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Old 04-19-2007, 07:53 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Not too far away
Schmidty's FTB Answers


You're a poet and I didn't know it. What's your best piece of work? If it involves lollipops please don't share it.

My poetry is from my heart, although it also takes work and rewriting. The stuff that I write is more of a feel and knowledge of the moment, than it is a good or bad thing. I have favorites, but I don't really know or care what others think of them. The one that I'm looking at right now, is sitting in a picture frame. It's the one I wrote to my wife when I first asked her to marry me. I'll PM it to anyone that actually wants to see it.

Mountain Dew. What's your favorite flavor? Same goes for Dr. Pepper.

Diet and diet.

We're at Sonic. What do you order?

I never used to eat there, but I'm thinking it would be a vanilla shake and a spicy chicken sandwich. No fries please.

I'm an ardent supporter of the Vols. Give me your best pitch on why I should instead support the Spartans.

Loyalty even through humiliation. Spartan fans are with their teams through thick and thin. Thin is more frequent. Loyalty is one of the most important things to me, and nobody offers more tests of loyalty than MSU.

I need 5 dollars for lunch. Would you loan it to me?

I wouldn't even loan it to my wife. I'd give you my unfinished bag of pistachios though.

Is your first name Michael? If it is, my opinion of you lowers.


How do you feel about full frontal male nudity?

In the mirror, I am a fan. In the mall, I am not.

Congratulations! I've just been named head coach of the Spartans, and I'm naming you as either the offensive coordinator or defensive coordinator. Because I'm such a swell guy, I'm letting you decide which job is yours.

I love to be offensive.

Based on your new position, sell me your scheme as well as who should be starting.

The Spread would be my choice. I like it because it sounds dirty. My starters would be the good players.

How many grammatical errors did I make in my FTB?

Two were definite errors. Four were iffy. It doesn't matter though. I'm only bothered by that stuff when people are trying to sound cool. I make mistakes on occasion too. I'm sure I will in this FTB at some point as well.

Did my errors make you cringe?

No, but your Donald Duck hat did.


What is your favorite sport to play?

Basketball. It's the only sport that I'm actually good at.

What is the best video game you've ever played?

This is a tough one. If I absolutely had to choose only one, I'd go with Civilization 4, but there are so many others that I love.

Do you have any pets?

Yes. Too many. Here is the list:

Sauron - Cat (My best friend ever)

Toby - Cat (Biggest snuggle whore ever)

Smokey - Cat (Sweet, scared girl that we saved. She's still feral, but she's slowly coming along. I'd love to get her to the point where we can get her adopted)

Baby Bandit - Cat (Smokey's feral little sister. Unbelievably fun and surprisingly adjusted to humans and dogs. Regardless of what my wife says, this cutey is mine)

Annie - Rottweiler - (Biggest wuss ever. I love her so much)

Howie - German Shepherd mix - (Energetic and fun, but he's a bit of a scaredy cat. He was abused for a year and a half before he was adopted from the pound. No one else wanted him, and I am so happy we took him in)

Gus - Guinea Pig - (Shit, piss, and eat, but my daughter likes him)

Kinky - Guinea Pig - (See above)

Nemo, Dory, and Marlon - (My daughter's fish)

What color are your eyes?

Whatever color do you want them to be, baby. Just kidding. They're light green/grey.

What are your top 5 movies?

Shit, this is hard. This is the list of the moment:

1. Meet Me in St. Louis
2. Mr. Smith Goes Washington
3. Rushmore
4. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962 version)
5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Do you read much? If yes, what genre(s)?

I read a hell of a lot, but if I'm reading fiction, it's generally geeky crap such as fantasy and sci-fi (mostly fantasy).

What are the next 5 songs on random shuffle on your computer/mp3 player?

It's tempting to pick 5 "cool" songs, but this is the honest result:

"House Where Nobody Lives" - Tom Waits
"Untitled and Unsung" - Belly
"Testament to Youth in Verse" - The New Pornographers

Do you have any siblings?

3 that I know of. All of them are technically half-siblings, but to me they are my brother and sisters. I never think of them as any less.

Amanda - My little sis. My best friend, and one of the only people that understands me. Daughter of my "real" mom, and my "step" dad.

Cameron - My little bro. I am so proud of him. It's funny that I look at my "protoge'" as a kid still, but he's a 24 year-old elementary teacher now. I feel old. Son of my biological and some chick.

Caitlin - My little, little sis. My project. She is so unbelievably beautiful and smart, but because of certain things, she doesn't realize it. I'll never give up on her. Daughter of my bio-donor and some chick.


What’s your blood pressure before and after posting on here?

I just naturally seem grumpy and angry, but I'm generally not upset to the point of physical stress. Ok, I guess I should take out the "seem".

Actually, if I take out the "seem", that sentence will disintegrate, so I won't.

Sparty boxers, own a pair?

No, but I have a pair with Hank Hill on them in my hamper.

Drew Nietzel or Jeff Lerg?

Drew Neitzel. He's from Grand Rapids, MI. He plays basketball, and I've met him. Enough said.


Who is your fiercest rival in OOTP Leagues?

It's been a year and a half since we parted, but it's still Marmel. I miss that bastard.

What is your favorite thing to do/see when you go to Seattle?

