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Old 03-05-2022, 08:24 AM   #151
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For Mori'an, who failed to rig the Tournament:

"Well, we're not surprised. We really didn't think you could do it. We were just testing you. We sent several contestants out to rig this tournament and we really didn't know who to place our bets on, but we do now. You're the only one with the guts to take on this mission and return. Congratulations. Here is your gold. You've earned it."

He adds 10g.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-05-2022, 08:25 AM   #152
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For Thudak, who did actually rig the Tournament:

"Way to go! I knew we chose the right person for this. Here is your gold. You've earned it."

Tudak gains 10g, but also gains 2 Tournament Points (to help achieve victory in the tournament).
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-05-2022, 08:26 AM   #153
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So, being a bad guy appears to pay off.

Also, everyone could have afforded to take that rest. I'm only slightly concerned about Tsavani and Astrid at the moment.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-05-2022, 08:35 AM   #154
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Astrid took another 1g off of them as they walked away. Atta girl.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-08-2022, 06:01 AM   #155
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Monday, March 7

Apologies for the delay here. I hit the airport first thing yesterday morning. I completed the calendar task at the airport but I ran into problems here in California and didn't get around to posting the results.

The first event of the Tournament of Lords is archery. It is rather laid-back and less of spectacle since so many have signed up. This is a task meant to weed out a good chunk of the competition. To qualify for the next round, I have to meet some minimum criteria. I see many people walk away disappointed.

Take aim and let arrows fly. D20+DEX three times.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.

Last edited by Poli : 03-08-2022 at 06:01 AM.
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Old 03-08-2022, 06:09 AM   #156
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A min score of 40 is needed. In the event any of our adventurers don't get 40 in the first three tries, they can pay 1 gold to the official to get another shot.

7 of the 11 nail this without losing gold. I'll list them by the scores.

Wolfrik 59
Mori'an 54
Thudak 52
Lyric 49
Syntax 43
Zilmora 42
Astrid 41

Zilmora could have blown the doors off the competition using the spell quicken, but it wasn't necessary. What was necessary was Astrid and her luck. She got a 1 on the last roll, only to bounce back with a modified 6...just enough to clear the threshold.

Tsavani (52) and Sir Gareth (49) barely missed on the first three shots. The fourth secured it. Faris was way behind the mark but nailed the final shot as well (42) to be clear the minimum.

The Professor needed two shots as he got off to a terrible start (2, 5) and finally made it through.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-08-2022, 06:13 AM   #157
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Tuesday, March 8

The next event I must compete in to qualify for the finals is armored combat. Many back down due the risk of injury or death. I only need one victory to move on. I step into the ring to face my opponent. She has a stern look of determination on her face. She will not go easy on me or give up.

Engage in combat.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-08-2022, 06:17 AM   #158
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Sounds like combat will run differently today.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-08-2022, 06:26 AM   #159
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For today, combat will still require a good attack (d20+attack). A hit roll with damage after. Damage will continue to add per round until a total of 15 is dealt.

For defense, this is the odd thing, I'll roll d20 against the adventurer's defense. If the roll is lower than the defense, no damage is taken. If it's higher, they'll take d4 damage.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-08-2022, 07:44 AM   #160
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This battle was quick and easy for Sir Gareth (3 rounds total, no damage), Tsavani (3 rounds, used Death Touch), Mori'an (2 rounds), and Lyric (2 rounds with an insult to boot).

Zilmora took no damage, but only thanks to casting Arcane Armor. It took her 7 rounds to get past the warrior.

Thudak (-2HP), Faris (-2HP), Wolfrik (-3HP), Astrid (-4HP), and the Professor (-5HP) all took lumps but moved on.

The big loser here, though, was Syntax. Everyone's favorite robot could not land hits on the warrior. He took 9 damage before finally using his flamethrower skill to knock out the final 3 points of damage.

Syntax loses 3 gold as a result. He uses a health potion to recover 4HP. Astrid took a potion as well to recover 5.

This battle did see the reappearance of Faris's weasel...who popped out to help Faris land a blow.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2022, 06:22 AM   #161
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Wednesday, March 9

The next event of the qualifying rounds of the Tournament garners many more spectators. Everyone enjoys a jousting competition.

Many who win this day but go no further will often become famous and recognized in their home towns. The skill to joust is perceived as a high honor in these lands.

