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Old 03-31-2003, 11:01 AM   #51
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Guess I'll have to break down and get it. I have no idea when I can play though.

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Old 03-31-2003, 05:12 PM   #52
Godzilla Blitz
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This is the best gaming purchase I have made since discovering CM. Just don't sleep for a while and you should be fine. A definite contender for my most fun gaming experience of 2003. I can see myself playing this game for a long time.

I feel this way in a large part because of what really is starting to look like exceptional computer AI. The graphics are only fair, and the UI has some issues, but it is rare when a computer AI is challenging, and this AI really seems to play a good game. I still need to play a bit more to be 100% convinced, and there's definitely a couple of goofy things, but overall it seems very solid. It's phenomenal at managing its economy and researching. I can't even come close to keeping up with the slug-thingies. They breed like rabbits and build like ants. I have no idea how they do it.

And now that the tech trading loop hole has been plugged by the newest patch (1.01a), the game's AI is really starting to shine. I had a game half won pre-patch at the "intelligent" level, but now that I've patched the game I'm hanging on for dear life. I think I'll still win, but given the big lead I had, it should have been easy. I do know that there is no way I could win at this level if I tried a new game post-patch, and the AI isn't even cheating at this level. Yikes. Back down to the lower levels for me after this game.

The comment about having fun when things are going badly is really on target. It's simply a fun game that makes you think, and think hard. Great stuff. I like how you can finish a tiny galaxy game in a couple of hours too.

BoneGavel: Thanks for the info on the reported scores. I stand corrected. It sounds like they've got the concept a lot further along that I thought. Seems like a neat idea. Be interesting to see how it turns out with the downloading player strategies.

Some final impressions in numbers:
AI and challenge: 9
Gameplay: 9
Graphics: 6
Sound: 3 (there's an MP3 player, otherwise 1)
Interface: 6
Support and potential for improvement: 9
Overall: 9+. Potentially a classic.

Final verdict: Thumbs way up if you like strategy games that make you think. The only people I've seen unhappy with their purchase are the ones who need good graphics, ship-design, or tactical combat in order to be happy with a space strategy game. Everyone else seems to really like it.

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Last edited by Godzilla Blitz : 03-31-2003 at 05:27 PM.
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Old 03-31-2003, 07:38 PM   #53
Thanks Godzilla Blitz for the excellent input. One Question:

Where did you find the v1.01a patch? The website has it listed as v1.01 and that is what my game reads when I load it up. Are they the same or am I missing something? Thanks again.
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Old 03-31-2003, 09:54 PM   #54
Godzilla Blitz
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Couriers: The patch is available via their Stardock Central program that you download. I believe you need to download that program first, install it, then register it, then the Stardock Program will update your program once you select update. The process is a pain, unneccesarily complicated, and was full of problems when I got my udpate yesterday. I think the theory is that this will prevent piracy (you can't get the updates unless you've registered the game, etc.); seems like all it's doing now is creating major headaches. I imagine though that they will get it fixed soon.

I know they were working on it today, and the situation changes by the hour (they work hard over there), so I would suggest going over to their website forums ( and seeing what the situation is like now. There have been a couple of sticky threads at the top talking about updates. I believe that may even have released another update today (1.01A).

I'd help you more but I'm on a Mac tonight and for some reason it doesn't load their forums correctly.
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Old 03-31-2003, 10:54 PM   #55
Thanks again for the info Godzilla Blitz. I just installed Stardock and upgraded GalCiv to v1.01a so everything looks good so far. I haven't had the time to play my first game yet since purchasing it yesterday but tomorrow should allow for some free time in the evening. Glad to hear that you are enjoying it as much as you are.
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Old 04-01-2003, 01:56 AM   #56
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Now . . . we've allowed y'all time to get used to the game. I do believe we need some dynasties.

Please? Pretty please?
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Old 04-01-2003, 10:31 AM   #57
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I think I'll just wait for the upcoming Galactic Civilizations II they have just announced.
It sounds a lot better!

