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Old 07-28-2004, 10:41 PM   #151
The boy who cried Trout
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Soriun leaps from the back of his mount, hefting his war axe and preparing to finish off the small boar.
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Old 07-29-2004, 01:10 AM   #152
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Frustrated by his futility thus far, Kevan lets out a roar then rears up and attacks with his two front claws.

Last edited by daedalus : 07-29-2004 at 01:11 AM.
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Old 07-29-2004, 06:22 AM   #153
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This boar sure is one mean mother...I'll be back after I contemplate what the heck to do...
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Old 07-29-2004, 06:53 AM   #154
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Sure! make a joke about ribs and end up getting your own skewered.
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Old 07-29-2004, 07:44 AM   #155
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Originally Posted by WSUCougar

Initially, it appeared as if the wemic was again to be its target, but with its forelegs planted it brought its tusks suddenly across to the side, and right through Benton’s shield arm. The bright white of the tusks as they penetrated was sharply contrasted with the red of the paladin’s blood as they were withdrawn; eyes wide with surprise and then pain, the big Prytian warrior staggered under the telling blow, his arm ripped open and an ample gore-wound in his side. A triumphant snarl from the great boar carried across the grove.

Benton was still regaining his balance from the blow he landed and he was forced to hold his ground as Baldar's enery bolts ripped by his shoulder, leaving the paladin in the unenvable possition to simply watch wide eyed as the boar rolled his head, bringing his tusks around in a wide arc that was bound to catch his arm. It was as if time was moving slowly - the sudden shift and attack that took only a spit second seemed like minutes to the paladin, who had resigned himself to the fact the blow was coming. When the tusks ripped into his arm, Benton grunted in pain, then clinched his teeth and cursed himself for not having his shield (the curse was more a subconcious reaction to the pain, because Benton didn't expect the attack, and certainly couldn't have left his party members in danger while he took the time to retrieve it from his horse).

Knowing the blow had incapacitated him, and any further efforts on his part would be futile, Benton moves away from the boar as quickly as he can manage, on an angle that will place him behind the bard. When he turns to retreat, he realizes the blow also caught him in the side, the pain in his arm was so intense he hadn't relized the tusk had inexplicably found a seam in his plate armor until he turned.

Benton stops about 10 feet from the boar, approximately the same distance from the action as Baldar. He stabs his longsword into the soft earth. He winces in pain as he forces the hand of the wounded arm to touch on the injury in his side, then winces again as the arm injury burns when he places the hand from the good arm on the open wound. Benton closes his eyes and mumbles what appears to be a prayer. His hands begin to turn red, as if blood was to rushing into them. The redness increased in intensity as if the hands themselves were about to burst into flame. Then as quickly as it started the redness disappears.

Benton uses his Paladin - "Lay Hands On" ability

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Old 07-29-2004, 10:29 AM   #156
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You guys act like you've never seen blood before. Stop standing around and kill the boars.
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Old 07-29-2004, 02:49 PM   #157
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Mavirr danced around as he continued his attack, and swung again at the large boar.

Mavirr also uses Dodge again against the larger boar.
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Old 07-29-2004, 04:04 PM   #158
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Baldar looked at the giant boar in amazement as his body slumped. How much punishment could this beast withstand? He swore under his breath at his poor preparation for facing such a monstrous enemy. He still had a few remaining spells which could aid in the offensive effort, but they would be highly dangerous under the present circumstances. He looked over at the smaller boar briefly and noted that the monk and dwarf had hurt it badly. At least that's one less of these damned creatures to handle, he thought.

"Dwarf! Monk! We...we..." Baldar broke off briefly, gasping for breath. "We need help!" There was little else he could do. He had a dagger hidden in the folds of his robe, but to approach that beast without armor and in his weakened condition would be foolish in the extreme. He kept his eye on the boar, sucking in each breath carefully, waiting to see if he could be of use in covering a possible retreat.
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Old 07-29-2004, 04:50 PM   #159
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With a full-arc swing of his war axe, Soriun plunged a death blow into the lesser boar. The gruesome “chunk” sound accompanied the axe as it buried into the creature’s skull, and it was finished.

