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Old 01-12-2004, 02:53 AM   #201
Abe Sargent
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"Review of 'The Prisoner'

Royce Jackson
E! Online

I sincerely doubt that I am the only one awaiting this movie with bated breath. 'The Prisoner' was originally a BBC series from the mid 60s. It was known for its highyl intelligent and allegorical plot. Other BBC series from the time have seen the big screen - Doctor Who, The Saint, The Avengers. Now The Prisoner arrives.

This is one of the first Dragon's Den Studios Movies with their own plot. The Call of Cthulhu was their first film, The Journal was a sequal developed in house, and that is it. Others are on their way, but The Prisoner will help determine whether these sorts of projects are good for their studio.

Dragon's Den relies heavily on Brad Pitt to make their movies work. He'll definitely put people in the seats and he was just nominated for Best Actor, so it's not a bad call, at least it hasn't been so far.

Can The Prisoner be a good movie? Its script is acceptable enough, a bit better than average but nothing special. Maybe Dragon's Den was rushing to get it out. Chris Columbus does an excellent job directing the film, and you can tell.

And, again, Brad Pitt is simply striking as the lost Number 6, a secret agent who is one the best field agents of his agency. He retires suddenly, and has been subsequently captured and taken to an island named The Village, where he is interrogated. Whoever holds him wants to know who he is, why he resigned, and so forth.

Number 6's governmental ties are never revealed, and neither is The Village's. Through a variety of deceptions and interrogatin methods, Number 2 (Pierce Brosnan), tries to gather the needed information, and when he fails, another Number 2 takes his place (John Rhys-Davies). Pierce is simply painful as Number 2, and you want John Rhys-Davies to have more screentime. Famke Janssen does avery good job playign another Villager who is an agent for Number 2 and tries to get Number 6 to talk.

You never learn Number 6's name, where he is from, or even why he resigned. So, maybe this movie is a bit obtuse for some people who do not get the sheer allegory. Much like Animal Farm, the plot here is poor, but the story is ripe with meaning. The ending is simply beautiful, and it goes down as one of the best endings in cinema, and unfortuantely, I cannot reveal it because to do so would ruin it, much like all great cinematic surprises.

I wholheartedly recommend this movie, despite Brosnan's occasional wooden performance. Every other note on this film sings with high clarity. A+"

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Old 01-12-2004, 02:58 AM   #202
Abe Sargent
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The Prisoner, Action Adventure
Brad Pitt, Pierce Brosnan
Chris Columbus
Negative Cost: 111.285 mill
Total P&A: 103.75 mill
Total Cost: 215.035 mill
Domestic Gross: 150.328 mill
Foreign Gross: 90.547 mill
Total Net Revenue: 3.284 mill
Overall: *****
Chris Columbus: *****
Erica Barret: ***
Brad Pitt: *****
Pierce Brosnan: **
Famke Janssen: ****
John Rhys-Davies: *****

We essentially broke even. Despite another woeful foreign market, we had scintilating domestic ancillaries that really brought up our revenue. I guess that The Prisoner was one of those films to really connect with people but not make them go to the Box Office. Many reviewers went into the studio expecting to see a typical secret agent flick, and instead saw a highly intelligent allegorical film that didn't answer a lot of questions, which was precisely the point that some reviewers missed. I guess not everybody can enjoy a truly intelligent film.

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Old 01-12-2004, 03:01 AM   #203
Abe Sargent
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April 2006:

The Bobby-Soxors has finished filming and is entering post-production.

The following drafts have arrived: Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Martyr Highway, and Scandal Sheet.

Director Spike Lee died this month.

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Old 01-13-2004, 12:17 PM   #204
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Another reader chipping in with a thanks to Anxiety for resurrecting this thread.
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Old 01-13-2004, 01:05 PM   #205
Abe Sargent
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Originally Posted by StanGunner
Another reader chipping in with a thanks to Anxiety for resurrecting this thread.

Sure thing, thanks a bunch!