But seriously, you all have talked this game up enough, that I am seriously considering buying it. I have absolutely no time to play, so the chance to run a small galaxy game in just a few hours really intrigues me.
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Old 04-01-2003, 06:45 PM   #58
Originally posted by Syrinx
I think I'll just wait for the upcoming Galactic Civilizations II they have just announced.
It sounds a lot better!

LOL. I honestly thought that you were being serious until I looked it up for myself.
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Old 04-01-2003, 08:51 PM   #59

Has anyone had any experience with the downloads from the official site in regards to addons? So far they include:

Event - Cryogenically Preserved Precursor
Event - Dangerous Animals
Event - Hostile Aliens

Anomaly - Courage

Technology - Smuggling

Do these need to be installed separately or are they included in the patches? Are they worth bothering with?

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Old 04-02-2003, 11:15 PM   #60
Godzilla Blitz
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Daedulus: I was thinking to try one, but I had to stop playing for now. I have to submit my thesis in 20 days. I thought I could play the game during writing breaks, and I tried the "I'll only play for 15 minutes then I'll get back to work" strategy yesterday afternoon. 6 hours later I was still at it. Damn. Another day shot to hell because of this game. So I promised myself I won't touch the game until I'm done with my school work.

Couriers: No clue on the extra events and stuff, although I thought I remember running over an anomaly that babbled something about courage, so maybe they're in the game if you downloaded the bonus pack? You find out anything?
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Old 04-02-2003, 11:28 PM   #61

I just added each one to the appropriate directory. There wasn't any message about overwriting any existing files so I would guess that they were not already included and I already had the latest patch installed. I figured that it couldn't hurt to have them added. Unfortunately I still have not found the time to sit down for my first game. I have owned the game for 4 days now and have not played it even once. Hopefully that will change soon.

Also, they just added a separate Mod section in the official forum with instruction on how to create new technologies, anomalies and events so we should be seeing many more over the next several weeks. The modification possibilities for this game are incredible and should help to prolong the replayability for quite some time.
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Old 04-04-2003, 10:50 AM   #62
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bump. (long post)

Who said a Tiny galaxy game would only take a couple of hours? I just finished a game that lasted about 14 hours, played over 3 days.

I started with the pacifist party, and loaded up on diplomacy & influence bonuses. I was planning on playing an evil diplomatic game & going to go for the cultural victory.

I got a terrible start, with Sol being the only star in my sector. Had to outrun the Arceans to even colonize a second star. I settled on a couple of class 14 & class 13 stars & the colony rush was ended.

The Drengins (evil apes) had the best starting position (4 livable stars in their home sector), and pushed that to a huge starting advantage. The Alexians and (good E.T-like race, I forget the name) surrendered early, to the Arceans & Yor, respectively. The Yor were already decimated, and we took the former (E.T race) stars in a sneak attack. The Yor, reduced to their home system, surrendered to the Arceans soon after.

Meanwhile, the Drengins were getting tribute from everyone. Finally, the Drengins & Arceans went to war. Straight up, the Arceans were no match, but we covertly supplied them with techs & starships, all the while paying Drengin tribute to avoid being sucked directly into the war. The Drengins did declare war once, but we took out their trade routes, and they decided they were better off having us as trade partners.

Even with our covert help, the Arceans were slowly falling, until we traded them Battleship tech. With the new capital ships, they slowly turned the tide, until the Drengin were reduced to the 4 systems in their home sector. At this point, we were still trading with the Drengin & Arceans, and the Drengin's economy was reduced to the point that 70% of their income was from trade with us.

At this point, being the sniveling, evil race that I was, I decided now was the time to take advantage of things. Under the guise of helping out the Arceans, we declare war on the defenseless Drengins & take 2 of the systems, while the Arceans, having done all the work, took the others. (hehe) Obviously, this annoys them, and our relations slowly plummet.

Thus, it was down to us & the Arceans. Meanwhile, we're building up a huge cultural advantage over them, and their 2 former Drengin systems defect to me. This proved the last straw, and they declared war.

