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Old 07-06-2004, 10:38 PM   #101
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Location: Utah
After raging with a bout of depression and silence as he thought upon the forth coming expedition, Brayden finally fell asleep.

The creak of the table having food set upon it, woke him, the cooks shrilling voice, startled.

Brayden sat up, rubbing the nights sleep from his eyes, and arose, smoothing his clothing out, and pulling his shoulder length locks back into a pony tail and tying it off with a piece of braided leather he managed to pull from his pouch.

Sitting down at the table, he reached for the flapjacks, stacking them on his plate.

"Eat up everyone, for this will be the last home cooked meal for us for some time." and with mirth, he laughed at his last statement, and began to eat.
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 07-06-2004, 10:49 PM   #102
Rider Of Rohan
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The cook, who had been squinting at the Azaran with some manner of scorn, actually laughed loudly at his bit of morning merriment.

"Aye, you're off to Wootmerry I've heard. Eat up! I doubt you'll have the pleasure of flapjacks and maple syrup out there in that wild, eh? And lest your horses up and go mad, you might not have fresh meat like that either!"

She bellowed again, and waddled off to the kitchen.
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 07-07-2004, 07:55 AM   #103
Raven Hawk
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Jadrich's energetic responses seemed to be lacking this early in the morning. One could tell from the meticulous packing job that Jadrich had done, that he had been up late ensuring that everything was in order as he had specified. A packing list lay on the table with three sets of check marks next to each item. There was a slight tingle in his head from the ample glasses of wine that touched his lips the night before.

Soon enough, however, the smell of maple syrup coaxed Jadrich out of bed. He made his way over to the table and sat down across from Brayden. After pouring himself a glass of juice, Jadrich forked a stack of flapjacks that seemed larger than his stomach and moved them to his plate.

After packing away little food, Jadrich started on his favorite breakfast side dish: conversation.

"So Brayden, you mentioned that you have your own ship? What is her name and how did you come about to own such a fine vessel?" Jadrich chipped in between forkloads of flapjacks and hash.
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Old 07-07-2004, 08:05 AM   #104
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"I am sorry, I must have misrepresented myself, you see, I would like my own ship. To many days have I travelled the seas with another man commanding me, the best I have done, was captain a wounded boat, for it's um......benefactors to a port, for repairs. I think I might have displeased said benefactors for they are the ones that gave me the scar upon my neck."

Looking off a little past Jadrich, you could clearly tell Brayden was lost in his memories, ones that obviously pained him, but snapping back into the now, Brayden slightly shaked his head, as if to rattle the bad from his head.

"Anyways, I do want to own a ship, and this qwest will finish off the money I have been saving for such an endeavor, I am going to name her Raven, she will be sleek and dark, quick, and powerful."

Brayden, stabs at another bite of flapjacks, hurriedly stuffing it into his, mouth, chewing, he speaks with mouthful, a muffled sound, but you can hear it well enough.

"Jadrich, why are you not behind the Bar anymore?"
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 07-07-2004, 08:33 AM   #105
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"Nay, friend, you probably didn't misrepresent yourself. My head is often too filled with my own words, that I don't hear the words of others as well as I hear my own," Jadrich said smiling. "'Raven' is a wonderful name for a ship and by the looks of things," Jadrich motions to a shield bearing the Lady's crest, "I'd think that the Lady would approve as well."

Jadrich allowed Brayden a moment to reminisce, taking in another forkload of hash and a sip of juice.

"As for my own endeavors . . . I used to run a tavern in Filia's capital . . . Such a city was filled with Lords, Ladies, Politicians and the like. It was a prime spot to own a tavern and . . . umm . . . how do I put this . . . broker information. However, it appears as though I offended one of the local magistrates grievously, who in turn decided to try to put me out of business. I won't deny the fact that he might have been wronged, but I would have preferred that he handled the situation face to face. Instead, he used his influence to get my tavern closed down. After working the ropes at other taverns for awhile, I found that it just didn't suit my style to work for another, I need my own place. I, too, hope that the profits of this endeavor will allow me to reopen The Dragon's Wing . . . but perhaps in a different city." Jadrich smiled again. "Let us hope that this expedition is fruitful enough for us both to reclaim our lives' true desires."

Coug, I forgot the name of the Inn that I named in my write up, so I changed it to The Dragon's Wing. If I need to change that, let me know. I'd also like to know what the name of the city is that I had it in, for future reference.

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Old 07-07-2004, 01:51 PM   #106
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Upon awakening, Xypheus quietly slipped off his cot and joined Brayden and Jadrich at the long breakfast table. Not much for conversation this early in the morning, he silently filled his plate and began to eat.
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 07-07-2004, 02:59 PM   #107
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Reod had another night of nightmares. It caused him to turn and toss about in his sleep, but didn't cost him his rest. He was far to used to the nightmares by now.

