one has kept a grip of his sanity. His name is Sebb Jarel.'

Next day you rise with the dawn and prepare to set off on your journey to Torgar. There are two routes open to you: you can ride to Pirsi and seek out Sebb Jarel, the partisan leader, and the only man who can guide you through this treacherous wilderness; or you can accompany Prince Graygor to battle at Cetza. If his army beats the Drakkarim and forces them to retreat, the way across the River Brol will be open and you will be able to approach Torgar under cover of the Moggador Forest. Consult the map before you decide which route to take.

Go to Pirsi or head to Cetza with prince Graygor.

Note how Joe tells you about some of the places you’ve been in previous books. Vassagonia, Dessi, Sommerlund, Talestria. This is also one of the fun things about this book, you get two very different experiences by going with Cetza or Pirsi. Let’s do Cetza, because it is the most fun you are going to have before Masters of Darkness.
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Old 11-28-2009, 12:53 AM   #268
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Since the first rays of dawn light brightened the eastern sky, the streets of Luomi echoed to the shouts of sergeants and the crunch of booted feet. The regiments of Lencia and Eru are taking their places in the column of march, and by mid-morning this column, 6500 strong, is ready to leave for battle. Company by company, through the city's east gate, they depart, tramping the dusty road that leads to Cetza. When the time comes for you to join them you take your place with Prince Graygor's escort and fall in line behind the armoured knights of the Palace Guard.

The army is well protected by Lencian horse scouts before, behind and on both sides, to make sure it is not ambushed whilst crossing the twenty miles of open grasslands to Cetza. During the afternoon a troop of scouts are sent ahead to spy on the enemy. They return to report that Baron Shinzar has fortified the town and received reinforcements from Blackshroud since his defeat at Luomi. The news does not cheer Prince Graygor, for he knows the ground around Cetza does not favour the attacker.

It is dusk when the army arrives on the outskirts of the town. In the gloom you can see the enemy campfires flickering between the ruins of cottages that were destroyed when the Drakkarim first invaded this land. Occasionally their gruff voices can be heard on the chill evening wind as they shout orders and call the names of slaves and attendants. After a whole tiring day's marching, and with night drawing close, the order goes round that there will be no battle offensive this evening. Quickly the regiments disperse and many fires are lit. Tents are erected for the knights and the baggage carts are unloaded to provide the men with stores that should make their night in the open less uncomfortable. The Prince chooses to position his headquarters on a hill to the north that overlooks the town, and King Sarnac of Lencia chooses a similar position on a hill beyond the road, half a mile to the south. Shortly after the tents are constructed, a message arrives from King Sarnac's headquarters, inviting the Prince to join him and draw up plans for tomorrow's battle. The Prince accepts the invitation and says that you may accompany him if you wish.

(I choose to totally join him.)

In the company of a dozen bodyguards and court heralds, you follow the Prince as he makes his way on foot to King Sarnac's camp. It is his usual practice to inspect his soldiers on the eve of battle, to see for himself that all is well and to raise their spirits with a few words of praise and encouragement. He is heartened to discover their morale is already high and that they are all confident that he will lead them to victory.

At length you arrive at the Lencian headquarters. A huge yellow flag, bearing the emblem of a white swan and blue dragon, flutters in the breeze above the royal tent where a unit of silver-clad knights stands stiffly to attention. A trumpet announces your arrival and the knights escort you inside to meet the King. After formal greetings have been exchanged, the grey-haired King begins to discuss the impending battle. The Prince has brought with him a detailed map of the town and, as the two leaders formulate their plans, it is used to mark the places where their regiments will assemble and attack the enemy.

'If only we knew the number of reinforcements Baron Shinzar has received,' says the King, uneasily. 'Then we could be sure our plans would succeed.' The Prince nods in agreement. 'We must send a scout to reconnoitre their defenses, or hundreds of our soldiers could lose their lives needlessly in the assault.'

The King looks in your direction then returns his eyes to the Prince. 'I have no scouts trained for such a delicate operation,' he says, 'but I see you have a Pathfinder. Send him. His skills would be well suited to this task.'

The Prince hesitates. He cannot reasonably refuse the King's suggestion, yet to send you into the enemy camp would endanger your life and your quest.

(I totally speak up and say I will HAPPILY do it. I’m a Kai Lord, this is my job)
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Old 11-28-2009, 01:05 AM   #269
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'Excellent!' says King Sarnac. 'I wish I had a few like you in my own army.'

He bids you step forward and shows you the extent of the known enemy positions using Prince Graygor's map. Once you have been briefed, he sends for some black clothing for you to wear instead of your grey Pathfinder's uniform and some burnt cork with which to blacken your face and hands. You are then escorted to the edge of the encampment, close to the dusty road on which the army marched from Luomi. The guards tell you that the password is 'broadsword'. When you return you must use this word or the pickets--the sentries who guard the perimeter of the camp--may mistake you for one of the enemy.

The ground to the west of Cetza is flat and featureless and offers very little cover to conceal your approach. Slowly you work your way through the knee-high grasses to within twenty yards of a stone bridge, where the roadway crosses a foul-smelling ditch and enters the town. Your every movement is stiff with caution now, for the bridge is barricaded and you can see the spiky black helmets of the enemy defenders glinting in the moonlight. Snake-like you wriggle forwards, slide down into the ditch and take shelter beneath the stone bridge. With one cheek pressed against the wet stone you strain your ears to hear what the enemy are saying. You recognize their harsh, ugly language--it is Giak--but it is being spoken by human voices. The only humans to speak it so fluently are the Death Knights, the élite of the Drakkarim.

Suddenly there is a loud splash that sends your pulse racing: a spear has fallen close to where you are hiding and its shaft stands upright in the muddy water. A growling curse is followed by the sound of heavy boots descending the bank as an angry Death Knight comes to retrieve the weapon he dropped.

(Do I have the Circle of the Solaris completed? Yup).

Drawing on your Kai skills you blend with the shadows and stand absolutely still. The Death Knight warrior appears, filling the archway with his massive frame. He snatches up the spear in his mailed fist, turns, and then hauls himself out of the ditch, grunting and cursing his carelessness as he struggles in his heavy armour.

You wait for about twenty minutes before leaving your hiding place and working your way along the ditch.

Silently you move through the shallow sludge of water and mud, hidden by the bank of the ditch from the watchful eyes of the Drakkarim sentries. Beyond the ditch the ground rises to a low wall, which encircles a field of cultivated trees. It is an apple orchard and it is full of enemy soldiers, huddled around their campfires or asleep beneath the fruit-laden branches. Beyond the orchard lies an expanse of open grassland covered with tents and makeshift paddocks full of horses. Here then are Baron Shinzar's reinforcements--over 600 cavalry newly arrived from Blackshroud. You commit every detail to memory before leaving the ditch and making your way back stealthily to the allies' camp.

The King and Prince Graygor praise the success of your scouting mission: the information you have gathered is of vital importance to their battle plans. The Prince senses that you are tired and orders his heralds to escort you back to his headquarters and prepare a comfortable bed for you. After the long day's march and the exertions of your scouting mission, you accept gratefully the chance of a good night's sleep.
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Old 11-28-2009, 01:09 AM   #270
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At the break of dawn the soldiers of Lencia and Eru rouse themselves and adopt their positions for the fight. You gather your equipment and join the Prince at the top of the hill on which he has established his command post. He is observing the enemy line through a telescope and dictating orders to his heralds, who commit his words to parchment and dispatch them to his regiments in the field.

'We outnumber the enemy two to one, but they are well positioned to receive our attack,' comments the Prince, handing you his telescope so that you can scan their lines.

The town of Cetza is little more than a handful of ruined cottages clustered on a flat-topped hill. To the north lies a wood and a small hill on which a ruined temple stands; to the south lies an orchard surrounded by a low wall, and further on, open grassland bisected by a ditch that runs the whole length of the battlefield. The road from Luomi crosses the ditch at a stone bridge which is barricaded and heavily defended. The enemy have also been busy to the north. A mass of pointed stakes form a barrier between the two hills to impede any attempt by cavalry to break through the centre, and all along this defensive line are row upon row of Drakkarim archers.

An unnatural calm descends on the field, as though time momentarily stands still. Suddenly the quiet is shattered by a fanfare of trumpets from King Sarnac's camp. It is the signal to advance.
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Old 11-28-2009, 01:26 AM   #271
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They try to advance but are knocked back by arrows and lose many troops. Prince Graygor orders his forces forward and suddenly a crack of blue lightning launches at our troops, scattering them. This was unexpected, but that’s why I am here. I am our side’s Deus Ex Machina. Do I have Divination and Tutelary? What about Huntmastery and Principalin? Divination shows me silver mail and gold spiked helmet foe firing these blasts. I can see where he is at, and I inform Prince Graygor. He makes a quick decision and brings his own Palace Guard and himself to the fray. I can follow or stay where I am. I follow.

The Palace Guard advance and they include some of the best soldiers Graygor has. Arrows fly at us but many rattle off our armour, but the Prince advances to the area held by the person with the magic lightning. The battle gets thicker. I am knocked from my saddle and have to roll a die. I can add 3 if I have Animal Control. I roll a 9 and get a 12. I land in a puddle and roll into a ditch in order to get away from the horses.

I see a knight pinned beneath his dead horse and drowning in a large mud puddle. I can help the knight, follow the prince, or remount my horse. I help the knight. I grab his arms and pull him out, and then get him to a drier place to grab some air. He thanks me and gives me a Medal he won at the Battle of Luoni as thanks. I take it. It will remind me to never get so caught up you forget the smaller battles. I can look for a horse or follow the knight to the prince.
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Old 11-28-2009, 01:36 AM   #272
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Prince Graygor's voice rings out above the din of battle as he orders the Palace Guard to charge the pikemen. The ground shakes beneath the pounding of the horse's hooves as they gather speed, their pennons streaming from their levelled lances. The Drakkarim huddle shoulder to shoulder and nervously dig the butts of their pikes into the hillside to steady their shaky hands. The knights reach the hill. They thunder up the slope. A blaze of lightning hurtles from the top of the temple but it is mistimed: it crackles harmlessly over their heads and explodes behind them, hurling nothing but scorched earth into the sky. The Prince screams his battle-cry and the knights slam into the Drakkarim with a deafening roar. Men and metal howl in agony as the heavy horses break like a wave against the wall of pikes. You see a rider lifted out of his saddle on the point of a pike, and a ramp of black metal suddenly appears where a score of Drakkarim have been trampled into the ground. The Prince and a dozen of his bravest knights break through and gallop on towards the temple, but the Drakkarim quickly close ranks and seal the gap. The remaining Palace Guard are forced to a halt and engage the pikemen in fierce hand-to-hand combat.