I like to go see the Pistons and Tigers when they play down there. That's it. Seattle is almost 2 hours from here, while Vancouver is only 40 minutes away (and it's clean), so I don't get down to King county much.

In the JBL, who pissed you off more Drew or Smolen?

Drew never won crap, and he seemed ok (ish), while Smolen was a cocky owner who won. No one ever rooted for Smolen because he was a crappy NYC DJ who thought he could whine his way to winning - which he did.

I miss both of them, because they actually cared and wanted to win.


How did you meet your wife?

The internets. No details because it would be embarrassing.

Blah, ok fine. It was E-Harmony. Yes, I am a huge loser. Fuck you all.

If there's an online photo album of pictures she's taken I'd love a link.

I'll have to get on that. She uses this huge camera that she says is much better than a digital one, so I'll have to get her to transfer things to our computer.

Did you go to school with anyone famous and if so, who?

Me. (That answer was so obvious, unfunny and shitty)


Best - Compassion, empathy, and loyalty.

Worst - Temper, stubbornness and procrastination.






Gregory House MD, mixed with Betty White, according to my wife. I have no idea what that means either.


Turn it in to the police station. That wasn't an interesting answer, sorry.


Physically - The ocean.
Mentally/Spiritually - Looking back at a wasteful life


Adult Contemporary with a crappy twang.


Great voice and very good at what she does, which is cookie-cutter pop. Good for her.


Don't be lazy or forgetful.


Damn. I guess I should have heeded my last answer. It's Ant though, so I'm sure he's golden. Seriously.


Plankton only count in New Jersey,


Good one. My first is reaction is to say something about Judy Garland and my love for her, but I will refrain. I guess I will say...hmmmm..... Pride and Prejudice"" (2005). I just saw it with my wife last night. Yeah, yeah, it's not as good as the book, but it was good, and I didn't have to be caught reading a book by Jane Austen.


Typical answers, I guess. Talk to a financial guru, and invest a lot. I would also donate a portion to my church and some charities. Of course, I would also give a lot to my family (that I like), and my friends.


There are quite a few that I like, so I'll go with a classic that I love, and a recent one that I like.

"Some Kind of Wonderful" (Awesome movie. Mary Stewart Masterson was so hot)

"In Her Shoes" (Very, very good, understated movie)


The practical person in me wants to say that it would be a lumpy, scientific combo of vitamins, nutrients, and protein. The sensual person in me says that it would be my own boring Chicken Soup and bread.


I just asked her, and she said "pickle juice".

Another questions Schmidty, do you get pissed when you get killed in WW? I know I do.

Not really. I get a little annoyed, but sadly, a lot of times I'm relieved because I won't have to worry about keeping up with the 172 pages of content anymore.

If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what will they be?

Not possible, but I will humor you.

Insightful, brilliant and humble. And sad.

What are you most proud in your life?

My daughter. She was almost two when I became her dad, but she's the best thing I've ever been associated with.

As an aside, I must say that I despise the idea of "pride". Pride is at the root of 99% (unscientific) of the problems that we face in the world. Pride puts the "self" on the pedestal, and makes it sacred over everything.

Self-respect is great, but empathy and respect for others is greater.

If your building was on fire and could take 3 things, what would they be (I don't mean your wife, cat or daughter)

Bible, Computer tower, and my red velvet chair.

If you could live your life over again, what would you do differently?

I would have finished my english degree (only 20-ish credits short), and said "fuck-off" to Heather Weedon in '96. Vampiric bitch, I want my 20's back.

What are your weaknesses? How do you deal with them?

I am weak toward a lot of things. A few examples are anger, "true" honesty, over-sentimentality, self-doubt, and complaining.

Anger - I breathe, and remember that I am not being Christ-like. I fail that one a lot.

"True" honesty - It's my learned nature, and it's almost an unconscious choice.

Over-Sentimentality - The world sees this as a problem, but I guess I just don't give a fuck.

Self-Doubt - If I could actually deal with this one, I wouldn't have to talk to Lucy so much.

Complaining. - I try to keep perspective, but I'm just a grump at heart, so what am I to do?

Would you be friends with yourself?

Nope. I dislike people like me. But I like me. Hmmmm...

how many of these questions will you actually answer?

I don't know. Count them.


Do you ever think about moving back to Grand Rapids? Or Michigan?

Yes. If I could leave today, I would. Unfortunately, My wife has family here and in Redding, CA, so I'm fucked.

What do you miss most about the area?

First, it's home. It's always in my heart. I feel the land, as stupid as that sounds. I'm getting teary just thinking about it. I have always wondered why I have such a strong emotional attachment to West Michigan, but I can't explain it very well in normal words or prose. Sickening and lame, but true. The sun seems brighter there. The sky seems bluer. The clouds are a brilliant silver when I look at them. The snow is cleaner than a..........antibacterial wipe. I'll stop that right there.

There are so many places and moments that are burned into my mind that I can't even explain them. For example, I can still feel the September breeze touching my face in the Schoolcraft cemetery I used to play backyard football in. I can smell the way the tiny copse behind my grandma's house smelled when I played in my make-shift tree house. I remember the squishy, wet dirt under my toes as a kid fishing by myself at Sugarloaf Lake. I can go on for hours and hours, but I won't because I am lazy.

