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Old 01-30-2007, 03:35 PM   #1
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents: Interactive Fire Pro Dynasty/League

I'm moving this to the Dynasty section. Info about the league is located here:
or by emailing the commissioner at commish AT


{Fade in to three men sitting in comfortable chairs in a semi circle,
facing the camera. The man sitting in the middle of the screen is
young, perhaps 20 to 23 years old, small in stature, with short brown
hair. He is DOUG PARSONS. The man sitting to the right is slightly
larger, and older, perhaps 45 to 50 years old, and recognizable to some
wrestling fans as RAY JONES (or Reynard Guile for the really old fan).
Sitting to the right of Parsons, leaning his chair back on two legs, is
"YOUNG DRAGON" KEVIN NAKAMURA. He is a young man, just
on the edge of being a teen, perhaps 19 years old, with long black hair
and an impish grin.)

Hello, fans and welcome to our SNEAK PEEK of Total Japan US! I'm your
host, Doug Parsons, and with me is my broadcast partner, the esteemed
color commentator Ray Jones.

You should maybe not say "esteemed" so sarcastically next time, Parsons.

And with us also is the first of our guests on this show, formerly of
Total Pro, and formally of Premier Wrestling -- a place Mr. Jones used
to know very well --

-- and someone who shouldn't have hired him there to begin with ...

Awwww, Jonesy, I'm crushed! Don't you remember all the wonderful times
we had?

Thanks to therapy, no.

-- "Young Dragon" Kevin Nakamura. Welcome to Total Japan US, Kevin.

*laughs* Thanks, Doug. Let's ignore the AARP quota-baby here and have some
fun with this thing.

What do you think you bring to the table here in Total Japan?

Aside from an ability to destroy wrestling companies.

Hey, I'm a wrestler, Doug. I go THROUGH tables.

You know, most wrestlers try to put OTHER people through tables.

Eh, if you want something done right ...

Well, proof he was raised by the Humble Plancha, I suppose.

Jesus wept ... aren't there laws against that kind of abuse?

Moving along ... Kevin, how does the competition here compare to some of
the other places you have been?

Well, it's an odd mix, but an impressive one. There's a very solid core
of native Japanese talent here ...

... meaning you, naturally ...

Please, I'm as Japanese as your local steak-and-sushi resturant. Anyway,
there's a solid Puro core here, mixed with some new talent from the
states. It's going to be very interesting to see how they mix.

Well, one of the wrestlers who I'm sure Kevin will see plenty of is a
man known only as The Hunter. In preliminary matches he has shown to
be one of the more aggressive people we have so far. He's a look at
The Hunter ...

{The screens fades up after the final commericial fades away, and
we're greated with a shot of a very nice looking training facility.
Free weights are neatly tucked stored, punching bags hang still,
training mats that are obviously used but well maintained, a boxing
ring that stands empty and an entire wall of mirrors makes the already
spacious area look three times as big.}

"Oh this is exciting isn't it?"

{The deep baritone interupts the panning shot, drawing our attention
to a massive figure standing just inside the closed doors, he too
looking like he's appraising the scene in front of him. He's clad in
jeans and a plain black shirt, with a neatly buzzed head of dark hair.
It's hard to tell exactly, but he seems to stand around six and a half
feet tall and is built like a linebacker.}

[The Hunter]The last three years I've been on the outside of the
ropes. Watching, teaching, discussing the finer points of the sport with
athletes travelling the same path I did ten years ago.

{His voice pausing, the man advances into the room, running his hand
along one of the ring ropes. The look on his face as he looks into the
empty ring can only be described as longing.}

[The Hunter]
Now it's time to step back between the ropes, to make the ring my home
again. To make it a place for others to dread coming into.

{A smile creeps onto his face as he says those words. Not a warm
smile, but one of cold satisfaction.}

[The Hunter]
There was a time when the lights would go out, the crowd would roar, and
when the lights returned, and I looked across the ring, I could see the
hesitation in my opponents eyes, that twinge of fear that would
involuntarily take hold of them in that moment, and know, beyond a
shadow of a doubt, that I had beaten them before the bell had rung.

{Grasping the rope now, he gives a few solid tugs on it, testing the
flex, then lets it go. Turning back to the door, he makes his way
towards the exit. Without looking back, he continues...}

[The Hunter]
It's almost time to step back through the ropes. Question is, who'll be
the first victim?

{And with that, he pushes open the door, sunlight spilling through,
only interrupted by his body as he passes out. The door closes and the
screen fades back to black.}


The Hunter vs Ru Kim:


How exactly do you load a bare foot like that? Do you put metal plates
in your toes?

So, even though he was bloodied by Ru Kim's stomp earlier in the match,
he still earns a victory, and a dominating one, if I might say.

Very aggressive. You'll notice he doesn't back off very much. He's
constantly pushing forward and going after his opponent.

Well, he didn't get that nickname peppering lawyers. He's agressive, he's
powerful, and he's got a sweet little belly-to-belly there.

What would you do if you were in a match with someone like The Hunter,
someone who outweighs you by quite a bit, Kevin?

Get beat within an inch of his life, I figure.

There are two aphorisms I try to remember when I going against much
bigger men - which is pretty much everyone. First, everyone is the same
size when they're flat on the mat. Second, the human body is a loose
collection of 400 flaws waiting to be exploited ... or 450 in the case of
Jonesy here. The Hunter is impressive, but his arms don't work real well
when they're bent backwards.

He's also one of the larger talents we have here in Total Pro, and you
can really tell over the 5'8" Ru Kim. He looked MASSIVE.

And it's pretty much all muscle too.

But if there are muscles in his head, he's a loser, bulk or no bulk.

The Hunter will be in the opening show for Total Japan, with his
opponent being "The Samurai" Kimo Tazura ...

{Cut to a small gym, and a wrestling ring in the middle. Standing in
the ring is Joey, a 6'3+ small with a dirty t-shirt and cut-off jeans.
Across the ring is a small shorter opponent, dressed in ... a white and
black outfit that seems very elaborate. He wears a mask obscuring much
of his face. Joey stares at him.

What the hell kinda outfit is that? Looks likea ... Sado Machimo outfit
or somethin'.

{Tazura stands in his corner, silent}

Must not be able to talk with that stupid mask on. Are you a midget? I
ain't wrestling no midgets.

{Joey and Tazura meet in the middle of the ring}

You're too damn short to be wrestling.

{With one quick motion, Tazura jumps up, grabs the arm of Joey, and
flings him down to the mat into a jujigatame. He applies pressure for
a moment, and Joey quickly taps. Tazura rises to his feet and looks
down at Joey, who is wriggling in pain}

A wise man once said -- size does not matter if you are on the ground.
Do not underestimate the Samurai.

{fade out}

Samurai Tazura vs Vic Vasser --

See? 5'7" or 7'5", to a cross body armlock, it's all the same. Don't
mock the mask.

Samurai showing his ability is a early match against Vic Vasser. I
understand Vasser has undergone a bit of a change since this match,
primarily due to his loss to the small Tazura.

Not sold is this guy. He doesn't seem to be championship material.

Well, despite his ... unique costume, he seems to be very confident
going into his first match with The Hunter. Quite a size disadvantage
for Tazura, though.

Yeah, short people and all that. You all know the song.

Yeaaaah ... how tall is Randy Newman anyway? Bottom line, this guy is
playing to be underestimated, but he's got the goods. He's going to go a
long way ... right up until he runs into me. Eventually, he will have to
yeild to the cooler mask.

If I may ask, why do you wear a mask only in the ring?

It's that psychological advantage that The Hunter was talking about
earlier, intimidating your opponent and making him hesitate. Most people
want to read your face as they wrestle, to gauge your reactions. Cover
your face, and it puts them at a disadvantage.

Plus it covers the acne.


We'll be right back after these messages ...

Last edited by WVUFAN : 03-02-2007 at 07:19 PM.
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Old 02-01-2007, 04:48 PM   #2
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #0 - Part 2

Byron Miles, or "Nero" as he calls himself, is an interesting new addition
to Total Japan.

If by "interesting" you mean "next Total Japan champion", then I agree

If the suits are smart, they're not going to let a known gambler like Nero
anywhere near that belt. He'll come in one night with a pawn shop receipt
strapped to his waist.

Like many here in TJUS, he cames from a different background than
traditional wrestling. But as Kevin alluded to, in this case, it's
background that's pretty much as far away from wrestling as you can get ...

{The cameras flicker to life backstage inside a seemingly vacant locker
room. No one is sure why we are even here, no one seems to be around.
Suddenly, out of no where, a loud bang is heard and the camera spins
around. Five men and two women are seen, all sitting around a circular
table, playing poker. The bang was the man closest to the camera slamming
his cards down and standing up}

Pocket rockets, bitches.

{The woman next to him slides her cards forward, shaking her head in
shame. The man next to her does the same. The man next to him, however,
smirks at the standing man}

[Other Man]
Rockets, eh? Too bad...I got a flush...

{The man slowly sets his cards down, showing two hearts. The camera
zooms in on the five cards in the middle to show the following: 2 of clubs,
Ace of hearts, 4 of hearts, Queen of hearts, and 4 of clubs. The standing
man slowly sits down and looks down to the floor}

[Other Man]
Looks like you are out again, Byron.

*BLEEP* you, Rick.

{The man called Byron stands up and viciously slides his chips across
the table, throwing them all over the floor. He storms out of the room
before slamming the door behind him.}

Well then, we all saw that coming."

{The others in the group just chuckle and continue playing while the
cameras follow Byron. It doesn't take the camera long to find him just
outside the room, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pants pocket. The
man, who is about 6' 3'', leans against the wall and runs his hands through
his short, blonde hair. He packs his cigs for a second or two, before
pulling one out and lighting it up. He takes a long drag and exhales
slowly. He finally notices the camera and slowly turns his head toward it.}

You need something?

[Camera Man]
Just coming to check out the so-called "New Guy".

Ah, so I already have a nickname, eh? Well this "new guy" isn't in the mood
to talk right now, so you better *BLEEP* off.

[Camera Man]
You are Byron Miles, correct?

To you, I am no one important. To everyone else in this organization, the
name is Nero. That is simply all they need to know.

[Camera Man]
You've been here long and you already have an attitude.

{Byron almost seems taken aback, if it weren't for the almost maniacal
laughter coming from his mouth.}

You think this is attitude? You ain't seen NOTHING yet. You honestly think
I have something to prove here?"

[Camera Man]
Well...yeah. From what I hear, you haven't really -

{Bryon quickly jumps forward and quickly puts his hand on the camera
man's shoulder. The camera man immediately shuts up, thinking worse is
coming. Byron smirks and taps him in the cheek.}

It doesn't matter what you have heard. All that matters is the future. And
the future hands we are all dealt. You will see, you will all see.

{Byron taps the camera man on the cheek again before pushing past him to
head back into the room.}

Nero vs. Ru Kim --

He wrestlers like a cardsharp. He keeps it close to his chest and plays
each lock-up like a separate hand. He just wore down Ru Kim, until Kim
made a mistake and left himself open for that rolling leg scissor. He's
good, but I think that Total Pro should still make him write the number for
the Gambling Addiction Helpline down the leg of his tights.

