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Old 09-05-2008, 08:07 AM   #1
Pro Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
Logan's Face The Board Answers

Where did you grow up?

Born and raised in Marlboro, New Jersey. It's an upper-middle class suburb that's about 20 mins from the beach. Marlboro was a huge farming town back in the day, thanks to the discovery of the mineral "marl" in the soil (get it, borough of marl?). The population really exploded in the late 80s, and unfortunately it's pretty overcrowded these days. But it still has a great school system, it's safe, and overall just nice-looking so people keep wanting to move in, buying and building bigger homes.

What brought you to the FOFC?

I don't remember exactly how I found the original Sideline, but I was definitely an early member. As a recent thread brought back to mind, I found out about FOF1 through a posting by Bill Abner in a Usenet group (come to think of it, it's amazing I even knew how to find that stuff with how young I was). I was hooked immediately, and even did a short interview with Jim for a website where I used to review games. So I probably found the board through a link on Usenet. Glad I did…it's weird to say, but I legitimately look forward to reading this board.

Have you ever played werewolf?

If the posts counted, I just might. Seriously…no, and I never really understood what it's about or how it's played. But I'm glad others get a lot of fun out of it. And the few days that surrounded that whole fiasco with the posts being moved to another forum and not counting were some of the best in FOFC history.

Do you have any superpowers?

My vision is phenomenal. Not good enough to see through girls' clothes, but almost.

What do you do for fun? What do you do for money?

For fun…watch sports, play sports, play Xbox with buddies, hang out with friends, go to bars to chase girls…the usual stuff. I like to read too, but it's hard to find the time.

For money…I'll answer that below.

How long do you expect to live?

Honestly, I want to go just before everything start's breaking down, both physically and mentally. I've seen the effort my parents have put forth to take care of their parents, and I really don't want to put my kids (hopefully) through the same ordeal.

What do you look like?

5'10, 193 lbs (currently), black hair, dark eyes, a bit darker skin than the typical white guy. People always think I'm Italian, but it's not the case. As for weight, I've lost about 30 lbs over the past couple months and I still have a lot of tightening up to do, but I look a lot better now than I did then. I look much better now than I did in about 2002, when I was pushing 335 lbs.

What do you prefer physically in a woman?

I've found myself attracted to all different girls of all different ethnicities, so it's hard for me to peg down anything specific. I guess if I was forced to pick one for an immediate attraction, it would be the blonde hair/blue eye type…my last couple girlfriends have fit that description. Really anything goes...

…a great ass helps though.

How did you get your username?

This question should be directed at my parents.

What sports do you follow? Which are your favorite teams? Why or how did they become your favorite teams?

College football, baseball, and hockey are tops for me. Pro football and college basketball are a notch below, although I still consider myself a big fan of all of them.

Favorite teams:

- Obviously Rutgers: My #1 priority. I love this football team. I wasn't a fan until I started as a freshman in 2001, but that was the year Greg Schiano came aboard and the program changed (hopefully) forever. The basketball team is finally getting some recruiting momentum behind Fred Hill Jr. We're bringing in a McDonald's All American this year, along with a top 5 center that we got over Duke. The Big East is so tough though, so it will take time to make real progress.

- New York Mets: My father and brother are both big fans, rubbed off on me.

- New York Rangers: I actually became a fan of them because of my best friend growing up. Him and his dad were obsessed, and I latched onto them. This was during the Kelly Kisio years, which immediately preceded the Messier trade.

- San Francisco 49ers: Simply put, I was a front-runner. Watching Joe Montana throw to Jerry Rice was amazing to me. At least I've stuck with them through the bad times.

What do you do for a living?

I work for a small outfit called the US Department of the Treasury. More specifically, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Yep, I'm a Fed. The OCC is the regulator of all national banks (BofA, Chase, Citi, Wachovia, etc) and I am, by title, a bank examiner. I spend my time working in different banks (most of which are much smaller than those above, typically $250 mil to $3 bil in assets) for a few weeks at a time, doing things like commercial and residential credit analysis, investment portfolio analysis, anti money laundering, evaluating financial performance, some compliance with laws, etc.

I like it a lot because I'm always doing something different, in a different physical location, so it doesn't get boring to me. I get to do some travel too. The money is good as I make around the same as my friends in finance who work 80 hour weeks (although I miss out on potential large bonuses, damn it), the hours are good, and best of all, I have off every other Friday as we work what's called a flex schedule (extra hour a day for 8 days).

There are some times when working for the government can be a bit annoying with all the bureaucracy, but since we're not publicly-funded (changes the culture a bit) and have a lot of older people retiring/younger people being hired out of school, that is in the process of changing.

Do you have any post-secondary education? if so, where?

I feel stupid for not knowing if this refers to post-college. Since I'm not sure, I have a B.S. in Business Management from Rutgers University, New Brunswick. I haven't wanted to go to grad school, but I am seriously considering going for my CFA designation (Chartered Financial Analyst).

