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Old 07-08-2003, 06:44 PM   #101
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut
JANUARY 1, 2005

I have to resign The Afoci because he was a free agent to start the month. So his feud with Marmel was ended by the computer. When the Afoci wrestles he will have a gimmick change to a hero.

Orlando Jordan was released. Surprisingly I was able to work out a 1 year verbal deal with him. This is a big signing for us. He is a lightweight face.

JeeberD has a Franchise player gimmick.

I proposed a gimmick change for Swaggs from a ‘lackey’ to a ‘no gimmick needed’.

BETRAYED Sunday, January 30, 2005

Our dark match features some of our new training camp wrestlers.

Bertogarce \ Double D vs Kodos \ Katon : Face crusher from Katon on Double D. Dangerous Dave avoids a Katon avalanche. Katon takes a chop from Double D. Double D tags out to Bertogarce. Bertogarce hits a rolling kick on Katon. Second rope flying axe handle, Katon goes down. Katon blocks a kick from Bertogarce. Bertogarce takes a chop from Katon. Katon tags out to Kodos. Kodos hits a quick kick on Bertogarce. Kodos hits an arm drag on Bertogarce. Bertogarce drops out the back of a Kodos bodyslam attempt. Bertogarce hits a dropkick on Kodos. Tag to Dangerous Dave. Flying knee to the face from Dangerous Dave. Is it Mutoh Appreciation Night? Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Kodos takes a knee lift from Double D. Kodos slides out and grabs a chair! Double D goes to climb out of the ring...and takes a chair to the head! The referee has no hesitation in calling for the bell! Disqualification. Kodos \ Katon don't look like they're finished by any means...and they rush forward to attack Double D \ Bertogarce, and send them to the outside. Threats are exchanged as the chaos ends. DUD.

Crowd Reaction - 16% , Match Quality - 47% , Overall Rating - 31%

We start out our live event with a new feud starting up. Shorty was upset with Bishop last month when he got pinned in their tag team match.

BishopMVP vs Shorty : Flying elbow from BishopMVP. Flying cross body off the top rope! I'll give a 0.8 on the Steamboat scale for that effort. There's a two count on the pin. Shorty counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Shorty snapmares BishopMVP. Shorty hits a flying kick on Bishop. There's a two count on the pin. Shorty blasts Bishop with a rather-less-than-super kick. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Bishop takes a chop from Shorty. Shorty only gets knees on a splash. Bishop crushes Shorty with a big legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tornado DDT from BishopMVP, Shorty got planted. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Shorty takes a flying neckbreaker from BishopMVP. Spinning back kick from BishopMVP. BishopMVP misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Shorty hits a flying kick on Bishop. Shorty with an enziguri. BishopMVP hooks up a suplex, but it is blocked. Shorty scores with a low blow, then turns it into a small package! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! BishopMVP got screwed out of the victory! Shorty leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle at speed. Shorty has the victory, and isn't hanging around for BishopMVP to look for revenge. DUD.


Crowd Reaction - 23% , Match Quality - 54% , Overall Rating - 38%

In the ring is Erin Bray, who has a microphone. She announces the newest signing, Orlando Jordan. He comes out from the back, gets into the ring, and plays to the crowd for a while.

Rating - 82%

After Erin Bray goes to the back we get a shot of the backstage area. The camera shows the outside of the locker room of Erin Bray. Swaggs appears, knocks, then enters, closing the door behind him. What is Swaggs doing?

Rating - 43%

Our next match is a 4 on 4 grudge match featuring Flamebeard’s Followers against Coffee Warlord and friends. JeeberD is making his live debut tonight.

Team Coffee vs Flamebeard's Followers : Coffee Warlord takes a right hand to the temple from Sachmo. Coffee takes a vertical suplex. Tag to Tucker. Weak headbutt on Coffee by Tucker. Tag to NevStar. Lame kick from Tucker. Tucker tags out to Swaggs. Tucker \ Swaggs hook up NevStar, then hit a double suplex. Weak bodyslam by Swaggs. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Marmel. Marmel hits a spinning back kick. Marmel uses a running dropkick into the corner. Tag between Marmel and Sachmo. Sachmo scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Pin, but NevStar is out just before the three count. NevStar comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Tag between NevStar and JeeberD. Driven DDT by JeeberD. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Super frankensteiner on Sachmo, who hit hard. Hooks the leg for a two count. Jeeber tags out to Digamma. Jeeber \ Digamma whip Sachmo into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Cover for a two count. Digamma with an enziguri. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Tucker counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Digamma gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Tag between Tucker and Marmel. Flying elbow off the top rope by Marmel, poor elevation though. Digamma powers out of a headlock. Digamma tags out to JeeberD. Digamma \ Jeeber whip Marmel into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Vicious kick to the teeth from JeeberD. In control, Marmel reaches out for the tag...and Swaggs levels his partner with a right hand to the jaw, then drops down off the apron and walks away. JeeberD moves in for the kill. Spear!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! This one gets * rating and likes it.

With the help of a face turn from Swaggs, JeeberD gets the upset win. Marmel wasn’t happy with having to job to Jeeber.

Crowd Reaction - 39% , Match Quality - 66% , Overall Rating - 52%

Following the match Erin Bray is backstage with Coffee Warlord. Erin Bray was building up the feud between Tucker and Coffee Warlord. She said that tonight their feud would end once and for all. Coffee and Tucker would fight for the ZFLW Lightweight Title in an Iron Man match.

Rating - 77%

Our next match is a triple threat hardcore match for the Hardcore Title.

Illinifan vs Revrew vs Sachmo (For The ZFLW Hardcore Title) : Revrew hits a punch, but takes one right back. CLUBBERIN', CLUBBERIN', THEY BE CLUBBERIN' TONY! Sorry, flashback moment. Sachmo uses a big bag of popcorn to floor Illinifan. Revrew reverses a hip toss. Back heel kick from Revrew on Sachmo, missed by miles. Revrew, chanelling the power of Takada, hits a high kick on Illinifan. Cover for a two count. Sachmo scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Pin, but Revrew is out just before the three count. Sachmo misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Hip toss onto a chair by Revrew. Sloppy tornado punch from Illinifan, Revrew barely got hit. Revrew hooks up a suplex, but Illinifan flips out and lands on his feet, and quickly grabs the tights to score with a school boy pin! 1...2..3! The referee somehow missed the blatant cheating! Bland match, but I'll give it a * rating for not being too bad. Illinifan wins again over Revrew with illegal tactics.

Crowd Reaction - 39% , Match Quality - 65% , Overall Rating - 52%

Our main event is an iron man match for the Lightweight title and it will end the feud between Coffee and Tucker.

Coffee Warlord vs Tucker (For The ZFLW Lightweight Title) : FIRST FALL: Flying elbow from Tucker, barely hitting the target. Big clothesline from Tucker. Cover for a two count. Coffee Warlord powers out of a Tucker headlock. Coffee snapmares Tucker. Coffee hits a flying kick on Tucker. Cover for a two count. Slingshot clothesline by Coffee, who almost messed it up by slipping on the ropes. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Coffee hits a dropkick on Tucker. 'Hit' may be an exaggeration, as it barely touched. Tucker pushes out of a Coffee Warlord hold. Weak bodyslam by Tucker. Cover for a two count. Flapjack from Tucker on Coffee. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Coffee takes a vertical suplex. Kick from Tucker to the leg. Tucker gets taken down out of nowhere. Flying elbow from Coffee Warlord, barely hitting the target. Coffee face jams Tucker. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Coffee defeats Tucker. SECOND FALL: Forearm to the face from Coffee on Tucker. Tucker takes a chop from Coffee. Flying elbow from Coffee Warlord, barely hitting the target. Coffee hits an arm drag on Tucker. Tucker powers out of a headlock. Tucker strikes Coffee Warlord. Back heel kick from Tucker on Coffee, missed by miles. Hooks the leg for a two count. Coffee counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Coffee Warlord uses a running dropkick into the corner. Hooks the leg for a two count. Coffee face jams Tucker. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Tucker elbows Coffee Warlord in the face to break a hammerlock. Powerslam from Tucker on Coffee. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Tucker defeats Coffee. THIRD FALL: Tucker takes a chop from Coffee. Tucker avoids a Coffee Warlord avalanche. Tucker strikes away at Coffee Warlord. Coffee Warlord charges, Tucker moves, and the referee is conveniently placed to get knocked out. Side suplex from Tucker. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Coffee backdrops Tucker out of a piledriver attempt. Tucker walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Coffee Warlord uses a running dropkick into the corner. Hooks the leg for a two count. Coffee Warlord blasts Tucker with a rather-less-than-super kick. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Tucker pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Tucker hits a stump piledriver on Coffee Warlord, although it was quite weak in its execution. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Coffee kicks Tucker in the gut to reverse the momentum. The Afoci comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Tucker turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Afoci! The Afoci has left Tucker in big trouble. Coffee Warlord has Tucker down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Frog Splash!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. END OF BOUT. Tucker is pounding the canvas with punches, shouting about how unfair everything is. Yuck. DUD. The Afoci returns in a big way helping Coffee get the victory.

Crowd Reaction - 33% , Match Quality - 55% , Overall Rating - 44%

Coffee Warlord stays in the ring and grabs a mic. He tells Digamma that now that he has the title back where it belongs, he can have his rematch for the ZFLW Lightweight Title at next month’s event. Also that Erin Bray has made it a no interference match. If anyone interferes, they will be suspended.

Rating - 56%

Our overall rating for the show was 55%. We had 118 people show up. Our public image has dropped to 28%. We need to pick it up and make better shows. The public is waning on wrestling right now.

Titles: Coffee Warlord won the Lightweight title. Illinifan retained his hardcore title.

Following the event I get an e-mail. It’s not good news. UPW have stolen The Afoci.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-08-2003, 06:52 PM   #102
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
Well, now that the one, the only, the Coffee Warlord has his title back, our ratings should go back up.

Everyone loves the TRUE champion.
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Old 07-08-2003, 08:46 PM   #103
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally posted by DolphinFan1
After Erin Bray goes to the back we get a shot of the backstage area. The camera shows the outside of the locker room of Erin Bray. Swaggs appears, knocks, then enters, closing the door behind him. What is Swaggs doing?

This is sure to guarantee ratings!
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 07-08-2003, 10:43 PM   #104
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Boulder
Glad I was able to be part of the show, even if only in a dark match. Not so glad we were only able to put on a DUD.
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Old 07-08-2003, 11:55 PM   #105
General Manager
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Town of Flower Mound
Tag between NevStar and JeeberD. Driven DDT by JeeberD. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Super frankensteiner on Sachmo, who hit hard. Hooks the leg for a two count. Jeeber tags out to Digamma. Jeeber \ Digamma whip Sachmo into the ropes and hit a double backdrop.

Hey Sachmo, where's that sock on the nose you keep promising me?

JeeberD moves in for the kill. Spear!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! With the help of a face turn from Swaggs, JeeberD gets the upset win. Marmel wasn’t happy with having to job to Jeeber.

Thanks Swaggs!

Two victories in two matches, both won after vicious spears. Ya'll can just call me JeeberD Goldberg...
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 07-09-2003, 12:12 AM   #106
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Maryland
Originally posted by DolphinFan1
Orlando Jordan was released. Surprisingly I was able to work out a 1 year verbal deal with him. This is a big signing for us. He is a lightweight face.

Hella sweet. Jordan is the #1 guy you need to pick up when the WWE goes through their first roster cut, with John Cena a close second. I've picked him up (and gave him the "cool" gimmick) in every EWR game I've played, and after a few months in the developmental fed, he comes to the main roster with a 92-93 charisma rating, and every segment he's in gets him over. Wham, instant main eventer to increase the ratings.

