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Old 08-13-2004, 04:51 PM   #201
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With plotting underway, Mavirr decided to speak up again and voice some of his strategic opinions.

"Maybe I can follow around this nomadic man, and sneak into his tribe's base? I can gather information and report on whether they are up to no good, or if they are fun-loving, friendly peoples!" He put his hand back on the reins of the horse, since he was advised not to play his trumpet.

"As for fighting from afar-" Mavirr stopped and laughed a bit.

"Try saying that five times fast! For fighting from afar, for fighting from a far, fro frighting fom afar-" He stopped again, and looked around at the heroes. "See! It's a tongue-twister! I invented a tongue twister! There's another piece of information I can share with other adventurers. How I survived a scorching hot day in the sun, with an empty stomach, being followed closely by a band of savage nomadic peoples. And still having the time to invent tongue-twisters."

Mavirr nodded his head in agreement with the story he would tell other adventurers. "Now where was I? Ahh yes... I'm afraid I'm no use to you fighting from the back unless you have some ninja stars or blow darts, or something else cool like that." Mavirr gave the rest of the heroes his usual grin, and took a sip of water from his canteen.

"I'm a fairly fast individual, and I can get into places others can't. If this is of service to you, let me know... if the situation can result in a tooth-clenching story, I'll be more than happy to help!"

Mavirr stopped talking for just a little while, and wiped some sweat from his forehead. "I'll comply to whatever plan of action you fellows agree to, but as long as it involves having some food soon. I'm starved!"

Mavirr rubbed his stomach in a circular motion, and licked his lips a bit while he waited for a response.

Last edited by MikeVic : 08-13-2004 at 04:58 PM.
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Old 08-16-2004, 08:50 AM   #202
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"I believe that Puli or Mavirr could gather information on our spectator if we decide it's necessary. They would probably need to leave at night, from an area where they can slip off unnoticed. Anyone watching us would undoubtedly notice if our numbers went from 6 to 5."

"I'm not sensing any evil on his part, so hopefully, we can wait until we set up camp to find out what his interest in us is. I would advise Kevan, though I'm sure he's tought of this, to make sure we have a defensable position should the nomads attempt to ambush us."

"By the way Baldur, do you know an invisability spell that you could memorize? That would make the recon effort significantly easier."
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Old 08-16-2004, 09:07 AM   #203
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"I'm not confident that Mavirr can keep quiet long enough to do anything." the dwarf grunted.
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Old 08-16-2004, 09:17 AM   #204
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Benton laughs out loud at the Dwarf's comments.
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Old 08-17-2004, 01:16 PM   #205
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Puzzled at the wemic’s silence, Puli worried whether he’d somehow offended him. He knew not the creature’s ways…perhaps he was merely mulling the alternatives. Nevertheless, the monk felt that something had to be done. The follower was persistent and showed no signs of withdrawing. Neither did he demonstrate any hostile intent, and other than the paladin’s declaration there was no way of telling what was intended. The sun was still high, but surely nightfall would be a poor time to determine the nature of this curious individual.

The bard’s incessant discussion of food finally prompted Puli into action, encouraged by a particularly good setting in the terrain. A depression in the lay of the land, accompanied by several large boulders jutting out of the ground, offered ample cover, and would certainly frustrate any attempts to clearly observe the quest group from afar. The dry riverbed still zig-zagged along, and at this point the eastern-most “shore” was quite high. Puli was convinced that one – if careful - could move unseen to a better observation point to the south.

“A short respite, if you please,” said Puli, doing his best to seem fatigued. “My feet are well-worn, but by backside is not accustomed to this manner of travel. Benton Gale, may I have a word?”

He awaited the paladin and then moved a short distance from the others. “I am uncertain if the wemic is angered or simply silent, but I would like to move back a short distance along our course and attempt to track our observer. I am skilled in such methods. Perhaps it would assist in perpetrating the ruse if you gathered firewood and made camp for a short period. I would still take all precautions for defense, although I yield to your knowledge of these wastes and the people whom inhabit it.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Not sure what's up, but I will be moving ahead with the thread at a faster pace. Try to write more than one-liners when you can - flesh out your character's thoughts and play the role out a bit more. WARNING: Characters who do not participate may soon succumb in the wilds.
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 08-17-2004, 01:43 PM   #206
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(psst: sorry Breeze, missed your comment a few posts ago)

"No Paladin, I possess no knowledge of an invisibility spell. I am an evoker, not an illusionist. Though I can produce a few effects which could distract an enemy with false creation of sights and sounds, I am unable to conceal those of others. I'm sure Puli is more than capable of hiding himself from the observer without my aid."

As the companions rode on, the Wemic remained silent. "So, too proud to admit you were wrong. I expected no less," thought Baldar. Nevertheless, he was pleased when the monk pulled up and asked for a rest as he was well in need of one himself. Although he longed to press on to reach their goals, Baldar detested riding and tired easily, having spent more of his time honing his mind instead of his body. After having enjoyed a few moment's rest, he pulled out his spellbook and started preparing what spells he would need on the morrow.

Last edited by JAG : 08-17-2004 at 01:43 PM.
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Old 08-17-2004, 02:10 PM   #207
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At the sound of Puli's suggestion to rest for a bit, Mavirr pulled back the reins of his horse and jumped off.

"Ahh... finally a chance to fill my stomach!" He quickly snuck up to Kevan's horse and pulled some of the meat that was packed away out of a sack.