Are you married? Have a common law partner? Have kids?

Nope, single gentleman, and thankfully haven't slipped one past the goalie to the best of my knowledge (knock on wood).

What would you say is some of your favorite music?

Lucy is by far my favorite XM channel, and that's pretty much 90's alternative rock. I'm actually not as big a music fan as I used to be in high school and college, and that's kind of sad but I feel like I don't have time to "get into it." Big fan of the Chili Peppers, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, Aerosmith, OAR, Weezer, and of course, Bon Jovi. Springsteen rocks too.

What would you say are some of your favorite movies?

The Usual Suspects, Shawshank, A Bronx Tale, Dazed and Confused, Goodfellas, Rounders, Eurotrip, Godfather I/II, Casino, Superbad, Clerks, Dumb and Dumber, The Bourne series, Swingers, La Bamba.

Where were you born?

At St. Peter's in New Brunswick, NJ. Returned there almost 18 years to the day later to go to school.

Where have you lived and where do you live now? Do you have any opinions on the places you have lived in?

Lived in Marlboro, NJ for the first 24 years of my life, not counting the time spent at school. It was a really nice place to grow up.

New Brunswick is a great atmosphere, even if it doesn't have the look of a typical college town. I'm very, very glad I went to Rutgers.

Now I live in New York City, and it's awesome. So many cool places to go, awesome bars and restaurants…really all you can ask for as a guy in your mid 20s. I hope to stay in the city for at least 3 more years.

Do you play any sports? Have you played any sports in the past? Are there sports you want to try out?

I play softball every now and then, I golf when I can (much harder now that I'm in the city), and me and some buddies play racquetball occasionally too. I grew up playing baseball, and was always one of the best players in the league. I dominated as a pitcher up until I was about 15, when I hurt my elbow while pitching, which still brings me pain when I throw a ball around to this very day. I wish I played football growing up, but my mom was scared I'd get hurt. I was always a solid QB during our pickup games with friends (you know, when people didn't wear pads or anything and really did get hurt), and I would've liked to see what I could do with real coaching. Plus it probably would have kept me in shape throughout high school.

Happiest moment of your life?

I'll cheat a bit and say when both of my nieces were born (Devyn –my sister's kid - in October 05, Dylan – my brother's - in December 06). They're so much fun to be around and watching them grow up is amazing. My sister and her husband have another girl on the way, due in about a month.

Saddest moment of your life?

When my grandmother (on my mother's side) passed away 4 years ago. Luckily, I had gone through my first 21 years without a death in the family (my father's dad died years before I was born), so that was a new experience for me. Equally as sad was when my father's mother passed away 2 years ago. While she was not in the best of health, it was still a surprise, as she was going through one of her better stretches.

If you had to re-live one moment in your life, what would it be?

Definitely the night of my business school graduation, which happened a couple days before our general graduation. Out of all my friends at school, a big majority were in the business school so it was just an awesome time the night we graduated. Despite all the alcohol, I remember pretty much all of it, and I'm really glad about that.

What regrets do you have?

- Definitely allowing my weight to get out of control during high school and the first year of college. I was always heavy growing up, but once I hit around 16/17 I just started putting on a ton of weight, to the point I hit 335 lbs shortly after starting my sophomore year at Rutgers. It was at that time I made the decision that things had to change, so I changed my eating habits drastically and started exercising. I dropped about 125 lbs over the next year which felt great. My weight has been an issue ever since, and I got back up to 240 at one point, but for the last couple months I've been losing weight, and as I said, right now I'm at 197, the least I've weighed since I was about 14.

- I wish I went to Europe for the month between my college graduation and the time I started work. Who knows if I'll ever have a chance to do that again. At the very least, it will be much more expensive.

- My biggest regret though, by far, is something that I didn't even know if I wanted to bring up on here, because I'd be worried about what people who don't really "know me" like those on the outside would think of me. But I'll be open…

On 9/11, I had just started my second week of my freshman year at RU. After the planes hit, but when the towers were still standing, we were able to see the smoke in the distance from our dorm roof. At around 11, the school cancelled classes for the rest of the day, and by about 2, they cancelled classes for the next day. It was at this time that pretty much my entire dorm decided we would gather up all of our booze and have a huge blowout since we didn't have to go to class the next day. And we got hammered. HAMMERED. We did power hours, played beer pong, threw down tons of shots, etc. And it wasn't one of those "this is horrible, let's drink our sorrows away"…we totally looked past the disaster that happened, figured we had a day off, and took advantage of it, having a great time.

It really sickens me that we all took part in that, especially looking back on how many people we personally knew that died and how we didn't even think of how it affected us. I like to think that it was because it happened so early in our college lives so we were wrapped up in taking advantage of our "freedom" but that's obviously not an excuse. I think about this probably on a weekly basis, and it's really horrible. Me and my buddy still talk about how much we regret it.