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Old 01-15-2004, 06:33 AM   #206
Abe Sargent
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I am adding a few actors to the talent list. Sometimes I need an actor with a certain skill, nationality, race or accent, and I can't get it in the currrent actor database. Additionally, somtimes I want a certain actor for his look, and I can't get it. You will be astonished when you see what actors were not in the talent file. I have already added Cuba Gooding Jr and Michael Clarke Duncan to get a few more black options. Here are some of my additions:

Taye Diggs
Christian Bale
Richard Grant
Antonio Banderas
Oliver Platt
Ian McKellen
Richard Gere
Denzel Washington
Alan Rickman
Russell Crowe
Kevin Spacey
John Travolta
Anthony Hopkins
Edward Norton

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Old 01-15-2004, 07:31 AM   #207
Abe Sargent
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PRESS RELEASE - Dragon's Den Studios

Dragon's Den Studios announced today that they had purchased the rights to movies for the Doctor Who franchise from small studio Anchor Bay Entertainment. Anchor Bay initially purchased the silver screen rights from the BBC for their hot new serial.

Two Doctor Who movies were released in the mid 60's by Anchor Bay, both trying to capture the family adventure market. The first was a major success in Britain, on the back of Dalekmania sweeping the Isle. It was the 9th best grossing move in the U.K. in 1965. The follow up movie, despite having a better budget, flopped and the series ended there.

On television, however, Doctor Who would become the longest running science fiction series of all time from 1963 to 1989. But there would never be another Doctor Who movie made for the silver screen.

Until now. Dragon's Den Studios is committed to the mission of providing new and intelligent movies to audiences. The Doctor Who franchise fits perfectly into that vision. All Doctor Who movies made will fit firmly within the established Doctor Who mythos and have their story lines approved by the BBC and will therefore be canonical.

PRESS RELEASE - Dragon's Den Studios

Incidentally, you can go to BBCi (online) and find an hour and a half long cartoon available to be watched - another Doctor Who episode! It came out a month ago. If you like Doctor Who, check it out because it features the official, authentic NINTH doctor. I won't announce who it is yet, but it's not some random actor out of nowhere like the previous incarnations often were.

Additionally, the BBC has announced that they will be bringing Doctor Who back to TV in 2005! The longest running sci fi will continue. No plans have been made as of right now concerning who the new Doctor will be, but the recently cast Ninth Doctor has publicly stated that he would like to be the Doctor for as long as he can....

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Old 01-15-2004, 07:37 AM   #208
Abe Sargent
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The new movie is tentatively entitled "Doctor Who and the Sands of Time" It has the following logline:

"The Doctor must stop a mysterious time traveller from destroying the very fabric of time itself."

Genre: Sci-Fi
Starring Roles: 2 Males
Supporting Roles: 1 Female, 1 Male
Minor Speaking Characters: 6
Extras: None

No nudity
A little violence
No foul language
No love scenes

I send the script out to Andrea Towlin.

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Old 01-21-2004, 11:51 PM   #209
Abe Sargent
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With all of the budget stuff done for Dragons of Autumn Twilight, all that is left is to cast the actors, director, and such. A few months ago, I couldn't get the top flight directorial talent to agree to the movie. Now, with a tweaked script, it's a differnet story.

Right away, Peter Jackson likes the film. I also really like Ang Lee as the possible director for the film. M Nnight and Steven Soderbergh, my normal choices for big budget films are currently attached to other projects.

Peter Jackson it is then. He'll take 5% of profit.

I offer the producer-ship to Andrew Trainor, a highly talented producer who is best at sci-fi flicks.

The casting of the main character, Tanis Half-Elven, will be an interesting task. Ideally, we'd get Brad Pitt to do it, but he attached to another project. He would be a perfect Tanis Half-Elven.

As for Raistlin, however, I already have an actor in mind. I send a script to John Cusack. 15 million and 5% of profit make him Raistlin.

Whoever ends up as Tanis will have to have charisma, talent and sex appeal a go go. And a beard. Tanis is a very attractive man. George Clooney is already attached to a project as well.