Unfortunately, I don't think the WWE is gonna see his potential in the real world. :\
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Old 07-09-2003, 07:43 AM   #107
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut
Originally posted by SuburbanPimp
Hella sweet. Jordan is the #1 guy you need to pick up when the WWE goes through their first roster cut, with John Cena a close second. I've picked him up (and gave him the "cool" gimmick) in every EWR game I've played, and after a few months in the developmental fed, he comes to the main roster with a 92-93 charisma rating, and every segment he's in gets him over. Wham, instant main eventer to increase the ratings.

Unfortunately, I don't think the WWE is gonna see his potential in the real world. :\

That's good news I hope. We need something to boost ratings a bit.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-09-2003, 02:13 PM   #108
Pro Starter
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Iowa City, IA

I'll get it back, you just wait and see!
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Old 07-09-2003, 08:41 PM   #109
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut
Preview of REVENGE Sunday, February 27, 2005

4 person elimination match. Winner gets a shot at Illinifan's Hardcore Title. Participants: Marmel, NevStar, Sachmo and Revrew.

Flamebeard's Followers are adding a new member. Who is it? Tune in to find out.

10 man Battle Royal with the winner getting a Lightweight Title shot at next month's event.

Illinifan VS. ? for the Hardcore Title.

Coffee Warlord Defends his Lightweight Title in the long awaited rematch vs. Digamma.

The main event features a 4 team elimination match for the new ZFLW Tag Team Titles.

Who will be the next Follower of Erik Flamebeard? Who will survive and become the 1st ever Tag Team Champions? Can Digamma win the Lightweight Title? Will Illinifan keep his Hardcore Title?

Tune in Thursday evening to find out.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-09-2003, 10:26 PM   #110
Join Date: Oct 2000
Uhm...what about Swaggs and Erin Bray? That is what the people really want to see!
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 07-10-2003, 07:47 AM   #111
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut
Originally posted by Swaggs
Uhm...what about Swaggs and Erin Bray? That is what the people really want to see!

I didn't list the participants of the tag match and Battle Royal to save time, but you are in there.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-10-2003, 03:43 PM   #112
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut
FEBRUARY 1, 2005

The public isn’t interested in wrestling much. We are having trouble with our public image.

A new promotion has started up, City Limits Fighting.

I am adding tag team belts to our organization. We will have a 4 team elimination match to determine the tag team champs.

REVENGE Sunday, February 27, 2005

We start out with a dark tag team match. The winner gets to enter the 4 team elimination match for the tag team titles later tonight.

Jeeber \ Bertogarce vs Katon \ Kodos : Bertogarce takes a chop from Kodos. Bertogarce avoids a Kodos avalanche. Bertogarce uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Tag between Bertogarce and JeeberD. Spin kick by JeeberD to the face. Jeeber hits a dropkick on Kodos. Kodos ducks a wild right hand. Jeeber walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Tag between Kodos and Katon. Katon hits a back kick. Katon arm drags Jeeber over. Jeeber reverses a Katon hammerlock. Flying elbow from JeeberD. Tag between JeeberD and Bertogarce. Diamond Dust from Bertogarce, Katon is out. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Driven DDT by Bertogarce. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Bertogarce floors Katon...and climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - Body Tackle, forget about it. 1....2...3! Katon \ Kodos look like they aren't done...and they attack Bertogarce \ Jeeber! After an exchange of blows, Bertogarce and Jeeber are laid out in the ring. I may need therapy after watching that - TWO red-hot pokers up the ass for the bookers for that effort.

Crowd Reaction - 20% , Match Quality - 27% , Overall Rating - 23%

I was told that Katon and Kodos basically no sold everything and that killed the match. I may have to let those two go if they don’t pick it up.

We start out our live broadcast with Revrew coming to the ring.
“Illinifan, I want another shot at the Hardcore Title.”
Illinifan comes out to the ring.
“You want another shot. I have beaten you 4 times already. You don’t deserve a shot”
“You may have beaten me 4 times, but not once have you done it fairly.”
“Hey, you do what you have to do to win. I will give you another shot. But only if you win a 4 person elimination qualifying match tonight.”
Revrew agrees and the match is on right now with the winner getting a Hardcore Title shot.

Rating - 55%

Marmel vs NevStar vs Sachmo vs Revrew : Revrew hits an arm drag on NevStar. NevStar walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Hooks the leg for a two count. NevStar kicks Revrew in the gut to reverse the momentum. NevStar tags out to Marmel. Revrew walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. We have our mandatory ref bump, as he goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Diving headbutt from Marmel, not much elevation. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Revrew walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Revrew blocks a punch. Revrew tags out to Sachmo. Weak bodyslam by Sachmo. Sachmo strikes Marmel. Marmel pushes out of a Sachmo hold. Marmel hits an arm drag on Sachmo. Marmel with an enziguri. Pin, three count, it's over. Marmel pins Sachmo. Marmel receives some unexciting punishment. NevStar hits a right hand on Marmel. Hooks the leg for a two count. Flying elbow off the top rope by NevStar, poor elevation though. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Marmel reverses a hip toss. Slingshot clothesline by Marmel, who almost messed it up by slipping on the ropes. Tag between Marmel and Revrew. Flying knee to the face from Revrew. Is it Mutoh Appreciation Night? Pin, three count, it's over. Revrew pins NevStar. Revrew hits an arm drag on Marmel. Marmel ducks a wild right hand. Badly executed second rope splash by Marmel. Pin, but Revrew is out just before the three count. Revrew reverses a hip toss. Revrew hits a flying kick on Marmel. Swaggs comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Marmel turns around.... Power Slam!!! That shook the ring. Swaggs leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three. Revrew pinned Marmel. This one gets * rating and likes it.

Crowd Reaction - 39% , Match Quality - 64% , Overall Rating - 51%

Flamebeard's Followers have come to the ring, led by Erik Flamebeard. He takes the microphone and announces that there is a new member of the group, and introduces Illinifan, who comes down the aisle. He climbs in and joins his new partners, cementing the new alliance.

Rating - 48%

Our next match is a 10 man Battle Royal with the winner getting a Lightweight Title shot at next month’s event. Here are the participants: Swaggs, NevStar, Marmel, Tucker, Bertogarce, Dangerous Dave, Shorty, Illinifan, Sachmo and Jordan.

10 Man Battle Royal : Uninspiring brawling from Swaggs. NevStar got thrown over the top rope by Swaggs. (Elimination # 1) Marmel takes a right hand to the temple from Tucker. Marmel got bundled out by Tucker. (Elimination # 2) Bertogarce hits a dropkick on Dangerous Dave. Dangerous Dave was eliminated by Bertogarce. (Elimination # 3) Dropkick connects, Jordan goes down. Jordan takes a flying neckbreaker from Bertogarce. Shorty receives some unexciting punishment. Shorty got eliminated by Jordan. (Elimination # 4) Super frankensteiner on Illinifan, who hit hard. Bertogarce tried to get Illinifan over the top rope, but Gravity made the save. Illinifan takes a vertical suplex. Swaggs tried to eliminate Illinifan, who hung onto the top rope. Standing leg lariat by Bertogarce on Sachmo. Sachmo was eliminated by Bertogarce. (Elimination # 5) Tucker hits a flying kick on Bertogarce. Bertogarce got bundled out by Tucker. (Elimination # 6) Big clothesline from Illinifan. Illinifan tried to get Tucker over the top rope, but Gravity made the save. Running clothesline from Illinifan, sloppily done. Illinifan threw Tucker over the top rope. (Elimination # 7) Illinifan receives some unexciting punishment. Swaggs went for the elimination, but Illinifan held on to the ropes. Swaggs hits a punch, but takes one right back. CLUBBERIN', CLUBBERIN', THEY BE CLUBBERIN' TONY! Sorry, flashback moment. Swaggs got thrown over the top rope by Illinifan. (Elimination # 8) Illinifan hits a punch, but takes one right back. CLUBBERIN', CLUBBERIN', THEY BE CLUBBERIN' TONY! Sorry, flashback moment. Orlando Jordan hits a right hand on Illinifan. Illinifan gets knocked to the ground by Jordan, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Through the air, Moonsault! Illinifan got bundled out by Jordan. I don't rate battle royals. Orlando Jordan gets the title shot.

Crowd Reaction - 33% , Match Quality - 56% , Overall Rating - 44%

Up next is the Hardcore Title match.

Revrew vs Illinifan (For The ZFLW Hardcore Title) : Illinifan hits a right hand on Revrew. Revrew powers out of a headlock. Illinifan gets hip tossed by Revrew. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Diving headbutt from Revrew, not much elevation. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Illinifan reverses a Revrew hammerlock. Illinifan smashes a Playstation console over the head of Revrew. Illinifan hits a bulldog off the ropes. There's a two count on the pin. Sloppy tornado punch from Illinifan, Revrew barely got hit. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Revrew fights out of a grapple. Revrew throws a ladder onto Illinifan. Pin, but Illinifan is out just before the three count. Illinifan avoids a Revrew avalanche. Erik Flamebeard comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Revrew turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Erik Flame! Erik Flamebeard has left Revrew in big trouble. Revrew gets knocked to the ground by Illinifan, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Through the air, Elbow Drop! 1....2....3. Illinifan and Erik Flame are beating the hell out of Revrew! NevStar sprints down the aisle and slides into the ring! He goes toe-to-toe with Illinifan, exchanging punches, while Revrew comes back, sending Erik Flame out of the ring with a clothesline. NevStar \ Revrew have cleared the ring, driving off Illinifan and Erik Flame! I'll give it a *1\2 rating. Revrew gets screwed out of the Hardcore Title again.

Crowd Reaction - 54% , Match Quality - 63% , Overall Rating - 58%

Next we have a match for the Lightweight Title. Erin Bray has made this a no interference match. If anyone interferes they will be suspended.

Coffee Warlord vs Digamma (For The ZFLW Lightweight Title) : Coffee hits an arm drag on Digamma. Digamma powers out of a headlock. Coffee takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. Digamma misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Digamma blasts Coffee with a rather-less-than-super kick. Cover, but there's no one to count for Digamma. Coffee reverses a Digamma hammerlock. Digamma walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Coffee Warlord hits a crap missile dropkick on Digamma. Cover for a two count. Coffee Warlord blasts Digamma with a rather-less-than-super kick. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Digamma reverses a waistlock. Badly executed second rope splash by Digamma. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Digamma misses a clothesline. Coffee Warlord floors Digamma...and climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - Frog Splash, forget about it. 1....2...3! Coffee Warlord extends his hand to Digamma...and it is accepted! They shake! I'll give a 1\2 star rating.

Crowd Reaction - 35% , Match Quality - 62% , Overall Rating - 48%

Our main event is a 4 team elimination match for the Tag Team Titles.

Bertogarce \ Jeeber vs Jordan \ Swaggs vs Tucker \ Marmel vs Revrew \ NevStar (For The ZFLW Tag Team Titles) : Jordan walks into a high dropkick from Bertogarce. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Tag between Bertogarce and JeeberD. JeeberD strikes Jordan. Hooks the leg for a two count. Jeeber only gets knees on a splash. Tag between Orlando Jordan and Tucker. Tucker hits a right hand on JeeberD. Badly executed second rope splash by Tucker. Tucker tags out to Marmel. Tucker \ Marmel whip Jeeber into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Hooks the leg for a two count. Jeeber blocks a punch. Stiff high kick on Marmel by JeeberD who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Jeeber tags out to NevStar. NevStar hits a right hand on Marmel. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Marmel and JeeberD. JeeberD strikes NevStar. NevStar counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Big clothesline from NevStar. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. NevStar defeats Jeeber. Swaggs strikes away at NevStar. Side suplex from Swaggs. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Swaggs tags out to Tucker. Face crusher from Tucker on NevStar. Tag to Orlando Jordan. Big clothesline from Jordan. Jordan DDTs NevStar. Pin, three count, it's over. Orlando Jordan pins NevStar. Marmel face jams Orlando Jordan. Pin, but Jordan is out just before the three count. Marmel hits a spinning back kick. Jordan reverses a Marmel hammerlock. Running clothesline from Orlando Jordan, sloppily done. Cover for a two count. Tag to Swaggs. Jordan \ Swaggs whip Marmel into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Swaggs with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Marmel. Marmel elbows Swaggs in the face to break a hammerlock. Marmel tags out to Tucker. Tucker hits a bulldog off the ropes. Sloppy tornado punch from Tucker, Swaggs barely got hit. Orlando Jordan can barely stand. Here it comes - Superkick. 1....2...3, it's finished. Nothing worth seeing here, I'll give a 1\2 star rating because I'm generous. Marmel and Tucker are the 1st ever ZFLW Tag Team Champions.

