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Old 03-03-2013, 07:30 PM   #51
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
April 20 – Victor initiates a Trial of Refusal for the Clan Invasion. If the clans win, the truce of Tukkayid is up, and they can resume the invasion immediately. If the IS wins, then the Invasion is halted. The Warden clans withdraw from the Trial, forcing Crusader clans to participate. Each Crusader clan is matched in a battle against a member of the Star League. Here are the battles that are set up

Wolf Clan vs St. Ives Compact
Jade Falcon vs ComStar
Blood Spirit vs Draconis Combine
Star Adder vs Free Worlds League
Ice Hellion vs SLDF
Fire Mandrill vs Capellan Confederation
Hell’s Horses vs Free Rasalhague Republic
Smoke Jaguars vs Federated Commonwealth

The battle begins. Whoever gets the most wins overall. Nova Cat forces are fighting on behalf of the Star League. Each force is using one company. Each clan is fielding their Khan, and a bodyguard of ten mechs – one Binary. These are the best troops of that clan.

Wolf and Kai-Allard Liao’s forces draw

Jade Falcon defeats Comstar

And after the first two battles, the Clans are in the lead.

The Blood Spirits can’t match the elite 1st Genyosha of the Combine and lose


On the other hand, Star Adder, often considered the strongest of the “home” clans who did not participate in the invasion managed to blast the Marik force.


Nova Cat, under the banner of the SLDF, trounces the Ice Hellions after they slay the Nova Cat Khan, and the saKhan will die as well. Win for the IS


Despite the odds, the Fire Mandrill forces are overly zealous, and are smashed by the Caps.


For the first time, the IS in the lead

The very pissed off Free Rasalhague Drakons, angered at what happened to their nation take it to the Hell’s Horses clan. This secures the win for the IS.

The final battle is fought though. Victor himself steps into his mech and his 10th Lyran Guards not only smash the Jaguars but he personally kills the Khan Lincoln Osis in combat.

2-5-1 is the final score .

The Trial is over and the Invasion has been cancelled. The Clans get to keep the systems they captured, but they may not resume the Invasion after the Truce of Tukayyid is over.

End of Operation Bulldog, Task Force Serpent, and The Trial on Strana Mechty
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Old 03-03-2013, 07:45 PM   #52
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
As Operation Bulldog swings back by Huntress on their way back to IS space, they pick up several units on Huntress. All of Task Force Serpent lifts off. Several units captured and absorbed Jaguar transport assets. We expect the clans to move in and take Huntress. There is nothing here to garrison.

There is a massive amount of salvage that the IS will share. Consider this – all of the salvage, mechs, and aerospace assets of one of the strongest clans are now absorbed, possessed, or looted mostly by IS forces. We get a chunk of that as major players in two campaigns Huntress and Nykvarn.

How are things allocated?

Victor brought 16 regiments of mechs to Huntress in relief of Serpent. Serpent had 11 regiments plus some companies and other forces.

So how does the salvage on Huntress work? The units that fought on Strana Mechty got their salvage from those battles, How do you allocate the massive amounts of salvage on Huntress from more than a thousand Jaguar units across both the garrison they had here plus the unit that retreated from the IS.

Victor makes several rules for salvage allocation, just for Huntress.

1). Bondsman taken in combat or battle or after, are to be kept with the group that took them.
2). All units destroyed before the landing on Bulldog forces on Huntress are split among the Task Force Serpent forces, to help rebuild them. Many of the 80% destroyed mechs Serpent had are reparable, and salvage will help the rest.
3). All units destroyed in 1:1 engagements go exclusively the unit that engaged them.
4). Any unit that split battle with other units splits the salvage along the percentage of mechs lost (so if unit A lost 15% of their mechs and unit B 10%, then B would get 40% of salvage to A’s 60%).
5). Tech assets captured are divided evenly among all combatant units.
6). Anybody who won a Trial of Possession gst to keep what they captured
7). Aerospace Fighters and assets follows all of these rules, and can only be split among nations or units that brought their own.

So we get to keep all of the salvage from our battles on Huntress, plus we get some techs and support assets.

On the way back, the quartermasters are busy overtime overseeing everything. What generally happens is that salvage from one mech in one unit is traded to another with the chassis and combined to fix up the mech and restore it to functioning order. These trades and fixes are done all over the place, and DropShips move from ship to ship at each jump point on the way back and transfer various assets to each other. We also trade some parts of IS mechs we lost with others to fix some.
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Old 03-03-2013, 07:54 PM   #53
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
As a mercenary, our contract was non-existent. We were treated as a house unit and all of our expenses, salaries, and such were covered.