Quickly surmising that the lesser beast was done for, Puli pivoted over to the rear flank of the bigger one, and with a fluid motion reminiscent of a graceful dance leveled a full, sweeping hit of his quarterstaff against the back of the boar’s hind leg – a crippling blow that caught the target unaware. Snarling with even greater fury, it swung around to challenge the new threat, but just then Mavirr’s rapier pierced in from the original side. A weaker squeal sounded, as if some farmer’s lost pig had stepped in a gopher hole. Savage, stupid, and blinded with rage, did the creature finally sense its forthcoming demise? It mattered little, for the pent up frustration of the wemic descended upon it now with full force, the claws from his two massive paws slashing open the side of the boar’s neck and throat. With a final bellow of defiance, the great boar flung itself aside once – then again – until it finally crashed to the ground in a spray of blood and gore. The fiery eyes of the beast settled, in peculiar fashion, upon the bent form of the paladin - flared with one final, agonizing death gasp - and then glazed over as life left them. The battle was over.
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 07-29-2004, 09:43 PM   #160
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Benton, weak from his wounds and the use of his Laying Hands ability sighed at the sight of the giant beasts last breath. He looked around at his comrades and nodded his approval.
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Old 07-29-2004, 10:34 PM   #161
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Soriun took a moment to clear his head. He began to focus on the events outside of his field of vision, and he quickly took stock of his comrads.
Upon seeing Benton Gale holding a wound in his side and noting that all of the other part members seemed none the worse for wear, he moved over to the paladin and began to chant a prayer of Healing.
"Benton, relax. I'll have you battle ready in moments." The dwarf closed his eyes and knelt by the paladin's side, still praying, until the spirit of Clangadin filled him. His eyes snapped open, and he put his hands on Benton's wound, which instantly began to close.

Soriun will use Heal spells until Benton is back to full health.
If I missed anyone who needs healing, please let me know.
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Old 07-30-2004, 08:03 AM   #162
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Baldar felt relief sweep over his body as the boars, bloody and defeated, lifelessly fell to the earth. His relief was short-lived as he gathered up the pouch he had dropped during combat and thought abut the danger of their current situation. They had to get moving and fast, as every moment they waited was another moment lost in their journey, but he had a task to do before they went.

Baldar slowly crept up to the larger boar, making sure the animal had completed its death throes. It was an impressive figure even in death, and Baldar had to hold back a shudder as he closed in on the beast. The tusks of the boar were still fully intact and neither his carving knife nor his dagger, which was more for stabbing than slicing, would be up to the task.

“Paladin,“ he called out in his usual low voice, which seemed quite loud in contrast to the grim silence that had fallen over the clearing, “I need you to cut loose these tusks for me. They are a valuable component for a potion I can brew.”

Turning to face the rest of the party, he spoke with urgency “We must leave this area with all due haste. Any creature with half a brain would’ve heard the sounds of battle,” (a dark thought at the Wemic’s roars, which could likely be heard up to a league away) “and could come looking to investigate. Perhaps our ‘esteemed ranger’ could impart some information before our next meeting with wild animals or worse?”

Last edited by JAG : 07-30-2004 at 08:06 AM.
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Old 07-30-2004, 02:34 PM   #163
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Mavirr put his rapier and trumpet away, and returned to sit on his horse.

"Good show! We showed those boars who's boss! This battle wasn't just quick strikes, or stealthy action. We had brute force going against each other in the front, and magic being casted in the back. This is a story I can tell to other heroes. I think I will call it: 'How I aided in the slaying of two boars.' Sounds catchy, don't you think?

Mavirr stopped talking for a brief second, then continued: "Do you think we should spare some meat from these boars for our journey? Or even cook some right now...?" He licked his lips as he said this.

"It seems like Baldar is in a hurry to get moving, eh Baldar?" He winked at Baldar. "But I see no reason why we can't just take some of the meat. Someone here has to know how to preserve meat so we can eat it later tonight?"