Damn. I think I just heard 258 toilets being flushed.

Do you really think you're bad at werewolf?

Yes. My lack of skill has served my mediocrity well. People ignore me because I'm a lazy turd, and am not logical enough to impact the game at the beginning to matter. If I make it to the late game, I usually perk up, because my emotions seem to guide me better than they do early. I think that the fact that I'm usually being bothered by my wife and daughter is also a factor. And, as I have said, I am lazy.


Who was the worst owner in RWBL?

Are you still in the league?

Why does Detroit suck so much? Why does Los Angeles kick ass?

If you're just talking about cities and not teams, then I will say that I don't have a dog in either fight. Detroit equals bulletproof glass when buying a Whopper (no fucking joke), and L.A. equals me sitting here not caring. Meh?

Are you Dutch?

No, but my grandpa Babe is. He married my grandma in 1974 after she and my grandpa Schmidt (miss you gramps) got divorced. Grandpa Babe (Adolph "Babe" Stoppleberger) still speaks Dutch, eats only beef, potatoes, and peas, and only drinks coffee. He recently (3 years ago) finally quit smoking his unfiltered Lucky Strikes when they told him that with his emphysema, he wouldn't make it more than a year. That had to be hard, since he was Dutch and had smoked since the age of 8.

As for me, I am Irish and German. There's a lot of stuff about dads and adoptions and abandonment. Everyone has problems, so I won't bore you.

Easy Mac

If you could be any kind of hat, what kind would you be?

Molly Ringwald's shower cap.

Pick a banana: first, second, or plantain.

Your question is very interesting, and although I must declare my lack of similar orientation, I fully support you in your amorous endeavors.


what better, john l smith or bobby Williams?


IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED???? HUH???? HUH?????????????

John L.


Was the John L Smith era as good for you as it was for me?

I liked when he slapped himself. That was it. I know you like to "slap" your yourself, but I'm not sure about the depth of your enjoyment, so my answer is - LOTION WAR!!!!

Why aren't you in the fofc-bbcf?

I didn't even know it existed. I pretty much ignore everything unless it has a dot on the envelope.

How did you meet your wife and why won't she sleep with you?

She looked deeply into my digital eyes, and fell in love. She is afraid of girth.

What was the best Christmas present you ever got as a kid?

The Atari 2600. 1982. I had begged my impoverished welfare mom (insane) and step-dad ( at that point, Beaty McBeat-A-Lot) for it all year. I greedily opened all of my presents, but sadly found no 2600. Later that day, I saw a glimmer of red paper behind the couch, and ran for it. It was the Atari. I took it out into the complex parking lot, and screamed.

I still have no idea how they could afford it. Probably my grandma (saint).

When they make a movie of your life, who will play you? And the other you? And your wife? And me?

Me - Pat Sajak

Other Me - Gregory Peck's understudy

My wife - Molly Ringwald

You - Andy Richter with a goatee chin thing.

Why Sparty? Does Michigan State University in any way embody the virtues of Sparta, or is that mascot just a joke?

MSU = Shirts off.

Sparta = Shirts off.

Your question = Owned.

What size hat do you wear?

Magnum. Or 7 1/4.

Other than that she won't let you have sex, what are the five most annoying things about your wife?

Is this serious? If it is:

1. Ignoring me, even though I'm not needy.

2. Pretty chilly at times.

3. Different tastes musically and in pop culture.

4. She's pretty much morally perfect. It's hard to live up to that, even as a "good" person.

5. She never budges about ANYTHING she has her mind set on, so I always seem to have to compromise on my wants.

How did you become a Christian?

When I was 8, Jesus descending from a flying saucer and asked my sister and me to brunch at IHOP. We all sat down to some crepes, and he told us his philosophy and life story. Then he said "What better. Heaven or Hell?" I nodded, turned to my sister and told her "I like him. I respect what he done". The rest is history.

Just kidding. It's a long story. I think that it could take more time than I can give, since I only have until Tuesday. Basically, I had a very, very abusive childhood, and tried to do as many after-school activities as I could to get out of whatever hovel we happened to be living in. One of the activities that I took part in was a club named AWANA. Various things happened there, and I ended up having an experience that made me understand that Jesus was real, and I wanted Him to be my Lord.

There have been many things in my life that just solidified my faith more and more, but the greatest one involved my step-dad (I hate that term since to me, he's just my dad). Growing up, he was pretty much the most awful, abusive person imaginable. I went to the hospital more than once because of him (and my mother). Anyway, when I was 18, he became a follower of Christ. He instantly became one of the most wonderful people I have ever known. By the grace of God, I was able to quickly forgive him, because I could feel that it was real. If God could forgive him, then how could I not?

I am so thankful for my dad now. He's my hero, and a best friend as well.

Is there any way to read Dante's Divine Comedy OTHER than as political rhetoric?

Since I hate pseudo-intellectuals, I will say this: "Google that shit". I refuse to draw intricate musings from my crappy memory and then Googleing it myself to fill in the blanks.

Who are The Poets in your world?

I've always thought of poetry as a methodic observation with varying amounts of sentimentality. There are a lot of writers that fit that description that I just pulled out of my ass. Even though I've always thought that in an unthinking, instinctual way. Yeah.