I am to

1) Lance my enemy to knock them off their horse. D20+STR+Athlete.


2) Avoid getting hit and stay on my horse. D20+DEX+Animal Tamer


3) Endure many rounds of the joust. D20+CON+Athlete
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2022, 07:20 AM   #162
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1) The chance to lance (I know, I know) goes reasonably well. Zilmora (6) and Mori'an (3) are the only ways to fail miserably. They missed the target and get struck hard. -2HP.

The Professor (16), Wolfrik (21), and Astrid (17) get direct hits into their opponent's chest. The jouster is thrown off the horse. The crowd explodes in cheers and applause.

Sir Gareth (13), Tsavani (11), Syntax (8), Thudak (9, he was the favorite going into this with a +5 modifier), Lyric (12), and Faris (12) all scored hits but the resulting vibration stings to the core. The crowd cheers, but they'll never know the pain they are in. -1HP.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2022, 07:23 AM   #163
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2) Avoid getting hit in this round. Sir Gareth (5), The Professor (3), and Faris (6) all got knocked off their horse and lose this round. -2HP.

Tsavani (25, the favorite with a +6 modifier), Thudak (21), Lyric (23), Wolfrik (22), Zilmora (21), and Astrid (21) all block the enemy's lance with their shield. They ride strong to the end.

Syntax (8) and Mori'an (14) got hit but managed to stay on to the horse. -1HP.

Without a doubt a good round for most.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2022, 07:28 AM   #164
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3) Endure many rounds of jousting. The Professor (0), Thudak (7), and Zilmora (6) grow tired from the many rounds while wearing the heavy armor in the hot sun. It takes a toll. -2HP.

Sir Gareth (14) fares a bit better, but still struggles. -1HP.

Tsavani (21), Syntax (17), Mori'an (21), Lyric (16), Faris (17), Wolfrik (22), and Astrid (20) all pace themselves through the day. They never wear down.

Another great round.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2022, 07:32 AM   #165
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My record keeping might be off, but in terms of today it appears Wolfrik and Astrid were damage free and the big winners. Both had modifiers that helped in one or all areas, but their rolls came in such a way it wasn't needed.

Wolfrik no damage taken
Astrid no damage taken

Tsavani -1HP
Lyric -1HP

Syntax -2HP

Mori'an -3HP
Thudak -3HP
Faris -3HP

Sir Gareth -4HP
The Professor -4HP
Zilmora -4HP
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2022, 07:56 AM   #166
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Sir Gareth recovers 6hp with a potion.
Professor recovers 4hp with a potion.
Thudak recovers 5hp with a potion.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-09-2022, 08:55 AM   #167
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Characters are running out of potions, so this Tournament may eventually weed one or two of them out.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-11-2022, 07:54 AM   #168
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I got tied up with flying home. I'll post yesterday's action and today's action shortly.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-11-2022, 08:05 AM   #169
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Thursday, March 10

The final qualifying round is a magic challenge. Many come to spectate this event. Kids enjoy seeing rare magic. Adults gauge their betting chances for the rest of the Tournament. I stand on the field ready to blast targets with fireballs, transform animals, levitate objects, and anything else asked for.

1) Choose the right spells for the task. D20+INT+Student

2) Channel arcane energy for each spell. D20+WIS+Arcane Adept

3) Put on a good show for the crowd. D20+CHA
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-11-2022, 08:11 AM   #170
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Choose the right spells. For The Professor (7) and Mori'an (5), perhaps they were just nervous. Instead of transforming a chicken, they hit it with a fireball. This close range action ends up hurting them as well. -2HP.

Sir Gareth (9), Tsavani (13), Syntax (9), Zilmora (9), and Astrid (11) had a task to destroy dummy targets. They instead levitated them. Realizing the mistake, they sent the targets high into the air so they'd crash back down and be destroyed. A great adjustment, but one that ends up costing them 1HP as they're hit with some of the debris as it shot out.

Thudak (17), Lyric (17), Faris (16), and Wolfrik (16) exhibited perfect control and magical knowledge during this challenge. No issues at all.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-11-2022, 08:14 AM   #171
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Channel arcane energy. Sir Gareth (5), Mori'an (4), and Lyric (1) had spells backfired. The uncontrolled energy damaged them instead of being controlled. -2HP.