Mavirr looked around at the other heroes, and noticed that Benton was wounded.

"Well, if Soriun can't heal Benton to a decent-enough level of health, maybe we should rest here a bit. We don't want a wounded team member encoutering any other battles, do we?" As Mavirr said this, he eyed the large dead boar and made a smacking noise with his mouth.

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Old 07-31-2004, 04:25 AM   #164
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Kevan starts over to help the injured Benton as a matter of habit before he realizes that his skill as a healer would be no match for the blessings of Clangeddin.

Hearing Baldar's comment, Kevan turns toward the mage, "I agree with you on taking the tusks. But whether they will be yours will be the group's decision when we have more time to discuss it."

"Even with the Wyrmslayer's blessing, Benton Gale will still need to recover. So we might as well take that time to make use of these boars. Not to mention that we will need the Priest rested to make any progress. That said, in these woods, we would do well get those blood off of him now. Old Father, Mage. Please help Benton Gale to the riverbed down the ways once he is able to walk." Eyeing the less than happy Baldar, Kevan adds, "unless, of course, you would prefer to stay and help with the boars?"

Softly tossing one of his handaxe to the Bard, Kevan says, "Good music, Bard. Let us add 'How I aided to the carving of two boars' to your selection." Turning toward the seemingly tired Soriun, Kevan starts, "Would you be up to helping us with these boars, Priest? I know you are tired from helping Benton Gale, but we could surely use another pair of hands."

Kevan will be skinning the boars and saving those hide - if the Bards could hum the 'Rawhide' theme song, would he get a bonus? - for later use, as well as removing the tusks. The meat will be carved up and cook so that they are transportable. Unless Lord Pelspin included the Tupperware[tm] of Keeping +2 in the care package, I am guessing the party will be enjoying a lot of wild boars in the next few days. Once done and cleaned up, Kevan intends to get into the barding he received, put away the quarterstaff and equip both long swords - strapped to either shoulders - instead, with the bow readied on his hip, along with the arrows. The handaxes will still be on, in the ready to be drawn positions.

Kevan is all for taking as long as it takes before continuing, unless another party member speaks up against it.

Last edited by daedalus : 08-01-2004 at 03:59 PM. Reason: Upes. Didn't learn the names right.
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Old 07-31-2004, 10:32 AM   #165
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Benton Gale’s own restorative touch had handled the greater part of the wounds already, and the dwarf’s Healing quickly settled the matter. With a deep exhaled breath, the paladin was as good as new.

Puli stood to the side of the others, a stoic expression on his face. He glanced down almost sadly at the greater of the two boars. Well-fought, massive one. You’ve done your spirit proud…go in peace upon your next path.

The old monk cast his gaze upward at the sky. It was still early, not even midday. A look around the grove yielded no obvious threats to the healed paladin, but Puli moved to assist him as the wemic had suggested nevertheless. He could not resist commenting on the other suggestion, however.

“Perhaps a tusk for each of you would be judicious, Kevan and Baldar. As for the meat…perhaps we could prepare and pack the smaller of the two boars and be on our way? To skin, butcher, cook, and prepare them both will take the better part of the day, I would think. And we’ve ample food already. These are my thoughts, but I would yield to the ranger’s wishes in this.”

He bowed his head slightly to the wemic.
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 07-31-2004, 11:48 AM   #166
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I knew I forgot something, left that darn Tupperwear +2 with my Ginsu Knives +3...

Baldar smoldered at the bard and Wemics' comments. He idly thought how enjoyable it would be to see each burnt to a crisp where they stood, then put the tempting but unsuitable thought out of his head. He bit off his reply as the monk spoke then struggled not to smile. At least there was another member of the party with a brain. He reminded himself to have a word with the monk in the near future.

He did not try to keep the sarcasm from his voice as he spoke to the ranger, "Certainly I do not REQUIRE the boar tusks Wemic. I had foolishly thought that making potions allowing the fighters of the party to battle with the ferocity of the boar would be useful. And by all means, we should sit around all day and tell ghost stories 'round the campfire. I had simply forgotten that Lord Pelspin had organized a nature excursion for us, not an urgent quest. But of course, dear Wemic. Do as you wish."

