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Old 04-29-2024, 08:15 AM   #77
World Champion Mis-speller
Join Date: Nov 2000
Location: Covington, Ga.
Originally Posted by miked View Post
Also, most of the red state-type places want this to fail. Nothing gives these southern republicans more wood than saying how much electric cars have failed and will never be useful (that and controlling women's bodies). I think they would prefer coal-powered cars just because..AMERICA! Seriously, people down here vote down light rail because they are afraid of the poor people coming to their neighborhoods. When I lived up north, I never saw hoards of gangs on the train from Montclair back to the city or Newark with their spoils.

Even if the feds paid for the rail and gave GA the revenue and it created a million jobs, they would say no.
The light rail part is true. Georgia fights any kind of public transit for blatantly racist reasons. But there isn't a governor Democrat or Republican that loves electric cars more than Governor Kemp. He has championed the opening of multiple EV plants in the state, including car and parts manufacture. As for charging stations, they are going up everywhere around me, and I would be a little surprised if the backwater butt-hole of the metro area is leading the charge (pun intended) on them. We already had the ones at Target in Conyers that are rapid chargers, but we also have the city of Covington put in multiple rapid charger along with a compressed natural gas station in the new Town Center area. They are also just finishing 12 Tesla charging stations right behind the QT on the next entrance down from Town Center. It seems like every new business parking lot has a couple put in. They are becoming more and more common.
I already mentioned a friend who has had an EV a couple of years. They love it. They have traveled around the bit in it, not cross country but around the South for sure, and he said it really hasn't been that hard finding charging stations. At times you have to plan ahead because rapid chargers can be harder to find, but the car has a built in app to help you find places.
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