Anyway, I love a ton of poets, but my favorite is a guy who isn't known for his poetry - Edgar Allen Poe.

Give me the Mount Rushmore of days in Schmidty's life.

1. The day that my Jesus became real to me.

2. When I realized that my dad was truly a new man in Christ, and that I was able to forgive him with no effort.

3. The day I met Lily. Even though she's not my "blood", she is my daughter, and always will be.

4. The day I came out of my mom.


If only one of your favorite pro or college teams could win a championship for the rest of your life, who you would you choose?

Detroit Lions
What is your dream job?

If jobs and/or family considerations were all the same, which city would you most like to live in?

Schoolcraft, MI

What is your proudest accomplishment?

I can't think of just one that stands out, quite honestly.

Were you mad when I edited that picture of you on the JBL board?

Not at all, because it was very much atomically correct.

If you had to go on the Real World with six strangers from FOFC, who would you pick (keep in mind it needs to be good television!)?

Well, I can't make it too interesting by picking people like HA or Horns, because I wouldn't want to commit murder, so I will say.......hmmmm. I guess You (because I know you want to see me in my boxers), Franklinoble, Solecismic, Dodgerchick, Blade6119, and John Galt.

That answer is subject to change at anytime because it's too hard to choose.


Waylon Jennings or Alabama?

Waylon Jennings?

One thing that made you just shake your head and say "wow".

The other night at work, 4 drunk chicks flashed me their boobies and asked me if I wanted to hang out with them. Only one of them had decent hooters, so I said no.

If you could save time in a bottle, what is the first thing that you would do?

I would have a 'stache like Jim Croce had.

3 people (live, dead, fictional) that you would like to spend the day with.

Jesus, Bob Ross, and Molly Ringwald.

Favorite TV show & Movie as a child and now in your present day form.

Child - Voltron (Not the crappy one), and The Never-ending Story.
Now - King of the Hill, and Meet me in St. Louis.

List of places to go, things to do or accomplish, before your time on this earth is over.

Places - Ireland, Alaska, Israel
Things to do/accomplish - Give my daughter and wife the best life I can, Open a soup and sandwich shop, Live to 200.

Star Wars or Star Trek?

I guess Star Trek.


So, Schmidty, could you explain your extraordinary case of Wolverine Envy? Has it led to fame and fortune, or only lost opportunity in life?

My dad loves UM, and always used to shove it down my throat, so I became an ardent MSU fan. It has led to my strong ability to persevere.

Has anyone ever held a valid opinion about music that you disagreed with?

My little sister. She is my protégé'.

If you were stranded on an island with Barbara Walters, what line of questioning would start the tears flowing?

The death of my grandpa.

A friend of mine who worked for a radio station in Grand Rapids once told me that "some of the finest minds of the 18th Century live in Ottawa County." Would you agree or disagree with that statement?

Disagree. Kalamazoo county is the place where all of the most brilliant ghosts live.

It's two weekends before Thanksgiving, and the highways north are jammed with pickups and gun racks. What's your opinion of the state's biggest unofficial holiday?

I love meat, but I could never actually kill an animal. I feel like a hypocrite regarding that whole situation. I feel bad for the deer, but I like their jerky, so I guess I half-heartedly approve of that day.

Jennifer Granholm: misunderstood or just incompetent? And why Dick de Vos, of all people?

She's Canadian, so it's obvious that she's incompetent.

Regarding deVoss, I don't know why, but I have swam in one of his indoor pools, so I can't dog him too much.


You've stated on a number of occasions your frustration with the weather and the people in "cloudy" Bellingham, yet you still live there. Be honest - you're starting to get attached to the place, aren't you?

I don't hate it as much as I did, but I still don't like it much. The scenery is great, but the weather sucks, and so do most of the people.

Tell us how you came to live out in this neck of the woods, what you dislike about it, what you like about it, and whether you think you'll be here long-term.

I came here solely because my wife is from here. One of the reasons I don't like it here is because the people don't seem to have much variation in their point of views, and they like to shove those POVs down everyone's throat. If you do not share their hive-mind, then you an unintelligent, unwashed, scumbag to be disregarded and reviled. I don't mind living in a place that leans a certain direction, but the opposing view here isn't respected, and there is absolutely no balance allowed.

Also, the weather just doesn't suit me. There are two seasons: Constant rain and Zero rain. I know that it's considered a rain forest, but it still sucks. I need my seasons. I even miss the flat cornfields of the Midwest. The mountains here are beautiful, but untouchable in a way. The land back home just feels more real to me.

Do you think Michigan State will ever return to the top of the college football world as they did under Duffy Daugherty?

I have no idea. I'd just be happy with a 9-3 season and an Outback Bowl win at this point.

Describe your dream retirement scenario - you can be as realistic or as pie-in-the-sky is you like.

I just want to be comfortable. I want a nice little house with a comfortable den to watch games and write in. Other than that, I want to be able to able to golf once or twice a week at the local public course and own a little boat to go fishing for bass on. Anything else would be gravy.

Tell us a great college-age story from your past.

When I was 20, a few friends of mine decided to get me drunk and mess with me. Back then, I rarely drank, so this was big at the time. I have no idea what I imbibed, but by the time I was herded into the backseat of the car, I was beyond buzzed. I can remember everything, but I remember it like a dream.