We lost these mechs on Huntress in our three battles permanently:

Pyre: BattleMaster, Awesome, Phoenix Hawk, Commando
Ember: Charger, Spider, Dart
Blaze: Hermes II, Galahad, Thunderbolt

Aegis: Orion, Stinger, Spider
Chainmail: Cyclops
Shield: Zeus, Wolfhound

Bandit: Vindicator
Iron: Dervish
Kevlar: Warhammer, Phoenix Hawk IIc, Sentry

These mechs are repaired on the way back, or soon after arrival in the IS, that were ko’d:

Pyre: Watchman, Firestarter, Cataphract
Ember: Starslayer, Trebuchet
Blaze: Grand Dragon, Phoenix Hawk, Salamander, Attila, Archer

Aegis: Daikyu
Chainmail: Katana, Gallowglas, Comet
Shield: Vulture Prime, Blackjack, Atlas, Stinger

Bandit: Dragon, Gunslinger
Iron: Clint
Kevlar: Kintaro, Thunder

We had a lot of mechs missing parts or with damage that are also fixed – no list of those is given

We lost these pilots:

Ember: Rex Whittamore, Starslayer pilot
Blaze: Cooper Smith, Hermes II pilot; Ajay Yadav, Phoenix Hawk pilot; Reinaldo da Silva, Archer pilot
Aegis: Carolyn McCree, Orion pilot; Miles Levine, Stinger pilot
Bandit: Virginia Pitti, Gunslinger pilot
Iron: Fergus Kaisaris, Clint pilot

So we lost 8 pilots and 21 mechs permanently in the space of about 15 minutes of fighting. Rough stuff.
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Old 03-03-2013, 08:04 PM   #54
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
We also lost three pilots and two Warhammers in the battle against the Jaguar garrison force on Nikvarn.

We gain as salvage all of the parts from dead mechs we took out in those 15 minutes. Let’s calculate. I’ll just triple the number of salvaged destroyed mechs with pieces we found in those three battles. We completely destroyed 9 mechs, so let’s say that we have leftover parts from 27 clan Omnimechs of various sorts and variants.

Now, how many mechs did we take out that we can salvage? There were 6 mechs we took out that were salvageable, so let’s assume we captured 18 salvageable mechs. We also destroyed 5 mechs that were legged and couldn’t retreat (random guess). So 23 total mechs we can salvage.

That’s a total number of 50 mechs we captured or destroyed. We have standing order to take everyone as bondman, let’s assume we killed 10 of them, and couldn’t find another 10. That’s 30 veteran clan MechWarriors we captured as bondsman

For tech, we were given 15 clan techs of various types, plus about 25 million C Bills in random tech equipment of various sorts. We were also given 5 squads of elementals as isorla from this battle that were defeated by the other three regiments that trounced these units.

So our total take:

23 clan mechs in various stages of needing repair
27 clan mech pieces
25 million C Bills of clan tech equipment
25 elementals and armor, clan vet
15 clan techs
30 clan vet MechWarriors

We lost, total: 21 mechs and 8 MWs. We get the money repaired for the mechs that were damaged but not destroyed by the SLDF.

And that’s the Huntress tally
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Old 03-03-2013, 08:09 PM   #55
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
December 10, 3060 - We arrive back in the IS and jump to Nykvarn

Mar 3, 3061 – Delta Regiment arrives at Nykvarn. We gather our troops and salvage from the Nykvarn campaign and then blast off a week later, leaving the planet in the hands of the Combine

Nykvarn Numbers:

Just listing salvaged chasses we can restore, and not all of those pieces:

Vulture x2
Shadow Cat
Behemoth x2
Griffin IIc
Marauder IIc
Rifleman IIc
Shadow Hawk IIc
Jenner IIc
Commando IIc
Highlander IIc
Locust Iic

That’s 53 clan mechs when combined with the salvage from Huntress.

We captured all of the MechWarrior from Nykvarn, but most were not front line pilots, and were older, difficult, freeborns, and lesser pilots. We deem 40 of the 50 to be good, and we let the others go free. We also capture all of their tech for the garrison. We let their AeroSpace assets leave, so we got all of the techs and material.

40 techs, and 40 million of equipment. 50 million worth of ammo, weapons, and armor - all clan.

