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Old 12-23-2005, 11:00 PM   #266
Pro Starter
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: PDX
Originally Posted by WVUFAN
You should watch Audition if you like Miike.

Well, I'm still not sure that I would say I LIKE Miike, but I do find his stuff incredibly intriguing. I've seen Audition, and liked it (again that doesn't seem like the right word to use), but it didn't effect me as much as Ichi. Same for the Dead or Alive's, although I found those much easier to laugh at, even though I've heard some people describe Ichi as comic...I never want to be alone with those people. Have you seen Happiness of the Katakuris? Really, REALLY weird. Just think Miike musical.....with claymation. Aptly described as The Sound of Music for serial killers.

I'm so happy to find out that there's some Asian cinema fans on the board, I can rarely convince my friends to watch the stuff, because I think they associate foreign films with art-house movie snobbery. On the contrary, my attraction to Asian cinema simpy boils down to the fact that I enjoy gangsters, action, war, unhappy endings, and a somewhat slower pace than that offered by the typical music-video director. Hong Kong and Japanese flicks fit the bill perfectly. But if the ladies ask, it's all aobut my dedication to the art.
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