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Old 06-22-2003, 02:16 PM   #51
Abe Sargent
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August 7, 1485 - I reduce our military maintanence to 50%.

September 21, 1485 - Brittany canceled her vassalization with England.

June 6, 1486 - France declared war upon Brittany. Alliances are upheld which means that Spain/Brittany/England are now at war with France and her vassals.

August 22, 1486 - I decide to move us closer towards Free Trade domestically.

October 1, 1486 - Our stability increases.

November 3, 1486 - A Foreign Drill Instructor is available for hire who will increase the quality of our troops significantly. However, he costs 250 ducats, which would rerquire us to take out two loans. We can't afford that sort of debt, so I reluctantly decline the offer.

November 26, 1486 - Spain went with We Lack the Money in Western Route to India.

January 1, 1487 - Muhammad XII has gained the throne.

March 14, 1487 - Our colonization attempt to Casamance has failed. We were trying to set up a trading post.

June 1, 1487 - The peasants in Oporto are revolting.

July 20, 1487 - Our army of 30000 infantry arrives in Oporto.

July 4, 1487 - We lose to the rebels in Oporto.

September 13, 1487 - We again assult the rebel positions in Oporto.

September 29, 1487 - The 12000 rebels have been crushed.

November 1, 1487 - A white peace has been stuck between Morocco and Songhai.

France, Bremen, Lithuania and the Teutonic Order all agree to Trade Agreements with us.

December 6, 1487 - Our attempt to set up a Trading Post in Karroo has failed.

January 19, 1488 - Tunisia went with The Hafsid Dynasty Descends in the Death of Abu Am Uthman. As such the nation of Tripoli has formed and have become vassals of Tunisia.

February 24, 1488 - We expand Dakar.

May 6, 1488 - Scotland and Friesland have joined war with the Spanish-English alliance.

July 1, 1488 - Our stability has increased.

September 21, 1488 - Brittany went with Charles of France in The Marriage of Anne of Brittany.

France had The Marital Inheritance of Brittany.

Brittany became France's vassal.

December 3, 1488 - We have Commissioning of a Great Mosque

"Your advisors recommand that we commission a new great Mosque to the greater glory of Allah and his prophet Mohammad. Sould we heed their advice?"

"Build the Mosque"

Stability +2
-200 ducats
+1 Missionary


-20 victory points

Although it will cost us a loan, we need the stability severely. As such, I commission the Great Mosque.
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Old 06-22-2003, 02:51 PM   #52
Abe Sargent
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Seventy Year Overview

Our kingdom has become great in 70 years. We have regained our former glory.

An accounting of our provinces:

Algarve - Situated on the south-west tip of Iberia, the quiet province of Algarve has our Naval Equipment Manufactory. As such, although the 14842 people here fish, they give us 30 ducats annually in taxes and production. Only 3 ducats are sent to Tago in trade. Algarve converted to Islam. Her people are Iberian.

Andalusia - Our capital rests in the restored city of Cordoba, just east of Sevilla, the former capital of the province under Castillian rule. This is the most populous province in Iberia. The 62697 people here work the grape vines and wineries to produce Wine. They send us 31 ducats in taxes and production while creating 9 in Tago in trade.The port here is Moslem and Iberian.

Estramadura - The quiet hills of Estramadura lie to the south of the Tajo River. The 15641 people here are largely shepherds. The Catholic Iberians only send us 8 ducats annually while creating only 1 in trade in Tago. Estramadura may be the poorest province in Iberia.

Gibraltar - This quiet fishing province and village overlooks the Straits of Gibraltar. This port has 8915 people sending us 13 ducats annually while shipping 2 to Tago in trade. The people here are Sunni and Berber.

Granada - The former capital of Grenada is still one of the largest Iberian cities, although it is the third largest in our lands. The 45797 people work the Copper mines here. 14 ducats are sent to us annually while 16 are sent to Tago in trade. The people here are Sunni and Berber.

Leon - The grain harvesters of Leon are unique in that they are the only people in Iberia who create grain. As such, Leon has some military usefulnesss in feeding our army. The 18,278 people here belie another important military fact - Leon borders Castilla, Asturias and Cantrabria - three of the four remaining Spanish provinces on Iberia. Additionally, Leon is the only connector between Castilla and the northern Spanish provinces. And, Leon is adjacent to the province of Aragon. As such, Leon has tremendous significance. The people here converted to Islam recently. They are also Iberian in culture. Only 9 ducats are sent to us and 1 to Tago. The people here are almosdt out of nationalism, with their monthly revolt rate only at 1%.

Oporto - As our only port on the Atlantic north of Andalusia, Oporto serves sem purpose for future expansion. Right now, Oporto is north of the Portugese in Tago and south of the Spanish in Galicia and Asturias. The 8724 people here also work the wineries. Anoither recent convert to Islam, the people here are Iberian in culture as well. They send us 22 ducats in taxes and production while sending 6 ducats to Tago in trade. The people of Oporto are still experiencing nationalism, but only at a 1% revolt rate monthly.

Tangiers - The northern tip of Africa on the south side of the Strait of Gibraltar has been under Granadan control for some time. As such, it is no longer experiencing Nationalism. Tangiers is a quiet village as 8170 people fish in the Strait. The people here are Sunni and Arabic. They send us 13 ducats and create 2 in trade in Tago.

Toledo - The second largest province in Granada by population, the 50038 people here work the gold mines. They send us 92 ducats annually in taxes and production. The people here are Catholic and of Iberian culture.

Transkei - The fully colonized province of Transkei has 2161 people harvesting grain on the eastern side of South Africa. The people here are Arabic and Sunni. We receive 8 ducats annually from them in taxes and production.

Colonial and Trading Post Possessions:

Dakar - A colonial possession taken from Portugal in war, Dakar is just south of Senegal along the West African coast. The 193 Sunni Arabic people here also work the Slave Trade but produce no taxes or trade yet.

Gambia - The colonial city of Gambia is just south of Dakar. Also captured from te Portugese, the 778 people here are Catholic and Iberian. Gambia sends us 2 ducats annually and 2 to Tago from the Slave Trade. She is also losing population slowly.

Senegal - Boasting 725 people, The people of Senegal work the Ivory trade sending 11 ducats to Tago in trade. However, they only send us 5 annually in trade. The people here are Arabic and Sunni.

Table - We have established a trading post in Table. It is the next colony that I intend to settle.

Tassaret - The Catholic Iberian colony of Tassaret is just south of Morocco's territory. Only 129 people work the Slave Trade here and are losing people due to the weather and climate. The people here produce no taxes or trade.


We have 27499 infantry stationed in Leon. We currently have no calvary.

We can support up to 37000 men without experiencing a major resoure drain.
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Old 06-22-2003, 03:06 PM   #53
Abe Sargent
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April 21, 1489 - Navarra joins Aragon in a military alliance.

June 8, 1489 - Naples joined the Aragon alliance.

November 3, 1489 - We colonize Table!

March 7, 1490 - An Internal Trade Ordinance in Andalusia has increased the taxvalue there by one.

March 10, 1490 - We enter into a trade agreement with Tripoli, Austria, and Sweden.

March 23, 1490 - Aragon has Tirant Lo Blanc.

June 26, 1490 - Our Royal Marriage with Mameluks has expired.

August 20, 1490 - Table expands.

January 1, 1491 - Oporto and Leon are no longer experiencing nationalism. They are noiw fully integrated into the Kaliphate.

It has been over 30 years since we were at war with Portugal.

January 6, 1491 - Naples has again become the Vassals of Aragon.
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Old 06-22-2003, 03:38 PM   #54
Abe Sargent
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The Succession of Portugal

It has been too long since the fat Portugese have been shown the error of their ways. Tago was once ours, and shall be again.

I declare war upon Portugal now while they are allianceless.

I call upon my allies and both Tlemcen and Tunisia come to our aid.

I order our troops into Tago.

February 27, 1491 - Our troops arrive in Tago and the Siege of Tago (1491) has begun.

April 5, 1491 - 4000 Tlemcen troops have arrived in Tago to join our siege.

July 2, 1491 - Spain has "As If It Wasn't Already Known" They declare war upon us.

England joins them.

Spain assaults Tangiers with their troops which are left over from the previous conflict. Luckily for us, Tlemcen and Tunisia are already at war with Spain, so they will not be happy with another war. I hope.

Tago needs to fall quickly so that I can turn our attention eastward.

I jackup our military maintanence to 100% and order troops in Toledo.

July 8, 1491 - Portugal joins the Aragon/Navarra/Naples alliance.

July 9, 1491 - Morocco sends us a Diplomatic Insult. We gain a Casus Belli with Morocco for 60 months and relations decline 100.

September 1, 1491 - 23000 Spanish troops arrive in Toledo. Apparently they plan on making their battle here.

September 25, 1491 - Spain offers us peace for 25 ducats. I readily accept.

September 28, 1491 - Maybe encouraged by the quick peace we came to with Spain, Portgual offers us a white peace. I decline.

October 1, 1491 - As Tlemcen has captured Cantabria, Spain has more important things to worry about.

October 21, 1491 - Our Royal Marriage with the Golden Horde has expired.

December 5, 1491 - Table expands.

December 11, 1491 - Spain has chosen Send Him on His Way in Columbus.

January 7, 1492 - France annexed Bourbonnais.

February 15, 1492 - France declared war upon Aragon. The alliances hold and a large war has erupted.

February 18, 1492 - Portugal offers us a white peace. Heh.

February 27, 1492 - I cut our military maintenance in half again.

May 30, 1492 - We capture Tago!

June 1, 1492 - Portugal offers us peace for 80 ducats. No dice.

The Portugese maps are very nice. They have the Caribbean mostly mapped out, part of the coast of Brazil, Manhattan and Delaware have been found, Nova Scotia and that area, up through Greenland, the island of St. Helena, much more along the West African Coast. Amazing!

Our next colonizatin target will probably be Ciskei. Another South African province, but with Sugar! Just west of Transkei.

June 6, 1492 - Tunisia has accepted peace with Spain but Spain had to give up 113 ducats.

September 4, 1492 - Tripoli has joined our alliance and war with Portugal.

January 1, 1493 - We enter into Royal Marriages with Golden Horde and Mameluks.

January 9, 1493 - France and Aragon come to peace terms. Aragon pays off 114 ducats. Not looking good for the Catholic Iberian powers. Spain and Aragon get their asses handed to them. All while Portugal has its capital occupied by us.