"So, who's gonna start the fire? I'll make sure the meat doesn't touch the sand and rocks around us, which I feel is a very important task. All that's left is to start a fire... anyone?" Mavirr looked around at the other heroes and saw that Puli and Benton were not part of the group anymore.

"Hey, my friends! Do you want to eat too? Or can I take your portions for myself? No need to waste good food!" Mavirr grinned at the heroes that were around him, and held onto the peice of meat he got from the sack.
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Old 08-17-2004, 02:44 PM   #208
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"What does everyone think? Ride on, and leave the bard to eat and sing his songs? I'll come back for him. I promise." Soriun smiled at the rest of the group, and urged his horse to ride on.
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Old 08-18-2004, 03:57 AM   #209
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Kevan sighs as he comes to a momentary rest near a boulder. "Yes, mage. I did expect the group to continued without its guide since I expected a fairly defensible area we could use to rest at. Surely 'follow the river until you get to a clearing with boulders' would not be beyond your mean." Continued Kevan, "No, I did not expect to be able to slip away unnoticed. Not at my size. However, had I done so on the move, it would not seem terribly unnatural, particularly once the group comes to a stop. The reaction of our guest, once our group split up, would have been something I would have like to have seen. For, if he or she has a companion, that is when they would have shown." "I am comfortable enough in this area to be confident of being able to return without much problem should trouble arise. The reason I requested the presence of Old Father was for the insight he has shown thus far on our journey and his seeming ability to move quickly and without much noise."

"Alas, we are now here. Old Father and Benton Gale are looking for firewood so I shall get to work on our boars." With that, Kevan moves toward the pack horses and removed the carcasses to work on the boars' hides.
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Old 08-18-2004, 05:47 AM   #210
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The sound of Puli requesting a break surprised the young paladin. Benton had glaced around at the members of the group numerous times and Puli seemed to be completely indifferent to the journey. In fact, Benton guessed that Puli's mental discipline would allow him to travel much further, without rest, than even the Ranger despite his old age.

At Puli's request, Benton follows him to a location a short distance from the rest of the group. As the wise "Old Father" begins to talk, Benton listens intently, guessing there is more to this stop than simply rest.

Puli says to Benton, “I am uncertain if the wemic is angered or simply silent, but I would like to move back a short distance along our course and attempt to track our observer. I am skilled in such methods. Perhaps it would assist in perpetrating the ruse if you gathered firewood and made camp for a short period. I would still take all precautions for defense, although I yield to your knowledge of these wastes and the people whom inhabit it.”

Benton looks at Puli, "I'm glad you've elected to turn the tables on our observer. Though I sensed no evil, I'm not comfortable with him watching our every move. I wish I could offer more assistance than simply distracting our own group, but alas stealth isn't a strength and moving silently in this armor is impossible."

"Not only will I gather the firewood for a distraction, I will get the others involved in building the fire as well. If they are actively working on something they will be less likely to notice you missing. Mavirr will be easily distracted, due to the fact he's so intent on eating. Sourin, I doubt would have any concerns with you slipping away, Baldar will probably study his spell books or look for items he can make potions from. Kevan is the only one I would be concerned with. I doubt you offended him, though I honestly don't know. I can tell he seems to feel a kinship with you, and I'm guessing he will be upset if he thinks you've put yourself in danger, and he wasn't around to protect you."

"I'm quite good with my crossbow, I can hit my target from great distances. I'll keep it close by and I'll be listening for any calls from you. Unfortunately, that's about the extent of the assistance I can offer you."

"After you've slipped away, I may inform Sourin of your mission, and have him ready to ride to your assitance as well."

With that Benton returns to the group, and starts his diversion. Kevan is a short distance from the group, already distracted working on the boars. "Probably also keeping his distance from Baldar. He was clearly annoyed at the Mage's condesention earlier".

"Mavirr, if your so hungry, why don't you get with Kevan and begin cutting up the meat to cook. Let him know if you have a preferred cut. Personally, I like the spare ribs, but I don't think we'll be here long enough to cook those."

Benton then walks over to the dwarf and pats him on the shoulder. "Your humor has been very entertaining. You remind me of my father - very dry sense of humor. I find it a bit ironic that the Priest has been more entertaining than the Bard. Of course most of the entertainment has come at the expense of the Bard" Benton chuckles.

"I've already gathered some firewood, but I'll need to get some more. Sourin, why don't you get some rocks to put around the fire, and then help me build the spit to cook the meat on."

Last edited by Breeze : 08-18-2004 at 05:48 AM.
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Old 08-18-2004, 08:16 AM   #211
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Benton turns to Baldar, and starts to try a distraction on him, only to find the wizard already studying his spell book. A thought then came to the paladin and he decided to voice it hoping to further distract the Wizard and Ranger.

"Baldar, your idea of a potion giving the drinker the power of a boar is intriging. I think this should certainly be pursued. Why don't you talk with Kevan, find out what use he might have for the ivory, and see about getting at least part of the tusks for your potions."

Benton then says a little prayer that Baldar approaches the Wemic with at least a little humility. It may have been a bit early to pursue this since the Ranger was obviously a bit peturbed with the mage, but it will undoubtedly work to distract both parties.
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Old 08-18-2004, 08:37 AM   #212
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Benton also decides it might be prudent to voice these concerns.

As Baldar turns to talk with the Wemic, Benton calls his name and gets his attention again.

