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Old 09-25-2022, 11:05 AM   #1
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Stellaris - Here There be Dragons

Stellaris Dynasty – Here There be Dragons

Hello awesome folks and happiest of days to you! I just finished reading my 2019 Stellaris dynasty with you all here at FOFC and I was playing around with the recently released Lithoids race pack as the Silica race. I have played a few dynasties, but just one, the last one, was posted here, and my last take through this dynasty was three years ago and there have been a few expansions like Nemesis and Overlord released since then as well as two more species packs, last years’ Aquatics and just a few days ago the Toxoid species pack. I have purchased them all just now and here is what I want to do:

Run an Aquatic race with the Here Be Dragons background which is supposed to be less of a min-maxer and more of just an RPG background with a space dragon in my home system. Unlike the last two race packs, Necroids and Lithoids which had abilities based on picking your race, here any race that chooses an Ocean homeworld can select the ability “Aquatic” as a background, so you could, in theory, have a Human Aquatic and so forth and since Aquatic has good stuff and bad, there are a lot of fun things happening.


Ocean Habitability +20%
Housing usage on Ocean worlds and flooded habitats - -10%
Ocean World – Food, Energy, mineral output - +10%

Non-Wet Worlds – Housing usage - +30%; habitability -20%

So you can really break oceanic worlds and you are fine on wet worlds like continental and tropical, but dry and frozen are not your thing.

Do I take a Lithoid with aquatic?


Consumes minerals instead of food
+50 years leader life span
Population growth and assembly -+25%
Habitability +50%
Army Health - +50%

So you get bonuses to life span, armies, and Habitability but weaknesses to speed of growth and pop assembly so you are slower colonizers. That +50% Habitability break will help when you open your selves up to the other 6 world types with +30 overall. There is a Lithoid pic that looks like it has seaweed on it, that I can use, so let’s do it!

Species Name:


I have one point for another racial ability so I choose:

Talented - +1 level leader cap

Homeworld: Shapa Prime, Oceanic

Empire Name:

The Shoals of Peace, Oligarchic

Ruler, Queen Azrouni

Xenophile, Materialist, Pacifist


Free Haven - +15% Pop growth and +50% Immigration pull
Meritocracy - +1 leader level cap; specialist pop production +10%

For this run I will NOT be doing an Ascension Run for replacing and splicing my DNA, or getting psychics or replacing myself with artificial parts, since that’s normally one of three paths you seek. I did take Materialist which is required for the cyber and robot replacement run and I didn’t take the slavery route of authoritarian.

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Old 09-25-2022, 11:51 AM   #2
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Game Settings:

Medium size – 600 stars
9 AI Empires
1-2 Fallen Empires
2 Marauder Empires
1.5X habitable worlds
3x primitive civs
1x crisis strength
Random crisis
Diff – Captain – Ai gets boosts
Empires in clusters near each other

I order my construction ship to build research stations in Shapa and mine minerals and credits here. I order my research ship next door to explore next door Pathavon which has two planets in the system.

I order another science vessel built

I choose these techs to research:

Quantum Theory - +20% physics research
Bio. Studies - +20% Society research
Nanomechanics - +20% engineering research

Here is my homeworld and home system:

2201 – February – In our survey, we find habitable worlds in our system, I begin the Habitable Worlds survey event.

I order our new science vessel to survey Antares, next to Shapa and with a continental world

April - I finish construction in the Shepa system and I move my construction ship to Pathavon.

May – I can get a new tradition! I choose the path of Expansion and we get bonuses to colony growth

I order an Autochton Monument in my homeworld which will help our unity growth.

2202 – March - I discover a dig site in Antares

May – We have first contact

I choose an open arms approach to first contact

June - I order civilian industries to turn minerals into goods on my homeworld.

July – I finish surveying Antares; I head next to an unknown system

August – we get a terraforming planet found in Pathavon

Pathavon fully surveyed, I order my ship here to Rimmock and my construction ship to build a star base here

I order a colony ship.
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Old 09-25-2022, 12:52 PM   #3
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
2202 - December we get another tradition – colonization fever – new colonies start with one pop.

2203 – January – We build the starbase in Pathavon! I order the research here added in!

We find elements a precursor civ in Rimmock and we find 5 minor artifacts

We have encountered a fleet in Vanniko next to Pathavon. I send an envoy to work out the details

February – Anomaly found in Rimmock and I investigate it

March – I finish researching Bal Durk next to Antares and then I order it to Vanniko a few systems away since it has a continental planet

April – Research station in Pathavon built. I order my ship to Vanniko

August – Our research in Rimmock is done and there is a +3 society research bump there moving forward.

Sept – Another anomaly in Rimmock which I skip since it’s hard and will take 813 days

December - I order the colony ship to Pathavon

I order another science vessel

2204 - February – I order this new science vessel to explore next door Koter

April – We make contact with aliens in Koter, I order research

Our first colony is established:

As you can see it has a size of 18 and it is oceanic!

May – Rimmock explored, I send this to Menchib which is next to it and my homeworld

Sept – I take another tradition – we choose A new Life which increases pop growth by 10%
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Old 09-25-2022, 01:28 PM   #4
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
November - I order another colony ship built

December – Koter is surveyed, next is unknown. We found a dig site here.

2205 – May - We finish exploring Vanniko and Menchib. Vanniko was brought under the control of the aliens, so I order the Construction ship to Antares to build a starbase and then explore Zosma and Poru.

November – Colony ship finished and I order it to Antares

We finish Quantum Theory, next is Admin AI which will increase all research by 5%

2206 – February – We finish our engineering tech and next is Assembly Patterns that drops our build speed on planets by a quarter.

Anomaly research in Zosma

April – We add Antares to our new empire

May – New colony in Antares

This is a giant 23 sized planet; nice!

I order another Construction ship

June – We have gained contact with the Chittering Concordat! This is one of my own previous empires that I won the game with:

Fanatic Xenophile, pacifist

We seek nothing but peace and to be friends

We form a non-aggression pact and establish an embassy with them

Panthavon is now a full holding. I order luxury apartments here

I send the Concordat our envoy

I offer them a Commercial Pact – they accept

They offer a research pact and I agree

We can get another tradition and I choose Reach for the Stars which decreases our starbase cost by 10%

July – I order my new Construction ship to build a starbase in Koter next to my main and next to the Chittering Concordat.

Aug – We form a defensive pact with the Concordat

We have finished the bio tech of biodiversity studies next is Offworld Trade Companies which unlocks those on my Starbase.
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Old 09-25-2022, 02:05 PM   #5
Abe Sargent
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I finish my constructions in Antares, next is moved to Zosma next to us in Pathavon and wait until our research finishes

Sept – Paru finished this is next to my homeplanet. Next is unknown

I order a 4th science ship to do archeology

Nov – I order our new science ship into Antares to do the dig site

We have a rough 406 day anomaly in the unknown place and I go ahead and research it.

2207 – January – We bring in Koter

We discover living metal in Zosma; I order my con. Ship to bring it into my empire it has 12 minerals and 3 research

May – Koter’s mines are finished I head next door to Belgium which has an Arid planet, and then my science vessel is exploring it

I agree to a Migration treaty with the Chittering Concordant

I order a colony ship built for the other Oceanic planet in Pathavon

July – Zosma is ours and I order m ship to build mines and the research station here

2208 – Jan - I begin a research project in the Troidam system after finishing my research here

June – I find an unusual fungus on Pathavon Secondus and I choose to create a research here

Our colony ship is built and I order it to Pathavon Primus.

July – Antares Resort is now a full holding, and I order luxury residence here as well

Our expedition in Troidam failed

Aug 0- I bring in all of my stations at Zosma and I send this construct in ship to Onab currently being explored by our vessel and also next to the Concordant.

Sept – We get bonus society research at Pathavon Secundus

Belgium has been brought into another nation.

Oct - Belgium is fully surveyed and I order this ship to an unknown place and the construction ship here to bring in Poru

We find volatile motes in Onab

Nov – I order an anomaly founds in Troidam researched

2209 – Jan – Onab researched, I order this brought into my nation and the ship here to next door

I can grab another tradition and we take Courier Network which improves empires size

Here is a map of the area

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Old 09-25-2022, 03:30 PM   #6
Abe Sargent
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February – We find a dig site in Troidam

March – We find the rare resource Zro in Maasym

April – Onab is ours and I order this 6 energy and 11 minerals mined

July – We establish contact with the fanatic authoritarian and xenophobe Akkano Suns.