Next we have someone young Kevin here should be familiar with. I know
you're familiar with his family .. Rictor Showtime.

... speaking of addicts ...

Pot, kettle ...

Hey, now, I was just channeling my inner Jimmy for a moment there. Okay,
I, um ... 'self-medicated' a bit in high school, but I'm clean now.

Actually, I was referring to all the pictures of Willow Moongarden you keep
around, but if you're feeling confessional ...

Grrr. Watch it, Jonesy, I've still got plenty of stories from the old

So do I. With pictures. Remember that time in Charlotte ...

WHOA ... backing off now, backing off, backing way off ...

As I was going to say, it's time Rictor breaks out from his older brother's
shadow, and he may do just that in a setting like this. It's like a fresh
start for him.

The Showtime family is well known in wrestling circles .. what do you think
of Rictor, Kevin?

Rictor is ... complicated. His relationship to his family is an open wound
and his personality is jagged. He irritated the living crap out of Jimmy
over in Total Pro, and that was when they were supposed to be allies. It
got so bad that seeing Rictor just walk into the room could set Jimmy off.
But I've got to say, while he's erratic, but he's probably the most
talented pure wrestler I've worked with.

I think Rictor is destined for great things ... greater maybe than even his

We shall see, but first, let's hear from Rictor himself ..

{The camera opens on a 6' 5" man standing in front of the Total Japan US
logo. His obviously dyed hair is red and obscuring his face.}

[Mystery Man]
I hate it when a wrestler, new to an organization, comes in and spouts off
about how wonderfully talented he is, how the world will shake as he
dominates his future opponents and most importantly, how lucky you are that
you get to watch him do it. So this is me, NOT doing that.

(The mystery wrestlers pulls his hair out of his face, to reveal himself
as Summit Wrestling stalwart, Rictor Showtime.}

[Rictor Showtime]
For those of you who don't know me, my name is Rictor Showtime. For those
of you who do know me, the "Oh crap!" flare has shot off. It's cool. I
have that effect on people. For thirteen years, I've wrestled in almost
every Summit Wrestling company to open up. I've made people lots of money
and then been asked to leave because I have a talent for rubbing people the
wrong way.

(Rictor Showtime smiles, which looks innocent to everyone that doesn't
know him.)

I've spent years doing what I do and the management of Total Japan US
realizes that my formula works. As long as you have a thick skin and like
money, we'll get along just fine. Total Japan US seems to fit that mold.
That's good for both of us. The contract is signed and I'm just waiting to
find out the who's and where's. 'The Prodigal Son' is here... let the
games begin.

(fade to black)

Ru Kim vs Rictor Showtime --

And a victory for Rictor Showtime.

He's strictly business, just like always.

I was starting to have hope for Ru Kim, the way he dodged those chairshots.
Then Rictor picked him up and planted him face first on the chair seat. Sort of a
"if I can't hit him with the chair, I'll hit the chair with him" tactic. Rictor's got a
twisted sense of humor.

Before we go to our next break, I'd like to thank "Young Dragon" Kevin
Nakamura for his time today, and we look forward to seeing him in a TJUS
ring very soon!

Speak for yourself.

Don't worry, Jonesy, you won't be in there with me. Thanks, Doug, I look
forward to seeing you at the announcers table. Later ...

Ray Jones and I will be right back after these messages ...

Last edited by WVUFAN : 02-01-2007 at 04:53 PM.
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Old 02-14-2007, 07:17 PM   #3
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
TJUS #0 Part 3

{Fade in on Parsons and Jones]

Welcome back, and we'd like to again thank the "Young Dragon" Kevin Nakamura for his time here tonight.

I'm sure it was HIS pleasure. The young brat always was a glory hound.

Speaking of young, next we have someone new to wrestling fans both here and abroad. Introducing the rookie sensation Mike Snider ...

Ru Kim vs. Mike Snider --
{closeup on a computer; after a few seconds Snider comes on screen and smashes it with a baseball bat}

This was me before I stepped into the ring with my true calling.

I am a cold, calculating son of a that can figure out 49 ways to make you submit while you sit at home, watching me. I've finally made it to the TJUS, and I will definitely hold the most important title in the world en route to dominating the world. Luckily, you're able to see every second of the most amazing wrestler in the history of the world.

I hope you enjoy.

{Snider walks off screen}

Short and to the point. There's entirely too much nonsense in wrestling. Just shut up and wrestle, that's my motto.

You've never wrestled a day in your life, Ray.

You're missing my point. Too many times you see someone come to an organization that can talk, and that's all they can do. It's good to see a few wrestlers who let their wrestling do the talking.

Something needs to be said for charisma, for connecting with a crowd.

"Something needs be be said"? As little as possible.

As for his wrestling, it's decent. I think he made some rookie mistakes, and let Ru Kim back into the match entirely too much. I think he's concentrating more on how much punishment he serves and less on actually pinning his opponent. He could have ended the match much earlier if he'd just try for a pin.

He did seem to want to lengthen the match out, and it almost cost him.

He tries that on a seasoned TJUS wrestler, he'll get it handed to him in spades. I do like his attitude, though.

You would. Our next wrestler is no stranger to professional wrestling -- he's a former partner with Kevin Nakamura and a former champion in his own right ... "Primal Scream" Terrence Voltaire

Ru Kim vs. Terrence Voltaire --
Y'know, I've never been able to get a good grasp on him, even when I was his boss in another federation. I just don't know what to make of him.

He pretty much dominated that match --

As he should have. And that moonsault stomp -- ouch. But what I mean by my earlier statement is that I can't tell where he stands on any given point of time. He's too erratic in his personallity to get a idea of what he's gonna do in any given point of time. I'm surprised that he's a tag team specialist in the past because he doesn't seem to be the kind of person anyone could really trust.

He may have gotten burnt too many times by other partners.

But he hasn't. He's not, as far as I know, had really bad experiences with tag team partners. He was in a pretty successful tag team at one time called "No Man's Land", and then the new incarnation with Nakamura. Both had successes, and neither ended poorly. Maybe he'll explain what's going on in the future. As for his wrestling, he's got to be one of the favorites to win the TJUS Title. He's gonna be tough to beat.

We'll be right back after these messages ....
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Old 02-14-2007, 09:05 PM   #4
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
TJUS #0 Part 4

Based on some of the untelevised matches that Total Japan has run recently, certainly one of the early favorites to take the TJUS Title is Vic Vasser. This gentlemen has shown an amazing resolve in his early matches.

He seems to get better the longer the match progresses. That's a good thing to have in a organization seemingly full of submission artists.

Well, the former WWA World Champion is now here in Total Japan, looking for gold here as well ...

Ru Kim vs Vic Vasser --
[A black screen. The word "Vasser" appears, written in flames. An explosion and the words disappear. The scene shifts to what appears to be a gym. The camera pans and shows a number of people in various work outs, some lifting weights, some running on treadmills, and some working with punching bags. The camera continues to pan until it shows a ring. The purpose of the ring could be boxing, but it is currently containing two men engaged in a wrestling match. One of the men is dressed in a black, long-sleeved 'Under Armor' shirt, a pair of black 'Nike' shorts, and black wrestling boots. The other man, the subject of this segment, is wearing a grey T-shirt with the Team Canada hockey logo on it, a pair of non-descript black shorts, and black wrestling boots. This man, Vic Vasser, pounds the other man into the mat with a Brainbuster DDT, then puts him into a Texas Cloverleaf. The other man taps quickly, and Vasser releases the hold. He grabs a towel, wipes the sweat from his head, and looks at the camera.]

It has been a while. A long while. The last time I stepped in the ring was five years ago, and that was for that failure of a fed, the Canadian Wrestling Alliance. The CWA, a fed that I used to think could be big-time, but amounted to jack all. And where did it leave me? Working my ass off all day repairing streets."

{Vic climbs out of the ring and grabs a bottle of water nearby. He takes a drink and wipes the sweat from his head again.}

I still remember telling the guys I worked with during my first few months on the job, 'I was a World Champion. I held a number of belts over my career, and was never defeated as a World Champion.' Were they in awe? Were they clamouring for more stories? No. All they said were things like 'what the Hell is the WWA? You wore tights for a living? Get back to work!'

{Vic finds a chair and begins to untie his boots.}

So, I shut up. I worked hard, because I needed the money. I went home at night and spent what I could on booze. The more booze I drank, the more I hoped that the empty pit in my stomach would go away. And then I turned on the TV. I would watch these wrestling shows that were on, and it would make me sick. Wrestling is about the purity of the moves, the technical aspects that more and more wrestlers were neglecting. Wrestling was becoming a joke. It took me a while, but I realized something about myself.

{Finished taking his boots off, Vic stares into the camera.}

The only moments of joy I could find in my meager excuse of an existence was when I beat pounding the Hell out of someone in a bar fight. I craved the action, but I missed the opportunity to throw someone into a german suplex, something that isn't overly useful in a bar fight. So, I decided that it was time to get back in the sport. I needed to show the world that wrestling is still about skill, and not about fluff. So, I hit the gym.

{Vic looks around the gym and smiles.}

I have been working hard, and now the TJUS has come calling. I never had the chance to wrestle in this style of organization before, but I felt that it was the perfect opportunity. It was my chance to show everyone that I still have it, but this time I have thrown away the fluff. The 'Dynamite' gimmick, the strutting around to the fans, all gone. This time it is not about the fans. It is about me. You see, the fans are the problem in the first place. There are too many casual fans who have no idea of the skill involved in what a true wrestler does. They are there for the flashy costumes, the pompous parade that so many wrestlers do these days. No, this time, things will be different for me. I am living by one credo now.

{The camera zooms in on Vic's face.}

(BLEEP) the fans. There is only me. And I will only bring carnage to those who stand in my way.

{The scene fades to a black screen. The word "Vasser" appears, written in flames. An explosion and the words disappear. Fade to black.}


That was AWESOME!! (BLEEP) the fans. HAHAHAHAHA!! Awesome!

That's really ... insightful commentary, Ray.

I mean, he starts with this whiney "woe is me" tale where he talked about being a former champ, and never getting an chance, and having to work and blah blah blah ... then, he lays a whammy out on us! It's like he was setting the fans up to shoot 'em right down!

It just sounds like he's bitter.

That's why you're the play by play and I'm the ANALYST. I have analy .. analytipt ... I can read between the lines and get to the root of things. Good ole' Vic!

Despite his apparent lack of appreciation for the fans, Vic Vasser looks to be the odds-on favorite in the TJUS Tournament.

Despite? More like BECAUSE. That and he's a heck of a good wrestler.

Speaking of good wrestlers, we here in Total Japan are honored to have a true legend of Japanese wrestling come to TJUS. The man has held multiple titles in various federations across Japan, and now looks to more gold in Total Japan. Let's take a look at Masato Kismet ...

{We open on a clip of a 20 year old clip of a wrestling match with a man in a Blue Panther mask wrestling
another man. This fades to show...}

The Blue Panther was the finest young talent in the world of wrestling.

{...a clip of the Blue Suede Panther with 6 women around him...}

The Blue Suede Panther got all the babes in the world of wrestling.