"Baldar, I appreciate your knowledge of magic and power you possess, but I would advise you to approach the Wemic with respect. His knowledge of the wilderness is unrivaled in this group, and his ability in combat should be obvious. Each of us has our stregths and the Wemic's shouldn't be ignored. Your opinioin that we not continue without a guide was not without merit, but it was presented in how should I say this....a condesending manor. I won't tell you to appologize, but I will suggest you realize the Wemic didn't take the sacastic remark well, and a bit of humility might go far in establishing a rapport, which would in turn would aid the party in the long run."

With that stated Benton looks around for Sourin and beings gathering more wood for the fire.

JAG hope it's ok I added in some of your characters reactions.
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Old 08-18-2004, 08:42 AM   #213
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Wow ~ good stuff, Breeze!
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 08-18-2004, 08:59 AM   #214
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Soriun ties up his pony, and listens to Benton. When he is finished, he frowns for a moment, and then speaks. "A warpriest must keep a light heart, or risk madness. One cannot be exposed to this life for long and not have some release." He stops speaking, and closes his eyes for a moment, whispering a silent prayer. "I will now help you build a fire as you requested. Maybe we can use the bards instruments to feed the flames?" Soriun walks off to gather stones, but keeps his weapons with him.
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Old 08-18-2004, 09:22 AM   #215
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Not a problem Breeze.

Sighing at the interuption to his studies, Baldar fixed Benton with a frosty glare and said, "Our 'esteemed' guide made it clear that the tusks will remain unused until the party decides what to do with them. For now, I cannot produce the potion anyway. I require a second main ingredient, one which will pull the essence from the tusk. Fortunately, there are any number of potential things which could do so. Anything with enough acidity will do. Blood from some beasts would do, as would the roots or leaves of certain plants. I would have expected to come along one particular bush already in this landscape. Nevertheless, I may as well go and 'beg' him for some of the tusk so I have it ready."

Baldar turned to leave when he heard the Paladin shout for him. He sighed again and returned to hear his words. Interesting. After applying cold logic, he realized the wisdom behind the words and realized he had been foolish in his pride. The Wemic may be intentionally goading him, but he had little to gain by reacting in such a way, especially if the spoils the party found were to be split at the Wemic's discretion. Asking that he be humble was too much to stomach, but he could at least make an effort to be more civil and get on the Wemic's good side. He watched Benton walk away and felt newfound admiration for the paladin.

Baldar approached the Wemic a little tentatively and watched as he was preparing the meat to be cooked. His stomach roiled a bit at the stench of the uncooked boar. Trying to strike a concilatory tone, he turned to the ranger and said, "Wem--Kevan, when you have finished with the meat, I would like to speak again to you about the tusks. If no one else wants them, I can use them to aid the party by making Potions of Battle Ferocity. Even if someone would like them, all I would require as a component to a potion is half of one tusk, so you may decide as you will how best they can be split up. A further question before you answer: do you know if there are any Wignanty Bushes around here? The spiny leaves from them would allow me to complete the potions. I would've thought to see them already on our journey, but your knowledge of the land is certainly greater than mine and perhaps you could tell me if we can expect to come across one soon."
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:30 PM   #216
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Excellent stuff, guys. Way to pick it up. And JAG gets 100 extra experience points for the use of the terms “roiling” and “Wignanty Bushes.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Content that the various deployments of the group gave the intended impression, Puli slipped away back down the route they had come. As he moved slowly from point to point, blending with the various features and lay of the land, his mind transported him back to his native Cross-Kir, and the joys of moving silently through the jagged gorges near his home. When he stopped, patiently sinking into stillness, his eyes would return to the position of the observer.

From a distance, it was evident that this human was one familiar with the surroundings, skirting from position to position with the ease of a native. Clearly, whomever they were, they were intent on maintaining a vigil, but after awhile Puli began to surmise that the intruder was acting alone. Then, to the monk’s surprise, the observer made a relatively-brazen move to get one final, closer look, and then moved swiftly off to the east and eventually disappeared.

After an appropriate period of delay, Puli returned to the encampment. The fire that was already going suggested one possibility: that the observer was convinced the quest party was staying put for awhile. With that in mind, the old Kir moved toward the wemic, catching the gaze of the paladin as well and gesturing for a conference. With a look of moderate interest at the ranger’s knife-work on the boar, Puli spoke,

“Kevan…I have observed our follower for some time. I believe it to be a human, and that he – I have come to think of it as a ‘he’ although I cannot confirm that – is acting alone as a scout of some kind. He moves with the familiarity and mannerisms of a native, and is clothed in a way so as to blend in with his surroundings. I believe he verified our intent to encamp here, and then withdrew promptly to the east. I saw no other indications of pursuit.”

At that, the monk sat down, and awaited the comments of his comrades.
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:57 PM   #217
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The smell of cooking boar wafted into Soriun's flat nose. "All of this outfoxing has left me hungary. I say we stay here and eat." In a flash, the dwarf had his dagger out, headed menacingly for the defenseless meat.
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Old 08-18-2004, 11:45 PM   #218
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Mavirr happily sat around the campfire and munched away on his piece of meat. The boar meat. He looked around him, and saw that everyone was present. After he finished chewing some of the boar meat, Mavirr spoke:

"Looks like I can't take anyone else's portion, huh?" He grinned at Soriun, since he noticed that Soriun seemed to have plenty of remarks to fling towards Mavirr's direction. The smell of boar meat was a pleasant one for him, as it was the first food he could remember eating. Before the rest of the heroes could finish, Mavirr thought he would bring up an important point regarding the spy.