I order an upgraded Starbase in Koter, next to the Akkano Suns in Belgium

I send them an envoy

Aug – We advance our dig site in Antares

I order three corvettes to be built in my Starbase

Sept – Poru is ours, I order this ship to build up our infrastructure

Troidam is scanned

2210 – Mar – We finish surveying Poaa next to Troidam

April – We have finished Poru, next is Troidam

Aug – Starbase in Koter finished, I order a Gun Battery and Missile Battery built here

I order another Corvette

I get an event for my Space Dragon, “A Hungry Dragon”


I set aside some space

September – The Dragon lands

I get bonus stability, unity, and it takes food so I make some food from the market

October – System survey finished in Con Viab above the Condordant and next to me in Onab

I find an anomaly in the Birana system and then order it researched

Troidam is ours! I order this 6 minerals and 2 energy added to our system, I order a colony ship built

Nov – New tech Admin AI is finished and next is Blue laser that lets us put those on our ships

2211 – Jan - We have a new faction founded

March – Birana I gets +4 society research

May – Advance in dig site in Antares

June – I order another Corvette built

July – An asteroid is seen in Antares and I order my fleet over from my homeworld

Bir is surveyed is has 12 minerals and 2 tech.

Troidam’s mines are set up, I head to Bir to bring it’s mineral wealth into my nation

Sept – My defenses are finished in Koter

Onab’s mass mines are done and I order this construction ship next door to bring I Con Viab

Birana survey over

2212 – Jan – We get another tradition, I choose Galactic Ambition -20% Starbase upkeep

I finish and we can take an ascension perk. I take…

Technological Ascendancy – We get +10% research speed and 1.5 times the rate for rare techs
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Old 09-25-2022, 04:02 PM   #7
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
March – Bir is ours, and I order mines built here

Con Viab is now ours and I order the 2 tech, 6 minerals and 2 energy brought in

September – Troidam colony founded

As you can see, this is a zoomed out of the general map, and you can see that this Oceanic world has a 21 size.

Dec – Rurius is surveyed next to Bir

2213 – Feb – Bir work is ours, next I move to Rurius to bring its 3 physics, 3 minerals and 2 energy in

I hire an admiral

March – Con Viab is ours, and the Concordant oved next and we cannot expand there

May – The Beyu system is surveyed

I order my construction ship in Con Viab to Poaa to explore next to Troidam

Sept – Rurius is ours

2214 – April – We get a new tech in Assembly Patterns, and then next is Zero-G Refineries which increases them by 10%

June – Research completed in Offworld Trade Companies, next up is Genome Mapping with a pop growth of 10%

We destroy the asteroid in Antares and we gain 1700+ minerals

July – Wuae system charted

Oct – Rurius’s mines are built I order this ship to the being scouted Tadasca next to Poaa and with a world

Nov – Tadasca scouted

Dec – Troidam Terrace is now a full province. I order luxury apartments here as well.

I check my other planets and order:

Luxury Apartments in Parthavon Primus

Clear Blocker for Electric in Shapa Prime

Agricultural District in Parthavon Secundus

2215 – May – We get another tradition, this time I choose to move to Discovery and that opening up gives me Anomaly Research speed +205
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Old 09-25-2022, 04:38 PM   #8
Abe Sargent
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July = We finish research in Blue Lasers, and next is Fusion Power which unlocks a Fusion Reactor

I order my fleet to upgrade

August- Poaa is ours and the 2 energy is ordered

I have found a Gaia world next to Poaa

Sept – Tadasca is ours! This has an Arctic world – just 50% habitability for my race and 20% for the Chittering one. I order mining stations for the two energy and mineral here

Oct – Our fleet is upgraded

I find exotic gases in the Gaia world system

Nov – We have finished the mining station in Poaa, and I order this ship to the next door Gaia system that’s being explored

2216 – Feb – Oglkapus the Gaia world system is explored and I order a colony ship

April – I am now making positive food

May – Tadasca Mining Stations built, I head to the still being scouted Brustam which has at least 18 minerals to bring it in

Brustam is finished

We have met aliens in Mem

Oglkapus is ours!

Sept – Jondus surveyed!

Nov – Brustam is ours, and next I order the mining stations here

2217 – Mar – Anomaly in Siet is researched

Oglkapus is mined and researched, I order this ship next door to Rizor where there is an outpost of someone.

May – Dig site advance

We finish the anomaly in Siet and get one in Rizor

Sept – We find a wreckage from the Concordat and we give them it.

We set up communications with the starbase in Rizor, it is an artisan troupe!

We become their patron and pay them 1k energy and get, for ten years, +10% monthly unity.

I spend 600 energy to commission an art piece

I exhibit it in our homeworld

Nov – We get Zero-G Refineries, and next is Standardized Corvette Patterns – 25% build speed and -5% build cost.

Rizor finished and I order my ship to bring it into my group

We find rare crystals in Siet

Dec – We encounter new aliens

I order 4 Corvettes


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Old 09-25-2022, 07:04 PM   #9
Abe Sargent
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2218 – Jan – Anomaly found in Siet researched

Feb – Rizor is ours, I order the 5 energy her mined and a Starbase built here

March – I find a dig site next door to Rizor in Lambda Serpentis

May – Research completed – Genome Mapping; next is Ocean Ecology Management that lets us unblock a certain place

I find an automated shipyard in Siet

June – I find and start another Siet anomaly

Sept – Mummified pilot found in Siet, boost to society research

I clear a blocker for energy credits on my homeworld

Oct – I get another tradition. I choose Science Division which gives me one more research options and boost leader of my scientists by 2

Rizor’s credit mines are ours, I order them to Siet

Nov – Another Siet anomaly.

Lambda Serpentis is scouted

2219 – Jan – Research in Siet done and we found nothing.

Feb – Research For Fusion Power done, next is Automated Research Protocols which will increases by 25% survey speed.

Rizor’s starbase is built up. I order a trade hub here

March - Siet is surveyed next to bring it in with 8 mineral, 2 energy and 1 rare crystal

April – Brustam’s many mining stations are done, next is the interior Bal Durk

July – I repair the automated factory in Siet – we gain three vessels

Raznum is explored

Sept – Rizor trade hub built, I order an offworld trading company and an anchorage

Nov – Siet is ours

2220 – Jan - Elections are here this year

Bal Durk’s boring 3 energy system is ours

Feb – We donate to the Artisan Troupe and gain some influence

March – Anomaly in Battraq found and begun

April – We have a new Queen

May – Bal Durk’s mine is done, next is internal system Menchib with 3 research

We find rare crystals in Battraq

Sept – We finish our dig site in Antares we find 10 minor artifacts and 4k energy

Our next dig site is Koter

We have established contact with a new species:

The Dabulan Unity, Gestalt Consciousness, Hive Mind

I send an envoy to raise relations
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Old 09-25-2022, 07:54 PM   #10
Abe Sargent
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Oct – Siet construction complete, I head to Lamba Serpentis

Dec – Batraq is surveyed

2221 – Jan – We have communications with Barrilion system

Feb – Menchib is ours and I order the science station built here

Mar – Rizor Starbase has finished it’s construction

June – Menchib built, next door another Rimmock internal system has 3 bio research and 2 energy

July – Barillion survey done

August- Lambda Serpentis is ours, I order research here

Oct – I upgrade my fleet

I order another generator district over on my homeworld

Nov – Lambda Serpentis’s 2 research station is done, I order it to Raznum to bring in a 6 tech system.

2222 – Feb - Rimmock is ours, I order some stations built

April – We establish contact with the Curator Order, and I order some aid to our research for 1k, 10 years, +10 research

I declare the Akkano Suns our rival since they have to us

July – We can get a new tradition I choose – Polytechnic Education- Leader EXP gain +25% and level limit +1

Raznum is ours and I order the research stations built here

Aug – Anomaly found in Hymna, which I begin

Oct – Rimmock is now fully enstationed – I head to the Jondus system past the Concordat

Nov – We finish the anomaly in Hymna

Dec – Research Complete - Automated Exploration Protocols is finished, next is Zero-G Labs

2223 – Jan – Rising unemployment in Pathavon Primus

Another anomaly found in Hymna

Mar – We find a bunch of research in Hymna

Raznum’s research stations are done I head next door to Barillion

July – Research done – we now have Ocean Ecology Management. Next is Planetary Unification which gives us a +5% boost to unity making.