The Professor (10), Tsavani (12), Faris (10), Wolfrik (12), and Astrid (12) struggled to maintain concentration. Eventually they're mentally fatigued and get small dose of the energy backfeeding into themselves. -1HP.

Syntax (17), Thudak (16), and Zilmora (16) have a perfect balance of concentration and skill. No issues.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-11-2022, 08:17 AM   #172
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Put on a good show. Zilmora and Syntax provide impressive performances. Adding the right amount of flair and drama to work up the crowd. The judges clearly enjoyed the show.

Tsavani, Mori'an, and Wolfrik gave an entertaining show, but a bit more color and spark would have really pleased the audience.

The rest just didn't really impress. They accomplished the tasks, perhaps with a mistake or two along the way, but nothing to write home about.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-11-2022, 08:18 AM   #173
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They all move on to the next round, but Tsavani and Mori'an each take a health potion to recover 5HP.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-11-2022, 08:20 AM   #174
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Friday, March 11

The final events of the Tournament of Lords have begun. The first is a hectic free for all combat. I and the other contestants are pitted against each other in the colosseum.

Of note, I'll be up against a fighter, a champion, and a FLIPPING TIGER.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-11-2022, 02:44 PM   #175
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Combat tonics, aimed to help provide a boost for hitting the opponent, were consumed (and needed) by The Professor and Tsavani. Astrid used a Dragon Fire potion to ensure damage. Sir Gareth depleted his spell points ensuring hits and damage were enough. Faris used her precise aim. Syntax used 10 of his 23g to ensure victory as well. I went all out to ensure victory here because each kill represented a tournament point.

The results were fantastic. Sir Gareth, Tsavani, Syntax, Mori'an, Lyric, Zilmora, and Astrid all killed their opponents and gained 3 tournament points.

The Professor, Faris, and Wolfrik each managed 2 kills and two tournament points. Faris and Wolfrik each took a point of damage as well.

Thudak, who rigged the tournament before it started and had 3 tournament points to start, had the worst day. 4 points of damage taken, 1 kill. Fortunate for him, the tiger had finished the other two off before Thudak took it out. Thudak is even with the others at 3 tournament points now.

Faris, as a result of the damage, went ahead and took a health potion and received 3HP.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-12-2022, 03:59 PM   #176
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Saturday/Sunday, March 12/13

I mount a chariot with the other contestants and begin racing around the arena. This is as much for show as it is to eliminate more contestants. The chariots are moving fast while spears fly through the air to try and cut down competitors.

1) Pull ahead in the race. D20+WIS+Animal Trainer

2) Avoid the hazards that could take me out. D20+DEX
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-12-2022, 04:06 PM   #177
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The Professor (17), Mori'an (19), Lyric (22), and Wolfrik (18) all pull ahead in the race. Impressive speed and excellent maneuvering through the crowd. While they gain 2 tournament points, they're now targets and suffer -2 to the next roll.

Sir Gareth (8), Syntax (8), Faris (11), Zilmora (11), and Astrid (13) all maintain their position in the middle of the pack. They gain a tournament point. Syntax used tinkerer to pull into this position.

Tsavani (7) and Thudak (3) got slowed down by the crowd and couldn't catch up. No tournament point for them, but they gain 2 to the next roll since they're not a target bringing up the rear.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-12-2022, 04:13 PM   #178
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Tsavani (17), Syntax (15), Mori'an (20), Thudak (23), Zilmora (22), and Astrid (19) all survive the demolition derby, so to speak. Making it to the end, they gain 1 tournament point. Syntax again used tinkerer to make it here...Syntax is down to 5g. Zilmora cast Quicken to get out of Dodge and away from everyone else.

Sir Gareth (9) and Faris (9) were knocked out by a combatant and lose 2HP.

The Professor (2), Lyric (3), and Wolfrik (7) all had their chariots flipped over and lose 3HP.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-12-2022, 04:18 PM   #179
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My unofficial tracker has the current tournament points:

Mori'an 6

Syntax 5
Lyric 5
Zilmora 5
Astrid 5

Sir Gareth 4
The Professor 4
Tsavani 4
Thudak 4
Wolfrik 4

Faris 3
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-12-2022, 04:21 PM   #180
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Lyric used a potion to recover 4hp.

