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Old 06-19-2008, 01:17 AM   #101
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
To represent their well-equipped status, instead of my normal roll to determine weight (1, 2 light; 3,4 medium; 5 heavy; 6 assault) I will be rolling a simple 1,2,3,4 for each class, and reroll a 5 or 6. That will increase the chance for heavier mechs.

Vinson’s Victorious:

LCT-1M Locust
Hermes II

There are a few mechs here we’ve not fought against yet, so I’ll go over them.

The Battlemaster is a really really strong assault mech at 85 tons, featuring 14.5 tons of armor, a PPC, six medium lasers (but two face the rear) and SRM6 and two machine guns. It even sports seven extra heat sinks. It is one of the best assault mechs out there, no question.

The Longbow is arguably the single most dedicated fire support mech in the 3025 world. It’s an 85 ton assault mech with two LRM20s and then two LRM5s, and just two medium lasers for closer combat, which won’t even dissuade the thinnest armored light mechs from closing. You have to protect it. Like the Battlemaster, it also has a massive 232 points of armor from 14.5 tons, so it can stop and just fire missles in, and exchange fire with the enemy from a safe distance.

The Quickdraw is a relatively meaningless 60 ton heavy mech. It has just 8 tons of armor when it could have up to 12 tons. It has just an LRM10, SRM4, and four medium lasers, two of which face the rear. It is mobile with a 5/8/5 movement, but its nothing special at all. There are medium mechs that are better armored and with a better weapons selectiont than that.

The LCT-1M variant of the Locust has LRM5s and just one ton of armor. It’s literally the dumbest light mech of them all. (In my opinion). One ton of armor is a joke. 16 points of armor spread over two arms, two legs, two torsos, a head and a center torso. That’s a joke.

The Thunderbolt is another of the top heavy mechs of the era. It’s a 65 ton mech and it is ugly. It has max armor at 13 tons, a large laser, an SRM2, two machine guns and three medium lasers, plus five extra heat sinks. It is designed to close and blast.

Of course, we are also going up against the 100 ton Atlas, the 40 ton fire support Whitworth, a Stinger and Wasp, Rifleman and Hermes II.

Their breakdown:

Lights: 3
Mediums: 2
Heavies: 3
Assaults: 3

That’s a pretty even distribution for 11 mechs.

There are some central ravines running through the map six hexes down. I can jump down and back up, and jump over. Otherwise, I’ll keep most of my mechs on one side or the other.
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Old 06-19-2008, 11:53 AM   #102
Abe Sargent
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The first turn we move through the snow and past the chasms, firing on the Battlemaster with a lot of long-range missles. Not many hit.

My Wolvie falls down while moving on the ice - its slippery. This turn we are firing at the Atlas who moved out into the snow. Every single mech I have that has range to the atlas is firing, about 14 of my 18 mechs are blasting it. Result? The head is hit by one set of missles, but nothing serious, and it remains standing. It’s not even close to going internal. And I have some good mechs too!

I stand up my Wolvie and run behind a ridge. Then I focus all of my fire on their Atlas. Again. Every single mech except my Goliath which does not have line of sight to the Atlas so he is tacking the Rifleman. One of my Griffins teras open its Right Torso and hit’s the AC20, taking it offline. It takes one damage to its head with some missiles. It’s still standing. I hope another barrage will bring it down. It has been attacked about 25 times by various mechs in two turns.

Their Hermes II slipped and fell down. Thirteen mechs and the Hunter Light Tank all attack the Atlas again. My hope is that we can take it out this round. Ted tears open its right leg, and hits the hip actuator. I hit its foot with my LRM and hit a foot actuator. Our Dervish hits its LRM20 and SRM6, taking out most of its weaponry. Finally, our new Griffin hit’s the Atlas and ignites the LRM ammo, causing a massive explosion and the mech is dead. That’s a confirmed kill for Justine Dempsey.

One mech down, 10 to go.

What I am doing is exchanging my targets. Two turns ago, they concentrated fire on our Phoenix Hawk, so the next turn I jump it out and jump another mech in, the Wolverine. Then I repeat as needed, rotating targets of opportunity and refusing to give them one good target for more than a turn.

This turn we are concentrating fire on the Rifleman a bit, but a few have good Line of Sight to the Whitworth instead, and a few of my light mechs are skirmishing with opposing light mechs. The Jav, in its first battle, opens up the opposing Wasp’s right arm and hits its medium laser, knocking out its weaponry. The other Orion destroys the opposing Rifleman’s head with its AC10, so it is gone, and the mech falls down, headless. We did open up a torso and hit the medium laser, so that will need to be fixed. Our Centurion falls after taking some damage. Our Spider misses a kick on a Locust and falls.

Round six begins. I fire at the Locust with my Goliath with the hope that we can take it out in one turn. I concentrate a lot of my fire on the Battlemaster. If I can take out the major threats, the Atlas, the Battlemaster, the Longbow, and the Thunderbolt, then the rest is gravy. I’m firing the Goliath at the Locust because he has a line of sight, and I doubt it will take much more than that to kill it. A few other folks are trying to take out the Wasp while they have LOS. Our new Jav blows out the Wasp’s RA. Adele Thompson in her Firestarter takes out the RL, LL and LA all in one attack phase. The Goliath blows off the LL and LT of the Locust, although the LA is on the ground beside it. There is just one point of armor left in the center torso of the mech internal, and the engine is hit on a critical. Their Longbow cracks open Ted’s LA on his Stalker and hit’s the LRM10 there. Their Hermes II blows off the LL of my Spider. Our Archer manages to hit the head of the Battlemaster with five missiles off an LRM barrage which rings the bell of the pilot. Our Stalker falls under the onslaught, and a medium laser is damaged. Upper Arm and Shoulder Actuators are hit on our Spider. The Wasp falls, and with both legs destroyed, I give the kill to Adele. The Locust falls with the leg gone, and dies falling, destroying the center torso. I give that kill to Su Yuan, among our newest recruits.

I order my MechWarrior in the Spider to eject, considering how damaged it is. I’m dumping the ammo from the LRM10s, which are in the Stalker’s arm. Dumb place for it. I’m going to have to edit that soon. Ted’s edge saved the Stalker, because the first location rolled for a crit was the ammo, but that was a rerollable die, and it hit the LRM10 the second time. The Longbow hits my Goliath’s head for five damage which deals a damage to Su Yuan. Anakago Intade’s LRM10 on his Griffin goes internal into the Battlemaster and hits the SRM6 ammo causing a major explosion and taking out the mech.

My new target will be the Longbow. A normal unit would retreat now, taking their losses and regrouping, but Vinson was in the Atlas and is not on the field anymore, and these pirates know that their days are numbered. They are fighting for pride. We exchange fire.

I stand up my Stalker and get it ready for more combat, but it is devoid of its LRM10s, due to be dumping my ammo. Still has Large lasers and three mediums and SRM6‘s though. Their Whitworth hit’s the Firestarter’s Shoulder Actuator and Flamer on the Right Arm. Our Jav takes out the Right Arm of a Stinger. Adele’s Firestarter kicks the left leg out from under the Stinger, and it falls without the leg to support itself.

Ted in the Stalker double taps the Longbow’s engine. One more engine hit and it will shut down. An Upper Leg Actuator is hit on the Goliath and the head is hit a second time and goes internal. Our Archer hit’s the head of the Thunderbolt with a few missiles. Our Dervish falls after it takes damage. The Longbow is open in four places, devoid of external armor.

I order the Goliath to do a special move available only to quad mechs. Hull Down, to hide behind the hill. I also decide to take my Stalker prone again. He took some damage and is close to internal in several places. I’ll him back out if/when needed. I get a Through Armor Critical on the Whitworth and hit the engine once. The Goliath TACs the Quickdraw’s lower leg and foot actuators. The Longbow falls under another assault and hits its head. The Longbow loses its left arm when it falls.

Their Quickdraw hops over to my Goliath and prone Centurion intending to fire on us. It falls to the ground on unstable legs. I stand up my Centurion to teach it the error of its choice. Their Longbow stands back up. The Griffin takes out two medium lasers on the Quickdraw. Then just another exchange of fire. No dead Longbow, no dead Hermes, no dead Quickdraw.