Do you consider yourself to be an introvert or an extrovert?

Introvert when I'm alone, extrovert when I'm in a group of good friends. My family was always amazed at how well I could entertain myself as a kid. I'd just throw a tennis ball against one of the walls of our house for hours, pretending to be some Mets player. That extends to now with my complete comfort in sitting around by myself, even if it's a Saturday night. If I feel I need some downtime, I take it.

What is your favorite catch phrase?

Don't think I really have one…but I'm that guy who will say random movie lines way after they've lost their relevance.

What are your top 5 movies?

1. The Usual Suspects – My definition of "best movie ever": if you could watch a movie again *for the first time* which would you choose? This is by far the winner. I'd love to experience all that again.

2. The Shawshank Redemption

3. A Bronx Tale

4. Dazed and Confused

5. Goodfellas

What would you do with 1 million bucks? 10 million?

$1 million: boring – keep it invested, unfortunately that's not much money where I live.

$10 million: buy an apartment in the city, to use for myself now and as an investment later, put aside money for my nieces' educations, payoff what's left on my parents' mortgage and buy them a vacation house, invest the rest, maybe to have to setup my own business down the road (what kind of business, no idea)

You're at a party and as it progresses, everyone strips naked and jumps in the pool, do you join?

I mean, if everyone does, I won't be the only one standing clothed outside. Everyone would wonder what I was trying to hide. But if 10 people jumped in, and there's 50 more at the party, you can find me at the keg.

What's your beverage of choice?

Normal drinks: Diet Coke, Black Coffee, Diet Iced Green Tea, Diet Sunkist

Alcoholic: Sam Seasonals, Guinness, Hoegarden (reminds me of being at the outdoor bars at RU)

Do you have an abnormal fear?

Cotton balls. Seriously.

What food do you never tire of?

I can eat pizza forever. The place around the corner from me comes out with new kinds of slices all the time. I love em all. But since I'm on a diet, I don't eat it. More realistically, I can eat grilled chicken for lunch and dinner everyday (and pretty much do).

What better: vanilla or chocolate?

Vanilla in a landslide. One of the greatest tastes out there is plain vanilla ice cream. No toppings, no fudge, just the vanilla.

What better: sweet or salty?

Definitely sweet. Although the sweet/salty combo of chocolate-covered pretzels is one of life's delicacies.

Favorite YouTube video?

With an honorable mention to the original…me and my buddies went nuts watching this one live. The most underrated part is how he pulled away from the 5'9", 170 lb corner.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

The ability to pause time, fast forward, and rewind. I only need a few minutes in each direction. I could only think of how much more successful I would be at the bars.

Which bad habits drive you crazy?

Lateness is #1 for me. Maybe it's because I'm one of those who is always early, but I can't stand those people who are chronically late. Like my dad. It's unbelievably selfish. Talking with food in your mouth also annoys me. I'm answering this question at work, and right now there's a guy sitting across from me who is disgusting. When most people talk with food in their mouth, they chew at the same time so the food eventually goes down and they begin speaking clearly. This d-bag will just let the food sit in his mouth while he rambles on for five minutes at a time, and then chew when he's finally done speaking. If he wasn't above me, I'd knock him on his ass.

Do you have any annoying habits?

I bite my nails way too much. It's gross. A couple years ago, I actually was able to quit for a few months, but relapsed and now I'm back to it. Honestly, it was harder for me to quit biting my nails then it was for me to lose 125 lbs.

List 1 thing you would change about yourself.

The easy answer would be losing more weight and transforming my body into being more muscular, but since that's something I could actually do in theory…I tend to get those dark circles/puffiness under my eyes. That's probably fixable too, but I never really looked into how. I think it's one of those things that I notice about myself more than others would, so I have that going for me, which is nice…

What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday night?

Grab a good dinner with some of my college friends, head back to someone's place to pre-game, and hit a couple bars until the early hours of the morning.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I think I do, but the issue is they're still hidden to me. I think there's some sort of career/business opportunity out there for me that goes beyond what I'm doing now, and eventually it will surface itself.

What happens to us after we die?

When I was younger, I figured a person's would go on to some sort of afterlife (call it heaven if you want) and be surrounded by friends, family, etc. But then I started thinking…which "me" will be existing? When I was 12? 21? 45? 85? Then my head started hurting and I haven't really thought of it since. I'm not a religious person at all…I think something happens, I can't conceptually grasp "nothingness" but your guess is as good as mine.

Would you break the law or lie to save a friend?

Absolutely, and already have.

Did you ever have a realistic dream that truly scared you?

Not really, that I can remember at least. But when I was a senior in college, I started having a recurring common anxiety dream where my teeth would be falling out. I would open my mouth, kind of push my teeth with my tongue, and 6, 8, 12 teeth would just fall out. I found out this is a common dream when you're stressed, and in my case it was coming about because I hadn't yet landed a job after graduation. Once I did (even though it was an offer I eventually passed on) they stopped.