{...and we move to a clip of many young wrestlers training all in a row...}

And the Tiger Claw Dojo was the toughest and most respect dojo in the world of wrestling.

{...and then to a clip of the red and purpled masked man attacking another wrestler..}

Kismet was the most hated man in the world of wrestling...

{..then to a clip of a crowd chanting "Kis-met! Kis-Met!"...}

As well as the most respected in the world of wrestling.

{...finally we stop on a clip of Masato himself running through the woods...}

And now he will be the next champion in the world of wrestling. Masato Kismet, legend, hero, sensei, and most
of all...

{...Kismet stops running and looks into the camera}

I am coming to TJUSA! Because my destiny is to be a champion and now my fate is sealed.

Ru Kim vs Masato Kismet --

He's old.

No, he isn't.

Older than 90% of TJUS.

That's because we have an overabundance of young talent here.

Which means he's old. In comparison. He's Ru Kim old.

No he's ... aside from his age, what do you think of Kismet as a wrestler?

I worry he's gonna get in a heart attack if he fights Vic Vasser. The liability would be HUGE.

(sighing} We'll be right back after these messages.
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Old 02-17-2007, 12:23 AM   #5
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #0 Part 5

[Big Red]
For almost 8 years I have busted my ass wrestling Gangstas, Rappers, Dominicans, White Boys, Super Heros, anyone they sent at me! And for those 8 years I have proven time and time again that I am THE BEST in NYCW. Torch, the Patriot, Cold Killer, and anyone else who wanted to step up got smacked down. It is time I move on. It is time I find some new competition. I have proven my worth in New York, and it is time I prove it to the rest of the nation. Welcome to my world... TJUS, welcome... to The Red Zone!


Big words from the soon-to-debut Big Red, from New York Championship Wrestling.

He's a HUGE man. I think he's bigger than The Hunter.

Size doesn't mean a lot if you have talent, like in the case of "Young Dragon" Kevin Nakamura, whom we spoke to earlier today. Let's see him in action in a new match with Ru Kim ...

Ru Kim vs. 'Young Dragon' Kevin Nakamura -- (this is a new match)

{The camera cuts to a nondescript dressing room with the standard
unremarkable furniture. The camera pans around the room, covering the
blocky wardrobe and simple chair, when a duffel bag goes flying past the
camera and thuds into the seat of the chair. The camera swings to take in
the person who's just entered the room, a young Japanese man in t-shirt and
jeans. His long hair spills down his shoulders, framing a face that looks

Another dressing room. *sigh* A thousand miles I've come, and it's just
another dressing room. And another camera man. How's it going, guy? Time
to introduce myself again?

{The young man wanders over to the chair and collapses, not seeming to care
that he's now sitting on his own duffel bag.}

The name's Kevin Nakamura, "Young Dragon" Kevin Nakamura. If you've
heard of me, you haven't heard anything good. I think it's time we get

I guess most wrestlers would take this time to brag about the titles
they've held or the stars they've wrestled or the feds they've dominated.
I could spend this time talking about all the feds I've been kicked out of.
You name a fed in Summit, I'm wearing their boot prints. That's why I'm so
excited about being here in Total Japan. I understand the management
doesn't wear boots here.

{He rubs his face with both hands.}

*sigh* Look, this isn't what I wanted. I've burned so many bridges
before getting here. I made a lot of enemies trying to get into Total
Pro, made even more trying to climb the ranks. If Total Japan hadn't been
starting this expansion, I would have never gotten another shot. This may
be ... this is probably my last chance.

{Nakamura hunches forward, resting his arms on his knees, and look directly
into the camera.}

I had a long time to think on the flight over here. I'm coming very,
very close to being just another child star. Someone who never succeeds at
anything after they hit puberty. Someone who's life goes off the rails.
That's the fate I was trying to avoid by going into wrestling, trying not
to leave 'Master Kevvith' as my only lasting mark. But I've pushed too
hard, gotten too greedy, offended too many people in suits. I refuse to
apologize for being ambitious, but ... maybe it's time I ramp it back a
bit and play by the rules.

Here's the deal, Total Japan. I'm willing to keep things ...

You can make jokes about my past, but remember, while I was playing mascot
I was also learning from the best in Summit. And I'm willing to put all of
that on the line, tonight, every night, in order to pay my dues here.
You're going to see everything I've got, and that's more than anybody else
in my generation. Total Japan was good enough ... desperate enough to give
me one more chance. I'm taking it. Now watch me fly.

This very well be the place Kevin Nakamura finally gets his chance to shine.

I know him much better than most. He says he's gonna fly -- he'll crash, just like he has in the past.

I thnk you're being too hard on him.

That's the problem with you thinking ... you're not good at it.

One of the wrestlers making his way to TJUS is well known in Total Japan circles -- he's a former King's Crown Champion, and a veteran of many "deathmatch" battles in some of the hardcore organizations in Japan. One look at the scars across his body tells you his battles. Takashi Kurita has declined an interview at this time, but we do have him in action recently with Ru Kim ...

Ru Kim vs Takashi Kurita --
How is that man still alive? He's been through the wringer and back, it seems.

Yet another wrestler that is very aggressive. Very little backing off and strategy to his style.

That can be a great thing, but against the wrong opponent, someone who can step back and is more of a counter-wrestler, being too aggressive can end a match very quickly. We'll see how well Kurita does in the TJUS, where there's a good number of strikers much like him. Should result in some really great offensive matches.

You're right, with the exception of a Vic Vasser and maybe Nakamura, there's not alot of counter-wrestlers in the fed.

That's what I said. Stop taking credit for my genius.

Total Japan believes in true equality, and with the understanding that many female wrestlers are every bit as talented as their male counterparts, the decision was made to not have a separate female division. In Total Japan, males and females openly compete for the same awards. The first female to take up the challenge of an open division is Theresa Desmond.

BIG mistake.

Desmond had her first taste of wrestling in Total Japan against Ru Kim ...

Ru Kim vs. Theresa Desmond --

That was a surprisingly hard-fought match by Ru Kim.

Desmond got just a little bit of the pure hell she's in for in TJUS. She should not be here.

Are you saying females should not be in the same division as males.

They absolutely should. I'm saying Theresa Desmond shouldn't be here. She's not ready.

We'll see, as she has a match on the debut show. We'll be right back after this ...

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Old 02-28-2007, 01:57 PM   #6
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Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #1

{Cut to a panning show of a packed house of cheering fans as "Taking
You Down" by Egypt Central plays in the background}



Welcome one and all to TOTAL JAPAN WRESTLING! I'm Doug Parsons, and
with me is Ray Jones. Tonight, on the debut of Total Japan Presents,
we're here in a packed house ready for some action, and tonight we have
it in spades!

"We have it in spades?" Any more cliches you want to pull out?

[Parsons](ignoring Jones0
Tonight we'll see Theresa Desmond in action against the rookie Mike
Snider. A HUGE three-way elimination contest with Kimo 'Samurai'
Tazura, former amateur wrestler Thomas Moss and the massive wrestler
The Hunter.

First time we get to see Thomas Moss. Short guy, but MASSIVE build. He
calls himself the "Suplex Master" --

I'm sure "Master of the Suplex" Cameron Strong might have something to
say about that.

Is that before or after Moss tosses him around 10 or 20 times?

We're also see tonight three TJUS Championship ... er .. "tourney"
matches, as the Japanese great Masato Kismet takes on 'Young Dragon'
Kevin Nakamura, one half of the Storm Truppas, Lightning Truppa takes
on Rictor Showtime, and finally in our main event, "Nero" Byron Miles
takes on tourney favorite Vic Vasser.

What do you mean, "tourney"?

It's not quite a tournament in the classic sense, but more on that later
in the show. Before the first match of the night, let's hear from one
of the competitors ...

{Cut to the locker rooms, where Theresa Desmond is tying the final
knot in her shoes.}

There are some advantages to being the only woman in a man's fed.
Getting the entire women's locker room to yourself, for example.

{Theresa finishes tying and faces the camera.}

Still, there are a lot of questions. Most people look at my background
and pick up on the fact I do modern dance. That raises some eyebrows. How
do you go from being a dancer to kicking people in the face?

Well, there's an answer to that, but it doesn't make sense if your only
image of dancing school is a lot of little girls in ballet costumes
posing in front of mirrors. I went to a school with name, a school that tried
to produce dancers who would go on to make names of their own. It's the
difference between getting taught to wrestle by a washed up ex-wrestler
at you local gym and going to AWI's Launchpad or Cut n' Shoot, where they
practically fit you for a belt after you graduate.

So first day at the school they grouped us up by category, ballet over
here, modern interpretive dance over there, and told us to look around
at our group. They made is clear that these were the people we would
hate by the end of the year. Because they didn't grade us, they ranked us.
Being good wasn't enough, you had to be better than everyone else in
your group. Let the backstabbing begin.

That was the first time in my life I ever experienced pure competition
to see who was the best. Half the dancers dropped out within the first
three months. I survived. I thrived. I beat out everyone else in every
showing. It almost didn't matter what I was doing. I expanded into
martial arts, same thing. I pushed myself to the top. It's what I
do. Because competition is how I measure myself.

{Theresa stands up, tests the fit of her shoes, turns back to the

So that's it. Bottom line. Competition. That's what I want, that's
why I'm here. Which doesn't explain why I have a match with Mike Snider. An
eighteen year old with an immortality complex and delusions of

{Theresa shakes her head and casts her eyes upward.}

Oh, I know why. Snider, he's a type, you see. I've seen carbon copies
of him at my self defense school dozens of times. Young, cocky, convinced
that he knows everything he needs to know to get to the top. Never,
never listens to the instructor. Never. Not until you knock him around a
bit, kick some of the arrogance out of him.

Normally, first thing I would do is get him away from his friends. Take
him off somewhere. Once he's not in front of people he feels he has to
impress, he stops posing and strutting. Starts to remember what
humility is. Then, you kick his legs out from under him. Scoop him up, send him
down again. Repeat until he finally realizes that he DOESN'T know
everything. Until he understands that people over twenty five might
still have something they can teach him. Until he understands his proper
place in the universe.

So, I'm thinking that Total Japan has tapped me to be the one to take
Snider down a few pegs. Lucky me. Well, Snider, if you're listening, I
don't have the option of taking you back to the woodshed. I'm afraid
I'm just going to have to humiliate you in front of everyone in the arena.
Once you've scraped up what's left of your ego, you'll thank me.

Earlier in the week, on, the Storm Truppas made a
challenge to the youngster Snider, and Snider responded that he could
beat the Truppas in the tag match even if the Truppas chose his
partner. So sometime tonight, the Truppas have said they will announce
who they have chosen to tag with Snider on next week's Total Japan

A rookie mistake, allowing your opponents to choose your partner. You
can't trust the people you know to tag with you half the time, much
less a complete stranger, or even worse, an enemy. The only thing
Snider has going for him is that he's new, so he hasn't had a chance to
make a real enemy yet.

Let's head to the ring for the introductions for the first match here in

{Cut to the ring, and the ring announcer}

WELCOME TO TOTAL JAPAN PRESENTS!!!! Tonight, our first match of the
evening is a one fall contest with a 30 minute time limit. Introducing
first ...