The Quickdraw pilot fails to get up and falls down twice, taking damage both times. Then the Stinger pilot blacks out after doing the same. Our Phoenix Hawk hit’s the upper arm actuator on the Quickdraw’s LA. The Hunter Light Tank, with its last round of ammo, destroys the Longbow’s right leg (with a limb blown off critical so it is on the ground) and then destroys the left torso. Then hit’s the gyro and does some damage to the head as well. The Hunter screwed it up. The new Panther destroys the Quickdraw’s RA. The Longbow’s pilot blacks out when it falls. Our Jav jumped behind the Tbolt and laid some medium laser lovin into it. Then when it punches, it tears through the remaining rear armor and hit’s the LRM15,

To recap what it left, the Longbow is blacked out and missing an arm, leg and torso. The Wasp is missing two legs and both arms, and is weaponless Their Stinger is blacked out and missing a leg. Their Quickdraw has lost two arms and is open in three other areas, including just one point of armor left in the left torso, a section with ammo waiting to kill the mech. The Hermes II is critical in three areas. The Whitworth just got sandblasted by missiles this turn, and their only strong mech just lost its biggest weapon.

We get a radio call from the Thunderbolt pilot to discuss terms of surrender. Here’s the deal, any surrendered mechs, as opposed to those we capture, have to be turned over to the Free Worlds League. They get the Thunderbolt, Hermes II, Quickdraw and Whitworth.
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Old 06-19-2008, 01:53 PM   #103
Abe Sargent
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We salvage the following:

Longbow - Missing LA, LT, RL, 2 engine, 1 gyro

Wasp - Missing both legs and arms. Jump Jet and Heat Sink in Left Torso hit.

Stinger - Missing RA and RL.

Rifleman - Missing Head. Medium Laser hit.

Longbow RL
Locust Head, LA, RT, RA

My guys report:

Spider - LL gone, two arm actuators are hit

Stalker - LRM10, Medium Laser

Goliath - Upper Leg Actuator on Front Right Leg.

Firestarter - Shoulder and Flamer

I estimate about 35 tons of armor needed for our mechs. Our Stalker and Goliath each had about half of their armor knocked off, and that’s about 16 tons right there.

I estimate about 10 tons of armor needed to salvaged mechs.

Total armor costs: 450,000

To replace ammo for our mechs:

3 tons of AC10 armor
10 tons of LRM20 ammo
12 tons of LRM10 ammo
3 tons of LRM15 ammo
3 tons of SRM6 armor
1 ton of SRM4 ammo
1 ton of machine gun ammo
1 ton of AC5 ammo

Ammo Costs: 885,500

To fix salvaged mechs:

Longbow. Value - 7,408,325. To Fix - 1,750,000. Current Value - 5,658,325

I was able to reattach its left leg. We were able to fix the engine and gyro as well.

Rifleman. Value - 4,860,000. To Fix - 725,000. Current Value - 4,135,000.

Stinger. Value - 1.615,440. To Fix - 325,000. Current Value - 1,290,000

Wasp. Value - 1,644,720. To Fix - 600,000. Current Value - 1,044,720

We fix the actuators on the mechs, but we have to replace a few damaged items.

Cost to replace - 42,500

Total Costs to fix our mechs and armor their mechs: 1,378,000

Total Costs to fix salvaged mechs: 3,400,000

Total War Chest After paying these costs: 3,767,495

We now have operational Stinger, Wasp, Longbow and Rifleman. They will not be ready, nor will the Spider be fixed, by the time we assault the other pirate base.

I had a spare Spider left leg in our parts which we used to fix up our Spider.

I’ll calculate the rest of the contract later. After the next mission. This was our best mission, we got four mechs, one of which (Longbow) is actually good. The others are chump mechs, but they bulk out your roster and meet legitimate needs.

Three regular pilots that we capture are deemed worthy enough to join us. All want to in order to avoid jail in Free Worlds Space, but we deem three to have become involved in piracy for different reasons, so we take them.
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Old 06-19-2008, 04:34 PM   #104
Abe Sargent
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Alright, let’s look at the next group of pirates we have to take down.

September 8, 3033 - We arrive at another nameless system two jumps away from the previous system. Marik intel has this as the location of a minor band of patchwork pirates. This fight will be against many enemies, but few will have value.

September 11, 3033 - We land on the planet outside of the only town here. Our drop is contested by the defenses. We’ll still mop them up. I am giving them an easy drop attack in order to entice them to actually attack us instead of running away.

The same rules in place for when we attacked a drop apply to us now. I roll a die for every mech and vehicle we have. That is the turn they come into play.

Their forces:

Four VTOLs
Four infantry platoons
15 company of tanks
A lance of mechs

Wasp 1W - a weird variant with six small lasers
Shadow Hawk

The deadliest tank is the dreaded LRM Carrier, a tank with THREE LRM20s. It’s slow and has little armor, but if we ignore it, we will get assaulted by missiles.

I will not be dropping my infantry or Hunter Tank. This is a mission for just my mechs.

I issue a rule to my MechWarriors. Don’t use missile weapons unless you have too. They are expensive to replace.
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Old 06-20-2008, 02:12 AM   #105
Abe Sargent
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We only start with one unit, the Cicada, will start in play. My Cicada is literally surrounded and the first round does not go well. I run three steps into water to escape the gang bang, but I am still pummeled. The Cicada loses its RT which causes it RA to fall to the ground, and the pilot blacks out rolling a mighty 2 and needing just a three to stay conscious. Just goes to show you that you never know what is going to happen once battle begins. I can’t even eject from the mech the following turn.

Our Dervish and Goliath join the Cicada on round two. We exchange fire. My elite Cicada pilot needs a 5 to wake up and fails. Sheesh.

The only mech we get on the third turn is Adele’s Firestarter. Hope it is enough to help out. I jump my Firestarter behind the LRM Carrier but misses many of the 7s it needed to put the Carrier out of commission. It gets a gyro and engine taken out. It falls. The Cicada pilot wakes up.

This turn we get both Orions and the Archer out. I order my Cicada and Firestarter pilots to eject. My Archer unloads two LRM20s on the LRM Carrier and destroys the power plant. Our Dervish gets an SRM2 and Lower Arm Actuator hit. It’s dangerously damaged. The other Orion hits a Brutus Assault Tank and causes the fuel tank to explode. Then the Goliath kicks and destroys a Savannah Master. Its armor is down to half the original coverage and almost internal in two areas. The Dervish is savaged.

I get both Griffins, the Panther and Locust this turn. I expose our flank on the south side of the coast, and my opponent decides to exploit it by sending a Wasp over. It’s a smart plan, but he slips and falls in the water. The damage dealt to the mech causes a breach in the mech. Water floods the internal workings and the mech shuts down. It’s virtually damage free once you drain the water, dry it out, and start it up again. They hit a foot and lower leg actuator on our Goliath. Later attacks hit its PPC twice and a machine gun. I destroy the left side of a Hetzer Assault Gun. Ankago’s Griffin takes out a copter. The Archer destroys a Strike Light Tank. Our Panther destroyed the left side of the Vedette and destroyed the engine but no explosion. After taking damage, our Goliath falls. The other Griffin kicked and destroyed a Savannah Master Hovercraft, the power plant exploded.

The next turn brings the Stalker, Wolverine, Centurion, Phoenix Hawk, and Javelin. This is our final selection of mechs. I order Su Yuan to eject from the Goliath. We’re winning, so let’s not risk losing any mechs. My Locust failed a piloting check while turning on a road and skidded right off the map. The Panther gets a kill on the AC2 Carrier’s crew, meaning the tank is still good. Our Dervish explodes when its ammo is touched off by a Drillson tank. Boom! The RA, RT and CT were all destroyed and we’ll see what else after the battle. The Archer destroyed the Wheeled APC’s front armor, taking it out. The Dervish took out all of the movement on the Drillson that hit it, and it is now stationary.

The following turn the Panther destroys a Galleon Light Tank by taking out the front armor. Our Phoenix Hawk takes out the RA of the variant Wasp. We exchange fire mostly this turn.

