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Old 02-10-2006, 01:31 AM   #101
Join Date: May 2005
I just assume that Botswani will never like America - not even sure there is a Botswani and if there is if they like the America or not. So any country that does not like the US before we nuke our ememies will probably not like the US afterward. For the countries that are US allies they would understand that we are nuking US enemies to serure their futures also. But I see all problems as black/white. I do not deal in grays as this type of thinking is paralyzing and leads to indecision.

The US has stores of Bianary Weapons.

fire agent A from point A onto point C, simultaniously fire agent B from point B onto point C. When A and B hit point C, everyone at point C has a bad day. In the meantime agents A and B are perfectly safe as long as they are not combined.

And yes I have no problem with these weapons, or any other weapon. They are just weapons. The Japanese launched biological weapons at the US in WWII, some actually landed in Washington state. They were not effective, but they did attack the US with biological weapons nonetheless.

Last edited by Kobeck : 02-10-2006 at 01:45 AM.
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