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Old 04-25-2003, 08:44 PM   #51
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001
dola. You know how asking a silly question in public where other people can see how dumb you are ALWAYS causes you to figure out the answer to your dumb questino 5 seconds later, no matter how long you've been trying to figure it out already? Anyway, Yeah, figured it out

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Old 04-26-2003, 05:34 AM   #52
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Ok, I think as I put the finishing touches on Deadly Lover, it's fun to dream about success but tonight I'm really going to have to make it so. I head on over to the club and enjoy a quiet restful vodka filled day waiting for show time. Owen Farrow, a reasonably respected producer comes in for the show.

I could certainly see him producing our first video so we have a little talk. He seems receptive but I think he's already on something because when I ask him about the trends he says "this moths trend is death." I'm not sure what moth he's talking about but I do know that this is the third month in a row with a death trend so I imagine living in the city must just universally suck. Enough said and it will only help Deadly Lover so we'll leave it at that.

The debut was not to be. It certainly fell far short of my dreams. A whopping 8 people were in attendance and we decided to hold off doing more than the cover set as we don't see the point. Still, we did a good job on that and 2 of the fans are now BottHeads and I picked up 60 bucks.

Tomorrow we'll see how it goes and give the song another shot. I just know it'll knock em dead and they really seem to like that.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-26-2003, 05:52 AM   #53
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Life of the Stars voted Jennifer Sanders the most sexy female. Given their editorial sloppiness I find myself grateful that I didn't make the list. I'm sure Beth is on there somewhere but she didn't make the top three. Jennifer Sanders is the top choice. No argument here.

Saturday is a repeat of friday, at least during the day. Amelia Mitchell ( 5* vocalist - rock/daredevil ) shows up with her entourage. She looks identicall to Beth but she's smoking a cigarette. The thought of having two lookalikes is tempting and we need a vocalist but she won't give me the time of night. Anyway, it's gig time.

Now thats more like it. 55 strong and the place was electric. Unfortanately, dreams aren't quite reality and we spoiled the Deadly Lover debut and to make matters worse, we played it long. It ruined a masterful performance of our cover material which we now know like the back of our hands. Still, we each gained 6 new BottHeads and made over 80 bucks.

I kinda wished we'd tried the number out on friday but we'll be ready for our next gig that I can tell you.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-26-2003, 06:17 AM   #54
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After the gig I head downtown and purchase many gifts for use as bribes. It's about time to get serious about the future of Bott-ulism!. I have one piece of fresh business to attend to.

I went back to the hotel and invited Victor Cartright over. Victor is a very talented vocalist and will put the serious finishing touches on Bott-ulism! as we know it. I plied him with liqour and cigars and all the hip flasks in the state. You'd think I was trying to score or something but my goals were more noble. I invited him to join the band.

'You aren't famous... But you're my friend. I'm in!"

Victor is a freethinking vocalist who has studied the Root style of performing. He gives us the options of adding words to our songs. Words are good. Life is good. I am drunk and out of hip flasks. I think I'll smoke a cigar!
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-26-2003, 06:35 AM   #55
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What? No, we're NOT going to change the name of the band to the Ponderosa. I don't thnk so Vic. I don't care that your last name is Cartwright, no. How many people even remember that show any longer?

Yes, Beth, I realize that you think it's cute but thats not the point.

No, Lanau, we're discussing, not arguing. I know that Victor is the draw and the most experienced but a band is a family. We need to think like a family.


I know he died but what the fuck is with this town and death anyway?

No, Lanau, it's all right. Geez. We're just talking. No one's going to do anything rash.

Uhm, Beth do you think you might get your hand out of his lap. NO? Ok, no biggie but just remember a band is a family and incest is bad, mkay.


I wake up in a cold sweat. I'll admit that I'm a bit, lets see, apprehensive about the big signing and I've pretty much got to admit that I'm not the top dog anymore but that's fine.

Victor has been acting like, well, a friend, and he doesn't deserve my paranoia but I've been working at this band thing pretty hard and it's always unsettling to hook up with a legitimate star. Still, I do what I must for in the end it will be me at the pinnacle of the music world and others will marvel at my presence and pray that I'll join their pathetic bands. I'll be more than Victor Cartright, star; I'll be Davey Boy Bott, SUPERSTAR and that's the name of the game in more ways than one.