April 5, 1493 - Portugal offers us peace for 81 ducats. I laugh.

May 14, 1493 - France declared war upon Burgundy and another alliance vs. alliance war has begun.

May 15, 1493 - We have won a complete victory against Portugal. As such, we annex them.

All Portugese property is now ours.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 06-22-2003 at 03:40 PM.
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Old 06-22-2003, 03:55 PM   #55
Abe Sargent
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A Census of Portugese Items and Lands Captured

Tago - The former capital of Portugal, one of the few remaining provinces of former Cordoba that we has yet to claim, and a Center of trade. The 24471 people in Tago fish the Atlantic and send us 80 ducats in taxes, production, and trade. They create 3 in Tago itself. The people here are Catholic and Iberia but do not experience nationalism because they are one of our core provinces.

The Azores - A small group of islands in the middle of the Atlantic, The Azores currently have 167 people living here. The Catholic Iberians create 3 ducats in trade in Tago from harvesting the Sugar Cane in the islands.

Nouadibuh - A trading post south of Tassaret that is up to level 5.

Louga - A trading post north of Senegal. Louga is a nice area that has serious colonization potential with 5000 natives of low aggressiveness and the Ivory Trade.

Namaqua - A small level two colony just west of Table sports 249 Iberian Catholic colonists working the Ivory trade and sending 3 ducats to Tago in trade.

All of Portugal's lands were African or The Azores - no new world colonies or Trading Posts.


100 infantry are in Douala. I disband them.

68 Frigates, 5 Transports - The Portugese fleet was huge! I have no intention of supporting a fleet this size. I do not know how Portugal could.

I disband the Gibraltar fleet. The Portugese ships are much better. I order all Portugese ships to return to dock and we'll sort them out.
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Old 06-22-2003, 04:40 PM   #56
Abe Sargent
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July 29, 1493 - I disband 54 warships. That leaves me with 20 warships and 5 transports. A very nice navy overnight!

August 21, 1493 - Isabel y Fernando have been elected the New Emperor(s) of the Holy Roman Emperor.

November 21, 1493 - Morocco has decalred war upon Songhai.

December 3, 1493 - Rebels captures Asturias. Rebels started in Cantabria and captured it while Tlemcen was holding it. Those rebels marched to Asturias and have now captured it as well. The next question is where will they march next?

December 30, 1493 - I pay off our loan.

February 1, 1494 - The rebels arrive in Galicia and defeat the Spanish armies there. Spain is cut off from marching their huge 30000+ army in Castilla to the other provinces.

May 19, 1494 - France chose Let Us Drop Our Claims for Good! in The Inheritance of Anjou.

July 1, 1494 - Nobles Demand Recovery of Former Rights

"The privileges of the nobility were continually under assult as the monarch tried to centralize more and more control. Sometimes the nobles would attempt to gain rights they had lost or surrendered to the monarch in earlier times."

I have three choices:

"Accept Their RIghtful Claims"

+1 Aristocracy

"Ignore the Demands"

Revoltrisk increased by +2 for 24 months.

"Execute the Traitors"

-1 Aristocracy
-2 Stability

The revoltrisk from ignoring their demands is hardly anything. However, I'd like to raise our aristocracy level already, so to do so with no cost is a very attractive option. As such, I Accept Their Rightful Claims.

July 4, 1494 - Naples declares war upon Byzantium. Aragon joins them.

August 25, 1494 - Table expands.

November 29, 1494 - Rebels capture Galicia

January 1, 1495 - The Spanish government has fallen.

April 7, 1495 - Norway went with Accept the Declaration in The Meeting in Kalundborg. Denmark had Norway Accepts the Declaration at Kalundborg. Denmark annexes Norway.

June 4, 1495 - Morocco and Songhai come to peace terms.

I decide to try and claim some of the rich land in the Carribean for Allah. I send a group of traders to Barahona, on the island of Hispanola.

October 4, 1495 - We enter into Trade Agreements with Dulkadir and Nubia.

November 5, 1495 - Table expands.

May 30, 1496 - We have an Excellent Minister for the next 12 months.

September 1, 1496 - We enter into Trade Agreements with Hessen, Wurzburg, MeiBen, The Livonian Order and Brandenburg.

October 24, 1496 - I decide to adjust our domestic policies again.

Each of the following looks nice:

One step owards Quality of troops
One step towards Free Trade
One step towards Offensive Doctrine
One step towards Innovativeness
One step towards Centralization

I do not intend to be in any wars for a while. As such, I move us towards Free Trade.

January 7, 1497 - Table expands.

Table: With over 600 colonists, the 500 natives join our settlement. The 1106 people here work the grape vines and wineries. The Islamic and Arabic people here are undergoing a slight population increse - but very slight. They will be sening us 9 ducats in taxes when a collector gets there. 5 are sent to Tago in trade.

I order a Tax Collector to Table.
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Old 06-22-2003, 10:26 PM   #57
The boy who cried Trout
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I lost track of things a bit there during the Portugese war. Are you still at war with the English?
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Old 06-22-2003, 11:36 PM   #58
Abe Sargent
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When a country calls upon its allies, then any peace it negiotates is, by default, for the entire alliance. When Spain and I came to peace terms for ducats, I was negotiating for my entire alliance and Spain for her alliance.

However, it is possible to specifically negotiate peace only by yourself or only with one country, even when you are the leader. I could have sent a peace envoy to Spin for just us wo countries, or for just us for the enitre Spanish/English alliance, etc. However, the default is that leaders dicatte terms on behalf of their entire alliance - so when Spain presented me a peace offer, if they are the war leader (and they were because they declared war upon me), then it is automatically for their entire alliance. A quick war it was too.

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Old 06-23-2003, 09:18 AM   #59
The boy who cried Trout
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I forgot about that. I've been playing too much HOI lately, and thanks to your dynasty I'm really itching to load up EUII. There just isn't enough time in a day!
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Old 06-27-2003, 02:14 AM   #60
Abe Sargent
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Two Major Events

March 8, 1497 - France comes to peace with Burundy and gains Luxembourg and Artois.

April 1, 1497 - We have the following event:

"Harnessing Portugese Learning

After taking over Portugal, Granada would have an opportunity to learn from one of the most advanced European civilizations. It would cost a bit, but Granada could absorb portugal's knolwegde and way of learning."

We Shall Gather What Information That We Can:

Relations with Morocco: -25
-300 ducats
Switch technology group to Latin

Burn the Heathen Knowledge:

Innovativeness: -1

After careful consideration, I decide that we need to learn what we can. Just because knowledge and learning doesn't come from Moslems does not make it false. Whether a Catholic or a Moslem says that 2+2=4 does not change its value as a truthful statement.

I choose to take out a loan and harness Portugese learning.

June 1, 1497 - Trebizond went bankrupt.

June 2, 1497 - Milan had Leonardo Da Vinci.

October 9, 1497 - Byzantium and Aragon have come to peace. Aragon has annexed Byzantium and their remaining province in S. Greece of Morea.

January 3, 1498 - We have another event:

"Portugese Catholics Rebel Against Moslem Rule

A resurgent Granada that managed to take Tago would have to deal with the same religious problems that every other Iberian power also dealt with, only in reverse. Once Granada established a greater hold over Iberia, there would be significant uprisings from the Catholics. Especially after the fall of Portugal before Granada's might."

The Catholics are Revolting!

Revolt in Tago, Oporto, Algarve and Gambia (All former Portugese provinces)
Revolt risk increased by 5 for three years.

January 5, 1498 - I order our army in Leon to march to Oporto. I also raise military maintenance to 100%.

As Gambia was a colony without walls, the colony has been captured.

February 11, 1498 - We enter Oporto.

February 13, 1498 - Tripoli has canceled her vassalization with Tunisia.

February 20, 1498 - We defeat the rebels in Oporto! On to Tago.

March 3, 1498 - We enter battle in Tago

March 7, 1498 - An Internal Trade Ordinace has increased the taxvalue of Oporto and Gibraltar.

March 24, 1498 - We have crushed the rebels in Tago. On to Algarve.

April 19, 1498 - We launch an attack against the rebels in Algarve.

April 24, 1498 - We lose in Algarve and our forces retreat to Estramadura.

May 4, 1498 - The Catholics have captured Algarve! I order more troops to face this menace.

June 26, 1498 - Rebels arrive in Tagoi and lay siege.

August 1, 1498 - Our stability has maxed out.

August 29, 1498 - England and Spain have declared war upon Scotland.

October 1, 1498 - We have lost control of Dakar to rebels as their army marches through our colonies in West Africa.

October 19, 1498 - We enjoin battle with the Catholics in Tago.

October 22, 1498 - The rebels ahve been crushed in Tago. I order our army into a siege of Algarve.

November 14, 1498 - We have initiated a siege in Algarve.

January 15, 1499 - Songhai went with Songhai Embraces Islam in The Pilgrimage of Askia Mohammed. They have changed their religion to Sunni and we welcome them into our community.

January 19, 1499 - I send a deleagtion to Songhai asking for a Royal Marriage. They agree.

January 20, 1499 - Temporary Insanity of Monarch. Our Monarch will be debilitated for some time. The Royal Doctor says it will last for about a year. During that time, our Monarch will have greatly lessened skills.

July 1, 1499 - We have lost control over Senegal to the filthy Catholics.

July 15, 1499 - We capture Algarve! I order the fleet into the Gulf of Cadiz.

July 21, 1499 - I order the army onto the baots in the Gulf of Cadiz.

August 22, 1499 - The boats are loaded and I order the fleet to set sail to Senegal.

October 4, 1499 - Dissidents Abroad in Tlemcen Clamor for Support in our Royal Court. I pay them 25 ducats to keep our nobles happy. Relations with Tlemcen slip a bit.

January 2, 1500 - Our army lands in Senegal and recaptures the province.

England had Erasmus.

February 1, 1500 - We recapture Dakar!

March 12, 1500 - We recapture Gambia!
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Old 06-27-2003, 09:01 AM   #61
The boy who cried Trout
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That events mod really adds something to the game! I have yet to play it (see the new HOI patch!) but I'm chomping at the bit. Those guys sure did a great job.
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Old 06-27-2003, 01:19 PM   #62
Abe Sargent
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I, um, have a secret then. I am working with two other players to create a "Fantasy" set of events for Granada. There is already a set of Fantasy events for several other countries, most notably Byzantium.