Upon awakening, he saw the group starting to assemble for breakfast. Two were chatting away. Reod frowned. There would be plenty of time to do that later. He grabbed a plate and filled it up, eating as if this was his last meal.
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Old 07-07-2004, 03:19 PM   #108
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Dereth had slightly woken up when the lady yelled, but he cursed her out loud and went back to sleep. The clanging of weapons of the other adventurers woke him up yet again, and despite his best attempts he could no longer return to his slumber. He rose slowly and dressed after, to many complaints and moans from the others, had slept in the nude and said he was too hot for any blankets. he entered the room that apparently was used for eating. Dereth was not accustomed to sitting at tables for meals, so he followed the lead of the others without making too much of a fuss. He listened to Brayden and Jadrich speak of their pasts with intent in hopes of understanding the men he had to accompany for quite some time it appeared. He walked back to his supplies and was quite suprised to find armor, and sword, and a magnificient shield. He did not recognize the crest, but assumed it was in response to his request. He could only assume it was very important, and would ask about it sometime in the future. He decided to get some food before they left, so he finally sat with the others at the table. He wondered if he should break into the conversation, and finally decided to interject. "Jadrich, would your experience in barkeeping prove useful in making food during our journey? And how about maybe brewing certain "diversion."
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 07-07-2004, 03:34 PM   #109
Raven Hawk
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"Ahh yes . . . cooking . . . hmmm . . . Not quite a strength of mine as I had a full-time cook to prepare meals at The Dragon's Wing. And as for brewing, that isn't quite my strength either. 'Twas my job to get the customers in and take their money. Although I have dabbled in both cooking and brewing, I can by no means call myself an expert in any way. I could, however, tell you what suppliers sold good ale for cheap." Jadrich said reflecting over his career.

"And what of our heroes?" Jadrich said, changing the subject. "What stories have you two of war and great battles?" he continued looking to Reod and Dereth. "Surely there are some great deeds to tell us of."

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Old 07-07-2004, 04:58 PM   #110
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"Jadrich, you amuse me," Reod replied, "but I suppose that's what you're aiming for. You probably know my stories better than I."

Reod cast a quick look at Dereth, who would also know most of the Reod Dai stories.

"Perhaps one of my more interesting adventures is one you may not know of," Reod told Jadrich, "I was actually involved in the battles against the Skelitik Nomads.

"This huge clan was raiding the Rhyllan province of Avanera for water and supplies. We, being the Rhyllan Guard, were brought in to put a stop to it. The Nomads were savages, and they all fought to the death.

"I was just a young lad then, but I took the opportunity to command the troops around me when a Nomad slew our captain. I killed that Nomad and led our men to victory. I rallied our men and we held off the Nomad assault on our position.

"A veteran took the post but I was noted for my bravery in battle. Those battles helped propel me through the ranks of the Rhyllan Guard, though many have no idea that was why."

Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 07-07-2004, 05:01 PM   #111
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"As i mentioned earlier, I grew up in the war-torn border towns of Rhylla. When i was but a boy I exemplfied a talent for killing. It first happened when he was 11 and killed 40 men with only a dagger, single handily turning the tide of the Rhyllan Civil War on the fields of Carellia. It was about 13 years ago that this battle occured. I was a student of arms for the great empire of Rhylla at the time, when a rather large religous sect decided that they could no longer tolerate our outlandish ideas about certain religious topics,such as warriors with honor going to a great hall and meeting with ancestors(or a field, our nation's various groups differ on this matter) The leader was a man by the name of Jans Hestokigan. He was a mentor of mine when i was younger, but had dissapeared without telloing us anything. They attacked us by complete suprise...i mean, who expects their own citizens to starts killing your other citizens. They had taken over most of the country, including out capital of Nastoria. The Rhyllan royal family retreated into the countryside, and eventually found themselves at my military academy. The rebels came hard and fast, and overwhelmed our lines. After taking down quite a few, we retreated into the inner walls. After a brief seige, they busted down the door and then hell broke loose. We were but young boys up against men twice our size. I watched as my friends were slaughtered, and much of what came next was a blur of rage. I was told afterwards that i stoof outside the door to the room the royal fmaily was in, and single-hadidly held off the Jinkaran rebels long enough for our leaders and wounded to escape out a secret passage. Left alone, i had to battle my way through their lines to escape, and in the process of doing so i killed my former mentor Hestokigan. I was awarded many titles and awards for this, but the shame of killing my mentor, even if it was just, was too unbearable. I left to live in the wilderness and vowed never to kill again." Dereth fought not to show emotion, despite this being the most traumtic day of his life. Dereth knew what men of this nature felt about emotion, especially from him after his past discussions and actions. "I also recieved this scar on my neck from the Fire Dragon of the Rhyllan Ice Mountains. The dragon had built its next on top of these cliffs that must have reached all the way up to the heavens! It had terrorized the countryside long enough when i made my home in the woods. I gathered a group of farmers, and using the lack behidn the cliffs snuck up of the monster. Knowing we didnt have enough fire to melt the mountain, or enough power to bring the dragon out of the air, we devised a plan to make it come to us. We built a massive hay "nest" and took it with us. When we came close, it attacked us in all its fury. We lit the fake nest on fire, and as predicted the dumb animal thought we had its own nest. It lowered to ground level to protect its nest and young ones we found later. With it on the earth, we hit it with everything we had. It claws caught my neck and cut me badly, but i still managed to climb onto its back. With this, it took off to shake me, but i continued holding on and attacking. After what seemed like an eternity, i managed a critical blow and brought the beast down. We were proclaimed as heroes of the wilderness, but i did not think anyone in the main cities knew of it. Shortly after though, i recieved word of Lady Del Vars invitation, and headed here. Whether it was my saving of the Royal Family or the slaying of the fiercest monster this side of Cranstone, i do not know what got me here. But i damn well know i aint leaving till i get some more food! Woman, bring me more, for now we feast like kings!"