Wolfrik used a potion to recover 8hp.
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Old 03-14-2022, 09:28 AM   #181
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Monday, March 14

The final contestants and I are pitted against a great surprise. As I catch my breath and await the final battle, the colosseum rumbles. The crowd goes silent. Then a deafening roar erupts from the tunnel as a gigantic cyclops lumbers into the arena.

Four rounds of combat. Let's go.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-14-2022, 10:28 AM   #182
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Zilmora was flawless today. Well timed attacks, enough damage to stun and survive. She provided the finishing blow to the cyclops and gained 5 tournament points. She was the the only adventurer to do so.

Tsavani and Astrid were just a tick behind Z. They both lost 1HP during the battle while also landing that finishing blow. They each gained 4 points.

Sir Gareth, Syntax, and Faris all killed the cyclops as well, but took more damage (-3, -3, and -2). They gained 3 points. Syntax spent 4g to make this happen. Faris used Nature's Healing after the battle and gained back 3HP.

The Professor, Mori'an, Lyric, and Wolfrik landed hits on the cyclops, but none of them actually killed it. That reward went to another competitor. 2 points each. The Professor lost 3hp. Mori'an (thanks to the bone shield spell), Lyric, and Wolfrik each lost 2hp.

Which leaves Thudak.

Thudak went on the attack early but missed. He was hit by a boulder and lost 2hp. He landed his next blow and stunned the cyclops briefly. The cyclops recovered quickly to avoid Thudak's next swing. It then smashed Thudak with it's mace and Thudak was suddenly down to 3hp. Thudak has one more shot to hit the cyclops. It's either the cyclops or Thudak. Thudak swings. Misses. The cyclops does not miss. It pulls Thudak apart as the battle ends.

RIP, Thudak. I guess cheaters don't win.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-14-2022, 10:30 AM   #183
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Zilmora 10

Astrid 9

Mori'an 8
Syntax 8
Tsavani 8

Lyric 7
Sir Gareth 7

The Professor 6
Wolfrik 6
Faris 6

Thudak 5 (RIP)
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-15-2022, 08:20 AM   #184
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Tuesday, March 15

Level Up

I've gained enough experience to increase my hero's level. Take a Rest as well.

Sorry, Thudak. You were one HP from making it.

All heroes will move to level 3. I will be able to spend two points improving their traits. I'll try and provide character updates for the 10 after the rest/traits are adjusted. Each character will have a few new things about them as well.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-15-2022, 02:35 PM   #185
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Sir Gareth Stalworth. I decided to improve each character's best and worst trait. +1 to STR and INT for Gareth. Divine grace granting a reroll is a big deal.

Sir Gareth Stalworth
Level 3

Str +3
Dex 0 (+1)
Con +1
Int 0
Wis 0
Cha 0

Virtue +3

Gold 21

HP 17/17 (18/18 with Belt of Champ)
Atk +4
Def 15
Dmg 2D6

Intimidating, +2 to threaten and intimidate.
Athlete, +2 to overcome physical and athletic hurdles.
Survivalist, +2 to survive while traveling.
Investigator, +2 to rolls to search and investigate.
Persuasive, +2 to rolls to persuade or convince.
Divine Grace: Once/page: reroll any die roll and take the new result.

Spell Points: 6
Spells: Divine Strike (1SP add current virtue to all attack rolls this page), Smite (1SP add current virtue to all damage rolls this page), Healing Light (1SP restore health by amount of current virtue).

Equipment and Loot:
Health Potion (2D4)
Aged Wine (D6 Charisma for page)
Belt of the Champ (+1HP, +1 DEX
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.

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Old 03-15-2022, 03:11 PM   #186
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The Professor got an improvement to Wisdom and Constitution. He gets a reroll ability as well, but it will cost him a spell point.

Professor Trynnicus Wyvern
Level 3

Str 0
Dex 0 (+1)
Con 0
Int +2
Wis +3
Cha -1

Virtue +3

Gold 16

HP 18/18
Atk +4
Def 14 (+1)
Dmg 2D8

Arcane Adept, +2 to handle or deal with magic.
Investigator, +2 to search or investigate.
Student, +2 to recall history or knowledge.
Firestorm, Once/page, D6 to a single damage roll
Lightning, Once/page, D6 to a single attack roll
Spell Points: 6
Spells: Stone Skin (1SP to reduce 4 points damage to 0, per page), Leaf on the Wind (1SP to gain +2 def/page), Channel Elements (1SP to reroll a die roll and take the new result).