You reach the hill and leap over the steel-clad bodies that litter the slope. As you near the melee you see two Drakkarim rushing towards you from the side, their axes raised to hack you down. 'For Sommerlund!' you cry, and turn to face their attack.

Drakkarim: CS 22, EP 32

Don’t know why I am making my normal battle cry here. That’s kinda silly since I’m incognito. I start with an 8. They lose 14. I follow with a 9. They lose 16. I finish with a 2. I lost 3.

The Drakkarim begin to disperse before them, and I notice that Prince Graygor is fighting the guy I pointed out was the source of the hellish bolts. The warrior is trying to regather his rod. Do I have the Sommerswerd? Nope.

The warrior tries to reach his Powerstave but the Prince leaps forward and kicks it from his grasp as I close. However, the Prince appears to be injured with contact on the Powerstave, so I am facing the Ziran alone.

Ziran w/out Powerstave CS 25, EP 33 (with the Sommerswerd, he reclaims the Powerstave)

I roll a 4 and he takes 7 and me 3. I rolls a 2 and he takes 5 and me 4. Roll a 7 and he takes 10 and me 1. He has 11 left. I roll a 6 and he takes 9 and me 2. Finally I finish with a 0. I took 10.

I am at 25/37.

The Ziran dies and the Powerstave disintegrates. I grab the Prince and carry him out.
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Old 11-28-2009, 01:49 AM   #273
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Using your innate Kai skill of healing, you tend to the Prince's wounded leg and he soon stirs to consciousness. The Palace Guard have captured the hill and their banner flutters overhead proudly proclaiming their victory and inspiring the Lencians who are fighting at the bridge.

The Prince orders that a signal be sent to his reserves, instructing them to advance without delay, for the enemy are rallying to counter-attack. Tensely you watch as a mass of leather-clad Hammerlanders, supported by a regiment of grim-faced Brigandi, advance up the hill. The Palace Guard link their shields and prepare to welcome the enemy with sharpened steel. Onward they come, their banners held high, their war-horns filling the air with a noisy clamour. They surge forward and with a yell the front rank slams into the shield-wall. Sword blades fly, striking sparks and drawing blood. Axes and maces fall with crushing blows. A knight falls dead at your side and his slayer hurls himself through the gap. He scrambles to his feet and attacks you with his reddened blade.

Hammerlander - CS 24, EP 31.

Immune to Mindblast. I roll a 7 and he takes 8 and me 2. 9, 10/0. 2, 3/5. 0, 11/0. 3, 4/4. I took 9 more damage and I am at 17/37.

Four men die before the shield-wall knits together and the lost ground is regained. The Hammerlanders reel back and the Brigandi surge forward, but they too cannot break through the Palace Guard. A trumpet sounds in the distance and the Prince's men cheer when they see their reserves streaming up the hill to support them. Two hundred Eruan pikemen press forward behind their bristling steel and take the enemy in the flank. The attack is devastating. The enemy are split asunder and swept from the slope. The pikemen halt and through their ranks a wave of archers moves forward to fire at the backs of the retreating foe. Retreat turns to rout as the Hammerlanders and Brigandi flee the field in chaos.

'On to Cetza!' shouts Prince Graygor. The battle-cry is taken up by his valiant soldiers as he leads them across the corpse-strewn field towards the town.

Heavy fighting is raging along the main street. The Lencian knights have taken the bridge and King Sarnac's spearmen have breached the wall that surrounds the apple orchard. However, the Drakkarim are determined to stand their ground and they fight back viciously like starving wolves. You run with a group of longbowmen towards the centre of Cetza and find yourself approaching a barn-like building which overlooks the bridge. Standing at a window on its upper floor is a Drakkar sniper with an arrow notched ready to fire. Patiently he watches you weaving through the smoky ruins until you present a clear target. He releases his straining bowstring and sends an arrow whistling towards your heart.

I roll a die and add 3 for Huntmastery, I roll a 4. A 7 is complete success and the bolt misses me. I grab my bow and use it. My arrow penetrates his throat and he dies. I choose to search him. I find:

3 Arrows
16 Lune (4 Gold Crowns)

I take the gold, dagger, blanket and an arrow.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:04 AM   #274
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You reach a square near the centre of the town where a unit of enemy reserves are gathered, awaiting the order to join the battle. They are Krorn--hideous-looking creatures from the Moggador and Akamazim forests. They are approached by a swarthy giant of a man, with a short black beard and shiny bald head, who brandishes a massive war-axe fashioned from a fiery red metal. The axe must weigh more that its wielder but he waves it above his head as if it were no heavier than a stick of wood. Judging from his features and from what you have heard during your travels through Eru, this warrior is Baron Shinzar--the enemy commander.

I choose to use my bow. I need an 8 or higher, and I add 8, success. My arrow hits him, but he protected from the injury by a minor piece of steel armor. Do I have the Sommerswerd? Nope. So I won’t tangle with Mr. 40 CS, and instead, I have to deal with the Krorn.

Krorn Pack CS 23, EP 60

60 is going to take a while. I now have 25/37 due to Healing. Alright, here we goes.

I roll a 2, 4, 9, and 5. They lost: 37. I lost: 7. I roll a 6, 7, 1. They lost: 21 more - total 58. I have lost 7 more for 14. One more smash of a 6. I lost 16 EP. I am at 9/37.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:06 AM   #275
Abe Sargent
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A trumpet announces the arrival of Prince Graygor's men as they swarm around the west side of the square. Baron Shinzar screams in anger and lifts his axe on high, daring them all to step forward and feel its lethal caress. His offer is met by a dozen arrows, loosed by Eruan archers from the houses bordering the square, but the shafts are drawn to the blade of the sorcerous axe where they disintegrate in a sizzling splash of glowing splinters. With an evil laugh, the Baron mounts his charger and gallops through the soldiers, cutting down those brave enough to stand in his way. But as he leaves the town he finds his escape blocked by a new and formidable enemy.

King Sarnac and a host of mounted knights block the road that leads to Blackshroud. They sit astride their warhorses, their armour dented and stained with the blood of the Baron's cavalry, all of whom they have slain in battle or put to flight. The Baron thunders towards them at breakneck speed, but the King and his knights remain grimly immobile, like a wall of tarnished steel. Slowly they lower their lances as the Baron speeds nearer and nearer. With a last defiant cry of anger, the Baron and his horse smash headlong into the line. There is a sickening screech of buckling metal and rearing horses, then the Baron reappears, hoisted into the air, impaled on the tip of King Sarnac's lance.

A triumphant cheer fills the air as the soldiers of Prince Graygor and King Sarnac flood into the square; Cetza has been recaptured and the enemy have been smashed beyond recovery. Everywhere you look there are joyous faces, for the death of Baron Shinzar has sealed a victory that will liberate all of Eru from the cruel yoke of Drakkarim occupation.

As you watch the defeated remnants of the enemy escape across the ruins of the Cetza Wall and scurry like rats for the safety of Blackshroud, Prince Graygor joins you in celebration of the victory. 'We have triumphed, Lone Wolf,' he says. 'Our land is now free and the way is open for you to reach Torgar and fulfil your quest.'

An hour before dawn, you leave Cetza and ride across the open grasslands that slope gently towards the River Brol. A full moon and the gathering light of day help you identify the landmarks that Prince Graygor told you to look out for to help guide you to a ford close to the site of an abandoned copper mine. His directions prove accurate and by mid-morning you find yourself on a ridge that overlooks the ford and its cluster of derelict mining huts.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:15 AM   #276
Abe Sargent
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Do I have Huntmastery and Principalin, or Pathsmanship and Tutelary? Yup. The huts conceal an ambush. I can only see here to cross the river though. Go in, or search for another ford? Let’s do the ambush thing. I gallop it and an arrow lances in and kills my horse. I fall down. I can use my bow. I do. It hits his chest and kills him. 5 more more are approaching, two with bows. I have two arrows, so I use my bow twice more and two more enemies have died. However, the three remaining soldiers have arrived.

Zagganozod - CS 20, EP 32

I roll a 4 and a 6. They take 22 and me 3. I finish with a 9 and they die.

These are Drakkarim cavalry, and I took out six. I search them and find:

2 Swords
3 Quivers
2 Daggers
11 Arrows
3 Bows
2 Axes
1 Mace
1 Broadsword
16 Lune (4 Gold Crowns)
Enough food for 4 Meals

I refill my quiver, take the gold, and I grab a Zagganozod Sword.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:26 AM   #277
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I am in hills and a forest pretty quickly. I have to eat a meal and do. I spend the night in a tree.

I spend nine days in this forest and move about without issue. I am now about 20 miles from Torgar. I cross 10 miles by noon but I have to eat a meal. I see and hear a group of horsemen in the distance. I use Huntmastery and Principalin.

They appear to be cavalry if Talestria. That makes them allies. I wave them down:


The Talestrians bring their horses to a halt and regard you with suspicion. Their officer draws his sword and demands to know your nationality and the name of your regiment. You reply in his native tongue that you are an Eruan Pathfinder, and a smile spreads slowly across his rugged face. He tells you that he and his men are scouts who have been sent to make sure that the hills are free of enemy troops. Your Kai sixth sense confirms that he speaks the truth, and when he offers to take you to meet his commander, you accept the invitation gladly.

You share the officer's horse as he leads his company back along a route they have already ridden. Steadily the road winds upwards through the hills towards a ridge of yellow rock and, as you reach the crest of the ridge, you catch your first awe-inspiring glimpse of Torgar.