So we are creating events for Granada. I have already included in my copy of EU2 these Granada events that we are working on prior to playing it out. But they are not part of the EEP, at least not yet

Scripting and polishing these events ius taking time and that's why the dynasty has been a bit slow. Anyways, enough about me....

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Old 06-27-2003, 02:00 PM   #63
Abe Sargent
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May 1, 1500 - I reduce our military maintenance to 50%

May 3, 1500 - Our fleet and army arrives back in Andalusia from West Africa.

December 26, 1500 - We have Famine!

We can choose:

Subsidize Food and Release Saved Stocks:

-100 ducats
-1000 pop in Oporto

What? Forego our Feasts?:

Revoltrisk +7 for 12 months
-3000 pop in Oporto
Revolt in Oporto

I choose to release our stocks and subsidize food in thjis time of need. Allah is compassionate and we must be so as well to follow in his footsteps.

February 1, 1501 - We have the following event:

"Restoration of Alcazar

The military base and castle in Andalusia was very importnat for both the defense of the area as well as the social center of the region. Any attempt to restore the area to Moslem rule would consider restoring the Alcazar."

Restore the Alcazar:

-150 ducats
+50 victory points
+200 Land Investment
Fortress in Andalusia +1

Let it Remain in the Annals of History:

-10 victory points

Of course, I choose to restore the Alcazar. We have the money, and it should be done.

July 1, 1501- Revolters in Cyrenaica have defected to Tripoli.

August 16, 1501 - France has annexed Guyenne.

December 25, 1501 - We enter into Trade Agreements with Hausa, Dahomey, Songhai, Ashanti, and Aden.

February 13, 1502 - We have the following event:

"Restoration of La Alhambra

Originally built as a military fortification, La Alhambra became the residence of royalty and the cultural center in Grenada in the thirteenth century. La Alhambra decayed under the fifteenth century residence of relatively incompetant monarchs. A resurgent Granada would certianly consider restoring Al Alhambra"

Restore La Alhambra:

-150 ducats
Land Investment +5000
+50 victory points

Let it Remain in the Annals of History:

-15 victory points
-1 stability

I choose to restore La Alhambra.

Our land technology advances!

May 1, 1502 - With these restorations, we were unable to pay off our loan, and had to extend it.

October 6, 1502 - Another Foreign Drill Instructor is available but as much as I may want him, we are unable to pick him up due to a significant lack of funds on our part.

January 1, 1503 - We enter a Trade Agreement with Persia.
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Old 06-27-2003, 02:05 PM   #64
The boy who cried Trout
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Wow! Well, great job then, Anxiety!
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Old 06-27-2003, 02:39 PM   #65
Abe Sargent
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March 22, 1503 - The Azores expands.

May 2, 1503 - Our military alliance with Tlemcen, Tunisia and Tripoli has expired.

I create a new alliance with Tunisia. Except that this time, we are at the head.

June 10, 1503 - The Azores expands.

July 4, 1503 - France joins a war with Savoy against the Papal States, Lithuania, and a bunch of Italian states.

August 25, 1503 - We receive a Diplomatic Insult with Aragon. Our relatiosn take a hit and we have a temporary casus belli against them for 2 years. of course, we have a permanent casus belli agains tthem to reclaim Murcia.

September 3, 1503 - The Azores expands.

November 22, 1503 - The Azores expands.

January 1, 1504 - I invite Morocco into our alliance. They accept.

March 2, 1504 - France and England have come to peace.

March 20, 1504 - The Azores expands.

May 18, 1504 - Mossi is annexed by Songhai.

June 10, 1504 - The Azores expands.

The Azores is now a full fledged colony with all of the accoutrements thereof.

The Azores: 783 Arabic Sunnis call The Azores home. The people here work the Sugar Cane crop. The port of The Azores is fairly wealthy, with the people sending us 7 ducats annually while 20 are sent in trade to Tago.

I order a Tax Collector to The Azores.

July 24, 1504 - Local fortification efforts in Table have built a fortress there without us having to pay for them!

September 22, 1504 - Scotland and England come to peace but Scotland has to give up all but one of their provinces.

April 4, 1505 - Navarra entered an alliance with Aragon and naples.

June 1, 1505 - We have an Excellent Minister for the next year.

August 12, 1505 - Spain has declared war upon the Mayans.

August 30, 1505 - Spain has The Quest for the New World.

September 25, 1505- Aragon chose Express Support in The League of Cambrai.

November 1, 1505 - Naples canceled her vassalization with Aragon.

February 10, 1506 - I take out a loan. Because we have a really amazing minister right now, our ability to convert people is increased tremendously. And since it only lasts for a short time, we need to take advantage of that now.

I send a Missionary to Tago with a pretty good chance of conversion.
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Old 06-29-2003, 06:06 PM   #66
Abe Sargent
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August 3, 1506 - Songhai accepts our offer of an alliance with Morocco and Tunisia.

October 23, 1506 - Scotland has joined an alliance with Russia and Teutonic Order.

November 12, 1506 - Eire has joined the Scottish/Russian/Freemasonry alliance.

April 1, 1507 - I decide to move us a step towards Naval.

May 3, 1507 - Our loan has come due and I extend it.

July 25, 1507 - I send colonists to Barbados and traders to Curacao.

October4, 1507 - The Aragon/Navarra/Naples alliance has expired.

October 8, 1507 - Naples joins an alliance with Hungary and Ragusa.

January 12, 1508 - Spain and Austria both chose "Let the Fuggers Run Our Finances" in The Fuggers.

Spain went Bankrupt!

February 20, 1508 - Navarra joins an alliance with Aragon.

April 20, 1508 - France declared war upon Burgundy. Savoy canceled her vassalization with France but upheld their alliance.

May 13, 1508 - We have founded a colony in Barbados! We now have a port in the Caribbean.

There are no natives here, previous Europeans must have wiped them out. The Carribean is quickly becoming populated by Europeans. I have seen many settlers set forth from Spain and Aragon.

Barbados has sugar, a very rich crop. It will take a bit to grow here, but I look forward to establishing a handhold in the name of Allah.

May 15, 1508 - I send traders to Diamentina.

November 10, 1508 - Tripoli has lost her war with the Mameluks. They have recaptured Cyrenaica.

November 17, 1508 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with The Hedjaz, Serbia, Moldavia, and Crimea.

December 1, 1508 - We receive a Gift to the State from a deceased merchant who was quite wealthy and childless. He left us money in his death.

December 26, 1508 - We have successfully set up a Trading Post in Curacao.

January 5, 1509 - Our Royal Marriages with Morocco and Tunisia have expired.

We renew our vows with Morocco.
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Old 06-29-2003, 10:02 PM   #67
Abe Sargent
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War Against Aragon

January 14, 1509 - Aragon declares war upon us! Navarra joined them.

I order our military maintenance up to 100% I also order our troops in Leon into Aragon province.

I ask for help from our allies

January 15, 1509 - Tunisia is a true friend. They declare war upon Aragon. Morocco and Songhai, however, dishonor our alliance.

Granada and Tunisia versus Aragon and Navarra.

February 10, 1509 - Our troops enter Aragon and engage the enemy.

February 21, 1509 - We are attacked by Aragon forces in Gambia.

February 25, 1509 - We have defeated the Aragon forces in Aragon.

February 25, 1509 - I invite Tlemcen into our alliance. They agree and declare war upon Aragon.

I know who my friends are.

March 6, 1509 - Despite being attaced in overwhelming numbers, we drive back the Aragon forces in Gambia.

I order troops in Senegal (just 1k), and Andalusia (12k)

I also jack up Naval maintance to 100%.

I launch our fleet from Andalusia.

March 10, 1509 - Aragon troops arrive in Toledo and keep marching.

April 5, 1509 - I order my fleet to the gulf of Valencia.

April 8, 1509 - Aragon troops arrive in Estramadura and keep marching.

April 26, 1509 - 13000 Aragon troops arrive in Leon and begin a siege.

May 16, 1509 - Our fleet arrives in the Gulf of Valencia and begins to blockade Valencia and the Aragon capital of Catalona.

June 21, 1509 - Our newly built forces arrive in Valencia and engage the Aragons there

June 22, 1509 - Barbados expands.

June 26, 1509 - We defeat the forces in Valencia and initiate a siege.

Jue 27, 1509 - We have successfully set up a Trading Post in Diamentina.

June 28, 1509 - Mali has entered an alliance with Morocco.

July 1, 1509 - Our stability is maximized.

July 18, 1509 - Aragon has captured Barbados.

September 27, 1509 - Tripoli rejects our alliance proposal.

October 19, 1509 - We have defeated a small Aragon fleet in the Straits of Gibraltar.

December 1, 1509 - Aragon forces have decided to besiege Toledo.

December 3, 1509 - Aragon again tries to assault Gambia.

December 12, 1509 - Aragon captures Gambia.

March 5, 1510 - We capture the province of Aragon. I march our army into Catalona.

March 9, 1510 - We lost a naval battle against Aragon in the Gulf of Almeria.

March 21, 1510 - Our forces arrive in Catalona and initiate a siege.

April 10, 1510 - Forces built in Gibraltar (10000 men) are ordered to board our fleet in the Straits.

April 11, 1510 - Tunisia selected "Let Them use Tunis as a Base of Operations" in The Barbarossas.

The Ottomans chose "Curse Them!" in The Barbarossas.

April 14, 1510 - Aragon demands peace for 3 ducats. I laugh them off. This is the first time that we have been at war. I want to show them our resolve!

April 26, 1510 - Our army has finished boarding our navy. I order them to set sail for Africa and Senegal.

May 30, 1510 - I spy the Navarra army heading for us. They are led by d'Albret.

June 27, 1510 - The Navarran army stops in Aragon province and begins to besiege it.

July 24, 1510 - Our army arrives in Senegal and I order a march for Gambia.

August 2, 1510 - Spain has chosen "We Shall Continue to Expand!" in Supremacy in North Africa.

Spain has declared wear upon Tripoli.

August 27, 1510 - Morocco has dishonored their alliance with Mali.

October 19, 1510 - Our army arrives in Gambia and attacks the Aragon forces there.

November 7, 1510 - We defeat the Aragon forces in Gambia and recapture the province. I order my forces into Casamanche.

December 16, 1510 - I order my troops to Louga instead of Casamanche.

December 22, 1510 - Mali and Morocco reenter an alliance.

March 2, 1511 - I have to extend our loan.