"Friends, I trust that you all still remember the spy that Puli recognized in the distance, following our every move? The very same spy that resulted in our encampment here." Mavirr paused to look around at the faces of the heroes. He wanted to make sure everyone still remembered the spy, although he wasn't getting the response he had hoped for. Instead of agreeing nods, Mavirr saw disgusted shakes of the head from a couple of the heroes. They must be thinking about the despicable spy when they shake their heads like that, thought Mavirr.

"With regards to this spy, even though we haven't heard from him recently, I think he may pose a threat to the group." He paused momentarily to look over his shoulder, just to make sure the spy wasn't watching him just then, and spoke in a slightly lower tone:

"I think that we should still keep an eye out for him. As some of us thought before, maybe he was but one of a giant group of nomads? What if they decide to ambush us? I think we should take turns keeping watch over the camp throughout the night." Mavirr proudly stood up and nodded his head up and down a few times, under the impression that he just presented the most important piece of wisdom that some of these heroes have ever heard. At least, coming from him.

"Are you friends in agreement?" Mavirr turned his head to look at each one of the heroes, some of whom were still finishing their boar meat, and waited for a response.

Last edited by MikeVic : 08-18-2004 at 11:48 PM.
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Old 08-19-2004, 10:14 AM   #219
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Benton scratches his head, as much to consider what Puli whispered to him as to try and figure out if Mavirr was serious. Benton decides to acknowledge the bard and by doing so hopefully, dismiss him from the conversation.

"Thank you Mavirr. Your observations are....(a pause) very observant. We will keep that in mind."

Then Benton looks at Puli and nods. He turns to Kevan and whispers so only Puli and Kevan can distinguish his words, "The fact our spy on the hill left leads me to believe, one of three things. One, he has grown board watching us and is looking for something more entertaining - maybe grass growing. Two, he figures we will be camping here for a while, giving him time to rest and eat, and still allowing him to follow us later. Three, he gone back to his village and is in the process of setting up an ambush. Kevan you interact with these people more than I do, but it seems to me the options I listed fit in with Human Nature. Because you are more familier with the terrain, natives and journey we will be taking, I'll follow your course of action, but we should consider a couple of things."

"If he is setting up an ambush, leaving immediately might allow us to pass the area he has chosen to attack, before he realizes we have left our encampment. If we take a path that would be out of the ordinary, we may avoid the location as well. If our spy has grown board, leaving early will only get us further on our journey, and the only problem would be the potential gripping of Sourin, Mavirr or Baldar. Since we are also basically racing against an unknown group, it might be in our best interest to head out and try to reach our destination first."

"As I said, these are my thoughts - you know better than I. What are your thoughts?" Benton says this looking at Kevan, but then he turns to Puli and says, "Your wisdom and experience should be considered as well, what thoughts have you?"

Last edited by Breeze : 08-19-2004 at 11:32 AM.
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Old 08-21-2004, 05:44 AM   #220
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Responding to Baldar while Boar chopping:

Kevan turns toward Baldar and listens. As the mage finish, Kevan hands over the tusks and responds, "Use what you need. I have no need for these tusks but I would ask, however, that you verify with the rest of our group before you use all of it. Particularly, the priest Soriun and the Old Father. Benton Gale will probably have no use for them, either, and the songmaker will probably think them nice trinkets." Kevan raises his eyebrow and thinks for a moment before continuing, "once we enter Wootmerry, we should be able to find some Wignanty Bushes."

. . .

Responding after Puli comes back:

"Now that we have all rested a bit, I say we continue on our path as soon as our meals are sufficiently cooked," responds Kevan, "we can finish our meals as we travel. We will have a headstart before our guest return. And time is of the essence. Before nightfall, we should be within the Wootmerry area with more available water sources. We can camp there for the night."

Pausing as if a thought struck, "however, I would leave our current camp as is. Perhaps, if our guest return, he or she will continue to watch this area and give us a bit of a headstart. During the journey, Old Father and I can take turn doubling back on our trail to see if our guest has continue. On the other hand, I would not set any trap or ambush just yet. We do not know if they are friends or foes and we do not need to create unnecessary enemies in these lands."

Obviously, not to be confused with W00tmerry.

Last edited by daedalus : 08-21-2004 at 05:47 AM.
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Old 08-21-2004, 02:01 PM   #221
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Soriun wipes his mouth with his beard, drops his plate and stands before the group. "We need to decide on a plan, and we need someone to lead this group. I for one believe that everyone here has a good idea for what we should do, but we need one person to decide which course of action we are to take. As it stands, we are walking in circles.."

His fury subsided a bit, he turns to face the paladin.
"Benton Gale, your name has been mentioned as leader of this group. If there are no objections, will you act as this groups leader?"

Soriun stands firm, expecting the worst.

Last edited by sachmo71 : 08-21-2004 at 04:13 PM.
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Old 08-23-2004, 10:52 AM   #222
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Benton stares at the Dwarf. Though he agreed with the Priest’s feelings that the group needed a single decision maker, Benton was surprised the topic was brought up again so quickly. Benton was not concerned with the burden of making decisions, just the willingness of others to follow them. He had already witnessed several clashes of egos, and he fully understood they would continue.

Benton looks to the other party members for there reactions to the Priests request.

Benton figured the Wizard felt himself superior to everyone (in the party of out) and that he should be the leader. Of course the Wizard was also smart enough to know if he were leader he might find an axe, arrow, sword of some other item stuck deep in his back before the night was up – or worse find himself deserted in the wilderness. Benton guessed he would get no support here, but neither would anyone else.