War continued for about 2 years, with them having a huge military advantage--due to their tech advantage, it took 2 of our dreadnoughts to match with one of there's. At one point, Earth was left defenseless, but our lone Battle Hammer managed to take out the invasion troops that were enroute via unescorted Combat Transports.

Eventually, we agreed to a Peace Treaty, with neither side getting any payment. We still had a huge influence advantage, and soon after, 2 more of their systems defected. They declared war once again, but this was a last gasp, as they were out of funds & we controlled 13 of 16 sectors. We invaded & took over all but their home system. We had enough influence for a cultural victory by now, but we had something else in store.

Lord Vega sat within his palatial estate. His Arcean subjects were scrambling about. He thought back to how he ended up in this predicament. The Humans were so weak, so feeble, so... morally repugnant, but somehow he had lost to them. He realized now that he had been manipulated during the Drengin Offensive, he had been manipulated all throughout their "agreement."

The once-mighty Arcean Empire had been reduced to only a single star, his colonies had defected, his shipyards destroyed, his coffers were completely empty. Vega, with his tail between his legs, had contacted the humans and begged for peace. His response was "Of course! Peace will be obtained by your total surrender." A member of a proud race, Vega had ordered the build up of traditional defenses and mobilization of the entire population. The 30 billion people had answered and built up for assumed assault. "If they want this planet, they'll be in for a helluva fight." Rumors had drifted in that the Humans were constructing a starbase with innumerable offensive power; a starbase capable of destroying an entire solar system. This so-called "Terror Star," his technologists had assured him, was scientifically impossible, and merely propaganda spread by his enemy. As he looked up into the sky and saw the humongous satellite, he wished he had more time to have his scientists flogged.

As the Terror Star charged, and the Arceans below panicked, prayed or whatever people who know their fate is sealed do, Vega merely sighed and wondered, "But we were supposed to be the good guys!"

I love this game!
I can't think of a clever signature.

Last edited by NevStar : 04-04-2003 at 11:18 AM.
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Old 04-04-2003, 01:01 PM   #63
Originally posted by NevStar
I love this game!

LOL. I still haven't had the time to play my first game yet. Excellent post btw.
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Old 04-04-2003, 05:47 PM   #64
Godzilla Blitz
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NevStar: Nice write-up! Sounds like you had a fun game! Congrats on the victory!

14 hours for a tiny galaxy? Yikes! I might stay away from the gigantic ones if I were you!

One of the things I like about this game is that the AI opponents will do to the human opponent many of the same things that you did to them in the last game. In my last game, I had what should have been an easy campaign against an enemy civ, but every turn there would be a couple of enemy warships pop into the warzone from out of nowhere. I finally came to the conclusion that another AI civ was funding my enemy's war effort by giving them ships. Crafty bastards.

It really is a fun game, though, isn't it?
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Old 04-04-2003, 06:31 PM   #65
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I'm going to have to get this once I move out of the house. It sounds like it'll be a lot of fun and it's not like I won't have the time...
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Old 04-06-2003, 11:46 AM   #66
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Boy do I stink at this game. I am playing on beginner and still can't gain a good foothold on a galaxy. Normally this would squash my desire to play a game, but like chess, it only makes me want to try harder.

My predominant strategy is to buy as many colony ships up front and colonize as many 15+ planets as I can. Normally within a dozen or so turns I can colonize between 3 to 6 solar systems in a Large Galaxy with Tight Clusters and Abundant Habitable Planets as the setting.

From there, I soil enhance every planet and if I'm far away from others I research Engine Tech and Sensors. If I'm surrounded by others, I mix in some Weapons Tech so I can build Corvettes as soon as I see somebody's military getting out of hand (if a culture has a boom in military might, you can bet they will be asking for tribute in exchange for not wiping you out).

My problem, as it stands now, is that I have a hard time increasing my population. I think it may be due to a lack of morale that is generated from my form of government and lack of social projects.