What are you not afraid of?


Which is worse: rejection or failure?

Failure. Like I said above, I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to find a decent job after college. I've always been thought of as very intelligent (I was in one of those part-time advanced programs during elementary school, I have a high IQ, etc) and I can honestly say I probably didn't apply myself as much as I could. I think it's more because I never really found something that drew me in and made me want to work hard, instead of just a general laziness. Anyway, I was worried that it would result in not finding a good job, and my parents would be disappointed in me. But when I did take this job, they were really proud, which made me happy.

What are you hoping for in the future?

I got out of a long term relationship a little over a year ago, and I've enjoyed being single since then. But I'm starting to feel ready to settle down a bit, as I miss the companionship that comes with a girlfriend. So in the near future, I'm hoping to find my better half, keep working hard at my job and advancing, spending a lot of time watching my nieces grow up, and hope everyone's health stays well. That's really as "forward-looking" as I tend to go. I really don't have long-term plans.

You are on a flight from California to Texas and the back of the airplane catches fire. You have

enough time to make ONE phone call, who would you call?

I'd call my buddy Dave. A couple years ago, he was in the back of a flight from Cali to Jersey when the back caught fire. So I'd call him and ask him how the hell they survived that without even a drop in altitude.

You are at the doctor's office and she has informed you that you have one month to live.. what do you do?

I'd get up and go see a male doctor to get a proper diagnosis.

Seriously, I guess the typical answer would be to travel and see as much of the world as I can, but that's not really my thing. I'd rather spend the time further appreciating the stuff I know – the city, Jersey, and of course as much time as possible with my family and friends.

Why are SpongeBob SquarePants' parents round like sea sponges while he is square like a kitchen sponge?

I just went to the kitchen, my sponge is round, so I don't know what this question is trying to ask.

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Old 09-05-2008, 08:08 AM   #2
Pro Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
Dr. Sak:

Who is your favorite all time Rangers?

Taking into account longevity…Adam Graves. The true blood of the Cup team, and just exactly what you want representing your team (as both a player then, and now as a guy in PR). Hard-working, excellent around the net, always sticking up for a teammate…consummate professional. The Rangers are retiring his jersey this year, and I have all my potential ticket sources trying to squeeze me in somewhere. If I don't end up with anything, I'll stubhub a solo ticket if I have to, but I'll be there.

Over a shorter timeframe…I was obsessed with Mike Gartner, probably having to do with him being the best player on the team when I started following them. That's the one bitter moment of the 1994 Cup run. Gartner was a big part of that team's success, he notched his 600th goal during the season, and he was a great guy to root for. But the team made three deadline moves that year: we brought in Matteau and Noonan for Amonte (despite how great Amonte turned out, this was probably the 2nd most important trade in Ranger history, following the Messier acquisition), brought in Old Man MacTavish for Todd Marchant, and unfortunately, dealt Gartner away in a deal for Glenn Anderson. MacTavish, Noonan and Matteau were all integral in winning the Cup, but we would have still won it with Gartner in place of Anderson. And considering how he never did end up winning one, it hurts even more that he wasn't part of that special team.

What Ranger did you find it hardest to root for when he was on your team?

How about all of the other overpriced 3rd liners that were brought in during the late 90s/early 00s?

My answer would probably be Pavel Bure. I hated his constant crying during the '94 Cup, and Richter's penalty shot save against him was one of the greatest moments in Ranger history. I'm glad his time with the team was short-lived, and his career was finished after that.

But then again, not only was Bobby Holik still a Devil in my eyes, but he was completely atrocious as a Ranger. Maybe he's my guy.

Do you sing Bon Jovi a lot at Karaoke bars?

I don't discriminate. I sing Bon Jovi a lot at bars. There was nothing better than when Living on a Prayer would come on before last call at our favorite college bar. I would belt it out.

Do you think the Penguins tanked purposely to get all of their talent?

I don't think they really tanked, but they were put in a pretty shitty place with their ownership and arena situation, which definitely didn't help them focus or bring in any talent. As much as I can't stand the slew-footing Malkin or Crosby, Pittsburgh should have a good hockey team.

What present hockey player & team do you hate the most and why?

I know you want me to say Cindy, but I won't…not yet at least. I've hated Brodeur for over a decade because of how good he's been for the Devils and how good he's been against the Rangers ("MATTEAU! MATTEAU! MATTEAU! and Graves' series-winning wraparound 3 years later notwithstanding – I know you love it Pumpy!), but at least I respected him. After all his bitching about Avery this past playoffs, he can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. When a series ends, I don't care how much of a pain in the ass a guy is (or how often you felt the need to jab your stick into his balls), you shake his damn hand and be done with it. He's ruined in my eyes for that blatant disregard for the best sports tradition there is. I wish I could play you guys a booze-fueled voicemail I left my Devil-fan buddy after that. It probably could have resulted in a restraining order.