Now, if you'll excuse me, Mr Cartwright needs his mineral water.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-26-2003, 07:45 AM   #56
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We are only given wednesday and thursday night gigs and I've about busted myself hiring Victor. With no cash to throw around, I spend some time out at the beach and the old graveyard just interacting with nature and getting extremely stoned.

I come into town in time for the gig and I'm about ready to write another song. I'll have one by friday tops. I'm looking forward to involving Victor in the process as he's an old hand and has the knack for good tunes.

I know it is a midweek gig so I'm not expecting much in terms of a crowd. Victor says not to sweat it that they'll be here but I'm not so sure. Note to myself; trust Victor.

200 rowdy fans came to the gig!! Yikes. We were great. Well, mostly we just played our instruments while Victor took care of the entertaining. It was our best show yet and he didn't even look like he was working.

I continued in my normal routine of chatting with the crowd between riffs and this works well. In all, we gained 22 BottHeads apiece and earned $171 each as well. I don't even notice the extra $17 we kick in to Victor as our leader. Doesn't seem right to complain.

After the gig, I again get the surge of good feeling that comes with a job well done. My performing skills and my charm are winning people over on stage and it's recognizable.

"Nice work, chameleon" Landau said to me with a grin that spoke of our newfound good fortune. I acted mock upset with my newly acquired nickname.

I have always had a knack of blending into the background when it suited me but lately I had taken to wearing a pair of black sunglasses on stage and Landau said it was nice that I was finally admitting my chameleon roots.

There's some truth to it, I'll admit. I've always been very conscious of my image and as an up and coming star I feel that keeping up ones public image requires handling ones private one with kid gloves. I've worked hard on that and it's now noticable.

Obviously, I now await tomorrow night eagerly.

Bott-ulism! forever!!!!
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-26-2003, 05:40 PM   #57
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Location: Manchester, NH
Just a question, how long did it take for you guys to receive the registration code? I ordered the game last night and 24 hours later I still haven't received and e-mail with the code. Is this normal or did you guys receive it right away?
Lock the door, kill the light
No one's coming home tonight
They bring news that must get through.
Dying peace in me and you
Locked in a place where no one goes.
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Old 04-26-2003, 05:57 PM   #58
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I received it immediately.
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Old 04-26-2003, 06:00 PM   #59
High School Varsity
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Dallas,Tx
Radii, I had the same problem. You go to your job DOWNTOWN. There will be a 'go to job' listing there when it is time to go do the job, or soon before.
Visit "Cowtown, Arise. A TCU- TCY Dynasty" in the Dynasty section.
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Old 04-27-2003, 08:43 PM   #60
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Even though I went to the beach to hang out after the gig and work on my upcoming song, I didn't quite have the time to put pen to paper and by the time we hit the club thursday we were all pretty wiped our emotionally as well as physically.

Our show was flat compared to last night but the club was still packed at 200 strong and our show was still strong. Rack up another 22 Bottheads and $152.

After the show Zach Bridges ( 4* - director ) dropped hints that he'd love to work with us on any upcoming videos we might make. I file his number in my wallet and carry on.

Before any of us have a chance to leave, I fire up a bowl of hash and we have a composing session. We really need so professional help to rise above our current level but we did compose a 2 and a half minute Goth heavy anti humanity number called Everyday Decay. We've still got 26 minutes to fill before we can cut an album so we have our work cut out for us.

I decided to head downtown to get ready for work but found out once I got there I had been fired for not showing up lately. Oh well, I can live on 2 gigs a week I suppose. I do check the help wanted service and see that they need a bouncer for 4 hrs paying $4 per.

It's almost job time so I figure what the hell and take it. I don't expect to be doing it again tomorrow or anything but I suppose I can survive for a few hours and I do.

Now, it's off to the suburbs for some drinking aqnd carrying on. Nobody worth carrying on with though so finally I head home for some much needed sleep. I haven't done that in a while.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-27-2003, 09:04 PM   #61
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I wake up refreshed and decide it's nigh time to take care of other "pressing business." After a quick wash up I call Beth and see if she's interested in coming over. She says she'll see me at three. I practice a few licks while waiting for her.