"As for you jadrich, you wouldnt be here without some reason for the lady to want your services, what might you have done to earn this here "honor" we be having"
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 07-07-2004, 05:04 PM   #112
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"But then again, i've been drunk of my ass since the day of the battle with the rebels...that whole dragon thing may have just been one very very good night with the bottle "
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 07-07-2004, 08:48 PM   #113
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upon awaakening to cry of breakfast, the Northern Ranger arose from his deep sleep. Much of his dreams were filled with worry, and great with anticipation. After freshening up, Nightion walked to the table where his fellow Questers were already eating.

Nightion listened as the impressive Rhyllan Fighter told his war stories, most of the campaigns he had heard of before, but it was slightly of intrest in hearing it told from the source.
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Old 07-07-2004, 10:28 PM   #114
Raven Hawk
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"Hah! Dereth, you tell a good story! Perhaps there is a future in barkeeping for you," Jadrich said with a wink. "As for my purpose here, I can only suspect that it is to have some curbside appeal. The gods of Scalla know that this group is none too pretty in appearance nor manner . . ." Jadrich let out a hardy laugh.

Jadrich continued, "In truth, though, Dereth. I would be willing to bet that I can utilize my many skills in many ways during the trip. I prove to be a good distraction to those we may want to distract. My weaponry skills can best described as monstrously inadequate. I hope that you can trust that the rest of my skills can make up for such shortcomings."

Jadrich noticed as Nightion finally joined the group at the table.

"Now that we are all here, I'd like to discuss a little strategy and see what everybody thinks. Let me give a couple options for strategy that we might consider . . .

First, since time is of the essence, we can dash off and hope that our orienteering, fighting, and survival skills are better than the Prytian groups so that we may get the artifacts prior to them. This bears the risk of jumping too quickly into the unknown and henceforth dealing with things that we are not ready to deal with. Yet this bears the reward of being the most profitable option.

Another option might be to stalk the Prytians and let them ease the path, allowing us overcome them when they are weak from battle. This has the advantage of reducing the risk of the Prtyians power, but increasing the risk that they get to the artifacts before we do.

Finally the last option that I offer is that we discover who these Prytians are and wait for them to return to their Lord with the items. At that point we can ambush them and steal the booty. The risk here is that they have powerful items from the journey that can detect or beat our ambush. Yet, we risk only one battle, one which we will be well prepared for.

These are obviously not the only three options and I would hear more if any of you have suggestions. Please feel free to weigh in on these ideas or ideas of your own," Jadrich concluded, diving back into his plate of flapjacks.
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Old 07-08-2004, 09:08 AM   #115
Rider Of Rohan
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“Such a conversant bunch,” said Lady Del Var, who had approached quietly and unannounced to within earshot. “And hungry, too. You must be away very soon or the Rhyllans alone will surely eat us out of our own keep. Dereth, you have a flair for fanciful drama. But I trust the armor and weaponry suits you? And Jadrich, your comments on strategy are duly noted, but I must insist, for my own avaricious purposes, that you visit the site noted on the scroll map as quickly as you can. We cannot assume anything about the Prytians, and it’s possible they may not even survive the journey. Were that to happen, you would wait on them until the end of time…unless you intend to ambush them in the pits of hell, in which case my selections for this expedition may have been a bit inappropriate.”

Though her tone remained rather flat, a gleam of humor tinted her eyes. She raised upon the table a small, elongated wooden case, finely polished and exquisitely carved with runes across the outside. Lady Del Var’s gaze flickered first to Xypheus, and then to Jadrich as she opened the case and produced a fine spyglass, which she proffered to the Scallite barkeep.

“You asked for such, did you not? This is a prized possession…I trust in your good faith to return it to me undamaged.”
It's not the's the mileage.

Last edited by WSUCougar : 07-08-2004 at 10:24 AM.
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Old 07-08-2004, 10:21 AM   #116
Raven Hawk
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"Thank you, m'lady," Jadrich said in a half-bow as he accepted the precious gift from Lady Del Var.