Anyway, it was January in Michigan, and they decided to go to the beach in South Haven. It was like 2 a.m. when we got there, and it was COLD. If anyone has ever seen Lake Michigan in the coldest part of winter, they know that it's basically like the North Pole. There are miniature glaciers that stretch out for a few hundred yards. A lot of times, the ice formations break apart and turn into large, floating islands. Sometimes those islands are thin. Well, as stupid and drunk as I was, I decided to go out as far as I could. My buddies tried to convince me not to go, but I wouldn't listen, so they followed me (far behind). I was leaping from ice hill, to ice hill until I eventually leapt onto a very very small, thin ice island. Since I was drunk, I couldn't keep my balance, so I plunged into the horrifically frigid water. To make a long story short, I almost died, but my friend Ed got to me within a minute, dragged, me out, and somehow got me to shore. I spent the night in the hospital, but it was a miracle that I was still alive.

Ed saved me, but I'm kind of torn, since he was also the one that pushed me to get hammered, and then wanted to go look at the ice.

Your time in Bellingham has secretly turned you into a hippy enviro-nazi vegan new-aged anarchist liberal America-hater - true or false?

I am complex. I am beyond labels.


What do you think about internet forums (such as FOFC), do you look at it as a place to get specific information, or to meet new people?

Mostly information, but I enjoy meeting interesting people in the process.

Do you consider people you have met online to be your friends?

Certain people, but it's hard to really know someone without actually spending time with them in person.

Have you ever kept a star player for more than 5 seasons in OOTP?


Why do you have the itchiest rebuilding finger known to the OOTP universe?

Please don't make me angry. You are the creator of that stupid myth, and it makes me want to kick you.


You are stranded on an island with a bottle of rum, a midget, and a hammer. What do you do?



what's with posting something, and then following it up seconds later poking fun at your own words?

Because I sometimes realize the stupidity of my own words, and don't want to let myself off the hook.


Please name the following:
1. Your favorite player ever to play football for MSU

T.J. Duckett (K-Zoo boy)

2. Your favorite player ever to play football for UfoM

Monte Robbins

3. Your favorite player ever to play hockey for MSU

Ryan Miller

4. Your favorite player ever to play hockey for UofM

Sam Craig

5. Your favorite player ever to play basketball for MSU


6. Your favorite player ever to play basketball for UofM

Terry Mills

What is the craziest thing you've ever done after a Spartan victory?

Kissed my dad when he wasn't looking.

When was it the hardest to Spartan on?

When Saban showed his true colors and left for that stupid southern school.

What do you like best about Honolulu_Blue?

He's from Michigan and he is passionate about his teams.

What do you like least about Honolulu_Blue?



What worse, Ann Arbor or Bellingham?

Bellingham, because it's not in Michigan.

Other than East Lansing, what's your favorite part of Michigan?

West Michigan, by far.

Do you remember when my State beat your State a few years back in the NCAAs?

Yes, but I have actually always liked NC State. I always used to pick them in that Super Nintendo Game back in the day. I have no idea why, but I always root for them, and that's so no bullshit. I still wear an NC State sweatshirt around the house.

Like you, I'm a fan of the cow college rather than the school filled with the f'ing elitists. Best comeback line to anyone using the "cow college" barb? I'm moving back to North Carolina, hopefully soon, and expect to be inundated with the suckage that is the UNC fanbase once again, something that I've not missed when I moved here several years ago and want a good sharp retort that perhaps hasn't been heard in those parts.

Q: What do you call a good looking girl on the University of Michigan campus?
A: A visitor.

Q: How many University of Michigan students does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two. One to do it and another one to pretend that they did it just as well as any Ivy League school.

That's all I have right now off the top of my head.

Is there a sports event that you wished you could have seen in person? Is there one that you hope you can see someday happen?

The game that Wings one to clinch the 96-97 Stanley Cup. I hope to see the Super Bowl when the Lions win. I also want to see the game where Santa Claus hits his 936th homerun.

Better scenery: Washington or Michigan?

Intellectually: Washington

Honestly: Michigan

Lastly, I'm trying to find my way back to North Carolina. I can offer you a nice cheap duplex townhome right here in Michigan if you want to move here at the same time I try to move back home myself. Only downside: it's in Ann Arbor. Interested?

Hell yeah. It's in Michigan, and I could wreak havoc.


Do you plan to make the point/counter-point style dola posts, or is it something that happens spontaneously, after you hit the submit button?

As I said above, I say things spontaneously a lot of times. Sometimes I say dumb stuff, and because I want everyone to know that I say dumb things, yet realize that fact, I respond to my jackass side.

What is it that you do? All I know is that it keeps you outside, even in the brutal winter weather. Are you on any episodes of "The Deadliest Catch"?

Right now, I am working as the Dock coordinator at the Bellingham Herald newspaper. I am outside all night making sure that all of the haulers get the right amount of papers, bundles and inserts, and that they get out in time to meet their deadlines. It's like a combination of a boring office job and an adult baby-sitting service that happens to be conducted 80% outside.

I have an accounting job lined up for September 17th, when my daughter starts kindergarten. Daycare is expensive, and my current job works for now. The accounting job will be temporary as well (although they don't know), since I plan on getting my degree within a year or so.

