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Old 11-22-2006, 05:57 PM   #1
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RANT: The horrors of running a fantasy football league

I run (and play in) a money keeper FF league with 8 of my closest friends that is now in the middle of it's eighth year. When I began the league I worried for a split second that it might not be something that I'd want to volunteer for, but then I figured that these were my friends, and the disputes and hassles would surely be at a minimum, relative to running a league full of strangers. Oh how I laugh at that notion now. A bitter pained laugh.

Every year there seems to be a new rendition of "I'm losing and it's no fun!". Sometimes the rules are supposedly at fault, sometimes it's a 'curse', sometimes it's just plain infantile pouting that "I NEVER win and Stevie always does and I don't know if I want to play anymore.". Sometimes the players in this farce change, but the one constant is that this crap always takes place smack dab in the middle of the season, so as to make sure that those who aren't pouting can't possibly enjoy their FF without suffering, and all attention is shifted towards the poor little babies. Half of these motherfuckers spend the great majority of the year making unprompted speeches about how unconcerned they are about fantasy football...until they start losing, at which point it becomes the crux of their existence, and SOMETHING MUST BE DONE FOR GOD'S SAKE.

Two days ago this year's performance was initiated by my friend Bill's cry for a change to Head-to-Head play, rather than our current total points ranking system. Many emails were exchanged before I even joined the fray, explaining how H2H would foster greater competition and a massive shift in strategies. A call for REVOLUTION went out from our most vocal (and coincidentally, poorest performing) members, there MUST be change and the change will bring PROGRESS and a massive swell in interaction and all-around good times. As if switching to H2H is going to suddenly change the fact that most of us put all of 2 minutes of effort into FF per week. The best part about this proposition is that Bill wants this change to be effective IMMEDIATELY. We should change the most critical rule in the league, in the middle of the season, to suit the fact that Billy finds losing to be less than entertaining.

Eventually I stumble my way into the conversation, long after it's taken on a life of its own, to remind them that we have this discussion EVERY OTHER GODDAMN YEAR, and although it seems valid on the surface, it's time to get out their fingers and toes and count how many fucking teams we have....NINE. You cannot effectively run an H2H league with 9 teams, and until we have an even number of teams the subject is completely moot, and considering that they always vote down expansion, that is not likely to change anytime soon. Another of our most vocal (and annoying) members jumps in, thinking this would be a good time to detail his ideas for the payout structure for the imaginary ten team league. I am not amused.

Finally, after an animated day's worth of discussion over the subject I am able to convince everybody to shut their freaking pie holes, and at least table their calls for change until the off-season, when I always request such ideas (and when everybody has been, of course, historically silent and uncaring). Eventually the mumbles trail off, I think all fires have been put out, and in passing Billy mentions to another member Eric, "Oh yeah Taunt (Eric's last name), regarding that trade, I'll trade you Steve Smith for the player of your choice, so long as you trade him back to me at the end of the year, and then if you win I don't have to pay you."

Uhhhhh, What THE FUCK? No.

I'm already heated up after having to quell the whole H2H BS, and this crap pushes me over the edge. I don't want to argue about it, so I simply say "Bill, that's not happening.", and BOOM, he's off again. Here I'll just paste in his actual email, because I could never do it justice.

its common to have trades like this in the: NFL,
NHL, MLB conditional trades, trade for players to
be named later, trades for draft picks, trading
palyers for cash. renting players for the playoffs.

whats wrong with that? they do it in professional

Who needs to have this explained to them? This dude is closing on 40 fucking years of age and has a degree from an accredited University. Granted, idiocy and a diploma are not by any means mutually exclusive, but if you can make it through 4 years of college and 8 years of fantasy football I would hope you could piece together elementary concepts of fair play.

In the past this dude has offered to trade his entire roster for future draft picks, money for players, BAGS OF WEED FOR PLAYERS, and now he apparently thinks some shaky parallels from (completely unrelated) real world pro sports vindicate his intent to rent out his best player? Needless to say, I go OFF. I try to explain to him for the billionth time that in our league, much like EVERY OTHER GODDAMN FANTASY LEAGUE ON THE PLANET, you can trade players for players, and if the trade does not fall within those guidelines that doesn't mean your wacky ass trade is open for discussion, it means your trade is invalid. Common fucking sense.