April 7, 1511 - The Papacy has initiated the Treaty of Tordesillas. Spain can now attack certain colonies without fear of reprisal, starting a war, or needing a Casus Belli.

April 20, 1511 - Our Inquisition in Tago has proven successful. Now every former Portugese province in Iberia has converted to the One True Religion!

November 22, 1511 - Tlemcen has chosen "Curse Them!" in Arudj and Khayr Al-Din Barbarossa.

December 27, 1511 - In a year of sieges and not much battling, we have captured Valencia! I order my army to march to Catalonia and help with the siege there.

January 6, 1512 - Aragon offers us peace and 36 ducats. I refuse.

January 8, 1512 - We capture the colony of Nouakchott on the West African shore.

February 10, 1512 - Songhai decalred war upon Mali. Morocco joins the war against Songhai.

March 14, 1512 - We have captured Catalonia, the capital of Aragon!

I order my army into Aragon to break the siege. If only Aragon can hold out. The walls are about to fall and news of the capture of Catalonia is music.

I send a peace offer to Aragon - Valencia and Aragon for peace. They refuse.

April 10, 1512 - We arrive in Aragon. The Navarrans have gunpowder! The Aragons, fortunately, do not.

Although we outnumber the combined Aragon/Navarra army, we do not have gunpowder, a wise and strong leader like d'Albret, or a defensive position in the mountains. They do.

April 13, 1512 - Aragon offers us peace for Aragon, Nouakchott and Murcia.

I agree
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Old 06-29-2003, 10:21 PM   #68
Abe Sargent
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A Review of Our New Territory

We captured three provinces from Aragon -


12963 Catholics work the iron mines in the hills of the Pyranees. The Iberian people here are currently experiencing nationalism with a 3% revolt risk. The people here send us 12 ducats in taxes and production while shipping 11 to Lyonnais in trade. For right now, although the merchants there may be tempted to move to Tago.

Aragon is located northeast of Castilla, sotuh west of Navarra, south east of Cantabria, north of Catalonia and Valencia and west of Gerona. As such, it is ideally suited to be a fortress and military staging grounds for further ventures against the Catholics. Aragon is next to two capitals (Castilla and Catalonia). Our only land route there is through Leon.


One of our last core provinces not under our rule, Murcia lies along the Mediterranean east of Granada. Murcia rebelled against Castillian rule earlier but chose to defect to Aragon instead of us. Now Aragon chose not to defend them, but simply hand them over to us, despite the simple fact that not one Granadan soldier entered Murcia. And this was further despite the fact that the people here had been converted to Catholocism by their Aragon rulers. Where are the Catholic brethern now?

14810 people work the salt trade here on the quiet port of Murcia. Murcia does not have nationalism because we have a legitmate claim to the soil. The Catholic Iberians here send us 8 ducats annually while shipping 8 to Lyonnais. Like Aragon, that may move to Tago.


A small colony of slave traders on the African west coast, Nouakchott was the missing link. We now have all of the coastal territory from Tassaret through Gambia. That's seven coastal provinces in Africa.

The 304 people in Nouakchott are experiencing a population decline as the climate is not conducive for proper colonization.
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Old 06-30-2003, 02:58 AM   #69
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April 7, 1512 - I slash our military spending, both land and naval, to 50%.

May 1, 1512 - A loan comes due. I pay it off.

July 7, 1512 - We set up a Trading Post on the islands of Cape Verde.

August 9, 1512 - Aragon annexed Navarra.

February 15, 1513 - Persia went with Suport the Anatolian Shiites in Turko-Persian Conflicts: Shiite Rebels

The Ottomans select Crush the Heretics! in Turko-Persian Conflicts: Shiite Rebels

May 9, 1513 - Aragon has declared war upon the Ashanti. And I have to ask why? Why declare war upon some small West African country?

May 21, 1513 - We enter into Royal Marriage with Tunisia, Tlemcen, and The Ottoman Empire.

June 2, 1513 - Tuscany has Machiavelli publish "The Prince"

June 27, 1513 - Barbados expands.

September 1, 1513 - Tripoli and Spain reach a white peace.

January 1, 1514 - I send out traders to Ciskei and Karroo on the southern tip of Africa.

January 22, 1514 - We have an Excellent Minister for the next two years.

June 8, 1514 - Savoy become the vassals of France again.

October 1, 1514 - Our naval technology has increased.

November 1, 1514 - Our land technology has advanced.

December 23, 1514 - The Mameluks have annexed Dulkadir.

February 1, 1515 - The people of Al-Djazair, which was taken by Spain, have revolted and declared their independance as Algiers. They are now at war with Spain.

May 1, 1515 - I offer a Trade Agreement with Algiers, The Knights, and they accept. Trebizond declined our invitation.

June 27, 1515 - Barbados expands.

November 25, 1515 - We set up Trading Posts in both Ciskei and Karroo.

January 25, 1516 - The Holy Roman Empire has selected Carlos I of Spain as their new Emperor.

January 28, 1516 - Barbados expands.

March 1, 1516 - Our last loan comes due. I pay it off.

March 29, 1516 - France went with Sign It in Concordat of Bologna.

April 1, 1516 - We have New Land Claimed in Granada. The population there increases by 2000, the manpower and taxvalue each by one.
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Old 06-30-2003, 03:03 AM   #70
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In what may be the coolest event ever:

April 24, 1516 - Bavaria selected "Pass the Beer Purity Law" in "The Reinheitsgebot for Beer."

Of course, I have no idea what the "Reinheitsgebot" is. Is it for beer by being, like, in favor of beer? "I like beer." "Vote for beer."

Or was it exchanged for beer? Maybe its land? "You can have that tract of land for some beer!" "Just give me my beer and I will give up our ancient claims on this land."

Kind of a Jacob and Esau sort of story (with the stew and the birthright).

"My Kingdom for a horse" becomes "My kingdom for a Coors."

And, on another note, what's "Beer Purity?" Virginal Beer? A Campaign for abstinance among beers? Thou shalt not ferment.

Ah well, wanted to break up the monotony of the dynasty and see if anybody besides sachmo is still reading this far.

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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 06-30-2003 at 03:04 AM.
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Old 06-30-2003, 04:56 AM   #71
Chief Rum
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Heh...I have been reading off and on. I'm not consistent with it, because you fit a lot into little spaces. I have to be sure I have enough time to read before I do.

Having a good time so far, as I did with your other one (the one that started in Indonesia or out there). Beer purity! Great stuff!

Keep up the good work.


I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 06-30-2003, 11:10 AM   #72
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Beer. Sweet.
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Old 06-30-2003, 03:15 PM   #73
Its Vanilla
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I'm reading. I've never played EU2 so it's a little hard to follow for me. But it's still very interesting.
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Old 06-30-2003, 03:18 PM   #74
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Its Vanilla: Play the original EU?

I explain a lot of the rules of EU2 in my first dynasty with Mataram. I could explain some of them to you if I knew what sort of background you had with the game.

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Old 06-30-2003, 03:20 PM   #75
Its Vanilla
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I've never played either game. I'll have to look into your other dynasty.
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Old 06-30-2003, 03:55 PM   #76
Abe Sargent
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July 24, 1516 - Barbados expands.

January 1, 1517 - Algiers has apparently landed a few troops in Cantabria, a Spanish province.

I offer Tripoli a Royal Marriage and she accepts.

We enter into a Trade Agreement with Trebizond, Gelre, and the Mughal Empire.

January 20, 1517 - Barbados expands.


726 people here call the port island of Barbados home. The eastern most of the major Carribean islands, Barbados is a place of rich sugar cane. The people here are Arabic and Sunni. They send us 9 ducats in taxes and production and ship 19 to Tago! I order a Tax Collector promoted from the local bailiff here.

April 1, 1517 - I change our domestic policies again. This time I move us towards being Innovative.

April 9, 1517 - Senegal expands. It was almost below 700 people.

April 11, 1517 - Nobility have not been Enforcing the Ordinances that have been passed by the monarch. I have two choices:

Ignore it:

Centralization -1
Stability +1

Enforce it:

Centralization +1
Stability -2

I choose to ignore it. Our stability increases back to maximum.

January 1, 1518 - The Reformation has occured.

This is one of the major game events. A variety of provinces around Europe have changed from Catholic to Protestant.

None of the Catholic provinces in Iberia have changed to Protestant.

England, Scandinavia and the Holy Roman Empire are the areas with the most change in religion.

January 4, 1518 - Our Royal Marriages with the Mameuks and Golden Horde have expired. I renew our vows with Mameluks.

I send out a wave of colonists to Ciskei to try and start a settlement there. We supposedly have an 82% chance of taking.

February 19, 1518 - Tripoli has joined an alliance with Crimea, Kazan and the Ottomans. They are now at war with The Knights, Serbia, Moldavia, Poland, Mantua, and Burgundy.

March 1, 1518 - Spain and Algiers come to peace terms.

April 11, 1518 - Poland has gone bankrupt!

June 1, 1518 - Aragon accepted peace with Ashanti. Aragon paid 31 ducats in indemnities.

June 5, 1518 - I send a personal gift worth 58 ducats to Morocco and our relations improve dramatically.

December 15, 1518 - We have founded a colony in Ciskei!

January 1, 1519 - It has now been one hundred years since the beginning of it all. Let us look back and celebrate!
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Old 06-30-2003, 04:47 PM   #77
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I for one am having a very pure beer in celebration.
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Old 06-30-2003, 05:28 PM   #78
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Whoo hoo! Centennial review! Centennial review!
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Old 07-05-2003, 06:27 PM   #79
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Granada: 100 Years Later


We are suffering under 78.6% inflation. Othe rmajor European powers are around 25%. As such, our money buys less and it's harder for us to invest in technology.

The high inflation comes from several points - Toledo's Gold Mines come with very high inflation, which is the greatest source. Also, our bankruptcy also seriously contributed to inflation.


We are significantly behind the other European powers. We suffered under backwards research for a while and now that we have learned how to do research like the Europeans, we have the inflation issue.

As time goes on, our armies are becoming more and more vulnerable to European technology. Already some nations have gunpowder, while we do not.


Algarve - Formerly Southern Portugal, Algarve was one of our first conquests. She hsa long since converted to Islam. 19776 people, a Naval Equipment Manufactory, and quiet Fishermen are the only things of interest.

Andalusia - Our capital and most populous region. 76984 people here are working wine in our name. One of our richest provinces as well.