He gave a deep mocking bow to the Wemic, in poor imitation of the monk's subtle gesture.

Last edited by JAG : 07-31-2004 at 11:49 AM.
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Old 08-01-2004, 02:57 AM   #167
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What kind of self-respecting chef leaves home without his Ginsu +3?

Kevan follows Puli's gaze. Bowing to the old Monk, "Wise words, Old Father. Let me finish with the boar and we can leave. If those two are ready." "As for the tusk," continues Kevan, "I have no need for them. But choice should be up to the whole party and not to who claims them the fastest."

Seemingly oblivious to the intent behind Baldar's comment, Kevan replies, "Do not be so hard on yourself, Mage. It is not foolish at all. Quite commendable, in fact. Regardless, it is still party possession and not for whoever spoke for it the quickest."

Kevan replies to the Baldar's deep bow with a slight one of his own, "I do not know of any ghost story. I would listen to yours if you would share them, however."

Last edited by daedalus : 08-01-2004 at 03:58 PM. Reason: Upes. Didn't learn the names right.
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Old 08-01-2004, 09:47 AM   #168
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Guys, this is a small thing, but please use these correct spellings for the character names:

Kevan Firestorm
Benton Gale

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Old 08-02-2004, 05:20 AM   #169
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Benton leaves with Puli to wash the blood from his armor, thinking to himself, 'There's no need attract hungry preditors with the smell of blood.'
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Old 08-02-2004, 03:58 PM   #170
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Mavirr slowly cuts at the big boar with Kevan's axe. As he was doing so, he whistled an uplifting tune. After a few minutes of cutting, the only piece in Mavirr's hands is some thin hair, which he threw up into the air.

"It seems as though the majority wants to keep on moving. As long as we get to eat this delicious meat later on, I'm fine with that." He pawed at the large boar some more.

"How much longer 'till we get to wherever we're going, anyway? Will we get there by nightfall, or will we have to make camp out in the wilderness tonight?" Mavirr stopped playing around with the dead boar, and looked up into the sunny sky.
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Old 08-04-2004, 05:22 AM   #171
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Benton returns from washing up, thanks Soriun for his help with the healing process and then looks at Mavirr, elbows deep in pig flesh.

"I agree with Puli's assessment, we really should be on our way. Let's get the small boar packed up and move on. Since Mavirr has already made significant progress on the larger boar, let's take what we can quickly cut off. Kevan, why don't you determine which cuts to make on the large boar to maximize the return on Mavirr's work, before moving to the smaller boar?"

Last edited by Breeze : 08-04-2004 at 05:22 AM.
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Old 08-04-2004, 06:25 AM   #172
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Kevan nods at the Paladin's comment, "well said, Benton Gale."

Except I don't understand why this dead boar has mohawk haircut all of a sudden . . .
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Old 08-05-2004, 12:54 PM   #173
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OK, I'm assuming we've decided to go with just the small boar, plus some choice cuts that Mavirr has already procured. Since I'm not acting as a butcher here, could someone else wrap up the meat cutting and preserving (remember be careful, Trichinosis is a bitch - I'd hate to get the quest done only to have my innards explode ) so we can move forward.

Last edited by Breeze : 08-05-2004 at 12:54 PM.
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Old 08-05-2004, 01:45 PM   #174
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I'm waiting on daedelus, FYI. We'll get rolling again soon.
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Old 08-05-2004, 02:23 PM   #175
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Sorry for the delay, folks. I am stuck at work at the moment. If I cannot respond during lunch break, I will reply this evening.
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Old 08-06-2004, 04:54 AM   #176
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Kevan acceded to the wish of the majority and wrapped up the butchering and preserving of the meat after approximately an hour. In his opinion, that gave Benton Gale and the priest Soriun sufficient time to rest, eat the fruits he picked while Mavirr had started on the larger boar and recover some strength. After packing the booties away on the extra horses, Kevan urged the party to get their gears ready and prepare to travel while he and Mavirr wash away the blood and clean his axes at the stream and fill some of the extra waterskins.