Eventually, after 5 or 6 people chime in to assure Billy that, yes, he is being severely retarded, he relents. But not because he's figured out the error of his ways, he trying to pin it on me as some sort of abuse of power or something. "I guess it was never open to debate, because it's in THE RULES. I give up." he says. Apparently he's trying to lay a guilt trip on me for not letting him rent his players out and create rules on the fly. Clearly this is my fault.

If I were a better man, I might be able to let that sad-sack crap lie, and just be happy that the issue was dead...but I'm not, so I try to make it as clear as I can, and in as simple terms as possible that the problem is not that the world and I are conspiring to hold him down, the problem is that he's a fucking idiot, which brings out his piece de resistance and closing argument:

I'm not trying to pin shit on anyone. but the fact
of the matter is trades like this DO happen. your
telling me that players are not traded for money, for
draft picks or for other sorts of compensation?
The right for Johnny Unitas were traded away for
something like $1000.00.

as for trying to get out of a debit. NO YOUR
missing the point all I wanted was that IF the
person I traded with won the league to waive what I
had to pay him.

don't tell me that I'm supposed to conduct a
draft, submit my roster, or try to induce a trade
and think of others. thereason we play this game is
to win, for some its the money I guess, for me
its to win PERIOD!


Unitas? Are you kidding me? You're citing some 50 year old trade as some sort of evidence why I should allow a ludicrous trade that wouldn't pass muster in a Fantasy Football league made up of Japanese middle schoolers? And what the hell is the difference between "getting out of your debit" and "waiving what I had to pay"? Finally, making a claim that your motives are driven only by some pure, unadulterated dedication to win is JUST SLIGHTLY undermined by the fact that this entire discussion is based on your attempts to rent out your best player in order to increase SOMEONE ELSE'S chance of winning.

Christ almighty. The worst part is, much as I now wanted to drive up to Seattle and pound in his face, I took a deep breath, explained that the trade wasn't happening and apologized sincerely if he felt that was unreasonable or unfair. In the end I don't think he even came close to processing the problem with his proposition, but it was clear that he was dangerously close to taking his ball and going home to pout. Angry as I was, I don't want anybody to quit because the good times DO still outnumber the bad, so there really wasn't much else to do then say I was sorry and wait patiently for next year's production. Joy.

Sorry for the length and awful grammar (and the language, for the sensitive) but I KNOW some of y'all must run your own leagues and have similar horror stories. Lemme hear 'em. Misery loves company.

Last edited by thesloppy : 11-22-2006 at 06:03 PM.
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Old 11-22-2006, 06:03 PM   #2
High School Varsity
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Well, thats Chapter 1...

And, yes, the commishioner role is not one to be desired.
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Old 11-22-2006, 07:38 PM   #3
Vinatieri for Prez
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I still don't see what's wrong with trading a bag of weed for players. In my FFL, we allow people to trade guns, ammo, pork bellies, and white slaves. What's the diff.?
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Old 11-22-2006, 07:42 PM   #4
Maple Leafs
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You have my sympathy.

I'm lucky that the league I run doesn't have anybody who'd try to pull that. They also know that have four rules that are set in stone:
- Rule changes don't take effect until the off-season unless every owner agrees
- Any outside considerations included in a trade is a grounds for veto (in fact, it's the only grounds)
- If you get a trade vetoed, you can be kicked out of the league

And most important:
- Feel free to argue/debate/lobby for changes that you think will benefit the league. But any threat about quitting the league because you don't get your way will be considered a resignation and will be accepted immediately.
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Old 11-22-2006, 09:03 PM   #5
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Wow...I've just joined a league going into its 12th season and have witnessed some of what you've just described and heard about similar situations in the league's history...hilarious!!

This league was started by a bunch of guys who, at one time, worked together. Over the years, some of the guys have changed jobs and some have left the league. For the most part, the current owners have been in the league since the beginning and any new owners are either family or good friends (my situation) so everybody is very "comfortable" with each other.

