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Old 05-02-2010, 07:38 PM   #51
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert

NYCW – Ides of March – Week 2 March 2011


Old School Principals vs Southern Comfort vs Thomas Morgan and Roderick Remus
Our Golden ticket even this month is a three way tag and it didn’t take long for the impromptu pairing of Morgan and Remus to exit as Morgan was pinned outside courtesy of a Piledriver by The Masked Mauler. That left the veterans and the former tag champs to go at it and it was clear that Triple D was intent on getting another shot at Frank and Wright as he was a one man wrecking crew, finally closing the show with a Dazzle Driver on Mauler as Kentucky Bill stopped Rick Sanders from making the save.
In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Southern Comfort defeated Old School Principals and Thomas Morgan and Roderick Remus in 10:35; the order of elimination was Thomas Morgan and Roderick Remus first, and finally Old School Principals.
Rating: D-

Out regular meet and greet follow next with Honest Frank, Roger Cage, Black Hat Bailey, Rayne Man, Roger Monteiro, KC Glenn, Persephone and Jared Johnson glad handing and taking questions from the 100 preshow guests.
Rating: D

Main Show

Edward Cornell is walking around backstage and hears Whistler talking to someone as he passes one of the dressing rooms. He looks around, takes a peek inside, and gasps after seeing who is in the room with Whistler. Muttering that he needs to let the Gang know about this he turns to leave, but runs straight into Jim Force before he can escape and reveal the wrestlers identity. Smiling Force grabs Cornell by the hair and pulls him to the ring.
Rating: D

Jim Force vs Edward Cornell
Force takes immediate control and completely overpowers the youngster, delivering several ring shaking body slams and a particularly brutal clothesline that nearly decapitates Cornell. Cornell screams in fear as Force elevates him, walks to the ring ropes and Power bombs him through a table outside of the ring, leaving him motionless. Force faces the crowd, screams and extends his arms while looking to the sky, not noticing Steve Flash sneak into the ring behind him. Flash has a crutch and shatters it across Force’s knee, then delivers a Flash Bang, though Referee Bull had already called for the bell, giving Force the win.
In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jim Force defeated Edward Cornell in 8:03 when Edward Cornell was disqualified when Steve Flash ran in and attacked Jim Force.
Rating: D-

After Force staggers away in pursuit of Steve Flash, Black Hat Bailey comes to the ring to tend to Cornell, who is incoherent and can only mutter “He’s here” to Bailey. Black Hat enters the ring and calls out to Whistler. “Well, it appears from the babbling of my young protégé that you have at last produced another of your misfit toys here tonight Whistler. So let’s recap; first you bring some muscled up freak that wears more makeup than Tammy Faye Baker did and now you have your so called ‘madness’ in the back. I guess I should be shaking or scared or maybe even hiding under your sisters’ bed, no wait, your sister is uglier than you are so strike that. Well, how about none of the above Whistler! How about you take whatever bum you’ve managed to dig up from the wrestling graveyard to Terry Twist and sign him up for a match with me tonight, so I can send him home Gas House Gang style…….In a body bag!”
Rating: D-

Whistler comes out followed by a man in a hooded robe that obscures his face. “Bailey, the papers were already drawn up and all we needed was a name, so thank you. Independence day has come early to New York City, because tonight you are going to get lit up like Central Park on the fourth of July and NYCW is about to be free of the tyrannical grip of the Gas House Gang………Black Hat, meet an old friend of yours”

The man in the robe slowly lifts the hood from his face to reveal……….

Rock Downpour: “Oh my God!!!! The Madness has indeed returned to NYCW!!!”

Black Hat Bailey’s jaw drops and the crowd goes nuts as the maniacal Madman Boone has returned to Wrestling after being away for over a year.
Rating: C-

As Bailey freaks completely out in the ring, Whistler and Boone are then joined by Jim Force, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Kentucky Bill as Whistler continues. “Bailey, since you are such a New York history buff let’s talk about that beautiful lady that stands watch over Liberty Island has long been the symbol of freedom and diversity. Bring us your tired, your hungry, your weak……..This is what this great country was founded on, offering a place for anybody and everybody, no matter their differences, backgrounds or beliefs. Before you now stand the very embodiment of those values. Look at us, ridiculed cast out and beaten down by the likes of you, we now come together to end the scourge of the Gas House Gang. We are you worst nightmare Black Hat……The All-American rejects!! Together, united and ready to restore liberty and justice for all to NYCW!”.
Rating: D

Roger Cage vs Sammy the Shark – Steel Cage Match
Only fitting that the two men that once formed the tag team ‘Shark Cage’ should settle their differences inside the cold hard steel. Sammy attacks early and doesn’t hesitate to grind Rogers face along the chain link busting him open. Cage is determined and fights fire with fire, backing Sammy into the corner and unleashing a series of chops, before mounting the turnbuckle and drilling Sammy with a series of hard right hands causing him to stagger forward and fall face first. The match continues with increasing violence and soon both men are covered in blood, as Persephone and KC Glenn make their way to ringside. Showing no favoritism to either side, they merely watch as Roger, after being super kicked to the matt, rises just in time to catch Sammy diving off of the turnbuckle, pulling off a modified Cage Rage that obliterates Sammy to take the match.
In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Roger Cage defeated Sammy the Shark in a Cage Classic match in 9:59 by pinfall with a Cage Rage.
Rating: D-