"I will take your advice regarding our strategy to heart. I, too, had suspicions that this journey may be too harsh to expect the Prytians to be successful in their quest. Yet, I offered it up as an option, nonetheless. And, if we don't get our arses in gear soon, it may be the only option that we have," Jadrich stated with a smile and a tone of urgency.

"Yet, I do not wish to dismiss any risk, be it from the Prytians or from Wootmerry. Forwarned is Forarmed. If we dash off to the location on the map, we put ourselves into the peril of the unknown. I don't like surprises unless I'm the one doing the surprising. Yet, I may have to cave to the wishes of m'lady, if that is the advice that she feels to ring true in the deepest places of her heart."
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Old 07-08-2004, 01:45 PM   #117
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"I am interested in how you plan to find out more about the Prytians, Barkeep. Surely, if our powerful benefactor knows nothing of them save their existance, 'twould be difficult to determine their wherabouts short of a trip to Prytia ourselves, would it not? Seems to me that our best bet is to ride for Wootmerry...but not recklessly. A cautious approach would do us well."

Just out of curiosity...did anyone think to ask for a map?
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 07-08-2004, 02:07 PM   #118
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"Ah, yes. Good point, Mage. Determining the whereabouts and the capabilities of the Prytians would be a difficult task. I find that information is usually for sale. You'd be amazed at how much a local barkeep knows if you tip the right amount. By using that information along with the tracking wiles of Nightion, I'm sure that we could locate them in short order. However, there are other . . . quicker . . . ways," Jadrich used his patented dramatic pause again.

"Not to put m'lady's talents into question - as from reputation, I'd guess that she only dabbles in the art - but a proper Diviner could find us the proverbial needle in the haystack for the right price," said Jadrich as he shifted in his chair. "Be that as it may, I agree with your assessment, Mage. I suggest that we head for Wootmerry at a hastened pace, yet slow to a more cautious pace when we reach the borders of Wootmerry."

Jadrich turned his attention to Nightion, "Nightion, would you be able to plot a course for us to travel upon that will get us to Wootmerry in the shortest period of time? Also, it would be helpful if we could get an estimate of where our trail would cross with the most logical path for the Prytians. Forewarned. Forarmed."

Not knowing what is exactly on the map that the Lady gave us, I'd guess that it had a detailed map of Wootmerry. Otherwise, Jadrich has an assortment of maps in a map case. I'm not sure if any of these would help though, because I don't know what the assortment is.
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Old 07-08-2004, 05:12 PM   #119
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Nightion knew the answer without having to look at a map, wootmerry was a place of ledgend.

"Barkeep, the easiest way is to follow it's creek that shares its name with the forrest. The way is flat and being a riverbed, it abounds with game to hunt, or fish to catch. In terms of distance, the the Highlands paths are shortest, but the way is dense with rocky hills and wasteland, the terrain is also diffcult to navigate. These things are no challenge to a Ranger, but this a group."
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Old 07-08-2004, 11:23 PM   #120
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"Wonderful, good Nightion! It seems your expertise is paying off already. To the second part of my question, though . . . Would we expect that the Prytians would be taking the same route for any part of their journey assuming that they are leaving from Prytia? We can none vouch for their wisdom in choosing paths, but I'd like to know when they might become a threat to our expedition," Jadrich said genuinly pleased with the Ranger.

Turning his attention to a purse of ten gold pieces that the Lady Del Var had brought to them in response to his request. Jadrich looked to Reod Dai, then back to the purse.

"If nobody has any objections . . . " Jadrich said as he tossed the purse to Reod Dai, "I believe Reod should keep track of any treasures and spoils that we gain from this little expedition. He is the only one who has not made inquiry into how one was to profit from our adventure, which leads me to believe that he has other reasons for being here. Therefore, I would cast him as the most trustworthy of us all when dealing with the monies, myself included. And, Reod, if you do not want this responsibility, please feel free to object on your own behalf."

Jadrich looked about the room, reading faces and awaiting responses.
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Old 07-08-2004, 11:29 PM   #121
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"Agreed." Brayden states flatly as he wanders over to the equipment that was wheeled in. Grabbing some items he had asked for and slipping them into pouches hidden upon his body, he wheels about.

"Honestly, let's not toil. It is best to be on our way."
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 07-09-2004, 06:38 AM   #122
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"It's fine with me," replied Reod to Jadrich, "I can handle the responsibility."

Turning to the room, he responded, "Any objections? If not, let's get going. We can't accomplish much more here."
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Old 07-09-2004, 11:57 AM   #123
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"Agreed. I grow weary of idle banter," echoed Xypheus.
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.
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Old 07-09-2004, 01:19 PM   #124
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“Very well, gentlemen, breakfast is over. It is time you were away,” said Lady Del Var.

With a silent gesture of her hand she beckoned her two men-at-arms to move forward. “Kallash and Jupp will escort you to the Cranstonian border. From there, as Nightion has suggested, the river valley will lead you deeper into the heart of Wootmerry, and the scroll map will guide you once you reach the ruin known as the Broken Gate, which is known to stand upon a ridge overlooking the river and perhaps two days ride in. The river level should be low this time of year. Horses for the six of you and two pack mules are ready in the courtyard.”