The walls of this grim city-fortress stand upon the brink of a ravine cut deep by centuries of rushing water. A natural causeway of stone spans this dark chasm and provides the only means of approaching Torgar from the south. Its position and its defenses seem impregnable. It commands the only road into the barren land of Ghatan, and any who dare travel that road must pass over the causeway and through the city's great iron gate.

In the past there have been few who would venture willingly to Torgar, but now the causeway and its approaches swarm with such men. They are the soldiers of Talestria and Palmyrion, and they have come with their engines of war to lay siege to this grim Drakkar fortress.

The scout officer spurs his horse away from the ridge and you are carried towards a cluster of tents that stand on high ground overlooking the siege-works. As you arrive, a group of knights steps forward to take the horse's reins. You dismount with the officer and follow as he enters the largest tent.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:38 AM   #278
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Inside the tent a group of senior officers are poring over their battle-maps and planning their troop dispositions for an assault across the causeway. Their leader has his back to you, but when he turns to see who has entered his tent, you recognize him at once: he is Adamas, Lord Constable of Garthen. 'By the gods!' he exclaims. 'I thought the Danarg had claimed you, Lone Wolf. How good it is to see you alive.'

He dismisses his captains and bids you tell all that has happened since last you met. 'So you wish to break into Torgar,' he says, thoughtfully. 'How strange it is that our goals should be so similar. Come, follow me, perhaps cooperation will hasten our success.'

A short distance from Lord Adamas's tent stands a wooden watchtower, constructed by his army engineers, which offers an unobstructed view of the causeway and the great gate of Torgar. As you reach the top of its rickety ladder and step on to the platform beside the Lord Constable, he recounts the events that have led to the siege of this city-fortress.

Following his victory over the Ogians and the destruction of Xanar, Adamas led the allied armies of Bor, Talestria and Palmyrion along the Blackshroud Trail in pursuit of the shattered enemy. When they reached the Agna-kor-kuzim, the 'road of slaves', the army of Bor was detached and sent to assail Blackshroud from the east, while the bulk of the allied forces marched north towards Torgar. When Talestria was overrun in the early days of the war, thousands of her people were taken as slaves and imprisoned here in this fortress. Lord Adamas had sworn that one day he would free them and he was determined to fulfil his pledge.

During the march north, a great battle was fought near the wastelands of Zuttezna, against two Giak armies led by Darklord Kraagenskûl and Darklord Chlanzor. Both were soundly defeated by the allies and sent back to Cragmantle to lick their wounds. Although victorious at Zuttezna, the allies had suffered heavy losses and Adamas feared they would be too weak to storm Torgar. He was too far from his homeland for reinforcements to reach him swiftly, and there was the growing threat that the Darklords would muster their troops in Tanoz and Mozgôar and attack again. Faced with this grave dilemma he decided to risk an assault on Torgar.

'We have means to breach their iron gate,' he says, staring purposefully at the great door of Torgar. 'The Elder Magi have given us a device that will reduce it to twisted scrap, and when we march through that portal and free our people, we shall have all the reinforcements we need.'

The hoarse cries of soldiers and the blare of war trumpets announce preparations for an assault across the causeway. Armoured infantry gather in a spearhead formation and wait for the order to advance towards a wall of logs and earth, which has been thrown up to protect the vanguard troops dug in on the causeway itself. These warriors scuttle about behind their ramparts, holding arched wooden shields over their bent backs to protect them against the arrows raining down from the battlements. The iron gate stands less than fifty yards from their position, and this approach is heaped with the bodies of those who have fallen during previous assaults.

You accompany Lord Adamas as he makes his way through the massed ranks of infantry and enters a trench which zig-zags towards the causeway. He stops at a log-lined hollow dug out of the trench wall and speaks with a captain who is lying there nursing a broken arm. The wounded officer hands him his leather satchel, and Adamas continues along the trench until he reaches the centre of the causeway. There you both take cover with the vanguard and peer through a slit in the log wall at the formidable entrance to Torgar.

'It's an impressive-looking door,' says Adamas, studying the wall of black iron, pitted and streaked with age. 'But every door has its key, and we have the key to this one.' He flips open the leather satchel and removes what appears to be a mass of triangular crystals fused into one solid lump. 'This is the device that the Elder Magi prepared for us. It has to be placed at the foot of the door and it is activated by pressing this shard,' he says, pointing to a sliver of crystal protruding from the side. 'The thing explodes ten seconds after the shard is pressed.'

Calmly he takes a coin from his pocket and flicks it in the air. 'One of us must place the device,' he says, as he catches the coin. 'We're the only two left who stand a chance of surviving the run.' He nods at his clenched fist and invites you to call 'heads' or 'tails'.

I use Divination. He has a strong magical aura and I cannot tell. I guess Heads. It’s tails, so I have to do it (I wanted to anyway). I grab the satchel and begin the run to the gate of Torgar with a giant explosive magic device in my hand. I pick a number and add 4. I rolled a 0.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:46 AM   #279
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The shouts of the defenders and the metallic twang of the vanguard's crossbows echo across the causeway as you sprint headlong towards the door. A rain of boulders begins to fall, smashing around you with terrific force, but you manage to dodge these and reach your goal unscathed. Quickly you tear the satchel from your shoulder, prime the crystal explosive, and sprint back, counting the seconds with every step. Suddenly a terrific jolt throws you forward and a dull throbbing pain spreads across your back. A falling rock has clipped your shoulder blade and knocked you to the ground: lose 4 ENDURANCE points.

Desperation suppresses the pain and you scramble over the rampart with only one second to spare.

The crystal explodes with a blinding flash, releasing a bolt of sun-like energy that tears a massive hole in the one-foot-thick iron plate and transforms what little remains into red-hot slag. The shuddering concussion jars the entire causeway and fragments of glowing metal fall all around you. Triumphant cheers rise above the thunderous boom that is rumbling through the ravine, as the spearpoint of Adamas's army surges across the causeway towards the ruined gate.

You take your place beside Lord Adamas and charge through the smouldering gap, leaping over the charred and broken remains of the Drakkarim who were caught by the blast. The allied soldiers follow your lead and sweep into the startled city, through a gate now guarded only by the slain. Despite their shock, the defenders begin to rally as they receive fresh reinforcements from other parts of the city, and soon a vicious battle rages in the cramped, gloomy streets.

You lead a group of Palmyrion men-at-arms across a courtyard and into a dingy street where you find yourselves confronted by a regiment of Drakkarim garrison troops. They have gathered to make a wall of shields behind a pair of small figures, black-robed and cowled, each holding a yellow globe.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:51 AM   #280
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I use Divination + Tutelary. It tells me that the robed figures can use magic and the globes are a powerful mixture of poisonous gas and magic flame. I choose to use a bow. They see me ready the bow. Only an 8 or more wins, but I get +8. It shatters a globe and the gas and flame engulfs its wielder. The adjacent wielder is damaged and drops his too, adding to the chaos.

The surviving Drakkarim have been scattered and the attackers have the courtyard. There are tons of passages here, and I am asked to roll a die. I get a 5. As I descend a stairway, I run into a Drakkar Assault-Captain coming up the stairs, and we each draw our weapons.

Drakkar Assault-Captain CS 31, EP 35. Nasty.

I roll 7, 0, 2, and 6. He lost 25 and me 11. I roll a 2 and a 9. He is dead and I lost 16 total. 21/37 EP.

I search his body and take some gold and a Black Key.

Beyond the staircase is a parapet and then thousands of human slaves can be seen with a Drakkar master beating them to work. I descend to a door. I try my key.
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Old 11-28-2009, 03:01 AM   #281
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The lock clicks and the door opens on to a passage lined with torches that splutter and crackle noisily. Halfway along there is another door--a solid slab of iron broken only by a small, barred window. Silently you approach this door and peer in through the grille.

Beyond the door you see a dank dungeon cell. A prisoner sits cross-legged on the cold stone floor, his head resting on his chest. The dark skin on his hands and arms is covered in tiny scars, and his plaited hair is matted with grime and dried blood. Wearily he raises his head and your pulse races as you recognize the face of Lord Paido, warrior-magician of Dessi.

A key to the cell door hangs on a hook nearby. You grab it, twist it in the lock, and kick the heavy slab of metal. It creaks open and Paido rushes forward to embrace you.

'Thank the Gods you have found me, Lone Wolf,' he says, his voice filled with emotion. 'The Drakkarim said you were dead, that your body lay rotting in the Danarg, but I never once believed their lies.'

Paido is overjoyed to hear that the Torgar Gate has fallen and that a battle is raging in the streets above.

And when you inform him of your mission he replies with news that raises your hopes of success.

'I can help you, Lone Wolf,' he says, his warrior pride restored by the thought of avenging his cruel imprisonment. 'I know where the Lorestones are being held and I will take you there.'

Stealthily you follow Paido through the dungeons of Torgar, using the shadows to avoid being seen. Ragged columns of slaves stumble along the passages, dragging their tortured, half-starved bodies to and from the work pits. They are beaten, cursed and whipped relentlessly by their Drakkarim guards, who seem to delight in their suffering.

You emerge from a corridor into the shadows of a circular chamber, where a staircase ascends to a pair of huge triangular iron doors guarded by a squad of crack Drakkarim Death Knights. A tingling sensation electrifies your skin as your senses detect the presence of the Lorestones somewhere behind these doors. Suddenly an alarm bell fills the chamber with a deafening clamour; the Death Knights begin to descend the stairs and your stomach chums with the fear that you have been detected.

(I use Divination )

The alarm bell signifies that the entrance to the tower is under attack. Adamas and his army have reached the centre of the city and are now fighting their way down into the dungeons in an attempt to free the slaves. The Death Knights are hurrying to their battle stations and they are unaware of your presence in this chamber.