I've heard all of the classic stories from over the years including trades involving a bag of weed or drafting players who were in college at the time but for the most part, these guys keep things on the up and up. But, like you described, around this time of the year, there is a group of "usual suspects" who start complaining for whatever reason and this year, my first year, was no exception. There was talk about quitting and talk about rule changes...blah, blah, blah...but, after a couple of weeks, everything blows over.

I don't know about your league, but this one is has a distinct division in how guys run their teams. One group believes that your team should be built through the draft and the draft only while the other group can't wait to wheel and deal. So, as soon as the first questionable trade takes place, the "draft builders" start the "we should move the trade deadline to Week 2" chant while the "wheel and dealers" lobby for it to be eliminated altogether. The bantering back and forth is entertaining and then when one of the "draft builders" makes a blockbuster deal for Steven Jackson involving several first round picks in years to come at the deadline...all is forgotten. Hilarious.

I guess fantasy football is no different from anything are never going to please all the people all of the time...especially when you are dealing with friends and/or family.
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Old 11-22-2006, 09:07 PM   #6
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I'm lucky that the league I run doesn't have anybody who'd try to pull that. They also know that have four rules that are set in stone:
- Rule changes don't take effect until the off-season unless every owner agrees
- Any outside considerations included in a trade is a grounds for veto (in fact, it's the only grounds)
- If you get a trade vetoed, you can be kicked out of the league

And most important:
- Feel free to argue/debate/lobby for changes that you think will benefit the league. But any threat about quitting the league because you don't get your way will be considered a resignation and will be accepted immediately.

Those are all excellent rules, and I suppose part of the problem is that I feel those all fall under the rules of common sense so I never felt the need to etch them in stone...and some of them I HAVE repeated ad nauseam, year after year, but they obviously still fail to register with our slower members.

I suppose this all speaks for my choice of friends more than anything else. Most of them are great and cause no disturbances, but the few that are passive aggressive control freaks are more than willing to take up the slack.

One friend in particular I would actually characterize as 'devious'. He practically seethes with anxiety that such a role exists in this world that would allow him to exert control over all of his friends, yet it's not his. After trying to abuse every rule possible, he literally threatened our friendship, and when it finally came down to the simple question of whether he could even conceive of attempting to play fairly he answered "I don't know.....I guess I should just take over as commissioner." Uhhh, no.

Last edited by thesloppy : 11-22-2006 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 07-14-2008, 12:31 AM   #7
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So, the guy I originally wrote this rant about just quit the league I run, moments ago, because I wouldn't abolish keepers, and move to head-to-head scoring, instead of total points. That wouldn't be all that unusual, if anybody else agreed with him, or if we didn't have 9 teams (the same guy voted down any retraction or expansion, so apparently it's my job to make 9 divisible by 2).

'Tis approaching the season for stories of Fantasy Football douchebaggery, who's got some for me???
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Old 07-14-2008, 12:54 AM   #8
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by thesloppy View Post
So, the guy I originally wrote this rant about just quit the league I run, moments ago, because I wouldn't abolish keepers, and move to head-to-head scoring, instead of total points. That wouldn't be all that unusual, if anybody else agreed with him, or if we didn't have 9 teams (the same guy voted down any retraction or expansion, so apparently it's my job to make 9 divisible by 2).

'Tis approaching the season for stories of Fantasy Football douchebaggery, who's got some for me???

Isn't that retraction then?

Drop his team and players and throw them into the pool, and go to H2H. Your point from two years ago is still right: H2H does foster more competition.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-14-2008, 01:16 AM   #9
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I detest H2H scoring, so that's NEVER changing gotdamnit! but you're certainly right that the irony is not lost on me that not only could we run a nice, neat H2H now, but his leaving might also necessitate clearing out the keeper pool at least once.
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Old 07-14-2008, 01:30 AM   #10
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I love H2H FF. I just wish I could find a keeper league to get in.
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Old 07-14-2008, 01:49 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Izulde View Post
I love H2H FF. I just wish I could find a keeper league to get in.