{Quick-paced generic techno music plays over the loudspeaker}

From Winston-Salem, North Carolina, standing 5'8" and coming in at 150
pounds ....


{Crowd cheers for the lithe Desmond as she enters the ring. She
looks determined and focused.}

And her opponent ...

{"White and Nerdy" by Wierd Al blasts over the loudspeaker}

From Blacksburg, Virginia, standing 6'3" and 230 pounds .... introducing


{Mixed crowd response for the rookie as he enters the ring}

Theresa Desmond vs. Mike Snider -->













Rather than go for a cheap shot when time was running out, Mike Snider
chose to clap for his opponent and help her to her feet. That is a
class act from the newcomer.

He'll learn. When you have your opponent down, whether it be in the
opening part of the match or at the very end, you try to end it.

He knew he wasn't gonna get a pin off, especially with "Sir Fozzie" as
the ref. Slowest man in existance.

So? You get another kick in, or do something to end the match so she'll
remember you. Get in her head that you're in it to the very end.

I still think it was a classy move and one that shows respect to your

Respect is TAKEN, not given.

{The crowd reacts as Lightning Truppa makes his way down the aisle,
his brother Thunder Truppa right behind him. Lightning has microphone
in hand.}

Congratulations Snider, you tied with a girl.

{Snider grabs a mic}

Listen, you little punk, I ought to come down there right now and beat
head in.

Come on down. I'm right here.

[Snider just smiles]
Yeah, you'd like that. Both of you against me. Although as I said
before, I could beat both of you.

That's why we are out here. We have decided who your partner is.

{Snider waits and Lightning doesn't say anything.}

Well, are you going to tell me or keep wasting my time?

She's standing in the ring next to you. We'll see you at the next event.

{With that, Lightning and Thunder exit to the back. Snider, stunned,
just watches them leave. Finally, after they've disappeared behind the
curtain, he turns to Desmond. She is clutching her head and glaring at him
hatefully. Snider give his head a final shake before leaving the arena.}

DESMOND is his partner?

That's what happens when you don't take respect. And the rookie learns
his first lesson.

So next week, the Storm Truppas face off against the tag team of Mike
Snider and Theresa Desmond. Should be an interesting one. We'll be
right back after these prerecorded words from one of tonight's three
way elimination contestants, The Hunter ...

{We cut to a gym. A single figure sits on the edge of the mat,
currently unwrapping tape from his hands. The sweat dripping from his
dark hair and covering his body speaks to the workout he just endured.}

Who's afraid of the dark?

{The man doesn't look up as he speaks, but his rich baritone cuts the
quiet scene mercilessly. Continuing to unwrap his other hand, the man
known as The Hunter continues.}

It's been a long time since I had reason to ask that question, and to be
brutally honest about it, I'm not sure it's a question that's ever been
properly interpreted by the fans or the viewing public.

{Finished with his hands, he looks up, his dark gaze now directly
focused on the camera. A grim expression on his face, matching his

When the lights go out and my introduction is made, that line hangs in
the air like a warning shot, amping up the fans, and every now and
then, leading to the first surprise of the match.

(He pauses, a sly grin capturing his features.)

Whether I'm already in the ring when the lights come back up, still up
in the entrance way or nowhere to be seen, that's never really been the
point to the question.

{Absently wiping away some of the sweat on his face, the Hunter's
expressions is back to one of pure seriousness.}

It isn't about the mind games that I like to play, to see whether I can
win the match before the bell has even rung, because once you start
talking about the truly elite in the sport, those cat and mouse games
go out the window, and that sort of intimidation doesn't have the same
sort of effect.

{Even more of an edge has crept into his voice. There is no
resignation in his tone, just hard promise.}

No, the darkness that question has always referred to is the kind that
happens at the end of the match. Whether it's the look in their eyes
when we're on the top rope and they know the Death Plunge is coming,
or the moment before I turn them over into the Death Grip at the middle
of the ring, it's that darkness that even the savviest, especially the
savviest of veterans fears. Falling into that darkness during a match
means defeat, complete and utter no matter who you are, what you've
done or who you've done it to.

{He pushes off the apron and begins to make his way towards the door,
the camera stays in place, but follows him, still capturing every word
even though you can no longer see his face.}

But now it all starts over. Words are only words and reputations are
only stories told as much to convince the teller as as it is those
that'll listen. For me, it starts with two and spreads from there.

{We fade to black, even as the last of his words fade with us.}

Because in the end, there is only you and the darkness, I'm just here to
help you get there

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Old 02-28-2007, 03:31 PM   #7
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Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #1 (2 of 5)

{The scene cuts to back stage, where we see The Hunter starting to walk from his dressing room to the ring for his match. As he turns a corner, another wrestler walks by. The wrestler stops and turns, and we see that it is Vic Vasser.}

Hunter. I heard that you were dragging your ass out of retirement to come here as well. Had I known that beforehand, I may not have come.

{Obviously recognizing the voice,The Hunter stops and turns.}


Life just ain't fair some times eh, Dynamite?

I don't go by that anymore. That part of me died when I was knocked out of wrestling after getting screwed over in MSW. I seem to remember someone telling me that it was my chance at the big time.

{Vasser's voice begins to raise in anger.}

I worked my ass of there, and what did it get me? Not a hell of a *BLEEP* lot. No, I got screwed over because they thought some punk deserved the belt more than me. MSW killed my career. YOU killed my career.

{A bemused expression comes over the Hunter's face.}

/I/I killed your career? MSW killed your career? Vic, your career isn't dead, just the part of you that made it worth a damn.

Right, I forgot. The /great/ Hunter is above all of this. A God of wrestling. You are not in the NWC anymore, so no one around here is going to worship you. I know who you are, and what you have done, and I will make sure you get yours.

{Vasser turns and storms off. The Hunter turns, stoic now, and continues down the hall, but you can hear him talking to himself even as his boots echo.}

Or is it?


There seems to be a bit of history between Vasser and The Hunter.

"Seems"? The two go back years. They were in the same stable, and Vasser believes The Hunter took from his opportunities to be champion in other organizations. He rightfully does not want the same to happen here.

I've not seen anything that would show that. The Hunter has been keeping to himself for the most part.

Doesn't mean he doesn't realize that probably his biggest competition on the road to the TJUS Championship is Vic Vasser.

Speaking of the TJUS Championship, I've been given the information about the Tourney matches that are ongoing. The announcement of a tournament for the TJUS Championship was announced a while ago, and we now know that it's not a tournament in the classic sense, but QUALIFYING MATCHES. The 8 winners of each of the matches designated as "TJUS Tourney" contests will meet at the first Supercard in an EIGHT MAN ELIMINATION MATCH. The winner of this match will be the first TJUS Champion!

The first three matches will be held tonight, and they are:

Masato Kismet v. 'Young Dragon' Kevin Nakamura
Lightning Truppa v. Rictor Showtime
'Nero' Byron Miles v. Vic Vasser

On Total Japan Present #2, we'll see three more matches:

Cameron Strong vs. Frank "Tank" Reed
Kimo "Samurai" Tazura vs. Takashi Kurita
Big Red vs. The Hunter

And the final two matches in the Qualifying Round will be on Total Japan Presents #3:

Theresa Desmond vs. Thomas Moss
Thunder Truppa vs. Mike Snider

On SuperCard: Alpha, the winners of these eight matches will meet in one ring, in a pinfall/submission elimination match. The sole winner of that match will be the first TJUS Champion.

Elimination matches of this size ALWAYS favor the ones who can last for a long time in the ring, the ones, like Vic Vasser, who have trained and been in longer matches.

I would also put Masato Kismet and even Kevin Nakamura in that list.

One of those two won't be in it.

That is correct, as they face off later tonight in the first of 8 Championship Qualifying matches. For now, though, we prepare for the first 3-way elimination match in Total Japan US. Let's hear the ring introductions!

{Cut to the ring and the ring announcer}

The following is a three way elimination match, with a 30 minute time limit. Wrestlers may be eliminated by count-out, disqualification, pinfall or submission. Introducing the first opponent ...

{"The Brood" plays over the loudspeaker to a mixed response}

Standing 5'10" and coming in a 240 pounds ... here is ...


{The short by stocky wrestler makes his way to ringside with little fanfare, and stands in the center of the ring, facing the entranceway}

Hailing from Alberta, Canada, and coming in at 6'6" and 258 pounds ...


{"Thunderstruck" by AC/DC blasts over the loudspeaker to cheers as the huge Hunter strolls down to the ring, slapping hands with fans nearby}

And the final opponent ...

From Yokohama, Japan, coming in a 5'10" and 214 pounds ...


{The masked wrestler makes his way quickly to ringside with no music. He greets a few fans before jumping into the ring}

The Hunter vs Kimo Tazura vs. Thomas Moss --> videos/HunterTazuraMoss.wmv













The winner of this match...


Tazura is really hurt, guys ... he was holding his legs before the Hunter splashed him the last time, and now he's not moving at all.

Awwww, after CRIPPLING him, the Hunter is now checking to see if he's -- WHOA!!

{The camera pans to Vic Vasser rolling into the ring, chair in hand. The Hunter is bending over the unconscious Tazura, and doesn't see as Vasser BLASTS him behind with the chair}


WHAT THE -- VASSER just NAILED The Hunter with the chair!!! What a cheap, unprovoked attack!!

It's called "Thinning the Herd". He takes out The Hunter now, he won't have to deal with him in the Championship 8-Way!


Vasser with a HARD chairshot again right to the back of The Hunter, and The Hunter crumples to the mat next to Tazura ... here comes some officials from the back as Vasser, now smiling, drops the dented chair as he looks down at the bleeding body of The Hunter! Guys, now we need TWO sets of paramedics here, as Tazura is still unconscious.

Tazura's leg is broken. You can tell that from here.

The Hunter didn't even get a chance to defend himself. He never saw Vasser coming.

The best time to use a chair is when they don't see it coming. Perfectly orchestrated by Vic Vasser.

As medical personnel tend to Tazura and The Hunter, we'll be right back after this ...

{We're in studio, in front of a banner for TJUS and Frank "Tank" Reed is sitting in a chair in front of

My passion has always been competition. When I was ten I bet my lunch money on wall ball games. I always had to win jujitsu tournaments. In boot camp I competed with the boys to be the best recruit. And hell, in Iraq, you know who I competed against. I been walking around the locker room for TJUS and I can feel it. I need it. There ain't no place in this entire world. Nowhere. No how that makes me want to step up. Step foreward. Or step to like this place.

This place is full of the best and the brightest in the world of professional wrestling. And you can ask around how I rise up, how I step up when the best and the brightest share the field of battle with me. Hell, I'll show you.

{He pulls his shirt up and shows his bullet scars then puts it down}

My theme music, is Fuel. And My fuel, my fire is competition, and I smell the smoke, I can feel the heat. I'm ready. I'm willing. I'm comin. I want competition. I want my fuel. I want my fire. I want what I desire. I want competition. I'm Frank "The Tank" Reed and you're gonna tap, you gonna tap. HOO RAH!

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Old 02-28-2007, 06:18 PM   #8
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Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #1 (3 of 5)

{Fade in to medical personnel carrying Kimo Tazura away on a stretcher, his right leg has a splint and is wrapped tightly. Tazura is conscious, and in obvious pain}

Things are not looking for the Samurai.

