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Old 06-23-2003, 03:29 PM   #27
Roster Filler
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Cicero
Originally posted by pjstp20
This argument is poor and in all honesty it makes me want to puke. If I was jealous of Lebron James what exactly would I be jealous of? His money? His fame? His athletic abilities? I'm guessing thats what it would be.

If that's the case why would I say good things about Kobe Bryant, as I did earlier in this thread? Does he not have all the characteristics that would make me jealous of LeBron James? It's not the jealousy factor that makes me not like this guy, so let's move on from that.

The reason, I think, that people like me don't like him is he's a bigger, stronger, faster, more popular version of everything we hate about sports athletes, and he's the next generation. So this is what we have to look forward to. Meanwhile guys like Tim Duncan are being dropped by Nike after winning an NBA title and an MVP award. Style is winning over substance.
I don't understand how you can hate LeBron and love Kobe.

We know nothing about LeBron other than the mythical basketball abilities attributed by the media, most of whom have never seen him play live. Kobe, on the other hand, has proven to be a selfish jerk who cares more about his personal achievements than team success. He is, by all accounts, the worst teammate in the NBA.

And to say LeBron is greedy because he signed the contract with Nike? Well, two counterarguments to that would be (1) any player in the NBA will sign a shoe endorsement deal with anyone at the top price offered. (2) as token of proof of point (1) mere days after LeBron's signing with Nike, Kobe signed with them, ending a long-standing relationship with another shoe company, simply because they offered more money. Good thing there are paragons of loyalty like Kobe to show LeBron the True Way, if he were to only open his eyes.

I kind of understant the resentment of all the attention LeBron has gotten, but I really think it is not his fault. He does not have access to the media machine which fueled this hype. Lets direct our ire where it is deserved.

By the way, this hype machine is more than likely to crush the kid. Unless he is better than Jordan, he is going to be seen as a failure/bust. Those of you rooting for him to fail will more than likely be right.
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