Crowd Reaction - 37% , Match Quality - 63% , Overall Rating - 50%

As we go off the air we get a shot of the backstage area. A crowd is forming around Coffee Warlord, who has been knocked unconscious and left down and out. Paramedics come over to help, although nobody seems to know who was responsible for the attack.

Rating - 54%

We had an overall rating of 51% for the show. We had 112 people show up. Our public image is 27%.

Titles: Illinifan retained his Hardcore Title. Coffee Warlord retained his Lightweight Title. Marmel and Tucker are the 1st ever Tag Team Champions.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-10-2003, 04:22 PM   #113
Coffee Warlord
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Um. Ow.

Win one for the Warlord, someone?
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Old 07-10-2003, 11:01 PM   #114
The Afoci
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So when I come back, I will be a hero! YES!!!
I had something.
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Old 07-11-2003, 09:10 AM   #115
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I'm finally part of the non-dark show! Woo hoo.
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Old 07-11-2003, 02:52 PM   #116
College Benchwarmer
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Originally posted by The Afoci
So when I come back, I will be a hero! YES!!!

Yes, unfortunately you are working for UPW and the game doesn't show me how other workers are doing match wise. Hopefully someday I can get you back in ZFLW. I try to steal you back every month but no go yet. I'll keep trying.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-11-2003, 03:12 PM   #117
The Afoci
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Location: Moorhead
Originally posted by DolphinFan1
Yes, unfortunately you are working for UPW and the game doesn't show me how other workers are doing match wise. Hopefully someday I can get you back in ZFLW. I try to steal you back every month but no go yet. I'll keep trying.

The Afoci feels he wasn't paid or respected enough in the ZFL Wrestling. The Afoci feels you must pay The Afoci what The Afoci deserves. The Afoci is an expensive bitch.
I had something.
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Old 07-11-2003, 03:15 PM   #118
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Originally posted by The Afoci
The Afoci feels he wasn't paid or respected enough in the ZFL Wrestling. The Afoci feels you must pay The Afoci what The Afoci deserves. The Afoci is an expensive bitch.

Hey, your new gimmick is a hero not a prima donna.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-12-2003, 11:34 AM   #119
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Preview of BACK FOR MORE Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Tag Team Titles are up for grabs as Marmel and Tucker defend them against Orlando Jordan and Swaggs.

There will also be a 4 team elimination match for a Tag Team Title shot. The winner will face the Champions at the next event.

Digamma and Revrew square off against Illinifan and a mystery partner. If Digamma and Revrew win then Revrew get's one more Hardcore Title shot.

Also, Coffee Warlord defends his Lightweight Title agains Orlando Jordan. And will Coffee find out who attacked him? Tune in Sunday afternoon to find out.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 07-12-2003 at 11:36 AM.
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Old 07-13-2003, 05:21 PM   #120
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
MARCH 1, 2005

We are still making money every month but our public image is dropping. It’s a combination of the wrestling industry’s state and our poor match performance I’m told.

I sign a Lightweight Heel who may help. He has good charisma and is over some. Holden Foley is signed to a 1 year verbal deal as a main eventer.

I get told that JeeberD was involved in a backstage fight. I take no action at this time keeping with my policy of giving everyone one chance.

BACK FOR MORE Sunday, March 27, 2005

We start with a dark match featuring one of our up an coming stars JeeberD in a submission match.

JeeberD vs Kodos : Kick from JeeberD to the leg. Hard back suplex on Kodos. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Hard back suplex on Kodos. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Kodos powers out of a headlock. Back heel kick from Kodos on Jeeber. JeeberD fights out of a grapple. Lightning kick by Jeeber on Kodos. Back heel kick off the second rope, Kodos goes down. Kodos drops out the back of a JeeberD bodyslam attempt. Kodos hits a back kick. Kodos misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. JeeberD hits a rolling kick on Kodos. Katon comes running down the aisle with a chair! Kodos goes to irish whip JeeberD into the ropes. Katon prepares to swing the chair...but JeeberD reverses! Katon accidentally smacks Kodos with a chair to the back! Jeeber floors Kodos. There is the Camel Clutch! Submission! Kodos \ Katon are beating down on JeeberD! The music of Bertogarce hits, and he comes running down the aisle into the ring. Kodos and Katon bail out of the ring, leaving JeeberD down in the ring. Bertogarce may have saved JeeberD from a brutal beating. DUD.

Crowd Reaction - 19% , Match Quality - 54% , Overall Rating - 36%

We start out our live broadcast with an interview.

We head to the backstage area where Color Commentator, C.J. Wolf is set to interview Coffee Warlord and Erin Bray.

C.J. Wolf: “Coffee, do you have any idea who attacked you last month?”

Coffee: “No, whomever it was hit me from behind. But I will find out who the coward is. But I have a title defense to worry about. This Orlando Jordan burst on the scene last month and made an impact. I have to go prepare and not take him lightly.”

Before Coffee and Bray can leave they are interrupted by newcomer, Holden Foley.

Foley: “Orlando Jordan, Please. You should be worried about me. I will take that title from around your waist as soon as you have the guts to face me.”

Coffee looks at Foley and frowns. “And who the hell are you?”

Foley explodes. “Who am I? I am your destruction! That’s all you need to know!” Foley says as he pushes past Coffee on the way to his locker room. Coffee stands there for a minute looking perplexed.

Could Foley be behind the attack on Coffee Warlord last month?

Rating - 77%

Our 1st match is a tag team match for the Tag Team Titles.

Jordan \ Swaggs vs Marmel \ Tucker (For The ZFLW Tag Team Titles) : Marmel hits an arm drag on Swaggs. Marmel hits a spinning back kick. Cover for a two count. Tag to Tucker. Marmel \ Tucker hook up Swaggs, then hit a double suplex. Hooks the leg for a two count. Swaggs walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Swaggs ducks a clothesline attempt. Weak bodyslam by Swaggs. There's a two count on the pin. Tag to Orlando Jordan. Orlando Jordan DDTs Tucker, although it was hardly executed with pin-point precision. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Orlando Jordan hits a right hand on Tucker. Tucker reverses a Orlando Jordan hammerlock. Tucker hits a spinning back kick. Tag to Marmel. Marmel snapmares Orlando Jordan. Tag between Orlando Jordan and Swaggs. Flying elbow from Marmel, barely hitting the target. Erik Flame \ Illinifan come running down the aisle with chairs! Marmel whips Swaggs into the ropes. Erik Flame jumps onto the apron with the chair! Collision between Erik Flame, Swaggs, and the chair! Swaggs falls to the canvas. Swaggs gets knocked to the ground by Marmel, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Through the air, Drop kick! 1....2....3. Erik Flame \ Illinifan are still in the ring doing a beat-down. Out from the crowd comes Revrew! He has a chair! Erik Flame \ Illinifan bail out of the ring as Revrew slides in to the squared circle, unwilling to taste the steel. Wait! As soon as Revrew turns around, they slide back in and blindside him! They take the chair...and beat the heck out of Revrew with it! He has been laid out as well by the team of Erik Flame \ Illinifan! Rating: 1\2 star.

Crowd Reaction - 42% , Match Quality - 58% , Overall Rating - 50%

Revrew stays in the ring, and he calls out Illinifan.

Revrew: “Illinifan, Why don’t you come down to the ring right now and face me for that title around your waist? I’m sick of these sneak attacks. Face me one on one in a fair fight.”

There is no response, so Revrew walks off backstage to find him.

We cut to Flamebeard’s locker room where Illinifan and Erik Flamebeard are watching a monitor.

Illinifan: “He just doesn’t quit. I have beaten him 5 times and he thinks he deserves another shot. No way. I’m through with him.”

Rating - 46%

Our next match is a 4 team elimination match with the winner getting a Tag Team Title shot at next month’s event.

Bertogarce \ Jeeber vs NevStar \ Bishop vs Sachmo \ Shorty vs Kodos \ Katon : Bertogarce takes a chop from Katon. Katon hits a crap missile dropkick on Bertogarce. Tag to BishopMVP. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Bishop hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Bishop tags out to NevStar. NevStar hits a right hand on Bertogarce. Bertogarce takes a vertical suplex. Bertogarce counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Hard back suplex on NevStar. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Tag to JeeberD. Tiger suplex on NevStar, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Jeeber defeats NevStar. Running clothesline from Sachmo, sloppily done. Sloppy tornado punch from Sachmo, Jeeber barely got hit. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Tag between Sachmo and Shorty. Sachmo scoops up Jeeber. Shorty bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Back heel kick from Shorty on Jeeber. Pin, but Jeeber is out just before the three count. Shorty walks into a trip. Tag between JeeberD and Kodos. Face crusher from Kodos on Shorty. Kodos face jams Shorty. Tag to Katon. Kodos \ Katon whip Shorty into the corner. Kodos whips Katon in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Pin, three count, it's over. Katon pins Shorty. Bertogarce takes a chop from Katon. Badly executed second rope splash by Katon. Bertogarce drops out the back of a Katon bodyslam attempt. Bertogarce hits a dropkick on Katon. Flying cross body off the top rope! I'll give a 0.8 on the Steamboat scale for that effort. Cover for a two count. Bertogarce tags out to JeeberD. Jeeber crushes Katon with a running senton. Katon kicks JeeberD in the gut to reverse the momentum. Tag between Katon and Kodos. Kodos face jams JeeberD. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Kodos hits a dropkick on JeeberD. 'Hit' may be an exaggeration, as it barely touched. Jeeber reverses a waistlock. Jeeber hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Bertogarce has Kodos down on the canvas. Here it comes - Big Splash, forget about it. 1....2...3! Slap a DUD on it, move on. Bertogarce and JeeberD get a tag team title shot.

Crowd Reaction - 25% , Match Quality - 65% , Overall Rating - 45%

Erin Bray is backstage, and announces that tonight we will see Revrew \ Digamma face Illinifan and any partner he chooses in a tag team match. If Revrew and Digamma win then Revrew will get one more shot at Illinifan’s Hardcore Title.

Rating - 79%

Digamma \ Revrew vs Illinifan \ ? : Digamma and Revrew come out and wait for their opponents. Illinifan comes out alone. Suddenly the music of Holden Foley plays and he comes out and hits the ring. Flying elbow from Revrew, barely hitting the target. Back heel kick from Revrew on Foley, missed by miles. Cover for a two count. Tag between Revrew and Digamma. Digamma \ Revrew whip Foley into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Digamma hits a flying kick on Foley. Hooks the leg for a two count. Digamma strikes Foley. Digamma misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Holden Foley with an enziguri. Tag between Holden Foley and Illinifan. Illinifan slams Digamma down. Big John Studd would be proud, no doubt. Big clothesline from Illinifan. Digamma blocks a punch. Digamma tags out to Revrew. Badly executed second rope splash by Revrew. Revrew with an enziguri, although the late Owen Hart's version was far superior. Pin, but Illinifan is out just before the three count. Revrew snapmares Illinifan. Illinifan blocks the suplex attempt. Weak bodyslam by Illinifan. Revrew grabs Illinifan for Digamma, who swings...but Illinifan ducks, and in a cruel twist of fate, the big punch floors Revrew. Irony is such a cruel mistress. Revrew gets knocked to the ground by Illinifan. Here it comes...Choke hold! Revrew taps! Digamma and Revrew remain in the ring. Revrew does not look happy at losing. Digamma goes to leave, but gets pulled back in by Revrew. Tensions seem to be rising between these two. Rating: 1\2 star. Revrew is furious at losing. His title shot is gone thanks to the mistake. Digamma tries to calm him to tell him it was an accident. Cooler heads prevail as they leave the ring.

