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Old 05-08-2010, 07:50 PM   #39
College Prospect
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: NY
Well, finished up the 50k at 4:10 PM today, a whopping 9 hours and 10 minutes after starting (max time allowed was 10 hrs). Not gonna lie, times may not be pretty, but I'm pretty proud my friends and I were able to finish, consider none of trained whatsoever for this. Speaking of which, I'm not entirely sure how you would train. This race had absolutely nothing to do with your cardio, just how much of a beating your legs can take. To clarify, I would classify this as more of an obstacle course/trail run, being that it was through a mountain. For us, guys who aren't "seasoned runners", the inclines were just far too much, not a chance in hell you can run them (little did I know, this is considered North Faces hardest endurance challenge on the East Coast). The terrain was unreal, had a mix of grass (which felt like heaven), but just as much straight bedrock (just straight football sized rocks one after the other), as well as mud and creeks. There was one point where my buddy and I were following the markers and it led to a cliff, we were like "what the efff?". Our other buddy, who ran this last yr, was about 50 ft back. When he caught up, he said "yup, we gotta go up". We literally had to climb the thing, it was pretty intense. The aid stations were a huge help, they had PBJ sandwiches, cookies, mms, chips, electrolyte packs, water and such. Overall, running it was pretty miserable, but managable. It's the feeling afterwards that sucks. I'm in a great deal of pain now, can't imagine what the next few days will be like. Anyhow, it was a great feeling of accomplishment, and if it's something you're interested in, I would recommend it to everyone.
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