A couple of their fast hover tanks keep circling behind my backs, its annoying. They just moved their J. Edgar Hover Tank right behind my Archer as an example. They just moved the Condor Heavy Hover Tank behind my Stalker. One of their VTOLs crashs and burns. Ted hit’s the foot and upper leg actuators on the Shadow Hawk’s RL. Then the Orion just blows it off. Anakago’s Griffin destroys a VTOL’s rotor and it crashes to the ground in a fiery explosion. The Archer hit’s the LRM5 ammo on the Shadow Hawk and it explodes, taking the mech with it, but it‘s RA survived. The pilot did not make it out and died in the explosion. I suspect that was the leader, since it was a mech, and the heaviest mech they had.

On the next turn, the Centurion destroys a Striker Light Tank blowing up the power plant. The other Orion blows up the power plant of a Condor Heavy Hover Tank.

We have destroyed four fifths of my opponent’s army, so they surrender. We lost the Dervish, which was my original mech way back when. We gained a Wasp. We turn over the Wasp variant and Locust to Marik, as well as the mobile tanks and VTOLs left.
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Old 06-20-2008, 02:19 AM   #106
Abe Sargent
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One of these pirates is deemed good for our company (I rolled a 12 on 2d6 to determine if he was fit).


Wasp - No Damage

Drillson Tank - Treads completely destroyed.

AC2 Carrier - Need to fix some damage.

Wheeled APC - Need armor fixed

Shadow Hawk RA
Cicada RA

Some weapons from damaged tanks:

Medium Laser x2
Small Laser x2


Cicada RA, RT

Goliath - Foot and Lower Leg Actuator. PPC x2, MG

Firestarter - Gyro and engine, each hit once
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Old 06-20-2008, 03:48 AM   #107
College Benchwarmer
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huh, it seemed like the 2nd fight was trickier for you than the first (or maybe i'm just reading it wrong :P)
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Old 06-20-2008, 12:27 PM   #108
Abe Sargent
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Originally Posted by law90026 View Post
huh, it seemed like the 2nd fight was trickier for you than the first (or maybe i'm just reading it wrong :P)

Yeah, the scattered deployment is tough.
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Old 06-20-2008, 02:03 PM   #109
Abe Sargent
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Money Stuff:

Regular techs fix the Goliath except for the MG, which needs to be replaced.

An elite tech fixes the treads on the Drillson.

Vet techs fix the Firestarter’s gyro and engine.

To Fix:

Drillson Tank - 20000

AC2 Carrier - 30000

Wheeled APC - 10000

Cicada - 400,0000

Replacement armor:


Replacement ammo:


Total Costs to fix and repair mechs and vehicles:


The jumps back are just 14 instead of 15 from our new location.

Cost to run mercenary group: 608,500

Salary: 175,531

Total Losses: 1,470,969

War Chest: 2,296,526

We lost money, but gained a metric ton of war materiel.

Our new MechWarriors:

Stacy Stowers, regular
Maria Santos, regular
Hassan Mohammad, regular
Elena Stoyovich, regular

We also had two MechWarriors notch four kills.

Anakago Intade, pilot of a Griffin, gets a gunnery gain.

Martin Fitzgerald, the other Orion pilot gain Edge: 1.
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Old 06-20-2008, 02:52 PM   #110
Abe Sargent
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January 15, 3034 - We arrive back in Outreach and another round of recruiting occurs.

The only thing I am able to get are a couple of veteran dispossessed MechWarriors if I want them. I have five, one dispossessed from the last round, and the four we gathered on our missions .

I gained the following mechs:

Wasp x2

I’m going to hire the two dispossessed vet MechWarriors and put them in the Rifleman and Longbow.

Garman Lopez, veteran, Longbow
David Delgado, veteran Rifleman

I sell my vehicles, except for the Hunter Light Support Tank, for the amount of 3,660,213

War Chest: 5,956,739 C Bills

I make a few calls to see if I can find a few mechs that I like.

It’s a rarer mech, having only been made for about six years, but I am able to locate a Wolfhound (I rolled a 12 on 2d6).

WLF-1 Wolfhound is a 35 ton light mech with max armor, a large laser, four medium lasers, with one facing the rear and 6/9 speed. It’s a great mech. I assign Roger Stephens to the Wolfhound, a veteran dispossessed MechWarrior that we took with us on the mission.

That leaves the two Wasps and a Stinger. I assign three of the four MechWarriors that we recruited while in the periphery.

I order our techs to repair the Flea by using a Locust head and arm. I put the last MechWarrior in the refurbished Flea.
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Old 06-20-2008, 04:53 PM   #111
Abe Sargent
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Total number of operational mechs:


That’s two companies of mechs. Time to reorganize the Kilts and Commandos:

Company One - The Kilts

Anvil Lance:

Lieutenant Braham Essex, Orion, veteran
Roger Stephens, veteran, Wolfhound
Salia James, regular, Wolverine
Samia Oudghiri, regular, Phoenix Hawk, PXH-1D

Hammer Lance:

Sergeant Rafael Gomez, elite, Archer
Justine Dempsey, regular, Griffin
Michael Adkins, regular, Centurion
Su Yuan, regular, Goliath

Thunder Lance:

Sergeant Adele Thompson, regular, Firestarter
Liu Chen, green, Spider
Stacy Stowers, regular, Wasp
Elena Stoyovich, regular, Flea

I am assigning the foot (SRM) and anti-mech jump infantry to this company.
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Old 06-20-2008, 04:53 PM   #112
Abe Sargent
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Company Two - The Commandos

Anvil Lance:

Lieutenant Ted Izumo, veteran, Stalker
Sergeant Martin Fitzgerald, elite, Orion
Melissa Darrow, regular, Panther
Anna Cafincelli, elite, Cicada

Hammer Lance:

Sergeant Anakago Intade, veteran, Griffin
Garman Lopez, veteran, Longbow
David Delgado, veteran, Rifleman
Bryant McKinnon, regular, Panther

Thunder Lance:

Sergeant Raquel Sanchez, regular, Javelin 10-F
Umbria Mutunde, regular, Locust
Maria Santos, regular, Stinger
Samir Azif, regular Wasp

I am assigning the Hunter Light Tank and two rifle infantry, one motorized one foot to this company.
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Old 06-20-2008, 06:48 PM   #113
Abe Sargent
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We currently have one dispossessed MechWarriors - and Hassan Mohommad.

I promoted Martin Fitzgerald to Sergeant, Ted Izumo to Lieutenant, Rafael Gomez to Sergeant, Raquel Sanchez to Sergeant.

After assigning mechs, I realize that I have too many scout mechs. I should have 8, perhaps ten to have one in the anvil/hammer section if needed. I have twelve, fully half of my mechs. I do a search and find another Panther for sale. I switch with a Wasp, selling the Wasp for cash.

Here is my War Chest after transactions. 2,065,668
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Old 06-20-2008, 06:49 PM   #114
Abe Sargent
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Break Down of Each Company:

Kilts Commandos Experience Green: 1 0 Regular: 8 6 Veteran: 2 4 Elite: 1 2 Mech Size Light 5 6 Medium 4 2 Heavy 2 2 Assault 1 2

Looks like the second company is better off from an experience view and a size of meches view. Then they get the Hunter Light Support Tank too, but they get the worse infantry.

Now that we have two separate companies, I can do something different.

Take separate contracts.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 06-20-2008 at 06:50 PM.
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Old 06-21-2008, 03:43 AM   #115
Abe Sargent
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Before I do that, I was to institute the first round of Field Refits.

If you want to change things around in a mech, you can. However, you have to roll to see if your techs succeed. A mech is a balanced vehicle and it takes skill and care to change it.

The ideal circumstances are to pull components and weapons for components and weapons that take up the same amount of space and weigh the same.

For example, suppose I want to pull out two Machine Guns in the center torso of a mech for other weapons. A machine gun weighs half a ton and takes up one critical spot, so I am taking out a total of one ton and two crits. If I were to replace them with two small lasers, which weigh a half ton each and take up one crit slot each as well, then I’d still have to roll for it, but it would be easy to do.