The Death Knights tramp past your hiding place and hurry out of the chamber. Paido breathes a sigh of relief as the sound of their heavy footfalls is quickly lost in the noise of the alarm bell; but only when you are sure you are alone do you leave your hiding place and approach the triangular doors.
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Old 11-28-2009, 03:17 AM   #282
Abe Sargent
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You pull a metal bar set into the wall and the huge lead-lined doors rumble open to reveal an incredible sight. Before you stands a domed chamber, its ceiling criss-crossed with gantries of rusted iron. At its centre is a circular black pit around which are gathered groups of ghoulish creatures clad in transparent robes and masks. Angled upwards from the floor are slender crystal rods that glow with green fire. They pour forth a constant stream of pencil-thin light which focuses at a point directly above the centre of the pit. Your eyes are drawn to this point, for here you can see the three remaining Lorestones of Nyxator, the objects of your quest, held suspended in a ball of flickering green flame.

The harsh clang of the alarm bell, and the sudden sight of you silhouetted in the doorway, has startled the creatures. They slink away from the pit and escape through an archway, leaving you and Paido alone in the chamber.

Cautiously you approach the edge of the pit and look down into its midnight depths. No light penetrates the blackness and no sounds can be heard in this seemingly bottomless abyss.

Above you the Lorestones hang suspended in a ball of green flame, beyond reach from the ground but within a hand's breadth of the gantries which criss-cross above the pit.

(I can climb the gantry, look at the rods, or search for a way from below)

You sense that the crystal rods are generating a powerful charge of negative energy. The Lorestones are being bombarded with this energy in the hope that eventually it will destroy them. If you are to retrieve the Lorestones safely you must first shut off this power. However, by doing so, you would remove the means by which they are being kept suspended in the air, and they would then fall into the pit.

You ponder the problem for several minutes before you hit upon a solution.

You notice there is a spot where a gantry passes directly over the ball of green flame. If you could crawl to that spot you would be able to cup your hands below the Lorestones. Paido could then destroy the crystal rods, and the Lorestones, freed of the energy beams, would drop into your hands.

It is a bold plan but you feel confident that it will succeed.

The corroded iron gantry shakes violently as you inch your way nearer to the flaming green ball. Once you are in position, you call to Paido and, one by one, he smashes the crystal rods.

As each rod is broken its beam disappears and the fireball grows weaker. The golden light of the Lorestones begins to radiate through the evil green flames, and when Paido has destroyed half the rods, one of them tips and falls into your waiting hands. Immediately, a wave of energy courses through your body, filling you with renewed strength and sharpening your thoughts and perceptions. You shout encouragement to your companion and he raises his head to reply, but his words are drowned by a harsh and terrible voice.

'Vengeance is mine, Lone Wolf!' booms the thunderous voice. Terror strikes deep in your heart when you turn and see the ghastly form of Darklord Gnaag, filling the archway through which his minions escaped when first you entered this chamber. A ghastly rasping laugh echoes from his fly-like head as he raises a black crystal and points it at the gantry. 'The vow I gave at Tahou shall be fulfilled. Now I shall destroy you and the Lorestones!'

There is a deafening crack and a bolt of blue lightning streaks from the stone held in his pincer-like claw. It shears through the rusty metal and you are peppered with red-hot iron splinters. As the shock wave hits the weakened ball of fire, the two Lorestones are sent tumbling into the black abyss. Then a second bolt from the black stone tears the gantry in two, and with the ghastly laugh of Darklord Gnaag ringing in your ears, you plummet headlong into the icy cold pit.

You have fallen into a portal of total darkness, a Shadow Gate that leads to the twilight world of Daziarn. The wisdom and strength of the Lorestone of Luomi is now a part of your body and spirit, and the last remaining Lorestones are still within your reach, but your descent into the Daziarn heralds the beginning of a deadly, supernatural episode of the Magnakai Quest.

If you have the courage of a true Kai master, the wonders and the horrors of the twilight plane await you in Book 11, the penultimate Magnakai adventure, entitled:

The Prisoners of Time
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Old 11-28-2009, 03:20 AM   #283
Abe Sargent
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Review of The Dungeons of Torgar. The book is great. I love the whole battle, siege, thing. If you take the other path, it’s a completely different story, more a ranger in the wilderness story, and you can run into Roark, the guy who killed Cyrilus from Kingdoms of Terror. You can also get the Bullwhip, and I missed it. This way is more fun, though, and probably shorter. If you have the Sommerswerd it’s very hard to do the siege because you have to fight the Powerstave version of Zilan with 40 CS and then the Baron with around 40 CS before you have a chance to heal. Tough.

The other way is fun too, and a very different adventure, so that’s cool. The book is great, I loves it.

End of The Dungeons of Torgar
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Old 11-28-2009, 03:21 AM   #284
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The Prisoners of Time

The story so far:

You are the warrior, Lone Wolf, last of the Kai masters of Sommerlund and sole survivor of the massacre that destroyed your kinsmen during a bitter war with your age-old enemies--the Darklords of Helgedad.

Many centuries have passed since Sun Eagle, the first of your kind, established the Order of the Kai. Aided by the magicians of Dessi, he completed a perilous quest to find seven crystals of power known as the Lorestones of Nyxator, and upon their discovery he unlocked a wisdom and strength that lay within both the Lorestones and himself. He recorded the nature of his discoveries and his experiences in a great tome entitled The Book of the Magnakai. You have discovered this lost Kai treasure and have given a solemn pledge to restore the Kai to their former glory, thereby ensuring the security of your land in the years to come. However, your diligent study of this ancient book has enabled you to master only three of the ten Magnakai Disciplines. To fulfil your pledge, you must complete the quest first undertaken by Sun Eagle over a thousand years ago. By doing so successfully, you, too, will acquire the power and wisdom of the Magnakai, which is held within the Lorestones' crystal forms.

Already your quest has taken you far from your northern homeland. Following in the footsteps of the first Kai Grand Master, you journeyed to Dessi and sought the help of the Elder Magi, the magicians who aided Sun Eagle on his quest long ago. There you learned that for centuries the Elder Magi had awaited your coming. An ancient Dessi legend tells of the birth and rise to greatness of two koura-tas-kai, which means 'sons of the sun'. One was named Ikar, which means 'eagle', and the other was named Skarn, which means 'wolf'. A prophecy foretold that the koura-tas-kai would each come from the north to seek the counsel of the Elder Magi in order that they might fulfil a great quest. Although separated by several centuries, they would share one spirit, one purpose and one destiny--to triumph over the champions of darkness in an age of great peril. The Elder Magi knew that you were Skarn--the wolf of Dessi legend--and in keeping with their ancient vows they promised to help you complete the Magnakai quest.

In Elzian, the capital of Dessi, you were tutored in the histories of Magnamund and received lessons in lore that you would have learned from the Kai masters if only they, like you, had survived the murderous Darklord attack on the Kai monastery twelve years ago. You were eager to learn all that your tutor, Lord Rimoah, could teach you in preparation for the next stage of your quest, but grim news from the Darklands cut short your tuition. In the Darklord city of Helgedad a civil war had erupted, following your defeat of Haakon, Archlord of the Black City. After five years, the battle for the throne of Helgedad had finally been won by a Darklord called Gnaag. The other Darklords, now united behind this new leader, were ordered to amass huge armies in preparation for the conquest of Magnamund. Swiftly their Giak legions grew in number, enabling Gnaag to launch a sweeping invasion that was to catch the freelands unprepared. Many countries were completely overrun by Darklord armies; others surrendered without fighting, and sadly there were those who chose to betray former friends and allies by joining the Darklord cause, in the misguided hope that they would share in the spoils of victory, following the triumph of Darklord Gnaag. One such land was Vassagonia, a powerful desert realm to the north of Dessi. It mobilized its formidable army and marched west to join Gnaag's horde as it steamrollered across central Magnamund. They were destined to meet at the city of Tahou where, beneath the ancient streets, lay hidden one of the seven Lorestones of Nyxator. You set off in haste for Tahou and arrived barely hours ahead of the enemy. Successfully you made your descent and discovered the object of your quest, but on returning to the surface you found Tahou transformed into a blazing inferno. Darklord Gnaag and Zakhan Kimah, the cruel ruler of Vassagonia, had learnt of your presence and were determined to destroy you at all costs. For days their engines of war had hurled fire and rock across the walls of Tahou with devastating effect. Then a massive assault, led by the Zakhan himself, breached the city gate and gained entry to the burning capital. Armed with a weapon of awesome power, the evil Zakhan sought you out and challenged you to a fight to the death. The struggle was desperate but you emerged victorious and led the Anarians in a counter-attack that cleared the city of the invading foe. The allies of Anari arrived to raise the siege and in the ensuing battle the demoralized armies of Gnaag and Kimah were smashed and routed.

Your defeat of Zakhan Kimah turned the tide of war decisively against the Darklord armies and paved the way for the liberation of the lands they had taken by force. But the sweet taste of victory turned sour when you discovered that Darklord Gnaag had captured the last three remaining Lorestones of Nyxator, and had vowed to avenge his defeat by destroying them and killing you. Alarmed by this, the High Council of the Elder Magi joined you in Tahou to help formulate a plan of action. They had already received word from Prince Graygor, the ruler of Eru, that three radiant gems filled with golden light had been transported to the fortress of Torgar from the Darklord city of Mozgôar. Unable to tolerate the goodly power of the Lorestones within his own domain, Gnaag had been forced to move them to Torgar where his sorcerers--the Nadziranim--set about searching for a means to destroy them. Fearing that they might achieve their task, the Elder Magi made preparations for your secret journey to Eru and, in order to safeguard your true identity, you adopted the guise of a Pathfinder--one of Prince Graygor's élite woodland scouts.

After a long and perilous journey you arrived at Torgar to find it besieged by the armies of Talestria and Palmyrion. During the early months of the Darklord invasion, hundreds of Talestrians were enslaved and sent to labour in the dungeons and sulphur mines deep within the bowels of this grim city-fortress. Their plight seemed hopeless until the allied armies, under the command of Lord Adamas of Garthen, finally arrived to liberate them. Due in part to your bravery and skill during the assault, Lord Adamas's troops were able to breach the great Torgar gate and storm its citadel. During this fierce battle you gained entry to the chamber at the heart of the citadel where the Nadziranim were attempting to destroy the Lorestones. They were hung above a circular black pit and suspended in a fireball of negative energy, the focal point of several beams of power emanating from crystals set around the edge of the pit. By means of a gantry you were able to climb above these energy beams and retrieve one of the Lorestones. But, as you reached out for the remaining two, a terrible voice filled the chamber.