Dig site event in Koter

Gemma system charted

Oct – I skip a long anomaly in Hymna

Nov – Barillion built, I order a Starbase and mining stations here

We have a new first contact

Standardized Corvette Patterns finished, next is Coilguns that unlocks that ship weapon

2224 – Feb – Hymna system finished, next is Mayer

Barillion science stations done, I head to bring in Hymna which is a choke point

March – We find a phased planet

I order Jandus on the far side of the Concordat added to my realm, it has a Tomb World

June – I buy another art exhibit and show it off at Pathavon Secundus

July – Tech done – Zero-G Labs, next is Self evolving logic that lets me get another tech

New map

There you go!
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Old 09-25-2022, 08:26 PM   #11
Abe Sargent
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October – We finish the research project on the phased planet and now we can use the Gaia world and gain a bunch of tech

Jondus is ours, I order my ship to build mining stations for the 1 energy, 6 mineral and 1 alloy

Nov – Barillion starbase complete. I talk to the Curator Order and we set up a Mutual Think Tank with our base there. I order it there

The Chittering Concordat wants to declare war on the Akkuno Suns, but I say no

2225 – Jan – Our Gaea colony is set up

It's pretty small

We find Crystalline Entities

I order two Anchorages

Feb – Hiamit surveyed

Mar – Dig site growth

July – The next place up from Jondus is taken and now I cannot expand that way

Oct – Our mines are done in Jondus and I order the ship back to my homeworld

Nov – New dig site found in Mayer

Dec – The Chittering Concordat declare war

I order my fleet next door to Koter

I order 7 Corvettes

2226 – Feb - Meyer charted

May – We finish tech – planetary unification, next is Xenology which unlocks a zoo

We can unlock a new tradition I choose Faith in Science, -20% researcher upkeep

Our Space Dragon took flight from our homeworld. I study the remains and get bonus in my three researches

Nov – Barillion station finishes its queue

Dec – I hire a new admiral for our 7 ship fleet and send it to Koter

2227 – Jan – I finish my dig site at Koter, and we gained a new research option

Next is the dig site at Troidam
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Last edited by Abe Sargent : 09-25-2022 at 08:29 PM.
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Old 09-25-2022, 09:22 PM   #12
Abe Sargent
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Mar – We finish the habitable worlds quest and gain a bunch of research

Hyrma is built up, I order this unit to Ennust with a planet to bring it to me

April – Our Gaia planet is finished and I order apartments here

June – encounter in Hymna, have a 1.1k strong force here, I order my navy assembled next door in Raznum

Sept – I continue as the Patron of the Arts for another 10 years and 2k energy

We can now build an Art College at a Starbase of ours

We organize a festival for 1k energy for our worlds – for 5 years we boost our happiness and pop growth

Oct – We now have coilguns, and I order improved Corvette Hulls that increase their hull by 100

I finish exploring Aphnida

Dec – Encounter in Hullfax

Self-Evolving Logic is done, next is Applied Quantum Physics to increase my physics research by 20%

2228 – Mar – We get a dig site promotion/.

I order 7 more Corvettes

July – while waiting I order Baltaq brought it with my quiet construction ship

Oct – the monster moved to -Mayer

Nov – We establish communications with The Caravanners

We buy a reliquary and there is a bomb inside

Dec – We gain Ion Thrusters

2229 – Feb -Batraq is mine, I order mines here

Mar – Churassix is scouted

Aug – Another dig site chapter advance

Sept – Batraq is mined, I try to grab Ennust again

Oct – Space Pirates have arrived. They arrive in the Oglkapus system with m Gaia planet so I order my navy over

2230 – April – Earthquakes on Oglkapus Paradise

We defeat the Space Pirates

Sept – Dig site advance

Oct – Ennust is mine, I order the ship to build up stations here

2231 – Jan – We finish exploring Hiann

June – After a months long battle I beat the monster in Mayer
Ennust’s stations are all built, I head to Meyer and Aphidna with my two ships

An enemy heads to Aphidna and I move my navy over

Oct – We get a new tradition – To Boldly Go – Science Ships survey speed +35%

Nov – New tech, we got Corvette Hull, next is Destroyers, which increases my fleet limit and we can build them
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Old 09-25-2022, 10:15 PM   #13
Abe Sargent
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Dec – Mayer is ours

April, 2232 – I finish my energy stations and move to the being scouted system of Rothyr

May We set up relations with The Concordat of Free Mandibles, Pacifist, Egalitarian, Spiritualist, s

I send an envoy to them and then give them some minerals to bump up our relations

I offer a commercial pact

June – Dig site advances

We agree to a trade pact, I offer a research pact

They agree

Sept – Another survey finished

Nov – I order my fleets to repair

2233 – Jan I finish scouring Rothyr and order it brought into my empire

Mar – I order my fleet after getting repaired to move to Ennust

May -Rothyr is ours, and I order stations

June – Tech finished – Construction Templates - +50% planetary build speed

I order the dig site at Lambda Serpentis done

Sept – Troidam site done, next is Mayer

Oct – Tech Done – Applied Quantum physics – next is AI Colony Ships – colony growth speed +50%

We find an Elixir of Life and then +15 year leader life span

2234 – Jan – Rothyr now fully mined

Rimbarth explored

June – Peace between the Chittering Concordat and the Akkano Suns

Status quo

Nov – Our navy arrives In Ennust after getting healed and I order them to Aphidna

Dig site advance in Mayer

2235 – Jan – Arcturus explored

March – We defeat the monster in Aphidna, I order a construction ship here

Sept – Aphidna is now ours and we have 2 energy and 2 physics to bring in

Oct -Katz explored

I order Churassix brought in next to Aphidna by our spare ship

Nov – We agree to a migration treaty with the Free Mandibles

They prefer Tropical

Dig site advance in Mayer

May, 2236 – I order my fleet to repair

Aphidna is mined, and next is Geqium with 5 tech and 6 minerals

June - New tech – AI Colony Ship; next is Mote Stabilization

Aug – I order my repaired fleet to Mayer

Dec – Tech finished – Destroyers, next Carrier Operations which unlocks ships

I order 5 destroyers

Jan, 2237 – Churassix is mine, and I order our ship to build out the mines, it only has 6 energy

Mar – Geqium is ours and I order construction here

Here’s a map of the world with our new findee:

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Old 09-25-2022, 11:19 PM   #14
Abe Sargent
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April – I find volatile modes in Obrium

May – New tech – Xenobiology, next is the rare regenerative hull tissue that gives that to my ships

June – Dig site good stuff in Mayer

Sept – Churassix is ours I sed this ship next door to Hiann a chokepoint with 1 alloy,2 research, 6 minerals and 1 energy

Oct – My navy is in Mayer, I order them next door to the guarded Alyvrra system

March – 2238 – We defeat the animal in Alyrra

Qeqium is now fully ours, and I order this ship to Arcturus 4 energy and 4 physics

April – Hiann is ours and I order our ship to set up stations

We have new traditional and I get Databank Uplinks, the last one in Discovery, and then we get +20% research station output and then for finishing Discovery we get +10% research speed.

I can take a new Ascension perk…what do I want?

I want Voidborne, but to take it I need the research Orbital Habitats

May – Obrium is now scouted

Oct – Arcturus is ours and I order us to build around it

Nov – I find an anomaly in Alyvva

Feb, 2239 – We find rare crystals in Amlitzer next to Katz

We finish the Alyrra anomaly

Dig site in Alyrra

April – Arcturus is now fully mined, next is Rimborth and its two energy and minerals.

Dig site advance in Lambda Serpentis

June – Amlitzer is scouted

Hiann is mined, next Is Katz and its six techs. I order a Starbase here in Hiann which is a choke point

Sept – I begin to repair my damaged ships

Oct – Carrier Ops tech; next is Starhold

Nov – Tech gained – Mote Specialization, next is Volatile Material which unlocks the planet building Chemical plants

Dec – Alyrra explored, I send this scientist back to the dig site in Mayer

Jan, 2240 – We grab Katz and I order science stations here!

Election year

Mar – Dig site move in Mayer

July – We have a new Queen

A new starbase is built in Hiann, I order a Shipyard, Trade Hub, Offworld Trade Company

Sept- Katz s finished, next I head to Obrium with it’s planet, dig site and rare objects

March, 2241 - We finish the Dig Site in Lambda Serpentis. We gain 6 minor artifacts and 6k research I order this scientist to Obrium

April – Obrium is ours with its 3 sciences, 1 mineral, and 1 volatile mote

We have the tech that lets us mine the motes

I move my navy to Katz

Sept – Rimborth is mine and I order mining stations here

2242 – May – for 2k energy we purchase another 10 years of +10% research from the Curators.

New tech – Volatile Material Plants, next is Global Energy Management which unlocks the building Energy Grid

Sept – My starbase is done building up

We finish my mines In Obrium and I order my ship to hold until we clear out the monster in Amlter

I order my Rimborth ship to Alyvva

Dec – Tiqim is scouted

2243 – May - Our navy arrives and send it to Amlitzer

Sept – We defeat the enemy creature in Amlitlzer, I order a construction ship here

I find an ocean world in Bidiza next to Tiqim at the end of a way, I order this ship to Alyvva to work on the dig site once set up.
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Old 09-26-2022, 12:06 AM   #15
Abe Sargent
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Oct – Research done – Starhold, we order up Advanced Corvette hulls for another 100 hull points

I order Starholds in my main system, Kotor, Hiann, Rizor

2244 – Feb -We get another Space Dragon Event

We issue a “Dragon Scale Specimen Gathering Project”

New tech – regenerative hull tissue; next is Stellar Expansion which gives me +2 starbase capacity

Mar- Amlitzer is ours! As a reminder, this has 2 rare crystals, 4 mining and 2 physics

April -Tech – Global Energy Management; next is UV Lasers

I order a colony ship built

Aug – Alvyrra is ours!