Once the group starts moving, Kevan notices the members fall into a natural order. Benton Gale and the priest Soriun up front just, behind him, with their religious discussions. Mavirr holding the two extra horses just behind them, taking in all the sights. While the the two quiet members of the party, Baldar and Puli, bring up the rear.

Kevan skinned the boars and removed the tusks as quickly as he could, without doing much work on them since he can do wrap them up and do that at the next camp. As much of the meat were cooked and/or preserved as could be done within that hour. Next trip, we ask for a carriage with a barbecue on top and a fridge inside. For now, we stick with Baldar casting a cone of cold to freeze and a fireball to cook the meat.

As an aside, I went ahead and set up party order, taking a bit of liberty with some of the characters' actions. I don't know if that is a problem for anybody. If so, my apologies and please move and change them.
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Old 08-06-2004, 05:15 AM   #177
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Daedalus - the order looks good to me - No problems on this front.
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Old 08-06-2004, 05:20 AM   #178
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Benton, refreshed from the short rest, the nutrition of Kevan's fruits and the healing provided by his own and Soriun's spells, rides on next to the dwarf. He turns to the Priest and says, "I'm glad to have you along on the journey. It's always good to have Clerics around on an adventure. Your healing me, brought back quite a few memories. My father and brother are both high ranking Clerics in Prytia, and often healed me when I did something dumb as a youngster."

Just filling out some of the conversation Daed described in his post.
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Old 08-06-2004, 07:19 AM   #179
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Baldar released his concentration from his spellbook as he realized the party was ready to leave, having finally finished butchering the animal. He tucked it back into his wasn't the most comfortable item to carry, but he would never dream of leaving it somewhere other than his person...and prepared his horse for travel.

He was unsurprised when the Wemic sent him to the back of the party. Baldear knew he would likely be safer in the rear, but noted it was unlikely a coincidence that the back of the party was also the furthest away from the Wemic. Considering their recent exchanges, the situation suited Baldar just fine.

As the boredom from the riding grew, he decided his mind needed an outlet. His gaze kept going to Puli, riding quietly beside him.

"Old One," he said, "I would like to know more about you. I know little of your native land or its history, or how you have come to be so far from home. Perhaps you could indulge my curiosity and speak of your origins."

Last edited by JAG : 08-06-2004 at 07:20 AM.
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Old 08-06-2004, 08:22 AM   #180
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The dwarf shifted in his saddle and kept his eyes on the trail. "No need to thank me, Benton Gale. It was the grace of Clangadin that healed your wounds. I am only his humble servant, as you are of your god."
He turned to look at the paladin.
"Thankfully for us, our gods will allow their grace to be dispensed to those who follow a different path. Otherwise, we might have had to skin and grab all of your useful parts back there, also. But I think it's better to have you up and around. You handle yourself well in a fight. Well, maybe a little slow on the defense, but your offense is the stuff of legends."
Soriun flashed the paladin a furry smile.

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Old 08-06-2004, 08:47 AM   #181
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Puli acceded to the directions he was given without comment. The test of the boars had been passed, and perhaps the members of the quest would bond a bit closer because of it.

As they moved off away from the grove and the place of battle, the monk took in the surrounding terrain once again. Rough and relatively barren, awash in shades of brown and gray and with few trees, the lands that bordered Prytia were distinctly different from the familiar lands of the East. These thoughts dissipated when the wizard addressed his comments to him, although Puli could not help but note the coincidence regarding his homeland.

“We come from vastly diverse places, Baldar,” said the old monk, his gaze traversing the wide open expanse around them. “I hail from Cross-Kir, a distant eastern realm of thickly-forested hills, rock-strewn ridges, and deep gorges. Our people are not perpetually linked as one, such as Prytia, but rather exist as members of distinct clans. As Kir we are all brothers at heart, but too long have we struggled with one another for dominance. The war-clans refuse to join together under one united banner. I am content that my own clan, the Maple, has led the most recent efforts to cease the senseless feuding and draw together as one people.”