'Vengeance is mine, Lone Wolf!' Terror struck deer in your heart as you turned and saw the ghastly form of Darklord Gnaag. A rasping laugh echoed from his fly-like head as he raised a black crystal and pointed it at the gantry. 'The vow I gave at Tahou shall be fulfilled. Now I shall destroy you and the Lorestones!' he gloated.

There was a deafening crack and a bolt of blue lightning leapt from the stone towards the rusty iron gantry. As the shock wave hit the fireball the two remaining Lorestones were sent tumbling into the black abyss. A second bolt ripped the gantry in two and, with the ghastly laugh of Darklord Gnaag ringing in your ears, you fell headlong into a portal of total darkness, a Shadow Gate which leads to the twilight world of the Daziarn Plane.

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Old 11-28-2009, 03:22 AM   #285
Abe Sargent
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I do not get any new items or a chance for Safekeeping.

Here is a Map of Northern Magnamund, info for you to see where everything is:

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Old 11-28-2009, 03:25 AM   #286
Abe Sargent
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Improved Disciplines for my newest rank:


When entering combat with a weapon they have mastered, Scion-kai may add 4 points (instead of the usual 3 points) to their COMBAT SKILL. Also, when in combat without a weapon they lose only 1 point from their COMBAT SKILL.

Scion-kai are able to alter their physical appearance at will in order to deceive an enemy. The duration and effectiveness of this deception increases as a Kai Master rises in rank.

Scion-kai with this ability are able to converse with any sentient creature. They are also able to make themselves invisible when subjected to any psychic or magical spells of detection.

When engaging in psychic combat Scion-kai are able to absorb and control some of the energies directed at them. By deflecting or inducing the hostile energy they can either reduce the damage they sustain, or increase the power of their own psychic attacks.

Scion-kai are able to leave their body in a state of suspended animation and, in spirit form, explore their immediate surroundings unhindered by physical limitations. This ability is called 'spirit walking'. The length of time a Kai Master can spirit walk increases as he rises in rank. When the spirit is separated from the body in this fashion, the body remains inanimate and vulnerable to attack. If a Kai Master's body is killed whilst he is spirit walking, his spiritual self will also cease to exist, and vice versa.

As you can see, I gained a CS from Weaponmastery. I add broad sword to my Weaponmastery list.

I only have Psi-Surge, Psi-Screen, and Curing left. I take Psi-Screen.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:04 PM   #287
Abe Sargent
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50 Gold Crowns
Crystal Star Pendant
Platinum Amulet
Blue Stone Triangle
Grey Crystal Ring
Psychic Ring
Bronin Warhammer
Silver Bow of Duadon
Map of Ghatan
Silver Helmet
Chainmail Waistcoat
Padded Leather Waistcoat
Wrist and Finger Guards
Quiver w/ 6 arrows
2 Potion of Laumspur: 4 EP
Distilled Alether +4 CS
9 Fireseeds
Magi Mace (Normal)
Zagganozod Sword
Drakkar Dagger
Drakkar Blanket
Black Key
Medal: Battle of Luoni

My gold pouch is full, I have a mace and sword, I have a dagger, two pots of Laumspur, blanket, alether and rope in the backpack leaving room for just two spots, so I am mostly full already.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:10 PM   #288
Abe Sargent
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Lone Wolf, Scion-Kai, Kor-Skarn, Fryearl, Warmartial of Sommerlund, Savior of Tahou

CS 28
EP 37

Animal Control

Alright, here we go.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:22 PM   #289
Abe Sargent
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All sense of time and space is lost as you plunge headlong into the whirling black throat of the abyss. Only a numbing chill and a mournful sound, like a million voices crying in despair, accompany you on your descent into the unknown. Gradually your mind is filled with fearful visions, nightmare shapes that reach out of the darkness to claw and bite and scream at your passing. They grow in menace until they are swiftly dispelled by diamond-shaped motes of light, which streak past at incredible speeds. The tiny lights engulf you in a cone of fiery brilliance and a metallic smell of ozone, sharp and pungent, assails your nostrils. A sensation of warmth surges through your frozen limbs. Then, an instant later, you strike solid ground with such a suddenness that you are left stunned and panting for breath.

(I roll a die and get 3. I lose 3 EP from the trip.)

With dread anticipation you stagger to your feet to survey your new surroundings. A bleak and desolate plateau, seemingly devoid of life, stretches into the distance on all sides. Jagged boulders litter a desert of crimson sand, which is stirred to restless motion by fierce and scorching winds. Neither sun nor moon hang in the amber skies above, yet their absence does not leave this world in darkness, for all along the horizon blazes a fire which glows brighter than a thousand sunsets. You stare across this alien landscape and a feeling of helplessness grips your senses as you realize where you have emerged. This is the twilight world of the Daziarn Plane.

A knot of fear tightens in your stomach as you recall what little you have heard about this world. The magicians of Sommerlund believe it to be an astral corridor that connects Magnamund with other planes of existence. So, by passing through a Shadow Gate, one of which is situated below the Guildhall in Toran, a person can gain entry to the Daziarn. However, those who have passed through the Shadow Gate in Toran have never been seen again and the magicians believe that the journey can be made in only one direction. They say there is no escape from the Daziarn.

Your vow to restore the Kai and your stubborn will to survive against all odds refuse to let you believe that there is no way back to your home world. You cast aside your fear and steel yourself for the task of finding a means of escaping from this desolate place. But firstly you must recover the two Lorestones that fell into the Shadow Gate shortly before you.

(I use Divination + Tutelary)

You scan the barren wasteland, straining your senses to detect the missing Lorestones, which must be somewhere among the millions of rocks and wind-smoothed boulders that cover the vast plateau. But it proves a fruitless search: you can find no trace of the Lorestones nor even the slightest indication that a Shadow Gate opened here.

The torrid winds sweep across the landscape with increasing ferocity, forcing you to protect your eyes from the gusts of sharp, stinging sand. The need to find cover takes priority when you sense that the winds are merely the prelude to a storm. To remain here in the open could prove a fatal mistake.

Peering through your fingers you try to find somewhere to take shelter. To your left, in the middle distance, you can see what appears to be a mound of volcanic stone slabs; to your right, but further away, you notice a shallow gully running lee to the wind.

(I choose the cairn)

With plodding steps you set off towards the rocky cairn. Your feet sink ankle-deep into the hot red sand and you can only maintain your balance by leaning heavily into the wind. Walking soon becomes an ordeal and by the time you reach shelter you are near to exhaustion.

Breathless and weary you crouch beside the mound and pray that the storm will soon subside. Then it occurs to you that the cairn is not a natural structure: the rocks have been stacked symmetrically, one upon the other, by someone or something who wished to leave their mark upon this wilderness. You examine the slabs more closely and discover one that is quite unlike the others. Its rectangular edges are even and its surface is mirror-smooth. Inscribed upon this slab are curious spidery markings.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:29 PM   #290
Abe Sargent
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Pathsmanship tells me this is letters and writing, made out to someone called Ztuul. The rock here has been sandblasted by the winds. I need shelter, so I go in, but it’s dark, so I use my Firesphere. There is a statue here that has a metallic skin. I peel it away to reveal a skeleton:

As you can see, within the skeleton is a silver rod and I take it. Outside the wind howls and cries. I have to eat a meal and I fall asleep.


Slowly you awaken and for a long moment you lie on the hard floor blinking sleepily at the pitted rock ceiling. The storm died down while you slept and all is quiet save for a sound that sets your pulse racing: the distant slap of large wings beating the air. The sound is becoming louder and you gather your equipment quickly and climb out of the cairn to investigate its source.

Silhouetted against the blazing horizon are six black shapes. They resemble dragons with snaky necks and ragged, bat-like wings, and upon their backs they carry golden-skinned creatures, vaguely human in appearance save for their lack of hair and their massive size. From their flight formation you can tell that they are hunting something on the ground, but it is not until you climb to the top of the cairn that you are able to see their prey. A brace of huge, lizard-like creatures are thundering across the plateau, darting this way and that to avoid the shadows cast by their winged pursuers. They reach the top of a rock-strewn ridge and one of the crimson reptilians comes pounding across the sand towards the cairn. The leading flyer sees you. He banks his dragon mount towards the cairn and the others follow closely in his wake. You fear that they are about to attack but at the last moment they veer away and circle the cairn before landing nearby.

With deceptive ease the leader and two of his followers dismount from their massive, winged steeds. They each dwarf you by an arm's length and, although their heavy, muscular bodies seem incapable of stealth, they approach the cairn with animal grace.
'Zeeu klo-ka kilkora dau Ztuul n'ra?' speaks the leader, his voice deep and resonant.

'Ryl'aan noorna?' says the being by his side, his eyes blazing like twin discs of amber flame.

(I have Pathsmanship + Scion-Kai.)

Your advanced Magnakai skill enables you to understand what these beings are saying. One demands to know why you are violating the sacred burial tomb of Ztuul, one of their most revered hunters, and the other asks how you came to be here, alone and without any means of transportation. You sense that they speak not in their native tongue but in a language they assume to be yours.

(I tell them I came from Magnamund in a Shadow gate)

Having listened to your explanation the giants react with scepticism, but, despite their doubts, they are clearly fascinated by your appearance and the sound of your voice. 'We are the Yoacor,' says the leader, proudly. 'We are the Lords of Yanis--the Shining City--and masters of the Abaxial of Czenos. Come, we will take you to our realm where you may tell your strange story to the Beholder. He will divine its worth.'
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:34 PM   #291
Abe Sargent
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He beckons you to approach his dragonmount and you step forward. The thought of being left marooned in this wilderness is all you need to persuade you to obey his command.

With a mighty screech, the dragonmounts take to the air in unison, the beat of their great wings filling your ears with a thunderous drumming noise. Your stomach heaves as the leader tugs at the reins, sending the beast labouring steeply into the fire-orange sky. The ground below falls away at an alarming rate and within minutes you are traveling hundreds of feet above the plateau, your vision blurred by the speed of the rushing wind.