Nov Amlitzer is mined, next is the 9 minerals of Tiqim

2245 Jan – I pay 3k to get the Marauders to raid our rival of the Akkano Suns

I order Generator Districts on these planets:

Shapa Prime
Pathavon Secundus
Pathavon Primus
Antares Resort
Troidom Terrace
Oglkapus Paradise

I also order an upgraded Ship Shelter in Paradise,

May - Our colony ship is built and I order it to our ocean world that is past Tiqim

July – We can get a new tradition – I choose the group Diplomacy and I get Dip Flu cost – 50%

Sept – Tiqim is ours,

Nov – Our two years strongholds are up, I order in these systems:

Home, Shapa – Trade hub, offworld trading company, anchorage
Koter – Communications Jammer, Hangar Bay, Gun Battery, disruption field generator
Hiann – Anchorage x2
Rizor – Anchoragex2, Offworld trading company

Dec – I order my fleet repaired and refitted

2246 – Jan – The birth of the galactic community, we join, and we find out info on the Norillnga Hegemony, I send an envoy, they are fanatic materialist, military, we establish an embassy,

We also now have relations with The Draconis Collective (another of my game winners), fanatic spiritualist, and xenophile and a Megachurch government , I order our relations to help build up our diplomacy over time. I offer them some minerals and they accept.

We also have discovered the Alari Council, The Theocracy of Pankar, The Quenti Civilization, the Budding Light Collective.

Here’s a map

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Old 09-26-2022, 05:02 PM   #16
Abe Sargent
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Mar - Norillaga Hegemony joins the galactic community

May – Our research of our Dragon Scales finishes and we didn’t get any major updates or techs except for 1k society research

We set up an embassy with the Rackudden Foundation

We form a non-aggression pact with them

Sept – Ships upgraded

Tiqim is stationed and I move to Bidiza with it’s oceanic world and 2 energy

Oct – Hiann starbase finished its constructing queues

Dig site advance in Obrium

I send an envoy to the Rackudden Foundation

I offer them a research agreement

2247 – Jan – they agree I offer a commercial pact

Feb – They agree

Mar – new tech – UV Lasers for ships; next is the rare tech Curator Archeology Lab that boosts our archeology dig speed

Bidiza is ours!

July – The Chittering Concordant is entering into alliances with the Rackudden as well

The mining station for energy is done here in Bidiza, I order this ship that has brought the last holding to the nearby the unexplored and guarded place in Amlitzer, and I order my fleet there as well, and a scout ship that was hanging out at my homeplanet after helping with that research planet

Sept – We set up another Patron of the Arts deal for another 10 years

Oct- Koter, Shapa and Rizer starbase finished it’s buildings

Nov - Dig site advance in Obrium, we finish and we gain the tech “Tomb World Adaption” to research and then get +10% advancement and remember we have a Tomb World.

I order a starbase in my alone Tomb World system, Jondus
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Old 09-26-2022, 05:31 PM   #17
Abe Sargent
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Dec – The Caravanners arrive and they are selling for 300 credits a level 3 skill governor, which I decline

The Caravanner abandon a ship in Jondus, and we…issue a project to salvage it before it hits the sun.I need a construction ship there, I order one built in Shapa

2248 -Jan – new tech, we finish corvette hull points +100 and next is Exotic Gas Extraction to extract rare gasses

Mar- I build my construction ship but it cannot get there the Chittering Concordant must be blocking us

I order mining districts on all of my planets

I order an Autochthon Monument on Oglkapus Paradise

May – Tech complete – starbase capacity +2, next is Tomb World Habitation!

August – The Raiders we hired against the Akkano Suns finished

Nov – Starbase built in Jondus, I order a Shipyard here, and then a Construction Ship

Dec – We agree to a migration treaty from the Rackudden. They have a homeworld type of Arid! I have a Desert world in Obrium and I’ll order a Colony Ship to head over there and set up a colony

Jan, 2249 -We set up a defensive pact with the Rackudden

April – The Dabulon Unity has opened their borders to us

May – Jondus has finished it’s shipyard

I order crew quarters, gun battery and Con. Ship here

Oct – I order research in Jondus with the ship

Bidiza Beauty is now ours!

There you go!
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Old 09-26-2022, 06:02 PM   #18
Abe Sargent
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Nov – I order my navy into Achernar

Jan – 2250 – New tech – Curator Lab; next is Cold Fusion Power

We defeat the Shardlings in Achernar

I order my navy back home

April -Our project in Jondus is complete and we can the option of taking Rare Mineral Mining

May – New tech – Exotic Gas Extraction, next is rare crystal mining

June – Jondus finished its construction

Rare Crystal Mining is finished, next is Orbital Habitats!!!

My con ship in Amlitzer is building mines for two rare crystals

Dec - Obrium Oasis founded:

It’s smaller and we just have 60% habitability here.

2251, Jan – An attack in Amlitzer hits and I order my navy here

May – I order a Starhold in Jondus

Aug – Bidiza Beauty now longer a colony, I order here Civilian Industries

Nov – We win in Amlitzer

Jan, 2252 – I can take another tradition and I snag Diplomatic Networking which gives me bonus unity for my embassies

Mar - I order my construction ship in Gothra to incorporate it – this is next to the foe, Dabulon Unity

April – Dig site advance in Alvyrra

June – Gothra is ours, I order a Starbase here

Oct -Obrium Oasis is now ours, I order a Civilian Industries here as well

Feb – 2253 – Tech – We finish Cold Fusion Power, next is Disruptors for ships

April – Dig site finishes in Alyvvra, we unlock Space torpedo research
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Old 09-26-2022, 07:12 PM   #19
Abe Sargent
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May – Ogma surveyed next to Achernar

Jundus upgrades and I order here:

Missile Battery
Hangar Bay
Communcations Jammer

June – Achernar surveyed and I order my Ship to build a station here, it has 6 mineral, 2 research, 2 energy

Gothra Starbase built, I order:

Gun Battery
Hangar Bay
Disruption Field Generator

August – Encounter in Bakkuden I order a diplomat to break it down

There are two aliens next to Ogma,

Nov – Dig site found in Ogma

April – 2254 – We set up in Achernar, now I order mines built

June – The Mayer dig site is done and we can now built a planet science station with +4 for all three places

I order 5 destroyers built in my homeworld

Sept – I lose my rivalry with Akkano Suns

Nov- next tech – Tomb World Habitability; our next is ground defense planning

Our Shapa now has 50% suitability for the tomb world, not enough

Empty planets I have are Arctic: Tadacsa; Arctic; Rothyr; Tundra Ennust; I need to find someone good at colonizing those, we are at 50% suitability

Dec – Jonadus finished building

Gothra done, I order an upgrade here

Feb – 2255 – Hiann finished building

I order my fleet in Hiann to repair from their combat and upgrade

June – Achernar ours! Next I head to Ogma with its 12 minerals, 2 tech and 2 energy

July – Upgrades finished in Hiann

Aug - Mayer research station built

Fleet ordered to Ogma.

Jan, 2256 – Ogma is ours, I order construction

New tech – disruptor, next is point defense systems

May – new tradition – the federation I get another envoy

I send an envoy to the Budding Light Collective.

September – new tech – ground defense planning

Next is genetic healthcare that lets me build geneclinics
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Old 09-26-2022, 08:06 PM   #20
Abe Sargent
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I order mineral districts in all of my planets save for Pathhavon Primus where I build a food making district

Nov – New tech, Habitat! Next up is Railgun!

I order a Habitat in Shapa on the 2nd planet a molten world

I take the Voidborne Ascension perk which…

Habitat Habitability +20%
+2 artificial building slots
I gain research option habitat expansion

Dec – Gothra upgrade construction built, I order

2x Missile Battery
Communications Jammer

June, 2257 – My navy arrives Ogma

Sept – I reup our Patron of the Arts and get them to do a 5 year tour

2258 – Jan – Ogma fully mined

I order my navy to Nodro next to Ogma

April – I defeat the Ancient Mining Drone

I order this fleet to Niann for repair

July – Gothra construction finished

New tech – gene clinics done, next is Amoeba Breeding Program

Nov – Tech done – Interlinked Support System – next is Mining Drone Lasers

Jan – 2259 – I order Industrial Districts in each of my planets

I upgrade my ship shelter in Bidiza Beauty
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Old 09-26-2022, 08:36 PM   #21
Abe Sargent
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Mar – I order a Colony Ship to the Tomb World in Jondus

July – Tech done – Railguns – next is rare improved structural integrity, +500 hull points for defense platforms

Nodro scouted, and this system has 5 tech, 4 minerals and 6 energ, I order my ship to grab it and my scout next door

Oct – My fleet is in Niann, I order repairs and upgrades

Nov – Nodro ours and I order stations

2260 – Jan - New members of the galactic council -Von-Okan Galactic Hegemony and the Mollamock Principality

Mar – Cezuetov with 3 energy and an Art troupe explored next to Nodro

Ships upgraded I order this fleet back to Ogma

May – Jandus Joy is getting settled:

It’s pretty smallElection

Sept – New tech – Mining Drone Lasers, next is Improved Deflectors

Feb, 2261 – Anomaly found in Volmaur I research

April – Finished, we get +6 engineering research here

May – Nodro built I order this ship to Ogma

June – Valmaur explored

July – I defeat an enemy in Edor Vang

Aug – Dig site advance at Ogma

Nov – My army is in Ogma, I move them to Badukan

Dec – new traditional – I choose Direct Diplomacy: +50 trust cap, +33% Trust growth

Edor Vang anomaly found, I research it

Jan, 2262 – New tech – improved deflectors, next is Miniature Containment Fields which gives +10% research station.