Have you seen Logan's Run? If yes, did you like it?

Never seen it, but I have been to Logan International Airport.

New York City, only popular because of the hype machine or is it the real deal?

Definitely the real deal. Don't get me wrong, it has it's drawbacks. Traffic, expensive, tourists, can't have a car unless you want to pay $500 a month to park it in a garage. But it really is great. Just so many things to do, especially for a younger person, so many people out there to meet, and it's easy to get around quickly. It's amazing how you can be in two completely different universes just by taking a 5 minute walk. I think everyone should spend a couple years living here in those post-college, pre-family years.

That being said, the "hyped" areas are definitely not where you want to spend most of your time if you're here for a visit.

Tourists suck though, no offense.

3 things you want to do before you die? (money not an issue)

1. Skydiving. I'm terrified of heights in general but for some reason, this kind of height doesn't seem like it would bother me.
2. Spend some time in Europe.
3. Win the World Series of Beer Pong (

3 people, live, dead or fictional you'd like to meet?

- My grandfather, definitely…he passed away about 7 years before I was born.
- Boo Radley. Seemed like an ok guy.
- Brittany Snow, as I think I would actually have a shot if we met.

If you were the president of the NHL for a day, what changes would you make?

Home teams would go back to wearing whites, "third man in" would be eliminated, Gary Bettman would be castrated, I'd have an annual "Original Six" round robin worked into the schedule, visors would be required, and goalies who bang their sister in law would be eliminated from HoF contention.

Do you think it's odd that there's more NHL teams in America than in Canada?

Maybe not odd, but unfortunate and sad. 1) Because Canadian teams apparently aren't getting the support they need and 2) Because there's too many teams in America.

Down by 1, with 1 minute left in game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals, do you pull your goalie?

He was probably pulled 15 seconds ago.

Taco, Burrito, Quesadilla, Volvo...which one does not belong?

Taco…there's never enough cheese in those things.
Suburban Rhythm:

Better Jagr-- mullet or no mullet?

Better Jagr as a player – mullet.
Better Jagr for the Rangers – no mullet. He played for us with no mullet, and beat on us with the mullet.

That doesn't excuse his landing strip goatee though.

If sex was an Olympic sport, who should get the gold-- person finishing first, or finishing last?

Nice guys finish last.

Biggest pet peeve? Biggest FOC pet peeve?
Lateness, as I already said. FOFC – parody threads. We get it already. One out of 100 resemble something funny (although admittedly, there was one a few months back that absolutely killed me).

Kellogg's releases the new Logan cereal-- what's on the box? what's the cereal like? and what is the cool prize inside?

This question is way too existential. Since I don't eat cereal, can I pass? But the cool prize would be a Trojan Ultra Thin. Those are always fun and useful.

Last edited by Antmeister : 09-05-2008 at 08:09 AM.
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:09 AM   #3
Pro Starter
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: At the corner of Beat Street and Electric Avenue
Dr Sak:

So you are a Neil Diamond fan...why? And what other groups/people do you listen to?

Oddly I became a Neil Diamond fan after seeing "Saving Silverman." One of my all time favorite comedies. I remember thinking, damn this guy is dropping some pretty solid beats. "Sweet Caroline" is one of the greatest bar/last call songs ever, and it later became the Rangers' victory song as they entered the locker room in the season that followed the lockout. I don't exactly know or celebrate his entire catalog, but he's pretty talented.

I went through some of my favorite bands before, but that's pretty much it when it comes to that easy listening type. Oh, and Billy Joel (sorry QS)

If you could see any 3 groups (alive or dead) in concert, who would they be?

Zepellin, KISS, and Bruce w/ the E Street Band, but it has to be Giants Stadium.


Are you Wolverine?

I could be if I didn't bite my nails.


Do you play FOF?

I haven't since the "One and Done" challenge we had running during January. Prior to that, I played the latest version on and off for about a month after release. There's just not enough in the single player game to hold my attention, and nothing short of a massive overhaul of the draft/scouting process will get me to buy the next version. To see what I would like incorporated, you can read this post which I've thrown out there a few times (


Marlo or Avon?

Wow, hardest question yet. I'll spoilerize it for anyone who hasn't seen all of The Wire yet.

Ray Rice or Brian Leonard?

Obviously I love Rice. He was an absolute monster from the day he showed up on campus when it took him about 4 days to vault from the #5 RB on the depth chart to #1. He dominated as a true freshman, and kept dominating for the next two years. No matter what other's say, to me he's the prototypical RB, runs hard between the tackles, always gets positive yardage, has the ability to both stay low and make guys miss. I'm pretty confident he will establish himself as a very good RB in the NFL.