Crowd Reaction - 41% , Match Quality - 57% , Overall Rating - 49%

Our main event is for the ZFLW Lightweight Title.

Coffee Warlord vs Orlando Jordan (For The ZFLW Lightweight Title) : Jordan takes a chop from Coffee. Coffee hits a back kick. Coffee hits an arm drag on Jordan. Jordan walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Jordan pushes out of a Coffee Warlord hold. Running clothesline from Orlando Jordan, sloppily done. Orlando Jordan hits a sloppy double axe handle. Cover for a two count. Coffee Warlord fights out of a grapple. Coffee Warlord hits a crap missile dropkick on Jordan. Hooks the leg for a two count. Diving headbutt from Coffee, not much elevation. Pin, but Jordan is out just before the three count. Jordan blocks the suplex attempt. Coffee Warlord takes a right hand to the temple from Jordan. Coffee counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Flying elbow from Coffee Warlord, barely hitting the target. Holden Foley just slid into the ring out of nowhere! Foley has a chair, and drops Coffee and Jordan with devastating blows, causing the referee to call for the bell. This match has been ruled a no contest! Holden Foley has a chair. Coffee turns and takes a brutal shot to the head. Jordan is next to take a hard shot. Foley has demolished everyone! Nothing worth seeing here, I'll give a 1\2 star rating because I'm generous.

Crowd Reaction - 41% , Match Quality - 59% , Overall Rating 50%

As we go off the air, Digamma comes down to the ring. He wants a title shot. Foley and Jordan join in and state their cases for a title shot. Erik Flamebeard comes out and into the ring. He announces that they will be able to settle this at the next show, as he is booking a triangle match between them with the winner getting a title shot.

Rating - 62%

Our overall rating for the show was 57%. Our best in a while. We had 114 people show up. Our public image is at 26%.

Titles: Coffee Warlord retains his Lightweight Title on a no contest match with Foley’s interference. Illinifan did not have a Hardcore Title defense. Tucker and Marmel successfully defended their Tag Team Titles.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-14-2003, 02:07 AM   #121
General Manager
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Town of Flower Mound
JeeberD + Bertogarce = Badasses

Tucker and Marm had better watch out. We're coming to kick their asses...
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 07-14-2003, 10:33 AM   #122
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Location: Boulder
JeeberD + Bertogarce = Badasses

Tucker and Marm had better watch out. We're coming to kick their asses...

You got that right! No more dark match purgatory for us. I might as well throw away all my belts, because that tag title is going to be around my waist!
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Old 07-14-2003, 10:51 AM   #123
Coffee Warlord
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Location: Colorado Springs
The one, the only, the Coffee Warlord is pleased to see he still has his title.

After all, the only place the one, the only, the ZFLW Title should be is around the waist of the one, the only, the Coffee Warlord.
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Old 07-14-2003, 01:45 PM   #124
Join Date: Oct 2000
We need to get Orlando Jordan an FOFC name...I just can't get into a non-FOFC character.
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 07-15-2003, 04:00 PM   #125
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
APRIL 1, 2005

I hire another writer to try and help. Nathalie St. Hubbins is a 35 year old female with 35 for talent. I get her to agree to a 3 year verbal deal worth $5,000 a month.

I sign another face to the roster in an effort to boost our ratings. El Midgeeto is a 19 year old prospect. He has 79 for Charisma and a 90 for selling. He needs to improve in some other areas and is only rated 11 for overness, but he should improve our opening matches. I get him to sign a 1 year deal worth $8,000 a month.

A new promotion has started up, “The League Against The McMahon Family.”


We start with a dark match featuring the debut of El Midgeeto in a 3 on 3 tag match.

Double D\Bishop\Midget vs Katon\Shorty\Kodos : Katon snapmares El Midgeeto. Flying elbow from Katon, barely hitting the target. Tag to Kodos. Flying elbow from Kodos, barely hitting the target. Badly executed second rope splash by Kodos. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag to Shorty. Kodos \ Shorty whip Midget into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Midget walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. El Midgeeto ducks a clothesline attempt. Flying elbow from El Midgeeto. Tag between El Midgeeto and Dangerous Dave. Shorty walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Flying knee to the face from Dangerous Dave. Is it Mutoh Appreciation Night? Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Double D hits an arm drag on Shorty. Double D tags out to BishopMVP. Bishop hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Flying elbow from BishopMVP. Shorty counters an arm wringer with an elbow to the side of the head. Shorty tags out to Katon. Katon hits a flying kick on Bishop. Bishop tags out to El Midgeeto. El Midgeeto strikes Katon. Lightning kick by Midget on Katon. Katon can barely stand. Micro Kick! 1....2....3. DUD.

Crowd Reaction - 19% , Match Quality - 62% , Overall Rating - 40%

Not a bad match. But the crowd just wasn’t into it. We are ready for our live event. Let’s head down to our play by play announcer and color commentator for a preview.

Larry Rivera: “Well C.J., tonight is a big night. The Tag Team Titles are up for grabs as Tucker and Marmel defend them against the up and coming team of JeeberD and Bertogarce.”

C.J. Wolf: “That’s right Larry. JeeberD is on a roll since debuting a couple of month’s ago. He actually has an upset win over Marmel in a tag match a few months ago. Marmel and Tucker have the experience, but JeeberD and Bertogarce may have the psychological edge. We will see.”

Larry Rivera: “Also on the card, Illinifan will defend his Hardcore Title but we don’t know against who. All we know is Erik Flamebeard will be announcing Illinifan’s opponent later tonight.”

C.J. Wolf: “Knowing Flamebeard, it will probably be clearly in Illinifan’s favor. But we also have a triple threat #1 contender’s match with Digamma, Orlando Jordan and Holden Foley.”

Larry Rivera: “That’s right. Also, Coffee Warlord will defend his Lightweight Title against the winner of that match in our main event tonight. And will Coffee find out who attacked him 2 month’s ago. Maybe we’ll find out tonight. Let’s get to the ring as the Tag Title Match is ready to kick us off.”

Jeeber \ Bertogarce vs Marmel \ Tucker (For The ZFLW Tag Team Titles) : Spinning back kick from JeeberD. JeeberD hits a rolling kick on Tucker. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag between JeeberD and Bertogarce. Jeeber \ Bertogarce whip Tucker into the corner. JeeberD whips Bertogarce in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Hooks the leg for a two count. Bertogarce uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Tucker blocks the suplex attempt. Weak bodyslam by Tucker. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Tucker and Marmel. Badly executed second rope splash by Marmel. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Marmel hits a flying kick on Bertogarce. Bertogarce pushes out of a Marmel hold. Bertogarce hits a dropkick on Marmel. Tag to JeeberD. Standing leg lariat by JeeberD on Marmel. Marmel tags out to Tucker. Spin kick by JeeberD to the face. Tucker is in trouble. Spear! Kodos quickly comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Bertogarce goes to make the intercept...but is jumped at ringside by Katon! JeeberD turns around....German Suplex!!! That shook the ring. The referee calls for the DQ because of the interference of Kodos! Kodos \ Katon signal for the Double DDT! From the crowd come Jordan \ Swaggs, and they look ready for action! They slide in and start brawling with Kodos \ Katon! It only lasts a few moments before Kodos \ Katon bail out of the ring and head for the backstage area, looking furious. Jordan \ Swaggs remain in the ring, having gotten the upper hand this time. DUD.

Crowd Reaction - 31% , Match Quality - 51% , Overall Rating - 41%

Up next is a triple threat #1 contender’s match. The winner gets a Lightweight Title shot later tonight.

Digamma vs Orlando Jordan vs Holden Foley : Some chops from Foley, all of which barely touched Orlando Jordan. Foley hits a quick kick on Digamma. Orlando Jordan avoids a Holden Foley avalanche. Big kick from Jordan. Badly executed second rope splash by Digamma. Pin, but Jordan is out just before the three count. Foley hits an arm drag on Digamma. Digamma blocks a kick from Holden Foley. Jordan \ Digamma whip Foley into the ropes and hit a double back elbow. Orlando Jordan scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Digamma hits a quick kick on Jordan. Jordan blocks a kick from Digamma. Jordan slams Holden Foley down. Big John Studd would be proud, no doubt. Holden Foley gets knocked to the ground by Jordan, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Through the air, Moonsault! 1....2....3. Rating: 1\2 star.

Crowd Reaction - 45% , Match Quality - 53% , Overall Rating - 49%

Erik Flamebeard is backstage. “Tonight Illinifan will defend his Hardcore Title. His opponent is Revrew.”

Illinifan looks at Flamebeard incredulously. Flamebeard smiles at Illinifan.

Flamebeard: “But Revrew can only have his rematch on 2 conditions. One, Revrew must win as this will be his last Hardcore Title shot against Illinifan. Their feud will end tonight. Two, if Revrew loses the match he is suspended.”

Revrew agrees and Illinifan smiles and heads to the ring. What’s up with that?

Rating - 61%

Illinifan vs Revrew (For The ZFLW Hardcore Title) :
Kick from Revrew to the leg. Revrew misses a clothesline. Illinifan strikes away at Revrew. The referee bumps after catching a wild right hand and is down. Illinifan scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's no one to count for Illinifan. Revrew ducks a wild right hand. Revrew hits an irish whip into a shopping cart. Revrew uses a running dropkick into the corner. Cover for a two count. Revrew face jams Illinifan. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Illinifan backdrops Revrew out of a piledriver attempt. Whip into an upright table by Illinifan. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Revrew counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Illinifan is in trouble. Power Bomb! 1....2....3. Illinifan grabs the referee, then nails him with a right hand! Dozens of people hit the ring to stop any further incident. This one gets * rating and likes it. Revrew is the Hardcore Champion.

Crowd Reaction - 45% , Match Quality - 61% , Overall Rating - 53%

As Illinifan heads to the back, we catch him saying it wasn’t supposed to happen like that. Where was Flamebeard? As he gets to the locker room we see why. Erik Flamebeard is laying on the locker room floor bloodied from a steel chair which lays beside him. Illinifan looks around but doesn’t see the attacker.

As Revrew is heading to his locker room he passes Erin Bray in the hallway. “You’re welcome.” That’s all she says as she walks away.

Up next is a triple threat hardcore match. The winner gets a Hardcore Title shot at next month’s event against the new champ, Revrew.

Swaggs vs NevStar vs Sachmo : NevStar hits a punch, but takes one right back. CLUBBERIN', CLUBBERIN', THEY BE CLUBBERIN' TONY! Sorry, flashback moment. Frying pan shot by Swaggs. NevStar ducks a clothesline attempt. Weak bodyslam by NevStar. NevStar DDTs Sachmo, although it was hardly executed with pin-point precision. Cover for a two count. Swaggs scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. NevStar ducks a clothesline attempt. NevStar throws Swaggs into a shopping trolley. Sachmo DDTs NevStar. Illinifan comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! NevStar turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Illinifan! Illinifan has left NevStar in big trouble. Sachmo floors NevStar. NevStar gets locked in the Figure Four Leglock! Submission victory! Yuck. DUD. Sachmo gets the title shot thanks to Illinifan.

Crowd Reaction - 31% , Match Quality - 60% , Overall Rating - 45%

Our main event is for the Lightweight Title.