Feb – We win in Badkukan and I order the science ship and con ship in Ogma here

I order the fleet back to Niann for repairs and refitting.
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Old 09-26-2022, 09:12 PM   #22
Abe Sargent
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April – Jondus Joy now a full colony I order here: Civilization Industries, and then industrial district, electrical district and mining district

I now am making 24 goods per month.

Aug – New tech - +500 hull points, next is the rare tech habitat expansion

Our new habitat is built and I order a Shapa group over.

I order a new habitat in Shapa.

Sept = new tech -Amoeba Breeding Program next is Adaptative Beaucracy

Dec – Finished charting Baduken system and Edor Vang, I order my ship to grab the former now

Feb – 2263 -My fleet arrived at Niann

I order upgrades

I head back from Baducan to the dig site at Ogam

April – new tech – Miniature Containment Fields, next is Ion Disruptor

May – Badukan is ours I order a Starbase here since it’s next to a foe and then my ship bringing in the various 2 energy and 8 minerals needed for mining here

June – We establish an embassy with The Budding Light Collective

Aug – Beid system survey complete

Sept – We have our first habitat being done

It just has a size of 4, but we’ll build a few of these here and there. This is the only one I’ll show you.

An ameboid swarm has arrived at Jondus

Dig site advance at Ogma

I found a Savanna World in Edominar which is next to Beid

Nov – I get a research in Menchib

Dec – My starbase in Jondus is under attack

Jan, 2264 – Ships upgraded

We establish contact with the Dragon and gain a ton of unity

Feb – I send an envoy to the Draconis Collective

We defeat the amoeboid fleet

April – Nuclear bomb in Jondus I order a researched mission

Baduken starbase built, I order gun battery, missile battery and jammer

I order the ship from Baduken to expand to Cezutar which has just a few energy but a Artisan Enclave

May – new tech – Adaptive beau Is done with the boosts to edicts, next is cloning which gives me a +10% pop growth speed
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Old 09-26-2022, 09:45 PM   #23
Abe Sargent
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May – Eadamar survey finished, I order a Savanna race we have called the Vhellet that I order built in Shapa.

June – Dig site advance in Ogma

Aug – Colony set up in our habitat, I order:

Civilian Industries
Alloy Foundries
Autochthon Monument
Leisure District

I finish our research at Menchib

Jan, 2265 – We gain dig site at Ogma

Mar – Cuzuetov is ours, I order mining here for the 3 energy

We disarm the hydrogen bomb in Jondus

May – Cuzuetov mines, next is Edor Vang and it’s 8 tech, 2 minerals

Colony ship is built

Oct – Baldken construction complete, I order it upgraded

Edor Vang is ours! I order mines here

Nov – We can get a new tradition! I choose Eminent Diplomats, +5 Dip Accept,

Mar, 2266 – New tech – Ion Disruptors, next is Quantum Probes, +10% research station

June -I review all planets and I build Industrial District in every planet

Pathavon Secundus, ordered the colony ship upgraded

Pathavon Primus upgraded colony ship

Obrium Oasis also upgrade colony ship

Bidiza Beauty – I order Autochthon Monument

July – Dig site – 50 minor artifacts found in Ogma

Sept – Dig site advance Troikam

Oct - Edor Vang is fully mined, next is Volmaur with 6 engineering research, 2 minerals and 3 energy

Mar, 2267 – Syvaal Unity joined the galactic union

April – Volmaur is ours!

July – We finish the dig site in Troikam and then I have chosen to save “The Sentinel” so we get time to put together researcher.

Sept – New tech – Cloning, next is the rare tech subdermal stimulation which will let you get chemical bliss.
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Old 09-26-2022, 09:53 PM   #24
Coffee Warlord
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That lack of chokepoint up north just offends me.
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Old 09-26-2022, 10:17 PM   #25
Abe Sargent
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The next habitat is ready to go

My mineral production has dropped from 88 to 8 in a year or so, I order a Mining District in every planet I control that has an open space.

I order a ship upgrade at Antares Resort

Nov – Baduken upgraded, I order here Hangar bay, anchorage and disruption field generator

New tech – quantum probes, next is Field Modulation that increases our energy credits from workers

2268 – Feb – We finish our mission for the Sentinel. We waken them, I hear them out and try to talk with them and…they leave

March – We grab Voldaur, and next is the 3 research Beid

May – We hit negative minerals at -1/month

August - I order another habitat in Shapa

Beid is ours!

Sept – new tech – Field Modulation – next? Exotic Materials Lab – unlocks research complexes

Our colony on the habitat begins

Dec – Beid research station built, one place left Eadominar, which has the Savannah Planet and 4 energy

April, 2269 – I now have negative food in addition to minerals at -2. I built agricultural zones in many of my planets.

I order an Autochthon Monument on Pathavon Secundus and Primus and Antares Resort

May – Baduken built

June – Eadominar is ours! I order the station here built

Sept – Our colony in Shapa Habitat Beta is set up!

I order there:

Research Labs
Autochthon Monument
Precinct House
2 Traders

Eadominar is now fully mined.

Here is an updated map

I have to get those minerals up in a lithoid race since it’s my lunch. Also Minerals are how you build stations and planet improvements.
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Old 09-27-2022, 05:21 PM   #26
Abe Sargent
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Alloys and Consumer Goods are made from minerals, and unity is made from consumer goods, and then Alloys are used for stations, upgrades, things like anchorages, and then ships and megastructures. Now that I am making 81 alloy a year, paying the 1.5k for a Habitat is much easier or the 500 for a Starhold or the 283 and raw material for a destroyer. It was hard back when I was making 12/month. Costumer goods are also used by people.

Dec – New tech – I finish Exotic Materials Labs for scientist complexes next is Improved Reactor Boosters

The Birth of the Galactic Market happens

I nominate Shapa Prime for the Galactic Market Hub

May, 2270 – We can get another tradition – I choose the last Dip. One Entente Cooperation which gives us better Federation Naval Convoy and then for finishing it I get the boost of 50% reduction for Dip edicts, and I can take another Ascension Perk. Here is what I want:

Master-Builders – requires two Ascension Perks, and knowledge of mega-engineering which I don’t have

Sept -Eadominar Eden founded!

As you can see our Savannah people have an 80% habitability here! It’s size 11, not that big.

Nov – New Tech! I got Subdermal Stimulation, next is Selective Defoliants

Feb -2271 – New Tech! I got Improved Reactor Boosters – next is Autonomous Station Protocols which gives me a +10%5 research station speed

April – I order some minerals, and then at Shapa Habitat Alpha I order 2 food making habitation districts

At Shapa Prime I order to upgrade my Research Labs

At Jondus Joy I order one new Mining District as well at Pathhavon Secundus

Sept – Joining the galactic union are the Chondarr Commonwealth

April, 2272 – We pay 3k to upkeep the Curator Order boost to our tech for another 10 years

May – New Tech! We just finished Selective Defoliants, next is Interstellar Campaigns that will reduce my war exhaustion and claim cost by -10%.

Sept – I order a Habitat built in Pathavon on their first planet

My food is positive again

Oct – Eadaminar Eden is now ready for development, I order here

Research Labs
Mining District – there’s just room for one here
2 Generator Districts to make energy

Can I find a species that tolerates Arctic for those two planets to woo and bring here?

Nope. What about my Tundra world?

These species – Jhabannasid, Red Thory, Halflifer, and Nolillaga, the middle is Toxoid.

I send a ton of rare stuff to the Norillaga Hegemony and then offer them a Commercial Deal. They accept.

I offer a Research Treaty.

2273 – Jan – They accept. Let’s hope that they offer us a migration treaty
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Old 09-27-2022, 05:57 PM   #27
Abe Sargent
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May - They offer a migration treaty and I accept! I order a Colony Ship with their people to get ready and be sent to Ennust

Sept – New Tech – Autonomous Research – next is Advance Shields

Habitat in Shapa done! I order here my base people

I order this ship to Pathavon to make another Habitat here

Feb, 2274 – A new tradition is ours! What do I want?

Mercantile, I need to build up my economic infrastructure – for taking this I get +1 collection range and +5 trade power

May – Our colony ship for Ennust is done, next is the Ship for our habitat

July – We establish an embassy with the Draconis Collective

On Troidam Terrace I order a blocker cleared for it’s Mining District #3 of three.

January, 2275 – The Galactic Market is set up on Shapa Prime! That reduces by 10% my fees to move things from one space to another.