Equipment and Loot:
1 ration
1 antidote
1 Dragon Fire (D4 damage for page)
Champion Shield, +1 DEF, +1 DEX
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-15-2022, 03:48 PM   #187
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Tsavani increased her Dexterity to +4 (+5 overall) and her Charisma to -1.

Tsavani Moonchaser
Level 3

Str 0
Dex +4 (+5)
Con 0
Int 0
Wis +1
Cha -1

Virtue +3

Gold 27

HP 19/19
Atk +4
Def 14
Dmg 2D6

Animal Tamer, +2 to train or handle animals
Danger Sense, +2 to avoid traps or surprises
Stealthy, +2 to sneak or remain hidden
Athlete, +2 to overcome physical and athletic hurdles
Death Touch, Once/page, add d6 to a single damage roll
Fierce Strike, Once/page, add d6 to a single attack roll
Chi Points: 4
Chi: Harmony, 1 Chi to remove poison or cursed condition
Chi: Evasion, 1 Chi to gain +4 defense this page.
Chi: Tranquility, 1 Chi to ignore all effects of Restrained, Weakened, Frightened, and Confused for the page.

Equipment and Loot:
1 health potion (2d4 HP)
1 Dragon Fire (D4 damage for page)
Utensils (10g)
Aged Wine (d6 Charisma for page)
Champion Shield, +1 DEF, +1 DEX
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.

Last edited by Poli : 03-15-2022 at 03:52 PM.
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Old 03-15-2022, 03:55 PM   #188
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Syntax increases Intelligence to +3 and Wisdom to -1. He gains the elixir ability to essentially regenerate health from gold spent. Love this bot. Tool Expert...I passed on these tools previously, but I'll have to pick them up next time.

Syntax 12B047-2
Level 3

Str +1
Dex +1 (+2)
Con +1
Int +3
Wis -1
Cha -1

Virtue +2

Gold 5

HP 19/19 (20 with Belt)
Atk +4
Def 14
Dmg 2D6

Locksmith, +2 to pick a lock.
Student, +2 to recall history or knowledge.
Investigator, +2 to search or investigate.
Tool Expert, Lockpick Tools and Map & Compass give an additional +3 bonus.
Artillerist (1 gold, add 1 to attack roll)
Tinkerer (1 gold, add 1 to any D20 roll on traits (ex: Str)
Flamethrower (1 gold, add 1 to a damage roll)
Armorer (2 gold, add 1 def for this page)
Elixir (1 gold, add 1 HP, up to max HP)

Equipment and Loot:
1 antidote
Utensils (10g)
Book (10g)
Belt of the Champ
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.

Last edited by Poli : 03-15-2022 at 03:55 PM.
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Old 03-15-2022, 04:06 PM   #189
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Mori'an is my new default bad guy since Thudak is gone. He'll take the road less traveled. We'll try and keep Syntax more neutral as well. He adds 1 to Intelligence and Charisma. He adds a new spell of blindness, which essentially guarantees a stealth win.

Mori'an Corvus
Level 3

Str 0
Dex +1 (+2)
Con +2
Int +3
Wis -1
Cha -1

Virtue 0

Gold 12

HP 21/21
Atk +3 (+4)
Def 13
Dmg 2D10

Arcane Adept, +2 to handle or deal with magic
Student, +2 recall history or knowledge
Leach Life, Kill an enemy and regain 1HP, up to max.
Blood Ritual, Once/page, reduce HP by 1 gain +2 on a roll.
Spell Points: 5
Spells: Bone Shield (1SP +2 def this page), Frighten (1SP, Add 20 to an intimidation roll), Drain Life (1SP, Additional D6 in damage. Gain that same amount in HP, up to the max), Blindness (1 SP, Add 20 to stealth roll).

Equipment and Loot:
1 aged wine (d6 cha for page)
1 antidote
1 health potion (2d4 HP)
book (10g)
Necklace of Luck
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 03-15-2022, 04:17 PM   #190
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Lyric, the infamous bard, will gain a point to Strength and Charisma. He gains the pickpocket ability...while this can ruin his virtue, I'm glad to have a second pickpocket. It's a fun mechanic. Full disclosure, his level 2 stats earlier were wrong. Not sure how I got them wrong, but I can confirm these are correct.

