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Old 06-30-2008, 02:31 PM   #33
Head Coach
Join Date: Dec 2001
The only problem with it being an everyman sport the way you say is still somewhat a matter of expense. Even with using free courts and 30 buck rackets from wal-mart you can play and have fun, but to really grow into the sport and excel as a youth you have to move beyond that level of investment.

Even to play high school level today you have to go beyond the basics as players that show any real talent for the game get pushed into club systems and take lessons as the parents want to see them excel (most times far beyond what the kid really wants to do)

I think there is a pretty wide line that people come to as tennis fans and players, you reach a cetain point where you either have to find a venue to play newer and better people (aka joining a club or joining USTA sponsored events and leagues) to improve and advance yourself within the game, or you decide its not worth the time and expense and stay at the "pickup game" level at the local high school courts. The problem with the latter is that people get tired of playing the same few people all the time so they tend to quit playing altogether.

Good post. Rewind to 1989 and that is me. I guess I take away that for the last 20 years tennis has done nothing to alter this scenario.

I played a ton growing up...was one of the better players in my "circle" but wasn't from the means to join the city tennis club. Thus I played less and less as time went on.
"Don't you have homes?" -- Judge Smales
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