April – New Tech – Habitat Expansion the rare tech that lets me increase my habitats. Next up are Space Torpedoes mostly done.

June - New Tech – Instellarar Campaigns, next is Colonial Centralization that lets me build planetary capitals; Space torpedoes; next is Afterburners

July – Shapa Habitat Gamma building

March, 2276 – Ennust Earnest is colonizing:

It’s size 12. Not bad!

June – New Tech – Afterburners, next is Star Fortress the upgraded version of my Starholds

Aug – Gamma Habitat is up, I order there:

Research Labs
Autochthon Monument
2 industrial districts, 2 trade

I order a Habitat Expansion in Alpha
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Old 09-27-2022, 07:44 PM   #28
Abe Sargent
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Oct – I order Colony Ships to Rothyr and Tadasca

March, 2277 – We buy an artifact for 500 energy

Sept - New Tech – Advanced Shields; next is Quantum Energy States that increases by 15% credits made by techs

We agree to extend our Patron of the Arts for 3k

Oct – New tech – Colonial Centralization, next is Doctrine: Fleet Support that increases my fleet size

Nov – We can get a new tradition and take Trickle Up Economics +1 trade value from clerks

Dec – Pathavon Habitat Aleph done, I order my Shapa here

I order another Habitat built here

I upgrade my capital here:

Shapa Prime

I order the research labs in Shapa Habitat Gamma upgraded as well as Beta, and I order Beta’s Precinct Houses upgraded, and I order here a trade and industrial district

May, 2278 – Ennust Earnest is now a full colony! I order here:

Autochthon Monument
2 Mining Districts – all it has
2 Generator Districts

June – I order my capital upgraded at Jondus Joy.

July – Tadasca Triumph is building:

TT is 14 sized, decently big.
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Old 09-27-2022, 08:08 PM   #29
Abe Sargent
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Sept – I upgrade the capital in Alpha Habitat

Oct – The second habitat Pathavon is done!

Nov – Research done - Quantum Energy States – next is Specialized Combat Computers

Mar, 2279 – I order my fleet upgraded

June - We take in refugees from the Mollamock Principality on Shapa Habitat Gamma

Fleet upgraded

Oct – New tech – Specialized Combat Computers, next is X-Ray Lasers

Dec – New tech -Doctrine: Fleet Support; next is Doctrine: Support Vessels which increases my fleet size by 30

Feb, 2280 – New tech: We get Star Fortress! Our new tech is Geothermal Fracking htat increases our mineral yield from miners by 10%

I order Star Fortresses here:

Badukan, border
Gothra, border
Koter, border
Jondus, border
Shapa, homeworld

I order on Shapa Prime an Ministry of Culture which can only be built once/empire

On Alpha a Research labs
On Jondus Joy an Autochthon Monument

June - Tadasca Triumph is now a full colony, and I order…

2 Mining Districts
1 generator district
Autochthon Monument

Oct - Rothyr Resort is now a colony!

It’s a large 18 size, and note that I am no longer losing Minerals.
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Old 09-27-2022, 08:32 PM   #30
Brian Swartz
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I don't even recognize Stellaris anymore.
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Old 09-27-2022, 09:37 PM   #31
Abe Sargent
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Election happens

Dec – New tech – Geothermal Fracking, next is Cruiser!!!

Mar, 2281 – Our new Queen was a scientist

I am now +34 minerals

We accept a migration treaty with the Budding Light Collective.

The Norilliega Covenant joined the galactic union

Pathhavon Habitat Beth is beginning

Pathhavon Habitat Aleph is done colonizing, I order:

Autochthon Monument
Civilian Industries
Research Labs
2 Mining Districts, 2 trading districts

May – Fossils found on Ennust Earnest

A new dig site opens, I send over a scientist

Aug – We get a new tradition I take Commercial Enterprise- Commercial Zone buildings get +1 pop. Bonuses to Ringworlds.

My energy rose from 40 to 120.

Dec – I order another habitat in Pathavon

Mar, 2282 – Pathavon Habitat Beth is up and running and I order:

Civilian Industries
Research Labs
Autochthon Monument
2 Mining Districts, 2 trading districts

Apr – New tech – X-ray Lasers, next is Shields

I order my fleet upgraded

Oct – Upgrades finished

The near sapient natives of Bideza Beauty are causing a ruckus, I order them away gently and gain 3157 unity

Dec – Dig site growth at Ennust

Jan, 2283 – Rothyr Resort is now normal, I order here:

Civilian Industries
3 Mining District
1 Industrial district

I also order an Industrial district on Oglkapus Paradise

Feb – Our five Star Fortresses are built, I order in them:

Shapa –

Target Uplink Computer

Koter –

Missile Battery
Gun Battery

Jondus –

Missile Battery
Gun Battery
Disruption Field generator

Gothra –

Gun Battery
Ship Bay
Target Uplink Computer

Badukan –

Trade Hubx2
Offworld Trading Company
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Old 09-27-2022, 09:38 PM   #32
Abe Sargent
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Originally Posted by Brian Swartz View Post
I don't even recognize Stellaris anymore.

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Old 09-27-2022, 10:11 PM   #33
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
May – I am at -11 consumer goods, but I built up 7.8k

July – We let subterranean refugees at Oglkapus Paradise our Gaia world, I order another industrial district here.

Aug – Planetary capital upgrade at Troidam Terrace

Feb, 2284 – Industrial district at Antares Resort.

Koter all built up!

April – New tech – Cruiser! Fusion Missiles next

I order 5 Cruisers, they are 560 each

Dig site advance at Ennust

May - I order housing at Obrium Oasis

June – New tech – Shields, next is the rare tech Planetary Shields, which lets you build a Shield Generator

July – New tradition! I take Adaptive Economic Practices which…lets me get new policies that turn trade into consumer goods or unity

Aug- Jondus starbase work done

Nov – At Troidam Terrace I build a Mining District and a Civilian Industries

Jan, 2285 – We find abandoned terraforming equipment on Rothyr Resort which has 78% suitability. I begin a quest chain to deactivate it.

I begin space amoeba research, and then drone study and crystalline entity study

Feb My other three Star Fortresses finish their expansion

April - City housing district ordered for Ennust Earnest

Sept – I finish Crystalline entity research and we open up a rare military tech

Nov – Drone research done, and I get +10% mining station output.

Dec – I order a Habitat built in Antares around planet #1

2286, Feb – Our space amoeba research is done and we get +5% evasion

Dig site continues at Ennust.

Mar – Obrium Oasis has room for two buildings, I build here: Energy Grid and Commercial Zones.

May - Terraforming ended

Tech Gained – Terrestrial Sculpting, we can Terraform and get the edict Terraforming Gases

Here are my 6 terraforming candidates:

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Old 09-27-2022, 11:01 PM   #34
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Aug – Research complete – Fusion Missiles, next is Long-Range Mineral Scanners +10% station mineral output

Nov – I order a farming district in Shapa Habitat Beta

Feb, 2287 – Pathavon Habitat Gimel is finished. I order a colony ship

May – I order a Habitat Expansion in Gamma

New tech – Doctrine: Naval Vessels next is Vitaltiy Boosters +10 leader lifespan

Our 5 ships are built

Aug – Dig site in Ennust advances

Sept – Another decade purchased of Patron of the Arts

Oct – Drought in Rothyr Resort -I give them what they ask for

Nov - New tech – Planetary Shields next is Plasma Throwers

New tech – Long Range mineral scanners, next is Supersolid Engineering +20% engineering research

Dec – A new tradition, next is +10% trade Marketplace better Ideas – just one left!

We now have full +s in all of our monthly production again – although light, just +8 minerals, +2 food, and +3 goods

Feb, 2288 I have two open spaces on Ennust Earnest and I build: Civilian Industries and Research Labs, and an Agricultural district opened up

May – Our new Habitat in Pathavon is now a colony

Oct – I order another Habitat in Antares.

Nov – Akkano Refugees arrive at Shapa Habitat Gamma

Dec – I order a housing district in Bizida Beauty

I also order a mining district in Jondus Joy

Jan, 2289 – The Caravanners arrive and offer to sell us for 200 food a scientist of the level 3 persuasion. I decline.

Mar – I order 6 more cruisers

I order an upgrade of the Research lab in Pathavon Aleph, and then upgrade

May – New tech – Plasma Throwers, next is Quantum Field Mechanics that increases tech energy production by +20%

July – Pathavon Habitat Gimel is now fully a normal place, I order here:

Research Labs
Commercial Zones x2
2 farming districts, and 2 trading ones
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Old 09-28-2022, 06:35 AM   #35
Abe Sargent
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Sept – New tech – Vitality Boosters, next is Doctrine: Space combat, which increases my Command Limit by 20.

Jan, 2290 – New tech – Supersolid Materials. Next is Powered Exoskeleton which increases ground troops damage by 5% and miner output by the same.

We have two new folks joining the galactic union:

Halfiffer Coalition
Gudge Star Regime

Feb – Dig site update in Ennust, we gain 30 minor artifacts and The Blade of the Huntress.