Pausing to await the wizard’s response, Puli reflected on his remarks for a moment, then continued. “Rarely do the Kir wander the lands of the world, and rarer still is it to venture forth this far west. But I will say that the paths of my life have taken me to many new and strange lands, and to encounter such a thing as the Candle Mage scroll was motivation enough to bring me here, for I know that the ancient Javadan spirit dwells the purest now in Prytia.”
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Old 08-06-2004, 04:35 PM   #182
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Mavirr looked around the surrounding wilderness as the heroes continued on their way.

"This place isn't exciting at all. No big trees or massive boars. I hope we get to our destination soon, since I don't know how much longer I can handle this boring landscape." Mavirr looked around at the heroes, and noticed that only Kevan wasn't engaged in conversation, so he began to yell at him.

"Hey, Kevan! How much longer 'till we get there? Or how much longer 'till we can eat that boar!" He then stopped and licked his lips before he continued. "You look like one that appreciates good humour. Have you heard this one yet?" Mavirr paused to breathe, and then continued to yell.

"Two wemics are sitting in an inn, when one of them sees a shiny object on the ground. He picks it up, and looks at it. The wemic holding the shiny object tells the other wemic: 'This guy looks familiar. I should track him down using my wilderness skills and give him this picture back.' The other wemic clobbers the first wemic acorss the back of the head, who now drops the shiny object onto the floor, breaking it into two. 'You idiot, that's me! You were holding a shard of the sword I just broke.'" Mavirr's mouth widened with a smile as he finished the joke:

"Then the wemic that was holding the shard responds by saying: 'Oh... well... at least I don't have 7 years of bad luck now, unlike you! Hahaha!' Then the other wemic rolls his eyes and answers: 'You idiot! That was a sword, not a mirror!'" Mavirr could not contain himself as he laughed at his own joke.

"Pretty good, eh wemic? I got that one from one of the bards I met on my other adventures."

Mavirr stopped laughing and then looked around once again. "So, are we almost there?"

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Old 08-06-2004, 05:00 PM   #183
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Soriun shakes his head.
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Old 08-09-2004, 06:39 AM   #184
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Benton laughs (but at Soriun's expression - not the joke).
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Old 08-09-2004, 08:53 AM   #185
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This thing progresses well when there is combat, but the roleplay is dragging.
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Old 08-09-2004, 12:36 PM   #186
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Doing his best to ignore the peculiar jest of the bard, Puli raised his voice to reach the front line of riders.

“Good dwarf,” he called to Soriun. “Your conduct in battle was notable. I am not familiar with manner of dwarves in combat, but I must admit my surprise that you fought mounted upon the pony. Is that common among your people? Is such a style of fighting pleasing to your god? Can you speak on it?”

As he awaited the dwarf’s response, Puli’s gaze went skyward to trace the circling flight of a buzzard overhead. There would be a feast in the grove that day.
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Old 08-09-2004, 12:37 PM   #187
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Benton whispers to Soriun, "I think this bard of our has a few screws loose. Nice fighter, but his stories are a bit lacking, and he's beginning to remind me of journeying with a 4 year old. You know 'Are we there yet? Did he think the quest would be across town?"
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Old 08-09-2004, 12:43 PM   #188
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Benton speeds up and pulls next to Kevan

"Good Kevan, what is the schedule for the day? How far do we hope to get before making camp?"
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Old 08-09-2004, 01:28 PM   #189
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Soriun nods to Benton gale and chuckles. Under his breath, he whispers back, "I think he'll be more amusing once he get's used to his companions. At least I hope."
Turning to Puli, he clears his throat.
"No, dwarves are not noted for the mounted combat skills. Dwarves excel in close combat, especially in tunnels where out short stature can be used to our advantage."

He reached down and gave his pony a friendly pat on the neck.