Lyric Stringwood
Level 3

Str 0
Dex +2 (+3)
Con -1
Int 0
Wis 0
Cha +3

Virtue +3

Gold 28

HP 17/17 (18)
Atk +5
Def 14
Dmg D12

Persuasive, +2 to persuade or convince
Athlete, +2 to overcome physical and athletic hurdles
Animal Tamer, +2 to train or handle animals
Charm, Once/rest, Add 15 to charisma roll.
Pickpocket, Gain d4 in gold. On a 4, lose 1 virtue.
Insult, once/page add D6 to any damage roll.
Sleepy Melody, Once/page, add D4 to any attack roll.
Dazzle, once per rest, add +2 def for the page.
Healing Melody, Once/rest, Restore D6 in HP.

Equipment and Loot:
1 Antidote
1 Aged Wine (d6 CHA for page)
1 Potion (2D4 HP)
1 Utensils (10g)
Belt of the Champ
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.

Last edited by Poli : 03-15-2022 at 04:18 PM.
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Old 03-15-2022, 04:22 PM   #191
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Faris gains Wisdom and Intelligence here. She gets a pet eagle as well. That sounds awesome. Hope we use it often.

Faris Leafwind
Level 3

Str 0
Dex +2 (+3)
Con 0
Int -1
Wis +3

Cha 0

Virtue +3

Gold 22

HP 17/17
Atk +4
Def 16, (17)
Dmg 2D6

Survivalist, +2 to survive while traveling
Animal Tamer, +2 to train or handle animals
Danger Sense, +2 to avoid traps and surprises
Athlete, +2 to physical and athletic hurdles
Nature's Healing, Once per rest, restore D4 health up to max
Animal: Weasel, Once/page, gain +2 to a single attack roll.
Precise Aim, Once per rest, Add +10 to one attack roll and +d4 to the damage roll
Animal: Eagle, Once/page, gain +2 to a single damage roll.

Equipment and Loot:
Champion Shield
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Last edited by Poli : 03-15-2022 at 04:23 PM.
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Old 03-15-2022, 04:28 PM   #192
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Wolfrik gains strength and charisma. His cool new toy is a prayer for Favor, which allows him to add 4 to any roll.

Wolfrik Grayhand
Level 3

Str +3
Dex +1 (+2)
Con 0
Int 0
Wis 0
Cha 0

Virtue +3

Gold 10

HP 21/21
Atk +4

Def 15 (16)
Dmg 2D8

Intimidating, +2 to threaten or intimidate
Athlete, +2 to overcome physical and athletic hurdles
Survivalist, +2 to survive while traveling
Divine Smite, Once/page, add d4 to a single damage roll
Healing Prayer, Once/rest, restore d4 Health
Holy Strike, Once/page, add d4 to a single attack roll
Pray for Favor, 2x per rest, add 4 to any die roll

Equipment and Loot:
Aged Wine (d6 CHA for page)
Book 10g
Champion Shield
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Old 03-15-2022, 04:38 PM   #193
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Zilmora, the ELF CHAMP (since killing that Cyclops anyhow lol), gains 1 to Wisdom (honestly, your name includes Wise, shouldn't that have been higher?) and to Constitution. Two more spells designed to help her win almost any roll she absolutely needs.

Zilmora the Wise
Level 3

Str 0
Dex 0 (+1)
Con -1
Int +2
Wis +3
Cha 0

Virtue +3

Gold 14

HP 16/16
Atk +4 (+5)
Def 14
Dmg 2D10

Arcane Adept, +2 to handle and deal with magic
Investigator, +2 to search and investigate
Student, +2 to recall history or knowledge
Illusion, Once/page add D4 to an attack roll
Force Bolt, once/page add d4 to a damage roll
SP: 6 SP
Spell: Arcane Armor, 1SP gain +6 defense this page
Spell: Quicken, 1SP gain 15 to all Dex rolls this page
Spell: Enchant, 1SP gain 15 to all CHA rolls this page
Spell: Divination, 1SP gain 15 to all WIS and INT rolls this page

Equipment and Loot:
Health Potion (2D4 HP)
Aged Wine (d6 CHA for page)
Utensils (10g)
Book (10g)
Necklace of Luck
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Old 03-15-2022, 04:45 PM   #194
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Astrid improves Wisdom and Dexterity. Overall, not a lot to be excited about except general improvements.