If it's any consolation, after coveting a keeper league, and then getting in a long-term one...they're not all that great. Drafts are somewhat less exciting with top players gone, and it's yet ANOTHER issue to argue endlessly about. On the other hand, the draw for a keeper league, which was for me the addition of more of a 'franchise simulation' feel, really isn't all that exciting after about 5 minutes of year one.

Obviously, everybody else's mileage will vary greatly, depending on the keepers you have. Before last year's draft I convinced myself to drop Tom Brady so I could keep Carson Palmer! I WIN!
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Old 07-14-2008, 02:12 AM   #12
Chief Rum
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Originally Posted by thesloppy View Post
If it's any consolation, after coveting a keeper league, and then getting in a long-term one...they're not all that great. Drafts are somewhat less exciting with top players gone, and it's yet ANOTHER issue to argue endlessly about. On the other hand, the draw for a keeper league, which was for me the addition of more of a 'franchise simulation' feel, really isn't all that exciting after about 5 minutes of year one.

Obviously, everybody else's mileage will vary greatly, depending on the keepers you have. Before last year's draft I convinced myself to drop Tom Brady so I could keep Carson Palmer! I WIN!

The keeper league I am in has always been exciting and fun, and we have been doing it about as long as your league. Not sure what's different. We also do H2H, and I think I would quit if we went to a points-based system. To me, that's just anti- to the whole spirit of FF.

We have ten teams and there have been no changes to the owners of those teams for at least 5 years now, when we last expanded two teams. We have ten "contract years" to allocate however we wish. You cannot extend a player beyond his original allocation. You have to submit your allocations for the next year one week after the trading deadline (we usually have a mid-November TD).

Also, contracts stay with the team. So if you trade a player, whatever contract he has with you does not follow to the other team. So he is an uncontracted one-year player with them unless they use some of their valuable contract years on him.

Every year, the current contract years are used up. So if you have four players under contract (which is just another way of saying you held them over from the previous season), you will have four new contract years (one from each of them) available to re-allocate--but those players aren't eligible (under the extension rule).

The result is that you choose whether to spread your years around and bring back a really good team for maybe a year or two, or you can lock up a very good player or two for a long time, but have to go with the slimmer draft pickings for the rest of the squad.

I think we have a pretty good balance with it. Enough for teams to be able to maintain some semblance of a team, but enough quality players left out there that the draft is also interesting and has a serious impact on team composition.

We also have two "rookie protections", one used per year. After the regular draft (and, yes, rookies can be and are drafted there first), we hold a one-round rookie protection draft, where we select to own the rights to a rookie and slot him into that spot. The rights are owned for two years. At the contract allocation deadline of Year Two, you must choose whether you wish to elevate him to the main roster and add a contract year or more to keep him. If you wish to elevate him sooner (because he turns out really good or you just are piss poor at his position), you have to free up a roster spot to add him, and that rookie protection is then empty until it is time to fill it out again (either the next draft or the following, depending on if the rookie in question was a rookie or in his second year). The two rookie protections are so we have a rookie draft every year.

For instance, I "rookie drafted" Braylon Edwards three years ago, and a year and a half ago (at the November, 2006 contract allocation DL), I had to decide whether to keep him. I had a championship quality team with good receivers, so I elected to use years there rather than keep Edwards. So that left me smarting a bit last year (still won the championship, though, yay, me! ). I had Edwards' rights for two years and never elevated him to use him on my regular roster, and he was drafted in the second or third round last year (forget when), and is now a main cog of another team (and protected by years they used on him last year).

Trust me, BTW, that while I think the system has proven itself pretty solid, and we're all longtime friends and family in the league, it took some years and, yes, some harsh arguments to hash it all out.

I would rather be wrong...Than live in the shadows of your song...My mind is open wide...And now I'm ready to start...You're not sure...You open the door...And step out into the dark...Now I'm ready.
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Old 07-14-2008, 04:03 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Chief Rum View Post
The keeper league I am in has always been exciting and fun, and we have been doing it about as long as your league. Not sure what's different. We also do H2H, and I think I would quit if we went to a points-based system. To me, that's just anti- to the whole spirit of FF.

