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Old 07-21-2023, 06:27 PM   #65
Head Coach
Join Date: Jul 2001

We're going to write up less info b/c I think trying to track more stuff was making me scout a little less, etc, during games. We're a ways into this to still be figuring out the format

Game 1:

We get a Jayce (gunner) and Akshan (deadeye) out of our opening orb. I keep both but end up playing Jayce b/c I can get Piltover in on 3-2. We're not in a reroll meta anymore so we're not like hard committed to Jinx right now... a bad Zaun mod goes on Jinx and probably means we look to play Zeri this game with 4 Zaun - or would be fine transitioning over to Deadeye.

On 4-1 at our level 7 roll we only hit Aphelios, no Zeri's, so we transition over to Deadeye, but it's contested and we never really finish off the board, and bleed out to a 5th.

5th: -10 LP (Current: D3 51 LP)


Game 2:

Instead of taking Caitlyn's augment which guarantees a pretty good early game, we take Freljord Heart, with a pair of Poppy and pair Jhin, 4 Freljord seemed amazing the last time I had it and I decided I would just hard force Aphelios... and I didn't hit any of my pairs and just lost infinite. I roll a ton at 6 but am still just 38 health at wolves. I recover a little but nah it's a terrible result.

7th: -40 LP (Current: D3 11 LP)


Game 3:

Cait augment gives me 3 2*'s on 2-1, including a Jinx, and we only win 2 rounds in stage 2. Okay... We also set up for a Zeri or Aphelios game only to get full AP items on krugs, so we're gonna try to make it an Azir/Lux game instead. Our stage 4 is bad, my rolling is slow, a few days off has an impact I guess. But we manage to hit our comp and as of 4-3 start a nice win streak. With Social Distancing and Unified Resistance we have pretty strong combat augments. We win 6 straight but our board just doesn't seem to cap high enough and we take yet another 5th.

5th: -10 LP (Current: D3 1 LP)


In game 3 it was VERY noteworthy that I was just incredibly slow rolling for my board on stages 4-1 and 4-2. It took me 3 rounds to do what I should have been able to do in 1. That's the difference between 5th and 3rd in that game.


Game 4:

We get augments that aren't the best, commit to Akshan reroll off of them, and never hit Akshan 3.

7th: -1 LP (Current: D3 0 LP)

4 bot 4's in a row, time for a little break.
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