She paused to move closer to the group, walking slowly past each and meeting their gaze one at a time with an encouraging nod. Finally, after this miniature review, she turned to face them all again, and produced a weathered-looking pouch in her hand.

“If you wish to use it, a small portion of this powder mixed into your water skins will extend your stamina for the journey. Use but a pinch in each skin. There is enough for several days, I think. Well…so be it. Off with you. Be cautious but unyielding in your progress. Slay whatever opposes you, and doubt that there are any whom you would call friend in Wootmerry. May you have safe passage and a fruitful endeavor. I will be watching for you.”
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 07-09-2004, 01:35 PM   #125
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Location: Port Angeles, WA or Helm's Deep
With that, the lady dismissed them to their endeavor.

The two men-at-arms, Kallash and Jupp, moved promptly to the courtyard and mounted their horses. Kallash, the smaller but elder of the two, moved forward toward the gate, while Jupp, a hulking youth of perhaps 20 years, grabbed the lead line of the pack mules. Both waited expectantly for the others to mount up.

* * * * *

Already, gents, mount up and off we go. Your order of march will be in the same order of your next posts, unless you indicate otherwise. Kallash will be leading the group to the border, with Jupp drawing up the rear with the mules.

You will all be in default “search mode” but if you want to specifically investigate or do anything in particular, let me know either be writing it into your post or by PM.

I will be awarding experience points based on your role-playing and writing. Remember, do not "power game" by writing in things which aid your character, include the responses of other characters, or otherwise advance the plot in the way the DM should.
It's not the's the mileage.
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Old 07-09-2004, 01:57 PM   #126
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Reod Dai climbed upon his horse after securing his gear.

"Time waits for no man, or creature. Let's get going."
Cheer for a walk on quarterback! Ardent leads the Vols in the dynasty forum.
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Old 07-09-2004, 02:25 PM   #127
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I'm not going to be here for a while (4 hour drive up north), but I also don't want to be the second in marching order. Consider me mounted up 4th.

Xypheus eyed his mount warily...riding was obviously not his strong suit. Securing his belongings one last time, he scrambled atop his horse, then waited to allow the others to take the lead.
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.

Last edited by Vince : 07-09-2004 at 02:25 PM.
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Old 07-09-2004, 02:34 PM   #128
Raven Hawk
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"Aye, Reod, it is true. Yet Death, my friend, awaits all creatures. Let's hope that he has patience enough to allow us to become old men," Jadrich jibed with a smile as he checked his pack for the last time.

Jadrich then moved around to the front of his horse and stroked its head gently, "And what is your name, beautiful?" Jadrich's nerves were a little higher than you'd suspect for a Scallite when dealing with horses. After all, Jadrich wasn't a Scallite Warrior. The warriors of his people were at home on horseback. Jadrich seemed ill at ease as he tried to gain the trust of his mount. Patting the horse on its head one last time, he lithely jumped up on its back.

"I'd suggest that we ride two by two. I'd like to think I have a good idea of what the marching order should be, but I'll defer to any who might have real experience in such matters. Nightion? Reod? Dereth?"
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Old 07-09-2004, 02:44 PM   #129
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"Fine by me," replied Reod, "I'll suggest this."

Reod went on to suggest that he and Nightion should lead, followed by Jadrich and the Azaran. Pulling the rear would be Dereth and Xypheus.
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Old 07-09-2004, 04:13 PM   #130
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Nightion walked up to the tall horse that was to be his, it was a beautiful brown with a white stripe running down its long head and nose. The Ranger couldn't represses his smile, gingerly he stroked its mare and thought of his own horse, left back at home, and checked over his new steed. He had been always fond of horses and of nature for that matter.

"If Reod suggestion is agreed I have no objections to riding out front. But also pheraps we should alternate at times, being on point is mentally taxing at least"
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Old 07-09-2004, 07:16 PM   #131
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Reod hoped the group would agree to the suggestion. A fighter in front, a fighter in the back, Rhyllans at that. That alone, Reod thought, made for a strong order. The rest was just common sense to him.

Reod knew he wanted the Ranger up front. Nightion wouldn't want paired up with that blasted Azaran, what Rhyllan would? Put that Azaran with the talkative barkeep. If they could somehow keep quiet, all might be well. Reod also understood that while a mage is powerful in a way, they still need protection. Therefore, Dereth made an ample "bodyguard".

Reod wasted no time in suggesting the alternatives after Nightion spoke.

"There are other possibilities. Our barkeep and the Azaran (he said Azaran with a slight snarl) could possibly take point while Nightion and I fell back. The one person here I won't ride with is the Azaran. Plain and simple.

"I'm not comfortable placing Xypheus up front with anyone, including myself. He should stay to the rear as much as possible, preferably with a bodyguard of some sort. We can even switch who plays the role of bodyguard at times if you wish."