As the Steel Cage is raised, Roger Cage celebrates as Persephone and Glenn enter the ring, with the Princess of NYCW holding a microphone. “That was just totally spectacular and was so hot. I am sure you have noticed that I am surrounded by the greatest and hottest guys here in NYCW because…..Well, because I am a Princess, see my Tiara?” Persephone giggles as Glenn makes sure her Tiara is straight. “Thank you KC, you’re such a doll. Now, anyway, Persephone….that’s me, wants you to be one of her glamour boys because, like, who wouldn’t want to be. So let’s go sweetie and get you out of this ungodly attire and into something more Madison Avenue.” Persephone grabs Cages arm as she starts to exit, but he jerks it away, and shakes his head taking the microphone. “Listen ‘Princess’ I could give a damn what you are used to getting but I have made it clear that nobody owns Roger Cage, so I am going to teach you a word you are apparently not used to hearing…..NO!” Cage turns to leave and is jumped by KC Glenn, who delivers a side Russian leg sweep, turns him over as Persephone blasts him in the eyes with hair spray, then delivers a few stiff kicks to the head for good measure.
Rating: E-

vs W/
Jared Johnson vs KC Glenn
Johnson hits the ring and tears into Glenn as Persephone bails and Cage is helped to the back by medics. We have an impromptu match as Michael Bull calls for the bell. Persephone is screaming bloody murder as Johnson whips here young boy toy from pillar to post, intent on gaining vengeance for the attack on his friend Cage. Glenn uses a masterful drop toe hold to stop the assault, slamming Johnson’s head hard into the canvas. Persephone cheers as Glenn works Johnson over, and then applies an extremely painful nerve hold on his neck. Johnson powers free, hits a knee lift, then nails a rocker dropper on Glenn sending him rolling to the edge of the ring dazed and begging for mercy. As Johnson closes in he lets his guard down and takes a low blow. While Bull checks on Johnson, KC slides over to Persephone and asks for her hairspray can, when suddenly Roger Cage returns from the back, grabs the hair spray, pushes Persephone to the floor and sprays Glenn in the eyes. Cage then kicks the can under the ring and leaves as Johnson slaps on the Carolina Crossface and forces Glenn to tap for the win.
In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Jared Johnson defeated KC Glenn in 12:02 by submission with a Carolina Crossface after interference from Roger Cage.
Rating: D+

Honest Frank and Lee Wright stand smiling backstage.

Frank: “Hey Lee, truth or dare.”

Wright: “Well, you are Honest Frank, so I guess truth.”

Frank: “How about a little of both, because you see, Rayne Man actually dares to step into the ring with us, accompanied by his pal Tonto Monteiro, who thinks his pre-match dances are going to bring him luck or rain or whatever the hell they dance for on the reservation. Well, the truth is……It will never rain inside a building and you two delusional punks will never wear the Tag Team straps on your waists. In fact the only rain anybody will see coming down in the Ministry tonight is when I bring Rayne Man down head first into the mat with the Frank N Hurter, then leave him staring into the ring lights as Michael Bull shows the value of a third grade education by counting to three……..That is the truth and when you do wake up with your head pounding and your ears ringing the first thing out of your trap is going to be…..Damn……The truth hurts!!!”
Rating: D

Donnie J vs The New York Doll
The Doll comes out like a house on fire and takes it to the former Empire Champion in surprising fashion, using a nice mixture of speed and cheap tactics to keep Donnie from mounting an offensive. But Donnie J was not the Empire Champion for the better part of a year for no reason and soon figures the Doll out, taking over with a series of arm drags, with a drop kick and a front facebuster thrown in for good measure. With the Doll worn down, Donnie goes for a Death on Miami Beach, but Doll grabs the ropes and gains a reprieve as Donnie loses control of the hold. Doll then stages another rally with an eye poke and a flying head scissors that sends Donnie J hurtling across the ring. He then hits a swanton bomb from the top and in the ultimate slap in the face, sets Donnie up for his own finisher, screaming to the crowd, “I call this one a Death on Rockaway Beach bitches!” Before he can nail it however, Donnie wiggles free, rolls Doll up with a school boy and Michael Bull makes the count.
In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Donnie J defeated The New York Doll in 14:53 by pinfall with a quick roll up.
Rating: E+