Aragon - The recently captured ancient home of the country of Aragon is the province of Aragon. The 13589 people here ae Catholic and work the Iron Mines. Currently experiencing serious nationalism, the province is very valuable militarily. And very vulnerable as well.

Azores - A group of islands in the Atlantic, the 865 people here in The Azores work the Sugar trade harvesting sweet cane. Sugar is a very rich good.

Barbados - Another recent island acquisition, Barbardos was settled by us to give us a port in the Carribean for any possible future expansion along American lines. The 742 people here work sugar as well. The crop here is richer than in The Azores.

Estramadura - The quiet 20093 shepherds here have yet to convert to Islam a while ago, making the poorest province in Iberia still in need of enlightenment.

Gambia - One of our West African provinces that is truly a city, Gambia has 706 people which barely qualifies it as such. Gambia is unusal is that is was a colony taken from an Iberian power which did not switch to Islam after we expanded it. Still Catholic, Gambia is a harsh land where our population is diminishing.

Gibraltar - One of the only two provinces overlooking the Straits of Gibraltar, Gibraltar is home to 10947 fishermen and the fleet of Granada.

Granada - Our former home, Granada still is home to one of the largest cities on Iberia - Grenada. The 58271 people here work the Copper Mines.

Leon - 21698 farmers harvest grain here in the Breadbasket of Iberia. Anotehr group to convert to Islam, Leon remains important as the link between Spanish provinces, although it's military importance has diminished since the acquisition of Aragon.

Murcia - Just up the coast from Granada is another recent addition to the fold. The 15525 people here harvest salt from the seas and hills. Murcia recently converted to Catholic.

Oporto - What was once the northern third of Portugal is now a quiet port town after its conversion to Islam. 10128 people live here working the local hills raising grapes for wineries.

Senegal - Our first colony still remains in West Africa where 797 people work the Ivory trade.

Table - A recently colonized area on South Africa, the 1177 people in Table also work the wine trade. The port gives us a sturdy landing area in the region.

Tago - The former captial of Portugal is probably the most economically valuable province in all of Iberia, thus making it a new crown jewel for Granada. Home to the Center of Trade for the peninsula, 32650 people fish the Atlantic here. Tago is also recently converted to Islam, after seeing the true way.

Tangiers - The other province to overlook the Straits, Tangiers was taken from Portugal long ago who took it from Morocco. Although we have never had designs on Moroccan soil, Tangiers has remained with us. The 9961 people here fish in the Straits.

Toledo - After Tago, Toledo is probably the second most valuable province economically, due to its gold mines. 59006 people work the mines here. The province is still Catholic.

Transkei - Another colonized province in South Africa, the 2234 people in Transkei harvest grain. But no taxes.

Colonies or Trading Posts:

Cape Verde - Fish Trading Post in islands off West Africa.

Ciskei - Colony in South Africa. Sugar.

Curacao - Sugar Trading Post on Island in Carribean.

Dakar - Colony in West Africa. Trades Slaves.

Diamentina - Sugar Trading Post in South America.

Louga - Trading Post in West Africa. Ivory.

Karoo - Trading Post in South Africa. Grain.

Namaqua - Colony in South Africa. Trades Ivory.

Nouadibuh - Trading Post in West Africa. Fish.

Nouakchott - Colony in West Africa. Slaves.

Tassaret - Slave Colony in West Africa.
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Old 07-05-2003, 06:39 PM   #80
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Here is a map of modern day Iberia, circa 1519:

(remember to cut and paste, don't click)

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Old 07-07-2003, 12:30 PM   #81
John Galt
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I love the graffiti country names on the map.

I've enjoyed the dynasty so far - I just hope you keep it up with regularity - I enjoyed the rapid pace early on.
I do mind, the Dude minds. This will not stand, ya know, this aggression will not stand, man. - The Dude
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Old 07-12-2003, 08:29 PM   #82
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Old 07-13-2003, 01:23 AM   #83
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Point Taken

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Old 07-13-2003, 01:41 AM   #84
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War Against Our Brothers

January 5, 1519 - Wirtenburg chose to sell the Duchy to Austria. Austra annexed Wirtemburg.

January 17, 1519 - Tlemcen declared war upon Morocco. We uphold our alliance. Our stability drops by one for being at war with a country we have a Royal Marriage with.

I have no particular desire to race accross Morocco with armies of Granada. I also have no desire to take Moroccan territory. Morocco's land has very little value when compared to Iberia.

But, I guess that I have to at least make some attempt.

I order our 8000 troops in Nouakchott to Tassaret, the border of our territory in West Africa and Morocco.

I order our military maintanence back up to 100% and some soldiers built.

February 6, 1519 - Moroccan troops led by Ahmad al A'raj and numbering 25500 are marching towards Tangiers.

February 24, 1519 - Tangiers is now under siege from Morocco.

March 30, 1519 - Our troops arrive in Tassaret. I order 2000 men to the Moroccan Trading Post of Azaouad in the Salt Road going through the Sahara.

April 15, 1519 - 6000 more Moroccan troops arrive in Tangiers.

June 26, 1519 - We have lost Tangiers. Morocco sends us a peace treaty demanding Tangiers. I refuse.

August 23, 1519 - Our troops arrive in Azaouad and capture the Trading Post.

September 1, 1519 - A large force of Tunisian soldiers is marching towards the central Moroccan army, bound for Tlemcen. Battle begins.

I order my 5800 troops in Tassaret to Toubkal, Moroccan territory and adjacent to the capital of Fez.

September 13, 1519 - Tlemcen accepts peace with Morocco, paying 12 ducats in indemnities. We are now at peace. I order my troops to return and my fleet to dock.

Military maintanence is lowered again.
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Old 07-13-2003, 01:51 AM   #85
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January 4, 1520 - Spain chose "Crush the Rebellion" in The Communeros.

January 13, 1520 - Algiers chose to Accept the Protection of the Grand Sultan in the Ottoman Vassalization of Al-Djazair. The Ottoman Empire had The Ottoman Vassalization of Al-Djazair. Algiers has become a vassal of the Ottomans.

February 15, 1520 - Conquistador! A daring adventurer and his company have put themselves at our disposal.

We gain a Conquistador in Senegal and 3 loads of Colonists. I order our fleet to Senegal.

April 20, 1520 - 1000 infantry are trained in Senegal.

April 27, 1520 - A large war erupts between minor European powers and France.

May 20, 1520 - Our fleet arrives in Senegal.

July 21, 1520 - 1000 calvary are trained in Senegal.
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Old 07-13-2003, 03:08 AM   #86
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The Exploration of South America Begins

August 13, 1520 - Today is a day that could very well go down in history as a major event in the continuing discovery and colonization of the New World. Spain and Aragon have been exploring and settling the Carribean and Central America. England has colonies in the northern regions. I do not know how well explored South America is, but with our Trading Post in Diamentia, we already have a hold in the region.

Today, August 13, 1520, our Conquistador, Anada, set sail with 1500 calvary and 1000 infantry from the coast of Senegal, the westernmost African province, to Diamentinaone of the easternmost South American provinces.

September 24, 1520 - Ottomans sent Messengers in Suleyman Demands the Keys to Hungary. Hungary chooses to Delay the Ambassador in Suleyman Demands our Subbmission.

October 6, 1520 - Ciskei expands.

October 8, 1520 - Aragon has joined a military alliance with Poland, Burgundy and Moldavia and have joined the war against the Ottomans, Kazan, Ak Koyunlu crimea and Tripoli.

Novermber 3, 1520 - Our fleet arrives at the Coast of Pernambuc off Diamentina. I order Anaba and his forces to disembark.

November 21, 1520 - Anaba lands and I order him to explore northward along the coast.

November 22, 1520 - I could leave our fleet here at Diamentina. Since it is not a colony, I can't land our ships and do the minor fixes. We will surely lose several ships in the second crossing. One warship already fell. The fleet has now been at sea for eight months.

However, the new year approaches and with it tax revenue. I could try to build a colony in Diamentina and hope that the colonists find suitable ground by the shore to build a port.

I decide to wait it out and leave our fleet anchored off the shore of Diamentia rather than risk the return Trans-Atlantic journey.

January 2, 1521 - Austria decided to Accept Karl's Will in The Edict of Worms and Brussels. Spain vassalizes Austria.

I also order colonists to Diamentina to try and settle the new land. We should have better than even chances of the settlers taking.

January 13, 1521 - Brandenburg declared war upon Burgundy. Aragon dishonored their new alliance.

January 8, 1521 - France has chosen "Allow Limited Religious Freedom" in Lutheran Writings Becoming a Threat.

January 22, 1521 - We have discovered new land! What the Portugese named Pernambuc on their maps which we took has been disvocered. This place seems able to easily grow the New World plant Tobacco that we heard about. The natives have a lot of the plant.

From here, I can order Anaba west into the land or north along the coast. I choose north.

I order Traders to Pernambuc.

January 26, 1521 - Austria has entered the Spanish/English alliance.

January 29, 1521 - Spain chose "Let Us Drive the French From italy For Good" in French Meddling in Italy.

March 22, 1521 - Anaba has explored the easternmost tip of South America and calls it Recife. The area seems very rich and ripe for settlement. Sugarcane is probably the crop of choice here.

I order Anaba west up the Atlantic coast.

Traders are dispatched to Recife.

May 22, 1521 - We have descovered Parnaiba. Also ripe land for Sugar. The natives here are very hostile so I order Anaba to cross the Panaima River and continue up the coast.

June 9, 1521 - Spanish ships arrive off the Coast of Pernambuc. Could they also be explorers? Do we have competetion?

July 24, 1521 - Colonization has proven successful in Diamentina. And the people settled along the coast, giving us a place to land our fleet and fix the ships before setting sail for Senegal.

August 1, 1521 - Our stability has increased back up to maximum.

August 17, 1521 - We have discovered the land of Tiracambu. The natives here were very welcoming. Anaba is sent further up coast.

September 28, 1521 - A war erupts among the West African nations.

October 19, 1521 - We discover the province of Para. Also good for coffee, any further explorations in this direction will have to cross a huge river that Anaba has taken to naming after the fabled Greek land. Amazon. I order Anaba to cross the Amazon and continue his coastal explorations.

January 1, 1522 - Para and Timcambu seem harder to settle than previous areas. I order traders to Para.