Coffee Warlord vs Orlando Jordan (For The ZFLW Lightweight Title) : Jordan takes a chop from Coffee. Flying elbow off the top rope by Coffee Warlord, poor elevation though. Hooks the leg for a two count. Orlando Jordan fights out of a grapple. Jordan strikes away at Coffee Warlord. Running clothesline from Orlando Jordan, sloppily done. Cover for a two count. Orlando Jordan scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Pin, but Coffee is out just before the three count. Orlando Jordan strikes Coffee Warlord. Jordan drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Coffee Warlord hits a crap missile dropkick on Jordan. There's a two count on the pin. Diving headbutt from Coffee, not much elevation. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Coffee hits an arm drag on Jordan. Orlando Jordan gets hip tossed by Coffee. Coffee only gets knees on a splash. Coffee gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Orlando Jordan scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Digamma comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Coffee Warlord turns around.... and gets floored! Digamma climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - High Time!!! Digamma leaves the ring, the damage done! Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Jordan defeats Coffee. Digamma has a chair. Coffee Warlord stands up...and gets floored by a shot to the head. Another two shots smack down across his back, leaving him unmoving on the canvas. Digamma sets the chair up, then picks up Coffee Warlord. He gets whipped into the ropes...and then drop toe holded, sending him face first into the chair! Digamma has left Coffee down and bloodied in the ring after a brutal assault! It was close to a ** match, but one too many blown spots knocks it down to a *1\2 rating. Orlando Jordan is the new Lightweight Champion.

Coffee Warlord debuted his new gimmick (Old School Face), it got a positive response. Digamma's turn was completed, and he is now a heel. Digamma gained 4 points of overness from this turn. The ZFLW Lightweight title has gained in image.

Crowd Reaction - 54% , Match Quality - 60% , Overall Rating - 57%

We head backstage where color commentator, C.J. Wolf is rushing back to get an interview with Digamma.

C.J. Wolf: “Digamma, why did you turn on Coffee?”

Digamma: “Why? Why? I’ll tell you why! I helped Coffee out of a bind when he called me. He won the Title because of me. What thanks do I get? Two title shots. How many title shots has Coffee had since the debut of the ZFLW? The only reason he gets all the shots is because his manager is also the co-GM.”

C.J. Wolf: ”It sounds like you’re jealous.”

Digamma: “Jealous! What do you know? You’re just a stupid commentator!” Digamma screams as he punches out C.J. and grabs the mic. “Coffee, I am better than you. Hell, I am better than anyone in that locker room. Watch your back.” Digamma says as he throws the mic on a helpless C.J.

Digamma debuted his new gimmick (Prima Donna). It got a positive response.

Rating - 51%

As we go off the air Erin Bray hears Digamma. She goes to the ring and grabs a microphone.

Erin Bray: “I just spoke to Orlando Jordan. He’s not happy about the way he won the title. He didn’t ask for Digamma’s help and he wants to give the title up. I however have come up with an alternative. Next month’s event will feature a 4 corners match for the Lightweight Title. Coffee Warlord, Digamma, Orlando Jordan and Holden Foley will compete and there will be a winner. There will also be no interference. If anyone interferes they will be suspended.”

Rating - 65%

We had an overall rating of 54% for the show. We had 111 people show up. Our public image is at 25%.

Titles: Orlando Jordan is the Lightweight Champ. Revrew is the Hardcore Champ. Marmel and Tucker are the Tag Team Champs.

Turns: Digamma is now a heel.

Gold should be back in a little over two months.

Here is the new rankings. Face: Erin Bray, Coffee Warlord, Orlando Jordan, Revrew and NevStar. Heel: Holden Foley, Erik Flamebeard, Illinifan, Digamma and Tucker.

Here are the current and new feuds:

Coffee Warlord vs. Digamma - Clearly you could see this coming with Digamma turning on him.

Orlando Jordan vs. Holden Foley - The other two big names in the Lightweight Title picture start up.

NevStar vs. Sachmo - A feud that’s been running awhile with a 3-2 edge to NevStar at the moment.

Bertogarce/JeeberD vs. Katon/Kodos - A fairly new feud. Trying to get these new guys in the mix.

BishopMVP vs. Shorty - This feud will pick up again. With only a 1-0 edge to Shorty since January.

Erin Bray vs. Erik Flamebeard - Trying to get Flamebeard’s morale back up there.

Revrew/Swaggs vs. Marmel/Tucker - This will be a new feud starting next month.

El Midgeeto vs. Illinifan - Also starting next month. Illinifan didn’t want this feud as he said El Midgeeto is not in his league. But that’s why I’m in charge. He will do it because I said so. Ha Ha!

Next: Big changes in store for ZFL Wrestling. Stay tuned, next update coming later this week.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-15-2003, 04:09 PM   #126
High School Varsity
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Location: Raleigh, NC
Where's my J.O.B squad T-shirt?
I can't think of a clever signature.
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Old 07-15-2003, 05:28 PM   #127
Join Date: Oct 2000
Wow! Revrew and Swaggs team up? I gotta see this...
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 07-15-2003, 06:36 PM   #128
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Originally posted by JeeberD
JeeberD + Bertogarce = Badasses

Tucker and Marm had better watch out. We're coming to kick their asses...

Thanks for the help. You guys are now the tag team known as The Badasses.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-15-2003, 09:17 PM   #129
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: VA
Can I uhh kill Erik?
Chicago Eagles
2 time ZFL champions
We're "rebuilding"
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Old 07-15-2003, 09:19 PM   #130
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Originally posted by illinifan999
Can I uhh kill Erik?

Aw, don't be too hard on him. He had a plan to help you. Unfortunately someone saw fit to take him out of the picture.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-15-2003, 09:25 PM   #131
Pro Rookie
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: VA
Originally posted by DolphinFan1
Aw, don't be too hard on him. He had a plan to help you. Unfortunately someone saw fit to take him out of the picture.

So can I kill him or not?
Chicago Eagles
2 time ZFL champions
We're "rebuilding"
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Old 07-15-2003, 10:41 PM   #132
Erik Flamebeard of The Neither Here Nor There
Join Date: Apr 2003
Originally posted by illinifan999
Can I uhh kill Erik?

Erik Flamebeard of the Neither Here Nor There
Portland Sea Biscuits OG
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Old 07-15-2003, 10:42 PM   #133
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
And what about MY morale?

I mean, I've got a nubile young woman as a manager. Why is the one, the only, the Coffee Warlord not getting some?
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Old 07-16-2003, 02:19 AM   #134
General Manager
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Location: The Town of Flower Mound
Originally posted by DolphinFan1
Thanks for the help. You guys are now the tag team known as The Badasses.


But I am so pissed at that unholy Cowboys-hater Kodos. I was so ready to pin Tucker after that spear, and the bastard (along with his little ass buddy Katon) ruined everything!

The Badasses are the true Tag Team Champs! Everyone knows that we are!

Kodos and Katon, you're gonna regret the day you messed with The Badasses.

But right now we've got a score to settle with those pansies Marmel and Tucker...
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 07-16-2003, 09:58 AM   #135
Grizzled Veteran
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Manchester, CT
Finally, a title belt around my waist!

I should retire now, it cannot get any better.

Cincinnati basketball writer P. Daugherty, "Connor Barwin playing several minutes against Syracuse is like kids with slingshots taking down Caesar's legions."
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Old 07-16-2003, 09:04 PM   #136
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
MAY 1, 2005

A new promotion has started up, Triple X Wrestling.


ZFL Wrestling - GM DolphinFan1 of ZFL Wrestling has issued this press release. “Coffee Warlord and Revrew apparently were unhappy with the creative direction we were taking as they signed a contract with the new promotion, XXX Wrestling. We are sorry to see them go but we will go on. We want to wish them the best of luck in their endeavors.”

PRESS RELEASE May 11, 2005

ZFL Wrestling - With Coffee Warlord leaving last week, Erin Bray decided she didn’t want to manage another wrestler. ROH signed her to a contract.

From now on I will not let you know if I sign any new wrestlers. I’ll be introducing them during the events to make it more of a surprise. Except for the people I PM so they can start following along, no one else will know.

PREVIEW OF MY ENEMY Sunday, May 29, 2005

Big changes are in store for ZFL Wrestling. At our next event we will have two new debuts. Who are they? Tune in to find out.

Also we will be having a tournament to crown a new champ for a new title.

And our main event will be a 4 corners match for ZFLW Lightweight Title between the champion, Orlando Jordan, Holden Foley, Digamma and a mystery opponent.

Tune in Thursday evening to find out.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 07-16-2003 at 09:04 PM.
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Old 07-16-2003, 09:20 PM   #137
Join Date: Oct 2000
It stinks that the champion is not an FOFCer...

On the other hand, at least Coffee left...
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 07-16-2003, 09:37 PM   #138
High School Varsity
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Raleigh, NC
Nevstar's still in ZFL. Nevstar's a team player. Nevstar's paid his dues. Maybe Nevstar deserves a push. That, or team him up with Erik Flamebeard again
I can't think of a clever signature.
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Old 07-16-2003, 09:53 PM   #139
Coffee Warlord
Head Coach
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs
The one, the only, the Coffee Warlord will have his revenge.

In the meantime, he's The Man in a different show.
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Old 07-17-2003, 01:14 PM   #140
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut

MY ENEMY Sunday, May 29, 2005

We start out with a dark match continuing the feud between Shorty and BishopMVP.

BishopMVP vs Shorty: Shorty hits a back kick. Bishop blocks a punch. BishopMVP scores with a back heel kick on Shorty. Bishop whips Shorty into the turnbuckles...and predictably, the referee gets sandwiched. Power drive elbow by BishopMVP. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Bishop only gets knees on a splash. Flying elbow from Shorty, barely hitting the target. Back heel kick from Shorty on Bishop, missed by miles. Cover for a two count. Slingshot clothesline by Shorty, who almost messed it up by slipping on the ropes. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. BishopMVP pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Flying reverse elbow by BishopMVP. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Shorty blocks the suplex attempt. BishopMVP tries to get a big slam, but it is blocked when Shorty goes to the eyes! Shorty quickly scores with a field-goal kick between the legs! BishopMVP collapses! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! BishopMVP got screwed! I don't think the fight has finished. BishopMVP and Shorty have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view. Welcome to DUDville, please drive carefully.

Crowd Reaction - 26% , Match Quality - 48% , Overall Rating - 37%

We kick off our live broadcast with Erik Flamebeard coming to the ring. A chorus of boos ring out.

Flamebeard: “Thank you very much for that warm welcome. But I have a lot of things to discuss.”

C.J. Wolf: “Warm welcome? Is he deaf? These people loath him.”

Larry Rivera: “No. They love this guy.”

Flamebeard: “Well, what a month it has been. Erin Bray and Coffee Warlord decide to quit because they can’t stand losing.”

C.J. Wolf: “That’s not true. They had creative differences.”

Rivera: “Shh. I’m trying to hear the boss.”

Flamebeard: “So now I am in total control and things are going to be different around here. Revrew also left after getting lucky against Illinifan and winning the Hardcore Title last month. I know he was scared that he couldn’t do it again and didn’t want to get beat. I can’t blame him there.”

C.J. Wolf: “This guy is out to lunch. Those guys left because Flamebeard basically is power hungry and didn’t let them show what they could do.”

Rivera: “If you don’t shut up and let me hear the great Flamebeard, I will have him send his Follower’s over here to do it.”

Flamebeard: “So, tonight there are some changes in store. Since Revrew is gone we have no Hardcore Champion. In honor of the greatest ZFLW Hardcore Champion of all time, (Illinifan), I’m ordering the Hardcore Title be suspended.” The boos ring out again. “In it’s place will be a new title, The Iron Man Title. Every qualifying and title match will be an Iron Man Match. This means to have a true champ, you must be a superior athlete and beat your opponent more than once and have the stamina to go 30 or more minutes. Tonight, right here we will start a single elimination 8 man tournament. The 4 matches of the 1st round will be decided tonight. Then at next month’s event the 4 survivors will compete in the semi-finals and then the final match will conclude and decide the 1st ever ZFLW Iron Man Champion.” The crowd now has a few cheers in response to a new belt.

Flamebeard: “That’s not all. Also tonight we have a 4 corners match for the ZFLW Lightweight Title. Orlando Jordan, the Champion, will defend against Holden Foley, Digamma and a mystery opponent. The departure of Coffee Warlord has left a spot open. I will name the final participant...” Flamebeard is interrupted by familiar music.

C.J. Wolf: “Hey, that’s the music of Coffee Warlord. Coffee has returned.” The crowd is going crazy.