Blade of the Huntress: Cost 3000 Tradition,

Army Morale, +25%
Planet Sensor Range +2
Dip Weight +10%
Sublight Speed +25%

Lasts for 10 years, right now I am making 582 unity/month, so that’s around 6 months worth.

I also have these Minor Artifact abilities I can do once per Minor Artifact, and I have 191

Sell 1 to private collector - +500 energy credits
Celebrate Diversity - 2 – Gain 3609 Unity and for 10 years gain Celebrating Unity Boost for Xenophile Ethics Attraction.
25 Discover Precursor Artifact – right now we have 3 of 6
Planet Museum Set up – 3 Gain bonuses there

I use up 27 for three artifacts and then celebrating diversity

The first precursor tells me there is something near Bidiza, I send someone to investigate. The cooldown is 1800 days

Feb – Encounter in Sanopel, I order some linguists to take care of it

Aug – Refugees from Mollarnock arrive at Habitat Alpha

The Mollarnock Principality is no more it died to the Akkano Suns

I order an upgrade of my capital at Habitat Gamma

Sept – New tech – Powered Exoskeletons, next is Mineral Cutting Beams that boost Mining station output by 10%

In Bidiza Beauty I order an Agricultural District and Research Labs

Nov - The Caravanners abandoned a ship in the Troidam system
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Old 09-28-2022, 07:03 AM   #36
Abe Sargent
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Dec - New Tradition! I finish Mercantile, I get -10% market fee when moving things around, and then for completing it I get Trade Value +10% and Access to Trade League.

That unlocks another Ascension Perk – here is what I am looking at:

Hydrocentric – cost to terraform to ocean, -25%,
Can construct Ice Mining Stations in starbases
Can expand ocean world size
Get +50 better boosts on ocean planets but worse boosts on non-ocean worlds

That last one is keeping me from committing.

I also like this:

World Shaper

Terraforming cost -25%
Can terraform worlds into Gaia planets
Requires Climate Restoration the which I don’ have

How many ocean planets do I have? Shapa Prime, both Pathavons, Troidom Terrace, I also have one wet world I can Terraform to Ocean, Antares Resort. I need “Ecological Adaption” to terraform Antares

Master Builders –

Megastructure Build Speed +50%
Megastructure Build Capacity +1
Requires Mega-engineering which I don’t have

That’s one I like as well. But the last two I don’t have.

I hold off for now.

Dec – I set up contact with an alien species called the Shroudwalkers. Fallen Empire? Nope they are a Conclave like the Artisan Troupe.

Antares Habitat Uno has been built, I order a Colony Ship here

I order this construction ship to build a 3rd Habitat In Antares

March, 2291 – I send an envoy to the Alari Council

May – New tech – Doctrine: Space Combat, next is Hydroponics Farming which lets me build Hydro farms.

At Habitat Gamma I order an Alloy Foundries and two Astro-Mining Bays

July – I reject a Caravanner offer of a leader

August- We get protests in Habitat Gamma

New tech – Quantum Field Manipulation – Next is Auxerilly Fire Control
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Old 09-28-2022, 07:46 AM   #37
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Aug – Unstable Weather on Rothyr Resort. I order two Mining districts there

Sept – A caravan has arrived in our space, I contact them. We give them what we can, -1k energy and 2k food.

The protests on Gamma have increased. I lose unity to round them up.

Dec – new tech – Mineral Cutting Beams – next is Weather Control System which gives +1 pop per city district..

We recover the 4th artifact in the quest chain and 2600 engineering tech

Jan, 2292 – We try to nip the protests in the bud but a lot of censorship issues are coming to the forefront now.

Feb – New tech – Hydroponics Farming, next is Interstellar Fleet Traditions that unlocks some buildings in starbase.

Mar – We finish our special project of searching the Caravanner ship and find the ability to research autocannons

April – I purchase another ten years of Curator insights

May – New tech – Aux Fire-Control, next is Shield Capacitors

I order 5 more cruisers, I am still building the last 2

I order an update research lab on Habitat Beth and Gimel.

Habitat Uno has begun to be colonized

June – We send more help to the refugees.

Sept – The refugees leave and we get an event called “Glory of the Blessed Realm”

Here I’ll show you

As you can see I have gotten my mineral, goods, and alloy production up and with the Hydro Farms I just developed we can build up my -1 food. My energy is massive after the Mercantile tradition tree.

Nov – New tech – Weather Control systems, next is Crystal-Infused Plating which is mostly done.

Dec – new tech – Crystal-Infused Plating – next is Autocannons, also mostly done.

Jan, 2293 – New tech -Autocannons, next is…I have a rare tech that costs 55k but would let me further expand my habitats. Do it? Yup! It’ll be a while…

July – Antares Habitat Uno is ready for building! I order:

Alloy Foundries
Autochthon Monument
Hydro Farms
2 trade districts
2 habitation districts

Sept – Rackuurdan Foundation embrace cybernetics

Oct – Antares Habitat Dos is done! I order a colony ship here

I order a Habitat in Tadasca

Nov – New tech – Shield Capacitors, next is Multi-Dimensional Analysis which is +10% research station boost.

New tech – Interstellar Fleet Traditions, next is Atmospheric Filtering that increases habitability by +5%.

Mar – I order an upgraded colony capital at Habitat Beta. And an Agricultural District in Pathavon Primus.

I order an upgrade of the Research Labs at Habitat Alpha

Aug – The United Halflifers League opened their borders to me

Nov – new tech – Filtering; next is Climate Control Network for blocker removal
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Old 09-28-2022, 05:00 PM   #38
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Nov – We can take a new tradition. The Mercantile group really blew things up for us, so…what now?

Subterfuge and Supremacy aren’t my flavor. Unyielding is military in nature. Prosperity is Mercantile in a sense. Domination isn’t in flavor. Adaptation? Harmony? Prosperity?

I embrace Adaptability. We get -10% housing pop usage

Feb, 2295 – We begin colonizing the Antares Habitat Dos

Mar – We activate the 25 minor artifacts and get another relic to chase down – it’s in Pathavon

Aug – I investigate the moon in Troidam

Oct – New tech – Research Station output by +10% next is Interplanar Research Initiate, which lets me build research institutes

Nov – A Chittering Concordat minor species wants me to pledge to support it and then swear fealty to me when they win indepdance, I do not accept their offer.

We uncover the 5th artifact in Pathavon and a bunch of engineering tech

Jan, 2296 – Our research in the moon is done, and it’s a rogue moonbase, we unlock the tech “Dark matter” for research and 25% of it done.

Antares Habitat Tres finished, and I order a colony ship here.

I order a colony upgrade in Eadmonar Eden and Rothyr Resort

Feb – new tech – Climate Control Network, next is Xenodiplomacy which unlocks the Embassy Complex building

May – Colony set up in Dos, here is what I build:

Research Labs
Autochthon Monument
Commercial Zone
2 Trade District
2 Habitation district

I order 5 Cruisers

Oct – I order ship upgrades

I order for Eden an upgraded Research Lab, and then Alloy Foundries

I build a Mining District in Jondus Joy

Jan, 2297 – I order an Autochthon Monument in Rothyr Resort

I order an upgrade of my capital in Oglkapus Paradise and a Mining district there

April – I order a Hydro Farms in Shapa Habitat Beta

May - I order a 4th Habitat in Antares

Aug – New tech – Interplanetary Research Initiate = next is the Positronic AI that increases tech by 5%

Xenodiplomacy is done, next is Heritage Sites unlocks that building

Sept- We extend our Patron of the Arts for 10 years; I organize a festival for 1k

The Coalition of Vindamere declared us their rival

I do the same
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Old 09-28-2022, 06:04 PM   #39
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Mar, 2298 – We retain two Xabir population after a Festival of Worlds hit.

I order research labs at Oglkapus Paradise

May – new tech – Heritage sites, next is Eco-Simulation which gives our farmers +20% food

Aug – Tres’s colonization has begun

I order a Starbase in Pathavon which is now next to the rivaled area

Sept – We get another tradition and I choose Environmental Dissertation, with +10% suitability.

I hire an Admiral from the Marauders and assign it to my big fleet. I order my fleet to Alyvvra next to the monster’d Kahkonen

Nov- New tech – Eco Sim, Next tech is Food Processing

Feb, 2299 – Tadasca Habitat Une is done!

July – new tech - Food Processing, next is Doctrine: Reactive Formations +20 fleeting command

My minerals are done to -7 again

Aug – Pathavon starbase is built, I order here Gun Battery, Missile Battery and disruption field generator, and then upgrade

Dec my navy arrives in Alyvva

Jan, 2300 – We get two new in the galactic union: Unified Halflier League; Coalition of Vindamere

A tubular alien has arrived in Pathavon

I issue a project

April – I order upgrade capital and monument in Aleph

Tres is built! I order here:

Research Labs
A Monument
Commercial zone
2 housing districts
2 trading ones

May - The United Halflifer League is no more

June – Special project on Pathavon object finished, we gain 5k in engineering tech

We win in Kahkonen!