January 27, 1522 - Anaba and his troops are now in the Amazon Delta region and have explored the are fully. I'm told that it's named Marajo by a Spanish envoy who tells me they have already explored the coast here. I order my Conquistador to continue his explorations and finish crossing the Amazon.

February 6, 1522 - We have successfuly set up a Trading Post in Pernambuc.

Our fleet only lost one warship in the two trans-atlantic crossings. I order it back to Gibraltar.

March 10, 1522 - We fail to set up a Trading Post in Recife.

April 29, 1522 - We have the following event:

Noble Families Feud

"Violence among leading families within a state was never far from the surface. Often, this instability would boil over into open conflict. The result was less than a full blown civil war but could immensely disturb the stability of a state"

I can chose to :

Side with One Family:

Revolt in Algarve
Revolt in Algarve

Let Them Fight it Out:

Stability -2

Try to Settle the Issue:

-100 ducats

I am too busy trying to settle South America, I don't have money to deal with this. So I chose to Side with One Family. I order my army from Aragon to Estramadura and jack up my military maintenance to 100%.

May 4, 1522 - Our Conquistador arrives in Amapa. However, our arrival is contested by the locals who attack us. The area is fairly poor. Normally, my policy is to retreat from natives, because they make excellent partners when colonizing an area. However, because the land here is poor, and the natives are small in number, I order Anaba to fight it out.

May 11, 1522 - We have eliminated the natives and the province is now free of any local influence. I order Anaba to march on.

June 18, 1522 - Our troops arrive in Estramadura. I order them into Algarve to attack the rebels.

July 3, 1522 - Our forces attack the rebels sieging Algarve.

July 10, 1522 - 25000 rebels are routed by our army which suffers only light losses. I order our troops back to Aragon and our military maintenance back to 50%.

July 27, 1522 - Our Conquistador arrives in Maroni. The land here is fairly good for sugar, but the natives are hostile. I order our troops to continue west along the coast.

August 28, 1522 - Austria declared war upon Hungary. England and Spain join their ally.

Septewmber 14, 1522 - Diamentina expands.

October 13, 1522 - We have discovered Surinam but are attacked by 700 of the locals. I face a quandary.

The land here is certainly colonizable. It looks to be good for sugar. And the natiuves will be helpful in colonizing. But, they are hostile, even if they were left, they could attack colonies and Trading Posts.

I can't run away like normal. There are mountains to the south that Anaba can't cross. Normally, I could retreat, explore inland, and go around the province with the troublesome natives. However, here I have to go through Surinam.

As such, I order Anaba to fight back.

October 24, 1522 - All natives have been defeated in Surinam and the place has been cleansed. I order Anaba to cross the Maroni Riverand head up the coast. The next spot will be very close to Tobago and Trinidad.

February 1, 1523 - We arrive in Cuyuni. The natives here are fishers, suggesting this province is not economically rich. I move on.

February 9, 1523 - Our attempt to set up a Trading Post in Para failed.

April 15, 1523 - We have the following event:

Goodwill Towards All - Our Missionaries are eliminated but our Revoltrisk is reduced for the next year.

May 9, 1523 - We have discovered Caribe, the next province coastwards. However, the is a Trading Post of Spain, and we cannot enter the territory to move past it. As such, I order my Conquistador inland from Cuyuni. We cannot go further west without going through Caribe.

June 14, 1523 - Diamentina expands.

July 22, 1523 - We have discovered Guyana! There are several major itmes here.

Firstly, the highly hostile natives have attacked us upon our arrival. I can order Anaba back or press the advance.

Secondly, the natives are adorned with items of gold! There is gold here!

Thirdly, because the area is inland, I cannot send traders or colonists here until I have colonizeed a coastal region adjacent to Guyana.

I order Anaba to press forward his attack.

August 9, 1523 - All natives have been eliminated in Guyana. I order Anaba back to Surinam.

August 23, 1523 - France annexed Holstein.

September 9, 1523 - Anaba arrives back in Surinam. I dispatch Traders to the province and send naba back through Maroni into Amapa.

October 2, 1523 - Our arrival in Maroni is contested by the locals. I order Anaba to retreat to Amapa.

October 29, 1523 - We arrive back in Amapa. I order Anaba inland.

December 1, 1523 - The peasants in Aragon are revolting.

December 9, 1523 - Our standig army in Aragon levels the rebels.

January 12, 1524 - We have discovered Amazones. For exploring the river and the area, we gain some credentials amond diplomats and the like who care.

(+10 victory points)

The province of Manaus is open before us. Unfortunately, 2300 natives attack us on sight. Although we could continue to explore upriver, I order a retreat to Amapa. The province is poor economically, although very beautiful.

January 28, 1524 - Our Royal Marriage with Songhai has expired. We renew our vows.
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Old 07-13-2003, 04:19 AM   #87
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The Continued Explorations of Anaba

February 14, 1524 - Anaba arrives back in Amapa. In his first journey, He discovered the entire South American coast from Diamentina to Caribe. That's 10 provinces between them. Anaba also found gold in Guyana, an inland province.

Now hs is in Amapa. I order him back to Marajo. From there, I intend to order his inland and continue exploring South America.

May 1, 1524 - Astrakhan has seceeded from the Golden Horde.

May 6, 1524 - Dissidents from Morocco clamor for dupport. I give them 25 ducats tp gp away. Relations with Morocco decline a bit.

May 29, 1524 - We discover Caracas. The 2000 natives here appear very aggresive. They are traders and have many pelts. There are two provinces that we can explore from here. I order Anaba into the closer of the two along the Amazon.

June 17, 1524 - Tripoli comes to peace terms with Aragon but has to become their vassal. They break their Royal Marrige with us.

June 19, 1524 - We enter into a Royal Marriage with The Golden Horde.

July 1, 1524 - Revolters in Romagna have defected to Milan.

July 9, 1524 - Diamentina expands.

August 2, 1524 - We discover Goias, a land of flatness. I order Anaba westward.

October 34, 1524 - We discover Mato Grosso. The natives here are attacking us and are again adorned with gold! I order Anaba forward.

October 26, 1524 - Anaba and his men are defeated by the natives in Mato Grosso. They are retreating to Goias.

November 4, 1524 - Spain has Pizarro Discovers Inca Empire.

November 13, 1524 - Our retreating army arrives back in Goias. I order them into Para since we cannot go depper inland from Mato Grosso or Goias.

November 20, 1524 - We fail to establish a Trading Post in Surinam.

December 2, 1524 - Siena selected Spain in The Fall of the Petrucci. Siena becomes the vassal of Spain.

December 10, 1524 - Our troops arrive in Para and I order them inland.

December 20, 1524 - Diamentina expands.

January 3, 1525 - The Teutonic Order has decided to Become the Duchy of Prussia in The Fate of the Teutonic Order. Prussia has changed her religion to Protestant.

February 3, 1525 - Sopnghai declares war upon Mali. Morocco joins the war on the side of Mali.

February 15, 1525 - We have discovered Maranhao island of Tiracambu. I order Anaba eastward.

February 16, 1525 - Prussia went with Secularize Prussia as a Polish Duchy. Brandenburg entered into a Royal Marriage with Prussia. Prussia became vassals of Poland. The Livonian Order went with Accept The Act in Hohenzollern Prussia Becomes Polish Duchy.

April 17, 1525 - We discover Iguatu. The 600 natives here are peaceful. Iguatu seems economically important because they grow tobacco here. Iguatu is inland of Pernambuc, Paraiba, Recife and Diamentina. I go southward.

May 7, 1525 - Our merchants have claims of being harassed by Tlemcen. I decide to escalate the complaint against Tlemcen, thus gaining a temporary Casus Belli against Tlemcen for 5 years and our relations are hurt. If I had diplomatically solved the complaint, the merchants would have taken their business elsewhere and our investments in new trade technologies would have taken a hit.

June 18, 1525 - We discover Alagoas, a relatively poor province. I send Anaba onward.

July 27, 1525 - Diamentina expands and the locals decide to join our colony. Diamentina is now a full fledged colony!


1611 people work the Sugar crop here in the port of Diamentina. The Arabic Sunni population send us 4 ducats annually in taxes and production while creating 19 in trade in Tago. Our first Trading Post on the mainland is also our first colony and first full province. Fitting.

August 19, 1525 - We discover Minas Gerais. The small native population does not like us. A quick survery shows copper to be the most likely export from the region. I order my troops to attack the natives.

August 25, 1525 - The natives have been scoured from Minas Gerais, making the area safe for colonization. I order Anaba coastward and to the south of Diamentina.

October 26, 1525 - We have discovered Salvador. A rich coastal coffee province with peaceful natives.

Anaba moves southernly along the coast.

December 27, 1525 - Anaba discovers Itimas, another coffee region. The natives here are of medium aggression. We move onward.

January 1, 1526 - I order a Tax Collector in Diamentina.

February 1, 1526 - I decide to send out more colonists. There are several areas that I like:

Minas Gerais would be easier to settle now that the native presence has been removed. Copper mines would yield an okay product, bot nothing like other provinces offer. About a 50% chance of colonists taking.

Itaimas has about a 40% chance of colonists taking. Coffee is a better export than Copper.

If I want to combine a good export with a large amount oif natives to join a potential colony, then Iguato is probably the best combination. Although only having about a third of a chance of success, the 1500 relatively peaceful natives plus tobacco as an export makes Iguato the best reward in a province.

Surinam has sugar as an export which is really good. Plus, the natives are gone. And settling Surinam gives us a shot a the gold mines of Guyana. However, colonists here only have a third chance of settling as well.

Pernambuc is also a possibility. Since we already have a Trading Post here, the chance of taking colonists is good. Tobacco plus a large supply of natives is a nice treat.

Or, I could continue to send colonists to Ciskei in southern Africa.

I decide to send colonists to Pernambuc.

February 25, 1526 - We discover Niteroi, another coastal province where sugar has potential and the natives are peaceful.

I order Anaba southward along the coast.

April 17, 1526 - We have discovered Curitiba. This province seems more suited to shepherds than farmers or miners. Anaba is ordered to continue following the coast.

May 1, 1526 - Spain send us a Diplomatic Insult. Our relations tumble, but they were already at the lowest. And we gain a Casus Belli against them for 5 years, but we already have a permanent one since Castilla, their capital, was once Cordoban.

June 6, 1526 - We discover Uruguay, but it is already a Spanish Trading Post. I order Anaba inland from Curitiba.

August 1, 1526 - The peasants in Aragon are revolting!