Beth is looking fine. I hit her with all my best lines and she laughs, maybe a bit too politely but it's clear she's not in any hurry to leave. I show her the expensive music box(es) I had bought for her and my left over cigars. She smiles slyly taking those as no doubt she's heard about the adventures of our fearless leader.

Just when I'm ready to make my move, Beth says she has to cut out for a while. I'm a bit confused but she's been here all day and she says it's really something she has to do and she'll be back.

SIGH. It's back to the old acoustic as I wait for her return or whatever happens next.

Around 6pm, Beth finally returns and melts into my arms almost immediately. We wasted little effort on speech but we caressed and kissed and explored our way into the bathtub where she warmed my heart by asking me to warm her with my hands. Needless to say I'm a gentleman so I did...more than once.

It was electric, it was amazing, it was about damned time. After our initial burst of energy we ended up in the bedroom for more traditional fun.

After Beth left I began thinking about what I'd really done. She isn't really a great trumpet player and doesn't play the style Bott-ulism! was used to but I'd still jumped at the chance to bring her into the band. In other words, I'd jumped at the chance to jump at the chance. Had I really hired her just to get her in the sack? Not exactly but mostly. Thinking about this fact makes me feel so much like....a SUPERSTAR!!!!
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-27-2003, 09:35 PM   #62
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Location: Manchester, NH
Axxon, I've been playing the game a lot this weekend due to a lot of free time. If you or anyone else has any questions about it, I'd be happy to help.
Lock the door, kill the light
No one's coming home tonight
They bring news that must get through.
Dying peace in me and you
Locked in a place where no one goes.
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Old 04-27-2003, 09:49 PM   #63
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I have the rest of the week to kill so I spend it hanging out trying to find somebody, anybody with some talent in composing music to even talk to me but it's no go. I do a lot of hash though so it's at least a pleasant waste of time.

Monday, I realize that I still can go to the bouncer gig so I earn a quick $16 before I hit the club. I guess we're pretty popular as we book every night expect thursday and friday. I'm already pretty beat so I'm not expecting to leave the club all day. I call up the band and everybody seems excited that we are going to have a full week of work.

I decide to kick it on the couch where I hit the hidden stash left behind by some guy named Freekee stylee or something and again bless his good name. Victor seems to find the name familiar but can't remember why.

The gig is again sold out and we are getting better all the time performance wise. I have another 22 BottHeads and $176. Pretty soon part time jobs are going to be a thing of the past but I'm not rich enough to pass up free money yet. There's still an album yet to cut.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-27-2003, 09:53 PM   #64
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Thanks for the offer Patman, I'll surely take you up on it as needed. Don't worry too much about me, I'm no expert but I'm playing this one as a role playing story not necessarily for a powergame experience. Sometimes it's more fun to be inefficient.

I hope you're enjoying the game and the story by the way.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-27-2003, 09:56 PM   #65
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if you happen to be a 3 star or better poet or composer then see me at the club, any night this week. I would sure like meeting you.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-27-2003, 10:22 PM   #66
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Did some shopping after the gig. Imagine, I'm only $1,999,606 dollars short on the price of a Jet. Maybe next week. Shoot, I'll settle for an old car and a bachelor flat. I'm only $2,606 off there and that seems more managable somehow.

The new superstar rankings are out and Bott-ulism! has risen from the bottom to the 118th spot. Fie on you, Metaphysical Lullaby and you too Tropical Lips. You are the first victims on my path to superstardom. Don't feel bad though, we might even let you open for us one day. Maybe.

After a quick nap I begin realizing that I really need to upgrade my standard of living. Nothing extravagant, I'll still be thrifty but my days of living like a beggar are a thing of the past. I know that it makes sense for a superstar in the making to at least try and live up to a higher standard so my decision makes sense. Still, I blame the jet.

The gig was great. We are still showing improvement working together as a band. Another sell out too. 22 more BottHeads and a nice $180 for the effort. It's becoming pretty obvious that we're at a ceiling here and need to start doing more. We all recognize this.