Rivera: “No way. He can’t be here. He quit.”

Coming through the curtain we see it’s not Coffee. An unfamiliar figure comes to the ring and grabs a mic.

“I’d like that spot.”

Flamebeard: “Just who the hell do you think you are coming in here an interrupting me!”

“I am Smokin’ Warlord and I am here to avenge what Digamma did to my cousin, Coffee Warlord.” The crowd now picks up again as they sense that we may see something memorable.

Flamebeard: “You can’t just come in here and demand to be put in the main event. But I tell you what. I’ll give you a chance to prove you belong in the ZFLW. If you can win a match that I set up, then you can be in that title match.”

Smokin’ Warlord: “Deal. Oh, and for the record to all the fans out there. Coffee and Erin didn’t quit. They were shafted by this bastard. He sold their contracts to another promotion because they were a threat to his Followers. Well, I have an iron clad contract that you can’t sell. I’m not going to tell you who gave it to me, but you will find out soon.”

Flamebeard: “That’s enough. I said you could have your match. You must win to be in the main event. Let’s get a referee down here and start this match right now. Here is your opponent. Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to the Internationally known French Superstar, Darkkiller.”

C.J. Wolf: “Oh my God. Flamebeard brought out the big guns. This guy is a monster. He cares about no one, respects no one and hates everyone.”

Rivera: “I’d say Smokin’ Warlord will be all wet by the end of this match. The French are far superior. It’s time for this match to start.”

Rating 53%

Smokin' Warlord vs Darkkiller: DK takes a chop from SW. DK blocks a punch. DK hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. DK whips SW into the turnbuckles...and predictably, the referee gets sandwiched. Tiger suplex on SW, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. DK drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. SW hits a flying kick on DK. Badly executed second rope splash by SW. Hooks the leg for a two count. Smokin' Warlord with an enziguri, although the late Owen Hart's version was far superior. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Darkkiller comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. SW takes a hurrancarana from Darkkiller. Pin, but SW is out just before the three count. Smokin' Warlord reverses a hip toss. Smokin' Warlord moves in for the kill. Storm Cradle Driver!!! That shook the ring. Digamma quickly comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Smokin' Warlord turns around....and gets floored! Digamma climbs the turnbuckles. Off the top - High Time!!! The referee calls for the DQ because of the interference of Digamma! DK and Digamma tie Smokin' Warlord up in the ropes, then start punching away at him until referees run down and break it up. I'll give a 1\2 star rating. Smokin’ Warlord wins by DQ and will be in the main event. But at what cost. He has been beaten down.

Crowd Reaction - 42% , Match Quality - 57% , Overall Rating - 49%

Our next match is the 1st of 4 matches in the 1st round of the Iron Man Tournament.

JeeberD vs Katon : FIRST FALL: Katon hits a flying kick on Jeeber. Katon, chanelling the power of Takada, hits a high kick on JeeberD. Hooks the leg for a two count. Katon drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. JeeberD strikes Katon. Katon takes a flying neckbreaker from JeeberD. Hooks the leg for a two count. DDT from the top rope by JeeberD. That looked brutal. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Driven DDT by JeeberD. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. JeeberD misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Badly executed second rope splash by Katon. Cover for a two count. Katon blasts Jeeber with a rather-less-than-super kick. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Jeeber walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Katon hits a back kick. JeeberD comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Second rope flying axe handle, Katon goes down. Tiger suplex on Katon, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Jeeber defeats Katon. SECOND FALL: JeeberD strikes Katon. Katon walks into a high dropkick from JeeberD. JeeberD hits a rolling kick on Katon. Katon takes a flying neckbreaker from JeeberD. Katon comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Jeeber takes a chop from Katon. Back heel kick from Katon on Jeeber. Cover for a two count. JeeberD reverses a hip toss. Super kick by JeeberD. Cover for a two count. Tiger suplex on Katon, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Jeeber walks into a trip. Katon hits a crap missile dropkick on Jeeber. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Katon defeats Jeeber. THIRD FALL: Jeeber hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. JeeberD misses a clothesline. Katon snapmares JeeberD. Jeeber reverses an irish whip...and Katon runs into the referee. Katon blasts Jeeber with a rather-less-than-super kick. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. Jeeber blocks a punch. Hard back suplex on Katon. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Super frankensteiner on Katon, who hit hard. There's a two count on the pin. Power drive elbow by JeeberD. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Katon reverses a JeeberD hammerlock. Katon uses a running dropkick into the corner. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Jeeber kicks Katon in the gut to reverse the momentum. JeeberD has Katon down on the canvas. Katon gets locked in the Camel Clutch! Submission victory! END OF BOUT. Kodos comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Jeeber turns around...straight into a German Suplex!! JeeberD has been left down on the canvas. I'm giving the bookers one red-hot poker up the ass as a rating. JeeberD moves on in the tournament but he has been beaten down.

Crowd Reaction - 13% , Match Quality - 48% , Overall Rating - 30%

The second match in the tournament.

Bertogarce vs Kodos : FIRST FALL: Bertogarce hits a rolling kick on Kodos. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Kodos is down. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kodos fights out of a grapple. Kodos hits a back kick. Kodos hits a spinning back kick. There's a two count on the pin. Kodos with an enziguri, although the late Owen Hart's version was far superior. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Kodos hits a dropkick on Bertogarce. 'Hit' may be an exaggeration, as it barely touched. Kodos only gets knees on a splash. Spinning bulldog in the corner, Kodos is down. There's a two count on the pin. Tiger suplex on Kodos, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Kodos takes a flying neckbreaker from Bertogarce. Bertogarce strikes Kodos. Kodos powers out of a Bertogarce headlock. Flying elbow from Kodos, barely hitting the target. Kodos with an enziguri. Pin, three count, it's over. Kodos pins Bertogarce. SECOND FALL: Forearm to the face from Kodos on Bertogarce. Bertogarce takes a kick to the chest, and staggers back. Kodos hits a flying kick on Bertogarce. Face crusher from Kodos on Bertogarce. Bertogarce powers out of a Kodos headlock. Bertogarce hits a dropkick on Kodos. Lightning kick by Bertogarce on Kodos. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kodos reverses a hip toss. Kodos uses a running dropkick into the corner. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kodos with an enziguri, although the late Owen Hart's version was far superior. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Bertogarce pushes out of a Kodos hold. Flying cross body off the top rope! I'll give a 0.8 on the Steamboat scale for that effort. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Bertogarce defeats Kodos. THIRD FALL: Kick from Kodos to the leg. Kodos gets taken down out of nowhere. Bertogarce hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Kodos charges, Bertogarce moves, and the referee is conveniently placed to get knocked out. DDT from the top rope by Bertogarce. That looked brutal. Cover, but there's no one to count for Bertogarce. Kodos powers out of a Bertogarce headlock. Kodos arm drags Bertogarce over. Badly executed second rope splash by Kodos. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kodos with an enziguri, although the late Owen Hart's version was far superior. Pin, but Bertogarce is out just before the three count. Bertogarce elbows Kodos in the face to break a hammerlock. Kodos takes a hurrancarana from Bertogarce. Pin, but Kodos is out just before the three count. Kodos avoids a Bertogarce avalanche. Katon comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Bertogarce turns around.... Running Power Slam!!! That shook the ring. Katon leaves the ring, the damage done! Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Kodos defeats Bertogarce. END OF BOUT. Kodos and Katon are putting the boots to Bertogarce! JeeberD comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Kodos \ Katon running for cover. JeeberD saved Bertogarce from a major beating. DUD. Nothing to see here, move along. Kodos moves on with some illegal aid.

Crowd Reaction - 24% , Match Quality - 40% , Overall Rating - 32%

Our 3rd match in the tournament.

NevStar vs Sachmo: FIRST FALL: NevStar hits a right hand on Sachmo. Weak bodyslam by NevStar. There's a two count on the pin. Sachmo counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. NevStar receives some unexciting punishment. NevStar takes a right hand to the temple from Sachmo. There's a two count on the pin. Sloppy tornado punch from Sachmo, NevStar barely got hit. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. NevStar takes a right hand to the temple from Sachmo. NevStar takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. NevStar hits a stump piledriver on Sachmo, although it was quite weak in its execution. Hooks the leg for a two count. NevStar scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Pin, but Sachmo is out just before the three count. Sachmo gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. NevStar hits a right hand on Sachmo. Sachmo blocks a kick from NevStar. Sachmo strikes NevStar. Flapjack from Sachmo on NevStar. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Sachmo defeats NevStar. SECOND FALL: Sachmo strikes NevStar. Lame kick from Sachmo. Sachmo strikes NevStar. Sachmo hits a right hand on NevStar. NevStar powers out of a Sachmo headlock. NevStar strikes Sachmo. Big clothesline from NevStar. There's a two count on the pin. NevStar only gets knees on a splash. Powerslam from Sachmo on NevStar. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sachmo scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. NevStar blocks a punch. Weak bodyslam by NevStar. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. NevStar defeats Sachmo. THIRD FALL: Sachmo hits NevStar. NevStar reverses a waistlock. Weak headbutt on Sachmo by NevStar. Sachmo charges, NevStar moves, and the referee is conveniently placed to get knocked out. Flapjack from NevStar on Sachmo. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. Sachmo reverses a NevStar hammerlock. Weak bodyslam on NevStar by Sachmo. Big clothesline from Sachmo. Cover for a two count. Sachmo scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg for a close fall. NevStar avoids a Sachmo avalanche. Big clothesline from NevStar. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Sachmo reverses a NevStar hammerlock. NevStar scores with a forearm, sending Sachmo down into the corner. The referee pulls NevStar away to get the break. Wait! Sachmo has pulled something out of his tights. NevStar walks over...and gets floored by a punch! 1....2....3! The referee never saw the brass knuckles! END OF BOUT. Sachmo leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle at speed. Sachmo has the victory, and isn't hanging around for NevStar to look for revenge. DUD, and a poor DUD at that. Sachmo wins and moves on. NevStar has been screwed again.

Crowd Reaction - 26% , Match Quality - 55% , Overall Rating - 40%

Our final 1st round match in the tournament.

El Midgeeto vs Illinifan : FIRST FALL: Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Super frankensteiner on Illinifan, who hit hard. Cover for a two count. Illinifan counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Lame kick from Illinifan. Weak bodyslam on Midget by Illinifan. Cover for a two count. Sloppy tornado punch from Illinifan, Midget barely got hit. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Big kick from Illinifan. El Midgeeto fights out of a grapple. Super kick by El Midgeeto. Hooks the leg for a two count. Power drive elbow by El Midgeeto. Pin, but Illinifan is out just before the three count. Flying elbow from El Midgeeto. Illinifan walks into a high dropkick from El Midgeeto. Illinifan reverses a El Midgeeto hammerlock. Running clothesline from Illinifan, sloppily done. Sloppy tornado punch from Illinifan, Midget barely got hit. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Illinifan defeats Midget. SECOND FALL: Midget hits a punch, but takes one right back. CLUBBERIN', CLUBBERIN', THEY BE CLUBBERIN' TONY! Sorry, flashback moment. Lame kick from Illinifan. Big kick from Illinifan. Midget takes a vertical suplex. Midget powers out of a headlock. Flying elbow from El Midgeeto. Midget crushes Illinifan with a big legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Illinifan blocks the suplex attempt. Big clothesline from Illinifan. There's a two count on the pin. Illinifan scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. El Midgeeto avoids a Illinifan avalanche. Super frankensteiner on Illinifan, who hit hard. Pin, three count, it's over. El Midgeeto pins Illinifan. THIRD FALL: Illinifan strikes El Midgeeto. Midget kicks Illinifan in the gut to reverse the momentum. Midget hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. We have our mandatory ref bump, as he goes down after accidentally getting caught by an elbow to the face. Illinifan walks into a face crusher variation. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Illinifan takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Midget takes a vertical suplex. Weak bodyslam by Illinifan. There's a two count on the pin. Illinifan turns Midget inside-out with a clothesline. Hooks the leg for a close fall. El Midgeeto ducks a clothesline attempt. Midget crushes Illinifan with a running senton. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Illinifan reverses a El Midgeeto hammerlock. El Midgeeto charges, Illinifan moves, and the referee is conveniently placed to get knocked out. El Midgeeto knocks Illinifan to the outside, then signals for the Micro Kick. He reaches out of the ring for Illinifan...and gets clobbered with the ring bell! Right to the head! The referee wakes up to see Illinifan sliding in and making the pinfall: 1....2....3! Forget about it. END OF BOUT. I don't think the fight has finished. El Midgeeto and Illinifan have begun brawling again! They wind up brawling all the way down the aisle and out of view. DUD, and a poor DUD at that. Illinifan moves on in the tournament.