Well, I don't wanna give the impression that I think keeper leagues are worse than non-keeper leagues...rather, I think they're just different flavors, just not worth suffering over. Obviously the biggest factors in your enjoyment of any league is likely more related to who you're playing with rather than keeper rules.

As far as H2H goes, I completely understand the purists viewpoint that H2H is much more in the 'spirit' of football. Unfortunately, I just think it crumbles in execution. In 10 years of our total points league there have been at least 5 times that 4 or more players have been in competition for money spots going into week 17. In H2H nobody is even playing by week 17 and 2/3 of the league stopped playing in week 14, by necessity. Likewise, EVERY playoff I've ever been involved in has some crapass team that with low total points that skates into the playoffs, in football this is because of a good defense holding down your opponents score, in fantasy football an opponents low score is due to nothing but crap luck, and winning low-scoring games just means your lucky.

In the end fantasy football and football are not the same game, and to shoehorn FF into H2H scoring may make it seem more like real football, but it's certainly not any better judge of fantasy football skillz (whatever the hell those are), if anything it's worse. Fantasy football is simply about drafting, acquiring, and playing the best offensive skill players, and total points is the best and most accurate way to quantify that. Playing H2H just throws your opponents score into the equation, something which you, or the players on your team (usually) have no control over, and is essentially just randomizing things a touch. The high scoring teams will still usually win the majority of their games, and the low scoring teams will still usually lose, so things work out generally as you would expect, and it gives you the impression that things are operating in some sort of logical manner, until you get to the playoffs, when H2H wraps up it's 16 week journey, and basically just becomes an extended coin flip. Whee!
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Old 07-14-2008, 04:41 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by thesloppy View Post
until you get to the playoffs, when H2H wraps up it's 16 week journey, and basically just becomes an extended coin flip. Whee!

I should add that total points isn't exactly all that much more 'robust'...more like a horse race than a coin flip, to my eyes, but I don't want my yammering to give the impression that I really think they're drastically different. I think both have pretty comparable problems and benefits, but I prefer total points.

Also, I do like the sound of your league set-up. I would never try to sell anything like that to the stubborn gaggle of retarded Luddites that make up my friends (nor manage the resulting explosion), but it looks like fun to play.

Here's a semi-related question for any interested FF players/commissioners:

What's your take on trading draft picks?
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Old 07-14-2008, 07:39 AM   #15
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I really like Chief Rum's league as well.

I vastly prefer H2H, mostly because I just find it more fun and interesting to be going up against another person each week. Just adds to the trash-talking experience. Yes, some games end in blowouts and some are tight, but the vast majority of the time the good and bad teams separate themselves. It seems like there's always one team a season who puts up a normally winning score each week, but keeps going up against the weekly leader and runs into bad luck. What I would like to do in my work league is what my brother-in-law's league does: 3 divisions, one playoff spot to each division winner and another to the next highest-scoring team.

My league has a fairly simple rule about keepers: one per roster, 3 years max on your team (including the original year you drafted him - and this rule is similar to Chief's in that the contract stays with the player; ie if I bring back LT for his 3rd year on my squad, I can't trade him away to a team who will then be able to keep him for 3 years). We run 14 teams, so it only removes that many players from the draft pool each year, and everyone is made to be draft-eligible every 3 years at most. I would like to expand to a more detailed keeper system like CR, but I acknowledge that would take a bit more fun out of the draft, which my only league at this point wouldn't be thrilled about.

Last edited by Logan : 07-14-2008 at 07:47 AM.
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Old 07-28-2009, 06:48 PM   #16
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I'm going to bump this thread to bitch about my friends some more. I'm trying to set-up the ol' annual fantasy football draft with a bunch of friends, and in response I get this email today:

"I say we start earlier so we can be done well before supper time. I say 10:30am."

Could you possibly castrate yourself in grander fashion, in such few words? Supper? What the fuck? And what time do you eat supper, 3pm? Are you 50? I'd hate for the draft to interfere with a tasty whitefish salad on white bread. Everybody knows that a proper fantasy draft is an exercise in wastedness, and a time to put your crappy inebriated decision making, and heckling skills, to the ultimate test, not something to be undertaken in the AM hours (at least not the late morning ones), and certainly not something to be preempted by GOTdamn 'supper'.
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Old 07-28-2009, 06:55 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by thesloppy View Post
I'm going to bump this thread to bitch about my friends some more. I'm trying to set-up the ol' annual fantasy football draft with a bunch of friends, and in response I get this email today:

"I say we start earlier so we can be done well before supper time. I say 10:30am."