Beneath you the trackless waste stretches away to the burning horizon. Without sun or moon or any change in the brightness of the sky you find it impossible to gauge the passage of time. Twice you lapse into sleep, for how long you cannot guess, yet each time you wake the arrow-shaped flight formation of the dragonmounts remains unchanged and the Yoacor themselves show not the slightest sign of fatigue.

At length the featureless wastes give way to thick, violet-coloured grasslands dotted with scab-like patches of marsh and bog. The air becomes humid and the faint smell of rotting vegetation conjures up memories of time spent in the Danarg. Gradually the lowlands rise and you soar above high valleys and rock-strewn meadows, broken hills and weather-worn crags. As you approach a narrow cleft between two mountainous peaks the leader raises his hand. Upon this signal the others close into single file. An immense crater lies beyond the pass and at its heart stands a city, the most beautiful city you have ever seen.

The shining City of Yanis lies before you, rising in circular levels around a turreted citadel of sparkling crystal which dominates the vast, alien metropolis. Constructed out of sheeted platinum, silver, glass and mirrored steel, it reflects the light in a thousand colours from its walls, windows and huge, conical towers, giving it the appearance and splendour of a glowing sun. As the dragonmount glides over the outer walls, you feast your eyes upon a network of broad avenues lined with fragrant, tree-like plants, squares with fountains, and huge, silver, bell-shaped dwellings.

Directly ahead stands the citadel. The leader signals once more and together the Yoacor land their winged steeds upon a glassy platform adjacent to one of the citadel's five circular watchtowers. There you are met by Yoacor guards, resplendent in armour of burnished silver, who attend to the dragonmounts with dutiful efficiency. The leader helps you dismount before dismissing his company and escorting you to a room in the watchtower.

'You will rest here,' he says, using only his mind. 'I shall take word to the Beholder and he shall speak with you. Refresh yourself and sleep if you wish.' He motions towards an adjoining room then turns and leaves, the door closing behind him seemingly of its own accord.

I choose to explore the adjacent room. The furniture is large, but there is Yoacor food here . I can use Curing, eat a meal from my backpack, eat the food on the table, or go without. I choose to eat their food. The food tastes unlike anything I have ever eaten before, but it is quite delicious and I regain 3 EP. I can also take a meal that can be eaten for +3 EP if I want. I do so.

I return to the first room and look out the window at the city below. The Yoacor move about like ants. For hours I stare at this beautiful city, there is always something new to catch my eye.

I am escorted to the Beholder. I pass by guards, offices and more. Then I arrive with an audience with th Beholder.
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:41 PM   #292
Abe Sargent
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Cradled in the muscular arms of a Yoacor guard lies the loathsome, stunted form of the Beholder. His withered, corpse-green body is no bigger than a human child's, yet his bulbous head is enormous by comparison, far larger even than that of the giant who is holding him. It wobbles and sways repulsively when he turns to focus his eyes on you. Like polished gemstones these two blank orbs glint in the flickering light of the chamber, their cold sharpness revealing the intelligent being that lies imprisoned within the crippled shell.

'Be not afraid of me, human,' he says, using a language similar to your native tongue. 'I mean you no harm. My shape may not find favour with those of your species, but here in the Daziarn you must be prepared to disregard appearances if you are to discern the truth.'

With a languid blink he dismisses the Yoacor leader and his guards and watches like a doting father as they descend the spiral staircase.

(I use Divination)

You focus your Kai skill on the Beholder and try to fathom if his intentions are for good or ill. You sense he possesses immense powers, both physical and psychic, which radiate from his body like the rays of an invisible sun. You concentrate on this power but all you can discern is that he is capable of using it to further both good and evil.

'Come, let me show you some of the wonders of my realm,' says the Beholder, as the great black door swings slowly shut. 'It is so rare that I am able to entertain a guest, I would deem it an honour if you would accept my invitation.'

With the only exit from the chamber now sealed off you have no option but to accept, yet his politeness makes you feel uneasy. You are his prisoner, yet he speaks to you as if you were free to leave at any time.

You walk beside the Beholder along a corridor which leads to a vast, circular gallery. At its centre stands a towering, bell-shaped vessel made out of transparent, glass-like material and filled with a huge, seething ball of fire. Its brilliant light illuminates some strange equipment standing against the walls and cluttering the tables, but little of its heat radiates into the room. You pass on until you come to another gallery which is floored with shining steel like a gigantic mirror. The domed roof is lost in the dim shadows, but at its centre you notice a tiny, disc-shaped portal. The Beholder glances at a row of crystals embedded in the wall and they glow in response to his psychic commands.

'I am called the Beholder,' he says, his thin voice echoing loudly in the emptiness of the dome. 'I observe all that transpires in the Daziarn. I saw your arrival upon the Zhamin Plateau and I know from whence you came. So few of your kind survive transference that I abandoned all hope of meeting you. Indeed had you not met with one of my hunting parties your bones would now lie bleaching upon the sands of that arid plain. It seems that you are by nature a survivor.'

Suddenly a swirling column of light appears, projected from the disc in the centre of the dome. It casts a pool of brilliance in the middle of the gallery and gradually widens until it encompasses the whole floor.

'Come, observe, and perhaps you will learn the nature of your new world. For you will need to adapt if you are to survive here . . . for the rest of your life.’
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Old 11-28-2009, 02:50 PM   #293
Abe Sargent
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The swirling light draws into focus upon the mirrored floor and you find yourself surrounded by a spectacular cosmic image. At the centre spins a shadow, as dark as deep space, populated with suns and stars and the myriad planets that revolve about them. This microscopic universe is in turn surrounded by a ring of total darkness, and beyond that radiate four beams of differing colour, like the spokes of a gigantic wheel. Between these beams are many areas of light and shade, some running parallel and some in isolation, but all of them connected by a pale, shimmering mist. 'What you see before you is a tableau of our worlds, a light-painting that depicts the universe of Aon and the Daziarn Plane,' says the Beholder, as his servant carries him to the dark centre of the floor. 'Here, among the suns and stars of Aon, is the planet you know as Magnamund, and beyond it lies the Shadow Gate through which you fell into the Daziarn.' Slowly the Yoacor moves towards you, bearing his master with care as he continues his monologue proudly. 'And here, balanced between the elemental strongholds of Fire and Water, lies the Abaxial of Czenos. This is my realm. I have chosen to live here, to shape it as I wish and to populate it with beings who embody my ideals.'

Coldly the Beholder stares into your eyes and you feel your body stiffen as he probes deep into your mind.

(I use Psi-Screen)

The unexpected speed and intensity of the Beholder's psychic intrusion leaves you fumbling for defense. You draw on your psychic reserves and manage to erect a thought-wall to protect your nervous system, but it is too late to prevent the Beholder from scanning your mind: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

Then, with a blink of his eyes, he ceases his psychic probing and a smile spreads slowly across his withered grey face.

'I perceive much in your character that pleases me, human. You possess inner strength, honour and a fiery courage uncommon among the mortals of Aon. Were it not for these traits I would have no hesitation in ridding myself of you, for I will not tolerate the weak and untrustworthy in my realm.'

He pauses for a moment and gazes fixedly at the shapes swirling near the centre of the room. 'I have looked into your mind and the reasons why you are here in the Daziarn are now known to me. The quests and struggles of Magnamund are of no significance to the Shining City, but there are those of this world who would rejoice to learn that the last of the Kai is here, if only to seek you out and destroy you. For this reason you must leave Yanis. But I shall not send you away without guidance, for you have my respect and I shall help you all I can.'

The Beholder deactivates the light-picture and wills his servant to carry him back to the first gallery. There, bathed in the shadowless glow of the fireball, stands a huge globe of silvery metal. At his approach it radiates an eerie phosphorescent light and symbols appear upon its surface.

'The Lorestones entered the Shadow Gate some moments before you fell, is that not so?' asks the Beholder, incisively. You confirm this to be the case and watch with fascination as the symbols shift and change colour. 'There are many channels within the Shadow Gate that are warped by the vagaries of time and space. Usually it is an impossible task to predict where an object passing through to the Daziarn will materialize, but the coordinates of your arrival are known and this will help my calculations.'

Slowly the symbols begin to disappear until just three remain. 'Without knowing the precise Aon-time they entered the Shadow Gate I can find only an approximate location,' he says, scrutinizing the symbols. 'As reckoned by the time-scale of your planet, the Lorestones arrived on the Daziarn forty-one hours ago. They materialized together and intact in the forest of the Khat Trisect of Vhozada--a realm situated between the elemental strongholds of Earth and Water. This bodes well for you, human. Vhozada is a temperate and stable domain, rich in those elements necessary to sustain mortal life-forms. Also, there is one of great vision who has made this her home. Her name is Serocca. It would be wise to seek her help in finding these stones of power, for she is sure to know their whereabouts.'

Although his words revive your flagging hopes, you are still fearful that the Lorestones are beyond your recovery. The Beholder senses your apprehension and tries to allay your fears by offering you a means of transportation to the realm of Vhozada. He promises that your passage will be swift, but, when you learn what the journey entails, your blood runs cold.

'This device,' says the Beholder, pointing with pride at the huge, fiery vessel that dominates the gallery, 'is a Dimension Door. It will enable you to pass directly into the realm of Vhozada through a rent in the fabric of the Daziarn.' You stare in awe at the sun-like ball trapped within the vessel and try to comprehend the secret sorceries that enable such a thing to exist.

'You will come to learn that the laws which govern my world are quite unlike those which shape Aon. Here, time and space can be manipulated by those with power enough to craft them to their needs,' he says, in answer to your thoughts. He wills his servant to carry him to another globe which stands close by. There he manipulates a bank of crystals and gradually a swirling circular grey shadow forms on the glassy surface of the vessel. It shimmers and you find that you cannot fully focus your eyes on it. 'Step forward and enter,' commands the Beholder. 'The door to Vhozada is open.'

