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Old 06-24-2003, 10:39 AM   #45
Join Date: Oct 2000
Originally posted by RendeR
The hardest thing to do in your adult lives is find a career you love. If you truly find yours, you would do it for nothing if you had to. I would. If I could race cars every weekend, but they tell me I have to give my winnings entirely to charity, so be it. because I love driving a stock car. I'm NOT doing it for the money, fuck the money. and Fuck any pro athlete who does it purely for the money. I'd rather watch the kids in the backyard, because they love what they do.

Money is nice, but money doesn't make great athletes. As far as Lebron james goes, I hope he fails miserably. he's a spoiled brat with an attitude as bad as any I've seen.

I'm not even going to discuss the blatant stupidity of paying basketball players so much money. They don't even play a full frigging game. Not only do they only play a third or even a quarter of the game, but its only a FOURTY EIGHT MINUTE game. Of all the major sports baskeball players do less and get paid more. Then still have the gall to cry "I need more money", Complete ignorance.

Fuck those whiney ass crybabies. I hope the NBA dies an ugly death real soon. Talk about a waste of american time and effort.

This post bothers me on many levels. While I agree with the main point of the post, it's off base as well. You would only give all your winnings to charity IF you could provide a comfortable living for your family. Then, if ANOTHER stock car team offered you double what you were making and said they'd MATCH all of your winnings to charity, you'd jump on it in a second. To think money has no impact is naive.

Then you cheer for an 18 year old to fail. God forbid what you might have thought of me at 18. I really don't want to know what you'd think of me had I been fawned over like Lebron most of his high school years. Being that judgemental on an 18 year old is pretty sad IMO.

Lastly, NBA players make money because people watch and attend the games. It's that simple. If the average attendance drops by 75% next year, you'll see their salaries take a dive at the next collective bargaining agreement.

The main reason the NBA players make a higher average salary is the size of the roster.

To each his own I guess.


Yup, I saw it, just giving you a hard time.

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