The Death Lock from The Hunter is nothing to laugh at, as Tazura has discovered.

We should have an update on his condition by the end of the show, although from appearances, it's doubtful he'll be ready for the Championship Qualifier on the next show.

Looks like Takashi Kurita is getting a bye to the 8-Man Match.

He may be facing this man, the "Young Dragon" Kevin Nakamura ...

------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
{The camera opens to a simple training room. A blend of weight room equipment and exercise gear lies scattered about. Jutting out from one wall is a standard chin-up bar, being put to a non-traditional purpose. 'Young Dragon' Kevin Nakamura is hanging upside down with his knees locked around the bar, preforming vertical sit-ups. The camera focuses in on him as he pauses for a moment, allowing his long hair to sweep the floor.}

We've got a lot of new faces here in Total Japan. I know that all of you out there are probably reading our online bios. I hope that some of you are checking out old tapes and reading up. Remember, folks, you get out what you put in.

{Kevin reaches up to grab the bar, then releases with his knees and dismounts. He grabs a nearby towel and starts wiping off sweat.}

Let me give you some advice, though. You're probably focusing on things like titles won, career wins, accomplishments, that kind of thing. The high points, in other words. But remember, that's only half the story. The low points, those are sometimes what really tells you the most.

Look at the losses, look at the embarrassments, look at the addictions, foul-ups, failures. Then repeat to yourself, "Despite all that, this person is still here." You can get a long way on luck and ambition in this sport, but to come back from something, to overcome something ... that's what takes guts.

Take Rictor Showtime, for example. You all know that he's had a rough time making a name for himself apart from his family. You also know about his addictions and injuries. The fact that, despite everything, he's still wrestling, tells you something. The fact that, despite everything, he's still a complete ass, tells you something else entirely.

{Kevin flops down on a wrestling mat. With the towel around his shoulders, he hugs his knees and looks directly into the camera.}

Look at my victories in Total Pro for a moment. Both of them. They're impressive, but they're not what I'm proud of. I started off with an albatross like 'Master Kevvith' around my neck, being everyone's little brother and pet, and yet I came back to make everyone respect me as a competitor. THAT'S what I proud of.

Which brings we to my first opponent ...

Blue Suede Panther may be the stupidest gimmick since Flyin' Elvis killed an entire federation with his 'Pikachu Elvis' routine. It was jaw-droppingly, gorge-raisingly bad. It's hard to believe that Masato Kismet could stay in this sport after a thing like that. But he has. It's even harder to believe that he's still respected. But he is, so much so that Total Japan didn't just hire him, they actually sought him out for their new fed. All of which tells me that Masato Kismet is a man who has the goods.

So tonight, the man who survived the Blue Suede Panther will face the man who outlived Master Kevvith. Tonight will be a test to see who's grown the strongest from their experiences. Tonight ... the Dragon flies.

{As the scene fades out, we hear one last parting shot ...}

... but now, if I see one frikken hip wiggle, I'm breaking out the water balloons ...

{Cut to the ring}

The following match is a TOTAL JAPAN US CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFYING MATCH ... it is a one fall bout, with a 30 minute time limit. Introducing first ...

{"Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi plays, to a MASSIVE cheer from this crowd}

From Tokyo, Japan ... coming in at 6'2" and 255 pounds ... the legendary--


{Kismet makes his way to the ring slowly, greeting many fans along the way}

And his opponent ...

Standing 5'7" and 150 pounds ... from Kyoto, Japan ...


{Another strong cheer for the youngster, and Nakamura heads the the ring}

Masato Kismet v. Kevin Nakamura -->













The winner of the match ... The "Young Dragon" Kevin Nakamura !!!!


And Nakamura with arguably his biggest win in your young career is the first person officially in the Championship 8 Man at Supercard Alpha!

Lucky ...

It takes a fair amount a skill to defeat arguably a legendary wrestler in Japan.

Or a good bit or luck...

We'll be right --

A steel chair can do it too. Ask The Hunter.

-- right back.

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Old 03-01-2007, 05:25 AM   #9
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #1 (4 of 5)

{Cut to the ring, as Kevin Nakamura is celebrating his victory. The bottom of the screen says "DURING COMMERCIAL BREAK"}

[Parsons](off camera}
... two and a half minutes? Ok. Ray, I have a few ideas we can do for the Showtime Truppa match.

Ok. I figure I might make mention of Showtime's -- WHO in the hell is that?

{A very LARGE man, nearly 7 foot in size asian in appearance, well muscles with long black hair has entered the ring, chair in hand and rushes Nakamura, who is facing away from him, helping Masato Kismet to his feet. Kismet's eyes widen as he sees the rushing big man, pushes Nakamura out of the way, and in a sudden move, spears the massive man right to the ground}

{Cut to Parsons and Jones]

That is what happened during the commercial break. The unknown giant of a man has evidently left the building, and Nakamura
Are we on? Where did that man come from? He's going right for Naka -- KISMET PUSHES NAKAMURA OUT OF THE WAY -- *SPEAR* BY KISMET!!!


MASATO KISMET just took down that man. He's gotta be 300 pounds plus, and Kismet just FLATTENED him! The large man rolls out of the ring, cluching his stomach, as security storms the ring. Nakamura is stunned by this!

Why did Masato Kismet just save the man who just eliminated him from the Championship match? It was obvious the big man was going right for Nakamura. Kismet could have walked away!

It's called honor, Jones. You wouldn't know anything about that.


Hopefully we'll be able to get some words from Nakamura next week, as that ... large man seemed to know exactly who he was after.

I swear I've seen that guy before ... I can't put my finger on it. Oh, well, must have been one of the many people Nakamura has upset over his short life.

Before we get to the next Qualifying Match, let's hear from one of the participants in that match ...

{The camera opens on Rictor Showtime standing in front of the TJUS logo. He is already in his wrestling gear, sweat dripping down his face and a towel around his neck. Rictor stares intently into the camera.}

For thirteen years, I've wrestled in every type of arena imaginable. I've wrestling in everything from a packed football stadium to a half filled high school gym. I've wrestled in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Japan and anywhere else that would have me. Tonight, I have a chance to move one step closer to my ultimate goal. the Total Japan US Heavyweight championship.

{Rictor wipes the sweat from his face with the towel, leaving it around his neck.}

Now I know what you're thinking. "How is it Rictor Showtime has never won a singles title? The Showtime name is synonomous with championships." The answer is simple... I've never had a singles title shot. My brothers get them handed to them like it's candy. Between the two of them, they've held more titles than any two brothers in wrestling history. So when is it my turn? When does Rictor Showtime get his shot? The answer is simply, "Now!"

{Rictor wipes his face with the towel again, then drops it on the floor.}

Lightning Truppa... I don't know much about you. I know you're young, quick and one half of a very promising tag team, but that's it. You could be the nicest guy in the world, or you could be a royal ass. Like Tommy Lee Jones said in The Fugitive, "I don't care!" Tonight, you are in my way... and that makes you expendable. But to show that I'm not a bad guy, I'm going to make you two promises.

1) This is just business... nothing personal.

2) You are about to receive a Rictor Showtime Experience.

For the record, I don't see myself as a bad guy. I just do bad things.

{Rictor Showtime flashes his classic, evil smirk, then walks away as the camera fades out.}

The following TJUS Championship Qualifying Match is a one fall bout, with a 30 minute time limit. Introducing first ...

Standing 5'10" and weighing in at 200 pounds ... let to the ring by his tag team partner Thunder Truppa ...


{Truppa makes his way to the ring led by the MUCH larger Thunder Truppa.}

His opponent hails from Reno, Nevada ... he is the "Prodigal Son" ...


{The crowd has a mixed reaction as Showtime works his way to the ring}

Lighting Truppa v. Rictor Showtime -->













Your winner ... LIGHTNING TRUPPA!!!

We have the first upset of the night, as the tag team specialist has upset the favored Rictor Showtime!

I might have to keep an eye on this Truppa fellow. He seemed very focused, and Showtime may have taken his opponent a little lightly on this night.

I'm sure it won't be the last time we see Rictor in an important match here in TJUS. We'll be right back ...

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Old 03-01-2007, 03:44 PM   #10
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Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #1 (5 of 5)

{A black screen. The word "Vasser" appears, written in flames. An explosion and the words disappear. The scene shifts to what appears to be a training center of some sort. The camera shows a number of people on a floor made of blue matting. They are dressed in white martial arts clothing, and are following the instructions of a man in the front of the group.}

{The camera pans to show the man we know as Vic Vasser sitting on a chair near the back of the room, watching the class. His feet are up on another chair across from him. The camera begins to close in on Vasser. He watches the class for a few moments longer, then turns to the camera.}

Ah, here we finally are, the first ever card for Total Japan US. I know what you all are thinking…who the Hell am I? You haven't heard from me for a bit, and I have only spoken once so far. Ultimately, it doesn't matter who I am, and I don't give a *BLEEP* who you all think I am. All that matters is I am a short time away from stepping back into that ring in a match that finally means something. It has been a while since I have done that.

{Vic pulls his legs off the other chair, so he is sitting upright.}

So, to start things off, I get a shot in the tourney to become the first champion of TJUS. That is just what I need to get things started off here. I need to prove to the world what a real champion is. The name of the game is wrestling, all that other crap is fluff. Playing up to the fans with stupid gimmicks, pulling off suicide moves for some cheers, giving high fives to the masses on the way out to the ring, it is all asinine. All it serves to do is distract a wrestler. Trust me, I have been there. I know what it is like to hold a championship, then pander to the fans like some *BLEEP*ing puppet. All that got me was a trip out of the wrestling business for years.

{Vic stands up from his chair and kicks it away.}

Not this time. I have learned my lesson. This time, I am focused on one thing only…myself. I am going to show everyone what wrestling is all about. And I am going to start by being the first champion of the TJUS.

{Vic looks back at the people practicing their martial arts for a few moments, then turns back to the camera.}

I get to start with a guy named Nero. Well, Nero, I can respect that you have a martial arts background. I have heard somewhere that you have a black belt. Very impressive. I never took formal martial arts, so that is something you have over me. But, we are stepping into a wrestling ring together, not a dojo, not an octagon, or anything else like that. Your martial arts will help you right up until the moment when I slap you into the C-4 and pops your knees. All you will be then is another tick in my win column, and a stepping stone towards the championship.

{Vic walks to the door of the building, and exits. The camera follows him onto the sidewalk outside. Vic begins to walk down the street as the camera continues to follow.}

I gotta say, though, Nero, this poker fetish you seem to have is not going to do you very well in the wrestling ring. I don't know what you hope to transfer over from playing poker, but I can only see it as a distraction for you. Every moment you spend playing this juvenile game is a moment you could have spent in the gym, preparing for our match. You think a poker face is going to help you in the ring? I personally don't give a rat's ass if you look like you are not in pain while I am beating you down. I will just continue to smash your face in. I don't get off by making others suffer. I really don't. All I care about is the victory. If I snap your leg in the process, then that is what happens. My only motivation is the victory.