Crowd Reaction - 26% , Match Quality - 52% , Overall Rating - 39%

Dangerous Dave and Swaggs come to the ring. “We want a match with Marmel and Tucker. Come out here and face us and we will take those tag team titles around your waist.”

Marmel and Tucker come to the ring with Erik Flamebeard. “You guys haven’t done anything to deserve a title shot. But I’ll tell you what. If you can beat Marmel and Tucker in a non-title match, then you can have a title shot at next month’s event.”

Double D \ Swaggs vs Marmel \ Tucker : Double D hits an arm drag on Tucker. Flying elbow off the top rope by Dangerous Dave, poor elevation though. There's a two count on the pin. Double D tags out to Swaggs. Swaggs \ Double D whip Tucker into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Running clothesline from Swaggs, sloppily done. Cover for a two count. Tucker takes a right hand to the temple from Swaggs. Swaggs gets taken down out of nowhere. Tucker scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Tucker tags out to Marmel. Swaggs walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Flying elbow off the top rope by Marmel, poor elevation though. Swaggs avoids a Marmel avalanche. Tag to Dangerous Dave. Dangerous Dave uses a running dropkick into the corner. Flying knee to the face from Dangerous Dave. Is it Mutoh Appreciation Night? Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Double D hits an arm drag on Marmel. Dangerous Dave misses a clothesline. Badly executed second rope splash by Marmel. Sachmo \ Illinifan come running down the aisle and into the ring! Double D turns...and is dropped with a double DDT! Double D in big trouble. Dangerous Dave gets knocked to the ground by Marmel, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Drop kick!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over. Sachmo \ Illinifan signal for the Double DDT! From the crowd come NevStar \ Midget, and they look ready for action! They slide in and start brawling with Sachmo \ Illinifan! It only lasts a few moments before NevStar \ Midget find themselves in trouble though, and wind up being knocked out of the ring by Sachmo and Illinifan. Welcome to DUDville, please drive carefully. Flamebeard’s Followers have struck again.

Crowd Reaction - 26% , Match Quality - 52% , Overall Rating - 39%

Our main event is a 4 corners match for the ZFLW Lightweight Title.

Digamma vs Holden Foley vs Orlando Jordan vs Smokin' Warlord (For The ZFLW Lightweight Title) : Smokin' Warlord takes a right hand to the temple from Jordan. Weak headbutt on SW by Jordan. There's a two count on the pin. Weak bodyslam by Jordan. SW drops out the back of a Orlando Jordan bodyslam attempt. SW hits a spinning back kick. There's a two count on the pin. Back heel kick from SW on Jordan, missed by miles. There's a two count on the pin. SW walks into a trip. Digamma receives some unexciting punishment. Tag between Orlando Jordan and Digamma. Digamma hits an arm drag on SW. Badly executed second rope splash by Digamma. SW takes a chop from Digamma. Digamma face jams Smokin' Warlord. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Tag between Digamma and Holden Foley. Foley hits an arm drag on SW. Holden Foley with an enziguri, although the late Owen Hart's version was far superior. Cover for a two count. Smokin' Warlord gets hip tossed by Foley. Hooks the leg for a two count. Foley, chanelling the power of Takada, hits a high kick on Smokin' Warlord. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. SW tags out to Orlando Jordan. Big clothesline from Jordan. Foley gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Uninspiring brawling from Orlando Jordan. Foley reverses a waistlock. Slingshot clothesline by Foley, who almost messed it up by slipping on the ropes. Orlando Jordan slugs Holden Foley, sending him down into the corner. While Jordan fires up the crowd, Foley is removing the turnbuckle pad! Orlando Jordan comes over...but Foley grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Orlando Jordan face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Holden Foley rolls up the stunned Orlando Jordan, and even puts his feet on the second rope to add insult to injury! 1....2...3! What a display of cheating from Holden Foley. Slap a DUD on it, move on. Holden Foley is the new ZFLW Lightweight Champion.

Crowd Reaction - 43% , Match Quality - 48% , Overall Rating - 45%

We had an overall rating of 41% for the show. Our worst ever. Everyone’s morale is down. I am having trouble with the wrestling industry in a weakened state. We had 117 people show up. Our public image is at 22%.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 07-17-2003 at 01:17 PM.
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Old 07-18-2003, 01:21 AM   #141
General Manager
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Town of Flower Mound
I can't wait to get my hands on Kodos during this Iron Man tournament. He's gonna be feeling some major pain....

Oh, and happy birthday, Boss Man!!!
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 07-18-2003, 09:59 AM   #142
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Originally posted by JeeberD
I can't wait to get my hands on Kodos during this Iron Man tournament. He's gonna be feeling some major pain....

Oh, and happy birthday, Boss Man!!!

Thanks. Unfortunately the next update may not be for a little while. I'm on vacation and I'm not sure how much time I have to spend on the computer. Probably middle of next week.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-18-2003, 10:19 AM   #143
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally posted by JeeberD
I can't wait to get my hands on Kodos during this Iron Man tournament. He's gonna be feeling some major pain....

Boy...that doesn't sound good.
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 07-20-2003, 03:44 PM   #144
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Update: Unfortunately as I stated I will be on vacation and unable to go online until Wednesday evening. Look for the next update then.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-23-2003, 04:13 PM   #145
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Bump, back from vacation. But I have to run out. Update either later tonight or early tomorrow.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-24-2003, 12:11 PM   #146
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JUNE 1, 2005

Signed another road agent to try to help in the backstage area. Chris Lenait is a 28 year old with 38 talent.

JUNE 23, 2005

BishopMVP was stopped by the police. When they searched his car they found drugs in his possession. Since this is his 1st offense I have decided to suspend him for just one month.

THE END IS NEAR Sunday, June 26, 2005

We open with a dark match. It is a submission match.

Bertogarce vs NevStar : Super frankensteiner on NevStar, who hit hard. NevStar powers out of a headlock. NevStar hits Bertogarce. Big kick from NevStar. Running clothesline from NevStar, sloppily done. NevStar drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Lightning kick by Bertogarce on NevStar. Back heel kick off the second rope, NevStar goes down. Driven DDT by Bertogarce. The ring shook violently, instantly making it better at selling than some of the current roster. Bertogarce walks into a trip. NevStar slams Bertogarce down. Big John Studd would be proud, no doubt. Flapjack from NevStar on Bertogarce. NevStar floors Bertogarce. There is the Arm Breaker! Submission! Bertogarce offers a handshake to NevStar...and he accepts it! DUD.

Crowd Reaction - 25% , Match Quality - 57% , Overall Rating - 41%

We open our live event with the 1st of two semi final matches for the Iron Man Title.

JeeberD vs Kodos : FIRST FALL: Kodos hits a flying kick on Jeeber. Kodos uses a running dropkick into the corner. There's a two count on the pin. Kodos walks into a trip. JeeberD strikes Kodos. Second rope flying axe handle, Kodos goes down. Cover for a two count. Tornado DDT from JeeberD, Kodos got planted. Pin, but Kodos is out just before the three count. Flying elbow from JeeberD. Kodos comes up with a right hand out of nowhere. Kodos uses a running dropkick into the corner. Hooks the leg for a two count. Kodos with an enziguri, although the late Owen Hart's version was far superior. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Kodos hits a spinning back kick. Kick from Kodos to the leg. JeeberD pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Diamond Dust from JeeberD, Kodos is out. Pin, three count, it's over. JeeberD pins Kodos. SECOND FALL: JeeberD strikes Kodos. Kodos walks into a high dropkick from JeeberD. Kodos takes a flying neckbreaker from JeeberD. Second rope flying axe handle, Kodos goes down. Kodos takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Jeeber walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Badly executed second rope splash by Kodos. Hooks the leg for a two count. Jeeber pushes out of a Kodos hold. Super frankensteiner on Kodos, who hit hard. Hooks the leg for a two count. Vicious kick to the teeth from JeeberD. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Kodos fights out of a grapple. Flying elbow off the top rope by Kodos, poor elevation though. Cover gets three. Kodos pinned Jeeber. THIRD FALL: Jeeber hits a wicked chop that echoes through the building. Kodos ducks a wild right hand. JeeberD gets hip tossed by Kodos. Jeeber reverses an irish whip...and Kodos runs into the referee. Kodos face jams JeeberD. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. Jeeber blocks the suplex attempt. Hard back suplex on Kodos. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Lightning kick by Jeeber on Kodos. Cover for a two count. Tiger suplex on Kodos, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Kodos ducks a clothesline attempt. Kodos uses a running dropkick into the corner. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Kodos gets taken down out of nowhere. JeeberD moves in for the kill. Here it comes - Spear. 1....2...3, it's finished. END OF BOUT. Katon comes running down the aisle, and gets into the ring! Jeeber turns around...straight into a Running Power Slam!! JeeberD has been left down on the canvas. I'm giving the bookers one red-hot poker up the ass as a rating. JeeberD moves on to the final in the Iron Man Tournament, albeit at less than 100%.

Crowd Reaction - 12% , Match Quality - 43% , Overall Rating - 27%

The second of our 2 semi final matches for the Iron Man Title.

Illinifan vs Sachmo : FIRST FALL: Illinifan hits a right hand on Sachmo. Illinifan DDTs Sachmo, although it was hardly executed with pin-point precision. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sachmo fights out of a grapple. Uninspiring brawling from Sachmo. Illinifan takes a vertical suplex. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sloppy tornado punch from Sachmo, Illinifan barely got hit. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Illinifan takes a right hand to the temple from Sachmo. Illinifan powers out of a headlock. Illinifan hits a bulldog off the ropes. There's a two count on the pin. Illinifan turns Sachmo inside-out with a clothesline. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Sachmo gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Illinifan strikes Sachmo. Sachmo pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Big kick from Sachmo. Sloppy tornado punch from Sachmo, Illinifan barely got hit. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Sachmo defeats Illinifan. SECOND FALL: Sachmo hits Illinifan. Sachmo strikes away at Illinifan. Illinifan takes a vertical suplex. Illinifan takes a right hand to the temple from Sachmo. Illinifan fights out of a grapple. Illinifan strikes Sachmo. Powerslam from Illinifan on Sachmo. There's a two count on the pin. Illinifan walks into a trip. Sachmo hits a sloppy double axe handle. There's a two count on the pin. Sachmo turns Illinifan inside-out with a clothesline. Pin, but Illinifan is out just before the three count. Illinifan powers out of a Sachmo headlock. Weak bodyslam by Illinifan. Cover gets three. Illinifan pinned Sachmo. THIRD FALL: Illinifan hits a punch, but takes one right back. CLUBBERIN', CLUBBERIN', THEY BE CLUBBERIN' TONY! Sorry, flashback moment. Illinifan takes the advantage after a i-block-your-punch-you-don't-block-mine routine. Illinifan strikes away at Sachmo. Sachmo charges, Illinifan moves, and the referee is conveniently placed to get knocked out. Illinifan scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg, but the referee is still out. Sachmo powers out of a headlock. Illinifan gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Powerslam from Sachmo on Illinifan. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sachmo scores with a crappy looking standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Illinifan counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Powerslam from Illinifan on Sachmo. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Sachmo blocks a punch. El Midgeeto comes running down the aisle with a chair! Sachmo and Illinifan continue fighting, unaware of the intrusion. El Midgeeto slides in and blasts Illinifan with a chair to the head! Midget climbs out of the ring, the damage done! Illinifan is in trouble. Spear! 1....2....3. END OF BOUT. Illinifan leaves the ring and heads off down the aisle. DUD. Nothing to see here, move along. Sachmo moves on to face JeeberD in the finals for the Iron Man Title later tonight.