Mavirr showed solid fighting skills and a nimbleness against the boar, and his music seems to inspire everyone when he plays during battle. He would probably support the Paladin, but unfortunately, his support won’t carry much weight because of some inane statements he’s already made.

It was impossible to read Puli, but Benton felt that the Monk would be supportive of any appointed leader, and he hoped the logically, unemotional, and wise Monk would help defuse any potential problems that might occur should Benton step up and take the leadership role.

Undoubtedly the Wemic felt a bond with Puli, and maybe that would help Benton. If Puli was going to support whoever the leader was, hopefully, Kevan would follow his lead. Benton hoped Kevan would support him, because he would be leaning heavily on the Wemic for advice in the wilderness.

Sourin, was still standing directly in front of the Paladin, with his hand clinched in fists and resting on his hips. It had only taken a second to scan the group, but the dwarf’s eyes made it seem like it had taken hours. The Priest would be Benton’s biggest ally as leader – in fact, Sourin would probably follow Benton through the gates of the nine hells if the situation required it.

Hopefully, Sourin’s strong support, Puli’s logical arguments, and Mavirr’s whimsical support would be enough to keep Baldar from bickering too much and Kevan from feeling slighted at not leading.

Benton smiles at the Dwarf, “Good Sourin, I gladly except the mantle of leader, and I believe Kevan’s suggestions are well thought. We should set out as quickly as possible, but let us add some more wood to the fire. We aren’t close to any brush that could start a wildfire. We won’t stoke it, so sparks shouldn’t be a problem, but it will keep going long enough to provide a diversion. Let’s get to Wootmerry before we make camp for tonight.”

Benton stands and begins to load up his horse. As he moves he looks to Kevan, “Ranger, could you get us started on our journey?”

Last edited by Breeze : 08-23-2004 at 11:09 AM.
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Old 08-23-2004, 11:10 AM   #223
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Originally Posted by WSUCougar
Breeze - Please edit your post to remove the reactions and positions of the other characters. It is certainly okay for Benton to speculate on these things, but it is up to the other players to post their actual responses.

(I'll delete this post shortly).

Edited. Sorry, thought I'd fill in the blanks a bit. My bad.

If there is still a problem let me know.
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Old 08-23-2004, 09:21 PM   #224
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Mavirr was slightly disappointed that his suggestion wasn't being considered, but that feeling left as quickly as the amount of time it took for him to think of the idea. He had heard everything that was said by Soriun and Benton in regards to the appointment of a new leader, and so spoke his thoughts:

"I for one do not care who leads us, as long as we get to our destination soon. Maybe they have some good ale we can use as celebration? I didn't want to say anything, but since the topic of ale has come up... I missed it while I ate the boar. Don't you all agree?" Mavirr quickly looked around at everyone and grinned at Soriun.

"I have travelled with a dwarf or two, and they have all expressed interest in ale. Maybe you have heard of one in particular?" Mavirr thinks hard for a second.

"I believe his name was Frederick Rowersarth." Mavirr turned towards Kevan.

"On the topic of leaders, I want to make myself clear that I don't think you're a bad leader. I'm just one for giving everyone a shot at fun activities." He smiled at the wemic and continued to talk.

"You know, I don't think there are many wemics-for-hire around Prytia. Is there a reason for this, Mr. Firestorm? Is it shunned in your group?" Mavirr waited for a couple of seconds before he turned his attention towards Puli.

"Oh wise man, you must tell me of some adventures you have come across in your far-off world. There certainly has to be something I can relay to other heroes that I will adventure with soon." He nodded at Puli and finished off his little speech.

"So, what's everyone's decision? I think Baldar might have the same feelings as myself, but I'm never sure about what that guy is thinking about."

Mavirr grinned at Baldar, and ran around the horses as he waited for the group to continue.
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Old 08-24-2004, 08:25 AM   #225
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Leadership problems? I thought we were an autonomous collective...

Baldar thanked the Wemic and assured him he would confirm with the remainder of the party, though he could hardly see what use the monk or dwarf would have with the tusks. Certainly he would've expected them to have mentioned it already if they did...

He turned as he heard the dwarf address the group. While he admittedly felt a smug satisfaction that the group was coming around to his original suggestion that Benton lead, his main thoughts now were: what madness was this? Was the dwarf upset at not being included in the others' discussion? Apparently he'd had his fill of the ranger's leadership, which Baldar could certainly understand, but shaming the Wemic in front of the group? Was it a push to get another who groveled in front of a diety in charge of the mission? And then Benton essentially giving Kevan orders after he had been following him moments earlier? Baldar sensed this was the beginning of the end for this party, for without the Wemic, there would be no guide.

Despite that, no acidic words of his would help this situation. His support for the Wemic would accomplish little but put Baldar on bad footing with the Paladin...if the Wemic didn't take offense and just leave the group. "Why couldn't you fools have agreed to have Benton lead when "I" recommended it?" Baldar raged silently to himself. He remained silent and stayed slightly away from the group, watching with some apprehension. Still, he had come to have faith in Puli's words to bridge the gap in disputes and hoped he could work his own magic again in this situation.