When the Lions draft Calvin Johnson, will that be the end for you of watching both college and pro football?

Johnson is the best player in the draft, with zero red flags, and the Lions need all of the talent they can get, so I hope they do draft him. I don't give a damn if others make that WR joke.


Where were you born?

Kalamazoo, MI

What do you hope for in the future for you and your wife?

Peace and contentment.

Do you consider yourself to be a dreamer?

Very much so.

What was the last movie you watched?
"Pride and Prejudice"

Any events in the future that you are looking forward to?

Quitting my current job.

Do you grow up in a religious family or have you come to this choice later in life?

I discussed that above, but I guess it would be sort of in-between.

Do you tend to carry a lot of emotional baggage?

I guess so, but most people do, even if they don't admit it (even to themselves).

How many friends do you have in your life?

Real life? 4 true friends, not including family members.

Has you wife changed your outlook on life?

Yes. I feel more realistic and grounded now, but I also feel a little less....aggressive, I guess.

Are there any interests that none of us are aware of?

Chopping things. I LOVE to use my machete to chop the weeds and blackberry bushes in the backyard, and I REALLY REALLY love to chop down trees with one of my axes. I am trying to figure out a way to put in a wood stove so that I can split wood.

No, I am not kidding.

I remember a while back that you said that your natural body odor attracted females? Are you sure they told you this or were they trying to give you a hint?

It's true. I eat lots of chocolate.

Are there any family members that you admire?

Definitely, but I think I admire my dad the most.

Are there anyone outside of you family that you respect and admire?

Someone I actually know? I guess I would choose Raymond Boettger. He has been like a second dad to me since I was an infant. There's a story there, but I need to turn this thing in sometime. Maybe I'll do a supplemental log.

What are you favorite television shows?

I mostly just watch sports, but here are a few non-sports shows:

King of the Hill
House MD
Best of Joy of Painting
American Idol ( )
Pro Wrestling stuff
Just about anything on Turner Classic Movies

Do you go through mood swings or do you consider yourself to be a happy-go-lucky guy?

Well, I'm bipolar, so I guess it's safe to say that even though I'm on meds, I still have mood swings.

If you had a free pass to have one night with 3 women, who would they be and why?

Molly Ringwald - My first celebrity crush, and still going strong
Kelly Brooke - My wife might read this, so I'll say "Attractive"
Elizabeth Shue - I thought of quite a few, but settled on her since I can only get three.

What is the size of the family your grew up in?

Until 7, just me. After that, it was with my sister Amanda until age 16 when I left home.

Have you ever looked into your family tree and are they any interesting stories in it?

Sadly, I only know one side of my family tree, since my bio-dad was adopted. I do know that his parents were from Ireland, but that's all I know. On my mom's side, my grandma was Irish, and my grandpa was German.

Do you have any children or do you plan to?

I have my daughter Lily, who I just officially adopted in September. She was 2 when I married my wife, and she's 5 now. As far as biological children, I don't have any, and we're starting to think that I might not be able to have one. My wife wants me to see a doctor about it, but I'm a bit too embarrassed to do so at this point.

What do you believe are you best traits? Worst traits?

I'll copy the answer that I gave DC, because I'm lazy:

Best - Compassion, empathy, and loyalty.

Worst - Temper, stubbornness and procrastination.

Do you consider yourself to be an indoor or outdoor person?

Kind of a mixture. I love sports of all types, especially basketball, golf and fishing (not a sport, I guess), but I also love my computer, reading, and writing stuff.

Has there been any event in your life that challenged your religious beliefs? Any events to strengthen them?

Since I addressed the part about strengthening my beliefs in another question, I'll address the part about being challenged.

I can honestly say that since my acceptance of Christ, I have never questioned my "beliefs". To me, it's not a belief, it's a part of me. A truth. It's hard to explain, unless you have it.

It's more than just faith to me. It's reality.

How many females did date seriously before your wife?

Three. I've been engaged twice, once to a psycho bitch I couldn't get rid of ('96 - '99), and once to a very sweet girl that was more of a sister to me ('00 - '03).

What was the most painful moment in your life?

There is one thing that stands out, but I'm sorry to say that it's just for me (at least not to say on a public messageboard). The other things that stand out are the death of my grandpa, and the death of my wife's grandpa. They were both great men.

What are you most fondest memories?

They're mostly little moments, like watching the sun set behind the mountains of Montana while driving out to Washington, or walking through the woods of Ada Michigan while there was a heavy snow. There are so many things. The funny thing is that the "big" moments, while very important and special never seem.....intimate to me, since they are so obvious.

I'm sitting here thinking about this question, and I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that the majority of the memories are solitary moments in my life. That's pretty horrible I guess.

What is your full name?

Jason Paul Schmidt

Where do you grow up a majority of your life?

I have never lived anywhere more than 3 years at a time - my current location. I have lived in the same towns and cities off and on over the years, but have never lived in one house or apartment longer than the one I'm in now.