Leonardo DiCaprio is too young. Harrison Ford too old. It's difficult to find the right man.

In the meantime, I cast the supporting characters - Caramon Majere, Sturm Brightblade, Flint and Tasslehoff Burrfoot.

For Sturm, we need a solid, strong man in his 30s or 40s to carry off the part. Ben Affleck? Nah, too hip. Joaquin Phoenix? He was my Raistlin backup in case John didn't want the part. Too prissy.

Vin Diesel? No, I prefer someone who can act. Brendan Fraser? A bit chubby, but interesting. We'd have to clean him up a bit. Can he play the role of the straight man? Nicolas Cage? Nicolas Cage..... Now that IS interesting. He could really pull off the aura of doom that Sturm carries with him. And he's a good headliner, considering that the second movie would need Sturm as a leading character, not as a supporting one (Raistlin's story takes a backseat during the second novel to Sturm's). Hmmm...

However, Nicolas may also be just good enough to be my Tanis. Good looking, the right age, has a bit of elvish blood in him with the blue eyes, can carry a beard, would not look bad in red hair, has screen presence. So, although I initially consider him for my Sturm, he may be my Tanis. In which case, I'd need another Sturm. Gotta keep looking.

Johnny Depp is another actor who could really pull off the sense of doom, be a straight man, and have all of the characteristics that I am looking for. To bad he is attached to another project. Keanu Reeves? Nah. Guy Pearce would be nice, again the whole already attached to a project thing.

If I jump forward a few years and don't mind casting a slightly older gentleman as Sturm, I could go with Dennis Quaid or Pierce Brosnan or William Fichtner. Yet still, not good enough.

Should I wait a month or two to try and bring in more talent? I suppose so. I'll finish casting the non-Sturm and non-Tanis parts for now, however.

Caramon Majere should be easy enough. He'll be a supporting character throughout the trilogy, so I need someone good enough to continue - no sense casting someone who does a poor job. Caramon is a huge man, so I need a big actor. SInce he is Raistlin's fraternal twin, I'll need him to at least resemble John Cusack. The only big white man is Vin Diesel and he is too expensive and limited in talent. I end up casting Jeremy Piven, I think that I can add some bulk to him through training, make up, and special effects.

A lot of character's are going to be heavily make-up'ed and special effected. John, as Raistlin, will need gold skin and hourglass eye balls with white hair. Not exactly something you see everyday. Likewise, our Tasslehoff Burrfoot will need a bot of help becoming a Kender.

So, let's cast Tas. This is our comedic relief character, one of the funniest in fantasy literature. We'll need a highly talent and plastic actor. The perfect ast for this pasrt is Jim Carrey, but that 10% of profit for a supporting character really turns me off.

What about Billy Crystal? Too common of a voice, everybody knows his voice. Robin Williams? He has the frenetic energy, the talent and the screen presence. And he demands no money. But, he's not the look that I am going for. Maybe a backup plan.

We could try to go unconventional and cast an actor like Seth Green is the role. Talented, played a werewolf once, so he's used to the make up, shorter, so it'd be easier for him to play a Kender. Perfect!

Now I need a Flint. Much like Gimli in LotR, I need a character actor who will don a wig and look chubby. I make a conscious decision not to cast John as Flint, despite doing a fine enough job as Gimli. I decide to send the script to Jason Lee. Not a well known voice, already wears a beard, nice actor.

And, with needs still at the lead and supporting spots, I bow out and put the project on hiatus for a month or two.

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Old 01-22-2004, 12:17 AM   #210
Abe Sargent
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I decide that San Francisco is ready.

We'll film near San Francisco, do sound on location and use complex sets.

I budget 50 million in physical costs, no pyro or robotic effects, 4 million in stunts, 5 million in standard special effects.

My first choice director, John Hughes, agrees to do the film. Wilton Barnes will be my producer.

I decide to take Vin Diesel for a spin and see what he can do. I cast him as our leading actor. I cast Helen Hunt across from him.

For supporting roles, I like Antonio Banderas, Christian Slater, Marisa Tomei and Kate Winslet.