August 8, 1526 - We have successfully settled Pernambuc!

August 9, 1526 - We defeat the rebels in Aragon.

August 10, 1526 - We discovered the province of Cangucu. I can order Anaba south or north from Cangucu. I choose south.

The natives here are very aggressive but the area does not appear very economically valuable.

August 14, 1526 - I offer a Trade Agreement with Oldenburg. They decline. Qara Koynunlu accepts, however.

August 23, 1526 - Hungary chooses We Will Fight Them! in The Turks Approach!

Hungary has The Battle of Mohacs.

Hungary had Elect Janos Zapolya of Transylvania in Electing a New King.

Austria went with No! It is Mine! in the Hapsburd Inheritance of Hungary.

The Ottoman Empire went with We Will Defend Our Interest in The Turks Respond.

The Ottomans decalred war upon Austria. England and Spain joined Austria against the Ottomans

Hungary became the vassals of the Ottomans

September 1, 1526 - Aragon revolts.

September 4, 1526 - Aragon rebels are crushed.

October 11, 1526 - We have discovered Artigas. I order my men coastward and west of Uruguay.

October 25, 1526 - Hungary enters the alliance with Ottomans. They declare war upon those who the Ottomans are currently at war with.

The full list

Ottomans are at war with:

Poland, Mantua, Burgundy

Russia, Scotland, Eire, Prussia


Austria, Spain, Enlang, Mainz, Oldenburg, Baden

That is every major christian power in Europe save France and Lithuania plus some other heavies.
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Old 07-13-2003, 02:56 PM   #88
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The Calm Before the Storm

December 2, 1526 - Our Land Technology has increased. We can now assault fortresses.

December 11, 1526 - We have discovered Parana, futher downcoast from Uruguay, a Spanish Trading Post. Unfortunately, Parana is also a Spanish Trading Post. As such, I order Anaba inland.

February 1, 1527 - Austria and Hungary have come to peace with five provinces being ceded to Austria.

February 15, 1527 - We have discovered Neembucu, inland behind Parana. I order Anaba south.

March 26, 1527 - Spain, Austria and The Papal States each have the same event: Charles V's Mercenary Army Sacks Rome.

April 1, 1527 - We can now change our Domestic Policies. I move us one more step towards Naval. Our stability drops.

April 29, 1527 - Anaba discovers Rosario, a very poor appearing province. I order him coastward again.

June 20, 1527 - Anaba discovers Aires, but it a large Spanish colony of 4557. I order Anaba to continue his inland explorations.

July 2, 1527 - Pernambuc expands.

August 9, 1527 - Anaba discovers Pampas Del Norte. A very flat land, ideal for farming. He marches on.

September 27, 1527 - Our exploration party find Copetonas, another Spanish settlement on the coast. Copetonas has 1316 people.

October 8, 1527 - Reformation of Army leads to significant one time investment into Land Technology.

November 17, 1527 - Anaba discovers Pampas del Sur. Another farming land west of Copetonas. I order Anaba back to the coast.
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Old 07-13-2003, 03:07 PM   #89
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A side note:

I have scripted several key events for a "fantasy" Granada, namely one that survives history. The first of the major a-historical but probably events is about to occur.

Iberia went through several major relgious conflicts under Catholic Rule. While the rest of Europe had to straighten out their Protestant/Catholic issues, Iberia had Catholics, Protestants, Moslems and Jews.

In fact, Spain would eventually force convert all Jews and Moslems. Anybody who did not convert to Catholicism was expelled from Iberia. However, Catholic rulers had two significant advantages.

1). A majority of the people were Catholic. This made subjegation of the minorities much easier.

2). Nearby nations were also Catholic. Castile, Aragon and Portugal were all Catholic. Navarra and Foix were at least nominally Catholic (although Navarra has a very large Moslem population and protected its Moslems from the more zealous Catholic Rulers). France, although going through occasional religious wars, was also Catholic.

As such, ther is no reason to suspect that a resurgent Granada would have an easier time with religion woes than the Catholic powers did. And, in fact, it would most likely be more difficult. As Granada grew in power, the Iberian powers would become more desparate. And conversions to Islam grew, the Papacy would become more concerned. Already the Papacy has had to organize nations and efforts to fight the Islamic hordes in the east. To face a western front war against Granada would also prove very taxing, but would also demand attention.

The first of these events is scheduled to occur ten years after the Protestant Reformation occurs. That was January 1, 1518.

It is now January 1, 1528.

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Old 07-13-2003, 05:25 PM   #90
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Wow! Crusades in the West! Me likie!
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Old 07-14-2003, 09:20 PM   #91
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The Foundation of the Iberian Religious Wars is Laid

January 1, 1528 - We have the following event:

Welcome Protestants into Al Andalus

"Granada had come to despise Catholics and especially Catholic nations for centuries. Catholic powers had attacked and destroyed the old Kaliphate of Cordoba. However, Moslems had a long history of treating Christians and Jews with respect. Labeled 'People of the Book' in the Koran, Jews and Christians had held positions of respect in most Moslem countries for centuries. Growing conflicts with Catholic powers occured, namely the Crusades, and Catholics had been lowered in the sights of most Islamic nations. A resurgent Granada would have an opportunity to welcome these new Christians fleeing from Catholic persecution. In Western Europe, with Protestant strongholds few, any welcoming country, even a Moslem one, would be a destination of many. However, harboring and welcoming Protestants could only exacerbate relations with nearby Catholic nations."

We have the following three options:

We can only welcome them secretly, in order to avoid conflict with the Catholic powers:

+1000 population in each of two random provinces (Leon and Barbados here)

Openly welcome the Protestants into our land!:

+5000 population in a random province (here Andalusia)
+3000 population in random (The Azores)
+1000 population in random (Murcia)
+1 basic taxvalue in a random (Tago)
+1 manpower in a random (Aragon)
-50 relations with Papal States, Spain, France, Aragon
Trigger the "Funnel Protestants" event

We cannot welcome the Protestants:

-2 stability
+50 relations with the four states

After careful consideration, I decide upon the following:

1). We must follow the dictates of Allah through His Prophet and respect People of the Book where possible.

2). The Catholics are no friends. They secretly conspire against us, foment rebellion, and work against us.

3). Protestants, although a new people, have created no problems with us. They merely want to practice their religion free from Catholic dominance.

As such, it is our duty to welcome Protestants. Enemies of the Evil Catholic Church must band together. It is right and just. And I will readily accept the consequences of following the will of Allah.

I choose Openly welcome the Protestants.

January 5, 1528 - We are now faced with another decision:

Funnel Protestants

"When openly welcoming Protestants, Granada would have several ideal locations to try and move the Protestants to. Most likely, the new Protestants would want to remain close together. Although free to settle anywhere in the empire, a large number would have no attachments and would settle into whatever areas Granada made available through tax policies, infrastructure, and so forth."

Funnel Them to Quiet Estramadura:

+10000 Population in Estramadura
+4 taxvalue in Estramadura
Estramadura converts to Protestant
Revolt in Estramadura by Catholics

Send Them to the Mines of Toledo:

+10000 population in Toledo
+2 taxvalue in Toledo
+2 mine value in Toledo
Toledo converts to Protestant
Revolt in Toledo by Catholics

Encourage Them to Settle in the Farmlands of Leon:

+10000 population in Leon
+4 taxvalue of Leon
Leon converts to Protestant
Revolt in Leon by Hard Line Moslems.

I choose to focus our efforts on the poorest region in Iberia. The Protestants are encouraged to settle in Estramadura.

January 7, 1528 - I increase tolerance for Protestants nation wide by decreasing tolerance for Catholics.
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Old 07-16-2003, 10:14 PM   #92
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An Interlude of Quiet

January 12, 1528 - Our Conquistador has discovered San Matias. This coastal province south of the Spanish in Copetonas looks fairly poor and dusty. The natives here are in large quantities. I order Anaba southward.

January 29, 1528 - Genoa chose Enter Into Alliance with Carlos I in Andrea Dorea and Carlos I of Spain. Genoa became the vassals of Spain.

February 25, 1528 - England and France go to war with all of their allies joining. Including Spain on England's side.

February 28, 1528 - Anaba has arrived in Chubut but the natives contest our passage. I order Anaba to fight them off.

March 1, 1528 - Our army from Aragon arrives in Estramadura to defeat the rebels.

March 6, 1528 - I order a retreat from Chubut. The area seems rather poor, no need wiping out natives.

March 9, 1528 - We lose to the rebels and our army in retreating to Oporto.

April 11, 1528 - We enter into Royal Marriages with Morocco and Qara Koyunlu.

May 1, 1528 - I order Anaba into Pampas Del Sur, Pampas Del Norte and then to explore unexplored territory.

June 8, 1528 - We again enter battle with the Estramaduran rebels.

June 12, 1528 - Pernambuc expands.

June 20, 1528 - Although we lose to the rebels again, they have suffered so many losses that they can now no longer besiege Estramadura and are camped out away from it.

August 1, 1528 - We have discovered the province of Corrientes. This quiet forested area might be good for harvesting grain. The natives here are moderately aggressive but in decent numbers. I order Anaba deeper inland.

September 2, 1528 - Songhai has selected "Askia Muhammad was Murdered! The People Will Challenge an Usurper" in The Death of Askia Muhammad.

September 26, 1528 - We have discovered Jujuy, a dry hilly region further inland from Corrientes. Poor area, might be suitable for grazing at best. I order Anaba even further inland.

November 14, 1528 - The Knights of Rhodes have selected We Shall Take Tripoli! in Charles V and Tripoli. They have declared war.

December 19, 1528 - Our forces again arrive in Estramadura.

December 23, 1528 - Rebels in Estramadura have been wiped out. I order our forces to return to Aragon. I also order more infantry trained and equipped there to shore our defenses.

December 24, 1528 - We discover the province of Tucuman and the Incas! They tell us stories of their capital in Cuzco, and we have placed it on our maps as well. We can go no further in this direction.

We ink a Trade Agreement with the Incas. Tucuman is a rich province of gold! The Incas must be in a rich economic position.

I order Anaba back to Chubut to continue exploring along the South American coast.

February 9, 1529 - Georgia entered into an alliance with The Knights and joined their war against Tripoli.