We have fixed the IS mechs that were broken and needed upgrades.
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Old 03-03-2013, 08:10 PM   #56
Abe Sargent
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July 28, 3061 – Delta Regiment and all of our materiel and men arrive at Epsilon Eridani.

Total Numbers:

53 clan mechs in various stages of needing repair
47 clan mech pieces
65 million C Bills of clan tech equipment
50 million worth of clan spare parts, ammo, armor, etc.
25 elementals and armor, clan vet
55 clan techs
30 clan vet MechWarriors
40 clan regular MechWarriors

That’s a lot of stuff we gained
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Old 03-03-2013, 08:21 PM   #57
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Now, we immediately make some changes to Delta Regiment. They are:

Bandit Company: Vindicator replaced by Vulture Prime; Raven, veteran clan MW taking Gunslinger; Hatchetman replaced by Cauldron-Born D and moved to garrison.

Shield Company: Zeus is replaced by Kraken-2, a variant with 4 Ultra AC10s; Wolfhound is replaced by Shadow Hawk IIc; Stinger is replaced with Locust IIc. Maria de Souza moved to garrison, regular pilot. Replaced by Jane, veteran clanner, in the Locust.

Utopia Company: Destroyed WHM replaced by Rifleman IIc; The Stinger is pulled for the Vixen; the pilot goes for Mary, a vet mechwarrior.

Weston Company: Kyle, vet clan MW replaces dead pilot in Axman; CTF-3L Cataphract is pulled and its pilot for a Vulture Prime piloted by Adam, vet clan MW.

Iron Company: Heather replaces dead Clint pilot; Dervish, destroyed, replaced by Nobori-Nin B

Kevlar Company: Three destroyed mechs. Phoenix Hawk IIc, Sentry and Warhammer replaced, respectively, by Highlander Iic, Corvis, and Kingfisher A.

Chainmail Company – Replacing dead MW in WHM-IIc is Keith, replacing the destroyed Cyclops is a Masakari C.

Aegis Company: We add three clan MechWarriors – Kevin, Lance, and Zelda. Two replace dead MWs in the Orion and I pull a Stinger for the Jenner IIc under Kevin. I pull a regular pilot and give her the pulled Stinger and replace her with Lance in the Koshi B.

Blaze: I swap out the destroyed Galahad with one in the garrison. I have to replace a Warhammer, Hermes II and Thunderbolt. I give them a Hellhound, Commando IIc and Behemoth. Yancy a MW dude will star in the Commando IIc. I place Hector into the Phoenix Hawk. And Starr gets the Archer.

Ember: Victoria crawls inside the Masakari, that lost its pilot. Mindy does the same for the Starslayer. We lost three mechs - Charger, Spider, Dart. We replace them with CTF-3L Cataphract from another company, Ryoken Prime, and Goshawk.

Pyre: We lost four mechs - BattleMaster, Awesome, Phoenix Hawk, Commando – they are replaced by Behemoth, Marauder IIc, Peregrine and Cougar Prime. We move a regular pilot to the garrison and place Deacon, clan MW in the Cougar.
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Old 03-03-2013, 08:24 PM   #58
College Prospect
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Location: Whitman, MA
Nice stuff, Abe!
FOOL - Ann Arbor Winged Lingerines
FOOLX - Portland Axemen

Hattrick - Fizzle United (222968)
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Old 03-03-2013, 08:27 PM   #59
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
So the only mechs we retained from the Nykvarn Campaign that was not added to Delta Regiment are the Daishi, Hankyu, Shadow Cat, Grendel, and Griffin IIc. The rest all enriched Delta Company.

We move these out to our garrison

Hatchetman, Mikhail Samsonov, regular
Stinger, Maria de Souza, regular
Stinger, Ansoain Stiteller, regular
Lena Vasavi, regular
Stinger, Cathy Campos, regular

We used 17 veteran pilots.

These are available on Aug 1, 3061

Additionally, we get these mechs from Huntress:

Shadow Catx2
Black Hawk

So the net result of this mission was a huge upgrade in mechs and talent in Delta Regiment, followed by an infusion of 28 clan mechs, and a large amount of parts of IS mechs we lost and clan parts we captured. In fact, I have decided not to determine all of the various parts we gathered, we’ll assume we have the parts to repair any mech that goes down for the next while. Plus it gets easier to locate clan parts, items and weapons on the market now.

End of Chapter 6.5
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Old 03-03-2013, 08:27 PM   #60
Abe Sargent
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Location: Catonsville, MD
Originally Posted by Tellistto View Post
Nice stuff, Abe!

Thank you!
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