Could you possibly castrate yourself in grander fashion, in such few words? Supper? What the fuck? And what time do you eat supper, 3pm? Are you 50? I'd hate for the draft to interfere with a tasty whitefish salad on white bread. Everybody knows that a proper fantasy draft is an exercise in wastedness, and a time to put your crappy inebriated decision making, and heckling skills, to the ultimate test, not something to be undertaken in the AM hours (at least not the late morning ones), and certainly not something to be preempted by GOTdamn 'supper'.

Agree that has slowly begun happening in the league me and my friends have had for about 10 years now. The first couple of years were like college weekend nights out, then we got older and so obviously kids and families had some impact but most of us still threw back quite a few beers and had a great time, last year 2 people had to call in because they had family obligations. No idea what is in store for this year.
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Old 07-28-2009, 09:52 PM   #18
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We try and set our draft date at least 6 months in advance...or least nail down the weekend it'll be on...and even though it's going to screw up some other stuff, it's already on the calendar and it isn't going anywhere.

The wife knows it...the kids know it...and I know it...I won't be home for supper and I'm having a few beers.
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:53 AM   #19
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My friends have been running an 8 team league since 1992 when we were doing the stats by hand during Chem class in HS. It's a Head-2-Head, no keeper league, and we only charge money to pay for the NFL fantasy website because we all like how it's set up.

For the most part, it's been the same 7 of us and we've rotated the 8th guy since one of the originals was sucked in by some possessive woman and not allowed out of the house without a GPS device inserted into his skin (not that we are bitter at all)

So, for the last 4 years it's been a co-worker of one of our original 7. This guy was always a bit of an ass, but last year he took his obnoxiousness to unearthly levels.

It started when he drafted Tom Brady and someone else that I can't remember but also was injured throughout the year. Well, after Brady and some others in his lineup go down, he basically starts sulking. The one who brought him into the league had Kurt Warner and Tony Romo on the roster, so he traded him Warner (which was a helluva deal considering how the season panned out). None of us opposed it because we all felt somewhat bad that his team was pretty much castrated by week 3 with injuries. After that, he immediately starts throwing out preposterous trades to everyone. I get one offering me Garrard and Chad Johnson for Manning and Wayne, right about the time Manning has turned the corner on the season. Annoying, yes, but not a deal breaker until he starts publicly bitching no one will trade a dollar for his 35 cents. This goes on as he also starts bitching about free agents.

In our league, FA pick up is on Tuesday at 9. There's a loose rule to only pick up 1 guy a week, but we usually let it slide if you pick up 2 if you've had injuries (as you can tell, the 7 of this just like having a league and a pretty casual, though still competitive). Well, every year someone is lucky enough to be around a computer at the FA timeline. This year, it was me. I managed to pick up a FA right before he could get on and he went ballistic, saying I was hording people, etc. The following week, I don't want to pick anyone up, but a good RB was on the market. He picked him up and emailed me and the commish with a "Got him bitches!" like he'd won some sort of lottery.

At season's end, we kicked him out. There's ALWAYS an a-hole running around when competition is involved. Sure, the rest of us fight from time to time, but it always gets resolved and there's no hard feelings, but this guy was a constant jerk. Sounds like your league is better off now.
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:54 AM   #20
High School Varsity
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We still use H2H in our 12 team league (going into it's 20th season) but we play 3 games per week. That minimizes, but not eliminates, the luck factor. I would not want to play in a league where you play 1 team each week. Too much luck involved.

Still, 4 teams make the playoffs and the luck factor certainly still exists. The top record plays the worst and so forth.

I was more websites provided support for a H2H system such as ours. The only one I could find is CBS and their fees are starting to be ridiculous.
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Old 07-29-2009, 08:26 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Capital View Post
We still use H2H in our 12 team league (going into it's 20th season) but we play 3 games per week. That minimizes, but not eliminates, the luck factor.

