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Old 02-01-2024, 07:40 PM   #268
Join Date: Feb 2024
Originally Posted by cupofjoe View Post
I feel a bit embarrassed asking this as a semi-experienced player, but why can I only sometimes sub offensive players during a game? On defense my "examine lineup" is always clickable. But on offense, it becomes only clickable on like 5% of my plays so I can't make subs.

New player here, but this same thing drove me nuts initially as well. What works for me is the following:

(1) First, make sure you have "You call plays" selected;
(2) Initially, the 'examine lineup' button will be blurred out and unclickable. Hover your mouse over the "Call" button of an offensive play without clicking on it.
(3) You should then see the position boxes light up for the relevant players and the "Examine Lineup" button will also change to include the personnel group number and also finally become clickable;
(4) Click on it and the substitution menu should pop up.

Note I might be playing with a different or older version of the game since I haven't patched, modded, or done anything like that with the game yet (I am a complete newb with the FOF series and FOF 9 specifically). Nevertheless, hopefully the functionality here remains the same and this works for you since I understand how frustrating it can be not knowing how to access the feature or even having to presume it's essentially broken and only works randomly as I initially did. I used to just literally click all over the place within the client and other random things until the accessible "Examine Lineup" button seemed to somehow magically appear, which only provided a brief form of relief as I still had no idea what the heck I was doing to activate the option. I'm sure you know how it goes; once I had to start the next game it was back to square one and if I was lucky enough to 'magically' unlock the button in a relatively short amount of time during one game it was likely I would find myself struggling for an embarrassing amount of time trying to blindly repeat the process in the next.

Anyway, sorry for TL;DR'ing but hopefully this made it to you before any keyboards or flatscreens were smashed (j/k) and it works to resolve the issue so you can enjoy the game as intended.

Although the visual aid is most likely not necessary, noob screenshot included below anyway.
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