{Vic walks towards a beat up Ford Ranger, and unlocks the door.}

So, continue on with your distractions, Nero. It will only serve to keep you from attaining any kind of success in this business. For myself, there is nothing else but the ring, the win, and the championship. The fans? Doesn't matter. Other activities? Doesn't matter. You, Nero? Doesn't matter.

{Vic climbs into the truck and looks back at the camera through the rolled down window.}

I will see you soon, Nero. And I may even help you up after I win. Or maybe not.

{The scene fades to a black screen. The word "Vasser" appears, written in flames. An explosion and the words disappear. Fade to black.}

Those were the prerecorded comments of Vic Vasser, who has already shown up earlier tonight in a vicious--

--strategic ...

--VICIOUS attack on The Hunter after Hunter's victory in the 3-Way Match earlier tonight. Now it is his chance to gain entry into the 8-Man Championship match at Supercard Alpha, joining Kevin Nakamura, Lightning Truppa, and now Takashi Kurita, as we are now being told Kimo "Samurai' Tazura has suffered a broken leg earlier tonight, and will be out four to six weeks, so unless the front office of Total Japan puts in an alternate next week, Takashi Kurita will receive a BYE into the 8-Man match.

This seems to have worked out perfectly for Kurita.

Tonight, Vasser will try to punch his ticket into the match, but first has to get past this man ...


{The cameras flicker to life in a seemingly vacant lockerroom backstage. The lights are very dim, but a dark figure can be seen sitting in the middle of the room. A smokey haze floats above the figure and the sound of cracking knuckles can be heard. Just then, we hear a 'CLICK' and a small lamp turns on, illuminating the face of Byron Miles. A half-smoked cigarette hangs from his mouth, a haggard look on his face. He looks like he hasn't shaved in quite a few days, and he probably hasn't showered in a few either - based on the messy hair and general appearance. He leans over to the table with the lamp he just flipped on and grabs a bottle. He goes to take a swig, but realizing that it's empty, throws it behind him. The bottle hits the wall and shatters and Byron looks into the camera.

So, you people expect me to say something, expect me to sit back here and start bashing on Vic Vasser and the rest of the TJUS roster on how I am the greatest and how I am going to win the title and all that crap?

{He stops and runs his hands through his greasy hair, having a hard time doing so. He takes a drag off the cig before pulling it out of his mouth and throwing it behind him, among the broken bottle pieces}

I don't have to say a DAMN word. I don't need to sit here and prove anything to anyone. Not to you, Vic Vasser, not to you, TJUS fans, not to anyone on this damn roster. I know I am good enough. And I already KNOW I will win that title. It's inevitable. I came here for NOTHING LESS! Yeah, so maybe I won't do it this time. Maybe it will take some hard work. But what kind of man would I be if I just...took it?

{He giggles like a school boy at his own "joke". He quickly recomposes himself and looks back at the camera}

Total Japan, you are on warning. When I hit that ring, there is no telling what will happen. I am ready, are you?

{He leans over and flips the light off, throwing the lockerroom into darkness once again}


The Final match of the evening is a ONE FALL, 30 minute time limit bout. It is a TJUS Championship Qualifying Match ... Introducing first ...

From San Francisco, California ...

{"Kashmir" by Led Zepplin plays over the loudspeaker}

Standing 6'3" and weighing in at 237 pounds ...


And his opponent ...

From Edmonton, Alberta, Canada ...

{"Down With The Sickness" By Disturbed plays}

Standing 6'5" and 265 pounds ...


Nero v. Vic Vasser -->













Your winner, by submission ... "NERO" BYRON MILES!!!!


You HAVE to look at this is a MAJOR upset!


Your prediction is right down the tube.

I said Vic Vasser will be champion. I never said he would be the FIRST champion.

So Byron Miles has earned his way to the main event at Supercard Alpha. Folks, tune in next week for more Total Japan action, where you'll see the Storm Truppas in action against the unlikely team of Mike Snider and Theresa Desmond, more TJUS Qualifying Matches, and much more! See you next week!

{Fade out to Nero celebrating in the ring}

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Old 03-16-2007, 03:21 AM   #11
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #2 (1 of 5)

{Scene: A hospital bed. Laying in it, mask still on, it Kimo
Tazura. His ribs are bandages, and his legs, in cast, is elevated.
He looks at the camera intensely}

My whole body hurts. From head to toe, I feel like I've been runover
by a train .. a train by the name of The Hunter. Ouch.

Many people might be upset at The Hunter for what happened, but but
they don't have the luxury of seeing what actually happened -- that my
leg, being in an awkward angle, broke as soon as he put me in that
hold. That as soon as he heard that bone breaking, The Hunter let go
of the move immediately, and went to check up on me. He never had
that chance.

Thomas Moss attacked him before he could help me, so he didn't know my
status. Thomas Moss didn't care that I was lying injured on that mat,
he only looked for an easy way to steal a victory he clearly did not
deserve. Luckily, he didn't win that night. Rest assured, when I
return the one man I will exact my revenge on was the one person in
that ring that night with no honor.

{Cut to ..}

--> 3.15.07 <--

{A packed house screams in unison as "Final Countdown" by Europe
plays, signalling the beginning of the show. The camera pans across
the crowd before finally resting on DOUG PARSONS and RAY JONES.}

Hello and welcome to TOTAL JAPAN PRESENTS! I'm Doug Parsons, and with
me as always is RAY JONES.


On the heels of a dynamic first show--

If "Dynamic" you mean, "Vasser got screwed", then yes, it was "Dynamic".

... What exactly is your facination with Vic Vasser?

I'm always facinated by winners, by those who know that they have a
destiny much greater than what they have right now, and the desire to
get there, by any way they can. I like people like Vasser, who
doesn't limit their potential or actions by doing things others
perceive as "the right thing to do". You'll find he'll go far in this
company as long as he sticks to what he's doing now.

What he's doing now is fighting Rictor Showtime tonight, when last
show he was eliminated from the TJUS Championship Match at Supercard

Which is something that, unfortunately, Rictor Showtime will pay for.

Also, we'll see the unlikely tag team of Mike Snider and Theresa
Desmond take on the Storm Truppas in a Tornado Tag Team match!

Won't even be a contest, reason being Desmond doesn't deserve to be in
a TJUS ring. She doesn't have the talent to fit in with the rest of
the boys.

Also tonight we'll see two more people earn their way into the TJUS
Championship Match at Supercard Alpha, as Cameron Strong takes on
Frank 'The Tank' Reed and The Hunter takes on Big --

{Pauses as he is listening to something on his headset}

Fans, apparantly there's been a change of plans, as Big Red has not
yet been cleared to wrestle here from New York Championship Wrestling,
so he has been removed from the TJUS Tournament. I'm being told there
will be a replacement tonight for him, so The Hunter will NOT get a
bye like Takashi Kurita received. His opponent has yet to be

HAHA! The Hunter has to wrestle for his shot against someone he
doesn't know, when he's certainly been training to face Big Red.
Certainly puts The Hunter at a disadvantage, no matter who his
opponent is.

Also, coming up in just a few minutes, we'll see two people that
already have been entered into the 8 Man main event at Supercard
Alpha. Let's hear some words from the combatants ...


{Cut to a camera that is following 'Young Dragon' Kevin Nakamura through a back hallway. He's in his street clothes, meaning jeans and a tattered t-
shirt, and carrying a duffel bag.}

Sorry I'm running behind. Having someone jump you with a chair tends to
make you more cautious in everything you do. Let me get into my ring gear and I'll be ready to give you some words. Here ...

{Kevin turns and opens a locker room door ... and comes to a dead stop.
The camera looks over his shoulder to see them man who attacked him last
week rifling though an open locker.}

... nintendo DS, pokemon diamond ... christ, Kevvith, aren't you ever gonna
to grow up?

... the hell? What are you doing in my locker?

Would it kill you to leave a little money laying around for when an old
friend shows up?

GET OUT OF THERE! How did you get through my lock?

*motions towards an expensive looking lock laying on a bench* You used
your birthday as a combination. You really outta shuffle it around
or something.

DAMMIT, I said, get out of my locker! Look, who the hell are you?

{Kevin tosses his bag off to the side and charges at the intruder. Just as
quickly, however, the man whirls and shoves Nakamura back into the opposite
wall of lockers. The much larger man towers over the Young Dragon, and he uses his weight to pin Kevin's shoulders to the wall.}

Don't you remember me, Kevvy? I'm shocked, shocked!

I remember you're the *BLEEP* who took a swing at me last week! Now back off before I break that arm!

Try it, Kev. I KNOW you. I know all your moves, ALL of them!

What the hell are you talking about?! You don't know me and I don't know

Oh really? Think back a ways, little boy. Remember your old pal in black?

Look, the only people I know who are even close to your size are David and
... and ... oh *BLEEP*.

No, I get called that alot, but that's not my name. C'mon, tell the folks
at home about your old friend, Destroyer.

Michael Yuan. What in heaven's name are you doing here.

{The larger man, apparently Michael Yuan, backs off a step. The fight
seems to have left Kevin, and instead of attacking he slides down to sit on
the concrete floor. The camera focuses in on Michael. He's an extremely
large man, perhaps seven feet, with thick muscular arms and a bit of a
gut. His features are odd, vaguely Asian but stretched out across a large
head and framed by greasy twists of black hair. At the moment he looks
quite smug.}

Working, what else? It seems I've finally found a fed that's willing to
consider the source and ignore the black mark your sister left me with.

And you don't think maybe that mark had something to do with the way you pitched a fit and trashed John Gregory's office?

[Yuan, cold]
No. This is wrestling. On a given night, someone leaves the arena on a
stretcher. They don't pay us to be nice guys. I told Gregory I wasn't
going to put up with being a blasted piece of furniture to make your sister
look good. He didn't listen. So I smashed his desk and broke his door.
THEN he listened.

Yeah, and then he fired you.

He was a *BLEEP*ing coward, shoulda taken his lumps and given me a REAL
job. But then he and your sister kicked me out and made sure no one else
would hire me.

*sigh* Yeah, you keep thinking that. So this is why you took a chair to me
last week.

Heh. I wasn't actually going to hit you there, Kevvy. Just think of it as
my way of saying hello to an old buddy.

"Buddy?" More like your favorite victim.

Call it what you want. I'm here now, and you've gotta deal with me. But
you know, I'm in a pretty good mood these days. I'm willing to let bygones
be bygones. What's say I just forget about all the crap I took from your
little family?

Anything that means I don't have to put up with you is fine with me.

Good. You don't start calling for your sister and I don't break your skull

Fine, fine, just get out of here Michael.

All in good time, little guy. Hey, if you do talk to her sister, let her
know that my offer to kick her albino ass still stands. And if you
see your friend Kismet ...

{The large man rears back and slams a fist into the locker above Kevin's
head. Kevin winces, and Michael pulls his hand back. A large dent is now
visible in the locker door.}

... tell Kismet that I'm going to send him straight to hell. In. Small.

{Michael wheels and storms out of the locker area, shoving the cameraman out of the way as he passes. Kevin watches him go, then slumps down even

*groan* Great. Now my sister's mistakes are coming back to haunt me.
I'm not sure I can deal with this.