"However, the skills of mounted combat are not unknown to us. Certain warbands are trained to fight from horseback. When patrolling the lands surrounding our halls, we find that a mount puts us on a more even footing when facing enemies that we might meet in the open. Ogres are at a disadvantage in our tunnels, but in the open, they are deadly. When faced with a company of mounted dwarves charging on armored ponies, they are considerably less deadly. I am trained as a war priest for my clan's mounted forces, and so have been trained extensively in the art of mounted combat. Perhaps that is why my clan chose me to represent them in the journey to this land?"

Soriun gave his pony another affectionate pat.

"This pony and I have faced some dangerous enemies together. I trust him with my life."
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:18 AM   #190
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The travelers fell into silence as they progressed through the midday heat. Secure in his surroundings, the wemic led them confidently through the broken terrain, though the course varied this way and that as he traced familiar landmarks.

They were moving along a wide, dry riverbed – more like a broad, miniature valley speckled with thorny bushes and rock formations – when Puli noted the presence of a solitary figure tracking them from a substantial distance on the far right flank. The monk had trained himself well in the art of observation, and his spotting skills were outstanding; he doubted that the unknown observer, or for that matter the other members of the party, had noted anything untoward. Rather than instigate a flurry of movement or the flight of the observer, Puli spoke in a soft tone – first to Baldar and then the others.

“Gentlemen, do not change your pace or look around, but I have spotted an individual – at least one humanoid – who appears to be following us. It might be wise to prepare ourselves accordingly, although I am uncertain what our proper stance should be in this regard.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To the varying degrees of your skills and knowledge, you all have knowledge that nomadic tribes frequent the desert, wilderness, and wastelands to the east of Prytia. Your path is skirting that region now, so it is a likely explanation. Soriun and Puli would be less aware of this.
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:31 AM   #191
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"Shall we set an ambush for our uninvited guest?" Soriun asked. "I think we should wait for a while, and see how long he follows us. If he is spying on us, we aren't giving him much to report on, but the longer he follows us, the more likely it is that he is a spy. Or the leader of an ambush." With that thought, the dwarf checked the strap on his waraxe, ensureing that it was ready to be drawn in an instant.
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Old 08-12-2004, 07:56 PM   #192
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Once Puli and Soriun finished speaking, Mavirr spoke up for the first time in awhile, and it was obvious he was trying to speak softer than usual, but wasn't very good at it.

"So you suspect a petty pilferer is in our midst? Maybe I have met him before in these deserts? I don't think an attack would be the best thing to do. I don't want to make bad company with someone I possibly know." He grinned at Soriun and spoke again.

"Well, these are nomadic tribes out here... so maybe I don't know him. But I still don't think an attack would be the best plan of action. Maybe we should all join in a song and show the spy that we're friendly people. I have a trumpet here with me, should I start?"

Mavirr took one hand off the reins, and reached for a sack on the side of his horse...

Last edited by MikeVic : 08-12-2004 at 07:57 PM.
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Old 08-13-2004, 05:26 AM   #193
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"Hold off on the song Mavirr. I agree with you that an attack probably isn't a wise move. This observer may be only 1 of a larger group we can't see, and by attacking we might find ourselves significantly outnumbered. However, blowing that horn of yours could attract more curious nomads. I think we should continue our journey, try to stay in open fields so we aren't surprised by hiding attackers, and be prepared for an ambush. These nomads are mostly cutthroats and rouges, that obtain many items they trade with our town by killing travelers and stealing their possessions. An ambush would be just about right for these low lifes. " as Benton finishes his comments, he adjusts his crossbow so it can be quickly loaded and fired.

Benton then asks the group, "Other that Baldar, who obviously attacks from a distance, do any of the rest of you have ranged weapons? It would be nice if we are attacked in an open field, if we can cut down there numbers before they get too close."

Last edited by Breeze : 08-13-2004 at 05:26 AM.
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Old 08-13-2004, 06:11 AM   #194
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At Puli's comment, Kevan slows down to let the rest of the group catch up and comments, "I agree. Let us not rush into unneeded conflicts." He continues as he starts to string his bow as naturally as possible, "My suggestion for this situation would be for the group to continue forward, while Old Father and I double back on our guest." Turning to Puli, "That is, if you choose to accompany me, Old Father. We will see if we can recognize any identifying marks and see if there are more. If we do not sense threat, we can approach our guest and see what goes on."