Astrid Swiftblade
Level 3

Str -1
Dex +4 (+5)
Con 0
Int 0
Wis -1
Cha +2

Virtue +1

Gold 30

HP 16/16 (17)
Atk +4
Def 15
Dmg 2D6

Stealthy, +2 to sneak and remain hidden
Persuasive, +2 to persuade or convince
Lucky, once/page, if you roll a 1 on a D20, reroll and take the new result
Pickpocket, Once/page when encountering a non enemy character, gain d4 in gold. If d4 is 4, lose 1 in Virtue.
Dodge, Once/page take 1/2 damage from a single source, round up
Locksmith, +2 to pick a lock
Sneak Attack, Once/page, add d4 to a single attack roll.
Athlete, +2 to rolls to overcome physical and athletic hurdles.
Poison Dagger, once/page, add d4 to a single damage roll

Equipment and Loot:
health potion (2d4 HP)
Aged wine (d6 CHA for page)
Combat tonic (d4 attack for page)
Belt of the Champion
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Old 03-16-2022, 08:14 AM   #195
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Wednesday, March 16

The people cheer as victory ceremonies have begun. The festival has come to a close and everyone has shown up today to view the winner of the Tournament of Lords. There is music in the air and happy faces everywhere.
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Old 03-16-2022, 10:23 AM   #196
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Zilmora, Astrid, Mori'an, Syntax, and Tsavani are all crowned champion! The crowd cheers and shouts their name. People bow as they walk by. Kids ask for their autograph. They have people ask to serve under them. Their title comes with a monetary award of 20g. They're told they will meet with the King's Council later to discuss land and duties.

The others (Lyric, Sir Gareth, The Professor, Wolfrik, and Faris) celebrate a near victory. A close finish, but they were just behind the combatant that was crowned the champion. Getting to this position is still a big deal. They have pride in their achievement but also disappointment for being unable to be crowned the champion. They're sure to be the prime choice for next year's tournament. They earn 15 gold.
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Old 03-16-2022, 10:28 AM   #197
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It should be noted, that had Thudak somehow won that final battle, he'd have still finished in a near victory position. He had a poor tournament overall, even with the tournament rigged in his favor.

There were three other scenarios we didn't visit as the result of the tournament.

0-3 tournament points would have net 5 gold as an able participant.

4-5 would have made them an honorable contender and 10 gold.

Perfection (11+) was possible without rigging, but required a clean sweep of all the activities. Zilmora was close at 10, but not finishing at the front of the pack in the chariot race cost her. A perfect tournament would lead to rumors that the Tournament was rigged or that there was a cheating scandal. The reward would have been 25 gold.
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Old 03-17-2022, 11:41 AM   #198
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Thursday, March 17

A loud bang, like an explosion of a thousand blacksmith hammers, is heard from above. The sky quickly grows dark and everyone looks up. A shockwave whips across the crowds with many being knocked down. The clouds begin to swirl and a loud wailing can be heard as I watch tiny objects fall from above. As they get closer to the ground, I can tell some of these objects are large stones...and others appear to be people??!!

1) Endure the shockwave. D20+CON+Danger Sense
2) Avoid the falling debris. D20+DEX+Danger Sense
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Old 03-17-2022, 01:00 PM   #199
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The unexpected shockwave that came from the sky isn't just knocking people down with physical force. As it cascades across the crowd, it is sapping the crowd's energy.

The Professor (2), Mori'an (7), Lyric (3), and Zilmora (0) all grow weak and light headed. They drop to the floor and hit their head on a rock. They lose 1HP and take a -2 penalty to the next roll.

Sir Gareth (14), Faris (11), and Astrid (13) all take a fall before no damage. They also get a -2 to the next roll.

Tsavani (17), Syntax (16), and Wolfrik (19) were able to brace themselves from falling over. They control their breathing until the moment passes (how does Syntax do that?).
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Old 03-17-2022, 01:04 PM   #200
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Before the roll, each adventurer now has an option to try and save others over themselves. Choosing to do so gains 1 virtue but results in a -4 to the roll. I'm playing most of these with good virtue, so everyone but Mori'an and Syntax will choose to help others. Mori'an will be our default bad guy since Thudak dropped out. Syntax will now trend that way. Astrid and Lyric will always try for virtue points, but will always take a chance to pickpocket and potentially lose that virtue.
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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