Not every refit is gong to do that. Suppose I want to pull both MGs for a Medium Laser. A Medium Laser weighs one ton and takes up one critical slot. I am off by one degree, so the roll will be higher. Similarly, I might want to add an SRM6 which weighs three tons and takes up two crits. I am still off by one degree, only this time it is tonnage instead of space. These are more difficult.

Now, suppose I wanted to replace them with an LRM5, which weighs two tons and takes up one critical space. I am off on tonnage and space as well. This is very difficult. It’s still doable, but the difficulty level rises, because you re still trying to balance the mech.
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Old 06-21-2008, 03:43 AM   #116
Abe Sargent
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Refit Mech #1:

Firestarter. Every mech that wants to be a heatmonger should have an SRM2. There is a special ammo type for SRM2 launchers available called inferno rounds. This is basically a gelatinous napalm like substance., delivered by an SRM2. When it hits an opposing mech, instead of dealing damage, it adds 6 heat for the current round and the next two rounds. If you want a mech designed to force an opponent to overheat, this needs to be part of its arsenal.

I pull out the rear facing Flamer in the center torso and replace it with a front facing SRM2 system. Both weigh a ton and take up one crit. That makes this an easy refit. It succeeds.

Next I need a place for the SRM2 inferno ammo. I am pulling a Medium Laser off its right arm, and adding one ton of inferno ammo to its right torso. This is hard. Let’s see if I can pull it off. My elite tech succeeds, and the replacement is made.

Next I want to pull the Medium Laser off the left arm, and add two machine guns to the right torso. I make a roll. It works on the first roll (I rolled a 10).

Lastly, I want to pull out a ton of MG ammo and add a MG to the RT torso. The weight stays the same, but the crits are changing, so its just off by one degree. Again I succeed on the first throw.

Our new Firestarter, the FS-9Abe

Flamer x3, in RA, LA and CT
SRM2 in CT
Inferno Ammo in RT
MG Ammo in RT
MG in LT
MG x4 in RT

When a critical is rolled, you have an equal chance to hit all components. Putting a bunch of extra Mgs in the RT helps to lower the chance of an ammo explosion. I added the MGs because they are heatless, and sometimes this mech goes overheat badly. Five machine guns also gives the mech a strong anti-personnel role since MGs are slaughter against infantry. It’s also good at shredding back armor.

If I had a couple of months layover, I’d further modify the mech by pulling out both flamers from the arms and adding one to the head and the other to the RT. That way I can fire and punch in the same turn, and my weapons are not in arms which are easy to blow off. Disadvantage is that you cannot reach around any weapons to hit someone in your rear arc, but it’s a tradeoff worth taking.

I need Adele to get some more kills so that she can increase her gunnery skill and be more effective with the Firestarter.
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Old 06-21-2008, 03:52 PM   #117
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Okay, time for contracts.

Kilts Company Contracts

One Contract offer.

We get an offer from the Draconis Combine, which I take to mean not from the Combine itself, since it is currently under the “Death to Mercenaries” event. Instead, dissident rebels in the faction must be making us an offer. I check to see what it currently going on in the B-Tech universe, and I see that factions in the Rasalhague District are making noise right now. We are contacted by them for a Retainer contract.

A Retainer contract puts you under the control of your employer, and you can be used in any number of ways, from garrison to assault to raids. Anything. It is the only contract we are offered (I rolled poorly).

Looks like we are heading to Drac space to assist the Rasalhague dissidents. Let’s negotiate the contract.

We start with 96 points, up 16 from our normal 80.

I put salvage rights up first, knowing I can make ourselves get anything. They offer exchange rights, and I counter with shared rights. We are down to 86.

They put up contract length at a year. I spend 30 points and knock it down to six months. 56 points remaining.

Next up for me is transport rights. They offer 40% and I accept. We now have 71 points.

They add payment to the contract, and buy out 25 points to offer us a 3.4 multiplier. I choose not to counter. 46 points left.

I roll with support. They offer straight support. I counter with Battle Loss Compensation at 50%. 11 points left.

The Rasalhague dissidents put up remuneration and offer it to us. We gain 5% to our salary and lose 10 points, 1 point left.

The last right is command rights, and they offer a liaison, so there is no change. We end with 1 point left, so we will be getting a minor 0.5% bonus to our salary as a signing bonus.

We are jumping to the Rasalhague system for our first assignment.
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Old 06-22-2008, 12:29 AM   #118
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The Commandoes Company

Despite being a newer company, they get three offers.

A Corporation wants them for garisson work

A corporation wants them for an objective raid.

The Federated Suns want them for an obj raid too.

They negotiate with the Suns.

They have 55 points to use.

Ted Izumo puts up remuneration and declines, adding ten points right there. 65 points,

They offer full transport. 65 points.

He adds salvage rights and they offer exchange, and he counters with shared. 55 points.

They put up salary and pull out 25 points. 3.4 multiplier, 30 points.

He puts up contract length. They offer four months, Ted brings that to two months. 20 points.

They offer independent command, dropping us to 10 points.

Support is tossed up next. They offer straight support at 70% and pull out the last ten points.

That’s it, contract is all done.

The Commandos company is raiding a Capellan Confederation world. Let me see what would be appropriate. They will be raiding Minnacora, a Capellan held world six jumps away from Outreach. It’s a plain little planet, not used for much. Apparently a valuable mineral was supposedly discovered here. House Davion wants proof that this valuable mineral is actually there, and if so, may have plans for it. . We are to drop in, kill any resistance, allow a geological team that will be accompanying us to take their samples, and then blast off.
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Old 06-22-2008, 12:26 PM   #119
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Today is January 15, 3034. We will arrive at Minnacora on March 13, 3034, and then land on planet two days later, exactly two months from now.

We will run the object raid first, then do the Kilts company second.

When we arrive in system, the handful of Capellan Defenders suspect that we are either here to occupy the world, or to attack their supply depot. The Commandos company blasts down to a geological site with a group of geologic surveyors. When the Capellan’s realize what the Commandos company is doing, they immediately begin boarding their own DropShip and will launch for us. Although there are a battalion of mechs on planet, only one DropShip is nearby and it only has space for a single company.

Their ship burns for us, and the mechs drop away a heavy number of klicks away, so we cannot leave behind the geological team until they have landed. Then we move out and hit their company.

Their company:

Phoenix Hawk x2

The Raven is a fast scout light mech exclusive to the Capellan Confederation. The Enforcer is a typical 50 ton mech with an AC10 and Large Laser. While the Charger is an assault mech, it was one of the worst mech designs. The Charger was a decent mech back when Star League technology knew how to make lighter engines and reduce the weight of steel. It is an assault mech with a speed of 5/8, but only has enough space left for ten tons of armor and five small lasers. The Awesome is an assault mech with three PPCs and almost enough heat sinks to fire them all, plus virtually maximum armor.

We are fighting by some rolling hills.
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Old 06-22-2008, 03:58 PM   #120
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Alright, here we go:

On the first turn, Ted’s Stalker destroys the RA of the Raven. Their Enforcer breaks through the LL armor on my Cicada and hit’s the upper leg actuator. The Longbow tears into their Raven. It falls under the onslaught. My Cicada stays standing.

Nothing much happens in the second turn, just exchange of fire. We are firing at the Battlemaste with the hope of taking their best mech down.

The following turn arrives. The Battlemaster savages our motorized rifle platoon. The Longbow destroys the other arm of the Raven. It also critical hit’s the LL leg actuator and gets the special crit Limb Blows Off on the RL, so it is laying on the ground. Ted’s Stalker kicks a Phoenix Hawk that came too close and it falls.

The Raven tried to get up, failed, and the pilot blacked out. Our Jav hit’s the Battlemaster’s lower arm actuator on its LA. Ted hits two leg actuators on a Phoenix hawk’s RL. It falls down.

The 5th turn is here. The Phoenix Hawk destroys its RL trying to get up and failing. The Enforcer hit’s a lower leg actuator and jump jet on a Panther’s LL. Our Longbow hit’s the Rifleman’s hip actuator. The Rifleman falls and damages two medium lasers. Then the pilot blacks out.