But BL started it all, and for that, he'll always be #1 in my book. He was putting up big YPC and TDs as a true freshman, was clutch as a receiver out of the backfield, and it was a joy to watch him completely destroy LBs. He single-handedly won us games when we weren't winning many, and most importantly, when we had a talented RB join the team (Rice), he was more than willing to slide over to FB where he excelled and gave us an awesome two-headed monster. Plus he has some of the greatest highlights I'll ever see (like above).

Miami or Boston College?

Benedict Arnold or Brutus? Hitler or Stalin? Bonds or Cobb? They both screwed over the Big East, although at least Miami was honest about their intentions from the start while BC expressed outrage over Miami/VT leaving and destroying the BE…until the money came calling and they were wanted too. I'm not exactly a huge fan of "The U" and all that comes with it, but at least it made sense for them to join the ACC, while BC is 1000 miles from the cluster of schools in that conference. Whatever…the Big East is now better for it.


Do you love or hate the NYC subway?

I'm perfectly okay with them. Some hate them with a passion, but I think it's overblown. Yes, they're not the cleanest, not always on time, and they get crowded, but it could be (and was) much worse. The only thing I can't stand is how insanely hot it gets down there, even when it's not that hot out. In the summer, on a 90+ day, it's what I imagine that hell is like. Another thing I hate is that (especially on non-peak times) you don't have a clue when the next train is coming. Could be 2 minutes, could be 10…you're constantly sticking your head over the track to see if one is about to come. That's what I love about the DC Metro (above all the other great aspects of it): you can tell me that the 6 train isn't coming for another 9 minutes, but I'm happy knowing that IT WILL be there in 9 minutes.

What is the coolest thing about living in NYC?

Access. I can do pretty much anything, go pretty much anywhere, drink anything, eat anything, at any time of day during any day of the week. NYers love their alcohol-infused brunches, which I support. Pizza at 4am, bars open until 6am, a $2 subway ride from all different areas.

Do you ever go to Times Square and people watch?

If I go to Times Square, I people push . I can't stand being among the swarms of people snapping pictures and clogging up the sidewalks. If I'm stuck in Times Square, I'm getting out of there as soon as I can. I'm really not trying to be an ass when it comes to tourists…I fully recognize how important they are to the NYC economy…but please, to any of you, if you want to take a picture, stop to reflect on something nice, have a conversation with someone, please don't suddenly stop in the middle of the sidewalk, when there are 100 people walking in stream with you. Step to the side, out of everyone's way, and snap pictures to your heart's content.

I am okay with people watching though…but I'd rather do it sitting in the park or at an outdoor table at a restaurant while having a drink or a bite.

Do you own a car?

Nope, sold my 99 Altima when I moved to the city. Didn't want to keep paying insurance on it for it to just sit at my parents' house.

If a person had to do one thing in NYC, what would it be?

Tough question, because there's really no sole thing that would be able to give you the best NYC experience. So I'd say visit Ground Zero, as it's a completely different experience seeing it with your own eyes compared to pictures/TV. I just spent a month working on the 52nd floor of One Liberty Plaza, which is a 54-story building located just next to the WTC site. Being in this conference room, I was looking straight down into the holes that are still there. It's just surreal. If you look at OLP, and you see how big it is, and then you remember that the towers were twice as big, you can't imagine how it can be that something that big no longer exists.

How do you properly pronounce duane reade?

Haha…is this really an issue? Duane like "Dwayne Wade" and Reade like "read a book."


Do you think that the learned and successful of this country use the capitalist system to distract them from the horrifying inevitable truths of life, aging, and death?

I think this was just to annoy me because of that Texas Tech - Clemson XBL game.


Where's Waldo?

I always hated that prick, so I don't care.

Can you think of something that "hurts so good"?

Many things.

When was the last time that something truly stunned you?

See above.

How hot is Matt Damon?

He was the man in his cameo during Eurotrip.

If a lesbian has sex with other women but never with another man is she still considered a virgin?

If it's the hot, sexy type of lesbian stuff I've seen, yes she is. If it's the stuff I don't want to see because I don't need to know how much of a forearm a woman can take, she's not.

What's the most random weapon you can use to protect yourself (obviously no knives, guns, etc)?

Back in school we had a lot of posters in our apartment, and they would come in the mail in those fairly thick cardboard tubes. When we came home from the bars, we would beat the shit out of each other with them. So I'm deadly with a poster tube.

Would you cut off a finger for $100,000?

My buddies from work and I have this discussion all the time...what fingers would we give up for what amount of money. $100k is a little light, but I'd probably lose a pinky for $200k, tax-free, medical bills paid.

If I held out my hand, what would you put in it?

Clearly the finger I just cut off for $200k.

Dr. Sak:

What fake names do you use when picking up girls?