Kevan states, "I would ask, however, that you all be ready for whatever may occur. We may be running fast." Turning to the Mage, "I would advise you and Music Man stay between Soriun Priest and Benton Gale and be ready with your spell for they can charge any ill-meaning creature." Uncomfortable with Benton's and Soriun's views, Kevan faced Benton and Soriun, "Do not misjudge the nomadic folks. Though there are thieves out here, not all of the nomadic folks are like them. They may not own much of material but they are fierce and proud. Should we run into conflict, however, do not underestimate their shamans. Take them down and quickly."

"Would you care to accompany me, Old Father?" asked Kevan. "You may have to abandon your horse for a bit, however." Suddenly remembering Benton's religious nature, Kevan turns to the Paladin and asks, "By the way, Benton Gale, do you sense any evil emanating from our guest's direction?"

Last edited by daedalus : 08-13-2004 at 06:12 AM.
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Old 08-13-2004, 06:42 AM   #195
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Benton closes his eyes and mumbles a prayer. As soon as he finishes his skin begins to tingle and his senses are heightened.

Benton casts detect evil

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Old 08-13-2004, 08:53 AM   #196
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Soriun turns to Benton Gale and says under his breath, "I don't remember accusing our follower of being a thief. What view do you think he is talking about?" With a smile, he turns back to watch the road.

I don't remember if I have a ranged weapon or not. Maybe some hand axes, or a dagger. Coug?
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Old 08-13-2004, 08:54 AM   #197
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"Wemic, you wish us to continue on without our guide? That hardly seems wise. The observer may well notice if you turn around and head towards him. The best course of action would be to continue traveling, with Puli keeping an eye on the observer in case he gives some type of prearranged signal to a group of nomads or speeds up to interact with us. If you are insistant on pursuing this foolish course of action, I have a spell which wll allow you or the monk to understand whatever foreign language these noamds may use."

"Know this. If we run into a large group of attackers, you would be wise to hold off from charging blithely into combat. The remaining spells I possess are formidable in deailng with groups, but they are non-discriminatory in their effects. If this comes to combat, allow me time to cast a spell in their midst to demoralize and confuse our opponents."

"Nevertheless, I say we press on. If the observer is watching out of curiosity, we lose nothing by continuing ahead. By stopping, we could allow them time to gather forces for an ambush."
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Old 08-13-2004, 09:13 AM   #198
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Puli repressed a smile at Kevan’s use of the term “Old Father.” The wemic was not what he’d expected, and in a positive sense he felt a kinship of sorts with him. But, like the wizard, he had reservations about dividing the company.

With a slight nod toward Baldar, he addressed the wemic. “I must concur with Baldar, Kevan Firestorm. I think it unwise to split our numbers to investigate this follower. If we do so, I would suggest that it be done only over a short distance, perhaps in a section of terrain that is conducive to concealment. Perhaps a brief encampment in an easily-defended place? I have some skill in moving silently and masking my presence, and might be able to effectively observe further from a hidden location.”

He paused, then added a final comment so as not to offend their guide. “But you are familiar with this region, Kevan, and the ways of these nomads. I will yield to your decision, and will attend you as you wish if that is our decided course of action.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sachmo: Soriun carries several throwing axes.
It's not the's the mileage.

Last edited by WSUCougar : 08-13-2004 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 08-13-2004, 09:43 AM   #199
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"I too will follow the Wemic's lead. After all, we did vote him as the leader of this merry band." Soriun makes sure that his throwing axes are close at hand, all the while trying not to look back and stare at the shape that seems to be following them.
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Old 08-13-2004, 10:42 AM   #200
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"Kevan, your assessment of my views on nomads is a bit off. I did not mean to cast such a dispersion on the entire group. My comments were an observation that they can be dangerous, and we shouldn't take this individual lightly. Our follower may yet prove to be deadly, but I sense no evil in him."
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