(edited to make the pronouns more clear)

Last edited by JAG : 08-24-2004 at 01:56 PM.
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Old 08-24-2004, 08:42 AM   #226
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Oops. I forgot that the ranger was supposed to be leading. Maybe that's the problem.
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Old 08-24-2004, 08:57 AM   #227
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Wouldn't you know it? A dwarf with selective memory.
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Old 08-24-2004, 09:41 AM   #228
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Benton, realizing this situation had become quite awkward, walked over to Kevan and asked, “Good Wemic, can I have a moment?”

At this point I’d like for Benton and Kevan to move away from the group so a private conversation can take place, but I won’t assume Kevan follows Benton for the talk. I'll wait for Daed's response.
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Old 08-24-2004, 01:09 PM   #229
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As the wemic commented on strategy and departing sooner rather than later, the old monk nodded slowly in agreement. He felt this the wisest choice, and eyed the others to make one final assessment of this. It was thus with surprise that he saw the dwarf rise up and angrily state his impatience.

The moment was an awkward one, and Puli knew not what would follow. He had little experience with dwarven companions, and wasn’t sure if this sudden testiness was typical or not.

Yet beyond a successive trading of glances and the prattle of the bard, no one said anything. When the paladin moved toward the wemic, Puli’s eyes tracked him with great curiousity. He waited for a few more silent moments, then turned to the dwarf.

“Soriun, do you feel it unwise to follow the course of action suggested by our wemic guide? For I do not. Neither do I wish to expend greater energy and time in squabbles over who will be the one voice that leads this quest.” He paused to pull the scroll from his few belongings, and then pointed it – albeit gently - at the dwarf.

“This, I believe, is our leader. It will guide us clearly once we arrive at its markings. Until that time, Kevan Firestorm has been tasked to take us there. He is most familiar with this surrounding wasteland. Perhaps, in matters of travel, he should steer our course without hesitation or question, and in all else we defer to the leadership of Benton Gale.”

The old monk rose to his feet, brushing a bit of dust off his legs. “In any case, our unknown visitor is not long gone…we should be away.”
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 08-24-2004, 03:59 PM   #230
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The dwarf remained standing, arms folded. This was no way to run an operation, he thought!

After listening to the reception of his tirade by the group, he listened to what Pulti had to say. He had nothing against the Wemic personally, but he didn't believe leading by committee was an effective tactic.

"Well Pulti, I could care less if it were Kevan making the decisions or the bard. I want the discussions about every choice we make to end. I realize this is not a military formation," he said with a bit of a sneer, "but we will never get anywhere if we discuss every little thing!"

He clenched his fists, willing himself to calm. Humans were so infurating!

He took a deep breath, and then continued. "We need to recognize one person to make the final choice. Do we stop and camp, or do we continue to ride? However this leader decides to make the choice is not my concern. That he does make it is. I hope I've made myself clear, but if everyone starts wandering off doing their own thing, we will end up dead. And Clangadin is not ready for me yet."

With a smile, he turned back to the fire.

"Now, who was talking about ale?" he asked as he licked his lips.

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Old 08-25-2004, 05:02 AM   #231
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"Well said, Soriun Priest," Kevan responds as he stretches out. "As Old Father said, we DO have an unknown guest. If we are to stay ahead, we should get started." Turning toward the Paladin, Kevan answers, "yes, Benton Gale. I do believe it is a good time to go." With that, Kevan starts packing everything away.

Once all the packing is done, Kevan hands the reign to the pack horses to Mavirr and says, "Songmaker, if you could please continue to care for these animal. Thank you."

"Old Father," Kevan turns toward the old monk and speaks, "could you hang back with the Songmaker and the Mage to keep an eye out for our guest?"

Kevan moves toward the Paladin and the Dwarven Priest, "Benton Gale, Soriun Priest. Please follow me in front of our rear group. In case something unexpected pops up. Or in case I need to make a hasty retreat back. I will be moving back and forth to cover as much of our tracks as I can. Fear not for I will keep you abreast of the directions we are to head. If we can make good time, we can make camp by darkness."

The Ranger makes one last check of his equipment and heads out of the boulder formation carefully.

My barding are fully on. My two longswords are strapped across my shoulders. The quarterstaff has been put away on the pack horses. My throwing axes are strapped onto my leather vest, in easily reachable positions for a quick draw. My new bow is in-hand and quiver across my back. Oh, I've taken one of my vials of sweetwater from the pack horses and it's on my person.
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Old 08-25-2004, 06:04 AM   #232
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OK, I'm going to assume Kevan's comments above occur as Benton and Kevan return from their quick private conversation.


Benton smiled at the Wemic. Their moment to clairfy the leadership situation had gone well and Benton appreciated the Ranger returning to the group as if nothing had happened. He also appreciated the way Kevan had agreed with his suggestion to get rolling.

Benton mounts his horse and gently pats the horse's neck. He slips his arm through the shield's straps and grabs the reigns. He quickly checks to make sure his longsword is strapped to his side. He knew it was, but the touch of the hilt provides the warrior with a since of comfort. He places his trusty crossbow and quiver in easy reach. He turns to Sourin and says quitely. "Sourin, I know you are growing impatient with the party's progress, and I agree it's been trying. We have quite a diverse group, and the personalities are difficult to manage. I understand your frustrations. I also realize you'd prefer that I lead."

"In my conversation with Kevan, we quickly discussed our situation and I believe we have come to an agreement that will be quite beneficial for all of us. Rest assured that noone will be taken advantage of, and that all our strength's will be maximized. If you develop any concerns let me know what they are. I promise they will not be taken lightly. Your experience and focus are attributes that will be leaned upon heavily."