February 21, 1529 - We have the following random event:

Foreign Trade Competetion Rises

"Trade was heavily regulated during this era but despite this the markets were not fixed. At times merchants would try to enter new markets or sell new goods. Merchants facing these conditions would usually demand new or higher tariffs to stop their competetors." Do I:

Impose New Tariff:

Mercantilism +1

Deny New Tariff:

Mercantilism -1
Trade Investment -300

I choose to Impose a New Tariff for the good of our own people.

March 12, 1529 - We arrive back in Chubut. The natives here are extremely aggressive and attack us again. This time I order Anaba to press on.

March 17, 1529 - Pernambuc expands.

March 19, 1529 - We eliminate all native presence in Chubut. Anaba is ordered southward.

May 8, 1529 - We arrive in Santa Cruz and are again attacked by natives. I order Anaba to regroup back in Chubut.

Santa Cruz appears to be a fairly poor fishing region.

May 15, 1529 - France pays England some gold and they are again at peace.

June 9, 1529 - Our arrival back in Santa Cruz is met with hostility. I order Anaba to erase the problem.

June 19, 1529 - All natives in Santa Cruz have been removed. Anaba marches on.

August 30, 1529 - France has declared war upon Aragon! Savoy joins France.

September 1, 1529 - Our alliance with Tlemcen and Tunisia expires.

September 5, 1529 - Genoa declared war upon Savoy. France honored her alliance with Savoy.

September 9, 1529 - Pernambuc expands.

September 14, 1529 - We have discovered the Magallanes! This mountainous regios is the southern tip of South America! The natives attack Anaba and his forces defeat them before I could order them away. Another poor province though. I order Anaba northward along the western coast.

October 1, 1529 - Our stability is maximized again.

December 15, 1529 - We have discovered Aisen. Again the natives attack. Again I order Anaba forward due to the poor province.

December 25, 1529 - Natives in Aisen are crushed and Anaba continues northward.

January 19, 1530 - Tunisia and Tlemcen enter into an alliance.

February 24, 1530 - We discover the woods of Talca, which could be a decent area to set up shop. The natives again assault us upon arrival. I order Anaba to retreat so that we can regroup and assess the situation.

March 23, 1530 - Anaba has arrived back in Aisen and our reports confirm that the natives in Talca are extremely hostile. All I want to do is pass through thier lands, but they estimate a 90% chance of attack. I tell Anaba to press on.

April 12, 1530 - We arrive back in Talca and, as expected, the natives attack us in force.

April 20, 1530 - Any native threat has been destroyed and Anaba's trek continues.

June 20, 1530 - Anaba arrives in Valparaiso. Another fishing area, seems poor. And angry natives.

July 1, 1530 - Our naval tech increases.

We also defeat the natives here but many survive and the area still has them. Anaba is ordered northward.

July 2, 1530 - Pernambuc expands. The natives join us and it is now a full province:


This coastal port north of Diamentina is located on the eastern coast of South America. The 2111 people here harvest tobacco and send it back to the mainland through Tago, creating 14 ducats there in trade. 8 ducats in taxes and production is sent to our coffers. The people here are Arabic and Sunni.

I order a Tax Collector's building constructed here.

August 12, 1530 - Anaba has his men discover Coquimbo, a Incan settlement. We can go no further north. Anaba will stay here in Valparaiso for a while.

Sweden has selected Convert to Protestantism in The Parliament of Vasteras. Sweden is now Protestant. They are the second country to switch to Protestant (Prussia being first).
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Old 07-17-2003, 07:22 PM   #93
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I'm going to try to pick up the pace on this dynasty a bit. Starting now.

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Old 07-17-2003, 07:31 PM   #94
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The Iberian Religious Wars - Aragon Lays the First Brick

January 27, 1531 - Aragon chose "We Shall Incite Rebellion in Our Ancient Home" in Aragon Foments Rebellion in their Ancestral Home.

February 22, 1531 - We have the following event:

Aragon Foments Rebellion in their Ancient Home:

"After Aragon ceded control of the province of Aragon to Granada in war, there would still be the strongest pro-Aragon ties in the region. Aragon would not long be able to stand Islamic control over its ancestral home. Many of the advisors and nobles in the Aragon court would demand action taken. Supplies and weapons could be shipped to the people in the province of Aragon and revolt incited against Granada. The court has agreed with these voices, sending support to locals in the province of Aragon. Our relations have decreased."

As such, we have the following effects:

Revolt in Aragon
Revoltrisk in Aragon +10% monthly
Gain a casus belli against Aragon for 10 years.

The casus belli is nice because we took Murcia and thus our permanent casus belli against Aragon. Still, our province undergoes major changes as a result. The revoltrisk in Aragon is now at 12%. Monthly.
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Old 07-17-2003, 08:13 PM   #95
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Five Years of Blood in Aragon's Home

February 24, 1531 - The peasants in Aragon are revolting! Our army there immediately is attacked.

I order our military maintenance up to 100% and infantry to be built in Leon.

March 25, 1531 - We defeat the rebels in Aragon after a tug and take battle.

June 26, 1531 - We enter into a Trade Agreement with Mantua, Ragusa, and Cologne. Oldenburg declines our proposal.

December 1, 1531 - Tripoli comes to peace terms with The Knights of Rhodes and Georgia.

I have some colonists. Where to send them? Here are the legit places among those of which I have knowledge:

Ciskei - A Sugar province on South Africa originally started but then set aside in favor of South American expansion.

Acadie - If I want to do something bizarre, Acadie is available for settlement. Acadie is really easy to settle, has a lot of natives, and has a medium value product in salt. It is in the North Atlantic, on the North American continent. Nice place, but not close to anywhere. It was in our initial Portugese maps.

Curacao - Sugar island in the Carribean where we already have a Trading Post. 500 natives. The chances of settling here are at 40%.

Surinam - Although lacking natives, Surinam would give us a another province in South America. Sugar is its largest product anbd the gold province of Guyana is next door. Only a 1 in 3 chance of settlement taking, however.

Recife - North of Parnambuc and the eastern most spot in South America. A nice sugar province with a 27% chance of our initial colonists taking.

Iguato - Another tobacco province. 35% chance of colonists setting up shop and nice friendly natives.

Salvador - Coastal coffee provice south of Diamentina. 40% chance of colonists finding a suitable location, friendly natives.

I choose Salvador. It's close by our other areas, good exports, easier to settle than most, and friendly natives. That's a good recipe for colonization in my opinion.

February 15, 1532 - Anaba has died.

I create a national holiday in his honor. Anaba explored so much. The Amazones, coastal South America from Caribe west of Trinidad and Tobogo all the way to the tip of the contionent to the Magellanes, then up the west coast to the Incan civilization. All told, he discovered 45 provinces, some of them inhabited. Five of them were Spanish, two Incan. Therefore, 38 unsettled areas were explored and charted.

Anaba is a true hero.

October 16, 1532 - We successfully establish a colony in Salvador! I star sending in more colonists.

November 1, 1532 - Rebels have captured Aragon! Our army fights them off.

November 12, 1532 - We defeat the rebel army and lay siege to Aragon.

November 16, 1532 - Spain chose "Declare Pizarro Governor and Captain General of Peru" in Pizarro Claims Peru For Spain.

The Incas selected Accept the Invitation in Date with Destiny.

The Inca Empire went with Throw it Down in Friar Valverde Preaches Christianity.

December 11, 1532 - The Incas have the Death of Atahuallpa.

March 15, 1533 - Aragon and France come to peace.

March 21, 1533 - The Inca Empire has The Value of Gold.

April 12, 1533 - Our attempts to expand the colony in Salvador fail despite almost 80% odds of them taking. More are sent.

Deptember 5, 1533 - We recapture the city of Saragosa, the provincial capital of Aragon.

October 1, 1533 - Aragon is rebelling. Our army fights it out.

October 14, 1533 - Rebels in Aragon have been wiped out. Salvador expansion again fails. I send out one more ship of colonists.

January 5, 1534 - Spain has selected "Tunis is Ours!" in Tunis and Carlos I. Tunisia becomes the vassals of Spain.

With the North African Islamic nations in such straits. I offer an alliance to Tlemcen again. They agree to join us.

January 14, 1534 - England has chosen "Take Command of the Church of England" in The Act of Supremacy.

England is now Protestant and leaves all current alliances.

March 18, 1534 - France selected to Treat Reformers Lightly in the Affair of the Placards.

April 10, 1534 - Again colonization efforts in Salvador have failed. What bad luck! I send colonists to Ciskei instead.

January 13, 1535 - Ciskei expands.

January 19, 1535 - Pizarro founds Lima.

February 14, 1535 - Genoa chose to Fight This Pirate Menace in The Barbary Pirates.

March 12, 1535 - A Monopoly Comapny is Formed and we get 100 ducats!!!

October 1, 1535 - The peasants in Aragon are revolting.

October 7, 1535 - We defeat the rebels.

December 1, 1535 - The peasants in Aragon are revolting. Again.

December 11, 1535 - We defeat the rebels in Aragon.
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 07-17-2003 at 08:14 PM.
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Old 07-17-2003, 09:07 PM   #96
The boy who cried Trout
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: TX
Does the 12% revolt risk ever go down again? It's going to cost you a ton to deal with these heathens, errr, I mean Christians!
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Old 07-17-2003, 09:24 PM   #97
Abe Sargent
Hall Of Famer
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Location: Catonsville, MD
It will only go down through another event or changing hands. Don't worry, another event is right around the bend.....

Check out my two current weekly Magic columns![]=Abe%20Sargent
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Old 07-18-2003, 01:18 PM   #98
High School JV
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Location: San Francisco, CA
Are these events in EEP or did you script them yourself?
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Old 07-18-2003, 01:51 PM   #99
The boy who cried Trout
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: TX
Originally posted by bamcgee
Are these events in EEP or did you script them yourself?

Anxiety, allow me...

Originally posted by Anxiety
I, um, have a secret then. I am working with two other players to create a "Fantasy" set of events for Granada. There is already a set of Fantasy events for several other countries, most notably Byzantium.

So we are creating events for Granada. I have already included in my copy of EU2 these Granada events that we are working on prior to playing it out. But they are not part of the EEP, at least not yet

Scripting and polishing these events ius taking time and that's why the dynasty has been a bit slow. Anyways, enough about me....


I love being helpful.

Last edited by sachmo71 : 07-18-2003 at 01:53 PM.
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Old 07-18-2003, 03:38 PM   #100
High School JV
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Location: San Francisco, CA
I would like to think that I asked that question only because I vaguely remembered reading that earlier in the thread...

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