Our Stinger destroys the Battlemaster’s LL. It falls hard. Their Enforcer also falls under the assault of fire. The Rifleman pilot wakes up. The Orion is getting a lot of armor blasted off.

Their Rifleman takes out the Orion’s AC10. Our Rifleman destroys the Battlemaster’s LA. Their Wolverine destroys our Orion’s left leg. Ted destroys the Rifleman when he touches its ammo and causes it to explode. Our Orion destroys the Battlemaster’s ammo and it goes up too. Then their Charger, despite only having a few weapons, manages to hit our Orion’s ammo and it explodes. Our Griffin kicks off the Stinger’s LA. It tumbles to the ground.

Their Stinger manages to stand back up. Our Wasp hit’s the Charger’s lower arm and hand actuators in the RA. The Griffin hits its upper arm actuator in the LA. Then it tacks the lower foot actuator in the RL. Their Charger falls. The Raven pilot finally wakes up.

The Raven tries to stand up, fails, and the pilot blacks out again. The Hunter Light Support tank destroys the Charger’s LA. Their Urbie hits our Longbow’s head with its AC10 and all of the external armor is sheered off. I decide to finish off some opponents, so the Longbow fires medium lasers at the downed Phoenix Hawk and takes out the left leg and hit’s the head. The pilot blacks out.

Our Griffin tears off the RA of the Charger. The Awesome hits one of our Panther’s in the head with a PPC. The Life Support is hit as a critical. The Charger falls under an onslaught and its RL is destroyed. Their Awesome also falls down under a third turn of fire. The Phoenix Hawk pilot wakes back up.

Round 11 has arrived. The Urbie is out of AC10 ammo so I can basically ignore it. The Charger fails to stand up and hits its engine twice and gyro once. The Awesome does manage to stand. Ted blows out the RT of the Awesome, taking the RA with it. He also hits the Awesome’s engine twice. A Panther follows that by hitting a heat sink and the gyro on the Awesome. Our Rifleman blows off the Stinger’s LL, and that is the end of his AC5 ammo. The Awesome falls again, and hits its engine for a third time. That’s 3 engine hits and the Awesome shuts down. The Stinger also tumbles to the ground. Our Javelin kicks and destroys the LA of the Stinger.

The following turn sees their Enforcer take out the hand actuator on the RA of my Griffin. Our foot rifle platoon takes out the Charger’s engine and it too has an engine shutdown. It also has a gyro hit. One Panther takes out the Stinger’s RT. Another Panther hit’s the large laser and upper arm actuator of the Enforcer. An opposing Phoenix Hawk pilot blacks out again.

The opposing Caps move from the field and we let them go.
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Old 06-22-2008, 04:26 PM   #121
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Phoenix Hawk - Missing LL, RL, shoulder actuator damaged

Raven - Missing, RA, LA, RL

Charger - Missing RA, LA, RL, gyro hit 2x, engine 4x

Awesome - Missing RT, RA, 3x engine

Awesome RA
Orion LA, RA
Raven RL
Rifleman H, LL, RL

Damage to be repaired:

Panther - Life Support

Panther - Lower Leg, jump jet

Griffin - Hand act

Sucks that we lost a solid mech like an Orion.

For ammo - 336,000
For armor (my mechs) - 150,000

Now let’s see if we can repair the damage to the Awesome and Charger. Fix that, and we make a lot of money, but it will be very tough.

I will start with the Awesome. After some work, we were unable to repair the engine. Sucks.

Next up is the Charger. We did repair the engine here. We were not able toe repair the gyro and it will have to be replaced.

Everything but the jump jet is repaired on my mechs.

We manage to reattach the Raven RL to its body. I have a pair of Phoenix Hawk legs in our armory and use them to fully repair the Phoenix Hawk. That does not count towards the salvage value of the mech for purposes of Shared salvage rights, however.


Phoenix Hawk - Normal Value: 4,067,540. To Repair: 600,000. Current Value: 3,467,540

Raven - Normal Value: 4,550,000* To Repair: 455,000. Current Value: 4,100,000

(The Raven has advanced electronics gear which raises its value)

Awesome - Normal Value: 6,598,170 To Repair: (1280000 engine cost) 1,880,000 Current Value: 4,718,170

Charger - Normal Value: 7,520,372 To Repair: (1,200,000 gyro) 2,325,000 Current Value: 5,195,372

Value of Salvaged Rifleman Parts - 1,000,000 approx

Total Salvage Value - 18,481,082.

Total Salvage Money: 9,240,541

We can take up to this amount, and we will get this amount in C-Bills as well. The Phoenix Hawk and Awesome and Rifleman parts are all takable.
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Old 06-22-2008, 05:16 PM   #122
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Tough break on the Orion. Did all your pilots survive that battle? Hard to tell in the writeup.

FOOL - Ann Arbor Winged Lingerines
FOOLX - Portland Axemen

Hattrick - Fizzle United (222968)
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Old 06-22-2008, 05:38 PM   #123
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Cost of Armor: 150,000
Cost of Ammo: 336,000
Cost to Repair Phoenix Hawk: 40,000 (After adding back two legs)
Cost to Repair Awesome: 1,880,000
Cost to Run Company for 6 Months: 292,038

Total Costs: 2,698,000


9,240,541 for salvage money compensation
24,640 for support
134,150 for salary

Total Compensation: 9,399,341

Total Net Gain: 6,701,341

I give the newly dispossessed Martin Fitzgerald the Awesome and our dispossessed Hassan Mohommad the Phoenix Hawk.
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Old 06-22-2008, 05:42 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by Tellistto View Post
Tough break on the Orion. Did all your pilots survive that battle? Hard to tell in the writeup.


Yeah, they all survived.
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Old 06-22-2008, 06:52 PM   #125
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June 17, 3034 - The Commandos company arrives back on Outreach. Now I am sliding over to Kilts Company:

NOTE - the dynasty is about the change for a while, before heading back to normal. Why? You are about to find out.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 06-22-2008 at 06:52 PM.
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Old 06-22-2008, 06:53 PM   #126
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March 13,3034 - The Free Rasalhague Republic Declares Independence.

After the Fourth Succession War, Coordinator Takashi Kurita named his son, Theodore Kurita Ganji no-kanrei of the Draconis Combine. As part of his role as the head of the military, he began reforms among the military to modernize them.

Theodore Kurita was also approached by ComStar. They made a pact with Theodore Kurita. He would not prevent the regular Rasalhague independence movement from severing from the Draconis Combine. In turn, ComStar would provide his military with older mechs from the Star League era, usually stripped of most LosTech. Theodore agrees, and for the next four years, he moved troops out of the Rasalhague District and issued minor orders to troops to not attack various rioters and protesters.

In the Fourth Succession War, the Lyran Commonwealth attacked the Dracs and took many of the worlds of the Rasalhague District. With the Draconis Combine’s tacit support of the independence movement through Theodore Kurita, the Lyrans are pressured to release their captured planets. In one swing, without lifting a finger, House Kurita has forced their opponent to lose all of the worlds they worked hard to capture in the previous war while also creating a buffer state between the two realms and gaining them mechs for their armies.

Would that it were that easy. After the declaration of their Independence, many forces in the Draconis Combine used the opportunity to strike. Some higher level soliders were disaffected by Theodore’s reforms and used this as a chance to strike back. Others rallied behind Marcus Kurita who wants to break free of the Combine and forge his own state. Other broke free to protect Combine loyal citizens on FRR worlds where anti-Kurita riots would sometimes injure innocent citizens newly betrayed by their own government.