"I plan for all of us to see this quest through, and I'll do everything I can to make that happen. In fact, as long as I'm alive - you can tell Clangadin that he'll have to wait a bit longer for your presence."

Benton thinking about Kevan's comment....

"Benton Gale, Soriun Priest. Please follow me in front of our rear group. In case something unexpected pops up. Or in case I need to make a hasty retreat back. I will be moving back and forth to cover as much of our tracks as I can. Fear not for I will keep you abreast of the directions we are to head. If we can make good time, we can make camp by darkness."

...asks, "Kevan, if you end up needing to make a hasty retreat, do you have a call or signal you can give us that won't alert any other potentially dangerous foes in the area? A yell would undoubtedly draw unwanted attention, perhaps a tiger growl or a bird call?"

"If I know your retreating our way, I can draw my crossbow and fire at whatever is following you, or conceal my possition and strike the enemy as he passes."

Last edited by Breeze : 08-25-2004 at 08:02 AM.
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Old 08-25-2004, 07:28 PM   #233
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Turning to face the Paladin, Kevan replies, "If you would like to avoid attention, a roar from Lord Firemane's own would be the last thing to ask for, Benton Gale. I will call out, if needed. Though I will likely not do so by name since, like you, I would prefer to keep the advantage of surprise. More than likely, you will hear the noises of my retreat beforehand any way. If such a situation occur, do not rush out to me. Rather, stay your position and take the best advantage possible of my flight. For I will surely bring them by your position."

Last edited by daedalus : 08-25-2004 at 07:29 PM. Reason: because haste makes waste
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Old 08-25-2004, 07:59 PM   #234
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Benton nods at the Wemic, "I'll be prepared if the situation calls for me to act."

Then he looks at the other party members and states, "Gentlemen, let's get a move on. We need to make haste. Finish with your packing so we can be on our way."
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Old 08-25-2004, 09:38 PM   #235
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Mavirr took the reins of the pack horse and jumped onto his horse.

"Well then, now that we have decided to move along, we should still be on the look-out for that thief." He looked around at the other heroes, and licked his lips.

"I can't believe no one brought ale." He frowned a bit, and then jumped off his horse. Mavirr picked up a couple of sharp rocks that were laying by the boulder, and put them in his pocket. He then jumped back on the horse.

"I have great aim for a rock-throwing bard! I think these may come in handy, in case we want to anger some nomads." Mavirr grinned at Soriun and then winked.

"It seems like some of our heroes have a knack for angering others." He winked at Soriun again and slowly trotted to ride behind the wemic and Paladin.
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Old 08-27-2004, 05:27 AM   #236
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Benton takes a deep breath, a cross between a sigh and an attempt to calm himself. The slow movement of the party was becoming frustrating. How long does it take to pack? (Don't ask my wife that question).

Benton thinks, "Do the others not realize our attempts to leave before the watcher on the hill returns, are predicated on moving quickly?"
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Old 08-27-2004, 05:31 AM   #237
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Benton decides to prod the slow movers a bit. He turns to Mavirr and says loud enough that everyone can hear, "Mavirr, you know this spy of ours could be one of the cannibal tribes. They have been known to ambush travellers, skin them alive, eat them and then use their skins to repair the huts they live in."

"I also hear they use hair to make ropes."

Benton begins laughing on the inside.
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Old 08-27-2004, 06:29 AM   #238
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When the bard mentioned 'thief', Baldar's eyes narrowed as he recalled another bard's theft of his greatest magical possession, a ring of ancient powers of which he could barely grasp at, passed down to him from his first teacher of magic many years ago. Old Rinehilter had seen the spark of greatness in Baldar and passed the ring on to him at the conclusions of his studies. The old man had done little research on the ring, knowing only with great study and experience in magic could its secrets be unlocked. But it was easy to sense the strong magic emanating from the ring and Baldar hungered to determine the extent of its abilities. He had barely begun the process, able to create a light from the ring at will with his command, when he met Renaldo the Fire Bard...

Baldar angrliy shook himself from his reverie and finished putting away his spellbook. After doing so, he opened his robe slightly and pulled out a small rope. Taking the tusks he acquired from Kevan, he tied them together with the rope and attached the other end to a loop in the robe. They felt a little cumbersome, but he felt better about having them close to his person than attached to his accursed animal. With his preparations complete, he moved to his horse, ready to depart with the rest of the party.
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Old 08-30-2004, 11:44 AM   #239
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I think we are just waiting on Puli, but it does take old people a while to get moving so we'll give him a break.
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Old 09-01-2004, 05:27 AM   #240
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Traveling lightly as he did, it was only a matter of moments before the old Kir monk was ready to be on his way.

It was satisfying that the leadership crisis had been passed, at least for the moment. If the goal of this quest was as significant as Lord Pelspin had suggested, the challenges that awaited them in Wootmerry were not mere trifles. He was pleased at the paladin's role in this.

As they began to move off, Puli's attention turned again to the follower. He sought him out, but there was no sign of his presence. Yet surely the individual was reporting back to his tribe?

The group continued to move through the rough terrain without incident. As indicated, the monk and the wemic took turns rotating back to see if they were being followed, but other than a random bird or lizard there was little else anywhere near them.

As the sky began to grow dimmer, Puli spoke up to Benton. "We should find out tonight the final assessment of our unknown visitor from earlier today. A low or sheltered place for the fire - and one that is defensible, of course - would be advisable. How do you wish to guard our encampment?"
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 09-01-2004, 07:03 AM   #241
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Benton, listening to Puli, thought about the options for defending the encampment. He looked around at the other 5 travellers and realized their skills may work perfectly for this situation.