Your skin prickles and your stomach churns, but you fight to control your fear by relying solely on your Kai skills. You sense that the Beholder is speaking the truth: the grey portal does lead to the realm of Vhozada. And so, with great trepidation, you bid him farewell and step into the void.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 11-28-2009 at 02:50 PM.
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Old 11-28-2009, 03:00 PM   #294
Abe Sargent
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I lose another 3 EP from the transfer. The world is weird, but I arrive out of breath, and in Vhozada.

The world here looks more familiar. I am on a grassy hill. There are streams and trees. Except for the sky, the world would look like Sommerlund. I scan the horizon looking for anything out of place. I use Huntmastery + Principalin. I can make out some pyramids in the distance, so I follow a stream is that direction.

The stream nears a strange grey, metallic monolith. I choose to investigate it. It has been here for some time. It is tipped with a transparent spike. I can hear a faint humming sound. Do I have Pathsmanship + Tutelary? Yup.

There is an ambush about to be sprung. I choose to confront them.


A group of hairy, squat-limbed creatures step from the shadow of the trees. They are armed with crude spears, which they clasp in their ape-like hands as they approach nervously. They surround you in a wide circle and one of their number utters a loud, twittering sound. Then he narrows his eyes and tilts his head as if expecting you to answer his call.

(I use Pathsmanship + Scion-Kai to converse with them)

Your Kai mastery enables you to understand the bizarre language these creatures use. The one who spoke introduced himself as L'yan-K'ril, an elder of the Ookor. He then asked if you came from somewhere called Meledor, and from the tone of his voice you get the distinct impression that he is hoping you will answer 'yes'.

(I answer no)

The stumpy little Ookor takes a rapid step backwards when you tell him you do not come from Meledor. Nervously his followers close around him and raise their spears, forming a defensive wall to protect their leader. You assure them that you mean no harm and try to explain how you arrived in their land, but fear and suspicion cloud their eyes until you mention Serocca, the name of the one whose help you seek.

'Very well,' says L'yan-K'ril, pensively. 'We will take you to Serocca, if that is truly your wish.'
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Old 11-28-2009, 03:07 PM   #295
Abe Sargent
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For several hours you accompany the Ookor across a vast tract of grassland, featureless save for a narrow trail and a line of low hills, which rest on the horizon like a sleeping colossus. During the trek you become very hungry: you must eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Eventually the trail ascends to the peak of the hills and, as you clear the crest, you see a remarkable sight beyond.

The walled city of Thas, home of the Ookor, lies before you, spread out along the centre of a narrow wooded valley. The low, pyramid-shaped dwellings are built around a tower of stone, its colour identical to the drab grey of the sky. Straight thoroughfares teem with Ookor, who pass freely and leisurely through the criss-cross of narrow streets.

The path leads down to an open gate in the city wall, guarded by two of the squat-limbed humanoids. When they see L'yan-K'ril and his patrol approaching with you in their midst they give a call and a crowd comes rushing out of the city. They gather round you, chirruping and twittering excitedly, while L'yan-K'ril tries his best to calm them down.

In a frenzy of excitement the citizens of Thas press forward on all sides, pawing, prodding and staring slack-jawed, as you are brought along the main street, which leads directly to the grey tower. Your escort are hard-pressed to keep the crowd at bay and, by the time you reach the tower door, your clothes are dishevelled and you are scratched and bruised: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

With a loud, grating rumble the stone door moves inwards and you are given into the charge of three bronze-clad Ookor wardens. They usher you up a winding stair to a bare chamber, floored and walled with smooth stone slabs. Silently a section of the drab wall moves aside and silhouetted in the opening stands the tall, feline shape of a remarkable creature. 'I am Serocca,' she purrs, hypnotically, 'and I bid you welcome, Lone Wolf. Come, enter my chamber, so that we may discuss your reasons for journeying so far to seek my help.'

(I have Psi-Screen and have reached Tutelary)

You sense that Serocca is imprisoned in a cage of psychic energy which surrounds her chamber and prevents her from passing through the opening. This energy is extremely powerful and has been synchronized to react to her brainwaves alone. To enter the chamber would cause you no injury, but if she ever attempted to pass through the invisible wall, the resulting release of force would be enough to destroy both her and the entire city of Thas.

Cautiously you pass through the opening and follow Serocca into a tall, domed chamber that is supported by a circle of huge, rose-veined marble pillars. At its centre stands a large table and, from the ceiling directly above, a flood of light pours down, reflecting and refracting upon its crystal mosaic surface and bathing the chamber walls in spectral colours. She bids you take a seat at the table and, as she lowers herself elegantly into a seat opposite, you cannot but admire her beauty. Her face has the feline characteristics of a young lioness, yet her eyes and her youthful body are distinctly human, save for the soft, velvety nap which covers her flesh. She bears an aura that is powerful and confident, and yet at the same time she seems vulnerable and sad.

'How do you know my name?' you ask, slightly unnerved by the familiar way in which she welcomed you to her chamber.

'There is much I know about you,' she replies, veraciously, and at once you sense that you are in the presence of a god-like being. 'Your land, and your fight against the forces of darkness who threaten to conquer it, are but a part of the struggle which rages throughout the Planes of Existence. Yet it is your world and your fight that has become the focus of this conflict between the powers of Good and Evil.' She pauses, then staring deeply into your eyes, she continues: 'Upon you depends the future of us all.'
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Old 11-28-2009, 03:16 PM   #296
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Stunned by the enormity of what she has said, you shake your head in open-mouthed silence: 'No! How can this be?' you breathe incredulously.

'There are those who seek to shape destiny and those upon whom destiny falls. Destiny has chosen you, Lone Wolf, and you cannot refuse it, for it will force itself upon you.'

'But how have I become the focus of such a struggle?' you reply.

'We are all a part of it,' she says. 'The worlds of Aon and the Daziarn are shaped by the actions of those who exist there. Yet the time has now come when the actions of one individual will shape the future of both worlds. You are that individual, Lone Wolf, and your actions are destined to shape the future of every living thing.'

'But what if I refuse?' you say, nervously. 'What then will happen to the future?'

'You cannot refuse,' she says, softly. 'For everything you do is bound up with your destiny. Your vow to complete the Magnakai quest and restore the Kai, will you give that up? Will you forsake your country and its future security? Will you abandon Magnamund to the evil of the Darklords? No, by your very nature--because of your honour and your courage--you will act out your part.'

'What then must I do?' you ask.

'You must do what you have always done. You must listen to the words of those who will help you and you must let your skills and instincts be your guide.' She leans forward and sweeps her hands slowly across the surface of the table. The light dims and patterns take shape among the tiny squares of crystal. 'Observe and learn,' she says. 'For the images will impart knowledge that will aid your quest for the Lorestones of your ancestors.'

The flickering patterns draw into focus and you see before you a panoply of strange scenes, and the faces of many unknown creatures, some human, some bestial, and some that defy description.

'Many of the events which have befallen your world are mirrored here in the Daziarn,' says Serocca, as you watch, with growing fascination, the image of a battle taking place between men and beasts. 'We too are threatened by the forces of darkness. Many ages ago we triumphed over evil, but our victory was incomplete. Now our nemesis has come in the guise of the Chaos-master. Everywhere his seething corruptions encroach upon the goodly realms of the Daziarn, twisting and consuming all they touch.'

The vision of the battle fades and is replaced by a living map, similar to the light-picture you were shown by the Beholder of Yanis. 'Here are the realms that lie between the elemental strongholds of Earth and Water. Once this region was rich and populous with the creatures of light, but now it lies ravaged by the cancerous Realm of Paradox. Only Vhozada and Meledor continue to resist; the others have either disappeared into the Neverness or been transformed into desolate wastelands. Here . . .' she says, pointing to the middle of the table, 'is the Nahgoth Forest, once the most fertile of the great timberlands; now the scourge of chaos splits it asunder. And here, the Plain of Guakor, the mightiest realm the Daziarn has ever known, reduced to dust by a plague of fire-breathing Zhengha.'

Tears well up in her eyes and you sense that the vision of Guakor has stirred painful memories.

(I ask what troubles her)

'It is the cruelty of the Chaos-master that saddens me so,' she says in a whisper, as if fearing to be overheard. 'Before his coming, the Plain of Guakor was ruled by a great warrior called Sinay, whose only fault, it was said, was a surfeit of pride. He loved me and wished for the union of our realms, but, alas, his love was unrequited; the joining of Guakor and Vhozada was not to be. To win my love and restore his injured pride, Sinay struck a bargain with the Chaos-master, for in keeping with the paradoxical nature of that god, he is obliged to indulge in the granting of wishes to those who would dare demand them of him. The Chaos-master wove a spell to enchant me and Sinay was granted his wish: I became enamoured of him. But the bargains of the Chaos-master are in keeping with his nature--they are cruel and fickle. Upon the hour of our wedding he appeared and demanded that Sinay pay for his wish by ceding him half his realm. He was refused, and in retribution he imprisoned me here in this tower and wrought upon Sinay such physical mutation that he fled Guakor and hid himself in shame.'

'Do you know what became of him?' you ask.

'Yes,' she replies, sadly. 'He is the ruler of a new realm. He has regained his power but his body is forever a cruel reminder of his pact with the Chaos-master. He is the one who sent you to me--he is the Beholder of Yanis.'
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Old 11-28-2009, 03:22 PM   #297
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Serocca blinks away her tears and forces herself to concentrate on the matter in hand. Again the image fades from the table and a new one takes its place: a picture of forested hills and steep-sided valleys. 'This is where the Lorestones emerged from the Shadow Gate,' she says, her voice now calm and controlled. 'I detected their presence immediately, for the power they radiate is extraordinary.'

'Where is this place?' you ask.

'It is the Nahgoth Forest, close to the border with Meledor. I estimate that the Lorestones lie within a few hundred yards of Tolakos, the ancient burial ground of the Meledorians,' she replies, but with caution in her voice.

'Is this not good news?' you ask, relieved to know at last where the objects of your quest are situated.

'Yes, it is, but for the struggle now taking place in the region. The Meledorians are locked in battle against the forces of the Chaos-master, who is determined to claim all of the Nahgoth for himself. Tolakos is but a few leagues from where the fighting is fiercest.'