Also, the games where I bust out of the gate as a trade mogul and increase my coffers, the damned United Planets slaps me with monthly charges or tariffs.

I'm still trying to find a solid Technology advancement strategy, but I find myself forgetting what Techs get me what. I don't know if I'm just dumb, or the lack of tech tree in-game hurts me. I really like the tech tree in CivIII that lets you select an end goal and the game automatically pursues the proper base-techs. Oh well.

There is so much to this game that I find myself discovering little nooks and crannies each game. For instance, it wasn't until my 7th or 8th game that I realised I could build transports to send troops to other planets for conquest. I also discovered that you can spend money for destabilisation of governments and espionage. I also found the star-ship automation options that lets for set-and-forget my exploring ships while I concentrate on driving my economy into the ground. :-)


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Old 04-06-2003, 12:14 PM   #67
It's great to hear such positive remarks away from the official forum. On top of all the excellent user reviews the developers just announced an expansion to be released in June absolutely free of charge to existing owners of the game. This has got to be the best development team that I have ever seen.
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Old 04-07-2003, 01:16 AM   #68
Godzilla Blitz
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BoneGavel: I have heard the "propaganda" slider on your planets can do wonders for population growth. I think you access it from the details window on the planet screen, but I might be wrong about that.

As far as the tech tree goes, if you haven't checked it out yet, that JavaScout site is helpful to have handy when you're playing. You can alt-tab out of your game to look at it, then click back in and you're off and running. Makes tech decisions a lot easier.

And oh yes, transports are a very good thing.
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Old 04-07-2003, 08:41 AM   #69
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Originally posted by Godzilla Blitz
BoneGavel: I have heard the "propaganda" slider on your planets can do wonders for population growth. I think you access it from the details window on the planet screen, but I might be wrong about that.

As far as the tech tree goes, if you haven't checked it out yet, that JavaScout site is helpful to have handy when you're playing. You can alt-tab out of your game to look at it, then click back in and you're off and running. Makes tech decisions a lot easier.

And oh yes, transports are a very good thing.

Thanks for the propaganda tip. I'll have to look because I see the other race's populations bloom like red tides while mine languish in mediocrity.

I do have JavaScout's site bookmarked, and I even tried to print out his tech tree. Needless to say, it didn't work too well and I hate alt + tabbing to look. It really should be in-game.

I may take a stab at putting my game experiences down in a dynasty. It won't be good, but it may show people what the game is about.

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Old 04-07-2003, 11:27 PM   #70
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Need Help.

I picked this up the other day and I am in my first game. The galaxy is 5 X 5 which I think is too big for a first game. With the AI INtelligence is low, I have a huge economic, research lead. I attacked one of my neighbors stars. However, after the first round, I couldn't attack any more but I couldn't capture it either. What am I missing. I found only 2 planets with 3 stars, but I have 5 starbases.

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Old 04-08-2003, 02:36 AM   #71
Godzilla Blitz
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Originally posted by henry296
Need Help.

I picked this up the other day and I am in my first game. The galaxy is 5 X 5 which I think is too big for a first game. With the AI INtelligence is low, I have a huge economic, research lead. I attacked one of my neighbors stars. However, after the first round, I couldn't attack any more but I couldn't capture it either. What am I missing. I found only 2 planets with 3 stars, but I have 5 starbases.


To take other planets you need to build transports and then attack an undefended planet with them. To get transports, you need to have the required technology. I forget which one right now, but it's pretty likely you already have discovered it.

Once you've got the required tech, you go to your military production slot and select "Transport". When it gets finished, you launch, move the slider to select how many soldiers you want on board (usually filling it up is the best move), and off you go. Bunching a few transports together for a large invasion seems to work better, and is crucial when invading larger planets. Just drive the transports onto the planet your want.
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Old 04-08-2003, 09:11 AM   #72
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Thanks Godzilla Blitz.

Because I wanted to see the outcome, I stayed up to 4 AM and finally won with a Cultural victory, which says something about the game. I didn't know about the transports, so I stayed at war long enough to convince them to give me planets as part of the peace settlement. I had a couple of planets defect to me and i ended up controlling 24/25 sectors.