That seems like a pretty good way to deal with it.
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Old 07-29-2009, 08:40 AM   #22
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this is what we use for h2h. Its been working great for both leagues i'm in. Both have varying rules and both are IDP leagues.
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Old 07-29-2009, 08:50 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Apathetic Lurker View Post

this is what we use for h2h. Its been working great for both leagues i'm in. Both have varying rules and both are IDP leagues.

That's the only other site I found that can handle the multiple weeks H2H. I sent an email request to ESPN last year in the hopes that they would change their software this year to support multiple H2H, but sadly they did not adopt that request.
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Old 07-29-2009, 09:17 AM   #24
Apathetic Lurker
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I have tried a bunch and I swear by myfantasyleague.
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Old 07-29-2009, 09:48 AM   #25
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We use for our H2H league. You can set the schedule and play multiple games each week.
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:11 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Apathetic Lurker View Post
I have tried a bunch and I swear by myfantasyleague.

I have been using MFL for 5 years now as well.
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:21 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by thesloppy View Post
Supper? What the fuck? And what time do you eat supper, 3pm? Are you 50?

Just for the record, I'm close to 50 but don't eat dinner until six or so.
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:23 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by panerd View Post
Agree that has slowly begun happening in the league me and my friends have had for about 10 years now. The first couple of years were like college weekend nights out, then we got older and so obviously kids and families had some impact but most of us still threw back quite a few beers and had a great time, last year 2 people had to call in because they had family obligations. No idea what is in store for this year.

The commish in the league I've been in for twenty years just packed it in this year. Gonna be weird not to be doing FF this year.
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:41 AM   #29
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Just curiously, how does the multiple games per week set up work? I haven't ever seen that in football.
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Old 07-29-2009, 11:08 AM   #30
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I think H2H wins(1 point), plus the top half scoring teams(1 point), seems to even it out some. That way the doucher that wins 73-46 multiple times in a season, likely only gets 1 of the two available points for the week.
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Old 07-29-2009, 03:34 PM   #31
Apathetic Lurker
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Hows this for a horror story? My wife decided we need to go to a wedding on the same day as our draft in our non-keeper league..
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Old 07-29-2009, 03:42 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Apathetic Lurker View Post
Hows this for a horror story? My wife decided we need to go to a wedding on the same day as our draft in our non-keeper league..

Did you tell her you hope she has a nice time?
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Old 07-29-2009, 03:43 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Apathetic Lurker View Post
Hows this for a horror story? My wife decided we need to go to a wedding on the same day as our draft in our non-keeper league..

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Old 07-29-2009, 04:22 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Apathetic Lurker View Post
Hows this for a horror story? My wife decided we need to go to a wedding on the same day as our draft in our non-keeper league..

Yeah, hopefully she can find a ride home from the reception.

Who's getting married though?
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:50 PM   #35
Apathetic Lurker
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One of her male co-workers. Not even family....ugh

1st time since the mid eighties I miss a draft.

She wears the pants in the family. I readily admit it

Last edited by Apathetic Lurker : 07-29-2009 at 05:52 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:51 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Apathetic Lurker View Post
One of her male co-workers. Not even family....ugh

1st time since the mid eighties I miss a draft.

Guy oughta lose his mancard for getting married during draft season.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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Old 08-01-2009, 11:24 AM   #37
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We do a 16 team, non-keeper, H2H with a doubleheader or two throughout the season (whatever it takes to make the number of games work out -- I forget). Couple of things that work for us: It's 4 divisions of 4 in 2 conferences. The first wildcard from each conference is next best record after the division winners. The second wildcard is highest points getter regardless of record. That takes some of the lucky matchups out of it.

Second, 8 teams make the Superbowl playoffs, the other 8 are in the Toilet Bowl playoffs. Rankings in the Toilet Bowl playoffs (in addition to money to the winner) determine the draft order for next year (Toilet bowl winner gets first pick). Seems to keep everyone interested in the league all year (or at least as much as can be).
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Old 08-01-2009, 11:35 AM   #38
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Who the Fuck still calls it "Supper"
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