After the gig I work on my interview technique. It seems like the time is right to begin practicing this much needed skill. I also bone up on my style lessons as well. We're decidedly more public now and need to take ourselves too seriously pretty soon.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-27-2003, 10:30 PM   #67
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I can't seem to get the game to work.. i wanna play it, but i get a blank screen when i try to load it.. hmm.. any ideas?
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Old 04-27-2003, 10:40 PM   #68
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Location: The Town of Flower Mound
Try downloading the patch. I kept getting an error message until I got the patch, and now it works perfectly...
UTEP Miners!!!

I solemnly swear to never cheer for TO
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Old 04-27-2003, 11:37 PM   #69
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Played to another sold out house. We weren't at our very top form but had them eating out of our hands nonetheless. Again there are 22 new BottHeads but a more meager $162 to show for a job well done. Now it's off for two days. Time to see what I can get done in the meantime.

I was feeling sufficiently motivated to write another song. I went a different way with this one. It's a cheery soulful love ballad called Give Me That Feeling. Pure syrup but catchy nonetheless and it gets us closer to the studio. Also, if the city ever lightens up a bit they may even like the darned thing.

I head back to the great outdoors and on thursday come up with an anti war song. It's a bit country and I call it Retooling the Combine. I'm really reaching now but Bott-ulists are getting antsy and I can't get any reasonable help so I'm winging it so we can get an album out asap. So far, our work has been on par with our covers and as long as we keep to that level we'll be fine for a debut.

Just after midnight on friday night I write a song about existance called Cradle of Doubt. I also notice that I've been hitting the hash a bit too much and it's becoming harder to write without it. I'd better lay off for a while.

Still, the time has been productive and I'm a third of the way to a new album. I head into town and rest at the club. Tonights a big night after all. By the way, the bartender has a note for me telling me not to bother coming in for my bouncer gig. Like I was planning to or something.

I really must be losing my mind. I was sure we had a gig tonight but they tell me it's tomorrow night instead. Oh well, I decide to have a few drinks and cut the rug a bit but none of it lifts my mood. I'm missing the smoke filled haze of my outdoor solitude. Things have gotten a bit more serious than I thought but I called the rehab clinic and they tell me it'll be 3K to dry out. Not any time soon. And they said it wasn't addictive.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-27-2003, 11:49 PM   #70
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It was with little enthusiasm that I went through my next day. I spent most of it on the cot at the club sleeping. I was simply going through the motions at the gig and I had to endure the curious stares and awkward questions of my bandmates. Only Victor seemed to have enough sense to give me my space but I caught him shaking his head when he thought I wasn't looking.

The gig was still our best ever. In the absence of my usual banter Victor and Lanau really shone and the crowd loved it. I'm glad and I'm grateful for the 22 new Bottheads and the $191 but more than ever I question my usefulness to the band. I need to cut out of here and score. That's what I need to do.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-28-2003, 12:06 AM   #71
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We've found work on monday, tuesday, thursday and saturday. I write the dates down this time. I promptly lose the paper. Doesn't matter much anyway does it? I'm pretty beat and even moving makes me more tired. I decide to get some rest before tonights gig.

[ note - this game has very strict and unusual rules on addiction and even a hash addiction means no mood increases and everything MAKES you tired except sleep. ]

The gig goes great and what with Victor's dancing and Lanau's solo skills playing off of each other and keeping the rest of us resting we are hitting new highs every show it seems. Add 23 more BottHeads and $216 to my tab if you will; I'll be in the back resting. Fortunately our show skills keep anyone from dwelling too much on my down mood.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-28-2003, 12:10 AM   #72
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After the show, I again need to take the time to work on my skillset and I work on becoming more charming. I fucking think it's working damn it don't you assholes?? I spend some time building teamwork too then told my bandmates to piss off. I longingly eye the stash I now keep under the cot but decide it's better to just say no for a while.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-28-2003, 02:18 AM   #73
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Tuesday night's gig again was first rate. We are wasting time playing these gigs. We sell out every night and our shows are getting better. We NEED an album but it isn't happening right now. I tried for too much too soon. Anyway, add 23 more BottHeads and $207 to the tally.

