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Old 01-28-2009, 09:03 AM   #1
Pro Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
molson's Face the Board Answers

1. Where did you grow up?

I was born in Waterbury, CT, but grew up in Fitchburg, MA, a old run-down mill town about 30 miles west of Boston. My family and most people I know there didn't like it, but I thought it had everything. I think it's given me decent perspective, because almost anything you can find in America, you can find there. Rich people, poor people, whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, new Mexican immigrants, old French immigrants, trees, rivers, fields, urban blight, a homeless community, coffee shops, old men who yell at you when the whiffle ball goes in their yard, history, drugs, gangs. It's a small city of about 35,000, but it had it all. I think it was a great place to grow up.

2.What brought you to the FOFC?

I think like a lot of people who have been around here a while, I played Baseball Mogul a lot in the late 90s. I had been looking for a game like that since I played Micro League Baseball on my Apple II. I think I did a search for similar football sims and found the original FOF on ebay. Soon after, I heard about the impending release of FOF2, and I found Front Office Football Central. So I was here pretty close to the beginning, but didn't become a poster until later.

3. Have you ever played werewolf?

Three times. The first time, I felt like a total dope, and I was killed early. The second time, I felt like a total dope, and I was alive until the end. That was a panicked week, it overcome my life, I didn't want to screw anything up as a newbie. I was reading posts at 2 AM, it got completely out of hand. The third time......the rules were a tad complicated, and I really don't think I understood them even by the time the game was over, or at least, I didn't understand them enough to make any contribution. Then I retired. It seems like fun and something I could get into, but the terminology/rules/reputations of various players is just a little too intimidating to dive into, I think.

4. Do you have any superpowers?

I almost never have to go to the bathroom. It's crazy. I don't know where the beer goes. I had an uncle that had three kidneys, and I expect that I may have inherited that. If that has anything to do with my condition.

5. What do you do for fun? What do you do for money?

I went from a low-level tv intern to a low-level tv sales guy to a low-level tech sales guy to a low-level lawyer. I'm sticking with the last one, which I've learned is the real key to getting above low-level anything. I have very few real hobbies because I'm wildly entertained by the basics – the tv, the Internet, movies, reading. I like to take the occasional weekend trip somewhere, anywhere.

6. How long do you expect to live?

My grandparents all lived into their areas despite various health conditions, and I live much healthier than any of them. I would be pretty surprised if I didn't make it to my 80s. Of course, I wouldn't literally be surprised, because I would be dead. You know what I'm saying. But I don't have 100 in me. I'm going to say 93.....December 12, 2071. If I don't outlive the earth.

7. What do you look like?

6 foot 2, about 230. Not really any muscle, so that's weigh to much weight. I got the lanky Scandinavian thing going on, but not enough lank and too much soda and beer.

8. What do you prefer physically in a woman?

Curves and eyes.

9. How did you get your username?

I never thought I would ever post. I think I started an account because I had one question, or because you needed to log in to use the search function or something back then. There's some fancy word when a username or other word is derived from something else, like your real name. I don't know that word, but that's what we're dealing with. Molson tends to be my username at work/school email addresses, because it derives from my real name. I need to change it now that I've become a mild post whore.

10. What sports do you follow?

In this order: NFL, MLB, NBA, College Football, College Basketball, NHL. The only thing I know about anything else is what I come across accidentally. I didn't get into college sports until I went to college. Nobody cared about college sports in Massachusetts in the 80s, it got no play on TV or newspapers.

11. Which are your favorite teams?

Patriots, Red Sox, Celtics, and Syracuse football and basketball most of all. I lost a lot of my childhood passion for the Bruins – I see now that they're having a great season, but there's no NHL TV option in Boise, so there's still kind of on the outside. I also root for the University of Oregon and Boise St, just because of my later-life connections to those places.

12. Why or how did they become your favorite teams?

I lived in Pats/Sox/Celtics territory, graduated undergrad from Syracuse, law school from Oregon, and lived in Boise.