I went to a LOT of different schools as well:

K, 1st, half of 2nd - Schoolcraft Elementary (Schoolcraft, MI)
Half of 2nd - Miller Elementary (Oshtemo, MI)
3rd, 4th - Lincoln Elementary (Kalamazoo, MI)
5th - Reedy Creek Elementary (Poinciana, FL)
6th, half of 7th - Beaumont Middle School (Kissimmee, FL)
Half of 7th - Galesburg-Augusta Middle School (Galesburg, MI)
1/4 of 8th - Schoolcraft Middle School (Schoolcraft, MI)
3/4 of 8th - Beaumont Middle School (Kissimmee, FL)
9th - Belding High School (Belding, MI)
10th, 1/10th of first 11th - East Kentwood High School (Kentwood, MI)
6/10th of first 11th - Osceola High School (Kissimmee, FL)
3/10th of first 11th - Gateway High School (St. Cloud, FL)
1/2 of second 11th - East Kentwood High School (Kentwood, MI)
1/2 of second 11th, 12th - Galesburg-Augusta High School (Galesburg, MI)

After I graduated, I lived in a ton of different places (such as Poinciana, FL, Portage, MI, Orlando, FL, Galesburg, MI, Three Rivers, MI) before "settling down" in Grand Rapids, MI. I lived in 7 different apartments there from '96 - '03, before moving out here to WA. I've lived in this same house since I moved here in January '04, so it's nice to have some stability.

If this message board did not exist, what would you be doing with that time?

I'd probably write and read a hell of a lot more. Damn, I need to re-examine things.

Favorite part of the female anatomy?



Is haircut day really the best day?

No. Mercy Sex day is.

If you could be any other FOFC member who would you pick and why?

You know, I was sitting here trying to think of a witty, funny answer, but they seemed lame. Then I sat here trying to think of an honest answer, and there was no one I could think of. Then I remembered revrew. He is a great example of a man of faith who doesn't try to beat people down with his beliefs, yet still somehow gets his point across. A very, very admirable guy.

if you were stuck on an island and you could only take one member from FOFC, who would you pick?

It would have to be a female since we need to keep the human race going, but I refuse to say which one.

Seriously though, am I supposed to pick a guy? That's not for me. Not that there's anything wrong with that!!!

If skydog suddenly left FOFC, who would you choose as your moderator?

Someone who is able to discern the difference between maintaining order and being overly controlling. Someone who loves FOFC. Someone who wouldn't have favorites or targets. Someone who is easy-going.

I think JeeberD fits that description pretty well.


How many of these questions will be answered with, "How the f$@# should I know or care?".

Count that shit for yourself, old man.


What favorite Crooked Rain Crooked Rain or Slanted and Enchanted?

Brighten the Corners, although it's hard to pick a clear-cut favorite.


What are you scared of?

1. Deep Water
2. Heights
3. Rodents

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Old 04-19-2007, 08:14 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Schmidty
Favorite part of the female anatomy?


this really made me laugh for some reason.

Thanks for taking the time to answer all these questions, Schmidty. I never realized you had such a...well, for lack of a better word...challenging youth. Also, did you take your screenname here from you grandpa Schmidt?

Seriously. Thanks.

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Old 04-19-2007, 08:27 PM   #3
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Your time in Bellingham has secretly turned you into a hippy enviro-nazi vegan new-aged anarchist liberal America-hater - true or false?

I am complex. I am beyond labels.
Nicely played sir, nicely played - you hippy enviro-nazi vegan new-aged anarchist liberal America-hater...
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Old 04-19-2007, 08:29 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by terpkristin View Post
this really made me laugh for some reason.

Thanks for taking the time to answer all these questions, Schmidty. I never realized you had such a...well, for lack of a better word...challenging youth. Also, did you take your screenname here from you grandpa Schmidt?

Seriously. Thanks.


Thanks tk.

I just wish that the formatting that I did in my word processor would have translated over to the board better. It's kind of tough to read this way. I think I'll copy and paste what Barkeep posted and fix things a little.
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Old 04-19-2007, 08:38 PM   #5
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Holy Shit! Even I was too embarrassed to admit my lifelong love for all things Judy Garland.

You are my new hero. (Sorry, st.cronin.)
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Old 04-19-2007, 09:36 PM   #6
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Great job Schmidty. You definitely have a better sense of humor than I.

My favorite answers:

In response to why he doesn't get much sex:
She looked deeply into my digital eyes, and fell in love. She is afraid of girth.

The first paragraph on why he became a Christian:
When I was 8, Jesus descending from a flying saucer and asked my sister and me to brunch at IHOP. We all sat down to some crepes, and he told us his philosophy and life story. Then he said "What better. Heaven or Hell?" I nodded, turned to my sister and told her "I like him. I respect what he done". The rest is history.

His favorite female body part, I am proud that he is a breast man as well:

In response to picking a favorite banana:
Your question is very interesting, and although I must declare my lack of similar orientation, I fully support you in your amorous endeavors.

Besides that, this was a good heart felt FTB. And you are definitely much more complicated person than I thought. Good job sir.
"I'm ready to bury the hatchet, but don't fuck with me" - Schmidty
"Box me once, shame on Skydog. Box me twice. Shame on me. Box me 3 times, just fucking ban my ass...." - stevew
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Old 04-19-2007, 09:56 PM   #7
Young Drachma
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These are always an adventure. A fun one.
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Old 04-19-2007, 10:01 PM   #8
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Very cool stuff. Thanks, Schmidty!
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Old 04-19-2007, 10:37 PM   #9
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Good Read
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Old 04-19-2007, 11:25 PM   #10
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Awesome stuff Schmidty sir. Always been in my top 25 people in RWBL.
Our Deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?
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Old 04-19-2007, 11:30 PM   #11
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Are you still in the league?