"Xypheus," Reod turned to the mage, "I respect your work, don't get me wrong. But physical contact may not go well with you, and I'd rather protect you from it."

"Now, hurry up men, let's get moving. No need to give the advantage to those Prytians."

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Old 07-10-2004, 04:40 PM   #132
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"I have a suggestion, good Reod. Whilst we have Khallash and Jupp in our company, why not rotate in with them. Once we reach Wootmerry and lose their company, your plan comes in very handy, with the exception of your unwillingness to ride next to Brayden . . ." Jadrich spoke candidly. He briefly glanced at Brayden, then once around at all of the Rhyllans.

"We are on a mission that will require our utmost cooperation. To fail in that cooperation is to die. Wootmerry is an unforgiving place. You never know when the blade of an Azaran will save you from death. By protesting his company, you only lessen the chances of him employing his blade for such a task. If you can't tolerate each other's company, then bite your tongue for the duration of this trip and stay your prejudices," Jadrich turned his gaze back to Reod's eyes.

"I'm not here to referee a Rhyllan-Azaran squabble. I'm here for the money and I make no pretenses that I am here for any other reason. Petty bickering lessens the chances that I make what money I need on this trip. We will ride to Wootmerry and we will not fight amongst ourselves. Is that clear?" Jadrich said in a stern tone. He looked around to see if the rest of his party understood, but before they had a chance answer, he ended his argument, "Good."

Now moving his horse to the forward of the line, he opened up a pocket and withdrew the spyglass that the lady had given him. He extended it out to Nightion as he spoke: "This is a precious gift from the Lady, Nightion. I think it best to be in your keep for now. Whoever rides point will need its use, please pass it on as you pass your responsibility." Jadrich handed the spyglass to Nightion, then gave him a coy smile and a pat on the back before he returned to his place in line next to Brayden.

Under his breath and at a decibel that he was certain that only Brayden could hear, Jadrich said, "This going to be a long trip. Try not to provoke the Rhyllans, okay?" Jadrich grinned.

Finally with a bellow that seemed too loud for such a small man as Jadrich, he yelled, "Everybody in line according to Reod's orders! Khallash, when you're ready, move us out!"
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Old 07-10-2004, 06:16 PM   #133
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"I be doing what you all require of me, and would be more then happy to cover any angle of the party." Dereth listened to Reod complain of his political squabbles, but Dereth had a apathetic mood on this topic. His time in the wilderness had made him more a man of the people then political boundries. Dereth was more wanting to get on the road...he wondered how far ahead the Pyritans already were to the artifacts, and why squabbling over line spots was holding them up. Dereth decided if they didnt hit the road very soon, he would ride out alone and let them catch up.

Dereth was about as good a horseback rider as there was in the land. Dereth had seen a fair amount of combat in the wilderness, and did most of it from the saddle. He had brought his own horse with him. It was a staggeringly huge white horse that had alsmot as many scars as Dereth. Dereth liked to joke about the horse being a better fighter then him, and it was clear this horse had seen a lot. "Well gents, what say we hit the trail before the artifacts are already in pyritan hands? I will ride with whomever i am required to ride next to, politics be damned...just show me the enemy and lets get going." Dereth wondered if, despite being a bit of a cocky jackass sometimes, if he was going to have to a peacemaker in the group...great, he thought, im supposed the be the one everyone argues with....better deflect some attention from the argument at hand..."Yah, so that Del var chick had a nice rack...huh? Oh, hello my lady "
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.

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Old 07-11-2004, 10:47 PM   #134
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Upon mention of his kind, and not his name from the Rhyllans, a slight smile splays across Braydens lips. A twinkle of fun emerges, as the others toss along suggestions, and Jadrich himself, speaking up, in Brayden's defense, brings an even broader grin.

"Well, Reod, Dereth and Nightion, I for one will not step in your way as you choose to run headlong into a trap I could disarm, or bash down the door that could bring all kinds of danger to us, when a simple pick of the lock is all that is needed. In fact, I encourage it."

Leaning closer as Jadrich informs him to not stir things up. Brayden whispers ever so slightly.

"Me stir it up? I am but that filthy Azaran, do not worry, I have said all I want."
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Old 07-12-2004, 10:58 AM   #135
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Circling the group slowly on his horse, Kallash followed the order-of-march discussion with mild interest. He knew of Reod Dai’s reputation and was pleased to know that the Rhyllan warrior would be close at hand if something went awry, but he doubted there would be any trouble en route to the border. The spat that brewed between the Rhyllans and the Azaran bothered him little – he held slight disdain for Rhyllans in general, and no use at all for Azaran pirates. But when the other fighter – Dereth – made an uncouth remark about his liege Lady, he could not hold his tongue.