13. What do you do for a living?

I'm a government attorney – in a bunch of different capacities the last few years.

14. Do you have any post-secondary education? if so, where?

I went to law school at the University of Oregon, 3 years after I graduated undergrad. I've always liked school, but it was even better going back, I really appreciated it more the second the time around. And it's an opportunity to try out a completely different part of the country. I highly recommend taking that kind of leap if you get the opportunity. I'm very glad I looked for something new.

15. Are you married? Have a common law partner? Have kids?

Not married, no kids. Have had a girlfriend for close to a year. We don't live together, but it's far more serious than anything I've been involved with before. And it was completely unexpected.

16. What would you say is some of your favorite music?

I don't know many people that care less about music then me. I haven't bought a CD since about 1996, and while one night I was motivated to put all my old CDs on my hard drive, I've never listened to them all there. And I've never owened an MP3 player. I like music when it works well in a movie or TV show, but I just don't find it that interesting on it's own. I do have Sirius, and on the rare occasion I'm listening to music on that, it's Classic Vinyl, Classic Rewind, or Lithium.

17. What would you say are some of your favorite movies?

I always have a hard time with this question even though I watch a lot of movies. Sometimes they connect with me and sometimes they don't, and there doesn't seem to be much pattern to predict that. Except that I don't like romantic comedies, action/thrillers, or horror. There's probably about 500 movies outside those genres that are tied for 1st.

18. Where were you born?

Waterbury, CT, but I only lived there about a year.

19. Where have you lived and where do you live now? Do you have any opinions on the places you have lived in?

I order of how much I liked them, looking back: Juneau, AK (though only for a summer); New York, City; Eugene, OR; Providence, RI (summer), Jersey City, NJ; Boise, ID (current); Fitchburg, MA; Freedom, NH;, Boston, MA. Yes, Boston is dead last. I just didn't find it very livable. It's hard to drive/park, and the public transportation is pretty awful. I find NYC a superior place to live in every way. It's really the only place on the list I didn't like.

20. Do you play any sports? Have you played any sports in the past? Are there sports you want to try out?

I don't play anything now, though I sometimes get the desire to play basketball. That was my favorite sport to play back in the day, though I wasn't particularly good, and I wasn't that interested in playing it in an organized way. It's a great way to spend afternoon with friends that you play with a lot though.

21. Happiest moment of your life?

Maybe the day I left Massachusetts for Oregon. It was such a dramatic, life-changing move. I felt like I was really doing something with myself. My girlfriend has given me many moments that probably tie that thought.

22. Saddest moment of your life?

I'm going to keep this one to myself. I assure you it's nothing criminal. But there's only one thing that made me sad for more than a day. I'm pretty resilient (and haven't had much or any personal tragedy).

23. If you had to re-live one moment in your life, what would it be?

I can't think of one, except for any day where I know the outcome to sporting event that I can bet on. Otherwise, living today just seems more interesting.

24. What regrets do you have?

None. I don't even recognize the past version of myself and some things that he did, but I'm sure I did everything for a reason at the time. You can't judge the past by what you know now. That's just silly.

25. Do you consider yourself to be an introvert or an extrovert?

I'm an introvert that becomes an extrovert at the flip of some switch that has various catalysts. If I'm comfortable in the environment, or it connects with me in some way, I'm pretty outgoing.

26. What is your favorite catch phrase?

“What's the matter for you?”. Around the right company. It makes no sense. But I heard some kid say it once, and that thought he was a brilliant wordsmith. I remember the time and place I heard it. July, 1995. That tells you what an impact it had on me.

27. What are your top 5 movies?

See question 17.

28. What would you do with 1 million bucks? 10 million?

I'd be tempted to see if I could live the rest of my life on $1 million without working. I think I could do it. Just have an otherwise normal, middle class life, but not work. Hopefully invest well. With $10 million, I'd give at least half of it away, and then buy modest houses on both coasts (and not work).