I don't. I tried that once with a girl I wasn't interested in when she came up to me and said hi. After a couple minutes of small talk, I introduced myself as Brett (my middle name) and she said, "We met at Mo's last week, aren't you Logan?" I tried to play it off like she was the drunk one, and not me for not remembering, but it didn't go over well and I felt kinda bad.

Have you every woken up next to a coyote ugly?

Thankfully not that bad.


Have you ever accidentally found yourself masturbating to internet porn while someone was singing the National Anthem on your TV? If so .. Did you stop?

Hell no. I think our forefathers would have understood.


Follow-up. Did you cry afterwards?

No. I've only cried once after blowing a load. Good thing that wasn't your follow-up question.

Last edited by Antmeister : 09-05-2008 at 08:16 AM.
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Old 09-05-2008, 08:40 AM   #4
Dr. Sak
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Good stuff Logan! Outside of the sports teams we root for, it is funny how alike we are.
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Old 09-05-2008, 09:29 AM   #5
Pumpy Tudors
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These were great to read, but approximately three of the answers make me want to kill myself.
No, I am not Batman, and I will not repair your food processor.
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Old 09-05-2008, 10:26 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors View Post
These were great to read, but approximately three of the answers make me want to kill myself.

I still fear you.

Just not the Golden Gophers.
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Old 09-05-2008, 10:42 AM   #7
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Damn, that was long. It was a lot of fun to do though, thanks for the questions everyone.

Originally Posted by Pumpy Tudors View Post
These were great to read, but approximately three of the answers make me want to kill myself.

Let's see:


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Old 09-05-2008, 11:36 AM   #8
Pumpy Tudors
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Originally Posted by DeToxRox View Post
I still fear you.

Just not the Golden Gophers.

The only thing that fears the Golden Gophers is the buffet table. Those fucking fat asses can't run for shit.

Originally Posted by Logan View Post
Let's see:

Yeah, I'm pretty much going to have to kill myself now, but I'm taking you with me.
No, I am not Batman, and I will not repair your food processor.
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Old 09-05-2008, 12:48 PM   #9
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Do you love or hate the NYC subway?

I'm perfectly okay with them. Some hate them with a passion, but I think it's overblown. Yes, they're not the cleanest, not always on time, and they get crowded, but it could be (and was) much worse. The only thing I can't stand is how insanely hot it gets down there, even when it's not that hot out. In the summer, on a 90+ day, it's what I imagine that hell is like. Another thing I hate is that (especially on non-peak times) you don't have a clue when the next train is coming. Could be 2 minutes, could be 10…you're constantly sticking your head over the track to see if one is about to come. That's what I love about the DC Metro (above all the other great aspects of it): you can tell me that the 6 train isn't coming for another 9 minutes, but I'm happy knowing that IT WILL be there in 9 minutes.

I thought the subway was the coolest part of New York. It never really bothered us if it was running late, since we did not have to be anywhere on time. The only time it was really crowded was coming to and from the Yankees game. I did, at one point, get sucked into the middle and had nothing to hold on to. That was interesting. We also had a couple of people ask for money. One guy claimed he had AIDS and that freaked the wife out, so we got off at the next stop.

What is the coolest thing about living in NYC?

Access. I can do pretty much anything, go pretty much anywhere, drink anything, eat anything, at any time of day during any day of the week. NYers love their alcohol-infused brunches, which I support. Pizza at 4am, bars open until 6am, a $2 subway ride from all different areas.

I agree with that. It was amazing how many things were open at all hours of the night and how you could get from one side of the island to another so quickly. We did decide to walk from Time Square to some place called Shake Shack. That was a pretty good walk.

Do you ever go to Times Square and people watch?

If I go to Times Square, I people push . I can't stand being among the swarms of people snapping pictures and clogging up the sidewalks. If I'm stuck in Times Square, I'm getting out of there as soon as I can. I'm really not trying to be an ass when it comes to tourists…I fully recognize how important they are to the NYC economy…but please, to any of you, if you want to take a picture, stop to reflect on something nice, have a conversation with someone, please don't suddenly stop in the middle of the sidewalk, when there are 100 people walking in stream with you. Step to the side, out of everyone's way, and snap pictures to your heart's content.

I am okay with people watching though…but I'd rather do it sitting in the park or at an outdoor table at a restaurant while having a drink or a bite.

That is pretty funny. We had to walk through Times Square to get anywhere. By the end of our trip, my wife was saying "fucking tourists" when people would do stuff like that.

If a person had to do one thing in NYC, what would it be?

Tough question, because there's really no sole thing that would be able to give you the best NYC experience. So I'd say visit Ground Zero, as it's a completely different experience seeing it with your own eyes compared to pictures/TV. I just spent a month working on the 52nd floor of One Liberty Plaza, which is a 54-story building located just next to the WTC site. Being in this conference room, I was looking straight down into the holes that are still there. It's just surreal. If you look at OLP, and you see how big it is, and then you remember that the towers were twice as big, you can't imagine how it can be that something that big no longer exists.