“Know this,” he said, after moving his mount closer to Dereth, and in a voice that was pointed yet loud enough for all to hear. “Speak that way again about the Lady Del Var, and I’ve no qualms about putting a crossbow bolt into your impertinent hide. Or mayhap Jupp’ll skewer you with that big sword he bears. Either way you’ll learn the penalty for a coarse and wagging tongue is stiff in Cranstone, lad.”
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Old 07-12-2004, 11:49 AM   #136
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Jadrich rolled his eyes at Dereth's comments. Jadrich took a deep inhale as if he were about to say something to Dereth, but was distracted by Khallash turning his horse about. By Khallash's red face, Jadrich could tell that the problem was about to be solved.

Jadrich leaned back over to Brayden and whispered with a smile, "Two silver on the old man."
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Old 07-12-2004, 02:34 PM   #137
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Reod rolled his eyes at both Dereth and Brayden. He was ready to put Dereth in check himself when he noticed Kallash spin around quickly. Dereth may be a fine fighter, but he had obviously shown a lack of social skills. Reod spun around on his horse to follow behind Kallash.

"Keep those comments to yourself, Dereth," he said once it seemed Kallash was through, "We won't hear of that talk when these two (pointing to the men-at-arms) leave us, either."

With that, Reod turned to return to Nightion and the front of the pack.

Dereth reminded Reod of most young fighters of the Rhyllan Guard. Boastful young men that wanted to show the rest of the Guard what they had to offer. These same young men were often left quiet, too quiet sometimes, after their first battle. If they returned at all. Those that returned usually had a remarkable change in attitude. Reod enjoyed the silence.

Reod knew that Dereth was battle tested, despite his youth. He was puzzled as to why Dereth would act this way. He resolved to find out that night around a nice campfire.

As for Brayden, Reod could only laugh to himself.

"Just like an Azaran," he thought, "he probably thinks I haven't ran into a hundred of Azarans just like him. I do believe I've heard the same exact line somewhere before, I just can't pinpoint where."

He made sure to cast a glare at Brayden as he rode by.
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Old 07-12-2004, 08:38 PM   #138
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Dereth was suprised by the response from the obvious joke in his mind not to be take too seriously...Dereth felt offended the group was soo quick to turn on him. Dereth had been ready for awhile, and despite achieving his goal of quelling the other fight, he had inadvertantly created a new one. Dereth decided it best to get going and started to ride his horse towards the gate. "Come on men, off we go...weve had enough waiting around for a lifetime." Dereth did his usual equipment check, admired once more the shield with the family coat of arms, and then yelled "To god and to success, we ride to hell to be heroes eternally!"
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 07-12-2004, 09:02 PM   #139
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"Young Dereth," Reod thought, "young, young Dereth."

"Care to wait for the rest of us?" Reod said out loud, "You are after all, guarding our mage."

A slight chuckle escaped Reod's mouth. He knew Dereth was young and raw, but Dereth was also amusing at times. Perhaps Dereth should apply for the Guard when this was all said and done. A little training, a little discipline, a few hundred arrows shot at him. He'd straighten up and be a fine captain, someday.
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Old 07-12-2004, 09:20 PM   #140
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"Ah, Reod...i was merely attempting another means by which to get the party on the road...seeing as how your the only one who even noticed i had gone anywhere, i might as well return." Dereth thought a lot about his party, but Reod struck his fancy most. He had met the man while both were still in the guard, and had heared people talk of the event that led him to leave the guard. Dereth felt strangely attached to this man, for both had similar backgrounds, similar reasons for leaving the guard, and similar heritage. Reod was a leader, that much was clear. But as to why he was soo loyal to the lady and why he was soo defensive of her, Dereth would like to find out. Dereth could see himself following this man, which would be a first in his young life. "I shall return to my duties of babysitting the mage, as long as SOMEONE gets this thing on the road...after my little speech we were supposed to ride full gallop out of here...something about glory and honor....but no, you all ruined it! Back of the line Dereth, yes sir" Dererth wonderd if he could hide his thoughts with smartass comments, and hoped no one noticed what he really thought before he was ready to open up.
The tallest blade of grass is the first to be cut by the lawnmower.
It's always darkest just before it goes pitch black.
Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.
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Old 07-12-2004, 09:51 PM   #141
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"Tally ho!"

Brayden says with a smirk, leaning towards Jadrich.

"You know what we need, are some good road songs. Sing em loud, so all can fear us, The Dreaded Travellers of Wootmerry." The last was said with enough jest, and fun in his voice, none could take him serious. A fact, he punctuated with a hearty laugh.
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Old 07-13-2004, 04:13 AM   #142
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"Babysit the mage, eh? Now don't go thinking you're all special because I think you're extra-specially stupid. I have quite a low opinion of everyone, to be honest. But to go out of your way to annoy me?" Began Xypheus with a sinister flat voice. "That, my friend, is beyond stupidity. I normally don't mention it, but let me tell you something about itch powder and breeches..." Xypheus trailed off, with that indolent grin that was neither mirthful nor hateful.
Every time a Dodger scores a run, an angel has its wings ripped off by a demon, and is forced to tearfully beg the demon to cauterize the wounds.The demon will refuse, and the sobbing angel will lie in a puddle of angel blood and feathers for eternity, wondering why the Dodgers are allowed to score runs.That’s not me talking: that’s science.