29. You're at a party and as it progresses, everyone strips naked and jumps in the pool, do you join?

Everyone? I guess I wouldn't have a choice. If it was 90% I'd probably sit out. I find this scenario highly unlikely. Parties get more boring every year as you age. It makes me sad.

30. What's your beverage of choice?

Coke, Rock Star Energy drinks. I don't drink coffee, but I have a bit of a problem with with the carbonated beverages. I'm drinking one right now and it's not 7AM yet.

31. Do you have an abnormal fear?

I have a couple of really weird, irrational, annoying social anxieties. I say annoying because I can overcome them, but it's just really annoying that they're there. Like talking on the phone. It freaks me out for some reason. Annoying.

32. What food do you never tire of?

I don't tire of any food. And I have very cheap/bland taste. There may actually be something wrong with my sense of taste. I don't know how I would go about getting that tested. All food is good. Except coconut.

33. What better: vanilla or chocolate?

Neither. I'm not even 100% I could tell the difference. Now I know there's something wrong with me.

34. What better: sweet or salty?

Salt makes everything better

35. Favorite YouTube video?

When I find a good one I run it into the ground so quickly. I love youtube. This one made me laugh yesterday:

36. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I'd love to be immortal, and you know, see how it all ends.

37. Which bad habits drive you crazy?

Not many. When read random signs from the car. That's not helpful. To anyone.

38. Do you have any annoying habits?

I've learned recently that I have bad table manners. I'm not sure if I just developed these at 30, or if nobody had the heart to tell me until now. Anyway, if I've ever eaten with you, I apologize.

39. List 1 thing you would change about yourself.

Losing a quick 30-40 pounds would definitely save some time and effort.

40. What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Go to the movies, go out and have a few beers, come home, zone out with the TV, the internet and the girlfriend. I'm into the simple things. Anything else would be too boring or require too much effort.

41. Do you have any hidden talents?

Not a SINGLE one. And I don't have many non-hidden talents. I'm pretty competent overall. But talent eludes me.

42. What happens to us after we die?

We become worm-food. That's just my guess. Second most probable scenario - our "soul" somehow lives on, but not in a conscious way where are brains still work in the same way. I think people imagine an afterlife where they actually think, and breath, and remember like humans. That makes no sense to me. That gray shit in heads is what thinks and retains memories. If there's a god, I don't think the gray shit would be important to him. He would want to retain something deeper, something that maybe we don't have a great understanding of, as humans.

43. Would you break the law or lie to save a friend?

Absolutely. And I'd do that for a liberal meaning of the word "save". Breaking the law's like breaking a contract. Sometimes there's just an efficient breach.

44. Did you ever have a realistic dream that truly scared you?

I have a lot of dreams about being involved in war, being shot at. But they don't scare me. Even in the dream.

45. What are you not afraid of?

I'm not afraid of most normal, tangible things: Crime, natural disasters, snakes, travel, bridges, fire, avalanches, wild boars. But then I'm sometimes afraid to ask directions or something stupid.

46. Which is worse: rejection or failure?

Rejection feels worse to me. In my mind, failure is probably worse.

47. What are you hoping for in the future?

For myself, just to be able to be comfortable, and to improve, even if slowly, everything about me and my life. For the world, I hope they figure out the whole oil thing.

48. You are on a flight from California to Texas and the back of the airplane catches fire. You have
enough time to make ONE phone call, who would you call?

My girlfriend. She's given me more than anyone else ever has.

49. You are at the doctor's office and she has informed you that you have one month to live.. what do you do?

It would be so chaotic, I might not make it even that month.

50. Why are SpongeBob SquarePants' parents round like sea sponges while he is square like a kitchen sponge?

It's a very, very sad and tragic story.

How is it being a lawyer (if you're actually practicing)?

It's OK. It's a job. I don't know if there's a job out there I'd really love.

Would you have sex with Tom Brady? Matt Cassel?