I KNEW I've seen him before! In an older federation I was a part of
he was the bodyguard of a then-pre-teenaged Kevin Nakamura. His name
was The Destroyer, and he was a monster in that ring. It seems age
has not lowered his ability or focus.

I think he may be picking off a little more than he can chew with the
Japanese legend Masato Kismet, though.

The same Kismet that LOST to a 5'7" Kevin Nakamura? Destroy .. er ..
Michael Yuan will .. ahem ... DESTROY him.


Get it? He used be called Destroyer, and I said he'll "destroy him". HA!

I think we get it.

It's punny! It's like the word "funny" only with puns --

[Parsons] (sighing)
Let's hear from "Nero" Byron Miles ....

{The scene opens up backstage in Nero's lockerroom. The poker
fiend is seen sitting on a couch, a paper cup in hand, dark black sunglasses on, watching a video tape. He takes a sip from the cup and makes a very disgusted face.}

Jesus, did he piss in it or something?

{He tosses the cup behind him, spilling the contents all over the floor.}

Damn that Nakamura...killing my buzz...

{Nero takes off his sunglasses showing very bloodshot eyes. He
rubs his eyes a little before pausing the tape he is watching. The
still shows Kevin Nakamura with his hands up in the air, in victory.}

What a douche...

{Just then, a cellphone sitting on a table next to Nero starts to
ring. He picks it up and looks at the display. A slight smirk
crosses his faces as he flips the phone open and places it next to his
ear. Through the magic of television, we can hear the other side of
the conversation as well.}

Dexter, you son of a *BLEEP*, what's up?

Not much, Byron, how you been?

Antsy, you got something for me?

Patience, young one. I saw your debut last week, congrats I suppose.

It was nothing, the guy is like 80. I would have felt like less of a
man had I lost.

Either way, you looked pretty good out there.

I told you, man, ring rust ain't nothing for me.

Well you make a trainer proud, that's for sure. I got a game for you.

You are finally speaking my language. When we talking?

Saturday night. $500 buy-in."

$500? What kinda crap games you getting me, Dex?

You need to...hone up your skills a bit.

{Nero lips purse together as he sits up a little straighter.}

I know, I know, I can see the look on your face through the damn
phone. But Byron, you know as well as I do that you gotta stop losing

Dexter, shut up before I shut you up. You find me games, you don't
tell me how to play them. Do I tell you how to train me in the ring?
No, because if I did that, I wouldn't need you.

That doesn't even make se-

Enough. Money is not an issue, Dex. My Total Japan salary is
starting to kick in and money will be flowing nicely soon, especially
after I win again this weekend again Kevin Nakamura, and then win the
8-man match for the title at the Supercard in a couple weeks. The
endorsements will be piling up and I will have more money than I know
what to do with.

So you just piss it all away?"

Dex, Dex, don't know when to just STOP! I will take your
stupid $500 game. I will see you Saturday. I got a match now.

{Nero clicks off the phone angrily}

I have known Dexter for quite a few years, but he has never known when
to just shut up. At least I have a game to focus on now in my match
instead of this pounding headache. Gotta lay off the sauce
soon...yeah, soon...

{Nero pulls out a flask from in between the couch cushions and
takes a pull as the scene fades out.}

Kevin Nakamura vs. Byron Miles -->













{The bell rings and Nakamura climbs to his feet, raising his hands
in victory, much to the adulation of the crowd. He looks down at
Nero, who is on his knees, and reaches down to help him to his feet.}

Great sign of respect there by Nakamura.

Something tells me that Nero won't take any of that ...

{As Nakamura reaches for Nero's arm, Nero slaps the hand away.
Nakamura backs up a little and Nero quickly jumps to his feet.
Nakamura and Nero stare at each other for a moment, and Nero smiles
slightly and bows his head, offering his hand to Nakamura. Nakamura
pauses for a moment, then accepts the handshake

Wow, a surprising show of --

{Just as suddenly, Nero takes the hand and viciously short-arm
clotheslines Nakamura}

What a cheap shot by Byron Miles!

You don't disrespect Nero!

How did Nakamura disrespect him?

He pinned him.

{Nero slides out of the ring quickly and throws the timekeeper off
his chair. He closes the chair up and slides back into the ring with
it. As Nakamura scrambles to his feet, Nero runs at him and swings
the chair, SLAMMING into the head of the Young Dragon! Nakamura
crumbles to the mat as the crowd starts to boo loudly.

What a VICIOUS attack by Nero! And for no reason!

I already told you his reason.

{Nero throws the chair down and stands over Nakamura, as we cut
away to commercial}

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Old 03-17-2007, 04:38 PM   #12
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #2 (2 of 5)

{Open to Kevin Nakamura, wincing in pain and holding the back of
his neck, exiting the ring on his own power.}

It looks like Nero attempt to take out Kevin Nakamura has been largely

You're assuming he's done with Nakamura ... which I highly doubt he is.

At the very least, the two will meet again on the Supercard, as they
both have that entry into the Championship match.

I've gain alot of respect for Byron Miles. Even though he took out
Vasser, he's got alot of potential.

He may have his chance to realize his potential in the upcoming TJUS
Title Match. One man who will NOT be in that match is Vic Vasser,
who had these pre-recorded comments ...

------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

{A black screen. The word "Vasser" appears, written in flames. An
explosion and the words disappear. The scene shifts to darkness. The
camera seems to start panning, and we see the flickering light of a
number of candles. As the camera continues to pan, we see a man
sitting with his head hanging low, his face hidden by the shadows cast
by the candlelight.}

Who's afraid of the dark?"

{The man, whose voice obviously belongs to Vic Vasser, continues to
keep his head hanging.}

An interesting question. And one the seems to strike fear in so many.
I have heard it uttered a lot at your opposition, Hunter, but I
suppose the question will be slung my way soon. You probably never
thought it would come to this, but the chair probably made it clear to
you that I cannot be avoided.

{Vasser now raises his head and stares into the camera. The
candlelight is dim, but we can see that Vic Vasser's eyes seem to be
bloodshot, his face drawn.}

You should be happy, Hunter. You really should. We were friends, and
I have thought about nothing but you during my time away from the
ring. I thought about how good of a friend you were, finding a spot
for me in Minnesota State Wrestling. How you used your pull with the
National Wrestling Council to get me in. How you counselled me on
why MSW would make my career, that I had the talent to be special. It
was such a good time.

There I was, on a bigger stage than I was used to, working my ass off
with stars in my eyes and dreams in my heart. But, like some naïve
girl trying to make it as a big star in Hollywood, I was prostituted
out to the masses to the likes of Power, and that punk J.D. Danzing.

{Anger twists the features of Vasser's face. His voice starts to
rise in intensity, becoming a yell.}

For what, Hunter? Why the Hell was I the whore? Was it because the
great Hunter, the former NWC champion, was bored? Was he tired of
screwing up his own career that he decided to ruin someone else's?
Did you get a cut in the action, or just a good laugh with the fed
heads? Why did you pimp me out?

{Vasser gets his voice back under control, and his face smoothens
as his outburst ends.}

These are the thoughts that have occupied my mind for years now. That
is what fuelled my rage, kept me warm on those cold nights in my
run-down apartment. Kept me going while I was working some low-end
job for minimum wage. Allowed me to find the desire to step back into
the gym and start training again. And these are the thoughts that
made me sign that contract with TJUS. Knowing that you would be here,
and I would have the chance to pay you back, it was enough to make me
smile for the first time in years.

{Vasser abruptly begins to laugh for a few seconds, then stops just
as abruptly.}

So, am I afraid of the dark? Far from it. I have lived in darkness
for a long time now, Hunter. I have embraced the darkness. Allowed
it to envelop me, seep inside of me, consume me. I am driven by the
darkness now, Hunter. It is all I am, and I accept that. For the
darkness loves me, loves me like no one else has. The darkness is the
only true friend I have. The darkness will not use me and throw me
away. The darkness will guide me. It will give me the strength to
get you back, Hunter. It will give me the power to destroy you.
That is my only purpose now.

{Vic gets a somewhat maniacal look on his face, but it disappears
as quickly as it first appeared.}

For the past few weeks, I have been preaching about focus. I have
been talking about how I am focused, only concerned with victory and
nothing else. Well, as we saw last week, I was wrong. I was not
focused at all, and it allowed Nero to beat me. Am I bitter?
Probably. But losing seems to be a theme for me lately. So it is
time to practice what I preach. And that I will do. I am focused
now, not on the championship, but on you, Hunter. I don't give a
*BLEEP* about the championship, I can go and win that later. I have
had championships, and they are secondary at the moment. For now, all
I want is my revenge. I want you to feel all the pain I felt. I
want you to feel the despair, the agony, the desperation.

{Anger corrupts Vasser's features again.}

You are a legend of the NWC. I cannot take away the past. I walked
the halls of MSW and heard of you past glory. But that is exactly
what it was, Hunter, the past. While the higher-ups were talking
about the wrestler you were, I heard the real men, the wrestlers in
the ranks, joke about how you were a has-been. You were someone
clinging to the glory you once had, never realizing that you had
become pathetic. And by extension, I was pathetic, because I clung to
your coat-tails. Not any more. This is my time, your time is over.

{Vic smiles.}

But first, I get to face Rictor Showtime. Rictor, you are here, like
most others, hoping to taste that championship gold. But you fell,
like I did, and are now on the outside looking in. So much for the
"Rictor Showtime Experience". But that ultimately does not matter to
me. I don't care about who you are. I don't care about what your
goals are. You are just my opportunity to get in the ring, and hurt
someone. You see, I said before, that I am focused now. I am focused
on my revenge on the Hunter. And to me, you are just another
extension of that. Every time I step in the ring, I am stepping into
the ring with the Hunter. Every time I face my opponent, I am facing
the Hunter. Every time I put my opponent on the mat, I am putting the
Hunter on the mat.

{Vasser stands from his chair and his voice is a yell once again.}

Every time I slap the C-4 on my opponent and break his leg, and I
breaking the Hunter's leg! And I will do it! I am going to hurt
everyone who steps in the ring with me, for I will be hurting the
Hunter every time! THIS IS FOR YOU, HUNTER!

{Vasser lets out a scream of rage, then calms himself again. He
takes his chair again.}

I am not so far gone as to think that everyone I face is going to be a
chump. Last week showed me that. But the victories no longer
matter. All that matters is the pain I cause. And I will find a way
to cause it. If you want to step in the ring with me, you have to
know that you may win, but I will find a way to get you back. I will
make you pay for your victory.
If I have to beat you to a bloody pulp with a chair after the match is
over, I will do so. Anyone wants to step in the ring with me, they
will pay their price. And this will continue until I get you,
Hunter. This will continue until I get my final revenge on you, to
pay you back for the agony you have caused me.

{Vic lowers his head again.}

Who is afraid of the dark, Hunter? For I am darkness incarnate. And
I am coming for you.

{The scene fades to a black screen. The word "Vasser" appears,
written in flames. An explosion and the words disapear. Fade to


That, Doug Parsons, is the very definition of "focus". The Hunter
better watch out.

He's not the only one focused tonight. Let's hear from his opponent
tonight, Rictor Showtime ...