Benton answers Puli but also directs his comments to the group, "We need to have Kevan find the location for the encampment. After we get the location selected and the camp set up, we'll go with 4 resting and 2 on-guard through the night. The guards will be split into two groups, in camp guards and perimeter guards. Since Kevan, Mavirr, and you can move quitely, we'll let the 3 of you alternate as perimeter guards. Sourin, Baldar and I will take turns as in camp guards."

Benton completely trusted the Monk and Wemic working on the perimeter, but he wasn't so comfortable with the Bard. Having seen Mavirr in action, he appreciated his skill, grace and agility. Moving quitely probably wouldn't be a problem for Mavirr, but the thing that concerned the paladin was the possibilty Mavirr might do something boneheaded and put the entire group at risk. Until the bard proved reliable as a guard, Benton was going to take measures to insure the safety of the group. To minimize the risk, Benton decided to put the bard on the early watch. He figured the possibilty of attack would increase as the night grew longer. Plus by putting Mavirr on the first watch, Benton could pair him with Baldar, and simply pretend to sleep. By staying awake, he would provide an extra body for protection and a buffer in case Baldar needed additional time to cast a spell.

Benton says, "Mavirr, why don't you take the first perimeter watch. Simply move quitely around the campsite and look for potential dangers. If you notice any, return to the campsite and let the rest of us know. Don't try to be a hero and take care of the situation by yourself. You can't sing about your triumphs if your dead, and I can't carry a tune, so my singing about your deeds is out of the question."

"Baldar, you take the first in camp watch. I'll take the second in camp and Sourin you take the 3rd."

Benton then walks over to Puli and Kevan, he says "I honestly don't care how the two of you split up your watch. Puli you might want to go opposite me, so Kevan can rouse the 3rd shift sleepers and get the group back on the road in the morning, but if you prefer to go the other way, I don't have a problem with that."

Then moving even closer so he could converse with Kevan and Puli in a tone the others couldn't hear, Benton added, "I trust your skills and intelligence, and if the opportunity presents itself, feel free to gather additional information on our unwanted guest...(pause) or guests at this point. I'm not going to make this offer to Mavirr yet. Hopefully in the future I can. I believe he's quite skilled, but I'm not convenced he makes good decissions."
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Old 09-01-2004, 11:43 AM   #242
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Mavirr happily jumped off his horse, and let the reins go of the pack-horse. He quickly walked over to Benton and saluted him.

"I accept the important task of being the first perimeter guard!" He looked over at the other heroes, and said: "Of course, that must have been an easy choice for you. Why wouldn't you want the slick moving, slick talking, super-humanly observant bard to trust your lives with?" Mavirr cocked his nodding head to the side and gave a big smile.

"I will begin my duties right away, and notify the rest of you if I spot something." Mavirr pulled his recorder out from a bag.

"If I see anything, I will give a high-pitched sound on my musical instrument here. If no one has responded in a couple of moments, I will retreat back to camp to inform you all." Mavirr looked at Baldar and continued to speak:

"Good luck with your interior defending! Don't hesitate to call for my help if you need it." He thought about this for a second and then finished off by saying: "Well, not that you'll be in any danger, since I'll spot any bad guy first." He grinned at Baldar and ran off to the perimeter.
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Old 09-01-2004, 12:01 PM   #243
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Baldar sighed. Paired with the bard of all the companions. At least he would be off scouting the perimeter and away from himself. As soon as his companions drifted off to sleep, he planned to pull out his spellbook and finish going over his studies for the new day in between making sure things were alright within the immediate camp. They were likely to meet up with new dangers tomorrow if today was any indication and he felt unprepared with the spells he had studied for today. Still, if the local nomads wished to disturb his party, they would be in for a fiery greeting...

Last edited by JAG : 09-01-2004 at 12:02 PM.
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Old 09-01-2004, 12:39 PM   #244
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Benton runs after Mavirr hoping to tell him to make his recorder sound like a bird call rather than a high pitched note, but the bard had disappeared into the surrounding brush. Benton felt there was less risk in allowing him to hit is high note IF he sees something then their was shouting for him and attracking the attention of anyone in the area. With a sigh he returns to the camp.
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Old 09-01-2004, 12:44 PM   #245
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Technically the group is not yet encamped, since Kevan has not selected the location as yet. Not a big deal, but just an FYI in terms of my responses as DM (or lack thereof).
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 09-01-2004, 12:52 PM   #246
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I was afraid of that. Now we'll have to chase that Bard down and tell him we haven't selected the camp site yet.

Nice to get things moving again though.

What will we do, have Kevan describe the site when he posts?
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Old 09-01-2004, 12:56 PM   #247
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Hah. I guess someone better go find Mavirr then.
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Old 09-01-2004, 01:15 PM   #248
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Baldar cursed himself for not having his Bigby's Bard Locating spell memorized...

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Old 09-01-2004, 01:17 PM   #249
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Originally Posted by JAG
Baldar cursed himself for not having his Bigby's Bard Locating spell memorized...

Hey that spell might come in handy when you try to get that bastard bard that stole your ring!!! Oh just thought I'm not supposed to know about it.

Last edited by Breeze : 09-01-2004 at 01:20 PM.
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Old 09-01-2004, 01:27 PM   #250
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Hey, don't make fun of my Special Character Insight moment.
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