'Then I must retrieve the Lorestones quickly,' you say, rising from your seat in your eagerness to press on with your quest.

'Indeed you must, but it would benefit you nought if you were to reclaim them and then be unable to return to your home world for the lack of knowing where to go. Be patient a little longer, Lone Wolf, and I shall show you where, in all this vast region of the Daziarn, you can find the one Shadow Gate that leads to Magnamund.'

The vision of the Nahgoth Forest dissolves and a new one takes its place. It is of a city, perched atop a rocky cliff, surrounded by a wall fortified with towers and grim bastions. Red flames glare from a row of tiny windows and its huge stone gate is emblazoned with the symbol of a fiery dragon.

'This is Haagadar,' says Serocca, cheerlessly. 'Once it was the home of the Sandai, the rulers of the Great Plains that stretched to the very edge of the strongholds of Earth. They were the first to fall to chaos and now their plains are dead and empty wastelands of sterile rock and poisoned sand. Haagadar was claimed by the Chaos-master and it became his abode but, as his foul empire expanded, he grew tired of it and abandoned it for other, less remote, cities. It lay deserted for an age before outlaws and refugees from Guakor sought sanctuary there from the creatures of chaos. It is now a forgotten city, yet within its heart there lies a secret that even the Chaos-master failed to discover: the Sandai were the guardians of a Shadow Gate. Long had they kept hidden this portal whilst they searched for a means to enter it, for unlike the Shadow Gates of your world, those of the Daziarn are closed. Only those who possess a key can pass from this realm into the universe of Aon.'

'Where is this key which allows entry to the Shadow Gate of Haagadar?' you ask, anxiously.

Serocca raises her eyes from the table and smiles. 'Power is the key, and the power is now within your grasp. The two Lorestones of Nyxator are the power--they are the key to your escape from the Daziarn. You must retrieve them from Tolakos, in the Nahgoth Forest, then go to Haagadar. The Shadow Gate is to be found in the Temple of the Sandai at the centre of the city. I can help you reach Tolakos but beyond the Nahgoth my powers of vision grow dim. You must let your skills and this map be your guide there.'

From the pocket of her silken robes she produces a Map which she presses into your hand (mark this on your Action Chart as a Special Item which you carry inside your tunic). You unfurl the parchment and study its contents (see the accompanying illustration), noting with dismay the great distance which separates the Nahgoth Forest from the city of Haagadar.

'Come, you must rest before your journey to Tolakos. I shall arrange for my Ookor to take you there after you have slept and recovered your strength.'

Serocca rises from her seat and bids you follow her to an adjoining room where there is food, a bath and a comfortable bed. There she leaves you, returning to the table to consult its visions, while you try to relax despite the heavy sense of foreboding that haunts your mind.
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Old 11-28-2009, 08:06 PM   #298
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
I am sorry about all of that quoting, but I think Joe Dever knows this is the only book to take place in the Daziarn, so he wants to dazzle you with its people, history, places, etc. I mean, he could have just had you arrive here instead of in the desert, but nope. Anyway, know I have a plan. I know where the Lorestones are, where the exit is, and how to get there.

Serocca awakens me and tells me the time of my journey is at hand. I have been given some guards to escort me to Tolakos. She hands me an Obsidian Seal. This will prove to them that I am who I say I am, but I am not to reveal my quest to any but their leader, Lorkan Ironheart. He has agreed to help me. While I slept, she contacted him psychically.

She tells me I will succeed and I leave with my guard, led by T’uk T’ron. We ride on special chariots led by these bronze horse like things.

After a few hours, we arrive at an Ookor village and he asks me if I want to eat here. Sure. We stop and the Ookor are happy to see us. T’uk T’ron tells me that the village has a fortuneteller and asks if I want my fortune told. Sure. I roll a die

'She say that you will go to a castle far away where dragon breathes fire. In this castle is a snake. Beware this snake for it is very poisonous. If it bite you--you dead!'

My guards all belch and the Ookor appear pleased. It appears belching is a high compliment after a meal. We leave. Several hours roll by in the chariots. We near a bridge that looks suspicious so I use Huntmastery + Principalin.

I see that the middle of the bridge is damaged. Many of the planks have been torn up and strewn across the surface at random, crudely disguising the gaping hole. I scream a warning and we turn just in time. I use Pathsmanship + Tutelary.

The nearby trees harbour hidden enemies. They are ready to ambush anyone who tries to cross the bridge. I inform T’uk T’ron. He orders the men to hide behind the chariots while he and his driver go out on the bridge to look at the damage. I can defend the chariots or go out with him I stay with the guards.
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Old 11-28-2009, 08:22 PM   #299
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD

You watch T'uk T'ron and the driver scurry across the planks, using the parapet of the bridge as cover. They reach the centre and are examining the damage when a chilling scream, like the baying of a crazed wolf pack, echoes from the trees. Grey shapes jostle in the shadows and your heart freezes in a moment of horror as they advance into the light.

Lumbering hordes of twisted shapes stagger from the trees on both sides of the bridge. They appear to be neither human nor animal but a ghastly fusion of the two. Their heads are of differing types: some are like cats with huge, green eyes; some are like boars with snouts and twisting tusks; others have rams' heads, sabre-toothed and riddled with decay. The Ookor guards tremble with fear and whisper the word 'Agtah' as these monstrosities draw closer.

I choose to use my bow. I manage to pierce one’s heart.

Agtah - CS 26, EP 38

Immune to Mindblast. I roll a 4, 2, 8, and 2. I take 11. It takes 24/. I roll a 1 and a 9. It dies and I took another 5. I am at 21/37.

I kill the Agtah, and a hound pounces at me, another battle of fun.

Agtah-Hound - CS 20 ,EP25.

Immune to Mindblast. I roll 4, 4, 9. I lose four more and am at 17/37. It dies.

Only T‘uk T’ron and two guards are left alive and he pushes me to the bridge and tells me to go. The Agtah are increasing in number, and after I cross the bridge, all of the Ookor have died.
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Old 11-28-2009, 08:33 PM   #300
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Because of the Agtah encounter, I move off the road and yet see it from where I am. Hours pass as I march. I find a pool of crystal clear water by the road. Three human-clad warriors are there. I use Divination. They are Meledorian scouts send by Ironheart to meet me.

I decide to greet them and they fire a crossbow bolt at me. I roll a number and add stuff for Huntmastery. I easily twist aside. I hide and use Divination to call to them telepathically. One is psychic and orders me to show myself and I do. They other two spin and if to attack me but the psychic one stops them. They doubt my story until I have the Obsidian Seal shown. They take and keep the Seal. After some time, we arrive at their war camp.


Seated before you at a desk lit by tall candles, one set at each corner, are two pale-skinned Meledorian nobles. The flickering yellow flame glints on the fine antique workmanship of their armour and exaggerates the shadows that play on their faces as they argue their strategies for an impending battle.

On seeing you enter, the conference is brought to an abrupt close. One of the officers bows and takes his leave; the other beckons a scout to approach the desk and make his report. Briefly the scout tells of how they met you and what has become of your Ookor escort. He shows the officer the Obsidian Seal given to you by Serocca before leaving the city of Thas. The officer clasps the pyramidal stone in the palm of his hand then stares directly into your eyes. A tingle of surprise prickles your skin when you return his gaze, for you notice that his eyes are misty blue, without whites or any obvious pupil.

(I use Psi-Screen)

A wave of psychic energy rushes through your mind, washing across your thoughts, searching for some sign of hostile intent. You resist the intrusion and the wave quickly recedes.

With a gesture of his hand Lorkon Ironheart dismisses the scouts and you are left alone in his company.

'So you are the Aonian for whom Mistress Serocca would have me postpone the war against chaos,' he says sardonically, reaching for a decanter of ruby red wine. He fills two crystal goblets and offers one to you. 'Let us toast the success of your treasure hunt,' he says, raising his glass on high.

'And to your triumph over chaos,' you add diplomatically.

He smiles as he sips the bitter vintage and you regard each other with thoughtful curiosity. He has a youthful face, with high cheek-bones, narrow jaw and a thin, chiselled, aristocratic nose. His silver hair is a mass of silken threads flowing from beneath the rim of his ornate conical helmet to fan across his wide shoulders and thick, vermilion cloak. But it is his eyes that fascinate you most, for they are filled with knowledge and ancient wisdom.

You talk at length about events which have brought you to the Nahgoth Forest in search of Lorkon's help, and in return he tells you of the dangers you may face at Tolakos.

From a gold-capped leather tube Lorkon produces a map of the Nahgoth which details the location of his encampment, the burial grounds of Tolakos, and the last known position of the Chaos-master's horde. The scale is measured in leagues but you are able to calculate that Tolakos lies only ten miles from Lorkon's camp. A curvy red line has been drawn diagonally across the map to show where scouts last sighted the Chaos-master's troops, and this line passes dangerously close to the burial grounds.

'You must leave as soon as possible if you are to be sure of reaching Tolakos before it is claimed by the enemy,' says Lorkon, pointing to the bold red line. 'This was drawn three hours ago. If the Chaos-master decides to advance, he is within eight hours' march of the burial grounds. This means that in only the next five hours can you be sure to find Tolakos unoccupied. I intend to march my army forward and hold Tolakos but I await reinforcements and I dare not move until they arrive. Therefore I will provide you with a scout who knows the area well. He will guide you to your destination--the rest is up to you.'

Lorkon sends for the scout, a Meledorian called Odel. When he arrives he suggests that you visit the equipment tent before setting off through the forest.

'Luck be with you, Aonian,' says Lorkon, as you turn to leave his cabin. 'Remember, I will be marching to Tolakos as soon as my reinforcements arrive.'

You thank him and bid him farewell, before following Odel the scout as he wends his way through the busy encampment to the equipment tent. Two grim-faced guards bar your entry, but when Odel tells them on whose authority you are here, they quickly lower their spears and allow you to pass. The tent is full of weapons and provisions and Odel suggests that you take whatever you need. You may select from the following:

6 Arrows
Short Sword

I fill my quiver and put a Meledorian Dagger in my backpack.
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