Before I can retreat into the back room Bethia Hartley ( 3* -manager ) waves me over. After some idle chit chat she agrees to become Bott-ulism!'s next manager. Maybe she can help us get our big break.

Thursday, no joy in sight. 200 strong at the gig. 22 new BottHeads and $220. No end to my misery in sight but I've got some decent cash anyway.

Saturday, same thing but better. 220 BottHeads and $241. I just wish one of them was a drug councellor. I wouldn't mind an addiction when I can better afford it but oh well. Anyway, it's not hurting performance any thats for sure.

Finally met Jos Farrow ( 4* - composer ) who was willing to sell me a tune for $530. I bought it. At this point I just can't see hoarding my cash. By the time I get to three grand I should hopefully be detoxed on my own and I'll already have a composer lined up. Just need a poet now and I'll be straight.

Jos set me straight though. I couldn't let my addiction getting me down get me down so I headed out to the outdoors again and found that the cemetary was still my friend. I also headed to the water a bit and in general had a good day even though it felt weird going cold sober. Still, I just made it back into town to see the club manager and line up a gig for the night.

The final tally is 23 new BottHeads and $215. I was so in a hurry I didn't ask about other gigs until after the show so a saturday gig was all I could line up. Not bad, I need the time anyway. It's yet again skill improvement day and I work on my leadership and my media skills. I also check with one of the BottHeads who informs me that while it's sad that I have this addiction I should be happy to know I'm no Chris Farley or John Belushi. In fact, I am overdose resistant. Hey, it's something for my excesses anyway.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-28-2003, 03:24 AM   #74
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After work, it's back to the great outdoors after a quick stop off at home to basically clean up the phone book. I've got too many losers on the list and I wanted to drop the names of everyone that I wouldn't waste time with.

The atmosphere was pretty gloomy at the cemetary but it was inspiring. I wrote a heavy soul number about death and called it Last Dancer. It is my best work yet thanks to Jos's composing and it's also 3 and a half minutes long so it works well as a signature cut.

We now have roughly 15 minutes written and I can see the other 15 being written relatively quickly. First I'll need to drop Farrow's prices a bit so it's back to the house for me with a quick stop downtown first.

I load up on cigars, see some wild flowers which will really help mo love life and are a total steal at $1 each and head home. By the time I'm finished giving Jos cancer he's selling me a tune for $80 bucks. I spent a little over 80 on the cigars so I still saved a bundle off the initial purchase but I was too down then to care. I'll know better with my next drug habit. Anyway, gotta run. I need some sleep then it's off to the cemetary for some work and back for the gig on saturday night.

It turns out that I attend so many funerals the next few days that Harold and Maude both would be proud of me. Still, mixed in with the obligatory periods of restful contemplation I am able to get stuff done.

By saturday morning the song Natural Rot ( 3* soul,heavy, nature -5 ) is done. I scoot back to the club but not before inviting Jos to come on down. I might as well buy another work from him. You know, now that I'm dealing with it better, this addiction thing is a pain in the ass but it's not that bad. Hell, I may go smoke a bowl to celebrate. Or not

After some chit chat at the club, I talk Jos down to 40 bucks for his next tune. I'll be ready to work on it later this evening after the gig. For now, I must rest. If I stay in town too long I get zapped pretty quick.

Another great show, another 23 BottHeads and another $242 each. As I have taken charge yet again I got an extra $24 and 2 extra BottHeads. If Victor didn't have 12683 fans to my 304 I might feel bad but as it is I don't.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-28-2003, 03:41 AM   #75
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I'll have to stop right here. The updates won't be coming very often for the next 9 days or so as I've been assigned a trainee here for the next three nights and then have six off. I'll try to put something up but it really sucks trying to write this dynasty at home.

Fret not if you are interested though. After my days off, I'm pulling ten in a row and the dynasty will be back in high gear at that time.
There are no houris, alas, in our heaven.
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Old 04-28-2003, 06:12 AM   #76
College Starter
Join Date: Oct 2000
i keep getting sucked into the void, how the heck do you avoid that???
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