What could have been a win-win for the Combine is defeated by the defecting of about 1/5th of the DCMS. The Coordinator declares all defecting troops ronin. And so begin the Ronin Wars.
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Old 06-22-2008, 06:53 PM   #127
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March 18,3034 - We receive a communique from the Free Rasalhague Republic. Our contract has been moved to the general Republic. They are ordering us to the world of Kandis. Kandis was taken in the Fourth Succession War by the Lyran Commonwealth. The governor of that planet is refusing to acknowledge Rasalhague’s independence. Although the Lyran troops have been withdrawn, she has surrounded the government complex with mercenary troops she had on retainer, the Dragonslayers. Free Rasalhague Republic has very few troops, and does not want to dispatch any to Kandis. Since the Dragonslayers are just a company sized unit, and since we are just two jumps away from Kandis, we are being directed to Kandis to destroy the Dragonslayers, and remove the Lyran Governor by force.
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Old 06-22-2008, 07:23 PM   #128
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March 29, 3034 - We land in Kandis, outside of their capital city. I wanted to give the Dragonslayers an opportunity to protest our landing and draw them from outside of the city, but they did not take the bait. I was hoping to do this away from the citizenry, but our contract is quite clear. We are to march into the city, and engage the Dragonslayers who are defending the government complex. There is some cleared space in the area, so hopefully we can keep damage to the city and deaths to a minimum.

The Dragonslayers:

Phoenix Hawk
Hunchback 4SP
Zeus 6T

The Ostscout is a hyper rare scout mech that hasn’t been made since 2780 or so. I rolled a 2 (on 2d6) to get it. It is a charge special, since it has just one medium laser at 35 tons and a 8/12/8 movement. It’s really good as a scout or a physical attack oriented mech. The Hunchback SP replaces the AC20 with a bunch of medium lasers, 2 SRM6s, and six heat sinks. The Zeus is an assault mech, and this is a variant with a PPC, Large Laser, LRM15, and two medium lasers. It rocks 11.5 tons of armor, which is a bit light for an 80 ton mech. The Banshee is a 95 ton terror with PPC, AC5 and a Small Laser. It has a 4/6 movement which is odd on such a big mech and takes up too much space. Like the Charger, it would benefit from more tonnage freed by lighter engines, but that tech is not around right now.
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Old 06-22-2008, 11:40 PM   #129
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Woo Awesome!! Grats on the win
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Old 06-23-2008, 07:01 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by law90026 View Post
Woo Awesome!! Grats on the win

Yeah, I know how you like em
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Old 06-23-2008, 07:03 PM   #131
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The Enforcer has their captain

At the end of the first round, we can’t even see each other. We are starting at the end of the city, and still are behind a bunch of buildings.

I jump my Spider in on the second turn and I can see four opposing mechs. Still don’t know where the other eight are. Using the scouting of my Spider I am able to catch them in a pincer movement, between two forces, one significantly north of the other. They were pushed too far forward. Now, I can try to hit some mechs in the back from one direction or the other. The Hunchback blows the RA off my Wasp. I hit the foot and lower leg actuators of the RL of the opposing Commando.

The next turn we just exchange fire.

The fourth turn sees my Archer all after a fierce volley was laid on it.

On the 5th turn, I stand up my Archer, jump my Wolverine behind their Archer, and savage its armor.

More exchange of fire occurs. We need to kill something soon.

I take out the PPC on the Zeus. The Flea hits four actuators on their Vulcan. It falls and it hits its AC2 ammo and explodes. The Goliath blasts through a Commando’s leg and my Orion misses a kick and falls down.

The next turn arrives. My Phoenix Hawk falls and tumbles down when landing on top of a building. I lose its LA. Their Archer falls down when it decides to run and turn on pavement. Crash. Our Wolfhound zaps the LRM15 on the Zeus. Our Archer takes out an opposing LRM20 on their Archer and its RA. Our Wolverine hit’s the hip actuator of their Firestarter. The Goliath blows the head off their Commando. Boom! Our Goliath falls as does their Firestarter. My Orion kicked the LL off the Ostscout. Our Wolverine kicked the RL off the fallen Firestarter. Our Griffin falls after being kicked. The Ostscout pilot blacks out.

Our Phoenix Hawk fails to stand and falls back down. I stand a second time. I get my Griffin back up too. Our Wolverine takes out their Firestarter by hitting its ammo. Boom! Their Banshee targets the Goliath and it explodes. Boom on us! The Centurion hit’s the Archer’s ammo. Boom! Their Wolverine hits my AC10 on the Orion. I kick and blast the LA on the Ostscout. Its pilot wakes up.

Their Hunch hits my Orion’s medium laser and AC10 again. The Wolfhound blast’s the Zeus’s head and shear’s it off. Dead Zeus. The Enforcer nails the Wolfhound’s RA and takes it out. No more Large Laser. Both our Wolfhound and their Hunch tumble to the ground. The Orion kicks and destroys the Orstscout’s LT, and the Phoenix Hawk kicks off its head. Dead Ostscout.

And in two turns, the mechs just fall and fall. Our Griffin hit’s one of the SRM6’s on the Hunchy with its PPC. Their Dervish kicks the hip actuator on our Firestarter-Abe model. Our Phoenix hawk falls after missing a kick. Our Firestarter put their Dervish at +17 heat and it just barely avoided a heat shutdown. Yay for Inferno rounds of SRM2.

I have an exposed LT with AC10 ammo on my Orion. I have already lost an Orion on the other team and now a Goliath. I want to keep my Orion working, so I am backing back into the buildings. The 12th round is just more exchange of fire. Once again the Dervish had to avoid shutdown, also an ammo explosion. It’’s now at 20 over heat.

The 13th round brings the Firestarter add 5 more heat to the Dervish. Our Centurion tears into the rear armor of the Huncy and hit’s a pair of heat sinks. Our Flea hits its foot actuator. It falls to the ground. The Dervish is at 34 extra heat, and it explodes as its ammo ignites. I consider that a kill for the Firestarter.

I radio the Dragonslayer leader in the Enforcer. I offer them surrender. She informs me that her contract states that if she surrenders, all of their remaining equipment will be forfeit to the local governor. I ask her exactly what the contract states, and after a brief respite, she sends me the details. As I thought. It says local governor, not the Lyran governor. I radio her back and inform her that a case can be made that she is to surrender to the rightful governor of Randis, the Free Rasalhague Republic governor. Then her and her unit can survive under the command of the FRR governor. I can hear her smile over the conn. She surrenders.
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Old 06-23-2008, 07:46 PM   #132
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I am enjoying this dynasty (as I do all of your dynasties) and am following it very closely. One question, does MegaMek simulate strategy for the opposing forces or are you having to play both sides in your encounters?
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Old 06-23-2008, 07:46 PM   #133
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Ostscout, missing Head, LL, LA, LT

Zeus missing Head, PPC hit, LRM15 hit,

Commando, missing Head, LL

Vulcan RA, LL
Firestarter LA
Dervish LA
Goliath Head, RFL, LFL

Need to fix:

Wasp missing RA

Wolfhound RA

Orion AC10, x2, Medium laser

Phoenix Hawk, LA

Firestarter hip actuator

We only have Shared Rights:

I fixed the Zeus weapons.

Zeus 6T: Normal Value: 7,752,000. Repair Value: 950,000 Current Value: 6,702,000

Ostscout: Normal Value: 3,409,200 Repair Value: 1,500,000 Current Value: 1,909,200

Commando: Normal: 1,891,250 Repair: 750,000 Current Value: 1,141,250

Value of FS, Der, and Vul parts: 750,000

Total value salvaged: 10,502,400


The contract is not over yet.

I spend: 380,000 on ammo
200,000 on armor.
150,000 on RA for Wasp
200,000 for Wolfhound RA
350,000 for Phoenix Hawk LA

I fix all damaged items on my mech.

One DragonSlayer pilot was deemed worthy of joining our unit:

Jacob Ovango, regular, dispossessed

It will take us a month to get items shipped to us. In the meantime, if we see more combat, then we will be four mechs short a full company, rocking only two lances.

Total Outlay for armor, ammo and items: 1,280,000
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Old 06-23-2008, 07:53 PM   #134
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Originally Posted by knolysis View Post
I am enjoying this dynasty (as I do all of your dynasties) and am following it very closely. One question, does MegaMek simulate strategy for the opposing forces or are you having to play both sides in your encounters?