Crowd Reaction - 10% , Match Quality - 53% , Overall Rating - 31%

Darkiller is seen walking backstage. He gets told that Erik Flamebeard wants to see him in his office. Darkiller enters.

Flamebeard: “Darkiller, I was a little disappointed in you last month. I hired you to do a job and you failed. But after reviewing the tape I see that Digamma had something to do with that. So, tonight I’m giving you another chance. But you will have help as I am booking a handicap match. Smokin’ Warlord and Orlando Jordan will team up against you, Digamma and Holden Foley. I want Smokin’ Warlord hurt.”

Darkiller: “I won’t let you down boss.”

Flamebeard: “See that you don’t. Now get out of here. I have work to do.”

Rating - 57%

Our next match is a non title match featuring the tag team champs. If El Midgeeto and NevStar win they will get a title shot.

Marmel \ Tucker vs Midget \ NevStar : Tucker takes a vertical suplex. NevStar hits a bulldog off the ropes. Hooks the leg for a two count. NevStar tags out to El Midgeeto. Midget \ NevStar hook up Tucker, then hit a double suplex. Tucker takes a flying neckbreaker from El Midgeeto. There's a two count on the pin. Stiff high kick on Tucker by El Midgeeto who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Tucker fights out of a grapple. Side suplex from Tucker. Tucker tags out to Marmel. Marmel hits an arm drag on Midget. Badly executed second rope splash by Marmel. El Midgeeto powers out of a Marmel headlock. Midget tags out to NevStar. NevStar hits a bulldog off the ropes. NevStar scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Hooks the leg for a close fall. NevStar strikes Marmel. Marmel drops out the back of a NevStar bodyslam attempt. Back heel kick from Marmel on NevStar, missed by miles. Sachmo \ Illinifan come running down the aisle and into the ring! NevStar turns...and is dropped with a double DDT! NevStar in big trouble. Marmel floors NevStar. Leg Drop! 1....2....3. Marmel \ Tucker rush forward to attack! NevStar \ Midget get caught by surprise and brutally beaten down to the canvas. DUD.

Crowd Reaction - 27% , Match Quality - 60% , Overall Rating - 43%

Next up is the finals for the ZFLW Iron Man Title.

JeeberD vs Sachmo (For The ZFLW Iron Man Title) : FIRST FALL: Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Jeeber crushes Sachmo with a big legdrop. Hooks the leg for a two count. Sachmo powers out of a headlock. Weak headbutt on Jeeber by Sachmo. Big kick from Sachmo. There's a two count on the pin. Sachmo turns Jeeber inside-out with a clothesline. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Running clothesline from Sachmo, sloppily done. Jeeber blocks a punch. Super frankensteiner on Sachmo, who hit hard. There's a two count on the pin. Back heel kick off the second rope, Sachmo goes down. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Flying elbow from JeeberD. JeeberD scores with a back heel kick on Sachmo. Sachmo ducks a wild right hand. Sachmo strikes JeeberD. Sachmo scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Sachmo defeats Jeeber. SECOND FALL: Lame kick from Sachmo. Uninspiring brawling from Sachmo. Jeeber takes a vertical suplex. Sachmo hits a right hand on JeeberD. Jeeber blocks a kick from Sachmo. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? Jeeber crushes Sachmo with a running senton. There's a two count on the pin. Sachmo reverses a hip toss. Powerslam from Sachmo on Jeeber. Cover for a two count. Side suplex from Sachmo. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Sachmo drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Jeeber crushes Sachmo with a running senton. Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Jeeber defeats Sachmo. THIRD FALL: Lame kick from Sachmo. Sachmo drops an elbow...but misses. Fate can be so cruel. Kick from JeeberD to the leg. JeeberD misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Springboard dropkick from JeeberD. Nicely done. Cover, but there's no one to count for JeeberD. Jeeber walks into a trip. Jeeber gets squashed in the corner with a clothesline. Sachmo hits a stump piledriver on JeeberD, although it was quite weak in its execution. Cover for a two count. Sachmo scores with a poor standing spinebuster. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Sachmo misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Flying reverse elbow by JeeberD. Pin : 1 - 2 - 2.9999999. Sachmo powers out of a JeeberD headlock. Kodos comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Jeeber turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Kodos! Kodos has left Jeeber in big trouble. Sachmo moves in for the kill. Spear! 1....2....3. END OF BOUT. Sachmo and Kodos are putting the boots to JeeberD! Bertogarce comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Sachmo \ Kodos running for cover. Bertogarce bends down to help Jeeber back up. Wait! Sachmo slides back in and attacks! Bertogarce fights back...but is then jumped by Kodos as well! Both Bertogarce and Jeeber are subjected to a beat down by Sachmo \ Kodos, leaving them down and out on the canvas. DUD. Nothing to see here, move along. Sachmo is the 1st ever ZFLW Iron Man Champion. JeeberD got screwed.

Crowd Reaction - 17% , Match Quality - 54% , Overall Rating - 35%

JeeberD and Bertogarce stay in the ring as C.J. Wolf goes down the ring to interview them.

C.J. Wolf: “I understand you have something to say.”

JeeberD: “Yes we do. Katon and Kodos, we are sick of this. Why don’t you come down to the ring and meet us face to face? We are going to kick your ass.”

C.J. Wolf: “I heard a rumor going around that you two want to be called The Badasses. Why the name?”

Bertogarce: “We want a little respect around here. I’m not talking about the fans. We know they respect us. I’m talking about those locker room losers like Katon and Kodos. Maybe if we show them we can kick some ass they will stop interfering in our matches.”

The Badasses are interrupted by the music of Erik Flamebeard. He comes into the ring.

Flamebeard: “Now, let’s keep it cool here guys. I hear you. I am willing to give you a chance to get revenge. I am making a triple threat tag team match right now. It will be Dangerous Dave and Swaggs vs. The Badasses vs. Katon and Kodos. Also this will be a #1 Contenders match with the winners getting a Tag Team Title shot at next month’s event.”

C.J. Wolf: “I guess the match is on. Back to you Larry.”

Rating - 42%

Badasses vs Katon \ Kodos vs Double D \ Swaggs : Kodos takes a chop from Double D. Kick from Dangerous Dave to the leg. Double D tags out to Swaggs. Kodos takes a vertical suplex. Swaggs DDTs Kodos, although it was hardly executed with pin-point precision. Tag between Swaggs and Dangerous Dave. Double D \ Swaggs hook up Kodos, then hit a double suplex. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Tag between Kodos and Katon. Katon hits a spinning back kick. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Dangerous Dave and JeeberD. Stiff high kick on Katon by JeeberD who has evidently been watching some old AJPW tapes recently. Tag to Swaggs. Super frankensteiner on Swaggs, who hit hard. Jeeber tags out to Bertogarce. Tiger suplex on Swaggs, right from out of the Misawa playbook. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Tag between Swaggs and Katon. Katon uses a running dropkick into the corner. There's a two count on the pin. Tag between Bertogarce and JeeberD. Diamond Dust from JeeberD, Katon is out. JeeberD moves in for the kill. Spear! 1....2....3. DUD, and a poor DUD at that. The Badasses win and get the title shot next month.

Crowd Reaction - 22% , Match Quality - 58% , Overall Rating - 40%

Our main event is the handicap match booked by Erik Flamebeard earlier in the show.

Jordan \ SW vs DK\Digamma\Foley : Digamma snapmares Smokin' Warlord. SW walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Digamma tags out to Darkiller. Digamma \ DK whip SW into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. There's a two count on the pin. SW counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Smokin' Warlord uses a running dropkick into the corner. Tag to Orlando Jordan. Sloppy tornado punch from Orlando Jordan, DK barely got hit. Pin, but DK is out just before the three count. Uninspiring brawling from Orlando Jordan. Darkiller ducks a clothesline attempt. Tag to Digamma. Flying elbow from Digamma, barely hitting the target. Tag to Holden Foley. Foley \ Digamma whip Jordan into the corner. Holden Foley whips Digamma in for a hard clothesline to follow-up. Cover for a two count. Badly executed second rope splash by Foley. There's a two count on the pin. Orlando Jordan fights out of a grapple. Lame kick from Jordan. Orlando Jordan misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Foley tags out to Darkiller. DK hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Hard back suplex on Jordan. Anyone remember when that was Shawn Michaels's finisher? Cover for a two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, Jordan goes down. Pinfall attempt gets a 2.9999. Tag to Holden Foley. DK \ Foley whip Jordan into the ropes and hit a double clothesline. Orlando Jordan gets hip tossed by Foley. Orlando Jordan pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Tag to Smokin' Warlord. Flying elbow off the top rope by Smokin' Warlord, poor elevation though. Tag between Holden Foley and Darkiller. SW hits an arm drag on DK. SW, chanelling the power of Takada, hits a high kick on Darkiller. Tag between Darkiller and Digamma. Digamma walks into a spinning heel kick, evidently feeling that the 'duck' tactic is over-rated. Smokin' Warlord gets taken down out of nowhere. Diving headbutt from Digamma, not much elevation. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. SW pushes out of a Digamma hold. SW tags out to Orlando Jordan. Orlando Jordan with a badly-executed spinning neckbreaker on Digamma. Jordan hits a stump piledriver on Digamma, although it was quite weak in its execution. Jordan tags out to Smokin' Warlord. SW \ Jordan whip Digamma into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. SW walks into a trip. Smokin' Warlord tries to get a big slam, but it is blocked when Digamma goes to the eyes! Digamma quickly scores with a field-goal kick between the legs! Smokin' Warlord collapses! The referee didn't see the illegal blow! 1...2...3! Smokin' Warlord got screwed! Yuck. DUD.

Crowd Reaction - 41% , Match Quality - 50% , Overall Rating - 45%

We had an overall rating of 40% for the show. Another record low. We had 113 people show up. Our public image is at 20%.

Titles: Holden Foley is the Lightweight Champ. Sachmo is the Iron Man Champ. Marmel and Tucker are the Tag Team Champs.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-24-2003, 12:45 PM   #147
General Manager
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Town of Flower Mound
I'm so tired of Kodos screwing up my title shots. Why did he have to get involved in the All-Texas Iron Man championship? He hates Texas. Satch may have the belt, but the people know that I am the true champion.

At least The Badasses took care of that little pansy Kodos and his lover-bunny Katon. Marm and Tuck had better watch out. Next week the Tag Team belt will be ours...
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 07-25-2003, 07:22 PM   #148
College Benchwarmer
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Location: Connecticut
Just a quick update on this dynasty. I am buying a new computer. So there will be a delay on the updates as I transfer everything. Hopefully I saved everything I need to. I will keep you readers posted on my progress as I make the transfer. Probably a couple of weeks. Sorry for the delay.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty
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Old 07-25-2003, 07:29 PM   #149
General Manager
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Location: The Town of Flower Mound
A couple of weeks?


And just when JeeberD was coming into his own. Sigh......
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 07-25-2003, 07:34 PM   #150
College Benchwarmer
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Connecticut
Originally posted by JeeberD
A couple of weeks?


And just when JeeberD was coming into his own. Sigh......

Hopefully sooner than that. And if I do it right I shouldn't lose anything. I've been backing everything up. Keep the faith.
GM of the Milwaukee Muscle Men of the ZFL. The 1st team in ZFL history to have a perfect losing season.

I am on a quest to show that the Dolphins can win the Super Bowl. Or should I say Front Office Bowl, with FOF2K7.

The revival of an old favorite, FOFC Wrestling Dynasty

Last edited by DolphinFan1 : 07-25-2003 at 07:41 PM.
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