(The camera opens on Rictor Showtime standing in front of the TJUS
logo. Contrary to what you would expect after last week's
performance, Rictor Showtime has a big smile on his face. Most Summit
Wrestling fans will pick up on the fact that it is the same smile that
means, "Something bad is about to happen.")

Lightning... I may be many things, most of them bad, but no one can
ever say I don't give credit when credit is due. You pinned me last
week and advanced to the TJUS Championship match. That's where the
credit ends, son. Enjoy the win, because sooner or later, you'll have
to step in the ring with me and I guaren-damn-tee you that the result
will be different.

(Rictor pauses, as the smile gets even bigger.)

Now onto more pressing matters... namely Vic Vasser. Vic, unlike most
people, I've watched your tapes. I know what you can do in the ring...
and it's pretty damn impressive. I don't know if last week was a
fluke, ring rust or just the stars misalligning, but you weren't the
same Vic Vasser I've studied. Most people would smell the blood in
the water and attack. Well I'm not most people. I know that a
wounded animal is a dangerous animal and I approach this match with
that in mind.

(Rictor's smile slowly disappears.)

Don't get me wrong, Vic. I'm not affraid of you. Your best days are
probably behind you, but that's a good thing for me. Beating you
tonight shows the world that I'm not just a pretty face with a
pedigree last name. It shows that Rictor Showtime IS someone to be
feared and respected. It shows that Rictor Showtime IS ready for the
big time matches. But most importantly, it shows the Rictor Showtime
backs down from NO ONE!

Vic Vasser... you and I are more alike than you think. We're about
the same size, we have similar wrestling styles and we are both
morally bankrupt. Check that. I'm morally ambiguous, if anything.

The point is that there is only room for one top tier, a-hole in TJUS.
Tonight we sort out the pretender from the contender. Tonight we see
if Vic Vasser REALLY does have what it takes to get back to the top.
Tonight we see if Vic Vasser truly is Dynamite, Volatile or just ready
to fade to the back of the pack. You all know where my money is on
this subject.

(Rictor Showtime flashes his classic, evil smirk, then walks away
as the camera fades out.)

Vic Vasser vs. Rictor Showtime -->













What a win for Showtime! It looked like Vasser had the match well in
hand, and then lost his .. focus ... near the end of the match, and
gave Showtime the opening he needed.

You're trying to make fun of me, aren't you?

What do you mean?

Before the match, I talked about how Vasser was the epitome of focus,
and now you say he lost his foc -- LOOKEE THERE!

{Showtime's hand is being raised by the referee when Vasser attacks
him from behind. He stomps on the downed Showtime for a few moments,
then locks on a Texas Cloverleaf, yelling "HUNTER!!" at the camera}

That's Vasser's finisher, The C-4!! Showtime is SCREAMING in pain,
and trying to roll out of the move --


Here comes security from the back, and Vasser finally releases the
hold, holding up his hand as if he won the match.


Obviously we have different definitions for that word. You say
"focus", I say "poor loser".

Which is why you're wrong. Look in the ring, who is standing and who
is on the ground holding his leg.

Anyway, great victory by RICTOR SHOWTIME, and we'll be right back ...

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Old 03-17-2007, 04:41 PM   #13
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #2 (3 of 5)

{We fade in to a shot down the backstage hallway. A shot down that hallway reveals a pair of squabblers. As the camera makes its way down the hallway, they finally reveal themselves to be the involuntary teammates Mike Snider and Theresa Desmond.>

... don't even care. Look, this is your own damn fault, you let your
mouth write a check your ass can't cash. You had to go mouthing off to
the ONLY f'n tag team in Total Japan, and now if you want to shut them
up, you have to meet them in the ring with ME. So I don't want to hear
it ...

Why don't you just leave me the *BLEEP* alone then! I'll handle both of
them myself!

Doesn't work that way. They set the terms of the challenge, and you
have to meet 'em. They say "Theresa's your partner," then I'm your
partner, or they don't even have to show up. So lets hear a little
gratitude, alright ...

How grateful should I be when you're just gonna stab me in the back?
What do you get out of this?

Me? I get to pay those two back for that little *sneering* "tied with a
GIRL" crack. Now listen ...

Well well, well. Look who we have here.

{The camera swiftly turns to see Lightning and Thunder Truppa, The StormTruppas. They watch the two arguers without bothering to conceal their amusement.>

How are you feeling now Mike? We are almost ready for the Texas Tornado
match you requested. Who's laughing now? You let us pick your partner.
Mistake number one. You underestimated your opponent last week. Mistake
number two. And much like Rictor Showtime did last week, I'm sure you
underestimated me last week and didn't give me a chance to win. Mistake
number three.

{Thunder steps in front of his brother to get in Snider's face.}

We also have another advantage over you Mikey, besides you teaming with
someone you don't even know if you can trust or not. You know absolutely
nothing about me. Yes, you saw my brother wrestle last week, and we saw
both you and Desmond wrestle last week. But I haven't yet. But I will
give you a fair shake. Let me tell you what to expect. Unlike you, I
won't shake your hand, before, during or after the match. I will beat
you within an inch of your life.

Snider grimmaces in anger, says something that is censored and makes a grab at Thunder. Theresa reaches between them and yanks Snider back into place.>

Oh for ... Look Mike, you start a fight out here and the suits will just
hand the match to the Truppas. Don't let these two win before you even
step into the ring.

{Thunder pauses and looks at Desmond}

And as for you Theresa. I was impressed with you last week. Nothing
personal, but Snider let us pick his partner. This is between us and
him. Just stay out of the way and you won't get hurt. We'll see you both
in the ring. I hope you're ready for a fight.

{With that the Stormtruppas leave the area, leaving Desmond and Snider
to glare at each other.}

------------------------------ -----------------------------------
Those were pre-recorded comments from earlier to day. Desmond and Snider better get on the same page, and better do it quickly if they're going to have a hope against a seasoned team like the StormTruppas.

Truth be told, the Trupps played the two of them easily. You want to embarass Snider, put him in a match was a teammate that you think just can't hold the mustard.

If that was their intention, I think they picked the wrong person. I've seen Theresa Desmond in action, and as Mike Snider saw last show, she can more than hold her own in the ring.

She doesn't have the strength to finish the match. She can kick all day, but if she can't make someone tap, or hold them down for the 3 count, it doesn't mean anything.

We'll see. Let's head to the ring for this Tornado Tag team contest!

Mike Snider/Theresa Desmond vs. The Storm Truppas -->













This show's not been working out so far ...

I TOLD you Desmond was not the weak link everyone thought she was. Snider and Desmond seems to balance each other out very well in the ring.

They were lucky, nothing more.

We'll see next week as BOTH Desmond and Snider have their shot at entrance into the Championship match at Supercard Alpha. Snider gets to face Thunder Truppa, while Theresa takes on the suplex machine Thomas Moss.

She not heavy, easier for Moss to suplex. Over and over.

We'll be right back ...

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Old 03-20-2007, 10:49 PM   #14
College Starter
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Huntington, WV
Total Japan Presents #2 (4 of 5)

{Cut to a blank screen. Only audio is heard.}


WHAT THE -- VASSER just NAILED The Hunter with the chair!!! What a cheap, unprovoked attack!!

It's called "Thinning the Herd". He takes out The Hunter now, he won't have to deal with him in the Championship 8-Way!

{Picture finally joins the audio and we see last we see last week's telecast being replayed. Panning back, there is but one figure in the room, his massive form leaning forward, shortening the distance between the big screen tv and the leather couch that he's sitting on. As casual as we've seen him so far dressed in jeans and a black shirt, the Hunter's eyes peer intently at the screen.}


Vasser with a HARD chairshot again right to the back of The Hunter, and The Hunter crumples to the mat next to Tazura ... here comes some officials from the back as Vasser, now smiling, drops the dented chair as he looks down at the bleeding body of The Hunter! Guys, now we need TWO sets of paramedics here, as Tazura is still unconscious.

{Reaching out, the Hunter pauses the action, frozen on an image of him lying face down in the ring. Sitting back in the couch with a heavy exhale, he allows the remote to fall beside him.}

Well, it sure didn't take long to get right back into the action did it Vic?

{Rising to his full height, the camera follows the Hunter as he makes his way over to a counter. He begins going through the process of mixing some fruits and liquids.}

You disappoint me Vic. Used to be that when you had a beef with somebody, you'd stare them in the eye, tell them how it was going to be, then make it happen.

{The big man issues a chuckle before continuing.}

I guess this means you aren't quite as confident anymore that you can back up everything you say, so you just skip that stage right after you skip looking them in the eye.

{Turning with a fresh drink, the Hunter returns to the couch. Sitting back down, he begins rewinding the footage.}

Kind of ironic justice I suppose that your fixation at imagined revenge played some part in you being upset in the first round of the title tournament, but I do suppose that now you're hoping, no, nix that, planning on me having the same fate you did.

So as far as I see it, I fought in a sanctioned three way match last week that had an uninvited fourth, and odds are I'll get to have another three man match this week, but again, you aren't going to need, nor want, an introduction.

So I'll tell you what Dynamite. Whether it's in the halls, the locker room, before or after the match, I'm looking forward to seeing you again. If you want to bring another chair, maybe a bat or even table or two, go ahead. You can keep swinging, but I'm going to keep getting up. Your arms will get tired, I'll get a few more concussions, but in the end, the smoke will clear, and we'll be standing face to face. I hope you save something for then. The man I knew would have skipped all the preliminaries, but when we do get to that point, we'll find out just how much of him is left.

{Glancing up at the screen, he watches for a few seconds, then hits play just as the introductions to the three way match conclude. Cutting the volume with a single button push just as the action is about to start, he looks back to the camera.}

Now don't get me wrong, I know Vic will be in the building, and I know he'll have something in store for me, whether it be words or action, but my main concern is a beast bigger than I am. Now Big Red, I understand that you've not only proven yourself every step of the way, but that you've generally imposed your will whenever and wherever you please. I don't like to make promises when it comes to the outcome of matches, because let's be real, there are a lot of factors that can come into play. I will promise you this though, I'm not like anybody you've faced before. I'm not going to take a step back nor will I roll over and play dead. You had better come prepared for a marathon because it's going to be an exercise at 110 miles per hour from the sound of the bell. Last chance you'll get to catch your breath is going to be while they're saying your name as you walk down that ramp.

Come prepared big boy, I'll be waiting.

{Turning back to the television, he flicks the sound back on as we fade to black.}

------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
Those were pre-recorded comments from The Hunter, who had some choice words for Vic Vasser.


Very intuitive discourse, Jones.

... Bah.

Lets head to the ring!

{Cut to the ring and the announcer}

The following match is a QUALIFYING MATCH for the TJUS 8 MAN ELIMINATION MATCH at the upcoming Supercard: Alpha show. Introducing first ...

((o)) "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC ((o))

From Alberta, Canada ...


And his opponent ... from Parts Unknown ...

((o)) "Die MF Die" by Dope ((o))


{The huge man, asian in appearance and standing a little short of 7 feet, makes his way to ringside}














And your winner ... THE HUNTER!!!!

And we have the fifth person in the TJUS Championship match!

Vasser will never let him get to that match.

I don't see how he will stop him. We'll be right back after this ...

Last edited by WVUFAN : 03-20-2007 at 10:50 PM.
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