I. Hate. You.
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Old 04-19-2007, 11:33 PM   #12
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Well done, Schmidty.
Are you reading In The Bleachers?
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Old 04-20-2007, 12:01 AM   #13
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Aw, no Schmidty love for me. And I declared my love for you...
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Old 04-20-2007, 12:28 AM   #14
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Thanks for answering my questions Schmidty. Definitely a good read.
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Old 04-20-2007, 12:39 AM   #15
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Very cool read. I guess I can understand some of that Sparty stuff now.
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Old 04-20-2007, 08:07 AM   #16
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Very entertaining read. Thanks!
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Old 04-20-2007, 09:13 AM   #17
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Good stuff, Schmidty!
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Old 04-20-2007, 10:49 AM   #18
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Somehow I just knew you were going to pick Brighten the Corners. I guess my hunch was correct.
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Old 04-20-2007, 11:41 AM   #19
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If I had known about the E-Harmony thing, I would have asked how many dimensions of compatibility you and your wife share.

Also, Schoolcraft College is one of the 7 or 8 colleges my dad attended. I think that's the one he got his degree from.

Anyway, nice job and an interesting read.
M's pitcher Miguel Batista: "Now, I feel like I've had everything. I've talked pitching with Sandy Koufax, had Kenny G play for me. Maybe if I could have an interview with God, then I'd be served. I'd be complete."
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Old 04-20-2007, 03:43 PM   #20
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This was a really good read. I learned a lot about you. First one of these I've read from start to finish.
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Old 04-20-2007, 03:44 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by dangarion View Post
This was a really good read. I learned a lot about you. First one of these I've read from start to finish.

That's quite a feat of patience, considering how unreadable it is with the formatting.

Last edited by Schmidty : 04-20-2007 at 03:49 PM. Reason: added an "ing"
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Old 04-20-2007, 03:47 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
That's quite a feat of patience, consider how unreadable it is with the formatting.

Yeah, very true. But it was readable enough.
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Old 04-20-2007, 03:48 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Ksyrup View Post
Also, Schoolcraft College is one of the 7 or 8 colleges my dad attended. I think that's the one he got his degree from.

I think Schoolcraft College is in Schoolcraft County in the U.P. I'm actually from Schoocraft, MI, which is a town of like 1,600 people just south of Kalamazoo.
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Old 04-20-2007, 03:49 PM   #24
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By the way, thanks very much for all of the nice comments, and thanks for taking the time to wade through that mess.
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Old 04-20-2007, 04:22 PM   #25
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I think Schoolcraft College is in Livonia -- on Schoolcraft Road, which is the service road for I-96.
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Old 04-20-2007, 05:30 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Passacaglia View Post
I think Schoolcraft College is in Livonia -- on Schoolcraft Road, which is the service road for I-96.

Ah, ok. For some reason, I thought it was in the U.P.
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Old 04-20-2007, 08:22 PM   #27
This guy has posted so much, his fingers are about to fall off.
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Yeah, the one in Livonia. That's where I was born.

EDIT: The city, not the college.
M's pitcher Miguel Batista: "Now, I feel like I've had everything. I've talked pitching with Sandy Koufax, had Kenny G play for me. Maybe if I could have an interview with God, then I'd be served. I'd be complete."

Last edited by Ksyrup : 04-20-2007 at 08:22 PM.
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Old 04-22-2007, 12:06 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Neuqua View Post
Awesome stuff Schmidty sir. Always been in my top 25 people in RWBL.

You know, I guess I'm slow, but you are fuckass.
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Old 04-25-2007, 04:32 PM   #29
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If you had to go on the Real World with six strangers from FOFC, who would you pick (keep in mind it needs to be good television!)?

Well, I can't make it too interesting by picking people like HA or Horns, because I wouldn't want to commit murder, so I will say.......hmmmm. I guess You (because I know you want to see me in my boxers), Franklinoble, Solecismic, Dodgerchick, Blade6119, and John Galt.

That answer is subject to change at anytime because it's too hard to choose.

Haha, nice mix there Schmidty Although I'd be extremely happy to see everyone in person, I'm sure our quick tempers will have us lashing at each other sooner rather than later. Thank goodness for level-headed people like Solecismic and John Galt.

One thing I've always liked about you is your honesty and it came through, thanks for answering my questions.

Last edited by Lorena : 04-25-2007 at 04:33 PM.
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Old 04-29-2007, 04:01 AM   #30
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Can we please unsticky this? I think it's been up long enough, and I'm kind of embarrassed that it's still here. Everyone who wanted to read it has read it. Now it's time to go.

Last edited by Schmidty : 04-29-2007 at 04:12 AM.
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Old 06-29-2007, 08:29 PM   #31
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Just read this. An incredible read, but from my dealings with you, I'm not surprised.

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Old 07-30-2007, 05:53 PM   #32
Cecil Fielder
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I love you, Schmidty!
HEY!! That's MY sandwich!

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