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Old 04-17-2003, 03:13 AM   #182
Hockey Boy
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Royal Oak, MI
So it ends. So it ends...

A hearty congrats to the Ducks. They played exceptionally well. They showed incredible patience and discipline and took advantage of every opportunity. If someone had to score the OT for the Ducks I'm glad it was Rucchin with Carney setting him up. I will have to take a break from hockey for a while. It's too painful. Luckily, living in Belgium, this is quite an easy thing to do.

As for what's next for the Wings... Not quite sure. With 2004 hanging like a cloud over all decisions, I don't know what the Wings will be able to do free agent wise. I think Yzerman will come back. Sign a quick, one year deal at a similar salary level. Hull is back. Robitaille is likely gone. Wooley too. McCarty will likely re-sign.

The big question mark, of course, is Fedorov. I am sure some team will be willing to break the bank for him. If the Wings lose Fedorov they will be taking a serious step backwards in the process. Dunno who else is out there free agent-wise that the Wings could sign to replace him...

Well, these questions need not be answered now. There is a long, unnaturally long, time until July 1st when all this stuff goes down.

I reckon it's time for little HB to focus on the NFL draft and the Pistons' play-off run.
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