I play both sides in everything except for combat. The MegaMek engine only cars about combat, so I am doing salvage, negotations and the occasiona maneuvering outside combat. For example, when the Marik forces raided us at Palladaine, I rolled for their commander. On a lower roll, they would have landed at one place, at a higher roll they split into 3, and a higher roll split them even more, which was an even smarter decision. I also use the level of the enemy as a guide. I allow myself, an elite tactical genius, to outsmart a regualr or green commander pretty reguarly, which is an accurate simulation of events, but when going up against vets and elites, I give them a better chance. For example, an elite enemy might choose to fight my unit in stages, and raids, instead of all at once.

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Old 06-23-2008, 10:48 PM   #135
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We are ordered to continue to Rahalhague as initially planned.

April 28, 3034 - We arrive in the Rasalhague system. They order us to the planet surface below. Our parts have arrived here, but it will take two more weeks to splice them onto our wounded three mechs.

Rasalhague was previously a battleground as Marcus Kurita, the traitor and leader of many ronin units was rescued by the Eight Regulars and Twelve Sun Zhang. Remnants of both units were left on the planet to harass the Rasalhuage military and leaders. There are three main guerilla forces left on planet.

One is a pair of Sun Zhang companies harassing the mining areas of the planet.

Two is a pair of companies, one each mechs and infantry, from Sun Zhang and the Eighth, retreated into the forest of Skand and have not been heard from since.

Three is a company of vehicles and a lance of mechs led by the XO of the Eighth. They are doing occasional lightning strikes and then fading back into the wilderness.

On planet is one of the three Rasalhague mech regiments, the First Tyr. Only two of their battalions is on planet. They are generally defending the government and buildings instead of launching raids against the guerilla bands. We are going hunting.

Our role is to be a fast strike mobile force, hitting the guerillas when they show.

Upon our arrival, The First Tyr agree to fix our three mechs with their elite techs in labs, and all work is done in a day.

April 30, 3034 - Our first trek across the planet of Rasalhague. Scouts reported seeing a Wasp mech in the area around the forest of Skand. We have been sent to investigate. All of the sudden, a group of mechs and infantry flood out from the woods and begin to attack us.
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Old 06-24-2008, 11:16 AM   #136
Abe Sargent
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With none of their infantry assets to be seen, I suspect that the guerilla forces are doing a quick strike attack. Hit and fade, possibly without any mechs falling.

This game will be just three turns. We’ll have that long to try to kill a mech or two before they fade. Here are their forces:

Sun Zhang are green, Eighth Regulars are elite. I will roll for each mech to see if it is SZ or 8th.

Wasp, 8th
Quickdraw, SZ
Orion, SZ
Phoenix Hawk 1K, 8th
Crusader 3K, 8th
Centurion, 8th
MCY-98 Mercury, 8th
Awesome, SZ
Stalker, SZ
CHP-2N Champion, 8th
Jenner, SZ
Stinger, 8th

So, we have five green Sun Zhang mechs, including two assault mechs and two heavies in that group. We also have some mechs you might not be familiar with. The Jenner is the most common light mech in Draconis Combine space and is virtually only there and no where else. It is a 35 ton light mech with an awkward 7/11/5 movement, four medium lasers, an SRM4, and four tons of armor. There is a variant that strips off the SRM4 and ammo for armor. That’s a good variant, with 7 tons of armor instead of 4.

The Crusader is a common missile boat and heavy mech. Normally featuring a pair of LRM15s, this is the House Kurita version, with just two LRM10s, two SRM6s, two medium lasers, two machine guns and extra heat sinks. It’s a solid heavy mech, and one we’ve not seen before just by chance.

The Mercury and Champion are older Star League era designs that have lost their LosTech long ago. The Mercury is a fast 20 ton mech while the Champion is a heavy 60-ton mech. Without its LosTech, the Mercury is basically a Locust while the Champion sports an AC10, SRM6, two medium lasers, two small lasers and light armor at just 8 tons of armor.
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Old 06-24-2008, 11:31 AM   #137
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The first turn has arrived. The woods are a bit thick even at the edge of the Skald. I jump my Spider into their midst so that I can see their locations. We exchange fire. I want to get the Mercury or Champion. However, I’ll take whatever opportunities present themselves. Their Phoenix Hawk tries to kick my Spider and misses, falling down.

The second turn arrives. They stand up their Phoenix Hawk. I try to maneuver to a place I can shoot down the Champion from. Am LRM20 from our Archer hit’s the Champion’s SRM6 and medium laser. It’s LA is blown off and on the ground.

The 3rd turn is here. Can I manage to take out the Champion? I hit the Champion’s LT with my Orion’s LRM 15 and it is destroyed. I also hit the shoulder actuator on the right arm. Our Wolverine hit’s the upper arm actuator. The Centurion destroys its Center Torso. It is done for the count. At the end of the turn, I kick and destroy the opposing Wasp’s LL. It falls to the ground. We have set a lot of the woods on fire. The attackers are able to retreat under the smoke and fire. I choose not to pursue. Their infantry could be laying in ambush,
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Old 06-24-2008, 03:37 PM   #138
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Champion, destroyed LT, LA, LL. AC10x2. Destroyed CT.

Champion LL

I roll and the infrastructure for the CT is reparable. What about the engine and gyro? Both are destroyed. I fixed the AC10 and reattach the LL.

Champion: Normal Value - 5,071,200 Repair: (900k/gyro, 1200k/engine, 80k for armor, 35k for ammo, 800k for arm and torso and weapons in those) 3,015,000 Current value: 2,056,200

After doing some quick math, I believe we’ll have to pay around 130k for ammo and armor replacement.

LEVEL UP - Our Centurion pilot, Michael Adkins, has notched his fourth kill. His gunnery is being raised one.
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:03 PM   #139
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May 11, 3034 - Satellite feed and information shows that two of the guerilla forces are on the move. The first are the two companies of Sun Zhang cadets. They are marching towards a DropPort in the mining sector of Rasalhague, probably with the intent of leaving the planet and stealing some DropShips from the complex. Also, the company of tanks and lance of mechs is moving towards the government complex. The First Tyr is moving to intercept the Sun Zhang cadets, and they need to move in force. If even some of the cadets reach the DropPort, they can do massive damage. We are asked to delay the other force. If we can take it out, fine, but our goal is to delay their arrival at the capital.

It is dusk, as they move to the capital (SPECIAL DUSK RULE IN EFFECT)

We are fighting by open terrain.

The Ronin Forces - All forces are elite

Charger The Leader is in this mech

Schrek PPC Carrier
Saladin x3
Pike x2

The tanks to worry about are the Schrek with its three PPCs and the Demolisher with two AC20s. The Pikes have AC2s which is not major. The Partisan has some AC5s and LRMs, but for an assault tank, does not pack the punch you’d expect. Note the Hetzer is also rocking an AC20, as are the Saladins. I need to stay away from their forces until I kill a few of these AC20s.

We are very undergunned when you look at Battle Values. Mechs, pilots, tanks and so forth all have Battle Values. This is an estimated performance expectation. We are very undermanned by thousands of BV when compared to them. They have elite pilots, which drives up their BV but they will hit. My first enemy is the PPC Carrier. An elite crew with three PPCs will tear into me in short order. Then I want to axe as many AC20 vehicles as possible.
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Old 06-25-2008, 04:38 PM   #140
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The first turn sees us maneuver and no weapons hit.

I missed with both LRM20s on the Archer when I gave myself a nice firing lane on the PPC Carrier (I needed an 8 each time). I need to start taking down some tanks soon.

The Shrek blasts through the armor in my Orion’s LA and hits an upper arm actuator. I then fall under the firepower.

On the 4th turn, I stand my mech back up and move into heavy woods for more protection. Their Shrek shears the head off my Wolverine and it falls to the ground, dead. Our MechWarrior, Salia James, died. On the other hand, our Centurion causes the Schrek’s power plant to explode. Boom! The LA of my Orion is destroyed.

We are getting savaged. I’ll try to turn it around this turn. My Wasp get’s its RA blown off. Alright, let’s keep going. But, I’m getting close to calling it.

My Orion takes out the Hetzer Assault Tank‘s Right Side, destroying the vehicle. That’s one AC20 down. Their Panther takes out my Spider’s LA. Their Charger kicks through the RL of my Firestarter and it is on the ground.