Black Hat Bailey and Steve Flash are lying in the weeds and as Donnie J passes through the backstage entrance they pounce, taking him down with a double clothesline before delivering two body slams on the ramp. By this time New York Doll has joined in and as Bailey and Flash hoist Donnie J up, Doll delivers his Death on Rockaway Beach version of Donnie's finisher onto the hard floor. They all walk off laughing as Donnie J writhes in pain.
Rating: E

& vs &
The Bowery Boys (Frank and Wright) © vs Rayne Man and Roger Monteiro – NYCW Tag Championship
Lee Wright announces before the match that he and Frank will now be called the Bowery Boys and anybody that doesn’t like that can meet them in the alley after the show. It is clear early that Frank and Wright want to keep Monteiro isolated as the youngster is way out of his element against the two rugged veterans. The first 6 minutes of the match are basically a mugging with Frank even showing the arrogance to pull Monteiro up after hitting a Frank N Hurter. With things looking grim, Monteiro rolls through Franks legs as he prepares to pick him up for another Frank N Hurter and dives for the tag to Rayne Man, who promptly cleans house, drop kicking Frank into Wright who is knocked from the apron and then dropping Frank several times with a series of hard right hands. With Monteiro still out of it however, the odds eventually catch up to Rayne Man and he is overwhelmed by the constant double teaming of the Bowery Boys. Wright hits a Wright Stuff on Rayne, but instead of pinning him, picks him up and puts him in the enemy corner, forcing Monteiro to tag back in. It is clear the Bowery Boys are content on hurting the youngster and Dazzling Dave Diamond has seen enough. He hits the ring and pulls Franks feet out from under him, causing him to hit his head on the ring apron, dazing him. With Wright then set to give a badly hurt Monteiro a second Wright Stuff, Triple D enters the ring, kicks Wright on the crotch, then nails a Dazzle Driver on him. Michael Bull has no choice but to ring the bell and disqualify the challengers.
In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank and Lee Wright defeated Rayne Man and Roger Monteiro in 14:01 when Monteiro was disqualified while fighting Lee Wright after interference from Dazzling Dave Diamond. Lee Wright and Honest Frank make defense number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.
Rating: D

Black Hat Bailey vs Madman Boone
Boone returns to a thunderous roar and Bailey spends the first parts of the match avoiding any serious conflict with him as Boone presents a scary image, frothing at the mouth and threatening to eat Bailey’s liver. Once they hook up the ring rust on Boone is evident and Bailey is able to get the better of the action with a series of European uppercuts and some good old fashioned mat wrestling. As Boone starts to lose his composure however he resorts to the tactics the fans have come to know and love from him, biting Bailey and then licking the blood off his forehead. With the tide now turning Steve Flash comes to the ring and distracts Boone, mocking him and summoning him down on to the floor. The opening is all Bailey needs and he scores a low blow from behind on Boone, then rolls him up…1…..2….Boone kicks out and as Bailey jaws at the ref, Jim Force makes the scene causing Steve Flash to bolt for the exits. Boone regains his feet and starts to choke Bailey forcing referee Bull to physically break the hold. As Bull lectures Boone, Bailey staggers across the ring and goes into his tights for his brass knuckles. Force, who has returned from chasing Flash off, slides into the ring, blocks a punch from Bailey, then delivers a Full Force that shakes the arena, then rolls back to the floor. Boone then brushes past Bull and further abuses Bailey by hitting the Boone and Bust and covers for the pin.
In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Madman Boone defeated Black Hat Bailey in 18:27 by pinfall with a Boone and Bust following interference from Jim Force. During the match we also had Steve Flash distract Boone.
Rating: D-

Overall Rating: D- Attendance: 1000 (Sell Out) Gate: $9,000 - No specific comments

Stomper had argues against putting Boone in the main event because of his long layoff and he lays into me big time for doing it anyway. “I told you he would be rusty and that match was a big pile of cow dung!”

Me: “I know it could have been better, but he got a nice pop coming back and we got another sell out. Things will be better at Super Slam II since he will have a month to get ready. I am thinking of doing a small show outside the Tri-state area for the young guys and Boone can go work off some rust.”

Stomper: “Dammit Terry, you better have him wrestle in 10W-40 then because he has a lot to shake off. Plus you know that I will lose my ass on a show outside the Tri-State area.”

Me: “I will keep worker costs low uncle Terry, send maybe 8-10 guys and only have 4 matches and some angles.”

Stomper: “Just make Money!!

My Uncle storms off as Triple D strolls up and reminds me I am going out with him and his cousin D-Mack next week to some exotic clubs. He is especially excited about one place where the dancers are “hornier than a four balled Tomcat, without the balls of course.” I can’t wait.

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Old 05-31-2010, 03:17 PM   #52
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Utah
So you gonna get your wrastlin on?
"forgetting what is in the past, I strive for the future"
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Old 06-02-2010, 12:20 AM   #53
BYU 14
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: The scorched Desert
Originally Posted by MacroGuru View Post
So you gonna get your wrastlin on?

Oh yeah, just busy with spring practice and passing league right now, so it will probably be another week or so before I pick it up again.
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