That is something we did not do. I think we came close to the location, but never really wanted to go over there. I guess it was just maybe a respect thing. I would have felt eerie.

How do you properly pronounce duane reade?

Haha…is this really an issue? Duane like "Dwayne Wade" and Reade like "read a book."

My wife and I had a debate about it. They are everywhere you turn, which was good because I was able to take cash out for no bank fees at any location. It amazed me how many places were cash only in New York.
Xbox 360 Gamer Tag: GoldenEagle014

Last edited by GoldenEagle : 09-05-2008 at 12:50 PM.
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:39 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by GoldenEagle View Post
I thought the subway was the coolest part of New York. It never really bothered us if it was running late, since we did not have to be anywhere on time. The only time it was really crowded was coming to and from the Yankees game. I did, at one point, get sucked into the middle and had nothing to hold on to. That was interesting. We also had a couple of people ask for money. One guy claimed he had AIDS and that freaked the wife out, so we got off at the next stop.

I've gotten stuck without anything to hold onto, and the key is using your hand on the ceiling to maintain your balance. You'll be amazed at how quickly you develop forearm strength.

You're asked for money constantly which is a pain...there are people who play instruments, sometimes I'll cough it up for them if they're really playing something. There's also a group of younger guys who do a whole breakdance-type routine in the subway car that's really incredible. In a pretty packed car, these guys will do flips, fly around the ceiling, spin around, and the best is when two guys join up and roll as a ball down the length of the car, perfectly rolling between all the poles. Those guys make serious money.

I agree with that. It was amazing how many things were open at all hours of the night and how you could get from one side of the island to another so quickly. We did decide to walk from Time Square to some place called Shake Shack. That was a pretty good walk.

Madison Square Park. Yep, a healthy walk. Good job.

That is pretty funny. We had to walk through Times Square to get anywhere. By the end of our trip, my wife was saying "fucking tourists" when people would do stuff like that.

Awesome. She's one of us now .

That [Ground Zero] is something we did not do. I think we came close to the location, but never really wanted to go over there. I guess it was just maybe a respect thing. I would have felt eerie.

It's not the easiest to experience so I understand why you would want to avoid it. I remember the first time I saw it a few years back and it was rough.

My wife and I had a debate about it. They are everywhere you turn, which was good because I was able to take cash out for no bank fees at any location. It amazed me how many places were cash only in New York.

How were you guys pronouncing it? Glad you had a good time here!
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Old 09-05-2008, 01:50 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Logan View Post
I've gotten stuck without anything to hold onto, and the key is using your hand on the ceiling to maintain your balance. You'll be amazed at how quickly you develop forearm strength.

You're asked for money constantly which is a pain...there are people who play instruments, sometimes I'll cough it up for them if they're really playing something. There's also a group of younger guys who do a whole breakdance-type routine in the subway car that's really incredible. In a pretty packed car, these guys will do flips, fly around the ceiling, spin around, and the best is when two guys join up and roll as a ball down the length of the car, perfectly rolling between all the poles. Those guys make serious money.

Madison Square Park. Yep, a healthy walk. Good job.

Awesome. She's one of us now .

It's not the easiest to experience so I understand why you would want to avoid it. I remember the first time I saw it a few years back and it was rough.

How were you guys pronouncing it? Glad you had a good time here!

We did see some people doing a dance routine in the Times Square subway station. But it was nothing like you described. That would be awesome to see.

I did see some people grabbing on to the roof. I was being shifted all over the place, but people did not seem to mind too much. Overall, I would say that whole New Yorkers are rude thing is way overblown. Everyone we talked to was friendly and helpful. What was weird was we were being asked questions about New York from European and Asian tourists.

I think you can find your way around New York City pretty quickly if you have some street sense and can read basic English. The grid system of the streets make things easy to find. The subway was pretty routine. I think we only got turned around once.

I think we are thinking about going back in Dec 2009. We should have more money then and can enjoy ourselves more. We will stay out of the tourist areas. We had the best time and the best food when we got out of the tourist areas. We are at an Italian place called Bianca's (or something like that) near Houston that was fabulous. We also want to see the city in the winter time.

We were pronouncing the reade as "ready".
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Last edited by GoldenEagle : 09-05-2008 at 01:51 PM.
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Old 09-23-2008, 07:56 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Antmeister View Post
Happiest moment of your life?

I'll cheat a bit and say when both of my nieces were born (Devyn –my sister's kid - in October 05, Dylan – my brother's - in December 06). They're so much fun to be around and watching them grow up is amazing. My sister and her husband have another girl on the way, due in about a month.

Since this was still pinned, I couldn't help myself...

Saige Rebecca, 7 lbs 5 oz:

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Old 09-23-2008, 08:07 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Logan View Post
Do you have an abnormal fear?

Cotton balls. Seriously.

And I thought I was the only one!
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