OK, isn't this question supposed to read something like, "if it meant they would win the Super Bowl", or, "if it fixed their knee injury". Actually, thank god you didn't ask that, the answer might be too embarrassing. Straight-up sex though with no strings attached? Nah, I'm good, thanks.

Who is your FOFC nemesis?

I have this thing now where something annoying happens in real life, and then I come here and get involved in arguments. Kind of a bad habit. And I'll continue to do it.

But without naming names, the Boston trolls get on my nerves.

Alright, if you could be a any pro wrestler and wrestle in any era, who and when would you wrestle. Additionally, who would your best feud be with?

Probably somebody that was around across different "eras" just so I could see things evolve, and see how things changed over time. I'd start in the 70s and retire in around 2001 (since wrestling has been pretty much the same since then). I'd say my best feud would be with the mid-80s Randy Savage, pre-cowboy hat stage. He could do it all.

Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?

No sir, I have not.

Caveman lawyer, your opinion please.

Not a fan. I really didn't like Phil Hartman all that much (except as Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz). He's too bland to be the funny guy and not bland enough to be the straight guy.

Any political aspirations?

I'm intrigued by that world and the difference one could potentially make, but I don't think I'd ever have the networking skills.

3 people, live, dead or fictional you would like to have a drink/meal with?

Jesus Christ (not because I'm practicing Christian, but because I'd like to get to the bottom of some stuff), John Adams, and maybe Julius Caesar (or someone else from that era, if I thought about it longer) I go old-school here because you know those guys can drink, and I think it would be interesting.

Lincoln logs or Legos?

Definitely Legos. Lincoln Logs are for losers.

I like the old New England Patriots uniforms better than the new ones. What's your take on their uniforms?

I miss Pat Patriot but don't care much about uniforms unless they're distractingly bad. Like Oregon football.

What's the hardest thing about being a lawyer? (Besides dealing with all of the jokes)

I think it's hard job, with lots of training required, for not really a lot of pay (compared to other professional fields). And there's some difficult personalities of course (but I think Idaho, Oregon, ans Alaska, the places I've worked or interned, don't have this problem like the northeast does).

What kind of law do you practice?

I've always been a government lawyer. Some prosecuting, some civil, some criminal appellate stuff.

WCCW. Great old wrestling federation, or greatest old wrestling federation?

I think "interesting" more than great. I love reading about WCCW, but actually watching it makes me feel lacking for some reason.

Tell us your weirdest online moment.

I haven't had one yet. If someone recognized here from real life, that would be it.

What games do you play regularly?

For the last year and half or so, I've only played two - CIV IV and TEW 07. And I'm sure I'd be off TEW 07 by now if not for my dynasty over in that forum. CIV IV is my favorite game ever, by far. I don't why I'd need to buy anything else.

Cuz it has to be asked at FOFC: do you (still) play FOF? If yes, how (MP/SP) and how often? If no, why not?

I think I'm done with it until there's a new game. I didn't play the new one very much. I think it's a great game, but couldn't get past AI roster turnover. Or the teams that have 30+ rookies. Maybe that's been fixed in some patch. I should look into that.

Do you drink? If yes, what is your favorite drink?

BEER! I hate hard liquor or any wine drinks. I'll drink wine if there's a bottle in front of me.

Put your music player of choice onto random shuffle. What are the next 10 songs?

I've never owned a music player....

Do you read much? Do you have a favorite genre? Do you have a favorite author or series?

I'm trying to read more. I like non-fiction, mostly about history. I figure there's so much real stuff out there I want to know about, that I don't have time for stuff people made up.

What was the last movie you saw? How would you rate it?

Slumdog Millionaire. I'll say 7.5/10. It thought it was an excellent movie, but it just didn't connect with me the way other movies sometimes do.

What better, prosecution or defense?

PROSECUTION!!! I often had to remind myself that defense attorneys are just doing their jobs....

What better, offense or defense?

DEFENSE!!!! If you're bad team, start with defense. Anything can happen if you keep the score down.

Did you name yourself after the beer or are you Merlin Olson?