I’m going to push into one more turn. If I can get lucky and off a couple of tanks, I can regain the momentum. Tanks are fragile, and it’s very doable. I eject Adele from her Firestarter. Our Griffin destroys the Demolisher after rupturing its fuel tank. Two more AC20s down.

I’m going to keep going. With the Demolisher down, we get a big boost. There are still three Saladin;s running around, but there is a glimmer of hope. I am ejecting this round from my Orion. I’ve lost an arm, I have about 15% of my original armor left and am internal is about four places. My mech is about to be shot if I keep it up, so I am ejecting. That means, after this round, we will not get my tactical genius bonus. More exchange of fire this round.

The following round I try to maneuver into the right positions. The Charger blasts three jump jets on my Phoenix hawk’s left torso.

I will keep pushing. The Manticore tank takes out the LT of my Spider and hits an engine. My Archer lays into the right side of a Pike and destroys it. Their Saladin fires an AC20 and hit’s the Spider dead center. The center torso is destroyed.

I call it. We have six mechs left. Some are seriously damaged. None but the Archer have any serious power. I order our men and mechs to back away from the ronin troops.

They still have all four mechs, although their Charger is severely damaged. They also have eight vehicles. With a company of mixed assets remaining, they continue to march towards the capital. Still, we have delayed them, and destroyed two of their biggest tanks, the Schrek and Demolisher. We also took out a Pike and a Hetzer. Not bad, but we should have done better. I feel like I really let the Tyr down. We could have stopped this group. The mechs are laughable assets - two lights, a Charger and a Griffin? Come on. I just didn’t get the hits I needed.
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Old 06-25-2008, 08:00 PM   #141
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I have to say that if you randomly rolled up those armour assets, you were really unlucky. That's a mech killing armour force right there.
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Old 06-25-2008, 10:51 PM   #142
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Originally Posted by law90026 View Post
I have to say that if you randomly rolled up those armour assets, you were really unlucky. That's a mech killing armour force right there.

I know. Yup, all random.
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Old 06-25-2008, 10:57 PM   #143
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AC20 (The Hetzer was a writeoff) - 300,000

Pike Support Vehicle - 50k to fix. Current Value: 1,015,000


Spider - LA, LT, Gyro

Wasp - RA

Orion - LA

Firestarter - RL

Wolverine - H

We managed to fix the Spider’s center torso section and the engine, but the gyro was destroyed with the AC20 shot and it’s irreparable.

Cost to replace it all: (Inc armor, ammo)


I order the parts. It will take a while to get them in. At least a month, and with the war going on, perhaps longer.

The First Tyr at the mining complex stopped the Sun Zhang cadets. When they arrived and saw the First Tyr waiting for them in strength, they surrendered. Several committed seppuku. The units we stopped made it to the city before encountering a heavy company of First Tyr mechs left behind in case we did not stop the guerillas. That company destroyed the Charger’s head, killing the XO of the Eighth Regulars and the rest surrendered.

That leaves the unit out in the forest as the sole guerilla force on planet.

LEVEL UP: Our Griffin pilot, Justine Dempsey, gained a gunnery skill from four kills.

I assign Jacob Ovango to the Wolverine.
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Old 06-25-2008, 10:58 PM   #144
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In the War:

With just three Battlemech regiments of their own, the Free Rasalhague Republic has called on the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, DCMS, to attack the ronin forces in the Republic. Theodore has agreed, but will first cut through the supply bases the ronin have in Combine space. There are several planets in the new FRR that have been captured by ronin forces.

The First Tyr want to blast off world to Predlitz. It is a highly pro-Combine world in the FRR currently used as the base of operations of the organized ronin forces and Marcus Kurita’s new state. In order to jump off world, they need to know that we’ll take care of the remaining guerilla forces. Therefore, they allow us to buy our parts from them, instead of from the normal outlets. Our mechs are up and running in less than a week.
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Old 06-25-2008, 11:47 PM   #145
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May 17 - Satellite telemetry has scoured the Skand woods. We have narrowed the location of the guerillas to a four klick square. We are going into the woods to root them out and blast them. I send out my scout unit to find them. However, with Adele’s mech being so specialized, I replace it with the Phoenix Hawk.

We are scouring the woods when our radar begins to show several bogeys to the east. We move to see what they are…

This is a scout on scout battle.

Their Mercury, Phoenix Hawk, Stinger and Jenner are their scout lance.
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Old 06-26-2008, 12:18 AM   #146
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Nothing much happens this round. Just positioning.

On the second round, they leave their Jenner on the edge, and I charge the Spider towards it. We exchange some fire. My Spider is hit a few times, and then hit’s the Jenner. It is knocked off the map, but it costs my Spider its RT. Its RA is lying on the ground now too. Well, the sacrifice is worth it. Now the odds are much more even.

Our Flea blows through the rear armor of the Phoenix Hawk and hits its engine. Their Mercury blows off the Wasp’s RA. My Phoenix Hawk kicks the LL out from the Stinger. It falls. Our Spider is kicked and falls as well.

The Stinger tries to stand and falls back down. We exchange weapons.

More weapons fire exchanges.

The Stinger stands up. I blast off the RA of the Phoenix Hawk with my own Phoenix Hawk. Our Spider fell after missing a kick.

The Stinger destroyed its RL getting up and falling again. The Flea blows off the Mercury’s head. No other injuries there. Our Phoenix Hawk tears through the other P Hawk’s RT this time. I then kick the LL out from the Phoenix Hawk as well.

The single mech left in the battle surrenders to us. I radio the position to the local militia and they will collect the Phoenix Hawk and other salvage.
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Old 06-26-2008, 03:21 PM   #147
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Mercury - Normal Value: 1,580,000 Repair: 600,000 Current Value: 980,000

Stinger - Normal Value: 1,662,000 Repair: 300,000 Current Value: 1,332,000

Spider RA

Need to Fix:

Spider RT, RA
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Old 06-26-2008, 03:22 PM   #148
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After blowing through their scouts, we are about to hit their main forces. This is what they have left.

Wasp, 8th
Quickdraw, SZ
Orion, SZ
Crusader 3K, 8th
Centurion, 8th
Awesome, SZ
Stalker, SZ
Jenner, SZ

Plus some infantry.

Time for battle.

I order our Spider to stay behind and recuperate.
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Old 06-26-2008, 05:50 PM   #149
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Nothing happens on the first turn but a brief exchange of missiles and beams in the air.

I focus fire on their Crusader and deal some nice damage.

On the third turn I again concentrate fire on the Crusader. My Griffin’s RA is blown off by the opposing Orion. The Griffin blows off the RA of the Crusader.

For the next turn, I again focus fire on the Crusader and we nail two Heat Sinks.

The LRM15 on my Orion is tagged and goes out. The Archer touches the Crusader’s ammo and causes the mech to explode. The Wolfhound misses a kick and falls.

Round 6 sees me stand the Wolfhound back up. Their Centurion hits my Orion’s LRM15 again and nails the SRM4 too. We launch weapons at their Stalker and it falls. I make a ballsy move and charge the Quickdraw. With my own Orion. It works and I force it from the field. Unfortunately I fall down after the charge. My Upper Leg Actuator on my RL was destroyed.

Although still on the ground, I manage to kill the opposing Centurion with my Orion’s remaining weapons. Its ammo went up too.

The following turn I blow off the RA and LL off the Jenner. It tumbles hard. The Centurion blows up the Stalker’s ammo and it goes too.

With the death of their Stalker, we have now destroyed over 66% of their force. With that, they call and offer unconditional surrender. I accept. Their mechs are turned over to the FRR, and we get the salvage.
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Old 06-27-2008, 12:55 AM   #150
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Crusader H, LL, RL, LT

Stalker RT

Centurion RA

Total Value of Salvaged Parts: 1,850,000


Orion - LRM15 x2, SRM4, Upper Leg

Griffin - RA

Need to fix:

I fix the Orion

I replace the Griffin RA with a Shadow Hawk RA.

Ammo: 270,000
Armor: 220,000

And with that, the Rasalhague campaign is over. We’ll be sent elsewhere in the Wars until our contract runs out. However, I want to go ahead and settle up the contract as we are nearing the end.
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