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Old 07-13-2004, 07:44 AM   #143
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"And a fine story it will make, too. With such witty banter and endless jibes, how can I go wrong penning this one?" Jadrich chuckled.

"I think that it's about time that we stopped affirming the Mage's opinions of us and get on the road. Khallash, if you'll do the honors . . . "
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Old 07-13-2004, 08:30 AM   #144
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With a curt nod toward the barkeep, Kallash flashed one last glare in Dereth’s direction and then spurred his horse forward and out the gate. The other riders followed suit, with Jupp and the pack mules drawing up the rear.

As soon as the entire party cleared Lady Del Var’s keep, the air began to haze and hum just overhead, much the feeling of an approaching thunderstorm. Xypheus, in particular, looked up expectantly, and then nodded knowingly when an audible sound – much like that of gloved hands clapped swiftly together - ended the phenomena.

Kallash set a steady pace, not quick nor slow. He gave the impression of one set on accomplishing his escort mission as promptly as possible without giving the appearance of hurrying. Jupp was content to mumble occasional words of encouragement to the mules.

Initially, the countryside was broken with long ridges and dotted with farmland, the crops already grown high in the late summer heat. Farm-folk beholden to Lady Del Var, recognizing her livery on three of the riders, looked up and nodded humble greetings to the group.
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Old 07-13-2004, 09:54 AM   #145
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From studying the look on Xypheus, Jadrich could only assume that the break in the weather was caused by their lovely benefactor. Jadrich thought about what awesome power one must have to control nature as such.

After looking up at the sky in wonderment, Jadrich playfully spoke, "Dereth, when we return with the treasures, remind me how it wouldn't be wise to insult the Lady."

Jadrich smiled and began humming a bit of a happy tune for the journey.
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Old 07-13-2004, 10:52 AM   #146
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Reod was more than happy to get moving. He was more interested in seeing this odd group through the mission and returning home safely than in the prize that would be his. If successful, he knew Jadrich would be telling the tale for the rest of his life.

Reod knew Kallash and Jupp, though not well. Reod felt neither trusted him very much, and he supposed that was deserving. He knew Kallash better, which may have explained why Kallash chose to lead. Kallash and Reod had swapped a few stories in the past few weeks, while Jupp kept more to himself.

Despite this, Kallash and Reod didn't speak much as they traveled. Both were honed in at the task at hand. They had stood the watch before and knew they should be ready for anything, even in this "innocent" countryside.
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Old 07-13-2004, 11:08 AM   #147
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Kallash slowed a bit to allow Reod’s horse to draw up with his own.

“You may not be familiar with the tactics of the hill people, Reod,” he said, a touch of condescension in his tone as his eyes continually scanned the horizon. “They usually begin with a loud diversion coming right at you – usually a solitary warrior or a small group - while the main force attacks from the flanks or rear. They are raiders, and seek to take everything you’ve got. Killing is only a secondary motive, I believe, but they are crazy folk and cannot be bargained with. The only diplomacy they understand is the point of a sword or an arrow. We kill them on sight.”
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Old 07-13-2004, 11:28 AM   #148
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"Thank you for the information, Kallash. As always, you have proven dependable. I wish you could join us on this quest, though I know you have other obligations.

If it is sword and arrows that make them understand, then we'll surely greet them with such."

Reod reached over and patted Kallash on the shoulder and said, "I'll alert the others."

With that, Reod pulled to the rear. Reod turned to the outside of the group, and circled around as he came to Jupp. He returned to the outside of Jadrich, and paced the group.

When he finished the account that Kallash gave him, Reod added, "Dereth, be ready. I'd suspect an attack to the rear."

At that, Reod returned to the front, keeping more of an eye to the flanks than to the road in front of him.
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Old 07-13-2004, 12:19 PM   #149
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With the news that Reod had provided him, Jadrich immediately ceased his humming. You could see a noticeable expression change on Jadrich's face. The jovial look of the bartender was gone and replaced by a stern look of concentration. Jadrich's eyes darted from forest to outcropping looking for probable places of ambush. In mid gaze, Jadrich opened up a question to Reod and Khallash, "These hill people . . . should we expect them to be mounted on horseback, or do they typically attack on foot? Also, what is the likelyhood of them hitting a fully armed expedition such as ours?"
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Old 07-13-2004, 12:52 PM   #150
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Kallash did not cease his visual scanning of the countryside, but raised his voice somewhat to be heard in reply. “Always on foot, least to my recollection. They might well butcher the horses for food, as they’re always starving hungry.”

He paused for effect - he seemed to relish the idea that the Scallite barkeep was concerned - and then continued: “And they’ll attack anything short of a column o’ lancers, I imagine. They’re mad-men, and there’s plenty around these parts. Eight armed men won’t deter them.”
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