I will start again tonight and bump up the intelligence from beginner to maybe 1 below normal.

The one thing that I need to learn is research orders and build orders because the star vernacular is new to me.

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Old 04-08-2003, 10:10 AM   #73
Godzilla Blitz
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No problem! Congrats on your victory!
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Old 04-08-2003, 02:52 PM   #74
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I printed some of the stuff from the Encylcopedia last night. If I had only read it, I would have gotten 2 more hours of sleep.

Really looking forward to playing on a harder level.

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Old 04-08-2003, 04:22 PM   #75
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I'm REALLY considering picking this game up. I've never actually played a game like this before so would anyone care to let me know what I should expect? Specifically, how does the turn-based system work? Is it as simple as I make a move, they make a move or is there more involved?

And also, is this a game that can be played online or is it solo only?

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Old 04-08-2003, 05:02 PM   #76
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Solo only.

Think of it like a game of checkers or chess where you can move all of your pieces on a given turn. Various ships can move X number of spaces. The best thing about this game is there is almost no delay while the AI makes it moves.

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Old 04-08-2003, 08:39 PM   #77
Godzilla Blitz
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I'm kind of coming back to earth on this game. I took a break from work today and finished an earlier game that I had started. Saw a few things about the AI in the late game stages that made me wonder if the AI is really all that hot with regards to overall strategy and military tactics. It is clearly phenomenal with its economy, research, and expansion, though, and I still highly recommend the game. With the strong support for the game, I think it will probably still get a lot better too.
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Old 04-08-2003, 11:45 PM   #78
Godzilla Blitz
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The game just went on GoGamer's 48-hour Special

$29.99 plus $5.99 shipping (for up to 3 games).

Get 'em while they last.
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Old 04-09-2003, 12:39 AM   #79
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Oh just great...right after I buy for $39.90 ... oh well.
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Old 05-07-2003, 03:56 PM   #80
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When I first got this game about a month ago, I quickly put it off to the side. I had also gotten CM4 but that got put off to the side too (until EP3 comes out, that is).

I quicky forgot about it. Well, I decided to put it in the other day and I ended up playing all day. When I first played it, I just didn't like how simplistic it was. But after playing for awhile, I see why. It does have an incredible balance to it.

I played two games on tiny and lowest AI settings to get used to the game.

The first one, I played as a trading nation. I tried to stay nuetral the whole time, not getting involved in conflicts and trying to do the right thing for all of the "situations" that came up.

I ended up colonizing half the universe because the AI was on the weakest level and didn't "land grab". I built up an econmic powerhouse and eventually won a cultural victory.

The second I played as an evil war-monger society. I took over 2 of the civs and the evil apes took over the rest. Two minor races still existed. The Alexians and the Caronoids (???). I teamed up with the Alexians to take out the evil apes. After I took half of the evil apes planets, I signed a peace treaty with them.

I didn't finish that game, and I probably won't. With such a weak AI, it is not just a matter of time before I take them all over, so I'm not going to finish.

I'm going to up the galaxy size by 1 and the AI by 1 and keep on playing.

In short, the game is cool, but not the end-all be-all of the Space 4x genre.
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Old 09-26-2003, 03:36 PM   #81
Godzilla Blitz
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I was wondering if anyone has tried the new enhancement pack that is available (free). Any changes to the game play? Good things? It is worth going back and revisiting this game now?
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Old 09-26-2003, 05:10 PM   #82
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I have. I've been playing it alot lately, but I attribute that more to a temporary interest in Space 4x games and not the enhancement pack. To be honest, I haven't really noticed any changes. It plays pretty much the same.

I've already put the game aside after about a few days of play. The same old problems still get me (I think the combat system is way too simplistic, for one).
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Old 02-29-2004, 06:20 PM   #83
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They recently released a major patch for this, 1.2. I'm downloading now and think I'll give it a whirl.
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