I wish I was Merlin Olson. That would be awesome. Whenever I start a new job, the tech guy makes a joke about my email address/various log-ins sounding like the beer. Is Molson beer even still around? We don't have it in Idaho.

Isn't Coeur D'Alene just gorgeous?

Idaho is really gorgeous, Coeur D'Alene in particular. There's so many other places I want to see here, I hope I get a chance to do that more this year.

Are Idaho potatoes really better?

I've lived here two years, and I've seen no enhanced references or availability of potatoes, except for the license plates.

If sex was an Olympic sport, should the gold go to the guy finishing first or last?

Hmm, my first response would be that this is something that really needs to be judged my human judges, because there's so much variability. But just finishing first might actually make the better spectator sport.

molson cereal introduced-- what's on the box? what's in the cereal? and what is the cool prize inside?

I would just bring back Mr. T cereal, put my name on that.

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Old 01-28-2009, 09:30 AM   #2
Bonafide Seminole Fan
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Miami
Great read I didn't know you were a lawyer, interesting you work for the government. I am not sure what kind of law I want to practice but I am leaning toward something that pays a lot. But the hippie in me wants to do something to help the every man.
Subby's favorite woman hater.
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Old 01-28-2009, 09:56 AM   #3
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Location: NYC
Good read man.

Whenever I see your name I think of "Moland" from Seinfeld...the visionary combination of the names Morgan and Poland by Mr. Pitt.

Figured you should know that.

And no idea why I think of that and not Black Ice, Golden or XXX.

Last edited by Logan : 01-28-2009 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 01-28-2009, 12:17 PM   #4
wade moore
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Location: williamsburg, va
Good read.
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Originally Posted by Subby
Maybe I am just getting old though, but I am learning to not let perfect be the enemy of the very good...
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Old 01-28-2009, 02:09 PM   #5
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Location: Chicagoland
Good stuff, thanks!
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Old 01-28-2009, 03:43 PM   #6
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Location: Seattle, WA
I enjoyed that. It differed from what I would have expected for some reason.
We have always been at war with Eastasia.
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Old 01-29-2009, 01:49 PM   #7
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Location: San Diego via Sausalito via San Jose via San Diego
Awesome read molson. Thanks for answering my questions.
I'm no longer a Chargers fan, they are dead to me

Coming this summer to a movie theater near you: The Adventures of Jedikooter: Part 4
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Old 01-29-2009, 07:56 PM   #8
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Location: Ashburn, VA
Damn and here I was hoping it was for the beer.
Originally Posted by molson
33. What better: vanilla or chocolate?

Neither. I'm not even 100% I could tell the difference. Now I know there's something wrong with me.

Thanks for the entertaining read. My day since leaving work just gets better.

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Old 02-03-2009, 09:24 PM   #9
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Location: Seven miles up
I haven't read one of these for a while. Good stuff there. Thanks
He's just like if Snow White was competitive, horny, and capable of beating the shit out of anyone that called her Pops.

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Old 02-03-2009, 09:46 PM   #10
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Location: Massachusetts

Who is your FOFC nemesis?

I have this thing now where something annoying happens in real life, and then I come here and get involved in arguments. Kind of a bad habit. And I'll continue to do it.

But without naming names, the Boston trolls get on my nerves.

we have trolls?? mean that guy from Franklin who attacks trees?
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Old 02-18-2009, 08:37 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post

we have trolls?? mean that guy from Franklin who attacks trees?

Oh, yeah
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:06 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by DaddyTorgo View Post

we have trolls?? mean that guy from Franklin who attacks trees?

No, I meant the opposite (the anti-Boston trolls)

The guy from Franklin rules....though I'm glad he got that little anger situation taken care of....
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Old 02-23-2009, 02:48 PM   #13
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Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
"I'm ready to bury the hatchet, but don't fuck with me" - Schmidty
"Box me once, shame on Skydog. Box me twice. Shame on me. Box me 3 times, just fucking ban my ass...." - stevew
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