I send in my scientist and con ship and my navy to Arcturus which is next to another monster controlled place

On Antares Resort I order an upgraded Monument and Ag district

Oct- I order another Habitat in Todasca
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Old 09-28-2022, 06:05 PM   #40
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Oct – We discover a Dig site in Kahkonen

Nov – New tech – Positronic AI – next up is Dark Matter Drawing which will let me extract that rare resource but we don’t have any in my nation.

Jan, 2301 – Elections underway

I activate the “Celebrate Diversity” culture and use two minor artifacts

Feb – new tech- Doctrine: Reactive Formations, next is the tech Centralized Command

Survey one for Kahkonen, it has dig site, 2 energy, 9 mineral, and I order my Con Ship to annex it

March – We unlock the rare tech that lets you expand habitats a 2nd time, next up is the rare tech modular engineering which lets you get -25% speed and cost for building starbase

April – I order an upgrade of my capital in Ennust Earnest

June – Alloy factories ordered for Habitat Aleph

July – We grab Kahkonen, I order the scientist here to dig and the con ship to build mining stations.

I unlock another 25 minor artifacts for the final piece of this which can be found in Jondus

I have a ship there and I begin researching this project.

Sept - I order two mining districts in Secundus.

Dec – Another tradition! I choose Adaptive Ecology, all of our planets get 1 open building slot!

I trade 12k energy for 10k minerals, and then build:

Shapa Prime – Hydrofarm
Secundus – Civilian Industries and a 3rd mining district
Terrace – Autochthon Monument
Antares Resort - Mining district and HydroFarm
Primus – Civilian Industries
Paradise – Mining Districts and HydroFarm
Alpha – Hydrofarm
Beta – Commercial Zone
Gamma – Hydrofarm
Triumph – 3 mining district, and then Civilian Industries
Aleph – HydroFarm
Beth – HydroFarm
Gimel - Civilian Industries
Uno – Food Processing Facility
Dos – Commercial Zones
Tres – Commercial Zones

Beauty – Energy Grid
Oasis – HydroFarm
Joy – Energy Grid
Eden – Energy Grid
Earnest – 2 Mining Districts, Alloy Foundries
Rothyr Resort – 3 Mining Districts, Alloy Foundries

There we are!!!
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Old 09-28-2022, 08:02 PM   #41
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Jan, 2302 – New tech! I discovered modular engineering and next is Autonomous Energy Drones that increases Mining station output by 10%

Dig site advance in Kohkanon

Feb – We recover the 6th and final artifact in our chain and 3785 engineering tech

Their capital opened up in another system, normally it’s in your space. – I order my ships there to explore

Mar – Tadasca Habitat Une is ready, and I order here:

Civilian Industries
Autochthon Monument
Commercial Zone
2 habitat districts
2 trade district

April- new tech -Centralized Command, next is Effective Bureaucracy which boosts our edicts

We buy another ten years of research boosting from the Curators

May – construction complete in Kahkonen I send this ship to my new addition coming soon

June – Our fleet arrives in Arcturus

July – Antares Habitat Quatro, I order a colony ship here

Aug – Tech gain – Dark Matter drawing, next is Space-Time Theory which gives +20% physics research

Sept – I begin combat in Sinistra

Oct – We win! I order my science ship to survey and my fleet to head back and repair

Nov – Our special project in Fen Habbanis the former capital of the ancient is researched and we get 9999 unity, 12.5k society research, 150 flu,

Dec – Next tech – autonomous mining drones, next is +200 destroy hull points

Jan, 2303 – Dig site advances in Kohkenon

Feb – I order my fleet upgraded

Mar – New tech – Effective Beaucracy, next is Doctrine: Interstellar Warfare +20 fleet command limit

Pathavon starbase is built, I order here an Hangar Bay, Missile Bay, Communications Jammer and upgrade to Star Fortress
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Old 09-28-2022, 09:30 PM   #42
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
June – System survey complete in Sinistra it has – 20 minerals, 2 energy and 3 rare crystals, I order my con ship to begin laying the mining stations.

Aug – Dig site advances in Kahkonen

Fen Habbalis surveyed, it has 12 energy, 12 mineral and 3 society resrach, I order my com ship here to bring it in

On Ennust Earnest I order a Food Processing facilities

Sept - I begin colonizing Quatro.

Nov - New tech – improved destroyer hulls, next is Antimatter Missiles

Fen Habbilis is ours! I order my Con Ship to build the mining stations here. It has a level 25 Relic World

I order a Colony Ship here

Jan, 2304 - I order Mining Districts in Shapa Prime, Secundus, Paradise, 2 in Triumph, and 2 in Rothyr Resort

Feb – Dig site finishes in Kahkonen

We bring in The Elder One from the dig site, I rip it apart and gain more than 5k engineering research

I order a habitat in Troidam

June – new tech – Antimatter missiles, next is Deep Core Mining +20% from miners minerals

Sept – Sinistra is ours!

Nov – New tech – Doctrine: Interstellar Warfare finishes and next is Global Defense Grid that increases my army strength

We set up an embassy with the Alari.

Dec – New tradition! I choose enhanced recycling - +15% boost to cash from destroying your own stuff.

Jan, 3305 – New tech – Deep Core Mining, next is Improved Cruiser Hull that will give them a 500 hull boost

Feb – Antares Habitat Quattro is formed, I order:

Food processing facilities
2 Commercial Zones
2 housing district
2 trade districts

Mar – Fleet upgraded

June - We get a Caravanner visit. I buy a Trium Atmosphere Deodorizer. I display it on Shapa Prime

July – New tech – Global Defense Grid, next is Arcane Deciphering which let’s me reverse engineer minor artifacts
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Old 09-28-2022, 09:54 PM   #43
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Oct – The Tadasco Habitat Deux is up and running. I order a colony ship here

I order a 3rd Habitat here

Nov – Construction complete in Fen Habbilis

I order a Starbase here.

July, 2306 – New tech – Space-Time Theory- next is Gravatic Sensors

Our new colony is colonized in Fen Habbilis:

As you can see this has a 100% habitability and 25 space, and is the former homeworld, and looks pretty nice!!!! Also note that I am getting big stuff in everything save for goods. I’d like to get my Alloy numbers up.

In Triumph I order an upgraded capital

The Galactic Council forms and we are not on it.

Aug – new tech – Arcane Deciphering, next is a tile blocker tech

Nov – New tech – Improved Cruiser Hulls -next is standardized cruiser patterns that drops cost and build time

Dec – Fen Habbilis Starbase built, I order Gun Battery, Missile Battery, Disruption Field Generator and then an upgrade

February, 2307 – new tech – tile blocker, next is another tile blocker etch

Our Queen dies!

March – I accept a migration treaty with the Draconis Collective

New tec h – Gravitic Sensors, next is Hyperlane Breech Points with unlocks Hyperdrive II

May – A new Queen is elected.

I order a mining district and Energy Grid on Tadasca Triumph

July – Tadasca Habitat Deux is getting colonized
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Old 09-28-2022, 10:30 PM   #44
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Sept – Pathavon construction complete, next is Gun Battery, Missile Battery and Target uplink Computer

Sinistra’s mining stations now fully built!

I order my fleet upgraded and then I’ll send them to Cezuetov

I hire mercenaries for 9k energy from a Raider. I am going to grab Beynus next to Cezuetov, so I order my fleet there.

Sept – I pay for another round of Patron of the Arts

Oct – New tech – blocker, next is blocker tech

February, 2308 – New tech – Hyperlane Breach Points, next is the rare tech Hyper Relays that gives me an edict and Hyper relay construction.

I order an Industrial blocker in Eadominar Eden

April – The Magonid Confederacy joined the galactic union.

May – Antares Resort colony ship upgrade

June – Ships upgraded

Oct – We establish an embassy with the Magonid Confederacy

Dec – Tadasca Habitat Deux is up, and I order:

Civilian Industries
Food Processing Facilities
Commercial Zone
2 Habitat and 2 trading

Jan, 2309 – new tech – tile blocker tech, next is another

Feb – I send a research pact offer to the Magonid.

Mar – They accept.

We get a new tradition – Appropriation - -33% resettlement cost

Industrial district in Paradis

Check out where the Magonids are…

See how they have replaced our major foe in the area? And they like us a lot.

April – new tech – Hyper relays – next is another rare tech – Speculative Hyperlane Breaching, and this gives us a new feature.

Fen Habbilis Fantasy is now finished colonizing, and I order here:

Civilian Industries
Alloy Foundries
Three mineral districts

Antares Resort orders Civilian Industries

June - I have a few new minor artifacts options:

Reverse Engineer 5 for tech boost
Find military boost, 5,
Find peaceful applications, 5

I don’t use mine

July – new tech – Standardized Cruiser patterns, next is …hmmm…battleships or citadels? I choose battleships
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