Minor roles go to A List Character Actors. I greenlight the movie.

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Old 01-22-2004, 12:30 AM   #211
Abe Sargent
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"Review of 'The Eye of the Storm'

Magdeline McCarthy
E! Online

The story of a Hurricane that sweeps through and almost destroys a Carribean Island is released widely this week. The 25th movie from Dragon's Den Studios, this "disaster" flick tries to show a bit more humanity than many others of its ilk.

Tom Hanks is the star power behind this film. Elisabeth Shue, Ed Harris and Julia Stiles don't carry much star power. So you know that the Director, John Hughes, is relying on story telling and Hanks alone.

Not that great of a film, to be honest. Tom is great and eveybody else is really solid, no bones there.

And John is a brillant producer and strong director, nothing wrong there. And the script is solid, nothing wrong there. But do you know that feeling of leaving a movie, knowing that you should like it, but feeling somehow vacant? That's how I felt about this movie.

Techincally sound from acting, producing, script, directing. But yet, it's missing something very important. So, while the movie shoudl get an A, it gets a B for subjectivity."

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Old 01-22-2004, 12:33 AM   #212
Abe Sargent
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The Eye of the Storm, Drama
Tom Hanks, Elisabeth Shue
John Hughes
Negative Cost: 77.158 mill
Total P&A: 80.25 mill
Total Cost: 157.408 mill
Domestic Gross: 71.351 mill
Foreign Gross: 129.713 mill
Total Net Revenue: 116.781 mill
Overall: *****
John Hughes, Director: ****
John Hughes, Producer: *****
Tom Hanks: *****
Elisabeth Shue: ****
Ed Harris: ****
Julis Stiles: ****

I made a great movie, but it just didn't do well in theaters. Yet, we still made over 100 million in the film, why? Domestic ancillaries of 124 million. Rentals, pay-per-view and TV sales were through the roof. Hmmm.

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Old 01-22-2004, 12:47 AM   #213
Abe Sargent
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May, 2006:

Deep Cut needs an additional 6 million in special effects. I approve the expenditures.

Both The Shadow Over Innsmouth and Half-Life have begun shooting.

Martyr Highway's director, Sam Mendes, is having trouble containing the egos on the set, and as such, production of the film has fallen behind a month.

The following scripts have returned: Dungeon, Scandal Sheet, The Dunwich Horror.

The first draft of The Dunwich Horror is, itself, a horror. I send it out for a rewrite within minutes of reviewing it.

I send out Scandal Sheet and Dungeon for a polish.

I take a look at the market and browse the available projects. I buy a four star book property, Shall Graves, a mystery with the logline:

An investigator follows the trail of a murderer. I send it out for a first draft to Michael Crichton.

I also send out, for a polish, Shocker and She Was an Empty Place.

I send out Say You Love Me for a rewrite. We need to help several elements of the script.

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Old 01-25-2004, 07:17 AM   #214
Junior 19
Join Date: Jan 2004
Great Thread! Just to chirp in my 2 cents. I don't know how often you go to the HM boards. I myself haven't been there in awhile, waiting for HM 2 to come out Anyways, I remember reading that the type of movie and month combination has something to do with how well a movie will do. Maybe that is why some of the movies have bombed, but then again.. movies bomb all the time. The other thing was that I also remember reading that the Awards are completely random. No rhyme or reason to who wins. Pretty dumb IMO.

Keep up the work!
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Old 06-25-2004, 02:17 PM   #215
Abe Sargent
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Just to let you guys know, a couple of months ago one of my computers crashed. The one with FOF, TCY, HM, EU2, etc. Most of my dynasties were on the 'puter and thus they are likely dead.

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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 06-25-2004 at 02:45 PM.
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Old 06-25-2004, 03:13 PM   #216
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Oh well. I guess that's that.

Houston Hippopotami, III.3: 20th Anniversary Thread - All former HT players are encouraged to check it out!

Janos: "Only America could produce an imbecile of your caliber!"
Freakazoid: "That's because we make lots of things better than other people!"

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